
Examples of the impact of NLP on people. NLP. Methods of influence. Internal resources are limitless

1. Ask for a favor

We're talking about an effect known as the Benjamin Franklin effect. One day, Franklin needed to win the favor of a man who didn’t like him very much. Then Franklin politely asked this man to lend him a rare book and, having received what he wanted, thanked him even more politely. Previously, this person avoided even talking to him, but after this incident they became friends.

This story repeats itself over and over again. The point is that someone who has done you a favor once will be more willing to do it again compared to someone who owes you something. The explanation is simple - a person decides that since you are asking him for something, then if necessary, you yourself will respond to his request, so he should do the same as you.

2. Demand more

This technique is called the "door to the forehead." You need to ask a person to do more than you actually want from him. You can also ask to do something ridiculous. Most likely he will refuse. Soon after, feel free to ask for what you wanted in the first place - the person will feel bad for refusing you the first time, and if you now ask for something reasonable, they will feel obligated to help.

3. Call the person by name

The famous American psychologist Dale Carnegie believes that calling a person by name is incredibly important. A proper name for any person is the most pleasant combination of sounds. It is an essential part of life, so its utterance seems to confirm for a person the fact of his own existence. And this, in turn, makes you feel positive emotions towards the one who pronounces the name.

The use of title, social status, or the form of address itself also influences in the same way. If you behave a certain way, you will be treated that way. For example, if you call a person your friend, he will soon feel friendly feelings towards you. And if you want to work for someone, call him boss.

4. Flatter

At first glance, the tactic is obvious, but there are some caveats. If your flattery doesn't seem sincere, it will do more harm than good. Researchers have found that people tend to seek cognitive balance by trying to keep their thoughts and feelings aligned. So if you flatter people with high self-esteem and the flattery sounds sincere, they will like you because you will validate their own thoughts. But flattery towards people with low self-esteem can lead to negative feelings because your words contradict their opinion of themselves. Of course, this does not mean that such people should be humiliated - you definitely won’t win their sympathy that way.

5. Reflect

Reflection is also known as mimicry. Many people use this method naturally, without even thinking about what they are doing: they automatically copy other people's behavior, manner of speech and even gestures. But this technique can be used completely consciously.

People tend to treat better those who are similar to them. An equally curious fact is that if during a recent conversation someone “reflected” a person’s behavior, then for some time this person will be more pleasant to communicate with other people, even if they had nothing to do with that conversation. The reason is most likely the same as in the case of calling by name - the behavior of the interlocutor confirms the very fact of the existence of the person.

6. Take advantage of your opponent's fatigue

When a person is tired, he becomes more receptive to other people's words, be it a request or a statement. The reason is that fatigue not only affects the body, but also reduces mental energy levels. When you ask a tired person for a favor, you will probably get an answer like “Okay, I’ll do it tomorrow” - because at the moment the person does not want to solve any more problems. But the next day the person will most likely fulfill his promise - people, as a rule, try to keep their word, because otherwise they get psychological discomfort.

7. Offer something that would be difficult to refuse

This is the opposite technique to point number two. Instead of making a big request right away, try starting small. If a person helps you with something minor, he will be more willing to fulfill a more important request.

Scientists have tested this method in relation to marketing. They began to encourage people to express support for the environment and the conservation of the rainforest. Pretty easy request, right? When people completed what was required, they were asked to buy food - all proceeds will be used to preserve these very forests, of course. Most people did this too.

However, be careful: you should not first ask for one thing and then immediately ask for something completely different. It is much more effective to wait a day or two.

8. Know how to listen

Telling someone that they are wrong is not the best way to win someone over. The effect will most likely be the opposite. There is another way to express disagreement without making an enemy. For example, listen to what your interlocutor says and try to understand how he feels and why. Then you will find something in common in your seemingly opposing opinions and can use this to explain your position. Express your agreement first - this way the person will be more attentive to your subsequent words.

9. Repeat after your interlocutor

One of the most effective ways to win someone over and show that you really understand them is to paraphrase what they say. Say the same thing, only in your own words. This technique is also known as reflective listening. This is what psychotherapists often do - people tell them more about themselves, and an almost friendly relationship is built between the doctor and the patient.

This technique is easy to use when talking with friends. Formulate the phrase they just said as a question - this way you will show that you listened carefully and understood the person, and he will be more comfortable with you. He will also listen to your opinion more because you have already made it clear that you care about him.

10. Nod

When people nod while listening to something, it usually means they agree with the speaker. And it is natural for a person to assume that when someone nods when talking to him, this also means agreement. This is the same effect of mimicry. So nod throughout the conversation with the person - later this will help you convince the interlocutor that you are right.

Modern psychology can help any woman in establishing emotional contact with a man, and some of her methods even allow you to make men fall in love with you and make them find out how
Note: Material from this article at first may seem difficult to understand, but after reading it again, you will understand that there is nothing complicated in these methods.

Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is a rapidly developing area of ​​applied psychology, offering simple and accessible ways to influence the subconscious, which any average person can master. More recently, NLP methods were classified and used only by intelligence agencies, but now these techniques are available to everyone. The use of NLP makes it possible to effectively interact with other people, influence them, understand and accept their vision of the world around them.

In our hectic times, people have become emotionally closed, and communication has turned into a formal process, often leading either to the “use” (material, sexual) of one person by another, or to unsuccessful attempts to “use” each other. The consequence of this is the emergence of an atmosphere of mutual distrust and wariness, which has a detrimental effect on the personal lives of both women and men.
How to restore richness to communication and depth to feelings? How to ensure mutual understanding and trust, so necessary for the development of relationships? How to create a favorable opinion about yourself in a short time and establish emotional contact that allows you to get to know a man well and become so close to him that an ordinary acquaintance can develop into something more?
NLP gives the following answer to all these questions: it is necessary to consciously build a “bridge” that harmoniously and equally connects a man’s subconscious with your subconscious. It is the harmonious connection of the unconscious partners that gives those feelings of deep trust, understanding, intimacy, unity, mutual sympathy and responsiveness, without which there is no full communication.
In NLP, such a connection is called “rapport” (“Rapport”, translated from English, means “agreement”, “harmonious relationship”, “mutual understanding”. In terms of professional hypnosis, rapport is the connection between the hypnotist and the hypnotized).
Rapport is a way to explain to another person’s subconscious that you share his thoughts, experience similar feelings, take into account his interests and understand his condition. At the same time, you remain an integral person, observing your own interests.
Rapport is very important to making a good impression. It gives communication ease, openness and naturalness. Relationships that contain elements of rapport are characterized by mutual respect, mutual agreement and deep mutual affection.


A good way to establish rapport is the process of “mirroring,” which is the process of matching certain details of your behavior (body position, rhythm of movements, breathing, voice) with similar details of your interlocutor’s behavior. In NLP this action is called “attachment” or “adjustment”. Moreover, “adjustment” is not primitive imitation, but a sensitive, unobtrusive reflection of the partner’s behavior.
By adjusting your posture, body language, breathing, speech, and tone of voice, you can establish rapport with almost anyone. You can also join through feelings, showing interest, participation, tolerance, respect for the experience, knowledge and qualifications of the interlocutor, his character traits.
An explanation of the reasons for the emergence of the phenomenon of adjustment is beyond the scope of this book, and we will not go into them (by adjusting to your interlocutor, you, in fact, enter into a kind of resonance with him). The adjustment “works” - and that’s the main thing!

Reflection of body position. You sit down or stand exactly the same as your interlocutor. Reflection of a pose can be direct (i.e. mirror) and cross (if your interlocutor has his right leg crossed over his left, then you do the same). You can also adjust to the distribution of body weight.
Mimicking the other person's posture is a simple and obvious adjustment technique. And yet, despite its accessibility, this method requires some skill. A primitive and obvious “mirror reflection” can lead to the fact that the interlocutor will pay attention to it and decide that you are imitating him, and this will lead to a loss of contact.

Adjusting the rhythm of movements. You can blink with the same frequency as the interlocutor blinks, nod with the same frequency as he nods, swing your leg the same way as he does, walk in step with him, etc. Indirect “reflection” is often used - when in In the rhythm of the interlocutor’s movements, some kind of own movement is performed. For example, with the movement of your partner’s hand, you can adjust with weak movements of your hand, and respond to the movement of his body with the movement of your head. Whenever your interlocutor strokes his forehead, you can lightly tap your finger or pen on the table, or in response to any movement of your interlocutor, indicate the beginning of a similar movement. Such indirect adjustment must be carried out correctly and almost imperceptibly.

Adjusting breathing. In direct form, it involves “adjusting” the speed or frequency of your breathing to your partner’s breathing. It is a very effective method of influence.
If the other person's breathing rate is very different from yours, you can:
When he breathes very quickly, for every two of his exhalations, take one of your own;
When he breathes too rarely, try to fit two of your breathing cycles into one of his, while every second exhalation of yours should coincide with the exhalation of your partner.
It happens that directly joining the interlocutor’s breathing is associated with difficulties caused by the different types of breathing of men and women (for many men it is abdominal, and for most women it is thoracic). In this case, you can use indirect connection, for example, moving your finger, shaking your leg or head in time with your breathing.
An interesting way to mirror your partner's breathing movement is to adjust your speech to his exhalation. The fact is that a person always speaks while exhaling, and any phrase you utter at the moment when the interlocutor exhales will be perceived by him almost as an analogue of his own speech, and he will subconsciously accept what you say much more favorably. This technique is successfully used by many hypnotists.

