About sports, training and nutrition programs


Tarot spread for the near future

Tarot spread for the near future

Layout "Emigration" At what stage of the process are you now? Who (what) is hindering (helping) What else needs to be done Will the trip take place at all? The next part depends on the answer to point 4. If not, then point 5 - look at the reasons why the trip is not possible consists of

Dried hunk as a symbol of loss

The first bread was baked by the Egyptians before our era. Wheat was grown in the ancient state. Her grains were pounded. Flatbreads were made from the resulting flour. Actually, since then, bread has become a figure in dreams. Why do you dream about bread? Positive image of bread...

Completing chakra activation

Completing chakra activation

Anahata is the chakra of spirituality and love. Activated Anahata is the gateway leading to Supreme Consciousness. What is the Anahata chakra? Anahata¹ is the fourth chakra² in the system of human energy centers. This is the heart chakra - sir