
Sonya Marmeladova and Rodion Raskolnikov in the novel Crime and Punishment. Characteristics of Sonya Marmeladova - briefly Love of Sonya Marmeladova

Dostoevsky wrote his novel Crime and Punishment after hard labor. It was at this time that Fyodor Mikhailovich's convictions took on a religious connotation. The exposure of the unjust social order, the search for truth, the dream of happiness for all mankind were combined in this period in his character with a disbelief that the world could be remade by force. The writer was convinced that evil cannot be avoided under any structure of society. He believed that it comes from the human soul. Fyodor Mikhailovich raised the question of the need for the moral improvement of all people. Therefore, he decided to turn to religion.

Sonya is the ideal writer

Sonya Marmeladova and Rodion Raskolnikov are the two main characters of the work. They seem to be two opposite streams. The ideological part of "Crime and Punishment" is their worldview. Sonechka Marmeladova is a writer. It is a bearer of faith, hope, sympathy, love, understanding and tenderness. According to Dostoevsky, this is exactly what every person should be. This girl is the personification of the truth. She believed that all people have an equal right to life. Sonechka Marmeladova was firmly convinced that it was impossible to achieve happiness by crime - neither someone else's nor one's own. Sin always remains sin. It doesn't matter who did it and in the name of what.

Two worlds - Marmeladova and Raskolnikov

Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova exist in different worlds. Like two opposite poles, these heroes cannot live without each other. The idea of ​​rebellion is embodied in Rodion, while Sonechka Marmeladova personifies humility. This is a deeply religious and highly moral girl. She believes that there is a deep inner meaning in life. Rodion's ideas that everything that exists is meaningless are incomprehensible to her. Sonechka Marmeladova sees divine predestination in everything. She believes that nothing depends on the person. The truth of this heroine is God, humility, love. For her, the meaning of life is a great power of sympathy and compassion for people.

Raskolnikov, on the other hand, ruthlessly and passionately judges the world. He cannot put up with injustice. It is from here that his crime and mental anguish stems from the work "Crime and Punishment". Sonechka Marmeladova, like Rodion, also steps over herself, but she does it in a completely different way from Raskolnikov. The heroine sacrifices herself to other people, and does not kill them. In this, the author embodied the idea that a person has no right to personal, selfish happiness. Patience must be learned. True happiness can be achieved only through suffering.

Why Sonya takes Rodion's crime to heart

According to the thought of Fyodor Mikhailovich, a person needs to feel responsibility not only for his actions, but also for any evil done in the world. That is why Sonya feels that there is also her fault in the crime committed by Rodion. She takes this hero's deed to heart and shares his difficult fate. Raskolnikov decides to reveal his terrible secret to this particular heroine. Her love revives him. She resurrects Rodion to a new life.

High inner qualities of the heroine, attitude to happiness

The image of Sonechka Marmeladova is the embodiment of the best human qualities: love, faith, sacrifice and chastity. Even being surrounded by vices, forced to sacrifice her own dignity, this girl retains the purity of her soul. She does not lose faith in the fact that there is no happiness in comfort. Sonya says that "a person is not born for happiness." It is bought by suffering, it must be earned. The fallen woman Sonya, who has ruined her soul, turns out to be a "man of a high spirit." This heroine can be put in the same "category" with Rodion. However, she condemns Raskolnikov for his contempt for people. Sonya cannot accept his "rebellion". But it seemed to the hero that his ax was raised in her name.

The clash of Sonya and Rodion

According to Fyodor Mikhailovich, this heroine embodies the Russian element, the folk principle: humility and patience, and towards a person. The clash of Sonya and Rodion, their opposite worldviews are a reflection of the writer's internal contradictions that disturbed his soul.

Sonya hopes for a miracle, for God. Rodion is convinced that there is no God, and it is pointless to wait for a miracle. This hero reveals to the girl the futility of her illusions. Raskolnikov says that her compassion is useless and her sacrifices are fruitless. It is not at all because of the shameful profession that Sonechka Marmeladova is a sinner. The characterization of this heroine, given by Raskolnikov during the collision, does not stand up to criticism. He believes that her feat and sacrifices are in vain, but at the end of the work it is this heroine who revives him to life.

Sonya's ability to penetrate the human soul

Driven by life into a desperate situation, the girl is trying to do something in the face of death. She, like Rodion, acts according to the law of free choice. However, unlike him, she did not lose faith in humanity, which Dostoevsky notes. Sonechka Marmeladova is a heroine who does not need examples to understand that people are kind by nature and deserve the brightest share. It is she, and only she, who is capable of compassion for Rodion, since she is not embarrassed by either the ugliness of his social fate, or the physical ugliness. Sonya Marmeladova penetrates into the essence of the soul through its "scab". She is in no hurry to judge anyone. The girl understands that behind external evil there are always incomprehensible or unknown reasons that led to the evil of Svidrigailov and Raskolnikov.

The heroine's attitude towards suicide

This girl stands outside the laws of the world that torments her. She is not interested in money. She voluntarily, wanting to feed her family, went to the panel. And it was by her unbreakable and firm will that she did not commit suicide. When this question arose before the girl, she thought it over carefully and chose the answer. In her position, suicide would be a selfish act. Thanks to him, she would be spared from torment and shame. Suicide would have pulled her out of the stinking pit. However, the thought of family did not allow her to decide on this step. The measure of determination and will of Marmeladova is much higher than Raskolnikov assumed. In order to refuse suicide, she needed more resilience than in order to commit this act.

Debauchery for this girl was worse than death. However, humility precludes suicide. This reveals all the strength of the character of this heroine.

