
What is the daily rate of protein for a person. Proper protein intake

One of the most popular topics in the bodybuilding world is the daily intake of protein. The creation of an entire sports nutrition industry and the general mass character of bodybuilding led to a banal excess of information, and, especially, this affected the protein standard. At the moment, it is considered that the amount of protein in the diet is measured by body weight. Most pseudo-instructors and the corresponding low-grade sites recommend using 2-5 grams per kilogram of body weight, arguing that a large number of amino acids will speed up recovery processes. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Diet and exercise are two important components that you must consider if you want to live a long and healthy life. There are deficiencies in the consumption of too much protein. Balance is key, and also ensures that it consumes high-quality proteins. As for exercise, strength training can help withstand age-related muscle wasting, as well as help strengthen bones.

On the other hand, increasing the intensity of resistance training can give you a number of beneficial changes at the molecular, enzymatic, hormonal, and chemical levels of your body, which will help limit many of the diseases caused by settled life.

Protein - It is a unique building material consisting of amino acids (amino acids). It can also be used to restore energy needs. The calorie content of protein and carbohydrates is identical, as a result, they can successfully replace each other, which is why the protein norm is a relatively controversial topic. Unlike carbohydrates, amino acids do not cause a strong surge of insulin, therefore they do not lead to noticeable obesity, however, there are exceptions. Serum hydrolyzate is absorbed almost instantly, i.e. It has a high insulin index. Roughly speaking, taking such a protein significantly increases blood sugar levels, which leads to insulin release and obesity, but today we are not talking about this. Based on the above, we can draw one simple conclusion: protein is a plastic material. It is from it that muscle fibers are built and all human cells are updated, which causes the athlete’s double need for this macronutrient, but it is important to realize that its quantity, both large and small, does not slow down or speed up the recovery processes. The correct protein norm will provide you with stable growth, but in no case will accelerate it. Even anabolic and androgenic steroids do not have such “magical” properties, since they make muscle supercompensation more pronounced and do not accelerate the recovery process at all, as it is considered to be. , it will only unnecessarily overload the kidneys. The main reason for the rumors about the importance of large amounts of protein in the diet is due to the body's need for this nutrient. Of course, it is impossible to recover muscle microtraumas from carbohydrates and fats, however, few people think about the really correct daily protein intake.

Should older people duplicate protein intake?

According to a recent study, current dietary recommendations for protein intake may be too low for health, especially if you are over 50 years old. This represents a significantly greater amount of protein than the recommended daily allowance.

As we grow older, we naturally lose muscle mass and strength due to the triplet reaction of the lower muscle to protein intake, changes in hormones and in some less physical activity. For better musculature; Kim says that most older people should consume about 8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Kim recommends getting most of your protein from animal sources such as meat, fish, milk, and cheese.

Before we talk about how to calculate the daily rate of protein, dispel the myth about the benefits of an additional amount of this nutrient when gaining weight. We give one interesting and little-known fact. Suppose you want to gain 4-5 kilograms of lean muscle per year. The total weight gain may be 10-14 kg, of which only 4-5 will be muscles, respectively. In 1 kg of muscle tissue, only 25–30% is allocated to proteins, the rest: glycogen (50–100 g), phosphates, fluid, and other internal organelles. If we recall that 1 gram of protein is 4 kilocalories, it turns out that 1 kilogram of muscle tissue from an energy point of view is equal to 1200-1400 kcal (250 g of protein + 100 g of glycogen = 350 x 4 = 1400 kcal). It turns out that for building 4-5 kilograms we need to eat an average of 6000 kilocalories over 365 days. Divide the number of calories by the number of days and get the number of additional calories per day, needed to gain this muscle mass. The final number is 16.4 kcal. If we recall the caloric content of proteins, we can say that to build up 4 kilograms of muscles per year, you need to eat only 4.1 grams (16.4 kcal) over the protein norm. And the weight of the athlete here is absolutely nothing to do with. Of course, an increase of 4.5 kg can not be called good, especially within one year. This example was taken for a reason. Even if you want to build up not 4 kg of muscles, but as much as 12 kg, the additional amount of protein will not be so big. It is enough to multiply 4.1 by 3, thus obtaining 12 grams per day in addition to the daily rate of proteins. For many people, this information will be shocking, but it is a fact. The importance of protein in the diet is greatly exaggerated, and the cause is banal marketing. The daily protein intake is calculated quite simply. To do this, you need to know the daily rate of calories, and it does not matter whether you are gaining weight, or trying to lose weight by reducing the percentage of fat. When maintaining the current weight and shape as a whole, you need to use the standard nutrient proportions:

