
The right time for training. The best time to train. When to go to the gym? What was done

In the past few decades, a number of studies have been carried out to determine the ideal time for sports. After reviewing them, it is not difficult to see that many factors play a role: body temperature, caloric saturation, hormone levels, etc. Despite the fact that finding the optimal time for training can be a difficult task, it gives an advantage on the way to achieving the goal. Let's try to understand this question.

Optimum workout duration

Experts offer tips on finding the best time to practice. To find the most relevant information, enter the topic of interest in the search field. Others could not break the sweat before noon, preferring to walk around the neighborhood after lunch. But is there a time when the best time?

The truth is that there is no reliable evidence that calories are burned more efficiently at certain times of the day. But time of day can influence how you feel. The most important, according to experts, is the timing at which you can stick, so exercise becomes a habit.

Body temperature

« The British Journal of Sports Medicine»In 1983 published a study aimed at determining the effect of time of day on VO2 max. VO2 max is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen consumed by an athlete during intense cardio training, which is the most unloved part of an NHL player's workout. In the course of this study and others like him, it was found that aerobic performance   accounted for the second half of the day. Increased aerobic performance was closely related to internal body temperature. During awakening, our body temperature is lower. During the day, it increases and it turns out that along with it increases sports performance. There is an assumption that higher body temperature contributes to the fact that the body consumes more carbohydrates than fat as a fuel source, since carbohydrates are easier to use for energy, your results will improve.

Anaerobic endurance (those. short, intense exercises in which the body consumes glucose instead of oxygen as fuel) also underwent research, and the result was similar. In 2011 " Journal of Sports Science and Medicine»Published a review article examining 18 different studies that analyzed the effect of time of day on the strength and performance of a person. In a review article, it was reported that most studies found better performance in the afternoon, due to increased body temperature, it was also found that evening workouts demonstrate improved coordination between antagonistic muscles, such as biceps and triceps. Studies examining agility, coordination, and flexibility also concluded that the body's performance at the end of the day is noticeably higher than in the morning.

Rules for organizing training

Your body's circadian rhythm determines whether you are an owl or an early bird, and you cannot do this to change it. The circadian rhythm is regulated by the 24-hour picture of the Earth’s rotation. These rhythms affect body functions, such as hormone levels, and they all play a role in your body's readiness for exercise.

Using your body clock as a guide for when to go for a walk or go to the gym may seem like a good idea. But, of course, there are other important considerations, such as family and work schedules, or the availability of a friend to walk with you.


The next aspect related to improving performance in the evening is the availability of energy. Before an ordinary morning workout, you do not consume a lot of food, or do not eat at all. This means that glucose supplying muscles will not be enough, which in turn will reduce the performance of the body. Evening training suggests that there was a healthy breakfast, lunch, maybe a light snack, and even a few. Your body got enough protein and carbohydrates, respectively, in the muscles accumulated more energy that will make you stronger during exercise.


Many hormones have a daily biorhythm, that is, their level rises and falls every day in a known sequence. Testosterone is one of these hormones. In general, testosterone levels are elevated in the morning and decrease throughout the day. Thus, theoretically speaking, if an increased level of testosterone in the blood can improve athletic performance, then why do the above studies find a decrease in performance in the morning? The fact is that testosterone levels increase during exercise and promote the release of growth hormone, both of which are directly related to muscle hypertrophy and can reduce the breakdown of proteins in the body. muscle tissue. Having a sufficient level of testosterone is extremely important, because we know for sure that reducing it reduces the body's ability to build muscle. However, this rule applies both in the morning and in the evening and at any time of the day.

The level of cortisol in the morning increases, and, as stated in the aforementioned studies, the body's performance in the morning is reduced. Although cortisol has many functions, the main one is increasing glucose ( blood sugar). One of the ways to achieve this goal is the destruction of muscle tissue in order to get sugar from protein. Sugar is nice, but not quite what you need to build muscle! The research results are contradictory, some of them suggest that cortisol adversely affects productivity, others argue that it has no effect on the strength and power of a person.

