
How to survive in all, even the most difficult life situations. In some cases, it will only help to get out. "You need it - you do it." What has been - what has passed What would your hero do

In the life of every person there are situations from which, it would seem, it is impossible to find a way out. In such cases, the main thing is not to give up and not lose confidence in yourself. To get rid of problems and stop the flow of failures, use effective methods.

Life is unpredictable. As experience shows, every person has encountered situations from which it is very difficult to find a way out. At such moments, it seems to us that it is already impossible to return peace and harmony to our lives. However, it is not. It turns out that in many cases a person invents problems for himself, because of which there is a feeling that a black streak has begun in life. If you're having trouble, don't get lost and depressed. Instead, pull yourself together and try to resolve a difficult life situation. Three simple but effective ways will help you with this.

Method one - stop the internal dialogue

Not always our thoughts are correct and reasonable. Sometimes the inner voice is our indispensable assistant, but in difficult situations we too often succumb to emotions. Because of this, it is impossible to make the right decision.

Before you pause your internal dialogue, ask yourself again:

  • What tools are available to me to deal with this situation?
  • Is the situation really complex and hopeless?
  • Perhaps I am jumping to conclusions?
  • Are my thoughts correct in this situation?
  • Is there another way to look at this situation?
  • Is it true that my situation is so terrible?
  • Do my thoughts help find a way out of this situation?

After asking yourself the above questions, try to answer each of them. After that, very often it turns out that the problem is just a figment of your imagination. In fact, your situation is not as deplorable as you think.

If you have come to the conclusion that there really is a problem, start looking for ways to solve it. By answering the first question, you will be able to find out what tools and options are available to you to deal with this situation.

Sometimes thoughts only bring us down and do not help us find the right way out. In this case, action is required. Perhaps, once again thinking about your problem, you are only delaying time. By answering the last question, you can summarize and proceed to the solution.

Method two - rely on life experience

Everyone has faced difficult situations at least once in their life. Based on life experience, you will be able to find the right solution to the problem both in the present and in the future.

In difficult situations, you can rely not only on your own, but also on the experience of loved ones. As you already understood, at such moments the help of others will not hurt you. You can choose a friend or relative as an adviser. You need to fully open up to the person and describe in detail the picture of what is happening. To understand the complexity of this problem, ask the interlocutor to be as frank with you as possible. Perhaps with the support and advice of another person, you can solve the problem.

If you do not want to share your problems with others, try to get the most out of own experience. Remember: you may have had to deal with a similar nuisance before. Consider what advice you would give your friend if he were in your position. V this moment the solution to your problem depends only on you, and the answers to the questions posed may be hidden in your past.

Method three - find the source of the problems

Environment, work, memories of the past - all this can be the cause of your problems. You need to understand your life and understand what could have caused this situation. If you realize that there is a burden in your life that prevents you from moving on, you need to immediately get rid of it, otherwise difficulties will haunt you all the time.

Try to analyze the problem again and think about what led to its appearance. Sometimes the reason lies precisely in our environment: the friends we trust and with whom we share our experiences are sometimes not the ones they try to impersonate. In this case, their advice and help will only harm you. Sadly, in this case, there is only one way out - to break unnecessary ties. By getting rid of useless relationships, you can eliminate difficulties and change your life for the better.

Work is one of the common causes of our difficulties. Pressure from the authorities, the intrigues of colleagues, low wages can drive us into the most hopeless situation. Consider: maybe you are in the wrong place right now. In this case, do not be afraid to change your life and boldly go in search of new job. It is likely that soon you will get rid of problems and discover new talents in yourself.

Sometimes we ourselves are to blame for our troubles. We make unnecessary acquaintances, waste time in vain and try to cling to the past. In this case, you need to conduct a thorough work on yourself. Learn to get rid of negative thoughts and make only deliberate decisions. Always plan your actions and do not let random situations ruin your plans. In this case, you will learn to control your life and be able to overcome any difficulties that come your way.

People tend to help each other in difficult situations. However, sometimes, without noticing it ourselves, we hang other people's problems on ourselves, because of which they automatically become ours. To avoid difficulties, find out

Ecology of life. Psychology: Stuck in a problem? Don't see a solution? Creative coaching techniques will help you get out of a difficult situation...

If you're feeling bogged down in a problem or overwhelmed, here are 5 creative solutions to help you get out of a difficult situation quickly.

I have tried and tested them on hundreds of my coaching clients over the past 15 years.

Therefore, I recommend using them with full confidence in situations in which you are faced with some kind of difficult problem or test, and you need to use all your resources of creativity and courage to get out of these troubles.

How to solve "unsolvable" problems

1. Magic word "Instead"

If you feel like you're in trouble,it is very easy to get caught up in the problem of thinking. The problem seems so overwhelming that it takes over all mental space, leaving very little wiggle room.

There is also a well-known theory that says that in order to solve a problem, you need to carefully analyze it and understand - where it came from, what gave rise to it, what it means, etc.

I will not describe this theory in detail, because I have seen so many cases where dwelling on your problems led to an aggravation of the situation. It will come as a big surprise when you discover how effective STOP thinking about the problem and START thinking about options and potential solutions.

That's when the magic word "Instead" comes into its own.

I used the word so often in my coaching sessions that I thought it would lose its finesse - but apparently it will never lose its effectiveness, at least when it comes to getting clients to think about what they want. and not about their problems.

So, the next time you are faced with a confusing problem or a difficult situation with no way out or solution in sight, ask yourself:

  • What do I want instead?
  • What would I like to do instead?
  • What would I like to think about instead?
  • What would I like to feel instead?
  • What would I like to say instead?
  • What am I going to do instead?

And as soon as you get a few precise and specific answers - start putting them into practice right now. You will be pleasantly surprised by the results.

2. What would you do if you didn't have a head?

Thinking has been overrated too much. Of course, there is an appropriate time and place for it, but I noticed thatoverthinking is one of the classic ways that human beings get stuck in difficult situations.

You can think, think and think again about some problem or situation. As long as you just think, everything is more or less clear and understandable to you, but as soon as you think about it again and again, you become more confused and no longer so sure about what is happening.

When it comes to the really important things in life, constant thinking does not solve the problem.You will never create anything truly original if you sit and think for days on end.Real achievement requires relentless action - and relentless action requires passion and enthusiasm.

Many times when I have seen a client think over a problem over and over, I have him ignore his mind and concentrate on the sensations in his body.

I'm always looking for a reaction that Derek Sivers calls "Yes! Damn!" reaction - she tells you that you should by all means do it, and you will always regret it if you don't. And you will never be able to correctly define “Yes! Damn!” reaction with your mind, you need to feel it with your gut.

