
Who is a kinesthetic. Kinesthetic - who is he? Melody for sensations

Pay attention to young children who are just learning to learn about the world. They want to touch everything, shake it, turn it around, disassemble it, taste it. This suggests that all people, former kinesthetics, only many grew up and began to use other channels for perception, and some have not changed the way they understand the world around them.

What is a kinesthetic?

Have you seen a person who is constantly trying something, feeling, prefers to savor coffee for a long time? Most likely, you have a kinesthetic in front of you. Among all people, he will be distinguished by the desire to touch. A kinesthetic is a person who perceives the world around him with the help of touch, taste, smell. Kinesthetics are creative, mood-dependent individuals.

Kinesthetic - characteristic

This type of people has characteristic features of appearance and it does not matter if it is a man or a woman. Often they have a predisposition to, but even if the weight is beyond the limits, kinesthetics are distinguished by special grace, and the movements are very smooth and soft. A kinesthetic person, the character is calm and balanced, he never turns into a bore or a moralist. Such representatives have characteristic behavioral traits:

  1. By nature, they are characterized by melancholy, which goes away as quickly as it comes.
  2. They are not timid, they just stand out less against the background of others.
  3. They are connoisseurs of comfort, comfortable clothes and footwear, good weather and a perfectly organized life.
  4. At the same time, a kinesthetic at home may be a complete mess, but everything is at hand, and a T-shirt can be worn for years because it is pleasant to the body.
  5. They always strive to touch the interlocutor.

Kinesthetic woman

If ordinary girls and women by their nature just love to take care of themselves, go to spa salons and make masks, then the kinesthetic girl is in great need of this, therefore, among the majority of regular clients of massage rooms and saunas, this type is representative. For a woman, the kinesthetic psychotype carries a number of significant advantages, which is reflected in a well-groomed appearance.

Girls of this type are very loved by men, they are gentle, affectionate, love to constantly stroke, touch, feel a partner, in the literal sense of the word. At the same time, they are distinguished by great romance, and their speech is figurative and beautiful. Such a girl, even for the sake of her beloved man, will not walk on high heels if it is more comfortable for her in sneakers and her smooth and silky skin can be hidden under a sweater that her grandmother knitted for her 10 years ago.

Kinesthetic man

For representatives of the stronger sex of this type, it does not matter at all how a woman is dressed and whether her forms are perfect. If a man is kinesthetic, then he will give his preference to a woman who has velvety skin, silky hair, and who smells good, it does not matter if it is the smell of expensive perfume or borscht. The kinesthetic person loves to constantly stroke, touch, inhale the aroma.

A kinesthetic man is a person who regularly visits the massage room, does a manicure, takes care of hair and body, but at the same time can walk in an old shabby suit and worn-out shoes, because he is so comfortable. In everyday life, he loves comfortable furniture and appreciates comfort. It is more of a silent companion, for whom touch means more than any words.

Kinesthetic child

From early childhood, these kids love to know the world by touch, trying to touch and make out everything. By the type of personality, the kinesthetic child is very fearless and outgoing, who makes friends with strangers without any problems. For parents, a child of this type is real happiness, because he will never hide his feelings, he will constantly kiss and hug not only his parents, but also sisters and brothers. A large portion of the weasel will go to all pets.

Parents should be doubly careful with the kinesthetic child, he will learn everything from his own experience, wanting to make sure on his own that the salt tastes salty, that puddle at the entrance is really wet, and the kettle is hot. It is pointless to punish, such is the nature of kinesthetics. Yes, and these warm embraces, begging to forgive another prank. Well, how can I be offended?

How does kinesthetics achieve their goal?

Representatives of this type of personality must be constantly spurred on to decisive action. A kinesthetic is a psychological one who must independently feel a given goal and feel it. Here are some simple tips on how to get the kinesthetics what they want:

  1. You need to take a piece of paper and write down a goal that is actually achievable in three months.
  2. Write next to 5 means that would help in achieving the goal.
  3. Find the time in days, this should be a fixed time to be spent on. For example, from 14 to 16 - work on a project.
  4. Work on your goal every day until you reach it.
  5. Strict adherence to the plan will lead to the fact that the goal will be achieved ahead of schedule.