Adjustment through speech. Adjusting the tempo, rhythm and speed of your speech, timbre and volume of your voice to the other person's speaking style and listening ability is another method of establishing rapport. This is also facilitated by the repetition of words, expressions and professional terms that he most often uses in conversation (using the same words always strengthens trust and mutual understanding, since a man begins to think that you and he have the same views on the world around you).
Don't speak faster than the other person can listen - this prevents the establishment of mutual understanding.

Other methods. Attachment methods that use the movement of the pupils of the eyes and take into account the type of so-called representative system of the interlocutor (representational systems are the ways through which a person receives, stores and encodes information in his brain: pictures, sounds, sensations, smells and tastes) are very effective. We will not consider such sophisticated adjustment methods due to their relative complexity. For those interested, we recommend that you refer to specialized literature on NLP.
Do not use a large number of adjustment methods, as this will require a lot of your attention, and it is necessary for the correct conversation. Sincere (!) interest in your interlocutor and genuine (!) attention to him is the simplest and at the same time, the most reliable way to establish trust and mutual understanding!

Rapport presupposes equal interaction between the subconscious partners, but since it was caused by you consciously and, therefore, can be controlled on your part, then you are in a stronger position than a man. This advantage should be used.
First, you need to make sure that joining your partner (by breathing, posture, movement or anything else) has occurred. To do this, change the position in which you sit or stand. If your partner involuntarily adapts to this change, then you should change the rhythm of your breathing or gestures and see how the man reacts to these changes. If there is obvious “mirroring” here (that is, the partner began to automatically adjust to the rhythm of your breathing or your gestures), then you have joined reliably and can “lead” your partner (leading is one of the main NLP terms).
The fact that you are able to “lead” your partner indicates interest in you, sympathy on his part and a subconscious tendency to accept your actions and your point of view without any criticism or resistance. In other words - A man’s “mirroring” of your postures, movements, and speech patterns indicates his agreement with your behavior, your ideas, desires and assumptions. You have, in fact, hypnotized your partner and can carry out your intentions towards him!

Using "anchors"
Probably, every person has moments when, having heard a certain melody, he begins to experience positive emotions associated with memories of pleasant moments in life during which this melody sounded. So, for example, you can remember a date with your loved one that happened many years ago and was accompanied by memorable music. And now, having heard this music again, you remember everything that happened then, the forgotten feeling of falling in love and romantic thoughts return to you - the associative mechanism, which in NLP is called an “anchor,” has worked.
An anchor is one of the elements of a physical and emotional state, which can subsequently act as a stimulus that causes a similar state. An anchor can also be any external influence on a person who is in some special memorable physical and emotional state, which, when exerted again, can cause a repetition of this state.
Anchors can form naturally or can be specially installed. They are:
auditory (sound signal, some special words or phrase of a loved one, a memorable melody, etc.);
visual (photo, certain underwear, gesture, packaging of chocolate, etc.);
kinesthetic (touching, stroking, etc.).
In addition, a certain taste or smell can act as an anchor.
Anchors are formed:
Through repetition. When something is experienced by a subject at a low emotional level, a large number of repetitions are required to associate the anchor with that “something.” Moreover, the fewer emotions the subject experiences, the greater the number of repetitions required for memorization. For example, a mother will have to spend a lot of time making sure her little child understands that a red traffic light means danger.
Through emotional involvement. When the emotions are strong enough, it often only takes one time for the anchor to be established. (The child runs through a red light and almost gets hit by a car. The horror he experiences will instantly and permanently record in the subconscious what his mother has been trying to instill in him for a long time.
That's exactly what "anchoring"(at the moment of the highest experience of emotions) is used in NLP. If you learn to correctly capture and track people's emotional states (in NLP this is called calibration), then it will not be difficult for you to use this technique. By the way, using “anchoring”, anyone can “imprint” their own emotions. For example, while in a state of elation, you can squeeze your fingers in a certain unusual way and, subsequently, repeating exactly the same squeeze, get a similar state.
The “anchoring” technique requires a subtle and elegant approach, since the installation of the anchor should be completely invisible to the person in relation to whom it is being carried out. In addition, at first it is quite difficult to determine the true emotional state of the subject (the use of tuning can help with this). Therefore, it will take some time to fully master “anchoring.” However, it makes sense to spend this time, since the use of this technique allows you to evoke the right emotions in the man in whom you are interested at the right moment.
Here is a typical example of the anchor setting technique:
You come to work, and the male employee for whom you have certain feelings is in a great mood because of yesterday's victory of your favorite football team. You congratulate him and, at the moment of congratulations, unobtrusively squeeze his elbow (place a kinesthetic anchor). Subsequently, it will be enough for you to repeat the same compression, and it is quite possible that the man will experience a similar feeling of joy, and since all this will happen in your presence, he will subconsciously associate his positive emotions with you.