So the next time you have to make a decision and think it over and over again, follow the following four-step process, which is a variation of the Zen technique:

  1. Stand straight with your spine straight. Now imagine that you have no head. I'm serious. Your body ends at your shoulders, and where your head used to be, only Fresh air and space. Therefore, there are no more thoughts to distract you. And you are easily aware of the slightest sensations and manifestations in the body right at this moment.
  2. Imagine that your solutions are presented to you and arranged in the form of "magic circles" on the floor - one circle for each option.
  3. Stand in the first circle and present the first option- as if you have taken the first step and started to implement it. Don't think. Notice how your body feels? Heaviness? Ease? Voltage? Relaxation? Cheerfulness?
  4. If you feel the answer is “Yes! Damn it!", then this is your way- and no matter how frightening thoughts come into your head. And if you have unpleasant feelings, then in no case do this - and no matter how reasonable and sensible thoughts come to your mind.

3. What would your hero do?

Each of us has our own heroes - great artists, musicians, businessmen, athletes, travelers. Or fictional characters, from films or novels. Or maybe a friend, mentor or family member. Someone we look up to and respect immensely. Someone who embodies everything we admire.

And you know what? That someone is yourself.

You can project your qualities onto someone else, butwhat you're really doing when you admire your character is tapping into your own unrealized potential. You really have strength, courage, imagination and other qualities that you admire in others, even if you have never used them.

Otherwise, why do you think their examples resonate so strongly with you?

So, the next time you're faced with a challenge and you're wondering if you can handle it, ask yourself:

  • How would my character view and react to this situation?
  • What would he or she say about it?
  • What would my hero do in this situation?
  • Why don't I try to do at least a small part of it?

4. Trust your fear

If thinking is overrated, then fear is underestimated.

Some types of fear - especially worry and anxiety - are paralyzing, overwhelming, and counterproductive. But I'm not talking about these kinds of fear.

I'm talking about the fear you feel when you think about your dream and think about how to make it a reality.

You know how it happens - at first you are full of enthusiasm, you are excited by the thoughts of how it will happen, you are looking forward to all the wonderful things that you will do, see and feel when you finally achieve and realize your dream.

Then you feel your stomach begin to tighten, and your heart begins to beat a strange rhythm, and you realize that you have stopped breathing.

And at that point - if you're not careful enough - your Inner Saboteur will start showing you disaster movies of all the things that go wrong and provide you with a long list of evidence why you should rethink your decision, throw all your plans into the furnace - or, at least put them aside for a while so you have a chance to think things over...

Fear is unpleasant, but that doesn't mean it's bad. Fear exists to keep you safe - it lets you know that you have entered uncharted territory and you need to be vigilant.

It exists to give you an adrenaline rush, wake you up, and allow you to take immediate action to avoid disaster later.

As I tell my clients over and over -the bigger the dream, the stronger the fear. This kind of fear gives you a sign that you are on the right path, it challenges you to go beyond your limits and achieve something incredible.

So trust your fear. Don't fight it, but feel it - but in your body, not in your head.

And to use fear as a key to action, ask yourself:

What do I need to do in order to neutralize the danger and achieve my goal?

Create a list. Take it and do it right now.

And notice what happens when you take the necessary action - the fear subsides, leaving you with a renewed sense of confidence and enthusiasm.

5. State your purpose

It's easy to put things off until later when you're only responsible to yourself. When no one knows about your dream, then it's easy to fool yourself and say it's just a joke.

But when you tell the whole world - or just one person about your goal - it suddenly becomes real.When you reveal a secret and declare your goal, you immediately take on the responsibility to follow it.

Because when you declare your intention, you become responsible for your actions. You are under subtle pressure and accountable to yourself whether you have succeeded or not. You feel that you will lose face if you do not keep your word and do what you promised.

No, you should not rely on other people to tell you what to do, and should not look to them for inspiration or motivation. The initial spark can only come to you from within.

But when you're close to the finish line and the last steps are left to realize your dream, then this kind of outside pressure can be extremely effective. So why not do it?

Here are some options:

  • Tell a close friend about your goal, and set up a follow-up meeting with them (specify a specific date) so you can report back to them on your progress.
  • Join a group or class where they can evaluate your progress over time.
  • Take part in competitions, even if you do not yet have the skills to participate in such competitions.
  • Gather a dedicated group of 3-4 people that you can meet regularly, share your goals, celebrate progress, and support each other along the way.
  • Tell your blog readers or subscribers to in social networks about your goal and promise to submit a report by a specific date. published . If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project .

The comedy series "Kitchen" is on the STS channel from Monday to Thursday at 20:00! We present to your attention another portion of Max's bright statements!

“Every person has a downside, a side that is hidden from the eyes of others. This side can surprise someone very much, and please someone, and the one who was considered the most stubborn and unshakable suddenly finds the strength to give in at the right moment.

“When love leaves, a void forms in the soul and it seems that no one can fill it, well, almost no one. Sometimes you feel like your life is like a long series that goes already many years. And suddenly, at some point, you realize that you are no longer the main character of this story and are about to become minor character. At this moment, you have several options: you can accept this fate and relax, you can temporarily hide from the vicissitudes of this tangled history, or you can make an effort and start a new plot, but first decide whether you want the old plot to end.

“Change is inevitable, like old age, and irreversible, like time. Sometimes we run from them, naively thinking that we can leave everything as it is, but changes in our lives still occur, whether we like it or not, leaving us the right to accept them and live on, or stubbornly try to stay in the past.

“The universe is shrouded in billions of invisible threads that connect us with other people. Every action we take echoes in dozens of other lives. Every action of other people changes ours. That is why, before taking the next step, think about those whom you will change and how you will change yourself. Thought? Step!"

“Life is a series of losses and gains. Someone is sad about losses, someone rejoices in acquisitions. There are those who gain by losing. And no matter what happens, the main thing is to understand that this is only the beginning.

“Life is constantly testing us for strength. Some people manage, some don't. For some, life is a kaleidoscope of adventures; for others, a series of disappointments. In any case, life teaches us to always be ready for an unexpected turn.

“Whatever happens to you during the day, the main thing is that you have somewhere to return in the evening. Go back to where you are welcome, because there is nothing worse than loneliness.

“People don’t like to make mistakes, but nevertheless they make them all the time. Some are mistaken, thinking that they can control everything, others are sure that nothing can ever happen in their relationship, not even realizing that everything has already begun. Still others mistakenly think that the whole world is against them. We cannot help but make mistakes, they are part of our life, and most importantly, they help us find the right path.”

“It's amazing how many discoveries we make every day. It seems to you that a person is just waiting for the opportunity to destroy you, but he saves you. You think you can handle a whole team, but in fact you can't handle a small child. It seems to you that he is indifferent to everything, but you understand that you know little about him. How many discoveries we have, and it's great.