How to communicate with a kinesthetic?

It is easier to build relationships and communicate with a person when you already know what to expect from him in a given situation. A kinesthetic is a person who has a special outlook on the world; ordinary communication schemes are not always effective for him. But, if some features of his mindset and understanding are taken into account, then it is not so difficult to make friends with him.

A kinesthetic is a psychological type of interlocutor who is wary of everything new, as he is characterized by constancy. Such people are balanced, calm and very reasonable. Often, intuition is used in decision-making. They have difficulty communicating with other people due to their mannerisms. Handshakes and friendly hugs can help you build a relationship with your kinesthetic.

Profession for kinesthetics

A person who has so well developed taste buds and sense of smell should not ignore this fact. The best work for kinesthetics will be related to the peculiarities of the perception of the world. They make excellent tasters, fabric experts, perfumers. Many kinesthetics have found themselves in professions that require feeling and controlling their bodies. They are excellent masseurs, athletes and dancers.

Kinesthetics is the perception of the world through receptors located on the human body, in fact, kinesthetics can be called a synonym for touch, the term tactile feeling is also widely used. Naturally, we receive the greatest amount of tactile information through our hands, to be precise, palms and fingers.

Many unknowingly do not attach importance to this sense organ, but human kinesthetics can be very developed. Probably, many have seen how the blind read, for an ordinary person it seems almost beyond the realm of possibility. But the receptors on our fingers can work wonders.

The term kinesthetic has gained popularity due to the widespread popularity of NLP techniques, and in dividing there attention to non-verbal communication.

Kinesthetic in sales.

Kinesthetic from a sales point of view is important for choosing the right salesperson behavior when communicating with a customer. All people are divided into three categories according to the used channel of information perception -. The biggest problem for salespeople is the presentation for kinesthetics.

Determining kinesthetics is not difficult, he tries to invade your personal space - to touch, hug, put his hand on your shoulder. When the kinesthetic sees something interesting, he immediately silently begins to touch the object. This behavior often causes confusion and irritation among others. Often the seller makes the mistake of forbidding to touch the goods; in no case should this be done. The seller, not understanding who is in front of him, may, instead of demonstrating the product and offering the client, get acquainted with it, begins to talk about the properties and benefits. The kinesthetic will not listen to what is said to him if he is busy studying the product.

The most correct behavior would be to offer to touch the quality elements of the product. Focus the kinesthetic's attention on how high-quality the plastic of the car's interior is, offer to touch the metal structural elements to make sure they are strong, etc.

In addition to building the correct behavior with kinesthetics, the seller should use body language, this is described in detail in the article on non-verbal communication. But it's worth mentioning that the position of your body, the strength of the handshake and the use of gestures have a huge impact on the interlocutor's subconscious. Based on these factors, a person may be imbued with confidence in you or, on the contrary, feel anxiety or even irritation.

Kinesthetics in psychology.

It has been scientifically proven that touch and non-verbal communication affect the unconscious part of the mind much more strongly than words. With a touch, you can give confidence, wish you luck, induce action, or make you think. Kinesthetics is the most powerful tool for influencing a person and at the moment its potential is only being studied.

In psychology, a lot of attention is paid to the description of the psychotype of the kinesthetic. As stated above, such people often have communication problems. In fact, all people begin to study this world through the organs of touch, who have children know very well that until the child has mastered speech, he touches and gropes everything. But as soon as the child masters new channels of information, he begins to focus less and less on the sense of touch.

The kinesthetic is characterized by the following behavior:

  1. It is difficult for him to look into the eyes during a conversation, he tries to concentrate on one point.
  2. Distracted by inner experiences, while he drops out of the conversation.
  3. Kinesthetics irritate the slowness of others, kinesthetics are people of action.
  4. Kinesthetics value convenience and comfort very much.


