
Complex exercises for the muscles of the sternum for men. Program of training of pectoral muscles for weight. Features of female training of nursing on weight

Learn how beginners can pump massive pectoral muscles! This manual will describe the breast, its function and recommended exercises. Try these 5 wonderful pectoral muscle training programs for its size!

Do your pectoral muscles resemble a sheet of plywood instead of muscle mountains that you always wanted? Do you spend countless hours on bench press without adding in size? Have you started thinking that you are not meant to have pumped-up pectorals? Well, stop right there, you're wrong ...

How to train the nurses for the mass of the house?

First, continue your traditional exercises on the chest - barbells and dumbbells, machine chests, dumbbells and machine chests. Two of the best exercises on the chest, which are aimed at both basic and small, is the decline of the press and failures.

Do this simple experiment: put your left hand on your right hand. Steer the right hand to the side, and then bend it horizontally from the front, as if doing a chest. Pay attention to how you feel the right to contract and go up.

I can not promise that you will ever have the breast of the great Arnold Schwarzenegger, but I can promise that you will be able to change your breasts and add size to it if you are willing to listen to me.

In the article below, I will describe the anatomy of the breast, its function and location in the body, and a few exercises for each breast area. Finally, what you expected, I will add 5 of my favorite training programs to help turn your flat chest into a huge muscle plate!

Training program for the mass of pectoral muscles

Now do the following: from this position, slowly lower your right hand down and inward to the midline of the body. Do you feel an even more complete contraction of the hand when the hand moved to this position? It is here that the most complete contraction of the sternum-rib spots and the baby is directed downward and the inner movement of the shoulder to the midline of the body.

Therefore, to directly direct the greatest amount of muscle fibers to the lower region of the chest, go after the failures, the decline of the press and the dumbbell fall. Pullovers and tight helmsmen are aimed at stern-coastal pawns. Traditionally, most exercises for stretching the upper body have been classified as exercises on the back. But when the upper arm is bent, she pushes her hand down. The above-mentioned pullovers are actually aimed at stern-shore bindings because of their function in increasing their hands down.

The breast consists of two muscles that work together to make the breast work. These muscles are large chest and small chest. Basically, the small pectoral muscle is located directly under the large pectoral muscle. In general, these pectoral muscles begin in the collarbone and insert into the sternum and the region of the armpit. (Brachial bone)

Three different functions of the pectoral muscle are the rotation of your hands on the sides, up and down, and the classic jerky hand movement. The main recommended exercises for building your breasts include bench press and the cultivation of dumbbells in the sides.

Pullovers and callouts with short grip are also exercises on the chest, and not just exercises from behind. Our muscular system is amazing! Again, put your left hand on your right arm. Now bend the right hand so that it is parallel to the ground. Raise this arm up and inward. Pay attention that the upper contract for pawns is greater than the lower one.

All previous information can be reduced to this list. Here are the most effective exercises that maximally target and develop a person's chest. Booms, dumbbells or machine inclined presses. A fly swatter or a machine. Pullovers or ejectors. The front raises Ganta with a weapon that converges along the midline of the body.

  • Booms, dumbbells or pressure reducing machines.
  • Flies of dumbbells or cars.
  • Weighted or machine dips.
  • Booms, dumbbells or machine chests.
  • Dumbbell or machine chest.
There are two approaches to creating an impressive chest. "The classic method is to isolate the pectoral muscles and minimize the involvement of other, secondary muscles," says the famous trainer Steve Liskin. "However, a more intelligent plan for greater strength and strength begins with training your breasts, shoulders, triceps and other upper body muscles to work together."

Although the breast consists of one whole muscle, it should be trained, as if it were broken into 3 parts. The upper, central and lower chest are best stimulated by changing the angle at which the exercise is performed.

The upper part of the breast is better stimulated when exercising with a 30-45% tilt of the bench up. For example: barbell and dumbbell bench presses or dumbbell cultivation to the sides (all exercises are performed on an inclined bench upwards) gorgeous exercises for the upper chest

Combined exercises that include the upper body and include the functional strength of the core will cause your muscles to work together. This plan gives you exercises that isolate the muscles of the chest from the sizes and exercises that unite your shoulders and triceps as strength. Bench press.

The best programs for training pectoral muscles

Barbell Bench Press Lie on a bench with your feet on the floor. Take the bar with the upper grip, the arms slightly wider than the width of the shoulders. Remove the bar from the stand and place it over the chest with your hands. Slowly lower the bar to the chest, just below your nipples. Pause, then press the weight back until the hands again become straight. After completing the set, return the bar to the posts and go to the dumbbell dam.