Sonya love

If you define in one word the nature of this girl, then this word is loving. Her love for her neighbor was active. Sonya knew how to respond to the pain of another person. This was especially evident in the episode of Rodion's murder confession. This quality makes her image "perfect". The verdict in the novel is pronounced by the author from the standpoint of this ideal. Fyodor Dostoevsky, in the image of his heroine, presented an example of forgiving, all-embracing love. She does not know envy, does not want anything in return. This love can even be called unspoken, because the girl never talks about her. However, this feeling overwhelms her. Only in the form of actions does it come out, but never in the form of words. Silent love only becomes more beautiful from this. Even the desperate Marmeladov bows before her.

The crazy Katerina Ivanovna also prostrates herself in front of the girl. Even Svidrigailov, this eternal lecher, respects Sonya for her. Not to mention Rodion Raskolnikov. Her love healed and saved this hero.

The author of the work, through reflections and moral searches, came to the idea that any person who finds God looks at the world in a new way. He begins to rethink it. That is why in the epilogue, when the moral resurrection of Rodion is described, Fyodor Mikhailovich writes that "a new history begins." The love of Sonechka Marmeladova and Raskolnikov, described at the end of the work, is the brightest part of the novel.

Immortal meaning of the novel

Dostoevsky, having justly condemned Rodion for his rebellion, leaves the victory for Sonya. It is in her that he sees the highest truth. The author wants to show that suffering purifies, that it is better than violence. Most likely, in our time, Sonechka Marmeladova would be an outcast. The image in the novel of this heroine is too far from the norms of behavior accepted in society. And not every Rodion Raskolnikov will suffer and suffer today. However, as long as "the world stands," the soul of a person and his conscience are always alive and will live. This is the immortal meaning of Dostoevsky's novel, who is rightfully considered a great writer-psychologist.

While serving time in hard labor, Dostoevsky conceived the novel "The Drunken". The difficult life, the corresponding environment, the stories of the prisoners - all this prompted the writer to describe the life of an impoverished ordinary Petersburger and his relatives. Later, already at liberty, he began to write another novel, where he wrote the previously conceived characters. The images and characteristics of the members of the Marmeladov family in the novel "Crime and Punishment" occupy a special place among other characters.

The family is a symbolic image that characterizes the life of ordinary ordinary people, collective - people who live almost on the verge of the final moral and moral decline, however, despite all the blows of fate, who managed to preserve the purity and nobility of their souls.

Marmeladov family

The Marmeladovs occupy an almost central place in the novel, are very closely associated with the main character. They played a very important role in the fate of Raskolnikov, almost everything.

At the time of Rodion's acquaintance with this family, it consisted of:

  1. Marmeladov Semyon Zakharovich - head of the family;
  2. Katerina Ivanovna - his wife;
  3. Sofya Semyonovna - daughter of Marmeladov (from his first marriage);
  4. children of Katerina Ivanovna (from her first marriage): Polenka (10 years old); Kolya (seven years old); Lidochka (six years old, still called Lenechka).

The Marmeladov family is a typical family of philistines who have sunk almost to the very bottom. They don't even live, they exist. Dostoevsky describes them as if they were not even trying to survive, but simply lived in hopeless poverty - such a family “has nowhere else to go”. It's not so much scary that the children found themselves in such a situation, but the fact that adults seem to have resigned themselves to their status, do not seek a way out, do not strive to get out of such a difficult existence.

Marmeladov Semyon Zakharovich

Head of the family, with which Dostoevsky acquaints the reader at the moment of the meeting between Marmeladov and Raskolnikov. Then the writer gradually reveals the life path of this character.

Marmeladov once served as a titular adviser, but drank himself to death, was left without work and practically without means of subsistence. He has a daughter from his first marriage - Sonya. At the time of the meeting of Semyon Zakharovich with Raskolnikov, Marmeladov had been married to a young woman Katerina Ivanovna for four years. She herself had three children from her first marriage.

The reader learns that Semyon Zakharovich married her not so much out of love as out of pity and compassion. And they all live in St. Petersburg, where they moved a year and a half ago. At first, Semyon Zakharovich finds work here, and quite worthy. However, from his addiction to drinking, the official very soon loses it. So, through the fault of the head of the family, the whole family is begging, left without a livelihood.

Dostoevsky does not tell - what happened in the fate of this man, what once broke in his soul so that he began to drink, and in the end he got drunk, thereby dooming the children to begging, he brought Katerina Ivanovna to consumption, and his own daughter became a prostitute, so that to somehow earn money and feed three young children, a father and a sick stepmother.

Listening to the drunken outpourings of Marmeladov, unwittingly, however, the reader is imbued with sympathy for this man who has fallen to the very bottom. Despite the fact that he robbed his wife, begged for money from his daughter, knowing how she earns it and for what, he is tormented by pangs of conscience, he is disgusted with himself, his soul hurts.

In general, many heroes of "Crime and Punishment", even very unpleasant at first, eventually come to the realization of their sins, to an understanding of the depth of their fall, some even repent. Morality, faith, inner mental suffering are characteristic of Raskolnikov, Marmeladov, and even Svidrigailov. Who does not withstand the pangs of conscience and commits suicide.

Here is Marmeladov: he is weak-willed, cannot cope with himself and stop drinking, but he sensitively and accurately feels the pain and suffering of other people, injustice towards them, he is sincere in his good feelings for his neighbors and honest to himself and others. Semyon Zakharovich did not harden in this fall - he loves his wife, daughter, children of his second wife.

