
Forecast for the year by date of birth. Annual layout How to calculate favorable years using fate cards

Online fortune telling using cards by date of birth

Online forecast of a person’s fate by date of birth. For free and in one click you will receive a table of fate and a complete description of the periods of life for the whole year.

Find out the forecast of your fate, get a warning about what will happen. Knowing the future, you can get rid of troubles and start a new life!

Knowing one's destiny frees a person from both excessive arrogance and excessive pessimism. Knowledge of fate liberates a person and makes him a realist.

Find out your destiny for the year by date of birth

In order to find out your destiny by date of birth, enter your date of birth in the form.

Forecast of fate for the year and Annual layout on the cards

In the system of Fate and Love Cards, the year of a person’s destiny begins not according to the calendar beginning of the year (January 1), but on the person’s birthday. A person's birthday, in the system of Cards of Fate and Love, is a report of the new year and is indicated by a birth card. Therefore, each calendar year for each person is divided into two periods of fate - before the birthday and after.
In the forecast of fate for the year by date of birth, two life scenarios are presented on the cards, according to the first of which calculations of the fate forecast are made before the birthday, and according to the second - after the birthday.

Knowing one's destiny as long as it is present in a person's life allows him to survive. He has something to protect in the grandest sense: his dream, his purpose, the opportunity to live his own life, and not someone else’s. This is the basis of solidarity between those living today and their ancestors and descendants. For an individual, knowledge of his destiny is the maximum volume of life in which he can consider himself a participant. What sets his level of personal development: what he will take upon himself - within the framework of a given destiny. Therefore, it is very important that the meaning of our destiny be revealed with the degree of clarity that is possible today.


The information you read below may change not only your attitude towards a deck of playing cards, but also all your life .

What do you know about maps?


A dubious instrument for fortune telling and predictions in the hands of gypsies and schoolgirls.

For many years I thought the same thing. Until the books fell into my hands Robert Lee Camp

"The Big Book of Fortune-telling" and "Cards of Your Destiny."

To be honest, because of such a “frivolous” title, I would never have paid attention to these books myself. However, providence wanted me not only to discover them, but also to “immerse” myself in them so deeply that after some time I became a professional specialist in reading cards and card layouts, having, among other things, a higher economic and management education.

I fell in love with cards, and the more I study them, the more I see mathematical perfection card system. In my opinion, this is one of the best tools for spiritual growth, self-knowledge and work on yourself.

So what is it Cards?

Have you ever wondered why in the deck 52 cards and 4 suits, and what do they remind us of?

If nothing immediately comes to mind, I’ll answer you: our year and annual calendar!

In the year, as is known, but not everyone realizes, 52 (!) weeks and 4 seasons!

And the whole year is divided into 7 planetary periods according to 52 day!

Is it getting interesting? And this is just the beginning!

Each card in the deck has its own numerical value (numerical value).

Ace - 1, deuce -2,.... jack -11, queen - 12, king - 13!

Let's add up all the numerical values ​​of all the cards in the deck! It will work out... 364!

Doesn't remind you of anything? Perhaps skeptics would like to say now that I am trying to stretch the sum of the numerical values ​​of the cards to the number of days in the year.

But I will remind the skeptics that there is one more special card in the deck, which stands as if apart from the entire deck.

This card is the Joker! And its meaning is attention! - 1 and 1/4.

Total: 365 and 1/4 !!! Thus, the sum of the numerical values ​​of all cards in the deck clearly corresponds number of days in a year !

4 suits correspond to the four seasons and four elements (Water, Air, Earth and Fire). All these things are connected, as anyone familiar with astrology or Tarot cards will confirm.

The 12 meanings of the cards in the deck correspond to 12 months and 12 zodiac signs! I hear, I hear how those who are still among the skeptics are trying to remind me that there are 13 cards in a suit! And I once again want to call on astrologers for help, who will confirm the existence of the 13th zodiac sign - Ophiuchus! And perhaps there was a 13th month that we just don’t know about yet.