“Every day life gives us thousands of opportunities: the opportunity to change, the opportunity to start all over again or the opportunity to prove ourselves on the other side, to discover new talents. The main thing is not to miss these opportunities, because it may turn out that fate will not give a second chance.

“We very often exist in our perfect illusions. We forget who we really are, playing the roles of people unknown to us, but there comes a moment of awakening, which tears off endless masks from us and exposes a reality for which we were not at all ready. Maybe you should have woken up earlier?

“Many are often tormented by doubts about how much you value what you have. It is easier for someone to lose everything in order to understand how much it was dear to him. The main thing is to appreciate what we have here and now.

“By virtue of our nature, we very often step into the abyss, because we look somewhere up, at the top of our stupid self-confidence. We fall, we suffer from pain, we get up, we move on, we fall again and so on endlessly. Maybe you should start looking at your feet?

“When your loved ones are ready to forget their grievances in order to please you, you, too, will do anything to make them feel good, even if it means lying a little. True, as a rule, sooner or later you have to pay for any lies. But the most difficult thing is to correct the consequences of a lie: a lie gives rise to a new lie and it is impossible to get out of it, all that remains is to believe in your own strength, in your real self, because if you start everything from clean slate, you only have ahead of you what you do yourself.

look comedy series"Kitchen" from Monday to Thursday at 20:00!

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Manipulators are masters of their craft. You don’t even notice how you find yourself in a situation from which there is only one way out - the one that is beneficial to the person who put you in it. What to do with it?

At site there's an answer! The next time you find yourself with your back against the wall, check out our list of tips.

"You need it - you do it"

What's happening: You are simply presented with a fact or led in a roundabout way to the conclusion that you owe something to someone. Sometimes that "someone" is yourself, who is being motivated to do things you don't want to do.

What to do: Ask the manipulator a question: “Why and to whom do I owe this?”

Promises made under duress do not count.

What's happening: You were somehow forced to promise to do something you don't want to.

What to do: Refuse, you are the master of your word: if you wanted - they gave it, if you didn’t want it - you took it back. Another thing is that then a rumor may go about you that you do not keep your promises. And if reputation is more important to you, then next time think twice before promising something.

Don't let yourself ride

What's happening: Once you were put in a situation where you were simply obliged to offer your help. Now, when you do not offer it, you are accused of selfishness and other sins.

What to do: Stop communicating with this person. Because the option “don’t offer next time” does not exist. Or continue to bear the cross of an unfailing friend.

Slavery abolished

What's happening: You are a master of your craft, so many use your services "out of friendship." That is free of charge.

What to do: Explain that time and effort spent on others is time and effort not spent on oneself. And what a service you need to offer a return service.

What has been has passed

What's happening: They put you as an example - the same as you were before. They put pressure on the natural desire of a person to be better, not worse. Especially not worse than before.

What to do: Explain that a person is constantly changing and that this is a natural process. In confirmation, you can even give a link to an article that describes how many days the set of cells in the human body is completely updated.

Don't fall for blackmail

What's happening: The manipulator finds your most important affection and begins to play on it, blackmailing with this weakness.

What to do: Hide your weaknesses.

Pity is always pressed by the most impudent

What's happening: They complain to you about how terrible, bad, ugly everything is. And not only now and with them, but with you too. 15 years ago, on that rainy Tuesday, do you remember? What about the other case? How bad was it, right?

What to do: Complain about bad memory. Or answer that the case helped you draw the right conclusions, and offer to follow your example.

Today is Friday, March 17, 2017 (03/17/2017) and on the television screens of the country again the transfer of the capital show "Field of Miracles" and I, Alex Sprint will host short review games and give answers in the game "Field of Miracles" from March 17, 2017. Before the start of the game, the ensemble Gornitsa performed on the stage of the capital show "Field of Miracles". In the future, there were also performances by the participants in the game.

So, the first three players: Lyudmila Kuzminichna Potapova (Rostov region, Donetsk city), Grigory Sergeevich Platunov (Krasnoyarsk city) and Yulia Valerievna Abbakumova (Pavlovo village, Leningrad region)

As usual, men ask for flowers to the ladies in the studio. We will talk with you today about what, generally speaking, should be taught in schools. About aphorisms famous writers, poets and philosophers. Here is the assignment for the first round.

Erich Maria Remarque, in his novel "The Black Obelisk", reflecting on the First World War, remarked: "But, apparently, it always happens, the death of one person is a tragedy, and the death of two million is only ..." What? 10 letter word

Answers to all questions of the game "Field of Miracles" for 03/17/2017 can be found at the end of the article, below.

The second three players: Irina Afanasyeva (Odessa region), Valentina Evgenievna Kulkova (Moscow region, city of Stupino) and Vyacheslav Alekseevich Doroshev (city of Tolyatti). Here is the challenge for the second round.

March 17 is the day of memory of Francois de La Rochefoucauld. This is the same gentleman who once wrote wonderful works called fables. Here is what he said: “Only ... What will help you get out of some cases? 8 letter word.

The third three players: Elena Evgenievna Petrova (Karelia, the city of Olonets), Nikolai Ivanovich Petraki (Moldova) and Valentina Dmitrievna Krupenya (Bryansk region, the city of Klintsy) Here is the task for the third round.

The American writer Mark Twain was not only the author of aphorisms, but also a great joker. One day he complimented a lady, admiring her beauty. She did not belong to Twain fans and replied: "Unfortunately, I can not say the same about you." To which the writer wisely remarked: "And you do as I do ...", what should she have done, as Mark Twain suggested to her? What did Twain say to the lady who coldly reacted not to his compliment? 7 letter word.

Final task.

According to the great French writer Honore de Balzac "There is always a fool near..." Who? Who can be found next to a fool, according to Honore de Balzac? 5 letter word.

In the game "Field of Miracles" on March 17, 2017, Valentina Dmitrievna Krupenya from the city of Klintsy won. Valentina Dmitrievna refused the super game, preferring a titmouse in her hand. The Sprint-Response website congratulates the winner of the capital show "Field of Miracles" on her victory and wishes her further creative success. Valentina Krupenya is a soloist of the ensemble "Merry Girls". Below are a few photos on the topic of the article and answers to the TV game "Field of Miracles" dated March 17, 2017.

  • 1. Statistics.
  • 2. Stupidity.
  • 3. Lie.
  • 4. Rogue.
The winner of the game "Field of Miracles" dated 03/17/2017 Valentina Krupenya as part of the folk ensemble "Merry Girls"

1. In order to justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often confess that we are powerless to achieve something; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed

2. To read instructions to people who have committed deeds, as a rule, it is not kindness that makes us, but pride; we reproach them not even in order to correct, but only in order to convince of our own infallibility

3. Overzealous in small things usually becomes incapable of great things.

4. We lack the strength of character to obediently follow all the dictates of reason.

5. We are pleased not with what surrounds us, but with our attitude towards it, and we feel happy when we have what we ourselves love, and not what others think worthy of love

6. No matter how proud people are of their accomplishments, the latter are often the result not of great ideas, but of an ordinary accident.