Yes, he did not achieve much in the service, he married Katerina Ivanovna out of compassion and pity for her and her three children. He remained silent when his wife was beaten, was silent and endured when his own daughter went to the panel to feed the children, stepmother and father. And Marmeladov's reaction was weak-willed:

"And I ... was lying drunk, sir."

Even doing nothing, only he cannot drink alone - he needs support, he needs to confess to someone who will listen to him and comfort him, who will understand him.

Marmeladov begs for forgiveness - the interlocutor, the daughter, whom he considers a saint, his wife, her children. In fact, his prayer is addressed to a higher authority - to God. Only a former official asks for his forgiveness through his listeners, through his relatives - this is such a frank cry from the depths of his soul that it evokes in the listeners not so much pity as understanding and sympathy. Semyon Zakharovich himself punishes himself for his weakness, for his fall, for the inability to quit drinking and start working, for the fact that he has come to terms with his current decline and is not looking for a way out.

The result is sad: Marmeladov, being heavily drunk, dies after being run over by a horse. And, perhaps, this turns out to be the only way out for him.

Marmeladov and Raskolnikov

The hero of the novel meets Semyon Zakharovich in a tavern. Marmeladov attracted the attention of the poor student with a contradictory appearance and an even more contradictory look;

"Even enthusiasm seemed to glow - perhaps there was both meaning and intelligence - but at the same time there seemed to be madness."

Raskolnikov drew attention to the drunken little man, and eventually listened to the confession of Marmeladov, who told about himself, about his family. Listening to Semyon Zakharovich, Rodion once again realizes that his theory is correct. During this meeting, the student himself is in a strange state: he decided to murder the old woman-pawnbroker, driven by the "Napoleonic" theory of supermen.

At the beginning, the student sees the usual drunkard, a regular drinker. However, listening to Marmeladov's confession, Rodion is curious about his fate, then imbued with sympathy, and not only for the interlocutor, but also for his family members. And this is in that feverish state when the student himself is focused on only one thing: "to be or not to be."

Later, fate brings the hero of the novel to Katerina Ivanovna, Sonya. Raskolnikov helps the unfortunate widow with a commemoration. Sonya, with her love, helps Rodion to repent, to understand that not all is lost, that it is still possible to know both love and happiness.

Katerina Ivanovna

A middle-aged woman in her 30s. She has three young children from her first marriage. However, enough suffering and grief and trials have already fallen to her lot. But Katerina Ivanovna did not lose her pride. She is smart and educated. In her youth as a girl, she was carried away by an infantry officer, fell in love with him, ran away from home to get married. However, the husband turned out to be a gambler, in the end he lost, he was tried and he died soon after.

So Katerina Ivanovna was left alone with three children in her arms. Her relatives refused to help her, she had no income. The widow and her children ended up in complete poverty.

However, the woman did not break, did not give up, was able to keep her inner core, her principles. Dostoevsky characterizes Katerina Ivanovna in the words of Sonya:

she “... seeks justice, she is pure, she believes so much that there should be justice in everything, and demands ... And at least torture her, but she does not do unjust. She herself does not notice how all this is impossible, so that it is fair in people, and is irritated ... Like a child, like a child! "

In an extremely distressful situation, the widow meets Marmeladov, marries him, tirelessly fussing around the house, caring for everyone. Such a hard life undermines her health - she falls ill with consumption and on the day of Semyon Zakharovich's funeral she herself dies of tuberculosis.

Orphaned children are sent to an orphanage.

Children of Katerina Ivanovna

The writer's skill manifested itself in the highest way in describing the children of Katerina Ivanovna - so touching, detailed, realistic he describes these eternally hungry children doomed to live in poverty.

"... The smallest girl, about six years old, was sleeping on the floor, somehow sitting, curled up and burying her head in the sofa. A boy, a year older than her, was trembling all over in the corner and crying. He was probably just nailed. , about nine years old, tall and thin as a match, in one slender shirt that was torn everywhere and in a shabby old-fashioned burnus draped over her bare shoulders, which she probably sewed two years ago, because it did not even reach her knees now, stood in the corner next to the little her brother, clasping his neck with her long hand, dry as a match. She ... watched her mother with her big, big dark eyes, which seemed even more on her emaciated and frightened face ... "

It touches to the core. Who knows - it is possible that they end up in an orphanage, a better way out than staying on the street and begging.

Sonya Marmeladova

Semyon Zakharovich's own daughter, 18 years old. When her father married Katerina Ivanovna, she was only fourteen. Sonya has a significant role in the novel - the girl had a huge influence on the main character, became Raskolnikov's salvation and love.


Sonya did not receive a decent education, but she is smart and honest. Her sincerity and responsiveness became an example for Rodion and awakened in him conscience, repentance, and then love and faith. The girl suffered a lot in her so short life, suffered from her stepmother, but did not harbor evil, did not take offense. Despite her lack of education, Sonya is not at all stupid, she reads, she is smart. In all the trials that befell her for such a short life so far, she managed not to lose herself, retained the inner purity of her soul, her own dignity.

The girl turned out to be capable of complete self-sacrifice for the good of her neighbors; she is endowed with the gift of feeling the suffering of others as her own. And then she thinks least of all about herself, but only about how and how she can help someone who is very bad, who suffers and needs even more than herself.

Sonya and her family

Fate seemed to test the girl's strength: at first she began to work as a seamstress to help her father, stepmother and her children. Although at that time it was accepted that the family should be supported by a man, the head of the family, however, Marmeladov was absolutely incapable of this. The stepmother was sick, her children were very young. The seamstress's income was insufficient.