Wise Advice - Too Much Protein May Be Unhealthy

As you get older, your protein requirements will tend to increase, so there is some evidence that increasing protein intake can improve your health - if you still consume less than the recommended daily allowance. Having said that, there is another problem with this problem that you must also consider.

There is an upper limit on the amount of protein your body can use. And, on average, people in the United States as a whole consume three to five times more protein than is necessary for optimal health, as well as too many carbohydrates and not enough healthy fats.

While maintaining weight for men: proteins - 25%, fats - 15%, carbohydrates - 60%. While maintaining weight for women: proteins - 25%, fats - 25%, carbohydrates - 50% * percentage of daily calories in any diet

In women, the amount of fat is greater due to the nature of their hormonal system. Fats are the raw material for the synthesis of female hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone in particular. They need less carbohydrate, because the overall metabolic rate is lower than that of men. In addition, their passive mass is much larger.

How much protein is enough?

Thus, although it is important to consume enough protein to maintain muscle mass, protein itself is not a magical solution against sarcopenia. For optimal health, he believes that most adults need about one gram of protein per kilogram of body weight, or 5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. To calculate the need for your protein, you must first determine your lean body mass. To do this, subtract your body fat percentage. For example, if you have 30 percent body fat, then you have 70 percent body meat.

The above proportions can not be called the golden rule of nutrition. The protein norm is a variable characteristic. Proteins can replace carbohydrates, as a result of which their share in the diet can be significantly increased, but only within reasonable limits. If you exercise in the power mode (up to 6 repetitions), then the most optimal use of 35% of the daily caloric content in the form of proteins, respectively, reducing the amount of carbohydrates to 50%. In the standard body range (8-12-15), on the contrary, you should reduce the amount of protein, since the body will have a tremendous need for carbohydrates to restore the previous level of glycogen. In this situation, you need to eat 70% of carbohydrates and 15% of protein and fat. At the same time, on vacation, in the absence of regular workouts, carbohydrates can contribute to a little obesity, as a result, it will be reasonable to eat as much protein and less carbohydrates. Maintaining the current percentage of fat is the only reason for the increased protein intake. However, many people perceived this process as a way to speed up the mass gain, but as you already know, this is not so. Here you can increase the daily rate of protein to 40%, reduce carbohydrates to 45%, and keep fats in the same amount - 15%. There are a lot of possible combinations, and they depend on the chosen training scheme and the final goal, whether it is weight gain or weight loss. Despite the fact that proteins can replace carbohydrates, this process practically does not extend to the synthesis of glycogen, unless under conditions of a ketogenic diet carbohydrates are completely excluded from the diet, as a result of which a person eats only proteins and fats. Of course, there can be no talk about any protein norm.

Then multiply this percentage by your current weight to get lean body weight in pounds or kilograms. For example, if you weigh 170 pounds; 7 multiplied by 170 equals 119 pounds of lean body mass. Using the “5 grams of protein” rule, you will need 5 or less than 60 grams of protein per day.

For comparison, follow current dietary guidelines based on total body weight; a 170-pound person will need about 62 grams of protein per day. At first glance, these recommendations seem close enough to impede discussion. The main difference is that the US guidelines do not take into account the weight of fat, which can vary greatly between one person and another, even if they weigh the same. For example, if the theory that a 170-pound person has a fat mass of only 15 percent, their need for protein will be 72 grams.

