
Gaining weight at home. How to gain weight quickly and safely for a girl: the right diet and exercise

The whole world wants to lose weight and seems to have forgotten about those who are unsuccessfully trying to get better.

Most of us are confused. Who?! Who are these crazy people? There is no way to rejoice at your thinness and the ability to eat a cake at a time without gaining weight. The world counts calories, sweats in the gym and courageously refuses bread, meat, fatty, sweet ... And this is not always effective in the fight against hated kilograms. And here it’s not life, but paradise: eat - I don’t want to and lose weight!

Many attribute such a strange thinness to “good metabolism”. But, sorry, not a single metabolism is able to process 6-9 thousand kilocalories per day so that a person does not get better. Only if you are not a Tour de France cyclist. Yes, yes, you are not mistaken. Exactly 6-9 thousand (!) kilocalories. Approximately so much can be eaten (and eaten!) by a person who sincerely wants to get better, but he does not succeed. After all, imperishable experts from TV say in every second health program that the principle here is “simple”: eat - burn. Like cars.

I thought the same way for a while. I envied girls with model thinness who can "cake at a time." Until I became a nutritionist. To my great surprise, I was faced with the fact that there were no less clients who wanted to get better than those who wanted to lose weight. Communicating with them, I opened a whole new world. A world of people who are even shy in modern society, obsessed with size zero, to talk about his problem. They are not understood, they are envied. But in vain.

The thinness of such people is nothing but a consequence of the fact that they do not digest food properly.

The ensuing consequences:

  • constant feeling of hunger and fear of being left without food (such people often carry food with them, especially if they know that there will be no time or opportunity to buy something);
  • irresistible fatigue throughout the day;
  • skin problems, hair loss, brittle and/or thin nails;
  • allergy;
  • premature aging of the body;
  • problems with hormones and sometimes even infertility;
  • frequent colds and SARS.

You can go on for a long time. These problems are purely individual. This may not be so noticeable in young years, when the innate forces of the body are still great, but with age, more and more health problems appear. I'll give you an example.

One of my friends at 43 looks like she is 60+. Despite the fact that she is very thin, and this, as you know, is young. But not in her case. At a meeting of university graduates, one of her former classmates mistook her for their teacher! Wherever she goes with her husband of the same age, they are looked down upon because they look like a couple with a big age difference (at least 10-15 years!). Her health problems complete the picture: constants so strong that she sometimes doesn’t leave the house for days, infertility (they have an adopted daughter), rheumatism and osteoporosis, endometriosis, acne and hair loss. As she herself puts it, “I can see that my body has not received anything good for a long time.” She lives with constant pain, when one thing worries, then another. At the same time, she eats a lot of healthy food, takes vitamins and leads a healthy lifestyle.

There is another, more common option: a person lies on the couch for days, is not friends with sports and eats a lot of harmful, but high-calorie food. This option also does not lead to weight gain, and the appearance and health in this case suffer even more. So what to do?

You need to work on your digestion. So that the food does not just fill the stomach, but to maximize its absorption.

The answer sounds simple, but bringing this idea to life is a rather complicated process. And lengthy. But, as you know, the main thing is desire! So let's get started.

Weight gain and health plan

Step 1: Identifying the reason why food is not digested

Such reasons may be:

Why can you do without analysis? Because there are many signs good nutritionist may reveal the presence of certain problems. Cheap and efficient!

Recently, a girl came to me with a weight gain problem. Doctors in a paid (of course!) clinic suggested that she take tests and find out which bifidobacteria she lacks. And before that, she was offered to take other (also paid) tests and find out what harmful bacteria she has.

I advised her not to take tests and not. Why?

If a person is not a specialist, then it seems quite logical to take tests and dot the i's. But with microorganisms, everything is complicated. There are a great many of their species and subspecies. Taking samples for everything is unrealistic. Usually 5-10 species are tested in one analysis. That is why the verdict is the same: everything is fine with you. And in fact it is not.

Bacteria lives at number 11, for which a person has not been tested. And it is no less harmful than others. That's disinformation.

As for good bifidobacteria, what difference does it make which ones are missing? What matters is how many there are, not what they are. Each person lives with his own special intestinal microflora. And if you have few bacteria of one kind, then many others. In addition, the microflora is constantly changing depending on the diet, lifestyle, diseases and similar factors. Therefore, do not waste money on microflora analyzes.

When violations are identified (often there are several), go to the next paragraph.

Step 2: Kill Harmful Microorganisms and Troubleshoot Digestion

  • garlic;
  • oregano;
  • thyme;
  • olive tree leaves.

To increase the acidity of the stomach and to improve digestion, the following measures are suitable:

  • lemon juice in food and drink;
  • vinegar;
  • heat treatment of food;
  • grinding food with a blender;
  • bitter plants and herbs (arugula, dandelion);
  • sometimes tablets with hydrochloric acid from a pharmacy are prescribed;
  • digestive enzymes in capsules (at the first stages of treatment).

In parallel with this, the actions from the next step are carried out.

Step 3: Eliminate all factors in the diet that can irritate and stress the digestive system

Simply put, they remove all those foods that have proven themselves negatively in studies. Sanctions typically (but not always) include:

  • all dairy products;
  • gluten;
  • sugar;
  • coffee;
  • alcohol.