Experts say that if you have problems with consistency, this may be your best time to work out in the morning. “Studies show that from the point of view of fulfilling a consistent physical habit, people who practice in the morning tend to do better,” says Cedric Bryant, Ph.D., chief researcher at the American Council on physical exercise   in san diego.

He recommends that if you exercise in the morning, when your body temperature is lower, you should give more time to warm up than later in the day. Unfortunately, pressing the repeat button several times does not work. But, if you have suffered the night before, it may seem a lot more attractive than jumping out of bed and hitting the treadmill.

When do you need to train?

There is no clear answer to this question. All individually, this also applies to the body's reaction to exercise. Although recent research trends are clearly leaning towards the benefit of day or evening workoutsConsidering this time of day to be the optimal period for playing sports, after all, each person will train in his own way, based on preferences in intensity, level of training, level of hormones, sleep patterns, and personal motivation - thus, the variations are truly limitless.

Morning workout

There are many people, especially the coaches, who will argue that morning workouts give the best results. It should be noted here that those who train in the morning, as a rule, more accurately comply with the training regime than those who prefer evening classes. After all, there is a high probability that the evening workout will be postponed for various reasons: late return from work, excessive tiredness, meeting with friends, watching sports or a favorite series. Regardless of body temperature and cortisol levels, skipping your evening workouts will keep you away from the desired results.

To get the most out of your morning workout, stretch yourself well to increase your body temperature and improve circulation. The extra 20 minutes spent on the treadmill as a warm-up will increase your chances of doing your best in your morning workout.

Can I swing in the morning?

Exercise or too late sabotage the desire of your body. White, who studies achievement motivation in exercises and other areas, says that, despite the good intentions to get up early and practice with her, she is more likely to manifest herself after work.

For some people, lunchtime is the best time for playing sports, especially if colleagues keep you in company. Just be sure to eat after training, and not before. “Don't do it right after a meal,” says Bryant, who lectures internationally about exercise, fitness and. Those who must go to your muscles go to your digestive tract. Give yourself 90 minutes after a heavy meal.

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Finding your own best exercise time.

You do not need to be an expert in circadian rhythms to determine the best time to practice. Stephen Aldana, Ph.D., advises to try different times of the day. Work out in the morning for a few weeks, then try noon and then early in the evening. What do you like best and what makes you feel better after that? Also consider the type of exercise and other daily commitments.

“First of all, find a time that will help you make your exercise a regular, consistent part of your life,” says Aldana, a professor of lifestyle medicine at the Department of Physical Sciences at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. "This is more important than the time of day."

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This question is asked quite often both to me personally and in general on the Internet. It is understandable. Indeed, for many people, the value of the time of day for training is greatly exaggerated. This is due to the fact that many coaches quite categorically outline intervals of 2 to 3 hours when it is necessary to train. And the rest of the time, like, training will be a dog under the tail. Let's see if this is so.

Establishing exercise habits

One day you will reach a point where daily exercise is as natural as breathing. At this point, you may need a variety. But if you are still at the point where the drill hits or misses, planning it at the same time every day will help you make it a habit. Whether you choose morning, lunch, or after work, to do this, make it part of your routine.

“People who are just starting out and who exercise at random are more likely to fall out,” says White. She adds that getting started can be as simple as changing the route from which you return from work to go to the gym. “Get into the habit of going this way, and keep an exercise bag in your car or at work,” she says.

Of course, day and night are the same for everyone. The sun rises and sets for all at the same time. But the biorhythms of each individual person are all individual. I think that you already heard about “owls” and “larks” without me. Already for this fact alone it is impossible to strictly delineate any identical framework for all.

But there are also fluctuations in activity during the day. At some hours the activity is less, and at some - more. And this activity largely depends on how much a person lays down and gets up. Yes it is. I agree. But, first, it is impossible to quite accurately calculate the time of this activity, since it also depends on other factors and constantly fluctuates. Secondly, few people have the opportunity to adjust their workouts under the peaks of activity. Since in addition to training there is still work, family and many other important and urgent matters.

You will increase your energy until the end of the day.

Cedric Bryant, Ph.D., Principal Fellow at the American Council on Exercise, San Diego. Bely, Ph.D., Dean and Professor, College of Education, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa.