Quite often, kinesthetics is called kinesthesia, in fact, this is a slightly different concept. Kinesthesia is a sense of the location of one's own body and individual organs in space. Without this feeling, we would not be able to perform actions with our eyes closed.

A kinesthetic is a person who better perceives the world around him through tactile sensations / touch than visually or audibly.

We can say that kinesthetics are partial to touch, but not to themselves, but to everything that surrounds them - this way it is easier for kinesthetics to interact with the world.

Touch preserves memory.
Bright Star

Kinesthetic - who is this?

Many sources interpret the definition of the psychotype of a person-kinesthetic in different ways. Sometimes you can find completely mutually exclusive definitions, it is especially easy to get confused in this for an ordinary person far from psychology. Therefore, we must first define exactly what we mean by the word kinesthetic.

Let's turn to specific examples:
Look around you when you find yourself in a crowded place, or at least pay attention to your colleagues at work or school. Kinesthetic people do not just communicate with the interlocutor, but they can unconsciously touch a person's hand or shoulder, and the items of his clothing.

How to define kinesthetics?

How to determine if a kinesthetic is in front of you if the person is unfamiliar to you or is not talking at the moment?

Note that such people tend to be silent. Sometimes they can be mistaken for extremely timid and shy people, but this opinion is erroneous - they are just less noticeable against the general background. They are very calm and balanced people, but at the same time they manage not to turn into moralists and boring people.

When communicating with a kinesthetic, you may notice that he does not seem to hear you. But if you literally touch him for a second, his perception automatically starts to work, and communication can be continued.

Like any other psychotype, kinesthetics can be easily identified by clue words. If a person very often uses words such as “felt”, “sweet”, “warm”, “cold” (that is, those words that describe sensory sensations as opposed to auditory and visual), then you have a kinesthetic.

You can try to follow the eyes of the interlocutor - as a rule, kinesthetics tend to talk about something, directing their gaze downward.

Kinesthetics in the profession

In life kinesthetics - people of action! Instead of discussing something in theory for a long time, they strive to quickly experience it in practice, begin to act as soon as they are given the opportunity.

In choosing a profession, kinesthetics prefer activities that will allow them to feel their own body.

Kinesthetics make very good dancers or athletes, massage therapists, and even tasters.

I perceive reality through tactile sensations, I am an obvious kinesthetic ... Montessori school, have you heard?
- Stop touching my ass!

Life kinesthetics

In everyday life, kinesthetics are quite demanding about the surrounding conditions - these people like comfort in everything. It doesn't matter if it's clothing, furniture, general furnishings, or ambient temperature. If the clothes are only comfortable, if you go for a walk, then if possible in good weather.

Oddly enough, seemingly pragmatic people like kinesthetics are very prone to melancholy. Very often you can see how the kinesthetic is completely immersed in his sensations, thinking about something.

In addition to the fact that kinesthetics in almost all situations try to achieve physical contact with an object of interest, they often rely on their own. It must be said that in connection with the peculiarities of thinking, intuition among kinesthetics is quite strongly developed. If the kinesthetic says “I feel like it’s not worth doing” - better listen to his opinion.

All people are divided into three types - audials, visuals, and kinesthetics. For the former, sounds are very important. Through them, they receive most of the information about the world around them. Visuals are more focused on pictures, visual images. For kinesthetics, something else is important: to smell, touch, taste.

How to "calculate" the type of person, how to build communication with him, the site asked the candidate of medical sciences, employee of the St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Doctor of Psychology Anton Borisovich Bichun.

Type No. 1 Visual

Environment: in the office, you need to pay attention to the table: if order reigns on it, then the owner of the workplace is a clear visual.

Speech: the visuals speak very clearly, with good diction, pronounce words quickly and very quickly grasp the essence of the conversation. But just as quickly they, alas, forget it.