The central part of the breast is best stimulated when exercising on an even bench. For example: the bar press and dumbbell lying down or the dilution of dumbbells to the sides (all exercises are performed on an even sloping bench), magnificent exercises for the central part of the chest.

The lower part of the chest is best stimulated when exercising with a 30-45% tilt of the bench down. For example: press the barbells and dumbbells lying or dilution of dumbbells to the sides (all exercises are performed on an incline bench down), magnificent exercises for the lower part of the chest.

The dam bench. Grab a couple of dumbbells and go back to the bench, placing the goods on the sides of the chest. Press the dumbbells straight up, lower them and repeat for one set. Look at your form: during the barbell and dumbbells. Avoid flexing your back when you push weight over the chest. This leads to a trauma to your spine. Instead, press your back into the bench and hold your abs.

When it comes to determining the chest, many of them lag behind their upper chest. Now the eternal controversy about whether it is possible to isolate the upper chest is continuing. One side says that it is impossible to isolate parts of your pectoral muscles, while the other says that you can. For example, if you are making an inclined press, you will work with your entire chest, but you can concentrate more on cutting the top of your chest. This is a concept known as the connection of the muscles of the mind.

I believe that all areas of the breast are best suited to a small (4-6) or average (8-12) number of repetitions of exercises. Rarely, I will add a large number of approaches for beginners. I believe that a lot of weight helps to build a bigger chest than the one needed for beginners. I also believe that free weight should be your foundation at the very beginning, especially if your chest is a weak point. In my opinion, free weight develops the breast much better than simulators.

To identify the lagging parts of the body, establishing the connection of the muscles of the mind can be vital. This procedure will be intensive and involves the use of sets of pyramids and sets of falls. To maintain the pace of the heart rate for periods of rest up to 45 seconds. Set the bench at an angle of 30 degrees. Start your first set with a weight that you are comfortable doing with 15 repetitions, and continue to increase the weight by about 5 pounds after each set, that is, if you start with a dumbbell 60 pounds for your set of 15, you will go to a dumbbell to 65 pounds for you a set of 12 and so on.

Now that you have understood what muscles the chest consists of, its function, the location in the body, and the number of approaches necessary to enhance it, let's give you a few exercises that will help you build up your breasts.

All exercises must be performed in excellent technique, because the bad technique or habits that you acquire will now persecute you and lead to a lack of progress, or worse, in the future to trauma. A lot, if not all of the following exercises will be new for you.

Exercise # 2: Inclined swing on the inclination - 4 sets of 10, drop set on the last

When typing pyramids, you do not want to maximize the number of first sets. You may need some trial version and error to determine the correct weight for you, if you have not already made the pyramids. The use of dumbbells is a movement of isolation and, consequently, relieves muscle imbalance over time. In doing so, do not hesitate to replace it with an inclined rod slope, if this is what you prefer. You probably have not done this movement before, so you'll have to experiment to determine the correct weight for you.

5 Best programs for training pectoral muscles

First: Day of the upper chest

  3 times for 8 approaches
Bench press lying at an angle upward middle grip
  3 times for 4-6 approaches

Dumbbell lying down at an angle
  3 times for 8-12 approaches

Push ups*
  3 times for 12 approaches

Second: Day of the middle part of the chest

  3 sets of 12 reps
Bench press with medium chest grip on a horizontal bench
  3 times for 4-6 approaches

Dumbbell bench press lying on a horizontal bench
  3 times for 8 approaches

Breeding dumbbells lying on a horizontal bench
  3 times for 8-12 approaches

Third: Day of the lower chest

Bench barbell middle chest grip on an inclined board down
  3 times for 4-6 approaches

Dumbbell presses lying on an inclined board down
  3 times for 8 approaches

Dumbbell cultivation, lying on an inclined board head down
  3 times for 8-12 approaches

  Push ups*
  3 times for 12 approaches

Fourth: An intensive press day

  Bench press lying on a horizontal bench
  3 times for 4-6 approaches

Bench Pressing Angle Up
  3 times for 4-6 approaches
  Bench bar from the chest on the inclined bench head down
  3 times for 4-6 approaches

  3 times for 8-12 approaches

Fifth: Day of dumbbells

The dumbbell press lies at an angle of 45 ° upwards
  3 times for 8-12 approaches
Dumbbell bench press lying on an incline bench upside down
  3 times for 8-12 approaches

Dumbbell press lying on a horizontal bench
  3 times for 8-12 approaches

Push-ups on the bars - an option for pectoral muscle
  3 times for 8-12 approaches

I use these five workouts to help increase my breasts. This was my weak point for me because of shoulder surgery in 2005. I use more weight now than when I started, but the basic weight-lifting exercises are the best to create a tight, unbreakable muscle mass that you've always been looking for!