In a similar way, you can use this technique when “anchoring” your loved one’s sexual experiences. For example, at the moment of your partner’s orgasm, place a kinesthetic anchor (you can, for example, squeeze his wrist), and if you suddenly notice that your loved one has begun to grow cold towards you, use this anchor. The result will be in your favor!
When you feel that a sexual encounter could be especially intense (your desire is great and your partner is extremely sexy today), put on some special, memorable lingerie - let it become a visual anchor for your partner. Repeat this several times, and subsequently, the very sight of this underwear will greatly excite your partner.


The human brain is capable of retaining sets of memories about those individuals who in the past had one influence or another on us. Subsequently, the perception of any new person is consistent with these memories. This happens, for the most part, on an emotional level. For example, if in the presence of a new acquaintance you feel negative emotions similar to those you previously experienced in the presence of other people unpleasant to you, then you subconsciously begin to consider this person to be just as “bad”. It’s as if you are transferring your attitude that you showed towards those individuals who were unpleasant to you to a new object.

Transference phenomenon
Transfer (transfer) is a spontaneously arising attitude towards a person, characterized by the unconscious transference to him of feelings that once arose towards other people.
Freud also noted that in some cases the patient transfers onto the doctor’s personality feelings towards people and events experienced previously or currently being experienced. Freud talked about it this way: “...we notice that the patient, who should be looking for a way out of his painful conflicts, shows a special interest in the personality of the doctor...” (Sigmund Freud, “Introduction to Psychoanalysis”, lecture No. 27).
Freud discovered that his patients fell in love with him or began to hate him when they shared their thoughts and feelings, and he listened to them, questioning them thoughtfully and without arguing. This transfer occurred even if these feelings had long subsided. Freud called this transference, and considered this phenomenon as a phenomenon inherent in any human relationship and manifested not only in a psychotherapeutic session, but also in everyday life. In fact, the doctor himself becomes a kind of “anchor” for the patient. It is enough to conduct several sessions in which the patient is immersed in his love experiences and now the very personality of the psychoanalyst is associated in the patient with these experiences, and he begins to experience certain feelings towards the doctor.
Using the transference phenomenon, you can improve your relationship with a man or even make him fall in love with you. To do this, you just need to become your friend’s psychoanalyst and encourage him to talk about his hobby, while trying to make the man feel all the positive emotions associated with his love. This will lead to the fact that he will transfer a significant part of his love experiences onto you (Attention! Do not fall into the trap of negative transference, in which negative emotions associated with the man’s former (current) lover will be transferred to you - talk only about good things!) Don’t be afraid that your pride will suffer, since the effectiveness of the method pays for all the moral costs associated with it!
Some avoid this conversation because they think that they will also have to talk about their previous love affairs. This is a misconception - in this situation it is much more important for a man to pour out his own soul. Than to get into yours.

Technique for transferring love using neurolinguistic programming
Create an environment conducive to seduction (soft lighting, appropriate music). Make sure that no one bothers you or can disturb you (be sure to turn off your phone and doorbell). Try not to make the intimate setting too artificial and obvious. Your clothing should also not hint to a man about possible intimacy.
Immerse the man in an atmosphere of trusting and friendly communication - create rapport. To do this: show sincere interest and genuine attention to him, adapt to his posture, breathing, movements, etc.
Encourage your man to openly talk about his past or current love. Conduct the conversation this way so that the state of love associated with the former (current) lover returns to him. Focus the man’s attention exclusively on the positive aspects of this experience - say only good things about his beloved and his feelings for her!
Try it adjust to his state of love - listen to the man with warmth and empathy.
Start touching the man gently and “harmlessly” enough, gradually expanding the zone of touch and making them more intimate (but not too much!) At the same time, do not forget to sincerely admire him, associating this admiration with his beloved. If she does not share the man’s feelings, then you can say something like this: “You are so strong (handsome, sexy, etc.). What pleasure she would experience with you...” When saying this you must be as sincere as possible! Try to feel everything you say!
When you see that you have reliably “joined” your partner and can “lead” him, use the situation as you consider it possible to use it!
As soon as a man’s positive emotions associated with his ex or current lover reach their maximum, place a kinesthetic anchor: hold him by the elbow, touch his wrist, or stroke his head, arm, or leg in a certain way. Subsequently, when you find yourself in a suitable situation, activate the anchor, and your partner will automatically enter the state of pleasant experiences captured by the anchor, but this state will no longer be associated with his past or present love, but with you!
In the future, just recreating the environment in which the man told you about his beloved (with the same music, which is actually an auditory anchor, the same lighting, etc.) will lead to a positive result for you.