If we add the digits of the number 52, we get 5+2 = 7

7 - the number of days of the week, the number of visible planets, the number of corresponding planetary periods in a year. I can talk about the magic number 7 for hours. And here even people far from esotericism will immediately name 7 notes, 7 colors of the rainbow and spectrum, 7 main chakras, 7 heavens.

And those who are at least somehow familiar with any metaphysical sciences will confirm that Seven is the first spiritual number that opens the spiritual sphere. It is not without reason that in everyday life we ​​consider Seven to be the number of luck and good fortune! Experts in the teachings of Rudolf Steiner will confirm that there is a division of life into seven-year periods, and, looking ahead, I will say that in the system described by cards, such a division takes place.

And I want to show you another deck riddle related to the number 7! If you take any suit of 13 cards and arrange these cards in order from left to right, you will see a seven in the very center!

It seems to connect two spheres - earthly (1-6) and spiritual (8-13), and seven really acts as a bridge between the material and spiritual levels. That is why Seven is also called the number of Faith. Because only through Faith we can change our external world with the help of Spiritual Energy, and in a much wiser way than when using our mind, filled with earthly knowledge.

This is what is hidden in such a seemingly ordinary playing deck of cards!

And I dare to assure you that this is only a tiny part of the mathematical patterns encrypted in the cards. Even after 5 years of studying the card system, I still make amazing discoveries in card combinations.

This system is unique, Fate Cards are a magical combination of cards, astrology and numerology, information that can be obtained from it, can become your spiritual guide, helping you better understand how and why you make your life the way it is.

And I realized one more important thing while studying and working with maps. Each card has several meanings and ways of expressing its energy, there are positive and negative aspects. AND only a person's choice, his Will, spiritual level “manifest” and activates various sides and vibrations of the cards in annual and life schedules, as symbols of energy and events occurring in our lives.

So everything is in our hands!

And for this - Cards in hand!

Fate Cards (Love Cards and Fate Matrix) are waiting for you to reveal the secret of your life!

The day on which we are born is determined by one of 53 card symbols. This symbol contains certain properties, just as each element of the periodic table has certain characteristics.

Some elements combine easily, others with difficulty. Some are widely used, while others are found and used very rarely. All this is true of our birth charts, which are somewhat reminiscent of the elements of Mendeleev’s periodic table.

The card associated with our birthday serves as a symbol of a combination of personality and karmic traits. She is not your authentic self. But it helps you see what personality traits you have chosen to express and work through in this life, and also help you understand the patterns that repeat in your life over and over again.

Essentially, all models are copied ways of reacting to certain situations. Typically, the pattern of any birth chart manifests itself in each person as specific personal problems. But these are problems, not predestined curses. With conscious understanding and love, any negative pattern of any card can be transformed into a high expression.

You can step out of the script of your card, rise above it, because you are so much more than it. In fact, we contain the properties and qualities of all 52 cards, and throughout our lives, we somehow make attempts to work with all levels of our evolutionary development, which was originally described by a deck of cards as an encrypted book of all human psychotypes.

Our birth chart serves as a symbol of the main work we have to do in this life. The pattern of our life is formed before we are born, and we choose it ourselves, and this cannot be changed or corrected. The Soul's choice must be made.

Therefore, parents who, for some selfish reasons, decide to interfere in the choice of the baby’s date of birth (for example, using stimulation methods or performing a caesarean section), in addition to purely physiological problems that a competent midwife or osteopath can tell them about, “hang” on the child additional burden in the form of working out several more karmic tasks.

In such children, the Numerological core, which describes the purpose of life and the possibilities for its implementation, our spiritual motivations and methods of life realization, also consists of numbers that are contradictory in their characteristics. Which often has a serious impact on the child’s fate.

To be able to rise above the pattern of our birth chart, we must first understand and accept it, remembering that it is conscious choice of our soul .

The meaning of our incarnation comes down to accepting ourselves with all the positive and negative features of the chart model of the day on which we decided to be born. And only after this can you push those very “Own Boundaries”, become a Free Artist and begin to create your own Canvas of Life!

Natalia Kalyuzhnaya

Fate cards (Love cards)

Natal chart or birth chart often also called a sun chart, much like our astrological sun (zodiacal) sign. All people born under the rule of a particular chart will have a number of similar character traits, although these traits may be expressed differently.