7. The happiness and unhappiness of a person depend not only on his fate, but on his character.

8. Grace is to the body what sanity is to the mind.

9. Even the most skillful pretense will not help to hide love for a long time when it is, or portray it when it is not.

10. If you judge love by its usual manifestations, it is more like enmity than friendship.

11. No person, having ceased to love, can not avoid feeling shame for past love

12. Love brings people as much good as bad

13. Everyone complains about their memory, but no one complains about their mind.

14. People could not live in society if they did not have the opportunity to lead each other by the nose.

15. Truly extraordinary qualities are endowed with those who managed to earn the praise of their envious people.

16. With the generosity of how we give advice, we don't give away anything else.

17. The more we love a woman, the more we tend to hate her.

18. Pretending that we have fallen into a trap prepared for us, we show really refined cunning, since it is easiest to deceive a person when he wants to deceive you.

19. It is much easier to be wise in other people's affairs than in your own.

20. It is easier for us to control people than to prevent them from controlling us.

21. Nature endows us with virtues, and fate helps them to manifest

22. There are people who are repulsive for all their virtues, and there are attractive people despite their shortcomings.

23. Flattery is a counterfeit coin that only circulates because of our vanity.

24. It is not enough to have many virtues - it is important to be able to use them

25. Worthy people respect us for our virtues, the crowd - for the favor of fate

26. Society often rewards the appearance of merit rather than the merit itself.

27. It would be much more useful to use all the powers of our mind to adequately experience the misfortunes that have fallen to our lot than to foresee the misfortunes that can still happen.

28. The desire for fame, the fear of shame, the pursuit of wealth, the desire to arrange life as conveniently and pleasantly as possible, the desire to humiliate others - this is what often underlies the valor so praised by people.

29. The highest virtue is to do in solitude what people decide only in the presence of many witnesses.

30. Praise for kindness is only worthy of a person who has the strength of character to sometimes be evil; otherwise, kindness most often speaks only of inactivity or lack of will

31. Doing evil to people in most cases is not as dangerous as doing them too much good.

32. Most often those people who think that they are not a burden for anyone are the ones who burden others.

33. A real dodger is one who knows how to hide his own dexterity

34. Generosity neglects everything in order to take possession of everything

36. Real eloquence is the ability to say everything you need, and no more than you need.

37. Every person, whoever he may be, tries to put on such an appearance and put on such a mask that he will be accepted for who he wants to appear to be; therefore it can be said that society consists of masks alone

38. Magnificence is a cunning trick of the body invented to hide the flaws of the mind

39. The so-called generosity is usually based on vanity, which is dearer to us than everything that we give.

40. People so willingly believe bad things, not trying to understand the essence, because they are vain and lazy. They want to find the guilty ones, but they do not seek to bother themselves with the analysis of the committed offense.

41. No matter how far-sighted a person is, it is not given to him to comprehend all the evil that he does

42. Sometimes a lie is so cleverly pretended to be the truth that not to succumb to deception would mean betraying common sense.

43. Showy simplicity is subtle hypocrisy

44. It can be argued that human characters, like some buildings, have several facades, and not all of them have a pleasant appearance.

45. We rarely understand what we really want

46. ​​The gratitude of most people is caused by a secret desire to achieve even greater benefits.

47. Almost all people pay for small favors, most are grateful for small ones, but almost no one feels gratitude for large ones.

48. No matter what praises we hear in our address, we do not find anything new in them for ourselves.

49. Often we are condescending to those who burden us, but we are never condescending to those to whom we ourselves are a burden.

50. To exalt one's virtues in private with oneself is as reasonable as it is foolish to boast of them in front of others

51. There are situations in life that you can only get out of with the help of a considerable amount of recklessness.

52. What is the reason that we remember in detail what happened to us, but are not able to remember how many times we told the same person about it?

53. The great pleasure with which we talk about ourselves should have planted in our souls the suspicion that the interlocutors do not share it at all.

54. Confessing to minor flaws, we thereby try to convince society that we do not have more significant

55. To become a great person, you need to be able to deftly use the chance that fate offers

56. We consider sane only those people who agree with us in everything

57. Many shortcomings, if skillfully used, sparkle brighter than any virtues.

58. People of small mind are sensitive to petty offenses; people of great intelligence notice everything and are not offended by anything

59. No matter how distrustful we may be of our interlocutors, it still seems to us that they are more sincere with us than with others.

60. Cowards, as a rule, are not given to appreciate the power of their own fear.

61. Young people usually think that their behavior is natural, while in fact they behave rudely and ill-mannered

62. People of a shallow mind often discuss everything that is beyond their understanding.

63. Real friendship does not know envy, and true love is coquetry

64. You can give good advice to your neighbor, but you cannot teach him reasonable behavior.

65. Everything that ceases to work out ceases to interest us

67. If vanity does not crush all our virtues to the ground, then, in any case, it shakes them.

68. It is often easier to endure a lie than to hear the whole truth about yourself.

69. Dignity is not always inherent in majesty, but majesty is always inherent in some dignity.

70. Magnificence suits virtue as much as a precious adornment suits a person. beautiful woman

71. In the most ridiculous position are those older women who remember that they were once attractive, but forgot that they have long lost their former beauty.

72. For our most noble deeds, we would often have to blush if others knew about our motives

73. Not able to please someone who is smart in one way for a long time

74. The mind usually serves us only to boldly do stupid things.

75. Both the charm of novelty and long habit, for all the opposite, equally prevent us from seeing the shortcomings of our friends.

76. A woman in love is more likely to forgive a big indiscretion than a small infidelity.

77. Nothing prevents naturalness like the desire to appear natural

78. Sincerely praising good deeds means taking part in them to some extent.

79. The surest sign of high virtues is not to know envy from birth

80. It is easier to know people in general than one person in particular.

81. A person's worth should not be judged by his good qualities but by how he uses them

82. Sometimes we are too grateful, sometimes paying off friends for the good done to us, we still leave them in debt

83. We would have very few cravings if we knew exactly what we want.

84. As in love, so in friendship, we are more likely to enjoy what we do not know than what we know about.

85. We try to take credit for those shortcomings that we do not want to correct.

87. In serious matters, care must be taken not so much to create favorable opportunities as to seize them.

88. What our enemies think of us is closer to the truth than our own opinion

89. We have no idea what our passions can push us to.

90. Sympathy for enemies in trouble is most often caused not so much by kindness as by vanity: we sympathize with them in order to show our superiority over them

91. Flaws often make great talents

92. No one's imagination is able to come up with such a multitude of conflicting feelings that usually coexist in one human heart.