You can sleep better at night

  They also had about 25 percent drop in blood pressure at night, slept longer and had more favorable sleep cycles than when they were exercised at a different time of day.

You have to wake up, well, early

Bryant says that working out in the morning helps maintain a regular habit of being physically active, because a person is less likely to miss workouts due to schedule conflicts or other requirements. Without work hanging over your head, you can spend more time training. This means extra warm-up time, stretching after a workout and longer rest periods between sets.

By the way, these activity peaks themselves do not appear just like that at any particular time. You yourself, by your daily routine, teach your body to one or another chrono-biological cycle. Why am I saying this?

Did you know:

In addition, if you constantly train at the same time, then the body itself will eventually adapt to you. And the peaks of your activity, after a few months, will coincide with the time of training. But, I repeat once more, in order to happen this way, you need to constantly train at about the same time (+ - 1 hour) for at least 2 months.

Whether it's drinks with friends or the last meal plan, they will be more distracted in the evening, which can squeeze the workout from your schedule. Bryant also points out that after a long day you may not feel as if you have the energy to develop.

This may limit the types of workouts you do.

Security concerns are increasing in the evenings, especially outdoors in the winter. Bryant notes that it becomes darker during the winter months and the weather becomes unpredictable and difficult to train. This means that you may have to limit your workouts to indoor training.

The second important note: you can not train during the first hour after awakening. No matter how hard you try, the peak of activity can not occur immediately after you wake up. It should take at least 1 hour to all the functions of the body fully involved in the work. And better than 1.30 -2 hours. Of course, here too, everything is individual. But from awakening to the beginning of the workout, it should take at least 1 hour.

You may have to fight the crowds in the gym.

Do not be surprised if you find it difficult to get a car or a place in this fitness class, if you go in the evening. Fitness facilities are usually more crowded at the end of the workday, Potteiger notes. This can make the job less effective.

You may experience sleep if you exercise too closely before bed.

  If you work two or three hours before bedtime, you can affect the quality of your sleep, Bryant says. “Your arousal is higher because you have a higher level of circulating stress hormones,” he says, “which can make it more difficult to fall asleep.”

And third: you need to finish the workout no later than 2 hours before bedtime. The body needs time to tune in to calm. And he cannot do it in 10 minutes. Yes, and how late you are not trained. You can, of course, work out just before bedtime. But you still do not fall asleep before 1.30 - 2 hours.

1.   Always train at the same time.

Choosing a time for fitness: night

Although it depends on the intensity of the workout. On the other hand, Bryant says stretching or great ways to wind down and disconnect from a busy day. Every time you work, this is the best time. “It’s important to find a routine that is best for you and that you can do it consistently,” says Bryant, who adds that even habits “can change depending on daily or seasonal conditions.”

Everyone has their own theories and preferences regarding the “best” time of the day for training, but does it really matter whether you work in the morning or in the evening? It all comes down to your fitness goals. Do you exercise for a good night's sleep? Maybe you are trying to lose weight or increase muscle mass. Best time   day for you depends on your answers to these questions. If you know what your goals are, look at the best times below.

2.   There must be at least 1 hour between waking up and starting a workout.

3.   Between the end of the workout and sleep should be at least 2 hours.

4.   Everything else is at your discretion and does not matter much.

By the way, you can order an individual set of exercises from Timko Ilya - the author of this article and the owner of this site. .

When it comes to shedding pounds, this is the link between morning and evening workouts. It was also found that evening walks also change the eating habits of women; they ate more in the morning. Eating breakfast in the morning can reduce the likelihood of obesity, stabilize blood sugar levels and even later in the day.

This study was the first to show that fasting is more beneficial than feeding children in order to activate the body and increase glucose tolerance in the diet. high content   fat Morning workout   make the body burn completely throughout the day.

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Increase your muscle strength: evening workout

To lose weight, it all comes down to when you are most available to perform a regular workout. The rule of thumb is that muscle strength tends to be the lowest in the morning, and then gradually increases until it reaches peak levels in the early evening. The amount of muscle strength was great, but only during the exercises, which included faster movements. In other words, the maximum muscle strength depends on the time of day and depends on the speed of the workout.