I often prescribe a rotation when a person refuses these products for a certain time (4-6 weeks), and then they are gradually introduced into the diet strictly one at a time. When returning to these products, one must carefully observe the reaction of the body.

If after eating any of the products you feel changes (headache, increased heart rate, skin itching, abdominal pain, fatigue, bad dream), so you can't handle it.

This is a very important stage, which reveals food allergies better than any tests. Although this method is difficult to use, it does not cost a dime.

Step 4: Restore Gut Microflora with Nutrition and Probiotic Capsules and Powders

This is done according to a certain scheme and in no case at the same time as taking substances that kill harmful bacteria. Antibiotics (natural or from a pharmacy) are taken in the morning, and probiotics are taken in the evening before bed. In this case, the intake of probiotics, as a rule, should be continued for at least two months.

When it comes to nutrition, it plays a huge role in the process of weight gain! Here it is necessary to lean on the most useful of the useful: vegetables, nuts, fiber for feeding bifidobacteria, proteins for building muscles. After all, it is not enough to populate the intestines with the necessary bacteria. They also need to be well fed. A favorite dish of bacteria is fiber, which is so rich in vegetables of all kinds.

In addition, I advise courses of vitamins and minerals. After all, the exhausted body yearned for everything useful! The list is always individual, because different people different needs. At the very least, I would recommend a multivitamin. good quality and vitamin C.

Step 5: work with the psychological and emotional side of the issue

Often the forces of the body are weakened due to stress, negative events, psychological problems.

It is very important to understand when you started to lose weight so that now you cannot bounce back. What exactly happened to you at that moment in your life? And how does that situation affect you now?

Look at the present state of affairs. What exactly is wrong? Maybe it's time for you to relax, change something in your life? Stress (emotional and physical) is an important factor in weight loss. Everything more research point to many negative physiological processes that are caused by stress.

After identifying the relationships, it would be good to work with experts in this field or read books on self-development. This step is, in principle, optional, but desirable. Sometimes changes in life and in our attitude towards it work wonders. Still, a person is a single whole, so sometimes the most and most effective medicines are powerless.

One more nuance. Before embarking on a weight gain program, you need to be patient and motivated. If you do not have motivation, then your efforts will not bring desired results. Maybe they won't bring any at all. Motivation from the series “to make it convenient to buy clothes” or “to have big breasts” is unlikely to keep you in check for a long time.

The process of gaining weight is much more difficult than losing weight. You can’t gain 5 kilograms, then relax, abandon all the changes, and then start again. That is, of course, you can. But this will no longer be a continuation of the process, but a new start from scratch.

But there is good news: as soon as you improve digestion, the weight will stabilize by itself. And then, quite possibly, you will migrate to the majority group, which endlessly struggles with the last 2-5 kilograms.

Good health to you!

If you are a girl and you need to gain weight, for sure, you often hear from others the envious phrase “I would like your problems”.

In fact, it is just as hard for thin girls to gain weight as it is for most people to lose weight, and even more difficult. If you need to gain weight quickly, then here are some tips on how to do it in the safest way for your health.

Part 1: Eating Habits: Eating for Weight Gain

  1. Add 500 calories to your daily diet. These extra calories per week will result in a weight gain of 0.5 kg (a little over one pound). It may seem like a little, but it's too much a large number of extra calories can be bad for the health of the body.
  • If you begin to exercise more intensively, then you will need to consume more than 500 calories additionally. Add to that the calories you'll burn during your workouts to determine the total amount of supplemental nutrition you'll need daily.
  • Talk to your doctor or nutritionist to determine your ideal weight. You can also calculate it yourself with the Body Mass Index Calculator.
  • Prioritize nutritious food. Even if you need to consume more calories, it's best to get them from foods that are rich in both calories and nutrients. Gaining weight eating only fast food is very harmful - it can lead to additional health problems.

  1. Eat and drink frequently. If you want to get better quickly, then you need to eat at least six times a day. Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner - and treat yourself to snacks between main meals.
  • The general rule is that no more than four hours should pass between meals.
  • The three main meals should be substantial enough. During them, do not reduce your portions.
  • Three or more meals should contain proteins, starches, vegetables and fats.
  • As long as you don't cut back on your main meals, snacking in between is a good way to increase your daily calorie intake.

  1. Increase your portion size. There is a point of view that you can do without snacking and just increase the portions at the main meals. At the same time, you can add one more dish to them, or put an additive even if you have already eaten.
  • The main idea behind this method is that without snacking, your appetite will increase, and you will tend to pack more calories into yourself in the form of more food.
  • Both methods are quite applicable for increasing the calorie content of food and rapid weight gain. Most likely, you will need to try both methods to determine which one works best for you.

  1. Eat fast. If you eat slowly, the body has time to digest food already in the process of eating, which leads to rapid satiety. If you eat quickly, you will have time to eat more before the body feels full. This will make it easier to increase the amount of food you eat.