Exercise # 3: Rejection deviation - 4 sets of 10

But do not maximize the first set, because then you can not execute all 4 sets with the same weight. On your last set continue to reduce your dumbbell by 10 pounds until you reach the dumbbell 10 pounds. Actually, focus on reducing this movement and do not worry about weight. The bench for reducing pressure is designed to strike on the bottom of the chest. Now you can ask about the reverse capture. Canadian scientists have found that a bench with a reverse grip stimulates about 30% more pen activity than conventional grip.

Take your homework

I want you to choose one of the exercises above and use it for 4-6 weeks, trying to increase the working weight of each workout (using the right technique), then choose another pectoral muscle training and repeat the process.

And the funny part comes, "The time to swing." You have the knowledge and your workouts are planned, so "RUN AN IMMEDIATELY."

Exercise No. 4: Cable Crossings - 4 sets of 12, drop set on the last

With a decrease in re-capture, click to get the best of both worlds, you hit the bottom chest and the top chest. A reverse grip can be uncomfortable for you, so try a lower weight than normal. Focus on good form and take your hands back to really feel the stretch in your chest. Cable crossings are great for breast enlargement. A good form should be your only focus. At the last stretch to the lightest weight.

Based on:


I welcome all lovers of a healthy lifestyle and sport!

Today in this article we will consider various training programs for pectoral muscles. Increase the mass of pectoral muscles, strength and consider explosive training. Everyone wants to get strong muscles, and of course great. Consider all these wishes. In previous articles we learned about the pectoral muscles and from training to various parts of the muscles of the chest.

At this point, your chest will be quite worn out, but if you feel that you have it in yourself, this finisher will really add the last blow. You probably will not be able to do very much, but each one must be unsuccessful. Just one point to mention is that you should focus on the variation of the chest for the fall. This means that he is inclined to dive.

Listen, no matter how many muscles you have, you can not show it without. This exercise routine will give you a muscle, but the extent of your determination will largely depend on your fat. Of course, the main determinant of body fat is nutrition. What worked for me in terms of diet was. You can try, or try something else. Get them before training and right after. Without excess energy coming from carbohydrates, your body will start using fat for fuel.

Training program for the mass of pectoral muscles

Any athlete who visits the gym performs exercises on the pectoral muscles and this is done correctly, because the chest is the card of your body, the standard of your success in bodybuilding or fitness. Therefore, they pay great attention to the construction of this part of their body. But sometimes, especially beginners for the early receipt of the result begin to abuse one exercise bench press lying down for a set of mass. I want to remind you a little that our muscles are under stress and muscle cells begin to grow only when performing different types of exercise, as when doing the same exercises on a daily basis, stress does not come and does not lead to an increase in mass, because the body already knows in advance that you will perform. Therefore, for effective growth of muscle tissue of the pectoral muscles, it is necessary to use such a load regime in the training program, so that an excellent result is obtained from this.

This will allow you to stay filled while caloric deficiency. You can also check the critical scanner program. It really takes things to the next level with bench press. What's the matter, how much work are you willing to invest in it. What you are investing is that you are going out. This requires hard work, but every training will help you approach you one step. This is my best breast training for the determination, and it is focused mainly on removing the upper chest. You can not have too much trunk, and most people who go to the gym are too few.

To do this, you need to learn a number of points

  • use two exercises and perform them at a high-intensity pace of 6-8 repetitions.
  • use two exercises and perform them with small scales, qualitatively and with great repetition 12-15 times.
  • after training, stretch the pectoral muscles. To do this, it is necessary to rest against the wall at the distance of the outstretched arm or two and, with your hand on it, carry out the movement of the chest forward.

If these moments are observed, we create conditions for the growth and load of the pectoral muscles.

Try this procedure, see if it works for you and customize it as you like. What is your favorite exercise on the chest? Is he included in this routine? Without using equipment, the squeezing exercise uses your own body weight to add the resistance that you usually find from the weight or the machine.