Reinforcement learning (RL) is an effective method for creating the behavior you want. Its correct application leads to the fact that a man is happy to do what you are interested in, because he knows that you will somehow reward him for it.
The OP method is a modern version of the well-known “carrot and stick” method, which, by the way, is used completely incorrectly by most people. Many “educators” use only the “stick”, completely forgetting about timely encouragement, although the use of the “carrot”, as the predominant instrument of influence, is more reasonable and much more effective than the use of the “stick”. This is largely due to the fact that encouragement immediately shapes the desired behavior, and the “stick” does not even hint at how to behave. In addition, almost all educators use both the “carrot” and the “stick” at the wrong time, rewarding or punishing only after something has been done. The correct thing to do would be punishment at the very beginning of the action, which must be stopped, and immediate encouragement of the desired actions.

Reinforcement. Reinforcement is a signal that tells the student that he is on the right path, or that he is making a mistake. (This signal can be realized by the “student”, or can only be perceived by his subconscious). Experts distinguish between positive reinforcement (PP) and negative reinforcement (NR).
PP is something pleasant (a smile, affection, sincere praise, delicious food, etc.) added to the situation immediately after the trained subject began to do or did what you need. The PP activates the pleasure center of the brain, in which information is instantly recorded about why the subject receives this pleasure.
OP (not to be confused with punishment) is what the student would like to avoid (your disappointment, disapproving facial expression, irony, inattention). It shows that the unwanted behavior needs to stop right now at this point in time. Experiments have shown that a weak OP works much better than a strong one. A very effective OP is to deprive the subject of something pleasant (for example, a child is deprived of sweets). Do not deprive a man of sex - this will no longer be negative reinforcement, but punishment, which can boomerang back at you.

Variable (variable) reinforcement. If a dolphin is rewarded with a fish for every jump it makes, it will become lazy and will not jump high. To prevent this from happening, trainers use variable reinforcement (VR), which consists of rewarding not all jumps, but only the best ones, and even then, not all.
In relationships between a man and a woman, VP “works” very well. For example, the main secret of the attractiveness of any “bitch” is her intuitive ability to variably reinforce the actions of men. An intelligent representative of this category of women first lures the “dolphin into the pool” with a large portion of “fish” (that is, ties him to her with special sexuality, affection, attention, “warmth”, etc.), and then very skillfully doses out the “feeding” seeking from the “dolphin” (i.e., from the man) what she needs, in fact engaging in emotional and (or) material “evisceration.”
To control a man’s behavior, it is not at all necessary to demonstrate bitchiness (it always gives off a bad “smell”), you just need to master the technique of correctly delivering reinforcement. It's very simple. First, you show some warmth towards the man, expecting signs, attention from him and rewarding him a little for them, then the encouragement becomes more significant (depending on his behavior), then the usual encouragement becomes variable (obviously encouragement-indifference). (Female coquetry is actually a type of variable reinforcement).
It should be noted that in a large number of happy married couples there is variable reinforcement of the relationship between spouses, which maintains these relationships
in constant tone.
Unfortunately, the scope of this manual does not allow us to present the reinforcement learning methodology in a sufficiently complete form. For a more detailed study, you should refer to the excellent book Karen Pryor "Don't Growl at the Dog").

NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) - these are techniques, methods of influencing a person in order to change his internal beliefs, attitudes, life values ​​and priorities. The practice of NLP is currently carried out almost everywhere, including hidden NLP techniques that are used not only in psychotherapeutic and psychotraining practice, but also in ordinary, social life and in everyday life.

Combat NLP is a method of manipulating people in order to subjugate them and covertly control them: their consciousness, thinking, feelings and behavior.

How NLP (neuro-linguistic programming techniques) and combat NLP appeared

The psychological technique “Neuro-Linguistic Programming” (NLP, or reprogramming, since each person already has some kind of internal program (life script), primarily created through unconscious social and parental programming) was created to change a person’s deepest beliefs , preventing him from becoming successful and happy in life.

In the last century, American psychologist and writer Richard Bandler and linguist (also a writer) John Grinder, with the co-authorship of Frank Pucelik, based on the methods of Gestalt therapy by Frederick Perls and Ericksonian hypnosis (Milton Erickson), created a new direction in psychological assistance - NLP (neurolinguistic programming) trainings. .

Combat NLP- this is the use of initially psychotherapeutic techniques to influence and manipulate a person, turning him into a human zombie... and using him for his own, sometimes illegal, purposes, for example, when recruiting for ISIS, various sects, real or virtual illegal communities...

NLP psychology: methods and techniques of human neurolinguistic programming and combat NLP

The methods and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in general, and combat NLP in particular, use connections between verbal, language forms (forms of speech, including written and internal) and non-verbal - body language (facial expressions, gestures, postures, gait...), direction and movement the eye, as well as representative, human sensory systems, all types of memory (from operational to emotional) and images drawn in the mind.