Cloth: bright, catchy, tasteful. At the same time, the clothes are always carefully ironed. The main principle is beauty. Convenience, comfort "move" into the background. Visuals can wear high-heeled shoes, which are difficult to move around in. But they don't care. When it comes to clothing, it can be too tight. Such things will look great, but there can be no question of any comfort here. The main thing is appearance. And he is always on top.

Pose: erect posture, visuals always sit upright, with their heads raised high and their shoulders squared.

Food: nicely set table and nicely served dishes. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that they be tasty. The main pleasure comes from the visual experience.

Family relationships: the visual stability period is about two years. This is the time when the visual lives in peace, content with familiar visual images. But then they get bored, and the visual starts looking for something new. His eye needs fresh impressions. This is where the visual spouse should be flexible and change his appearance. It's best to get a new haircut or dye your hair. The visual will take it "with a bang." If you do not change your appearance, then the visual will get bored. He may start looking for new visual images on the side. To prevent this from happening, the spouse must radically change his image every 1.5-2 years.

Type number 2. Kinesthetic

The desire for comfort is the main hallmark of a kinesthetic. For him, visual images play a secondary role. Feelings come first. The nicer they are, the better the kinesthetic feels.

Environment: kinesthetics surrounds what many call a "mess." Chaos on the desktop. For completeness, there is a glass of tea and a saucer of half-eaten cake. This is a visual nightmare. And for the kinesthetic, this environment is the only acceptable one. He has everything at his fingertips. You don't have to look for anything, you don't have to climb the boxes. Books, a laptop, bottles of cream - all this can be found in a kinesthetic bed. But at the same time he will always very carefully straighten the sheet - so that the folds do not interfere with lying. There are never crumbs on his bed - the kinesthetic will never fall asleep on them. But small crumbs are not such a hindrance to visuals. Inconvenient, of course, but nothing - you can sleep.

Speech: the kinesthetic speaks slowly, in a pleasant, velvety voice. He delves into the little things in detail and remembers what was told to him for a long time. In conversation, he tries to get as close to the interlocutor as possible. This gives maximum information to the tactile receptors of the kinesthetic. If he communicates with a pronounced visual, then this can cause discomfort.

Cloth: no tight clothing. It prevents him from breathing, walking and thinking. Only those things are worn that fit well, do not press anywhere, do not press and do not rub. Shoes are also carefully chosen. A kinesthetic woman will only be forced to put on uncomfortable “hairpins” by extraordinary circumstances. And even then she will take off these "Spanish boots" at the first opportunity. The kinesthetic's clothes may be wrinkled and not ironed. But it is always fresh and smelling good - pleasant smells are just as important as tactile sensations.

Pose: can slouch a little, walk with drooping shoulders. “Keeping” the posture is exhausting for the kinesthetic. He sits imposingly, lounging - this can be annoying for visuals.

Food: you can skip serving the dish. The main thing is that it is tasty, the rest is not interested in kinesthetics.

Family relationships: kinesthetics need to be fed tasty. Stroking, touching and kissing are very important. Without them, the kinesthetic will not be able to feel loved. The kinesthetic is very stable and does not need change. If the spouse comes with a new haircut, he will not hear a single word of approval. Therefore, you need to change no more than once every 8-10 years.

Type No. 3. Audial

There are people for whom the main thing is sounds. As a rule, they have a very fine ear for music. A special sensitivity to sound is the only distinguishing feature of audials.

Characteristic: the audial's speech is very rich in intonations and overtones. When they listen to the interlocutor, they turn their heads to him so that they can hear better. They do not express any special preferences in food and clothing. Less interesting than kinesthetics and visuals in their peculiarities.

In fairness, it must be said that audials are quite rare. The bulk of people are kinesthetics and visuals.

How to extinguish conflicts

The cause of conflicts between different psychotypes is misunderstanding. Visuals accuse kinesthetics of disrespect and carelessness. Kinesthetics treat visuals as prim "neat". They annoy each other. Often this irritation leads to quarrels, disputes.