  1. Allow yourself nightly snacks. If you are trying to lose weight, then you would be advised not to eat after 7 pm. But if your goal is to gain weight, the reverse recommendation is also true. A late dinner or a snack right before bed is a good way to load your body with calories that it can't process right away.
  • In addition, during sleep, the body builds muscle. Snacking before bed provides him with the nutrients to grow more muscle tissue.

  1. Wake up your appetite. If you find it difficult to feel hungry, then here are some tips to help you work up an appetite before eating.
  • Take a walk before lunch. Exercise will help make you feel hungry, so walking 30-60 minutes before your main meal will naturally help you eat more. Walking can be replaced by any kind of physical activity.
  • If you're having a hard time getting yourself to eat more, cook your favorite meals more often to get your body used to eating more.
  • Improve the taste and aroma of food. Most people prefer a sweet taste to a bland one, but spices and herbs can also be added to make the taste spicier. At the same time, try to avoid herbs that reduce hunger, such as mint.
  • Drink liquids separately from solid foods. Drinks contribute to rapid satiety, but this feeling does not last long. If you drink liquid separately from food, then during meals, the feeling of fullness will come more slowly.

Part 2: Choose the right foods and drinks to gain weight

  1. Learn which foods are the most high-calorie and nutrient-rich. Within each food group, there are certain types of food that combine high calorie content with a complete nutrient content. Try to give preference to similar products over more low-calorie foods from the same groups.
  • From the grain group, choose heavy bread made from whole grain wheat and rye flour, as well as nutritious cereal with muesli. good choice there will also be bran buns, bagels (donuts) and wheat sprouts.
  • From fruits, try to eat more bananas, pineapples, raisins, other dried fruits and avocados. In general, it is better to give preference to starchy rather than watery fruits.
  • From vegetables, try pumpkin, peas, potatoes, corn. As with fruits, starchy vegetables are preferable to watery ones.
  • From dairy products - whole milk, ice cream, cheese and frozen yogurt.
  • From protein products - peanut butter, nuts, seeds and hummus.

  1. Eat more "liquid" foods. Drinks promote satiety, but they are less satisfying than regular food. Good way gain weight quickly - drink high-calorie drinks between meals.
  • The ideal choice is milkshakes or smoothies, especially those made with 100% juices and skim milk.
  • Juice and milk by themselves are also a good option, as are protein shakes.
  • In limited quantities, you can indulge in soda, coffee, and sweetened tea, but although they also have calories, they are mostly "empty", which is not very good.

  1. Get used to high-calorie food supplements. You can add other nutritious and high-calorie foods to your favorite meals to increase their energy content without causing premature satiety.
  • Add powdered milk in soups, drinks, sauces and stews.
  • Sprinkle nuts over salad or muesli.
  • Stir flaxseed flour into salads, muesli, and smoothies.
  • Sprinkle casseroles, soups, omelettes, salads, and sandwiches with grated cheese.

  1. Eat more protein foods. Protein helps the body build muscle mass. Muscle is "pure" weight, and gain muscle mass It will help you gain weight but not gain fat. Protein is especially important if you're looking to strength train to gain muscle mass.
  • Good sources of protein are nuts, seeds, lean meats, eggs, fish, cereals, and peanut butter.

  1. Cook with vegetable and butter. Meals cooked in oil contain more calories. It is worth noting that some fats are healthier than others. You should strive to use those fats that will provide health benefits, and not those that have little or no nutritional value (like cooking oil).
  • List of healthy fats:
    • Olive Oil - 119 calories per 1 tablespoon (15 ml).
    • Canola oil (rapeseed) - 120 calories per 1 tablespoon (15 ml).
    • Butter - 102 calories per 1 tablespoon (15 ml).

Part 3: Changes in lifestyle and exercise

  1. Quit smoking. Even apart from the other health problems that smoking causes, smoking is bad for weight gain because it suppresses your appetite.
  • If you can't quit smoking completely, or if you can't stop smoking abruptly, try not to smoke for at least a few hours before breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  1. Be patient. As with weight loss, healthy ways to gain weight take a lot of time. You can safely gain 1 to 2 pounds (450 to 900 grams) per week, and the tips in this article will help you do just that, but trying to get more fast results can lead to health problems.
  • Consider weight gain as a long-term commitment. Once your weight is close to ideal, you will have to continue to make efforts in order to maintain it.

  1. Keep a food diary. More precisely, you will need to keep a "weight gain diary". Record daily how many calories you consumed and how many you burned. At the end of each week, review your diary entries to determine which method worked best for you.
  • You also need to record your weight daily or once a week - the frequency of recording depends on how quickly you want to gain it. This will help you get a better picture of what's going on. For accurate measurements, weigh yourself at the same time each day.

  1. Engage in strength training. Physical exercise is beneficial in principle because it improves appetite. Strength training is especially good because it allows you to gain weight through muscle growth.
  • It is worth noting that the proposed method is not among the "fast", unless you are used to exercise even before they started gaining weight. If the exercises are new to you, you will need to get used to the heavier workouts first, so the results may appear a little later. If you have already played sports, switch your attention to power training and you will see results much faster.
  • Target all major muscle groups: chest, back and abs, biceps, triceps, quads and muscles rear surface hips. If possible, increase the number of exercises by two or three for each muscle group when your body gets used to the loads.
  • It is very important to eat plenty of protein if you plan to gain muscle mass through exercise.
  • Good strength training should include squats, deadlifts, overhead presses, bench presses, bent over rows, dips, pull-ups, crunches, bicep curls, leg presses, and leg curls.