For example, combat NLP can be used in any sphere of life - in business, commerce, ideology, politics, both internal and external, in war, in society and even in everyday life, in family, child-parent relationships.

Almost any person can be programmed (reprogrammed), especially people with low education (a diploma is not yet education), or a low level of intelligence...
Depressed, under stress, with neurotic disorders, weak-willed, overly trusting people... and simply overstressed, tired, especially for a person with an immature personality and a weak psyche (teenage children, maximalist youths, infantile, non-thinking adults, marginalized people and old people ) - it is very easy to reprogram, turn into a zombified personality, especially for a professional in the field of combat NLP.

Why influence people, manipulate a person using combat NLP

The “masters of life,” people in power since the creation of the world, wanted to have unlimited, literal power, complete influence on people. And in order to create obedient “little people,” various physical, including psychological, methods and techniques of influencing and manipulating people have been used in all centuries.

Probably, many of the readers will notice that the desire for power, the possibility of influence, influencing a person, demanding obedience from him, manipulating him is inherent in almost all people.
For example, in a family, parents demand obedience from children, the husband wants to have power over his wife and vice versa; the teacher manipulates the students, and they manipulate him; the doctor often dominates the patient, demanding that orders be followed...

It is even easier to use combat NLP if you influence not one person, but a crowd, for example, for political purposes - creating modern color revolutions, rallies, protests... It works even better when using means of communication, propaganda, media - television, radio, newspapers... and of course the Internet...

Even in seemingly harmless advertising on TV, radio, banners, billboards along the roads..., or a modern supermarket, you can find manipulation of a person’s consciousness using NLP techniques (including combat NLP).
For example, as mentioned above, programming uses speech (including written language), imagery, body language (including direction of gaze, relative to the right or left hemisphere) and repetition to use memorization at the subconscious level.

Correctly selected slogans, inscriptions on packages and calls to action, as well as goods correctly laid out on shelves, influence a person’s subconscious, automatically forcing him to make a purchase, often unnecessary.

There is even such a profession - Merchandiser - a specialist in displaying goods on shelves, for example, a product that needs to be “sold” can be placed on a display window with frequent repetition...

Note that every TV ad has a number of repetitions (usually at least three - at the beginning, middle and end), for example, the name of the product. You can, without even realizing it, watch the advertisement several times in a row while, say, watching a movie. Also, any advertising (product presentation) from packaging to billboards on the street has its own images, colors, placement of information, etc. to influence the subconscious memory, so that a person unconsciously, without thinking, buys sometimes unnecessary or unnecessary goods. This is especially developed in the marketing of drugs.

Any marketing from network marketing to product promotion in a supermarket in one way or another uses combat NLP techniques, essentially methods of manipulation and influence on a person.

You can't call it fraud, because... there is no obvious deception or breach of trust. Well, what’s criminal if under a half-kilogram piece of cheese there is a price tag, where in large letters - 50 rubles, and in very small letters - for 100 grams... what a deception?! Or in a household appliance store - interest-free installment plan - substitution of concepts - credit and installment plans are not a crime, but hiding in fine print about payment for services for managing your account and insurance is just a “trifle”...

How to avoid self-manipulation and the effects of combat NLP

The best way to avoid self-manipulation is to change your life scenario through transactional analysis and the same method of neurolinguistic programming or psychotraining.

To resist the effects of combat NLP, it is not at all necessary to study how NLP methods and techniques work in general; it is enough to understand, become aware of yourself, your inner “I” and your weak points, the so-called “control buttons”, your weaknesses...
The most common human weakness, often used in NLP influence techniques, is the subconscious desire for freebies (simply - freebies).

Also, often in combat NLP they use such weaknesses of a person as his altered state of consciousness, going into a trance (for example, existing not in the present time at the moment “here and now”, but in the past or future), personal, life unsettledness, failure and

NLP or neurolinguistic programming is a topic of practical psychology aimed at developing techniques and methods of influencing another person.

The NLP method of influencing a person has received attention in our time as a technique for manipulating another person, but, in fact, this teaching appeared as a way to increase the effectiveness of the psychotherapist’s influence on the patient.

Many will ask about the ethical side of these methods of influence. There is nothing wrong with using techniques to improve the effectiveness of your speech or discussion. At the same time, if it is truly selfish to suppress another person, then, of course, there is no justification for such actions.

NLP manipulation techniques

“Deposit trap” technique. This technique has become quite widely known due to its effectiveness. If you force a person to invest his energy in any activity, then it will be difficult for him (even with reasonable arguments) to later abandon this direction.

Three Yes Technique. Ask the person several questions to which he must voluntarily answer in the affirmative. And then sharply ask the question to which you would also like to receive a positive answer, and there is a high probability that you will receive consent.

Mixed Truth Technique. Many people use it simply on an intuitive level. Use in your speech theses, the veracity of which is quite easy to verify or they are already thoroughly known to everyone. At the same time, you can gradually add a few minor unverified facts, and, most likely, they will already be taken on faith.