And the girl, driven by pity, compassion and a desire to help, goes to the panel, gets a “yellow ticket”, becomes a “harlot”. She suffers greatly from the realization of her external fall. But Sonya never rebuked the drunken father or the sick stepmother, who knew perfectly well who the girl was now working for, but themselves were unable to help her. Sonia gives her earnings to her father and stepmother, knowing full well that the father will drink this money, but the stepmother will be able to somehow feed her little children.

Meant a lot to a girl

"The thought of sin and they, those ... poor orphans and this pathetic half-mad Katerina Ivanovna with her consumption, with her head banging against the wall."

This kept Sonya from wanting to commit suicide because of such a shameful and dishonorable occupation, which she was forced to engage in. The girl managed to preserve her inner moral purity, to preserve her soul. But not every person is able to preserve himself, to remain human, going through all the trials in life.

Sonya love

It is no coincidence that the writer pays such close attention to Sonya Marmeladova - in the fate of the protagonist, the girl became his salvation, and not so much physical, but moral, moral, spiritual. Having become a fallen woman, in order to be able to save at least the children of her stepmother, Sonya saved Raskolnikov from a spiritual fall, which is even more terrible than a physical fall.

Sonechka, sincerely and blindly believing with all her heart in God, without reasoning or philosophizing, was the only one capable of awakening humanity in Rodion, if not faith, but conscience, repentance for what she had done. She simply saves the soul of a poor student lost in philosophical discourses about the superman.

The novel clearly shows the opposition of Sonya's humility to Raskolnikov's rebellion. And not Porfiry Petrovich, but this poor girl was able to direct the student on the right path, helped to realize the fallacy of his theory and the severity of the crime. She suggested a way out - repentance. It was her that Raskolnikov obeyed, confessing to the murder.

After the trial of Rodion, the girl followed him to hard labor, where she began to work as a milliner. For her kind heart, for her ability to sympathize with other people, everyone loved her, especially the prisoners.

The spiritual revival of Raskolnikov became possible only thanks to the selfless love of the poor girl. Patiently, with hope and faith, Sonechka takes care of Rodion, who is sick not so much physically as spiritually and mentally. And she manages to awaken in him the awareness of good and evil, awaken humanity. Raskolnikov, if he had not yet accepted Sonya's faith with his mind, accepted her convictions with his heart, believed her, in the end he fell in love with the girl.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the writer in the novel reflected not so much the social problems of society, but more psychological, moral, and spiritual. The whole horror of the tragedy of the Marmeladov family is in the typicality of their destinies. Sonia became a bright ray here, who managed to preserve a person, dignity, honesty and decency, purity of her soul, despite all the trials she faced. And today all the problems shown in the novel have not lost their relevance.

Sonya Marmeladova is one of the main characters in the masterpiece of Russian classics, the novel by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky entitled "Crime and Punishment".

The girl lives on the "yellow ticket", she is forced to sell her body to help her family. Her father, Semyon Zakharovich Marmeladov, previously held a decent position, but now he has reached the brink of poverty and began to drink. The stepmother, Ekaterina Ivanovna, suffers from consumption and oppresses Sonechka in every possible way. In order to somehow provide for the parents and their younger children, Sonya decides on an act that is low in her understanding: she becomes a public woman. Her family is starving, so Marmeladova steps over herself and violates her moral principles.

The girl is eighteen years old, she has a feminine, slender figure, has blonde hair, a small nose, chin and clear blue eyes. Sonya has a short stature and a pretty, pretty face.

The people around the girl understand her plight and do not condemn Sonya. To some extent, her actions are noble and deserve respect, because Marmeladova does not spend the money she earned on herself, but gives it to her loved ones and helps other people free of charge.

Despite her occupation, Marmeladova is a very kind, sincere and naive person. She is often undeservedly offended, but she is a very gentle personality and is not able to fight back, because she has a very timid character. Sonechka is very religious, and she also considers human life to be the highest value. The girl is capable of self-sacrifice, because she is forced to endure a terrible shame for the welfare of those close to her. She tries to appear at home as little as possible, because she is ashamed of her way of earning money, Sonya comes only to give money to her father or stepmother.

She did not agree with the theory of Rodion Raskolnikov that people should be divided into “trembling creatures” and “having the right”. Sonia believes that everyone is equal, no one has the right to condemn anyone and take someone else's life. The girl sincerely believes in God, so she thinks that only he can evaluate human actions.

In the image of Sonya Marmeladova, Dostoevsky embodies his understanding of the idea of ​​humanism, human compassion and nobility. In her person, the author created the antipode of the main character, Rodion Raskolnikov. Sonia evokes sympathy and understanding among readers, and also, using her example, Dostoevsky shows truly valuable human qualities.

Essay about Sonya Marmeladova

Among all the characters in Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" Sonya Marmeladova is one of the key characters. This heroine makes the reader think about the most necessary qualities for a person: mercy, self-sacrifice, sincere faith in God.

Sonya Marmeladova is a young girl of eighteen, slender, with blond hair. Her father is a former government official who became a godless drunkard after being fired. His constant drunkenness drove him to the point that he took all the valuables and clothes of his wife, Sonya's stepmother, out of the house to pay debts. So that Sonya and her family are not kicked out of the room they rented, she sacrifices her innocence and, as a true believer in God, thus commits a grave sin. Despite the fact that such an act greatly crippled the spirit of the heroine, she does not blame her father or stepmother, Katerina Ivanovna, for this, who literally forced her to go on a yellow ticket. Instead, she finds the strength to come to terms with her fate. She understands the importance of the act, because it was not done for her, but in order for the family not to starve in poverty. This act does not pass without a trace for Sonya Marmeladova. She feels lower than other women and cannot even sit down in the company of Rodion Raskolnikov's sister. In this novel, the reader sees Sonya as a true believer and preacher of Christianity. The basis of her actions is nothing like love for her neighbors and relatives: she gives her father money for a drink because of her love for him, her love helped Raskolnikov cleanse his soul in their joint hard labor.