93. Genuine softness can only be shown by people with a strong character: for the rest, their apparent softness is, as a rule, ordinary weakness, which easily becomes embittered

94. The tranquility of our soul or its confusion depends not so much on important events our life, how much of a successful or unpleasant combination of everyday trifles for us

95. Not too broad mind, but sound as a result is not so tiring for the interlocutor than the mind is broad, but confused

96. There are reasons why one can abhor life, but one cannot despise death.

97. Do not think that death will seem to us the same as we saw it from afar

98. The mind is too weak to rely on it when facing death.

99. The talents with which God endowed people are as diverse as the trees with which he adorned the earth, and each has special properties and fruits inherent only to him. Therefore, the best pear tree will not give birth even to bad apples, and the most talented person he succumbs to a deed, although an ordinary one, but given only to those who are capable of this deed. For this reason, to compose aphorisms when you do not have at least a small talent for this occupation is no less ridiculous than to expect tulips to bloom in a garden where bulbs are not planted.

100. Therefore, we are ready to believe any stories about the shortcomings of our neighbors, because it is easiest to believe what we want

101. Hope and fear are inseparable: fear is always full of hope, hope is always full of fear

102. Do not be offended by people who have hidden the truth from us: we ourselves constantly hide it from ourselves

103. The end of good marks the beginning of evil, and the end of evil marks the beginning of good

104. Philosophers condemn wealth only because we mismanage it. It depends on us alone how to acquire it, how to use it without serving vice. Instead of using wealth to support and feed evil deeds, as firewood feeds a fire, we could give it to the service of virtues, thereby giving them both brilliance and attractiveness.

105. The collapse of all the hopes of a person is pleasant to everyone: both his friends and enemies

106. When we are completely bored, we stop being bored

107. True self-flagellation is subjected to only one who does not tell anyone about it; otherwise everything is facilitated by vanity

108. a wise man happy, being content with little, but a fool is not enough: that is why all people are unhappy

109. A clear mind gives the soul what health gives the body

110. Lovers begin to see the shortcomings of their mistresses only when their feelings come to an end.

111. Prudence and love are not made for each other: as love grows, prudence decreases

112. A wise person understands that it is better to forbid yourself a hobby than to fight it later.

113. It is much more useful to study not books, but people

114. As a rule, happiness finds the happy, and unhappiness finds the unfortunate

115. He who loves too much does not notice for a long time that he himself is no longer loved.

116. We scold ourselves only for someone to praise us

117. Hiding our true feelings is much harder than depicting non-existent ones.

118. Much more unhappy is the one who doesn't like anyone than the one who doesn't like anyone.

119. A person who realizes what misfortunes could fall on him is already happy to some extent.

120. He who has not found peace in himself cannot find it anywhere

121. A person is never as unhappy as he would like to be.

122. It is not in our will to fall in love or fall out of love, therefore neither a lover has the right to complain about the frivolity of his mistress, nor she - about inconstancy

123. When we stop loving, it gives us joy that they cheat on us, because in this way we are freed from the need to be faithful

124. In the failures of our close friends, we find something even pleasant for ourselves.

125. Having lost the hope of discovering intelligence in those around us, we no longer try to keep it ourselves.

126. No one rushes others like lazy people: having gratified their own laziness, they want to appear diligent

127. We have as much reason to complain about people who help us to know ourselves as an Athenian madman to complain about a doctor who cured him of the false belief that he is a rich man.

128. Our selfishness is such that not a single flatterer is able to outdo it

129. About all our virtues, the same thing can be said that an Italian poet once said about decent women: most often they just skillfully pretend to be decent.

130. We confess our own vices only under the pressure of vanity

131. Rich funeral rites not so much to perpetuate the dignity of the dead as to gratify the vanity of the living

132. Unshakable courage is needed to organize a conspiracy, but ordinary courage is enough to endure the dangers of war.

133. A person who has never been in danger cannot be responsible for his own courage.

134. It is much easier for people to limit their gratitude than their hopes and desires.

135. Imitation is always unbearable, and forgery is unpleasant to us by the very features that so captivate in the original

136. The depth of our grief for lost friends is not so much in proportion to their virtues as our own need for these people, as well as how highly they valued our virtues.

137. We hardly believe in what lies beyond our horizons.

138. Truth is the fundamental principle and essence of beauty and perfection; beautiful and perfect only that, having everything that it should have, is truly what it should be

139. It happens that beautiful works are more attractive when they are imperfect than when they are too finished.

140. Generosity is a noble effort of pride, with the help of which a person masters himself, thereby mastering everything around him.

141. Laziness is the most unpredictable of our passions. Despite the fact that its power over us is imperceptible, and the damage caused by it is deeply hidden from our eyes, there is no passion more ardent and malicious. If we look closely at her influence, we will be convinced that she invariably manages to take possession of all our feelings, desires and pleasures: she is like a clinging fish, stopping huge ships, like a dead calm, more dangerous for our most important affairs than any reefs and storms. In lazy peace, the soul finds a secret delight, for the sake of which we instantly forget about our most ardent aspirations and our most firm intentions. Finally, to give a true idea of ​​this passion, let us add that laziness is such a sweet peace of the soul that comforts it in all losses and replaces all blessings.

142. Everyone loves to study others, but no one likes to be studied.

143. What a boring illness it is to protect one's own health with too strict a regimen!

144. Most women give up not because their passion is so strong, but because they are weak. For this reason, enterprising men always have such success, although they are not at all the most attractive.

145. The surest way to kindle passion in another is to keep yourself cold

146. The height of the sanity of the least sane people lies in the ability to meekly follow the reasonable orders of others

147. People strive to achieve worldly blessings and pleasures at the expense of their neighbors.

148. Most likely, the one who is convinced that he can not bore anyone is bored.

149. It is unlikely that several people have the same aspirations, but it is necessary that the aspirations of each of them do not contradict each other.

150. All of us, with few exceptions, are afraid to appear before our neighbors as we really are.

151. We lose a lot by appropriating a manner that is alien to us

152. People try to appear different from what they really are, instead of becoming what they want to appear.

153. Many people are not only ready to give up their inherent manner of holding themselves for the sake of that which they consider appropriate to the position and rank they have achieved, but even dreaming of exaltation, they begin to behave in advance as if they had already exalted themselves. How many colonels behave like the marshals of France, how many judges pretend to be chancellors, how many townswomen play the part of duchesses!

154. People think not about the words they listen to, but about those that they long to pronounce

155. You should talk about yourself and set yourself as an example as rarely as possible.

156. The one who does not exhaust the subject of the conversation and gives the opportunity to others to think up and say something else is prudent.