The four pillars of good health are: proper nutrition, moderate physical exertion, good sleep and emotional balance.
The importance of proper nutrition is due to the fact that with food a person consumes proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and water that the body needs.
In turn, protein is the most important nutritional component - the building material basis that ensures the life of the organism. How much protein does a human body really need to be healthy and strong? What are the best sources of protein for humans? What are the negative effects of excessive protein intake, especially of animal protein? There are different opinions. In recent years, thanks to significant progress in the field of nutrition science, quite objective knowledge has been obtained on how to properly consume protein and replenish collagen, according to scientific data.
1. To begin with, we turn to the question of the amount of protein that our body needs. Previously it was believed that the human need for protein is more than 30% of the daily calorie intake. Studies in recent decades prove that the daily human need for protein is 2.5-8% of the daily calorie intake. This amount is recommended to consume the most reputable scientists in the field of nutrition. WHO recommends 10% protein of the total calories needed. If you take 2000 calories for the daily rate for some people, then the daily rate of protein for them will be 50 grams (that's 10% from 2000). The average person needs 40-60 grams of protein daily.
The amount of protein in legumes, cereals, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits is many times more than 10% of the daily calorie intake.
However, the diet of a modern person largely consists of unhealthy foods - with a high content of fat, sugar and past industrial processing, as well as alcohol, etc. On the other hand, consumption of only apples, which contain 1% protein, or agricultural products with a low content protein, for example, cassava (2% protein), will lead to a lack of protein in the body, as well as a feeling of hunger.
2. Products that are the best sources of protein. In the past, the theory of the superiority of animal protein, namely protein from meat, fish and dairy products, dominated over vegetable protein. This theory was born from a study conducted by the USA in 1941, in which scientists examined the reaction of a tiger's organism to a protein of different origin, and found that tigers that feed on animal protein grow faster than those that consume vegetable protein.
Some people believe that animal protein, as well as protein from eggs and milk, is superior in its effects on humans to vegetable protein, believing that what is good for a tiger is also good for humans. However, these are only assumptions, since such a study was not conducted in humans. Later, scientists found that meat-eating tigers not only grow faster, but also die earlier, and are also susceptible to diseases that tigers that consume vegetable protein do not suffer from. Scientists also concluded that a large intake of animal protein shortens the life of many species of animals.
The same fact is confirmed by world statistics: nations that consume a minimum of meat live longer. Eskimos, whose meat consumption is higher than that of other nations, live on average 30 years. The Hunza tribe, which has the longest life expectancy - an average of 90 years, eats completely or almost completely vegetarian food. The article "Hunza" in a medical journal states: "The misconception that plant protein is inferior to animal protein is a thing of the past." As can be seen, the argument about the superiority of animal protein does not have a solid basis.
3. The negative effects of excessive consumption of protein, especially animal protein
(1) Among those with cancer, the number of people consuming meat and animal products is higher than the number of vegetarians. It is animal protein that plays a key role in the growth of cancer cells, and casein (a protein contained in milk) is the most dangerous in terms of the development of cancer cells. Nutritionists and cancer specialists claim that there is a link between protein and breast, prostate and rectum cancers.
  (2) The main cause of osteoporosis is excessive protein intake, since there is a proportional relationship between the amount of protein consumed and the amount of calcium eluted from the body. Long-term studies show that people who consume only 75 grams of protein daily, the amount of washed calcium in the urine exceeds the amount of calcium absorbed from food.
According to statistics, osteoporosis is most common in countries with the highest consumption of dairy products, such as the USA, Finland, Denmark and England. Thus, milk does not replenish calcium, as the protein contained in it in large quantities flushes out calcium from the body.