The birth card is the most powerful and important symbol of who we will be in this life. The birth chart is the essence of our soul. This is the card with which we identify most. Each card has a high and low expression. Even though we want to express the highest qualities of our birth chart, we always have the lowest qualities within us. But it depends on our choice which side of our map to present to the world.

If we follow the theory that we ourselves choose the day and place of our birth, the natal chart can be considered as a kind of “case” with appropriate restrictions into which we place ourselves for the rest of our lives.

These “limitations,” whether we like it or not, influence our entire reality until we are consciously able to get out of these frameworks, which, undoubtedly, is our task or the lesson of our life. Having understood and realized these limiting limitations, as well as the inclinations and abilities inherent in us, it becomes easier for us to work on ourselves and reveal our deep (divine) potential.

You can easily determine your natal or birth chart yourself using the table below:


Planetary map is the second most important symbol of our life, with which our behavior is consistent. Some people act more according to their chart than their natal chart. It is determined taking into account the astrological sign.

This is another symbol of what we identify with, but most likely externally. Similar to the rising sign or ascendant in astrological terms.

She shows how we present ourselves to the world , or how the world sees us.

Determining a planetary map is a little more difficult. Since this requires knowledge of the planets that control the signs of the Zodiac, and knowledge of the location of your birth chart in the so-called Solar layout or Life Layout, where each card has its own coordinate points with the corresponding influence of the planets.

Now I can bring to your attention tables with natal and planetary charts for all dates of the year.

In addition, in them you can see your 7 periods of the year, each of which is ruled by one of the 7 planets...


The next most important significators of our personality are our karma arts.

Karma cards also represent different aspects of our personality, but these hidden aspects.

Nevertheless, they exist and have a significant impact on our behavior.

And here, I want to make a small digression and tell you about the magic circle of cards.

A deck of 52 cards is divided into two special groups.

The first group, consisting of 45 cards, forms the magic circle that you see in the picture.

This circle is a cycle of never-ending energy, constantly regenerating itself.

All the cards in it are not placed randomly and in such a way that energy moves from one card to another counterclock-wise .

If you imagine this circle as a group of people holding hands and looking at the center of the circle, the person to your left - This your second "karma card" from which you receive, A on rightthe first "karma card", which you give.

We always we receive with the left female hand , and give it to the right, or male.

One step forward in any direction will show your so-called "cousins ​​of karma". Relationships with which are also quite close, but do not have the degree of intensity that is characteristic of relationships between karma cards.

Thus, energy leaves you in one direction and invariably returns through a certain circle of people, even if you are not aware that the original impulse was sent by you.

That is why in life we ​​do not always see a cause-and-effect relationship. It seems to us that our action should receive a backlash from the person to whom it was somehow directed. But in most cases, we receive “return” completely through other people and after a certain time, until our energy impulse passes through a kind of karmic circle, and will not return to us through the second karma card.

One of the qualities of karma cards is that these relationships are always similar to soulmate relationships . The degree of closeness of such people is very high.

Typically, acquaintances with such people occur under some special circumstances and develop into close relationships quite quickly.

The influence of both karma cards comes from our past lives.

First Karma Card represents to a greater extent negative karmic influence, A second karma card – more positive.

How does this manifest itself?

First Karma Card shows us some weak aspect of our character.

A person whose natal or planetary charts are our first karma map will reflect to us the part of ourselves that we do not love, do not accept, and hide from ourselves and from others. It will act like mirror, therefore can often cause irritation or even indignation. That is why our energy, attention, and efforts will flow towards the first card of karma.

Second karma card represents the area of ​​our life where we have gift or special ability , but we also do not show them to the world.

We like such people, we feel attracted to them. However, we ourselves pose a kind of challenge to them, being for them the first card of karma, reminding them of their own shortcomings.

Therefore, all “karmic relationships,” despite the strong attraction, can be very crafty and intense.

The following table contains all karma cards shown below the main central map.

Test yourself! Have you identified correctly? your karma cards, using karmic circle ?