157. It is necessary to talk with everyone about subjects close to him, and only when it is appropriate.

158. If you say the right word at the right time - great art, then to remain silent in time is an even greater art. Eloquent silence can sometimes express agreement, and disapproval; sometimes silence is mocking, but sometimes it is respectful

159. Usually people become frank because of vanity.

160. There are few secrets in the world that are kept forever

161. Great examples have produced a disgusting number of copies.

162. Old people love to give so much good advice because they can no longer set bad examples

163. The opinions of our enemies about us are much closer to the truth than our own opinions.

Today is Friday March 17, 2017 (03/17/2017) and on the TV screens of the country again the transfer of the capital show "Field of Miracles" and I, Alex Sprint will conduct a brief review of the game and give answers in the game "Field of Miracles" dated March 17, 2017. Before the start of the game, the ensemble Gornitsa performed on the stage of the capital show "Field of Miracles". In the future, there were also performances by the participants in the game.

So, the first three players: Lyudmila Kuzminichna Potapova (Rostov region, Donetsk city), Grigory Sergeevich Platunov (Krasnoyarsk city) and Yulia Valerievna Abbakumova (Pavlovo village, Leningrad region)

As usual, men ask for flowers to the ladies in the studio. We will talk with you today about what, generally speaking, should be taught in schools. On the aphorisms of famous writers, poets and philosophers. Here is the assignment for the first round.

Erich Maria Remarque, in his novel "The Black Obelisk", reflecting on the First World War, remarked: "But, apparently, it always happens, the death of one person is a tragedy, and the death of two million is only ..." What? 10 letter word

Answers to all questions of the game "Field of Miracles" for 03/17/2017 can be found at the end of the article, below.

The second three players: Irina Afanasyeva (Odessa region), Valentina Evgenievna Kulkova (Moscow region, city of Stupino) and Vyacheslav Alekseevich Doroshev (city of Tolyatti). Here is the challenge for the second round.

March 17 is the day of memory of Francois de La Rochefoucauld. This is the same gentleman who once wrote wonderful works called fables. Here is what he said: “Only ... What will help you get out of some cases? 8 letter word.

The third three players: Elena Evgenievna Petrova (Karelia, the city of Olonets), Nikolai Ivanovich Petraki (Moldova) and Valentina Dmitrievna Krupenya (Bryansk region, the city of Klintsy) Here is the task for the third round.

The American writer Mark Twain was not only the author of aphorisms, but also a great joker. One day he complimented a lady, admiring her beauty. She did not belong to Twain fans and replied: "Unfortunately, I can not say the same about you." To which the writer wisely remarked: "And you do as I do ...", what should she have done, as Mark Twain suggested to her? What did Twain say to the lady who coldly reacted not to his compliment? 7 letter word.

Final task.

According to the great French writer Honore de Balzac, "There is always a fool near..." Who? Who can be found next to a fool, according to Honore de Balzac? 5 letter word.

In the game "Field of Miracles" on March 17, 2017, Valentina Dmitrievna Krupenya from the city of Klintsy won. Valentina Dmitrievna refused the super game, preferring a titmouse in her hand. The Sprint-Response website congratulates the winner of the capital show "Field of Miracles" on her victory and wishes her further creative success. Valentina Krupenya is a soloist of the ensemble "Merry Girls". Below are a few photos on the topic of the article and answers to the TV game "Field of Miracles" dated March 17, 2017.

  • 1. Statistics.
  • 2. Stupidity.
  • 3. Lie.
  • 4. Rogue.
The winner of the game "Field of Miracles" dated 03/17/2017 Valentina Krupenya as part of the folk ensemble "Merry Girls"

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Manipulators are masters of their craft. You don’t even notice how you find yourself in a situation from which there is only one way out - the one that is beneficial to the person who put you in it. What to do with it?

At site there's an answer! The next time you find yourself with your back against the wall, check out our list of tips.

"You need it - you do it"

What's happening: You are simply presented with a fact or led in a roundabout way to the conclusion that you owe something to someone. Sometimes that "someone" is yourself, who is being motivated to do things you don't want to do.

What to do: Ask the manipulator a question: “Why and to whom do I owe this?”

Promises made under duress do not count.

What's happening: You were somehow forced to promise to do something you don't want to.

What to do: Refuse, you are the master of your word: if you wanted - they gave it, if you didn’t want it - you took it back. Another thing is that then a rumor may go about you that you do not keep your promises. And if reputation is more important to you, then next time think twice before promising something.

Don't let yourself ride

What's happening: Once you were put in a situation where you were simply obliged to offer your help. Now, when you do not offer it, you are accused of selfishness and other sins.

What to do: Stop communicating with this person. Because the option “don’t offer next time” does not exist. Or continue to bear the cross of an unfailing friend.

Slavery abolished

What's happening: You are a master of your craft, so many use your services "out of friendship." That is free of charge.

What to do: Explain that time and effort spent on others is time and effort not spent on oneself. And what a service you need to offer a return service.

What has been has passed

What's happening: They put you as an example - the same as you were before. They put pressure on the natural desire of a person to be better, not worse. Especially not worse than before.

What to do: Explain that a person is constantly changing and that this is a natural process. In confirmation, you can even give a link to an article that describes how many days the set of cells in the human body is completely updated.

Don't fall for blackmail

What's happening: The manipulator finds your most important affection and begins to play on it, blackmailing with this weakness.

What to do: Hide your weaknesses.

Pity is always pressed by the most impudent

What's happening: They complain to you about how terrible, bad, ugly everything is. And not only now and with them, but with you too. 15 years ago, on that rainy Tuesday, do you remember? What about the other case? How bad was it, right?

What to do: Complain about bad memory. Or answer that the case helped you draw the right conclusions, and offer to follow your example.

1. In order to justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often confess that we are powerless to achieve something; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed

2. To read instructions to people who have committed deeds, as a rule, it is not kindness that makes us, but pride; we reproach them not even in order to correct, but only in order to convince of our own infallibility

3. Overzealous in small things usually becomes incapable of great things.

4. We lack the strength of character to obediently follow all the dictates of reason.

5. We are pleased not with what surrounds us, but with our attitude towards it, and we feel happy when we have what we ourselves love, and not what others consider worthy of love

6. No matter how proud people are of their accomplishments, the latter are often the result not of great ideas, but of an ordinary accident.