  1. Try to have a good rest. You need to get at least 8 hours of sleep at night, especially if you plan on eating more protein and exercising more.
  • Muscle tissue in the body grows during sleep. A good night's sleep will give your body enough rest to grow muscle mass.

Information source: http://www.wikihow.com/Gain-Weight-Fast-(for-Women)

A beautiful toned body of a man testifies to his good health and strength. In pursuit of the ideal of beauty, the representatives of the stronger sex go to the gym, work on themselves, adjust their forms and diet. For guys and men who are prone to thinness, the path to success can be a real challenge, because it is extremely difficult for them to gain weight. Reliable information about whether they need vitamin therapy courses, how to take brewer's yeast tablets for weight gain, how to exercise properly, organize a diet and other useful recommendations will help in this.

Body Types

There are three main body types:

  1. Asthenic or ectomorphic. With this type, a person has weak muscles, a small amount of fat deposits, thin bones, long limbs and prominent rib cage. The volume of substances occurs in such people 10% faster than in others.
  2. Normostenichskoe or mesomorphic. All parts of the body are proportional.
  3. Hypersthenic or endomorphic. Differs in the presence of an impressive amount of fat cells. It is representatives of this type that are more difficult to deal with overweight. It is not difficult for such people to build muscle.

Possible causes of underweight

There are several factors that contribute to being underweight:

  1. Genetics. People with an ectomorphic physique recover harder, nature itself took care of this.
  2. Annoying factors: bad habits, stress, wrong lifestyle, use harmful products and drinks, lack of sleep.
  3. Diseases of various origins.


This reason is the most serious and requires immediate attention. What diseases cause weight loss? So this is:

If the task is to quickly a very thin guy at home, you should first undergo an appropriate examination to identify the cause of underweight.


Eating behavior can be changed as a result of stress: some people lose their appetite, while others "eat" the problem. Appetite is restored only after the cause of anxiety is eliminated. If the source of stress is at work or in a close environment, then it is better to change the situation, since constant overexertion is fraught with depression.

Smoking is another reason that prevents you from gaining weight, because this addiction dulls the feeling of hunger. Well, and, of course, a lack of calorie nutrition is the most common problem of young people, so before a teenager gets fat quickly at home, attention should be paid to organizing proper nutrition.

Can you gain weight at home on your own?

Very often the owners asthenic type physiques are wondering: how is 10 kg per week for a man at home? In fact, there are safe methods to help overcome this nuisance, but this will take time, patience and lifestyle changes.

Corrective measures are:

  • increasing daily calorie intake;
  • proper nutrition and drinking regimen;
  • treatment of diseases leading to pathological thinness;
  • organization of physical activity, proper rest and sleep;
  • taking vitamins and supplements.

How to Calculate Body Mass Index

To determine this value, the formula is used:

Weight in kilograms / height in meters squared.

The result is interpreted as follows:

  1. Value less than 20: underweight.
  2. Within 20-25: normal weight.
  3. 25 - 30: slight excess.
  4. 30 – 40: excess weight.
  5. Over 40: Obesity.

The body mass index helps determine the weight category to which the male belongs.

How to calculate your ideal weight

This characteristic largely depends on height and age, so before you gain weight of 10 kg per month for a guy at home, change your usual lifestyle and diet, you should find out how real weight far from optimal.

The simplest formula that can be used by persons who do not suffer from serious ailments is: (height (cm) - 100)x0.9. The resulting value will be the optimal weight.

Diet for weight gain

What you need to eat to gain weight - a diet made up of healthy foods is the first step towards your cherished goal. Well, some rules and advice from experts will be very helpful.

Nutrition rules

The main condition for weight gain is proper nutrition - to get better, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Don't overeat. You should eat often in small portions, preferably at a certain time. If you quickly increase the number of calories, the stomach will suffer.
  2. Drink plenty of water, especially during sports activities.
  3. 20 minutes before a meal, you can drink 50-100 g of dry red wine to stimulate appetite.
  4. Use seasonings, spices and pickles, but in moderation (mustard, horseradish, pepper, rosemary).
  5. Periodically prepare infusions of bitter herbs: mustard, wormwood, yarrow, dandelion, plantain, black currant.
  6. Refuse semi-finished products.

Calorie calculation

Sports nutrition for weight gain for a man should consist of three main meals. In the morning it is advisable to cook porridge and fruits, for lunch - a side dish and meat soups, for dinner - salads, meat dishes with garnish. Products must be fresh and beautifully served.

A man can get better in a week at home if you consume forty calories per kilogram of weight, gradually increasing this figure to sixty.

There is another way to calculate calories, which takes into account the lifestyle and activity of a man. The basal metabolic rate expresses the number of calories a man needs to maintain the vital activity of the body, it is calculated as follows:

10 x weight in kilograms + 6.25 x height in centimeters - 5 x age + 5.