To be continued…


Don’t let the word “alignment” confuse or confuse you.

In fact, annual schedule according to the system Destiny Cards very far from those card layouts that gypsies or fortune tellers make for girls eager to find out when their prince will ride on a white horse.

Annual layout according to Fate cards determined on the basis of mathematical quadratures and the astrological influence of the planets, as well as the Moon and the Sun.

It combines calendar, numerological, symbolic and astrological influences.

The layout for the year contains cards that will tell you what, when and to whom will happen in the near future.

Layouts for the year are determined for the birth chart (natal chart), planetary chart and your personality chart.

Each of these layouts contains certain information about your life this year. The overall picture consists of these three layouts.

Any map in a yearly scenario (or any other period) symbolizes the event that will happen to you, qualities of personality or consciousness that you acquire or work on during this period, as well as person, which will play an important role in your life in accordance with the scenario and the position of the card in the layout.

There is a plan for the year five cards that determine your life for the whole year.

These are the prospect map, the consequence map (result map), the Pluto map, the environment map and the permutation map (displacement map).

Prospect Map – the main card, which determines the general direction of the year, symbolizes a spiritual state or experience that you gain throughout the year.

Pluto Chart and Consequences Chart are always considered together.

These cards mean problem or lesson The challenges you will have to face, as well as the area of ​​expected changes in life, determine your goals for the coming year, what you are striving for.

In addition to the challenges that arise before you, consequence map (result map) able to outline for you, how will you end the current year?. Anyway her influence is always favorable and extends until the end of the year.

Environment map depicts an area in which you can easily achieve success.

The environment map, like the consequences map, always promises change for the better.

It symbolizes that part of your life in which everything will go well, where you will get maximum results with a minimum of effort.

This may be the person who will source of positive emotions and experiences.

Permutation map describes the area in which you must part with something.

This is kind of the opposite of an environment map.

Firstly, it symbolizes the area of ​​life that will require your active participation.

Secondly, the permutation map can indicate the area of ​​activity in which you are not very sure, you feel unprofessional.

The influence of the permutation map can be very fruitful if you recognize where you need to give your all and just do it. The result will not be long in coming.

Often the permutation card promises changes in life, fulfillment of cherished desires . Don't think she's causing trouble. It may indicate a turning point that will completely change your life.

In addition, the annual layout talks about 7 annual planetary periods, the boundaries of which you can see in the tables above.

IN system of cards of fate and love In addition to the Main Life layout, for each card there are Annual layouts, which represent the Earthly set in miniature for one individual year. It contains the same planets as in, but the annual alignment affects a person only for one year, and the Life Alignment is valid throughout life. The annual layout shows the dynamics of a person’s life in each individual area during a specific year and determines his goals and objectives. According to the annual schedule, you can see the events, the path of development, the difficulties that you will have to face in any year of your life.

Schedule for the year is predetermined, and the set of cards included in it is unique for each year of your life. The annual layout is made on your Birth Card (its meaning can be found out by, and on the page you can read its detailed description).

The year consists of seven planetary periods of 52 days, and each of them corresponds to certain cards. In each period of time, a person is in a certain planetary period of his year: the period of Mercury begins on the person’s birthday, then the period of Venus begins, after that the period of Mars, etc. until the end of the year and the beginning of the next. The charts of each planetary period influence and determine the events of that time period. (Additional Information .)

In the layout for the year according to the Fate (Love) Cards, you will see the date on which each planetary period of your year begins and the cards that influence it. Most periods correspond to two cards (the Neptune period has one or two).

Attention! Your personal year begins not on January 1st, but on your birthday. The annual layout is also done starting from your birthday, depending on the selected year for which the layout will be made. For example: you were born on July 17, 1980 and want to know your annual calendar for 2016. Your Birth Card is the Jack of Clubs and your Mercury period always, in any year, starts on July 17 and always ends on September 6th, the day before the Venus period begins. By choosing the year 2016 to draw up the layout, you will see that your personal year and, accordingly, the period of Mercury begins on July 17, 2015, the period of Venus - September 7, 2015, the period of Mars - October 29, 2015, the period of Jupiter - December 20, 2015, Saturn period - February 10, 2016, Uranus period - April 3, 2016, Neptune period - May 25, 2016. Your next personal year begins on July 17, 2016. To make an annual layout for it, you need to select 2017 in the form.