They are easy enough to prevent if you know the psychological characteristics of each other. Annoyed by close range with kinesthetic? Talk to him, sitting at different ends of the table. Don't like the untidy clothes of your kinesthetic husband? Pick up those things for him that would be not only comfortable, but also beautiful. Then the conflict will disappear by itself.

Does your husband not like you to sing in front of him? It's not because he doesn't love you. It's just that any fake sound for the audial is a game on his nerves. Do not sing in front of your spouse, do it when he is not around, give in. The solution can be found for any domestic or work conflict. It is important to begin with understanding who you and the people around you are.

I have noticed for a long time that I am obsessed with touching. Don't feed me bread - give me a massage. But the former lover loved with his ears - his mouth in his bed did not close for a minute. Another admirer always asked - more precisely, demanded - to make love in the light, the brighter the better. I was embarrassed - not so much about my body, which by the age of 27 I had learned to love more or less, but about the general surroundings. I'm not used to total exposure - in my opinion, it's not sexy. But my man did not think so and was desperately trying to convince me. He succeeded (almost), but in the end we broke up - not because of sex. However, the memories of his almost manic addiction to having sex in the light did not let me go for a long time - until I got my hands on a fairly recent scientific study. It turns out that all people, without exception, are divided into three types of sexual perception (and, accordingly, behavior in bed): kinesthetics, visuals and audials. The former perceive the world through the quality and variety of touch; the second are turned on by external images, and the third, first of all, react to speech - not only to the meaning of words, but also to the tone and timbre of the voice.


I confess: I choose partners by hand, more precisely, by the shape of the palm. Thin graceful fingers are for me a guarantee that a man knows how to properly touch a woman. It's almost like a pass to my bedroom. I am a pure kinesthetic and love to be touched, pulled at my hair and stroked my neck. Moreover, the quality of touch is of great importance. Although before it seemed to me that there is nothing more pleasant than when men are affectionate. Until I met Omar, a Parisian with African roots. On the first date, he was completely politically incorrect licking my face and biting my back so that the next morning I woke up with the thought: before him, I hadn't had sex at all. The ideal partner of a kinesthetic is a researcher who awakens his body: kisses from the toes to the popliteal fossa, then higher - the thighs, neck, back of the head - every piece of the kinesthetic's body is overloaded with the most sensitive points outside the usual erogenous zones.

How to recognize this type? As simple as that: in bed, the kinesthetic almost always closes his eyes, completely dissolving in sensations. “Not the light! - Sveta, 30 years old, a colleague from the advertising business shares with me at lunch. "The confused light of a candle, the glow of the moon — all this is not about me." She does not turn off the light out of shyness - it is not difficult to appear naked for her, a slender blonde with a height of 177 cm, - the fact is that electricity prevents her from concentrating. And ordinary underwear does not inspire her to erotic exploits - give Sveta only pajamas made of thick silk Olivia von Halle! Along with textures, kinesthetics love experimenting with temperature. Once my passionate Negro boy from Paris was drinking hot tea in bed. We had oral sex - the kisses were so hot! I would never have thought that freshly brewed sencha would sharpen the senses so much.


With men who love with their ears, I somehow do not work out - conversations in bed (what can you talk about during sex ?!) distract me. But audials are turned on by the voice - the sound, the timbre. The moan of a partner, their own rapid breathing or such details as the ringing of the chain on the handcuffs, light pats - for them this is Viagra. But extraneous sounds (for example, noise on the street) can ruin everything. My ex was terribly enraged by the garbage truck, which emptied the bins under our window every evening, exactly at midnight. I perceived this rumbling machine as a personal enemy. As soon as he drove into the yard, the evening ceased to be languid. Another audial fan was aroused only to the music, and always the same one. If Bob Dylan started singing in the house, then it's time. I didn't have enough for a long time. I love David Bowie more, sorry.