Then we multiply the resulting value by the following coefficient, depending on the level of activity:

  1. With a sedentary image at 1.2.
  2. When playing sports up to 3 times a week at 1,375.
  3. With average activity and training up to 5 times a week - by 1.55.
  4. With high activity, daily training - by 1, 725.
  5. With a very high load - by 1.9.

For example, if you need to gain weight for a teenager of 14 years old 5 kg per month, his height is 168 cm, and his weight is 50 kg, the activity level is average, then we calculate:

10 x 50 + 6.25 x 168 - 5 x 14 + 5 = 1485 kcal.

Further, 1485 x 1.55 \u003d 2301 kcal - every day a guy should consume calories at least this value. The amount of carbohydrates and proteins consumed also plays a decisive role in how to increase body weight and properly form a diet.

We count carbohydrates

For one kilogram of body weight, the body needs about 4-5 grams of carbohydrates. According to the calorie tables, we determine in which products they are contained, and in what quantity. About 70% of carbohydrates come from bread and cereals, the rest from fruits and healthy sweets.

How much protein should you eat per day

The protein norm per 1 kg of actual weight is 2.3-2.5 g. It is this component that is necessary in order to quickly gain weight at home and increase muscle mass. Protein food should be present on the table daily.

Products for weight gain

The diet must be tailored to following products:

  1. Poultry, rabbit, beef. It is recommended to eat about 200 grams daily.
  2. Protein foods: eggs, tuna, chicken, cottage cheese, peas, beans, shrimp, crabs.
  3. carbohydrate food. About 60% of the foods consumed daily should be rich in carbohydrates. These are fruits, pasta, cereals. Fresh vegetables such as carrots, beets, whole grain or rye bread, rice.
  4. Fats. The content in the daily diet is about 15%. Useful eggs, fatty fish, vegetable and butter, seeds, sour cream, peanut butter.

What do you need to eat to get fat in a week at home for a man? This is everyone's favorite jam, honey, bananas, peaches, apples, dried fruits. All these delicacies can be eaten in between main meals. As a snack, you are allowed to treat yourself to a delicious, but healthy dessert.

For those who do not know what to do to quickly gain 5 kg in a week, you can prepare a special cocktail of two cups of powdered milk, two liters of regular milk and 140 g of protein, but you can drink it only when serious physical exercise.

Menu options for the day

Standard option

It looks like this:

  1. Breakfast. Omelet, bread with butter and cheese, vegetables.
  2. Snack. Fruits, nuts, cottage cheese.
  3. Dinner. Buckwheat with meat, vegetable salad.
  4. Snack before workout. Fruit shake with added protein.
  5. Snack after workout. Protein food with healthy sweets.
  6. Dinner. Garnish of carbohydrates, fish, vegetables.
  7. Before bedtime. Cottage cheese.

Additional option

  1. Breakfast. Oatmeal with milk, boiled eggs, cereal bread.
  2. Snack. Bun with poppy seeds, apples.
  3. Dinner. Rice with vegetable puree, bread, half a chicken breast.
  4. Snack. Vegetable puree with the other half of the breast.
  5. Dinner. Potatoes with vegetables, fish.
  6. Before bedtime. Cottage cheese.

Weight Gain Supplements

What you need to eat to get better fast - diet will certainly help, but you can consider taking additional supplements that guarantee quick weight gain.

The intake of these drugs should be carried out under special control, since their excess affects men's health. Abnormal consumption can lead to impotence or tumors in the prostate gland.

Among the hormonal drugs that will help a man recover quickly at home by 10 kg or more, it can be noted:

  • Peritol;
  • Chlorpromazine;
  • Andriol;
  • Cyproheptadine.

Another, safer, drug is brewer's yeast for weight gain - which one is better to choose depends on the individual characteristics of the body. In general, they have a positive effect on the body, improve appetite and are the main assistant in how to add weight to a man, although women can also use this tool to build muscle, subject to intensive sports.

In the sports environment, the following types of drugs are also used:

  1. Gainers. Carbohydrate-protein substance for accelerated muscle growth.
  2. Nutrizon. For weight correction in case of exhaustion.
  3. Riboxin. Stimulates the processes of energy metabolism in cells.
  4. Enzymes to improve digestion (Mezim, Pancreatin, Festal).


There are many ways to increase body weight, one of the most effective is a properly designed training program. Physical activity will ensure the relief of muscles and the correct distribution of fat.

Home workouts

This will require only free time and sports equipment: barbell, horizontal bar, dumbbells. The following exercises are performed:

  1. Working with dumbbells (raising the arms to the sides, bending and unbending the arms in an incline, bench press).
  2. Pull-ups and hanging on the horizontal bar.
  3. Raising straight legs.
  4. Push-ups with different hands.
  5. Deep lunges.
  6. Weighted squats.

Strength training is organized 3 times a week, the number of aerobic workouts is minimized. You need to increase the load gradually, bringing the number of exercises to 15, and approaches - up to 5 times. Each lesson consists of the following stages: warm-up, strength exercises, cardio training, hitch.

Workouts in the gym

If possible, it is better to seek help from a professional trainer who will draw up a training program, introduce you to the technique of performing exercises and other important nuances.