In this version of the annual layouts, the cards are presented with their brief general meaning.

Schedule for the year
Select day, month, year of birth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2015 20 14 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 198 4 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 195 9 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 193 4 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 190 9 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 1899 1898 1897 1896 1895 1894 1893 1892 1891 1890 1889 1888 1887 1886 1885 188 4 1883 1882 1881 1880 1879 1878 1877 1876 1875 1874 1873 1872 1871 1870 1869 1868 1867 1866

Select the year for which you want to make a schedule

2035 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Start of planetary period day/month/year
Start of planetary period day/month/year
Start of planetary period day/month/year
Start of planetary period day/month/year
Start of planetary period day/month/year
Start of planetary period day/month/year
Pluto (Life Challenge Card)
Map of consequences (Pluto-result, result of the Life Task)
Space lesson

What determines our successes and failures? What problems will have to be solved in the near and distant future? These are the questions we ask ourselves at the beginning of each year, worrying about our own plans and contemplating desires. People try to get answers to them in different ways. One of the most reliable and objective ones is provided by the Tarot system. With its help, you can, knowing your age that you will reach in a certain year, figure out what it is advisable to pay increased attention to during this period of time, what your likely achievements will be, and also how to find out timely warnings about possible difficulties.

So, how to get a Tarot forecast for the year by date of birth? For this, only two numbers are needed - the number of the year for which the forecast is being made, and the number of years that the person will “turn” during this period of time. These numbers are summed up. The result obtained is added up by numbers. The result should be a number in the range from 1 to 22. If it is more, find the sum of the numbers again. This range (1-22) is due to the fact that the Tarot forecast for the year is made with the help of the Major Arcana. The resulting final number means the number of the Major Arcana, which will govern a person’s life throughout the year.

Here is an example of calculation. The person was born in 1978. We make a forecast for 2016. Accordingly, in 2016 he turns 38 years old. We count: 2016+38=2054, 2+0+5+4=11. Number 11 has the Arcana Strength.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. Therefore, determine the person’s Arcana, read the forecast and draw conclusions...

Description of the Tarot arcana in the forecast for 2020 by date of birth:


(c) Nadezhda Romanova

Astrologer, Tarot reader, Feng Shui specialist

So, to make a forecast for any union, we will use the numbers of the year. Annual cycles are the most important; they show the main trends in the development of relations, turning points. By calculating your relationship with a loved one in advance, you can learn about problematic years and take the necessary measures.

You can also look at smaller periods - months, even days, but these are secondary cycles. Although, sometimes it is useful to calculate the required month. For example, to choose the best time for a joint vacation or business visit.

Let's move directly to the calculation method.

1) First, we make a paired portrait, which consists of 4 cards of the major arcana of the Tarot. I described in detail how to do this in


For example, 2010 = 2+0+1+0 = 3 Empress
1998 = 1+9+9+8 = 27 – 22 = 5 Dad

3) Now we add the number of the year of interest one by one to all 4 arcana of the paired portrait. Let's do this with an example union of Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov.

Their paired portrait looks like this.

Union – 19 Sun
Allah - 8 Justice
Philip - 5 Dad
Bottom line - 10 Fortune

Let's see what could happen in their lives in 1994.

1994 = 1+9+9+4 = 23 – 22 = 1 Mage

Union – 19 + 1 = 20 Court
Alla – 8 + 1 = 9 Hermit
Philip – 5 + 1 = 6 Lovers
Total – 10 + 1 = 11 Strength

Thus, we received a breakdown of the union maps in time.

Several rules of interpretation.

1) Of course, in order to correctly interpret the forecast, you need to know the major arcana of the Tarot very well. I have already written that in each specific case there must be an individual approach. But there are some general rules.

2) The “result” and “union” cards are the most important indicators.

Soyuz map describes the basic atmosphere that will reign between people in the year of interest.

“Itoga” card can show the most important events of the year that will occur in partnerships.