“I can eat with a kind word for two months,” the auditor Mark Twain once remarked. Daily sex in a big city is almost mystical entertainment for everyone, and even more so for audials. Many of them are quite comfortable with “just talking”. Further, their vessel of love is filled with social networks, instant messengers and dating applications, where they conduct extensive correspondence with men whom they love as family, but rarely sleep with them. The audial woman is whimsical - she is turned on by beautifully folded letters, a subtle interweaving of thoughts and a sharp mind of a virtual interlocutor. “It looks like it’s going to rain”, “Today I had cutlets for lunch,” she will quickly get bored. Overall, partnering with an audial is not an easy task. Especially if you get over from the net to bed.

If you are an audial and your partner has never practiced erotic chatter, then first very carefully ask him to speak (the main thing is not to insist and not press: try to wrap everything up as a joke first), what he does with you during sex - the more details , all the better. My friend Boris, 30, co-owner of a made-to-measure atelier, spent two years trying to get the girl's favor, until one day he spoke to her during a foreplay. “I'm not the type to have a casual conversation during sex. And I always thought that there was nothing worse than these “Get on your knees, baby,” “Now I'll teach you a lesson,” etc., borrowed from porn, ”says Borya about how he suddenly pressed the button that turns his girlfriend on. - We made love in the car, and I voiced my feelings by biting her earlobe: how thin her wrists are, what a flexible back and sexy shoulder blades. The sensuality response that I received in return cannot be described in words. " Their wedding is this winter. The playlist has already been compiled.


To be honest - I pay attention to the appearance, and how! A man can be an interesting conversationalist with the most incredible sense of humor in the world, but if he is not engaged in fitness, does not pump abs or pulls up on a horizontal bar - in a word, if he does not work on his body, then he has little chance. Even if he will gently caress me all night long, satisfying the kinesthetic side of my sensuality. I also love when my man walks around the house naked, and I can admire his torso, buttocks and other totem parts of the body. It is believed that men love them more with their eyes. But it seems to me that this is a myth. Women also love handsome men, just for some reason they are embarrassed to admit it.

Fetishism is another visual weakness. For example, one friend told me that her husband, with a 100% hit, determines the Agent Provocateur collection she is wearing. These people also usually arrange clothes in the wardrobe according to the color scheme and decorate their home with designer gizmos. And in general, they love order - things scattered around the bedroom can prevent a visual woman from reaching orgasm (I know from myself). But beautiful lighting and huge mirrors where you are reflected (visuals are very narcissistic), act exactly the opposite. The visuals also change positions frequently during sex because they are turned on by unexpected angles and angles.

The visual taste is great, but often they try to impose their understanding of beauty on their partner. Nellie, 31, editor, is a girl with a clear and highly conservative notion of elegance. Suits from the new Hugo Boss collections (already with Jason Wu), styling, a minimum of jewelry and always scarlet nail polish. When she began a relationship with a visual man, her collection of varnishes immediately diversified, black and metallic shades began to prevail. “The manicure is great, the shape of the nails is great, but why is it always red? Where are you hiding this three-liter jar? " - a friend gives me a conversation with her man. Looks like her boyfriend is a latent fetishist.

Recently I was shocked by another story. It's not about sex, but I'm sure it will tell you how to properly communicate with the visual. She happened to my friend, 36-year-old Yulia, a sales manager. Julia could not find a common language with her boss - he, as they say, could not stand her spirit, and this had nothing to do with her professional qualities. When she called the chief for a conversation with a request to explain the reasons for the hostility, he unexpectedly revealed that at the first meeting of the department, Yulia, while making a report, did not look into his eyes. As it turned out, he, like any visual, can “read” people only by their eyes. And if the gaze is lowered, how will he understand that he can fully trust? Transfer this story to sex. Perhaps it will be useful to you.