If you adapt to the behavior of another person, this will also have a positive effect on the fact that this person will begin to have more trust in you.

Speech methods of influence

To quickly gain trust, the conversation needs to start with some basic neutral truth, with which the person must completely agree.

If you want to point a person to some action, then do not talk about this action directly, but connect it with what the object was already going to do in the future. For example, you can tell a child that when he goes for a walk, let him take out the trash.

Always give your interlocutor the illusion of choice. Use a question to which you must obtain consent as if the interlocutor has already answered it in the affirmative. Also ask about a minor problem whose solution is not at all important to you.

To avoid discussing an unpleasant moment in circles, block returning to this topic. Say that it is fully specified, and discussing it only prolongs the discussion.

Rules for the NLP technique of influencing humans

It is always worth remembering some basic principles that are important in understanding human nature.

So, a person has all the necessary resources to achieve the goal. With great desire and perseverance, you can achieve something even on the first try. Any communication leads to a progression in the number of future alternatives. Each person is responsible for the results of his actions. A person always tries to choose the best alternative for him.

When studying NLP techniques of influence and protection, as well as managing people, it is important to pay attention not only to the techniques, but also to the psychology of another person’s behavior. Take enough time to understand the motive of your opponent's actions, and then you will understand how you need to act.

Have you ever wondered why some people have everything and others have nothing? Why are some happy in relationships, while others can’t find a partner? Why do some people easily achieve their goals while others do not? NLPers claim that everything that happens in life is a reflection of our deepest beliefs and self-identity. This means that changing beliefs with the help of NLP can radically affect relationships with people, self-realization and quality of life in general. And mastering NLP methods of influencing people, including language tricks, will help you get what you want from others.

The Power of Beliefs

In NLP, beliefs occupy one of the highest logical levels of the mind. These are the deep, not always realized values ​​of a person, his internal motivation. The main question associated with beliefs is “Why?” For example, you ask a person: “Why don’t you quit this hated low-paid job?” And his conviction answers you: “Where will I go? I can’t do anything else.” The impact of limiting beliefs on our lives is difficult to overestimate. We refuse the best opportunity because “I will never succeed,” we live with an unloved person because “it’s better than being alone,” we live in a dilapidated apartment because “a mortgage is evil.” We tend to convince people and ourselves that all our problems are related to external circumstances and other people. However, in fact, the problem is hidden in our subconscious, and the only solution is to change limiting beliefs to constructive ones.

The human brain can convince itself of anything. With the help of NLP you can do this if you set a goal. Robert Dilts even wrote a book about this, which is called: “Changing Beliefs Using NLP.” Remember the famous phrase from the film: “I am the most charming and attractive.” Why not NLP technique for changing beliefs? It seems that it could be easier than to form new positive attitudes. However, before you take on changing beliefs with the help of NLP, it is necessary to identify those that are destructive and limiting. Many beliefs are formed in early childhood and manifest themselves unconsciously. The experience of failure makes people lose faith in their abilities. Just try to observe yourself from the outside, noting the most commonly used speech phrases. Speech reflects the structure of thinking, so by observing it, you can discover what limits you in life.

Technologies of influence

If you can use neurolinguistic programming to influence your own thinking and learn to manage yourself, then why not use NLP methods to influence another person? After all, you must admit that the ability to persuade and influence people is a very valuable skill. It is difficult to imagine a person whose job title is to manage people, as well as a successful sales manager, without such skills. It is for marketing purposes that neurolinguistic programming is often used as a technology for influencing a potential buyer of a product or service. Many people believe that NLP is just a set of techniques for secretly managing people. Therefore, they are wary of this direction in practical psychology. Who wants to be an object of manipulation?

One of the simplest techniques for influencing an interlocutor is adjustment. The ability to adapt to a person’s representative system, his way of perceiving the world, makes it possible to receive subconscious approval from him. Adjusting to gestures, posture, and manner of speech allows you to become “your own” from the first minutes of the conversation. And if you learn to recognize the psychotypes of others, NLP techniques will be even more effective.

Influencing a person through NLP techniques is not just techniques for secretly controlling people, which are used by the media to manipulate the masses. These are rather certain speech tricks that allow you to establish contact with your interlocutor, build trust and achieve the desired results from communicating with him.