“Union” often shows the events of the first half of the year, and “Result” - the second half of the year, how the year will end for a particular couple.

3) Partner cards show how people will behave in partnerships throughout the year, and what problems there may be. Also, how partners will treat each other, how they will feel.

4) Troubled years 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 22. Especially if they are “Union” or “Result” cards. If these cards appear in the “Result”, then the relationship may end in a breakdown. But here you need to be careful, since the appearance of cards 22 Jester or 18 Moon in a marital relationship they can talk about the birth of a child!

5) Positive years There will be those years when the following arcana appear in a paired portrait - 6, 7, 10, 11, 17, 19, 21 . Especially if they are “Union” or “Result” cards.

6) For love relationships, the appearance of lasso – 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 17, 19, 20, 21 in the positions of “Result” or “Union” they can speak about marriage!

7) If a negative card appears in the “Union” position, and a positive one in the “Result” position, then the year will be tense, but the partners will not separate.

8) If a positive card appears in the “Union” position, and a negative card appears in the “Result” position, then you need to look at the partners’ cards, they will play an important role. If the partners' cards are not very good, the alliance may fall apart. If the partners' cards are positive, then there will be a critical year, but people will remain together.

9) The appearance of people's cards can speak about interference in the relationships of other persons.

1 – peers, friends, brothers, sisters
2 – mother, relatives
3 – mistress, girlfriends
4 – lover, friends (men)
5 – father, relatives (men)
9 – elderly relatives, grandparents
17 – friends
18 – women in general, mother
19 – men in general, father
20 – relatives in general
22 – child

To understand how exactly strangers will influence relationships, you need to analyze the entire situation and use your intuition.

Most often, if a man has female cards in a love union, this may indicate the appearance of a mistress. Women's cards - 2, 3, 18.

Most often, if a woman has male cards in a love union, this may indicate the appearance of a lover. Men's cards - 1, 4, 5, 19.

Common Treason Cards – 6, 15, 18!

BUT, here you need to be careful in drawing conclusions, since card 18, for example, can mean the birth of a child. And 19 for a woman can simply describe that she will be very happy in this union during a particular year or her personality will actively develop.

In a love union, if a man has masculine cards, this can also speak of marriage, that is, the man acquires the status of “husband”! The same situation is for a woman if she has female cards.

10) Birth of children often occurs when the following cards appear in the layout - 1, 2, 3, 5, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22! The most powerful Significators - 18 and 22.

11) Pay attention to the appearance in the layout karmic cards8, 10, 20! In any position, these cards will speak of special years. These are years of karmic processing for the union; most often they are marked by important events - marriage, birth of a child, divorce. To understand exactly how a card will play out, you need to look at the entire layout.

Cards can appear in any position, but they are most powerful in the positions of partner cards. Also, the more there are, the greater the chance of having a child this year.

These are the basic rules of interpretation that will help you draw the right conclusions.

Addition from the website website

Try making a prediction for your couple using built-in calculator.

Let's look at specific examples of how this technique works.

It was not for nothing that I cited 1994 as an example for the union Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov. This year they got married. Let's look at the cards of the year again.

Union – 20 Court
Allah - 9 Hermit
Philip - 6 Lovers
Bottom line - 11 Strength

What's striking here is 20 Court. Firstly, the card is karmic, that is, this year will be very important for this couple. Secondly, a card indicating the creation of a family, marriage. And 11 is also associated with marriage. They signed in the first half of the year (20), and in November they gave a grand concert in America (11 Strength). For Philip 6 it is quite appropriate, but Alla’s card is interesting. Why 9 Hermit?! On the one hand, this shows that she was not very emotionally involved in the situation; it is unlikely that she had real feelings for Philip. A hermit is a wise person who makes very balanced and thoughtful decisions. So for Alla it was more of a profitable step than a love passion.

In 2005, the official divorce of this couple was announced. Let's get a look. 2005 = 7 Cart. We are building a couple portrait for this year.