How does it happen

Sexual incompatibility is more of a myth, according to many scientists. The main thing is to find the right approach to each other.
Kinesthetic + kinesthetic
Put out the light - you don't need it, or use a blindfold. Play with temperatures - make love in a warm bath or cool pool. Use ice, wax, fur, delicate silk scarves and other tactile sensations. Tantric practices with their slow rituals are also history for you.
Kinesthetic + visual
Use beautiful sex toys that can provide sensual pleasure: textured underwear, tickling floggers, breast pads and metal body jewelry.
Kinesthetic + audial
Breathe loudly, moan, bellow - kinesthetics are better off learning to say out loud everything he feels in order to stimulate the sensations of the audial. And the kinesthetics itself will be pleased with massage and gentle, unhurried touches.
Visual + visual
Floor-to-ceiling mirrors, nifty play accessories and beautiful underwear thrill the visual mind! Plus different forms of erotic dance - even a striptease.
Visual + audial
Express your feelings, but do not forget about the entourage. The visuals are turned on by the change of scenery - why not run to the hotel from time to time?
Audial + audial
Seek inspiration from hidden desires and fantasies and, if possible, share them with your partner. Read erotic books aloud, watch adult films at full volume, try role-playing games.

Love with ears (and not only)

Vladimir Dashevsky, psychotherapist, candidate of psychological sciences (dashev.ru), on how to develop your sensuality
At communication trainings, I tested dozens of people and have never seen a single pure visual, auditory or kinesthetic. One of the ways of perceiving the world - including in sex - really, as a rule, dominates (by about 80%), but there are many reasons and conditions that can change this. Mood, time of day, hunger, cold, rain, snow, sound background, presence or absence of a sexual partner, whether it is a regular partner or you just met, as well as social group, upbringing, alcohol and much more can change the usual ways of obtaining information about the world.

The most amazing "sex button" I learned about from my client was that of her lover, a former composer (seemingly audial). This man might have gotten excited - don't laugh! - when I was holding a parrot in my hands! .. In general, in bed it is sometimes worth turning off your main channel of perception (if you know exactly which sexual type you are) so that unnecessary information does not distract. And so that your sensuality develops. For example, the visual can close their eyes during sex so that all this "loud" world of images does not interfere with focusing on sensations. Or, for example, is body hair visual or kinesthetic? One of my clients talked about his youthful crush on the first year of college. He was sincerely in love, burned with passion. When it came to sex, he found his young lady has hair on her buttocks. It was a complete shock! All his arousal vanished instantly, and since then he has been worried about exclusively hairless girls.

Sex is both the most ancient instinct of procreation, and a social ritual, and a way of receiving pleasure, but above all it is a practice. It is impossible to predict in advance how a person will behave in bed, even if we know his type. If only because he himself may not know about himself. Sex is a unique opportunity to be different with each new partner, an opportunity to experiment and explore sexuality - your own and your partner. It is a continuous dance, in which the initiative moves from one to the other, these are questions that are asked with fingers and tongue, and the answers come with discoloration, wheezing, convulsions, odors and rapid breathing. There are no limits in revealing your own sensuality. You can turn from kinesthetic to auditory and then to visual several times a night - if you and your half are open to experiments.

Food is new sex

The easiest way to find out if a man is sexy is to go to a restaurant with him. Food is a metaphor for sex! It is advisable that this was not a duty meeting, but a date organized by him.

Seat selection

The visual male is likely to take you to a design establishment with beautiful interiors, an audial to good music, and a kinesthetic to a place with comfortable seating and soft lighting.

Table selection

The visual will be located by the window or in that part of the establishment where there is more light - it is important for it to have a good view. A kinesthetic man will choose the most comfortable sofa. The audial will retire with you away from people and noise: it is much more important for him to hear and listen to you - and, of course, himself.

Choice of dishes

Observe how he eats and how he drinks. What attracts him? Does it evaluate taste (kinesthetics, as a rule, also eat a lot), or pay attention to the type of food (visual). Audial, on the contrary, will either quickly swallow dinner, or will remember about food only after he shares with you a funny story that happened to him during the day. Remember to laugh (sincerely) - this is important to the auditor.

Behavior style

During dinner, the visual will “eat” you with his eyes and say compliments, the kinesthetic will try to touch your hand and dress as if by chance, and from communicating with the audial you will feel that he is keeping his distance (but he will certainly pay attention to the timbre of your voice and will listen to you carefully).