Sonya Marmeladova in this novel acts as an opposition to the image of Radion Raskolnikov, his theory. For the heroine, all people are equal to each other, and no one has the right to take the life of another. She went with Rodion to hard labor, where she hoped not only to help him in atonement for his sins, but also to atone for her own. Thanks to the heroine's love for everything around her, the fellow prisoners fell in love with Sonya, and Raskolnikov found the strength to repent of his sins and began a new life from scratch.

Through the image of Sonya Marmeladova, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky shows readers his thoughts and beliefs related to justice and love for people.

Option 3

This gentle and very fragile girl, arouses deep sympathy in the reader, her difficult fate makes her heart squeeze. A very young girl, Sonechka, was forced to become a slave to circumstances, sent by her own family to the panel, she humbly accepts her fate. This petite girl with deep and clear gases, too timid and God-fearing person. But loyalty to her family is so strong that she transcends herself and her beliefs in order to help the family cope with financial difficulties.

Despite the fact that the main character is not exactly Sonya Marmeladova, the novel clearly shows the tender attitude of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky to this character tormented by fate. He always returns to this very young and so vulnerable person who is forced to carry her cross.

Sonya does not expect gratitude and applause for her decision in return, her devotion to her father knows no bounds, Marmeladov, in turn, also loves his daughter very much, but a painful craving for alcohol made him a weak-willed slave. He wanders aimlessly through the streets and taverns, clouding his consciousness over and over again, squeezing, in such a way, the feeling of guilt for his own helplessness.

Fragile Sonechka, in turn, is very ashamed to visit her father's house, despite the fact that she did not commit this sin, only for the sake of her family, she comes only to give money to her stepmother, which she gets through intolerable mental anguish.

One gets the impression that Sonya is completely incapable of thinking about herself, all her actions are aimed at caring for her neighbors. She believes that there are no people better than her and no worse, because before God everyone is equal, all his children.

The only thing that confuses this puny girl with a baby face is that Raskolnikov, after his confession, tried to hide his guilt. But, according to Marmeladova, there is no more terrible crime, she does not condemn the young man, but still considers it terrible to try to get around the punishment.

After Rodion confessed to his deeds and answered before the law. Sonya was the only one who did not turn away from him and continued to visit Raskolnikov, in places not so remote. Despite the fact that Rodion, not very warmly met the girl in the first couples, she continued to visit the young man. Which once again proves that there is no chapel to her mercy.

There is something connecting between the young people, they both crossed the line, both jumped off the cliff and did not return anything back, but still there is a significant difference, Rodion neglected someone else's life, and Sonya sacrificed her own. Both had no doubt good goals, but still there is a line of what is permitted.

Composition 4

Sonya Marmeladova is the main female character in the novel Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

The reader learns about Sonya for the first time from the story of her father, Semyon Marmeladov, about his life to Rodion Raskolnikov: “my only begotten daughter”. The head of the Marmeladov family talks about Sonya's feat: for the welfare of the family, an eighteen-year-old girl goes to the panel, because she has no other way to make money. This is considered a feat, because Sonya steps over the fear of humiliation, morality, she does not think about herself, but takes care of her loved ones.

This act will affect the further life of Sonya, because now she is the owner of the "yellow ticket", a document that replaces a passport and gives the right to work as a "night butterfly". It was difficult to return the passport back, and with a yellow ticket it was only possible to engage in prostitution, which means that Sonya Marmeladova could not get at least some job.

Knowing what Sonya was doing, those around her persecuted her, disdained to be in the same room with her (example: Amalia Fedorovna, who expelled Sonya from the room that Marmeladov had surrendered).

The girl's full name, Sophia, comes from Greece. In Greek, it means wisdom. Indeed, Sonya Marmeladova is a wise girl. Any of her actions are justified. This is sometimes not noticeable under the naivete and some curiosity inherent in Sonya due to her age.

Sonya's appearance makes it clear to the reader that the girl's soul is filled with light, despite all the circumstances of her life. Sonya Marmeladova has a "meek voice", "a pale, thin face." She is "blonde", "small in stature, blonde, with wonderful blue eyes." The girl has a "bashful look" she does not care about moral values ​​and ideals.

We see this in the scene with Raskolnikov's confession. She, while sympathizing with him, is nevertheless convinced that everyone has the right to live, no matter what he does and whoever he is. Crime is an impermissible luxury for anyone who tries to achieve happiness for themselves or others in this way. Sonya is an understanding, loving, devoted girl - she goes to Siberia after Rodion. Sonya was ready to wait for the return of her lover. She is the moral ideal of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, a heroine who expresses the author's opinion.

We sympathize with Sonya and at the same time understand that she is on the right path and is moving forward along the right path. She also instructs the main character of the novel, Rodion Raskolnikov, on this path.

Option 5

One of the masterpieces of Russian literature is the work of FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". And one of the most striking characters is Sonya Marmeladova. The author presents the reader with the image of an eighteen-year-old girl, with a beautiful posture and snow-white hair. Her delicate and feminine nature, subject to strong life experiences, due to the tragic fate of the heroine.

Sonya lives in a family in which her father does not work and abuses alcohol, she has no mother, only a stepmother. This woman is sick, there are many children in the family, the children have nothing to eat. Therefore, Sonya decides to work as a corrupt woman in order to earn at least some money for the family.