Some tongue tricks

The use of NLP techniques for manipulating consciousness can be compared to the performance of an illusionist, when bright costumes, the play of light and shadow distract the viewer from the essence of the trick. This is how tongue tricks work. You listen to a stranger, and there seems to be nothing special about him, but an invisible trust arises in him, and you are ready to fulfill his request, agree to his proposal. An example of hidden human control through NLP in action can be seen in famous advertising slogans. For example, “the new generation chooses PEPSI.” This phrase touches on the level of identity. A person who identifies himself with the new generation will subconsciously buy this particular soda. NLP manipulation techniques are a kind of hidden speech commands. Here are some examples of language tricks that make it easier to manage people:

  • Socrates' method or three agreements. The technique is based on the inertia of the psyche. The point is, before asking an important question to which you need a positive answer from your interlocutor, ask two or three questions to which he will definitely answer “yes”. Then, by inertia, he will continue to agree with you.
  • The illusion of choice. This technique is very good for parents. The point is, on the one hand, to offer a person a choice, and on the other hand, to encourage him to do what you need. Example: “Will you do your homework before dinner or after?”, “Will you buy the whole set or just one product?” That is, the question of whether to do it or not is not worth it at all.
  • Words that trap consciousness are “you know,” “you understand,” “you are aware.” Example: “Do you realize that you are becoming much more confident after our classes?” It doesn't matter that you haven't really noticed it at all, your consciousness is already trapped.
  • Speech technique for manipulating people “truism”. A statement of reality that is taken on faith. As is the case with PEPSI. Examples of truisms: “all women prefer natural cosmetics”, “everyone says that...”, “people want to feel protected”, “Real men choose...”, etc. Do you recognize the advertising headlines?
  • Commands enclosed in questions. Instead of saying, “Turn the music down,” you say, “Could you turn the music down?”
  • The speech pattern is “than...then.” Connecting what is actually happening with what the manipulator needs: “The longer you listen to our lecture, the more you understand the need to sign an insurance contract.”

These are just some of the language tricks for NLP manipulation. The use of such techniques, along with adjustments, allows you to control other people’s thoughts and decisions, and get what you want from others. The question is, is there any protection against such manipulations, how can you get rid of NLP influence? There is one simple tip that can help. Before agreeing to a deal, purchase, or offer, ask yourself the question: “Do I really need this right now?” If the decision does not need to be made urgently, simply postpone this issue. Over time, your consciousness will wake up and the decision you make will be more conscious.

NLP for love and relationships

Many girls are interested in NLP technologies on the topic: “How to make a man fall in love with you?” Representatives of the stronger sex also often seek to arm themselves with NLP methods of influencing a woman. And NLPers are ready to teach this. NLP technologies and techniques for women are attractive, first of all, because they allow them to manipulate men. How effective is it? Most of the modern literature of this kind cannot be called serious works on NLP. Various brochures, brochures and books like “NLP for Happy Love” by Eva Berger describe basically the same thing and look more like recipes for self-improvement. All seduction and manipulation techniques are based on a woman’s ability to love and respect herself, to be confident in her own exclusivity and irresistibility. Basically, the described NLP techniques for happy love are more like games for housewives who have nothing to do.

However, there are also useful exercises. For example, about how to get rid of various addictions, forget past love and move on with your life. The “drying out” technique will help you get rid of attachment to your ex-partner. This is one of the NLP methods for removing feelings. The point is to find the values ​​that you associate with this person and mentally take them for yourself, in other words, untie these values ​​from your former partner so that they belong only to you.

It’s not entirely clear why women are interested in the topic of how to make a man fall in love with you using NLP. After all, every lady probably has her own tricks in her arsenal to seduce the guy she likes. Rather, men need more help in the question of how to make a girl fall in love with them. All known techniques are suitable for NLP seduction: adjustment, anchoring on happy moments, scrolling through the head of a relationship story with a happy ending, visualizing yourself in the image of an irresistible and sexy Hollywood star. NLPers also offer such a technique as “closer further,” arguing that in this way you can firmly tie a man or woman in love to you. Its essence is that as soon as your partner shows signs of increased interest in you, you should move away a little and stay at a distance from him for some time. The lack of contact with the object of desire binds you to it even more strongly. You can use this technique several times. However, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise such emotional swings and keeping a man at a distance for a long time can play a cruel joke on you.

Is the game worth the candle?

It is difficult to judge how NLP helps in love, happiness and other aspects of life. Success depends on the person who uses the techniques. It is perhaps more a matter of faith and perseverance. If you try a technique once, don’t get results and immediately rush to search for other “happy pills”, it’s unlikely that anything will help you at all. But if you really believe in the capabilities of your brain and practice the technique constantly, you will probably notice changes over time.

And instead of looking for magical NLP techniques to manipulate a man or woman, you should think about whether such relationships are even necessary where we manipulate a person in order to tie him to ourselves? Why waste vital energy on an alliance in which a simple request needs to be couched in a set of verbal techniques? In fact, it will always be easy and simple to reach mutual understanding with a man if your values ​​coincide with him. If in a relationship there is nothing but a sense of duty, there is no spiritual intimacy, then no NLP methods of influencing a man will help. Artificial NLP manipulations are not able to save relationships that have simply outlived their usefulness.