7. The happiness and unhappiness of a person depend not only on his fate, but on his character.

8. Grace is to the body what sanity is to the mind.

9. Even the most skillful pretense will not help to hide love for a long time when it is, or portray it when it is not.

10. If you judge love by its usual manifestations, it is more like enmity than friendship.

11. No person, having ceased to love, can not avoid the feeling of shame for the past love.

12. Love brings people as much good as bad

13. Everyone complains about their memory, but no one complains about their mind.

14. People could not live in society if they did not have the opportunity to lead each other by the nose.

15. Truly extraordinary qualities are endowed with those who managed to earn the praise of their envious people.

16. With the generosity of how we give advice, we don't give away anything else.

17. The more we love a woman, the more we tend to hate her.

18. Pretending that we have fallen into a trap prepared for us, we show really refined cunning, since it is easiest to deceive a person when he wants to deceive you.

19. It is much easier to be wise in other people's affairs than in your own.

20. It is easier for us to control people than to prevent them from controlling us.

21. Nature endows us with virtues, and fate helps them to manifest

22. There are people who are repulsive for all their virtues, and there are attractive people despite their shortcomings.

23. Flattery is a counterfeit coin that only circulates because of our vanity.

24. It is not enough to have many virtues - it is important to be able to use them

25. Worthy people respect us for our virtues, the crowd - for the favor of fate

26. Society often rewards the appearance of merit rather than the merit itself.

27. It would be much more useful to use all the powers of our mind to adequately experience the misfortunes that have fallen to our lot than to foresee the misfortunes that can still happen.

28. The desire for fame, the fear of shame, the pursuit of wealth, the desire to arrange life as conveniently and pleasantly as possible, the desire to humiliate others - this is what often underlies the valor so praised by people.

29. The highest virtue is to do in solitude what people decide only in the presence of many witnesses.

30. Praise for kindness is only worthy of a person who has the strength of character to sometimes be evil; otherwise, kindness most often speaks only of inactivity or lack of will

31. Doing evil to people in most cases is not as dangerous as doing them too much good.

32. Most often those people who think that they are not a burden for anyone are the ones who burden others.

33. A real dodger is one who knows how to hide his own dexterity

34. Generosity neglects everything in order to take possession of everything

36. Real eloquence is the ability to say everything you need, and no more than you need.

37. Every person, whoever he may be, tries to put on such an appearance and put on such a mask that he will be accepted for who he wants to appear to be; therefore it can be said that society consists of masks alone

38. Magnificence is a cunning trick of the body invented to hide the flaws of the mind

39. The so-called generosity is usually based on vanity, which is dearer to us than everything that we give.

40. People so willingly believe bad things, not trying to understand the essence, because they are vain and lazy. They want to find the guilty ones, but they do not seek to bother themselves with the analysis of the committed offense.

41. No matter how far-sighted a person is, it is not given to him to comprehend all the evil that he does

42. Sometimes a lie is so cleverly pretended to be the truth that not to succumb to deception would mean betraying common sense.

43. Showy simplicity is subtle hypocrisy

44. It can be argued that human characters, like some buildings, have several facades, and not all of them have a pleasant appearance.

45. We rarely understand what we really want

46. ​​The gratitude of most people is caused by a secret desire to achieve even greater benefits.

47. Almost all people pay for small favors, most are grateful for small ones, but almost no one feels gratitude for large ones.

48. No matter what praises we hear in our address, we do not find anything new in them for ourselves.

49. Often we are condescending to those who burden us, but we are never condescending to those to whom we ourselves are a burden.

50. To exalt one's virtues in private with oneself is as reasonable as it is foolish to boast of them in front of others

51. There are situations in life that you can only get out of with the help of a considerable amount of recklessness.

52. What is the reason that we remember in detail what happened to us, but are not able to remember how many times we told the same person about it?

53. The great pleasure with which we talk about ourselves should have planted in our souls the suspicion that the interlocutors do not share it at all.

54. Confessing to minor shortcomings, we thereby try to convince society that we do not have more significant

55. To become a great person, you need to be able to deftly use the chance that fate offers

56. We consider sane only those people who agree with us in everything

57. Many shortcomings, if skillfully used, sparkle brighter than any virtues.

58. People of small mind are sensitive to petty offenses; people of great intelligence notice everything and are not offended by anything

59. No matter how distrustful we may be of our interlocutors, it still seems to us that they are more sincere with us than with others.

60. Cowards, as a rule, are not given to appreciate the power of their own fear.

61. Young people usually think that their behavior is natural, while in fact they behave rudely and ill-mannered

62. People of a shallow mind often discuss everything that is beyond their understanding.

63. True friendship does not know envy, and true love does not know coquetry

64. You can give good advice to your neighbor, but you cannot teach him reasonable behavior.

65. Everything that ceases to work out ceases to interest us

67. If vanity does not crush all our virtues to the ground, then, in any case, it shakes them.

68. It is often easier to endure a lie than to hear the whole truth about yourself.

69. Dignity is not always inherent in majesty, but majesty is always inherent in some dignity.

70. Magnificence suits virtue as much as a precious adornment suits a beautiful woman.

71. In the most ridiculous position are those older women who remember that they were once attractive, but forgot that they have long lost their former beauty.

72. For our most noble deeds, we would often have to blush if others knew about our motives

73. Not able to please someone who is smart in one way for a long time

74. The mind usually serves us only to boldly do stupid things.

75. Both the charm of novelty and long habit, for all the opposite, equally prevent us from seeing the shortcomings of our friends.

76. A woman in love is more likely to forgive a big indiscretion than a small infidelity.

77. Nothing prevents naturalness like the desire to appear natural

78. Sincerely praising good deeds means taking part in them to some extent.

79. The surest sign of high virtues is not to know envy from birth

80. It is easier to know people in general than one person in particular.

81. The virtues of a person should not be judged by his good qualities, but by how he uses them

82. Sometimes we are too grateful, sometimes paying off friends for the good done to us, we still leave them in debt

83. We would have very few cravings if we knew exactly what we want.

84. As in love, so in friendship, we are more likely to enjoy what we do not know than what we know about.

85. We try to take credit for those shortcomings that we do not want to correct.

87. In serious matters, care must be taken not so much to create favorable opportunities as to seize them.

88. What our enemies think of us is closer to the truth than our own opinion

89. We have no idea what our passions can push us to.

90. Sympathy for enemies in trouble is most often caused not so much by kindness as by vanity: we sympathize with them in order to show our superiority over them

91. Flaws often make great talents

92. No one's imagination is able to come up with such a multitude of conflicting feelings that usually coexist in one human heart.