Union – 19 + 7 = 26 – 22 = 4 Emperor
Alla – 8 + 7 = 15 Devil
Philip – 5 + 7 = 12 Hanged Man
Total – 10 + 7 = 17 Star

Of course, we do not know all the details of this union. What television shows is one thing, but reality is completely different. Here, the 4th Emperor is in the “Union” position. This, on the one hand, is the influence of some man on the relationship, the intervention of third parties. On the other hand, the Emperor often talks about a power struggle in a relationship, especially if there are 2-3 negative cards. And they are here - the Devil and the Hanged Man. This is exactly the case when it is important to look at the entire layout.

You can see for yourself that the partners’ positions are extremely difficult this year; one could say in advance that the year will be a conflict, and Philip is clearly not in the best position. He has lasso 12 Hanged Man, which denotes the position of the victim.

The final card 17 suggests that the divorce will not be very painful and people will remain friends.

Let's look at another pair, which I also discussed in the previous article. This is Princess Diana and Prince Charles. Their portrait looks like this.

Union – 10 Fortune
Diana – 13 Death
Charles – 17 Star
Bottom line - 18 Moon

In 1981 they got married. 1981 = 1+9+8+1 = 19 Sun

Union – 10 + 19 = 29 – 22 = 7 Cart
Diana – 13 + 19 = 32 – 22 = 10 Fortune
Charles – 17 + 19 = 36 – 22 = 14 Moderation
Total – 18 + 19 = 37 – 22 = 15 Devil

Again Diana’s Karmic number is 10 Fortune. And 7 often appears during marriage. Why Cart? Because people usually move to a new house after marriage, a change in destiny. The devil here is not bad, since the rest of the cards are positive and speaks of a strong sexual desire.

In 1982, their son William was born. 1982 = 1+9+8+2 = 20 Court

Union – 10 + 20 = 30 – 22 = 8 Justice
Diana – 13 + 20 = 33 – 22 = 11 Strength
Charles – 17 + 20 = 37 – 22 = 15 Devil
Total – 18 + 20 = 38 – 22 = 16 Tower

Diana's birth chart is 11 Strength. Charles also has a child's birth chart - 15 Devil. Why does the Devil talk about the birth of a child? This is a map of sexual energy, which can result in the birth of a new life. But this card must have other confirmations. In this case, there are 11 Strength and 8 - a karmic card, indicating a turning point in the lives of the partners. Although the year itself was not very easy in terms of communication.

In 1984, their second son, Harry, was born. 1984 = 1+9+8+4 = 22 Jester. When the number of the year is 22, then we can not count anything, but simply look at the portrait cards, since the numbers will be the same.

Union – 10 Fortune
Diana – 13 Death
Charles – 17 Star
Bottom line - 18 Moon

Here, karmic card 10 again indicates the birth of children! And also eloquent cards - 18 Moon and 13 Death.

Important nuance! When a portrait for a specific year contains birth cards for children and these cards are negative (13, 15, 18), then the relationship in a couple that year will not necessarily be bad. All the energy will be spent on the birth of the child and there will not be much negativity. But if there is no child, then the year can be very difficult.

Diana and Charles's marriage ended in 1992. 1992 = 1+9+9+2 = 21 World

Union – 10 + 21 = 31 – 22 = 9 Hermit
Diana – 13 + 21 = 34 – 22 = 12 Hanged Man
Charles – 17 + 21 = 38 – 22 = 16 Tower
Total – 18 + 21 = 39 – 22 = 17 Star

Nothing surprising, with such cards. And even the final 17th Star did not save the situation. In 1992, the couple separated, and an official divorce followed in 1996. 1996 = 1+9+9+6 = 25 – 22 = 3 Empress

Union – 10 + 3 = 13 Death
Diana – 13 +3 = 16 Tower
Charles – 17 + 3 = 20 Court
Total – 18 + 3 = 21 World

Judgment (20) shows the karmic year for the family. Death doesn't give you a chance to stay. And the World in this case gets a negative connotation, since the rest of the cards are complex. The world is the result, the end, the completion. And this divorce thundered throughout the whole WORLD!

I can give many more examples, they all show the high efficiency of the system, the main thing is to have a good understanding of the TAROT and COUNT CORRECTLY!

2010 Nadezhda Romanova