This decision was forced, it completely contradicts the character and worldview of the heroine, she made this sacrifice for the sake of her family. Therefore, she is very worried about her work, she does not come home, brings money to her father and again leaves for work.

But this low occupation did not break Sonya, she believes in people, in God and helps Raskolnikov. Raskolnikov divides people into two classes, some in his opinion should rule the world, and the second are just trembling creatures that do not need to be respected.

Sonya does not share this opinion, she tells Rodion that all people are equal before God and only the Lord God can judge people. All people are equal before God and society, which is why she is ready to atone for her guilt and, to guide Raskolnikov on the true path.

Using the example of the main character of the novel "Crime and Punishment", the author shows the readers what are the good traits of the human character. It is Sonya Marmeladova, who has such an anti-moral profession, who has high spiritual qualities.

Throughout the novel, she tells Raskolnikov about the meaning of life and how to atone for your guilt, before people and before God. It is thanks to Sonya and her love for him that Raskolnikov withstands many years of hard labor and sincerely repents of his deed.

This repentance gives relief to his soul, he can live on and love Sonya. Thanks to the constant support from Sonya, Raskolnikov began a new life. He repented of the crime he had committed and completely changed his attitude towards life and people.

Sonya Marmeladova, this is exactly the hero of the work who can help not only himself, but also everyone around him to get the way to salvation, through faith in God and all-consuming love for people. She communicated so sincerely with Raskolnikov that he was able to become a little kinder and easier to look at life.

Sonya herself suffered from mental anguish, since she could not forgive herself for the fact that she had to work in a brothel. But thanks to her faith in God and a strong spirit, Sonya endured all these torments and took the true path. And she helped not only herself, but also Raskolnikov to become better than he really is.

Sonechka Marmeladova

Dostoevsky's works have always had much more in them than just an interesting plot and colorful characters. In his works, the author often touched on social topics and ideas, thereby reflecting on them in works with the reader. He showed simple everyday problems with beautiful literary language, metaphors, and aphorisms, which also played an important role in the development of both his career and all literature in general. During his entire career, he wrote many worthy works, but the most striking example of the above is his landmark work for literature - "Crime and Punishment".

In his work "Crime and Punishment" Dostoevsky tells the tragic story of the formation of an ordinary person into a robber, a murderer, and just a greedy person. Also in the work we can see many different characters with their own unique, not similar to each other, images. One of these characters is Sonya Marmeladova.

Sonya Marmeladov is a young girl who, due to very unpleasant circumstances, has to work in even more unpleasant places in order to feed herself and her family. The author shows her image as the image of a selfless girl who is ready to do anything to help her family. Showing her as a girl who, by the will of fate, is obliged to overcome herself to work in such disgusting places, the author introduces a new idea and theme into the work - the theme of overcoming one's desires in the name of the common good.

In character, Sonya is quite modest, and even naive, but this naivety basically bribes her clients, forcing her to pay attention to her, and this happens, most likely, out of pity. One way or another, the author created a rather memorable image in the work, which transfers his thoughts and themes that he would like to transfer into his work, so that the reader can reflect on this topic with him, and, of course, come to a possible solution to the problem.

I believe that it is these traits that predominate in the image of Sonya Marmeladova in the work “Crime and Punishment”.

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Sonechka Marmeladova is a character in the novel "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. The book was written after hard labor. Therefore, the religious connotation of the author's beliefs is clearly traced in it. He seeks the truth, denounces the injustice of the world, dreams of the happiness of humanity, but at the same time does not believe that the world can be remade by violent means. Dostoevsky is convinced that evil cannot be avoided under any social order, as long as evil is in the soul of people. Fyodor Mikhailovich rejected the revolution as a transforming society, he turned towards religion, trying to solve exclusively the issue of improving the morality of each individual. It is these ideas that are reflected in the novel by the heroine Sonechka Marmeladova.

Characteristics of the hero

The two main characters of the novel - Sonya Marmeladova and Rodion Raskolnikov - follow the plot like counter streams. The ideological part of the work is presented to the reader through their worldview. Through Sonechka, Dostoevsky showed his moral ideal, bearing faith and love, hope and understanding, warmth. According to the author, this is how all people should be. Through Sonya, Fedor Mikhailovich says that everyone, regardless of their position in society, has the right to live and be happy. The heroine is convinced that it is impossible to achieve happiness, both your own and someone else's, by criminal means, and sin in any case remains a sin, in the name of whom or whatever it was committed.

If the image of Raskolnikov is a rebellion, then Sonechka Marmeladova in the novel Crime and Punishment personifies humility. They are two opposite poles that cannot exist one without the other. However, literary scholars still argue about the deep meaning of this rebellion and humility.

Inner world

Sonechka Marmeladova deeply believes in God and has high moral qualities. She sees the deepest meaning in life and does not understand the ideas of her antagonist about the meaninglessness of existence, believing that behind every event there is a predestination from God. Sonya is sure that a person cannot influence anything, and his main task is to show humility and love. For her, things like empathy and compassion are both the meaning of life and a great power.

Raskolnikov judges the world only from the standpoint of reason, with rebellious fervor. He does not want to come to terms with injustice. This becomes the cause of his mental anguish and crime. Sonechka Marmeladova in Dostoevsky's novel also steps over herself, but not like Rodion. She does not want to destroy other people and cause them suffering, but sacrifices herself. This reflects the idea of ​​the writer that for a person, not selfish personal happiness should be more important, but suffering for the benefit of others. Only in this way, in his opinion, can you achieve true happiness.