Women of the African Bantu tribe consume protein in extremely small quantities, so they also consume calcium only 350 mg per day. As a rule, they give birth to 9 children each, feed them with breast milk for two years, and even in old age do not suffer from a lack of calcium and osteoporosis. In the US, osteoporosis among older women is a typical case. Should a Bantu woman switch to a standard American diet, as osteoporosis does not take long.
The largest amount of calcium is consumed by indigenous Eskimos - more than 2000 mg per day, mainly calcium from fish bones. However, since the fish and walrus protein they consume is 250-400 grams per day, the percentage of osteoporosis among the Eskimos is one of the highest in the world.
Protein of animal origin is highly acid, and the acid-base balance of blood should be maintained within normal limits. Meat, fish and eggs contribute most to an increase in acidity, which in turn leads to the leaching of calcium from the bones - this is an attempt by the body to regulate the acid-base balance. Vegetables are not highly acidic, so their consumption does not lead to the leaching of calcium from the body.
The ratio of phosphorus and calcium in animal products, such as liver, chicken, beef, pork, fish, etc., is low. Provided that a person consumes protein in the normal range, the ratio of calcium and phosphorus increases, which contributes to the normal absorption of calcium. Fruits and vegetables, especially green vegetables, have a high ratio of calcium and phosphorus, contributing to high calcium absorption.
  (3) Kidney stones are also closely associated with excess intake of protein into the body, especially animal protein. In 99% of cases, the appearance of kidney stones can be avoided by adhering to a diet low in protein, high in fiber, lack of cholesterol and saturated fat, or low in fat.
  (4) Arthritis is also associated with protein ingested. Among South African people consuming a large amount of meat, arthritis is 4 times more than among people who do not eat or occasionally consume meat. Gouty arthritis sufferers can heal by eliminating high protein and purine foods from their diets. The main strategy in the prevention and treatment of arthritis is the consumption of foods low in protein, saturated fat, lack of cholesterol and high in fiber.
Animal protein is more conducive to raising the level of cholesterol, low density lipoprotein, high blood pressure and high homocysteine ​​than fats; its consumption also leads to vascular damage, increases the risk of heart disease, apoplexy and diabetes.
  (5) Misconception about weight loss with a protein diet. The essence of this diet is to consume protein in an amount several times higher than the need for it, and to exclude carbohydrates from the diet. By feeding in this way, a person provokes a serious nutritional deficiency in his body. Despite the quick effect of losing weight, the body pays a high price for its long-term health. Such a diet increases the risk of constipation and other bowel diseases, as well as the risk of heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, and kidney disease. Significant organizations such as the WHO, the American Heart Association, the US National Institute of Oncology, the US Academy of Health Nutrition, and the US Secretary of Health are unanimous about the dangers of this weight loss method.
4. Proper protein intake
Excessive consumption of protein, especially animal protein, has harmed the health of many people and even caused a decrease in life expectancy. The United States was the first to begin a program to educate the public about the need to reduce animal protein in the diet. In 2000, the United States made changes to the national guide to healthy eating, the essence of which is the need to combine a daily diet of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains and legumes, seeds and nuts. The handbook also notes that, in the case of the need for animal fats, preference should be given to fish. If you still choose from the meat, the best option is considered to be lean meat, which should be consumed only occasionally.
Special attention in this matter deserves the fact that the fiber and trace elements entering the body from plant products are extremely important for health. Moreover, it is impossible to obtain them from animal products. In addition, food of animal origin contributes to the formation of cholesterol hazardous to health, which is not the case with the consumption of products of plant origin. Thus, proper protein intake is to comply with the daily protein norm recommended by WHO, obtaining the bulk of the protein from products of plant origin and reducing animal protein intake.
  (1) The main part of the protein ingested should be of plant origin.
1. Eat fruits and vegetables in large quantities, as they contain enough protein. Most fruits contain 5-10% protein from their total nutritional value, most vegetables - 30-50%. For example, the amount of broccoli, which gives the body 100 calories, contains 2.2 times more protein than the amount of steak with the same energy value. In addition, vegetables and fruits do not have high acidity and help maintain an optimal acid-base balance in the body.