93. Genuine softness can only be shown by people with a strong character: for the rest, their apparent softness is, as a rule, ordinary weakness, which easily becomes embittered

94. The tranquility of our soul or its confusion depends not so much on the important events of our life, but on a successful or unpleasant combination of everyday trifles for us

95. Not too broad mind, but sound as a result is not so tiring for the interlocutor than the mind is broad, but confused

96. There are reasons why one can abhor life, but one cannot despise death.

97. Do not think that death will seem to us the same as we saw it from afar

98. The mind is too weak to rely on it when facing death.

99. The talents with which God endowed people are as diverse as the trees with which he adorned the earth, and each has special properties and fruits inherent only to him. Therefore, the best pear tree will not even give birth to crappy apples, and the most talented person gives in to a business, although an ordinary one, but given only to those who are capable of this business. For this reason, to compose aphorisms when you do not have at least a small talent for this occupation is no less ridiculous than to expect tulips to bloom in a garden where bulbs are not planted.

100. Therefore, we are ready to believe any stories about the shortcomings of our neighbors, because it is easiest to believe what we want

101. Hope and fear are inseparable: fear is always full of hope, hope is always full of fear

102. Do not be offended by people who have hidden the truth from us: we ourselves constantly hide it from ourselves

103. The end of good marks the beginning of evil, and the end of evil marks the beginning of good

104. Philosophers condemn wealth only because we mismanage it. It depends on us alone how to acquire it, how to use it without serving vice. Instead of using wealth to support and feed evil deeds, as firewood feeds a fire, we could give it to the service of virtues, thereby giving them both brilliance and attractiveness.

105. The collapse of all the hopes of a person is pleasant to everyone: both his friends and enemies

106. When we are completely bored, we stop being bored

107. True self-flagellation is subjected to only one who does not tell anyone about it; otherwise everything is facilitated by vanity

108. A wise man is happy with little, but a fool is not enough: that is why all people are unhappy

109. A clear mind gives the soul what health gives the body

110. Lovers begin to see the shortcomings of their mistresses only when their feelings come to an end.

111. Prudence and love are not made for each other: as love grows, prudence decreases

112. A wise person understands that it is better to forbid yourself a hobby than to fight it later.

113. It is much more useful to study not books, but people

114. As a rule, happiness finds the happy, and unhappiness finds the unfortunate

115. He who loves too much does not notice for a long time that he himself is no longer loved.

116. We scold ourselves only for someone to praise us

117. Hiding our true feelings is much harder than depicting non-existent ones.

118. Much more unhappy is the one who doesn't like anyone than the one who doesn't like anyone.

119. A person who realizes what misfortunes could fall on him is already happy to some extent.

120. He who has not found peace in himself cannot find it anywhere

121. A person is never as unhappy as he would like to be.

122. It is not in our will to fall in love or fall out of love, therefore neither a lover has the right to complain about the frivolity of his mistress, nor she - about inconstancy

123. When we stop loving, it gives us joy that they cheat on us, because in this way we are freed from the need to be faithful

124. In the failures of our close friends, we find something even pleasant for ourselves.

125. Having lost the hope of discovering intelligence in those around us, we no longer try to keep it ourselves.

126. No one rushes others like lazy people: having gratified their own laziness, they want to appear diligent

127. We have as much reason to complain about people who help us to know ourselves as an Athenian madman to complain about a doctor who cured him of the false belief that he is a rich man.

128. Our selfishness is such that not a single flatterer is able to outdo it

129. About all our virtues, the same thing can be said that an Italian poet once said about decent women: most often they just skillfully pretend to be decent.

130. We confess our own vices only under the pressure of vanity

131. Rich funeral rites do not so much perpetuate the dignity of the dead as they please the vanity of the living.

132. Unshakable courage is needed to organize a conspiracy, but ordinary courage is enough to endure the dangers of war.

133. A person who has never been in danger cannot be responsible for his own courage.

134. It is much easier for people to limit their gratitude than their hopes and desires.

135. Imitation is always unbearable, and forgery is unpleasant to us by the very features that so captivate in the original

136. The depth of our grief for lost friends is not so much in proportion to their virtues as our own need for these people, as well as how highly they valued our virtues.

137. We hardly believe in what lies beyond our horizons.

138. Truth is the fundamental principle and essence of beauty and perfection; beautiful and perfect only that, having everything that it should have, is truly what it should be

139. It happens that beautiful works are more attractive when they are imperfect than when they are too finished.

140. Generosity is a noble effort of pride, with the help of which a person masters himself, thereby mastering everything around him.

141. Laziness is the most unpredictable of our passions. Despite the fact that its power over us is imperceptible, and the damage caused by it is deeply hidden from our eyes, there is no passion more ardent and malicious. If we look closely at her influence, we will be convinced that she invariably manages to take possession of all our feelings, desires and pleasures: she is like a clinging fish, stopping huge ships, like a dead calm, more dangerous for our most important affairs than any reefs and storms. In lazy peace, the soul finds a secret delight, for the sake of which we instantly forget about our most ardent aspirations and our most firm intentions. Finally, to give a true idea of ​​this passion, let us add that laziness is such a sweet peace of the soul that comforts it in all losses and replaces all blessings.

142. Everyone loves to study others, but no one likes to be studied.

143. What a boring illness it is to protect one's own health with too strict a regimen!

144. Most women give up not because their passion is so strong, but because they are weak. For this reason, enterprising men always have such success, although they are not at all the most attractive.

145. The surest way to kindle passion in another is to keep yourself cold

146. The height of the sanity of the least sane people lies in the ability to meekly follow the reasonable orders of others

147. People strive to achieve worldly blessings and pleasures at the expense of their neighbors.

148. Most likely, the one who is convinced that he can not bore anyone is bored.

149. It is unlikely that several people have the same aspirations, but it is necessary that the aspirations of each of them do not contradict each other.

150. All of us, with few exceptions, are afraid to appear before our neighbors as we really are.

151. We lose a lot by appropriating a manner that is alien to us

152. People try to appear different from what they really are, instead of becoming what they want to appear.

153. Many people are not only ready to give up their inherent manner of holding themselves for the sake of that which they consider appropriate to the position and rank they have achieved, but even dreaming of exaltation, they begin to behave in advance as if they had already exalted themselves. How many colonels behave like the marshals of France, how many judges pretend to be chancellors, how many townswomen play the part of duchesses!

154. People think not about the words they listen to, but about those that they long to pronounce

155. You should talk about yourself and set yourself as an example as rarely as possible.

156. The one who does not exhaust the subject of the conversation and gives the opportunity to others to think up and say something else is prudent.

157. It is necessary to talk with everyone about subjects close to him, and only when it is appropriate.

158. If to say the right word at the right moment is a great art, then to remain silent at the right time is an even greater art. Eloquent silence can sometimes express agreement, and disapproval; sometimes silence is mocking, but sometimes it is respectful

159. Usually people become frank because of vanity.

160. There are few secrets in the world that are kept forever

161. Great examples have produced a disgusting number of copies.

162. Old people are so fond of giving good advice, because they can no longer set bad examples.

163. The opinions of our enemies about us are much closer to the truth than our own opinions.