The more you contract your muscles, the more resistance you add. Traditional push-up uses the abdominal muscles and pawns as the main moving muscles for exercise. Smaller arm muscles are also used, but not where the strength for exercises comes. Come to the position of the board with your hands and feet. Take the arms slightly wider than the width of the shoulders. Breathe in and bend your elbows, lowering your body evenly, until you bring it over the ground.

Now consider the program of training pectoral muscles for weight

When executing this program, please note:

  • the program is performed once a week or on a day when you perform exercises on the back or biceps
  • the program is designed for 6 weeks, after which it is necessary to change the training program
  • the working weight in the basic exercises must be performed by you in the established quantitative repetition or by one repetition more
  • weight with isolated exercises, pick up, which you master and correctly perform with 12-15 working repetitions.

With an increase in working scales, and this inevitably occurs with intensive training, the progress of the pectoral muscles progresses, not only to increase, but also to force. To consider the issue

Exhale and climb to Planck. When you do this, the muscles of the chest and abs are compressed, so that you raise, which increases strength, as you hold. Come on your knees. Bring the wrist, elbows and shoulders in a line. Step the right foot back, and then left, to lengthen the legs. Draw your navel in your spine.

Try to hold for 30 seconds to one minute, without sinking into the shoulders or hitting the thighs. Yoga-push-up or low push-up is another isometric exercise. In this version of pushup, you hold the bottom of the push-up, with your arms hanging at an angle of 90 degrees, and your elbows push against your chest. In this version, the abdominal muscles light up and shrink deeply to keep you from the ground, not allowing the hips to sink or lift.

Program of exercises for the strength of pectoral muscles

Let's consider the basic principles of training pectoral muscles for strength:

  • a cyclic increase in working weight with a decrease in the number of repetitions. To increase the weight of the bar we will not every training session, but in a week, while reducing the number of repetitions while doing this.
  • the increase in working weight should occur only in the basic exercises, since in isolated we continue to pay attention to the quality of the technique of execution. As the strength in the basic exercises increases, accordingly, weight gain in isolated exercises will also be reflected.
  • to maintain the intensity of the load, creatine must be taken in order to maintain a high load and to avoid a shortage in the body.

Now the program itself

1,3,5,7 weeks

2,4,6, weeks


  • every second workout (2,4,6) you need to increase the weight in the first two exercises by 2-2.5 kg while decreasing the repetition to 4.
  • every first workout (3,5,7) is practicing the previously increased working weight, but already for 6 repetitions
  • increase in the second training is not more than 2.5 kg, because in the following you have to raise it not 4, but already 6 times.
  • duration of this program on the strength of pectoral muscles 7 weeks
  • the program is suitable for training in one day of back or biceps

With the correct implementation of this program you are provided with an increase in working weight in the basic exercises of 7 kg, do not forget to eat and rest properly. After passing through this complex, you can safely transition to complexes to increase the mass of pectoral muscles. Since the intensity of the force load more effectively affect the increase in mass.

Heavy and explosive training for pectoral muscles

For effective work on the pectoral muscles, we use days with "heavy" loads and with "light", since constantly high loads can lead to overtraining and loss of strength and desire to visit the gym. Therefore, competent athletes train precisely on this scheme "light" and "heavy" days. In heavy days, the weight should be 85% of the one-time maximum ( RM) of weight at 6-8 repetitions, in the lungs - 70% ( RM) -10-12 repetitions, at the same time we work until failure. Such a training program allows you to avoid getting used to the same type of load, and we avoid overtraining.

Under "heavy" days, we take exercises, with a maximum weights of 1-5 repetitions. Perform a set of 2-5 repetitions and one set with one repeat with the maximum weight. Under "light" or "explosive" days, we take 50% of the RM from your one-time maximum. On this day we perform the pumping of explosive force using the speed of sharpness in motion. We perform 3 repetitions from 50% of the RM, but at the maximum rate. On this easy day, you do not need to perform more than 3 repetitions per set. Here we are aiming to increase the explosive power of our pectoral muscles for this we need speed of execution.

Hard day


Intensity (% of PM)

The bench press1 10 50%
1 5 70%
1 3 80%
3 1-3 90-100%
Dumbbell bench press1 5 75%
2 3-5 85-95%
Bench press on an incline bench1 5 75%
3 3-5 85-95%

Explosive or easy day

By "explosive" push-up we mean push-up, in the upper phase of which we throw our body a little and tear our palms off the floor and immediately squeeze it off and repeat the process. Combine these two factors with a heavy and explosive training and in 4-6 weeks you can easily switch to a program to set the mass of pectoral muscles. Best regards, Sergei.

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