Moral of the storyline

Sonechka Marmeladova, whose characterization and inner world are so carefully worked out in the novel, reflects the author's idea that everyone should be aware of responsibility not only for the acts committed, but also for all the evil that is happening in the world. Sonya feels guilty for the crime committed by Raskolnikov, so she takes everything to heart and tries to revive it with her compassion. Sonya shares the fate of Rodion after he reveals his secret to her.

In the novel, this happens symbolically: when Sonya reads him the scene of the resurrection of Lazarus from the New Testament, the man correlates the plot with his own life, and then, coming to her the next time, he talks about what he had done and tries to explain the reasons, and then asks for her help. Sonya instructs Rodion. She encourages him to go to the square to repent of his crime against the people. The author himself here reflects the idea of ​​bringing the criminal to suffering, so that through him he could atone for his guilt.

Moral qualities

Sonya Marmeladova in the novel embodies the best that can be in a person: faith, love, chastity, willingness to sacrifice oneself. She had to engage in prostitution, but surrounded by vice, she kept her soul pure and continued to believe in people and in the fact that happiness is achieved only at the cost of suffering. Sonya, like Raskolnikov, who violated the Gospel commandments, nevertheless condemns Rodion for contempt for people, does not share his rebellious moods.

The author tried to reflect through her the whole essence of the folk principle and the Russian soul, to show natural humility and patience, love for one's neighbor and God. The worldviews of the two heroes of the novel are opposed to each other and, constantly colliding, show the contradictions in the soul of Dostoevsky.


Sonya believes in God, believes in a miracle. Rodion, on the contrary, believes that there is no Almighty and miracles also do not happen. He tries to reveal to the girl how ridiculous and illusory her ideas are, proves that her sufferings are useless, and the sacrifices are ineffectual. Raskolnikov judges her from his point of view, says that it is not her profession that makes her sinful, but vain sacrifices and exploits. However, Sonya's worldview is unshakable, even being cornered, she is trying to do something in the face of death. The girl, even after all the humiliation and suffering, did not lose faith in people, in the kindness of their souls. She doesn't need examples, she just believes that everyone deserves a fair share.

Sonia is not embarrassed by either physical deformities or deformities of fate, she is capable of compassion, can penetrate into the essence of the human soul and does not want to condemn, because she feels that any evil is committed by a person for some unknown, internal and incomprehensible reason to others.

Inner strength

Many of the author's thoughts are reflected by Sonechka Marmeladova in the novel "Crime and Punishment". Its characterization is complemented by questions about suicide. The girl, forced to go to the panel so that the family would stop starving, at some point thought about killing herself and getting rid of the shame with one jerk, getting out of the stinking pit.

She was stopped by the thought of what would happen to her loved ones, albeit not quite relatives. In order to refrain from suicide in such a life situation, much more inner strength is required. But the religious Sonya was not held back by the thought of mortal sin. She worried "about them, hers." And although debauchery for the girl was worse than death, she chose him.

Love and humility

Another trait that permeates Sonechka's character is the ability to love. She responds to the suffering of others. She, like the wives of the Decembrists, follows Raskolnikov to hard labor. In her image, Dostoevsky presented an all-embracing and all-consuming love that does not require anything in return. This feeling cannot be called fully expressed, because Sonya never says anything like that out loud, and silence makes her even more beautiful. For this she is respected by her father, a drunken former official, and her stepmother Katerina Ivanovna, clouded by her reason, and even the lecher Svidrigailov. Raskolnikov's love saves and heals her.

Author's beliefs

Each hero has his own worldview and faith. Everyone remains true to their beliefs. But Raskolnikov and Sonechka come to the conclusion that God can show the way to everyone, one has only to feel his closeness. Dostoevsky through his characters tells that every person who has come to God through the thorny path of moral torment and research will no longer be able to look at the world as before. The process of human renewal and rebirth will begin.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky condemns Raskolnikov. The author gives the victory not to him, the clever, strong and proud, but to the humble Sonia, whose image expresses the highest truth: suffering purifies. She becomes a symbol of the author's moral ideals, which, in his opinion, are close to the Russian soul. This is humility, silent obedience, love and forgiveness. Probably, in our time, Sonechka Marmeladova would also become an outcast. But conscience and truth have always lived and will live, and love and goodness will lead a person out even from the abyss of evil and despair. This is the deep meaning of Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel.

The image of the immaculate and at the same time sinful angel in the novel "Crime and Punishment" became a real sensation for the public. opened up a different side of life for readers. The personality of Sonya Marmeladova was different from the usual literary heroes. Her crime, humility and desire to atone for guilt became moral guidelines for all confused.

Crime and Punishment

Dostoevsky put together the basis for the novel during his own hard labor. In Siberia, the writer did not have the opportunity to write, but there was enough time for interviews with the exiles and their loved ones. Therefore, the images of the main characters of the novel have a collective character.

Initially, the novel was conceived by the author as a confession story. The narration was conducted in the first person, and the main task for Dostoevsky was to show the inner psychological truth of a confused person. The writer was carried away by the idea, and a serious story grew into a novel.