  1. Set yourself up for a few years of hard work.
  2. Refuse to use pharmacological support drugs (hormonal injections, anabolic steroids).
  3. Train 3 times a week.
  4. Squats and deadlifts are the best exercises for gaining weight.
  5. Do not forget about pull-ups, bench press from a standing position.
  6. Aerobic training should be 1/5 of the power.
  7. Before starting to engage in any program, you should undergo an appropriate examination at a medical center.

Some advice from experts will help you cope with difficulties:

  1. You need to train on an ongoing basis, fixing your own achievements.
  2. Muscles need a good rest, and the body needs a good sleep. You should take care of this: when you feel tired, it is better to take a break to recuperate.
  3. Constantly create the right menu, adding your favorite foods to the diet.
  4. Spend more time outdoors.

And, of course, to achieve the goal, you just need a good mood and the support of loved ones. It is very important to spend more time with loved ones and loving people!


From this video you will learn how to gain weight for a guy.

It is generally accepted in society that if a person is too thin, then something is wrong with him: he tortures himself with diets or has problems with the digestive system. Sometimes this is the case, but often it is an unfair and unfounded stereotype.

Whether the body is normal can be calculated based on the body mass index. To understand why some people are too thin, how to deal with excessive thinness, you should consider the problem of underweight in more detail.

There is an extensive list of reasons why people are underweight. The most common ones are:

  1. Anorexia is an eating disorder, an abrupt refusal of a person to maintain a healthy body weight. Most often, those suffering from the disease are afraid of increasing kilograms. It is a severe psychological illness with physiological side effects.
  2. Genetics. The genetic factor plays a significant role in appearance person. Some people are programmed to be thin, with any amount of food they eat, they cannot gain extra pounds.
  3. Hyperthyroidism is a condition that results in an overproduction of thyroid hormones. These hormones stimulate the metabolism, as a result of which a person cannot gain weight.
  4. Narcotic substances. Excessive drug use causes serious problems, including weight loss. Addicts can become so disconnected from the world that they either forget to eat or lose interest in it. Or they spend all their money on a dose, not thinking about buying food.
  5. Anxiety and depression. Those who are very nervous for a long time can easily lose weight. However, such weight loss is unhealthy for the human body. Vesta with kilograms leaves useful microelements and immunity. After a long depression, you can restore your health for a long time.

Many underweight people have weakened immune systems. As a result of poor nutrition, they often feel tired, dizzy and faint.

What foods should a girl eat to gain weight

There are foods that help people with low metabolic rates gain weight.

If they are taken in the right combination and at the right time, the weight will start to come on fairly quickly.

So, what to eat to quickly gain weight for a girl:

Avoid foods with high content unhealthy fat and sugar. Eating natural and whole foods is the right way to gain weight.

Drinking for weight gain

Whether a person is thin, weak, or short in weight or height, they can still gain weight by adding a few drinks to their meals:

  1. Hot chocolate is a source of vitamins and calcium. It has a high calorie level, made from milk, cocoa, sugar, whipped cream and chocolate syrup. Can be a substitute for coffee or tea.
  2. Milkshakes are a healthy and "delicious" solution. Cocktail contains great amount calories.
  3. Coffee is high in calories and is good for those who want to gain weight. Add whipped cream, chocolate, sugar.
  4. Smoothies are a blend of cream, fruit juices, honey, milk and a host of nutrients.
  5. Soft drinks lead to rapid weight gain. However, not all of them are good for health, sugar in some is often harmful.
  6. Mango and banana are high in calories and can be made into juices or smoothies. This is a great natural drink that can be consumed every day.
  7. Coconut milk is a rich source of calories and nutrients. Contains a large amount of carbohydrates and vitamins.

These drinks can be part of a fitness regimen and consumed on a regular basis. Choose the ones you like the most.

How to gain weight fast with exercise

To gain weight skinny girl without prejudice to health and beauty, you need to play sports. Otherwise, you can gain weight around the waist and hips, which will spoil the figure. For new kilograms distributed in right places You need to gain muscle mass (not fat) through exercise. Training Tips:

Aerobic leave for 10 minutes warm-up before training. There is no need to do calorie-burning exercises (running on a treadmill) or your efforts to gain weight will be in vain.

How to get better for a girl in a week: sports nutrition

To gain weight, you need to eat 1 g of protein per pound of body weight per day for muscle building and recovery. Some of the best sources of protein for weight gain include:

  • steaks;
  • chicken breast, thighs;
  • tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines;
  • yogurt, cottage cheese, milk;
  • eggs.

The macronutrient ratio of carbohydrates and fats does not matter much. The main thing is that the girl eats more calories than her body can burn. Fill the rest of the food with healthy carbohydrates and fats.

Don't make the mistake of avoiding carbohydrates and fats for fear of gaining fat. Carbohydrates and fats contain more calories than proteins. However, without using them, it will be more difficult and expensive to gain mass. People are not able to increase muscle and weight without gaining a drop of fat.

To gain weight, increase the number of meals. Increase total time day for eating - wake up earlier and have breakfast. Many girls don't eat anything for breakfast.

Sandwich for lunch, pizza for dinner. Their time for eating is less than 10 hours. Therefore, they cannot gain weight - two meals, with zero calories before lunch.