The life-giving power of fruits and vegetables. Fruits contain a large amount of sugar, Fresh vegetables and fruits contain all the enzymes necessary for the body, which are the basis of vitality and longevity. Vegetables and fruits are a storehouse of vitamins and fatty acids, in particular they are rich in ω-3 fatty acid, as well as fiber, which maintains the purity of the body and increases its resistance to many diseases. In addition, they contain antioxidants and various trace elements. In short, the lack of vegetables and fruits in the human diet should not be.
2. The main source of protein should be unrefined rice, red and black rice, millet, and other whole grain cereals. Try to avoid or minimize polished rice and wheat flour in your diet, these foods contribute to the accumulation of fat and can lead to diabetes, provoke the development of cancer cells and heart disease.
3. An important source of protein should be legumes. Soy, despite its wealth of protein, also contains a lot of fat - 18-20% of the total nutritional value. Peas, beans and lentils, by contrast, contain only 1-1.7% of fat. Black soybeans also contain little fat - 3%. In addition, in the listed legumes there are much more flavonoids than in soybeans, most of them in black soybeans. Regular consumption of legumes prevents obesity and many other diseases typical of modern humans.
4. Get protein from nuts and seeds. In almonds, walnuts and cashews, as well as flax, pumpkin seed, sesame and sunflower seeds contain 10-20% protein. Although they also contain a lot of fat - 78-92%, these fats are unsaturated. For example, in flaxseed 53-62% of the fat contained is α-linolenic acid and ω-3 fatty acid. In addition, flaxseed contains lignin, which prevents the development of cancer and various inflammations, has an antimicrobial and antiviral effect, relieves nervous tension. In terms of lignin content, flaxseed surpasses any other product by 78-800 times. In the US, this substance is considered the most effective in the fight against cancer. Since nuts and seeds contain large amounts of fat, their daily consumption should not exceed 30 g.
  (2) Reduce your intake of animal protein.
Animal protein is not only undesirable in itself for the body, with animal food you will also get a lot of saturated fat and cholesterol, which in excessive amounts not only can occlude blood vessels, but also provoke heart diseases, ischemic stroke and raise blood sugar levels.
Serious diseases such as alopecia, prostate hypertrophy, cancer of the colon, breast and prostate, as well as heavy menopause and weight gain are also associated with the consumption of large amounts of saturated fat and high cholesterol in the body.
5. Scientifically based replenishment of collagen protein
(1) Collagen health benefits
  Collagen is the main structural part of the protein and makes up 30% of the total protein in the human body, which is approximately 3 kg of body weight. It is mainly found in the skin, bones, muscles, cartilage, hair, eyeballs and internal organs and performs 3 main functions: supporting, regenerating and protective. The main health benefits of collagen include the following:
1. Collagen and beautiful skin.
Collagen is a kind of framework that supports the skin, making it firm, smooth, soft, moisturized and elastic. However, with age, collagen begins to leach out of the skin structure and the body does not have time to replenish it, as a result of which breaks appear in such a frame, the skin gradually fades, falls, loses elasticity, becomes dry, rough, wrinkles, pigment spots appear, etc. Renowned collagen specialist Dr. Brandt categorically declares: "The process of aging the skin is the process of losing collagen."
Replenishing collagen, you can maintain the necessary level of skin moisture, restore its elasticity, lighten pigmentation, smooth wrinkles - in a word, slow down the aging process of the skin and preserve its beauty as long as possible.
2. Collagen and beautiful breasts.
The chest is mainly composed of connective tissue and fat. Protein and proteoglycans, located inside the connective tissue, together form a skeleton in the form of a grid,
3. Collagen and health of the skin, nails and hair. Collagen makes up 70% of the dermis, through it nutrients enter the skin, nails and hair, and its lack leads to the formation of wrinkles, dehydration and skin dullness, dry hair and brittle nails.
4. Collagen and bone health. During the growth of bones, the body synthesizes collagen fibers, which are a kind of skeleton of the entire skeleton. The lack of collagen causes the leaching of calcium from the body, which, as a result, leads to osteoporosis.
5. Collagen and muscle condition.
Collagen directly affects muscle growth. Young people who take collagen can accelerate the process of muscle growth, while the elderly, replenishing collagen, stimulate the growth of new cells and regeneration processes in the body, which makes the muscles strong and healthy.
6. Collagen and the state of internal organs.