Initially, her role in the novel "Crime and Punishment" was secondary, but after several edits, the image of the main character took an important place in the narrative. With the help of Sonya, Dostoevsky brings to the readers an important idea of ​​the novel:

“The Orthodox view, what is Orthodoxy. There is no happiness in comfort; happiness is bought by suffering. Man is not born to be happy. A person deserves his happiness, and always suffering. "

Analysis of the work proves that the author did an excellent job with the task. Sonya is the personification of suffering and redemption. The characterization of the heroine is revealed to the reader gradually. All quotes about the former prostitute are filled with love and care. Dostoevsky is equally worried about the fate of the girl:

“... Oh yes Sonya! What a well, however, they managed to dig! And they enjoy it! They are using it! And they got used to it. We cried and got used to it. A scoundrel man gets used to everything! "

Biography and plot of the novel

Sofya Semyonovna Marmeladova was born into the family of a minor official. The girl's father is an elderly man, earns little and loves to drink. Sonya's mother died long ago, the girl is brought up by her stepmother. The new wife of the father has a mixture of feelings for the stepdaughter. All dissatisfaction with the failed life Katerina Ivanovna rips off on an innocent girl. At the same time, the woman does not feel hatred for the younger Marmalade and tries not to deprive the girl of attention.

Sonya did not receive an education, since, according to her father, she is not distinguished by intelligence and ingenuity. The trusting and good-natured heroine blindly believes in God and meekly serves the interests of the Marmeladov spouses and stepmother's children from her first marriage.

The girl is already 18 years old, although the appearance of the heroine would be more suitable for a child: blond hair, blue eyes, an angular figure:

"She could not even be called pretty, but her blue eyes were so clear, and when they were animated, her expression became so kind and simple-minded that it involuntarily attracted her."

The family lives in the Russian outback, but after the loss of their father's permanent earnings, the Marmeladovs move to St. Petersburg. In the capital, Semyon Zakharovich quickly finds work and just as quickly loses it. The bosses are not ready to put up with the drunkenness of the employee. The support of the family falls entirely on Sonya.

Left without a livelihood, the girl sees one way out - to quit her job as a seamstress, which brought too little money, and find a job as a prostitute. For shameful earnings, the girl was kicked out of the apartment. Sonya lives separately from her family, rents a room from a familiar tailor:

“... my daughter, Sofya Semyonovna, was forced to receive a yellow ticket, and on this occasion could not stay with us. For the hostess, Amalia Fedorovna, did not want to let that happen. "

The girl of easy virtue received from the government a "yellow ticket" - a document proving that the young lady was selling the body. Even shameful work does not save the Marmeladov family.

Semyon Zakharovich dies under the hooves of a carriage horse. In the hustle and bustle, the girl meets Raskolnikov for the first time. The man already knows the girl in absentia - the elder Marmeladov told Rodion the difficult fate of Sonya in all the details.

Material assistance from a stranger (Rodion Raskolnikov pays for his father's funeral) touches the girl. Sonya goes off to thank the man. This is how the difficult relationship of the main characters is struck.

In the process of organizing a funeral, young people spend a lot of time talking. Both feel like outcasts of society, both are looking for consolation and support. The mask of the cold cynic, which the main character hides behind, falls, and the true Rodion appears before pure Sonya:

“He suddenly changed; his cheeky and impotently defiant tone disappeared. Even my voice suddenly weakened ... "

The death of Marmeladov finally undermined the health of his stepmother. Katerina Ivanovna dies of consumption, and Sonya takes care of the younger members of the family. Help for the girl comes unexpectedly - Mr. Svidrigailov arranges the babies in an orphanage and provides the younger Marmeladov with a comfortable future. The fate of Sonya was arranged in such a terrible way.

But the desire to make sacrifices pushes the girl to the other extreme. Now the heroine intends to devote herself to Raskolnikov and accompany the prisoner into exile. The girl is not afraid that a loved one killed an old woman in order to test a crazy theory. The truth of Marmeladova is that love, faith and selflessness will heal and direct Rodion on the right path.

In Siberia, where the main character is sent, Sonya gets a job as a seamstress. The shameful profession remains in the past, and, despite the coldness of the young man, Sonya remains loyal to Rodion. The girl's patience and faith bring results - Raskolnikov realizes how much he needs Marmeladova. The reward for the two wounded souls was the joint happiness that came after the atonement of sins.

Screen adaptations

The first film dedicated to Raskolnikov's crime was filmed in 1909. The role of Rodion's faithful companion was played by the actress Alexandra Goncharova. The film itself has long been lost, there are no copies of the film. In 1935, American filmmakers filmed their own version of the tragedy. The image of the immaculate sinner went to the actress Marian Marsh.

In 1956, the French showed their own take on the drama of a confused man. She played the role of Sonya, but in the film adaptation the name of the main character was changed to Lily Marcelen.

In the USSR, the first picture about the fate of Raskolnikov was released in 1969. The film was directed by Lev Kulidzhanov. Sofya Semyonovna Marmeladova was played by Tatiana Bedova. The film was included in the program of the Venice Film Festival.

In 2007, the series Crime and Punishment was released, in which she embodied the image of the main character.

Most film critics did not like the serial film. The main complaint is that Rodion Raskolnikov has no human feelings. The hero is possessed by anger and hatred. Remorse never touches the hearts of the main characters.

  • Dostoevsky's first child was named Sonya. The girl died a couple of months after birth.
  • In St. Petersburg, the heroine lived in the building of the former treasury chamber. This is a real house. Sonya's exact address is 63 Griboyedov Canal Embankment.
  • The rap artist uses the name of the main character from Crime and Punishment as a pseudonym.
  • In the first version of the novel, Sonya's biography looks different: the heroine comes into conflict with Dunya Raskolnikova and becomes the object of Luzhin's insane but immaculate love.


"You departed from God, and God defeated you, betrayed you to the devil!"
"Suffering to accept and redeem yourself with it, that's what you need ..."
"... And tell everyone out loud:" I killed! " Then God will send you life again. Will you go? Will you go? .. "
“Why are you, that you have done this on yourself! No, you are not more unhappy than anyone in the whole world now! "