An example of a meal plan for a set of kilograms:

You can buy sports nutrition, in particular dry cocktails with different flavors. They are designed for women and men who want to increase their weight, gain muscle mass. Cocktails are balanced, contain fiber, protein, vitamins.

What pharmaceutical preparations will help you gain weight faster at home

Some drugs will help you quickly gain weight, but how they will affect a particular person, you need to figure it out on your own:

  1. Oral contraceptives affect the hormonal background of the girl, thereby provoking weight gain. Some athletes use this option. Sometimes oral contraceptives are prescribed for patients with anorexia. Popular drugs: Logest, Novinet Mercilon, Midiana.
  2. Brewer's yeast regulates the metabolic process, compensates for the deficiency of vitamins different groups, in particular. Yeast normalizes bowel function and improves appetite.
  3. Nutrisone is a protein substance sold in bags or bottles. Improves the absorption of nutrients, normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Remember that the use of any medical preparations without a doctor's prescription can have negative consequences. It is better to consult and choose an individual method of treatment.

How to maintain a healthy lifestyle for a girl when gaining weight

To support a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and activity are not enough to be considered “healthy”. You should include the following tips in your daily routine:

The main thing is to take responsibility for your life in order to make a lifestyle more healthy.


Observing simple tips You can start gaining pounds within two weeks.

More tips on how to gain weight - in the next video.

This instruction will tell you step by step how to quickly gain weight for a thin guy or man. Here you will find a nutrition plan and a training program. We will talk in detail about the nuances and implementation of exercises.

This guide will teach you:

  1. How to determine the number of calories consumed.
  2. How to change your diet so that you start gaining mass without harm to your health.
  3. What to eat to build muscle.
  4. How to eat enough calories even when you're not hungry.
  5. How to train properly.
  6. What additives to use sports nutrition.

I used to be skinny. Very skinny. And I can't figure out why I can't gain weight.

Also, I was so-called skinny but fat (skin, bone, fat and no muscle). Despite my love of exercise, I looked terrible. It was impossible to see me without a T-shirt and I wanted to get better and pump up as soon as possible.

Mass gain was very difficult for me. Sometimes it seemed to me that I was constantly eating: from dusk to dawn. And despite this, I weighed only 63-65 kilograms. This went on throughout my school years.

In the two and a half years after I graduated from high school, by the time I was 20, my life had changed dramatically. My weight was 86 kilograms of pure muscle. I was stronger than I could imagine. Girls began to pay attention to me.

Sounds like I'm exaggerating trying to sell something. But believe me, everything that is written in this article is the pure truth. I will tell you how to get better quickly without harm to health and the use of dubious means, and you will not need to buy anything.

Why can't I gain mass?

Below I will tell you how to train and eat properly in order to gain quality muscle mass, but I will say right away that most skinny guys are similar in that they spend a lot of time playing football or a similar sport. Looking back, I clearly understand what I was doing wrong and why I could not add mass. Here is the main reason for my failures:

Too much cardio I practiced too much. Too much. In the summer, I spent whole days on the street: running, playing football or basketball, swimming.

When I wasn't outdoors, I continued to do cardio exercises: climbing stairs, jumping rope, even aerobics. It was normal for me to run 5 kilometers in a day, then run up the stairs for 45 minutes and play football for another 4 hours.

This was the problem: of course, I was in shape thanks to frequent sports, but at that time I had to consume a huge amount of calories. I didn’t know that too frequent active sports do not increase muscle mass and you think now I will say that I should have completely stopped exercising? Not at all. Cardio has a beneficial effect on overall health. The problem was that there was a lot of it and this prevented the growth of new muscle fibers due to the high energy consumption.

There are a number of studies on this topic. A recent meta-analysis on the effect of cardio exercise on strength training concluded:

The study showed that the interference effect of endurance training lies in the direction, frequency and duration of these exercises.

In other words, if you do a lot of cardio during strength training, you will not be able to gain mass, because the body does not have enough energy to increase the number of muscle fibers. The more cardio, the more calories you need to consume to get better.

If your goal is to increase weight and build lean muscle mass, then you should moderate your cardio ardor.

If you are prone to thinness, you are underweight and it’s hard to increase the reading on the scales by at least a kilogram (people with this type of physique are called ectomorphs), then try to do cardio no more than 20-30 minutes and no more than 3-4 times a day. week. If you're an athlete or lead a very active lifestyle and can't easily give up cardio, then you should reconsider your diet.

Not enough food

Most skinny guys think they're eating enough, but actually have a hard time imagining their daily diet. They simply do not know what a strengthened diet is according to the regimen and how to properly compose a diet. Instead of thinking, I recommend writing down everything you eat in a day for a week. Do not try to change your eating habits: do not try to eat more or less than usual. At this stage, you need to figure out how many calories you are consuming in order to get a starting point for growth. To quickly gain muscle mass, you need to significantly increase the calorie intake, but at the same time, do not go too far so as not to start swimming in fat.

At the end of the week, analyze the collected data. Determine how many calories you consume per day on average. If you need help, there are now many websites and books on the net that detail information about nutritional value most possible products.

How much did you get? More than 3000 kcal per day? I assume that in a day you eat less than you think.