Collagen is the main component of the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines and other internal organs. Taking collagen, you provide optimal nutrition of your internal organs, which helps to increase immunity and is an effective prevention of many diseases.
7. Collagen and the process of healing wounds.
Collagen promotes rapid blood clotting and has a hemostatic effect, accelerates wound healing and prevents the formation of scars.
  (2) A significant lack of collagen is difficult to fill with food.
At the age of 20, the level of collagen in the woman’s body begins to gradually decrease, at the age of 25 the process of washing out collagen from the body reaches its peak, at the age of 40 the collagen does not reach even half of the amount in which it was contained in the body at the age of 18. Women, under the influence of such factors as menstruation and childbirth, lose 2.5 times more collagen than men.
Trying to fill the required amount of collagen from food, you can harm the body. We need only 10% of protein from the daily calorie intake, and excess of this amount of protein will negatively affect health. For a long time, people considered pigs, hooves, fish and chicken wings to be the optimal source of collagen. However, other animal proteins, as well as a large amount of saturated fats and cholesterol, come from the body together with collagen, which, if regularly taken into the body, can lead to fullness and heart disease. Despite the high content of collagen in these products, only 2.5% is absorbed from it. Obviously, to compensate for the lack of collagen from food is impossible.
  (3) Collagen replenishment is the right decision.
Not only women, but also men care about the preservation of youth. For this purpose, not enough proper nutrition, exercise and good sleep, the results will be obvious if you add collagen to these components. Today, collagen consumption has become a fashion trend. All over the world, people taking collagen have noticed such amazing changes as improving skin condition, strengthening bones, improving immunity and slowing down the aging process. Therefore, if you strive to preserve your youth and beauty, collagen is the best choice.
Collagen capsules of our company are distinguished by such features as:
  (1) The main active ingredient in capsules is collagen powder obtained from cod living off the coast of Alaska, USA, and the product is thoroughly cleaned.
  (2) Special processing and purification technologies provide collagen with a low molecular weight and water solubility, which makes it easily digestible even for people with poor digestion and ensures maximum digestibility of the product by the body.
  (3) Fish collagen is the safest protein because, unlike livestock, fish do not tolerate foot and mouth disease, mad cow disease and bird flu.
  (4) Ingredients: fish collagen powder, hyaluronic acid, shark cartilage extract, chitin, spirulina, folic acid, vitamins C, B, E, A, D, carotene, calcium, iron, potassium, selenium, etc.
The drug is recommended
1. Healthy people of all ages;
2. People with such illnesses as fatigue, sleep problems, reduced memory capacity, early signs of aging;
3. People with skin problems such as acne, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, rudeness and dullness of the skin, especially for women over 25;
4. For people suffering from osteoporosis, to strengthen the bones, especially if calcium intake does not give tangible results;
5. People suffering from arthritis;
6. People with problems of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system;
7. In the period after the operation for intensive nutrition of the body.
What you need to know about taking collagen?
To achieve a visible rejuvenating effect, strengthen bones and other positive changes, collagen must be taken continuously, making it one of the components of your diet.
This drug is contraindicated for people with kidney and liver disease.

Considering the mask of fat and calculating the need for protein based on muscle weight instead of total weight, you could calculate your individual needs much more accurately. Nevertheless, even thin people who exercise, do not even come close to the recommendation proposed in the presented study, which suggests that a 170-pound person needs 139 grams of protein per day. Therefore, if you gradually increase your protein intake along with strength training, until there is an improvement.

The importance of learning resistance

The transition to exercise is part of this topic, endurance training or strength training is especially important for healthy aging. Lifting weights can not only help counteract age-related muscle loss, but are also one of the most effective remedies for osteoporosis. Bone loss is a common sign of aging, because as you age, your existing bone is absorbed by your body, replacing it with new bones. In the case of osteoporosis, the formation of new bones is delayed by the rate of absorption of bone tissue, causing weakening of the bones, more subtle and more fragile.