Increasing body weight, like any other activity, takes time. If you want to make a real good team basketball, then you need to devote some time to training. If you want to play a recently released Xbox game, then you will also need to spend time on this.

If you want to achieve results, then you need to take the time to analyze your habits and make a nutrition plan.

Few power loads

Increasing workload is the key to success. "Workouts" is not a magical way to build muscle. If you don't force your body to get stronger, then your attempts to gain weight will fail. The body must see the reason why it needs to become bigger and stronger, which is not energetically beneficial.

When you work to your limits, you encourage muscle growth (if you consume the right amount of nutrients).

As a teenager, I often did exercises with own weight: did push-ups, rocked the press. Unfortunately, I always used the same working weights during the exercises, week after week, year after year. I did not build any muscle mass then.

I did not know much, no one told me that, it turns out, our body quickly adapts to the load. I sincerely believed that I would "inflate" the muscles of the chest and biceps without straining by constantly changing the load of dumbbells and barbells.

What should skinny guys do?

So, we have determined that thin guys need:

  1. Stop doing so much cardio
  2. More to eat
  3. Become much stronger than they are now

The issue with cardio is the easiest to solve. We can quite control the load. Therefore, let's move on to the next step of our transformation and find out how to gain weight for a thin guy without harm to health and while maintaining the result.

This section presents step-by-step instruction, building muscle without harm to health. If you have any questions about nutrition feel free to ask in the comments.

Step 1 - Analyze your current diet

This step is very important. Do not skip it and do not try to determine the average calorie intake "by eye".

The truth is that most thin children think they eat enough. But few of them can say exactly how many calories they consume per day. This uncertainty is a significant part of the existing problem.

If you do not see progress in the growth of strength and mass, then clearly you need to take some action. You have two options:

  1. Leave everything as it is, estimate the number of calories consumed by eye and hope that you can gain at least a kilogram of weight.
  2. Take control. Determine the calorie content of the daily diet, if necessary, adjust and adhere to the created plan.

It is clear that the only option is the second one. Shall we start?

Arm yourself with a notebook, computer, tablet or phone. Write down everything you eat and drink during the day. If you're unsure about portion sizes, choose something that makes sense to you. For instance.

  • Fist-sized portion of potatoes.
  • Half box of pasta.
  • An almost full large glass of milk.

Then, using the counting service and calculator, determine how many calories you received for this week. Some values ​​will still have to be set at random, but this is an integral part of learning. Don't worry if you can't record your weekly diet with 100% accuracy. That's not the point. Your goal is to start learning something about the nutritional value of foods, their calorie content, and so on.

Now calculate the daily average. How many calories do you consume per day? 2200? 2500? Is the amount received higher or lower than you expected?

Step 2 - Adjust your diet

It's time to structure your meal plan. Let's figure out what to eat. Start with this:

  • calories. Add 500 kcal to the amount obtained in the first step.
  • Protein. Make sure you consume at least 180 grams of protein per day.
  • Fats. About 20% of your daily ration must contain healthy fats.
  • Carbohydrates. Fill the rest of your daily intake with carbohydrates - fruits, vegetables, cereals, etc.

It is good if you eat more than 180 grams of protein per day. Studies have shown that 150 grams of protein per day is enough for muscle growth. But keep in mind that you are now underweight, so it is better to eat a little more protein than a little less.

High protein intake is safe for the body if you do not have kidney problems. In addition, it will help you eat balanced and not depend on carbohydrates. It's pretty hard to force yourself to eat a heavy, high-carb meal if you're not at all hungry.

The recommended 20% body fat should also be considered as a minimum. Fat has a high energy value, it contains 9 calories per gram, while white and carbohydrates - 4 grams. What does it mean? This means that by increasing your fat intake, you can easily meet your daily calorie intake.

If you find it difficult to eat this much food, increase your daily fat intake to 40%. So you can easily complete your plan without forcing yourself to eat an extra serving.

Step 3 - Define Your Goals

Your goal is 1 kilogram per month. Some may think that this is "slow". But in a year you can gain up to 12 kilograms, and in 2 years - 25 kilograms.

By following these instructions, training properly and increasing strength, you will gain a "healthy" weight. In just two years, you will build a significant amount of muscle mass and look amazing.

Perhaps some of you want to add results as soon as possible. For some, this is quite real, but more often than not, such a set is due to fat, not muscle. The human body can only build a certain amount of muscle per day, week, month. The more aggressively you approach weight gain, the less time you want to spend on it, the more likely it is that in the end you will become the owner of a solid body fat.

And this is not at all what you need!

First two weeks

Ignore the pounds you gain in the first two weeks. During this time, you increase your intake of carbohydrates and most likely sodium. Your body retains a lot more water. Don't worry, it's not the "fast" fat we talked about earlier.

After two weeks the situation is back to normal. The next two weeks will show the real state of affairs. Based on the results of the third and fourth weeks, make the necessary adjustments:

  • Weight loss. - Danger! Add another 750 kcal to your daily intake. Start the countdown again: ignore the first two weeks, start analyzing from the third.
  • The weight doesn't change. - Add 500 calories. Re-evaluate the growth rate at weeks 3 and 4. Make additional adjustments if necessary.
  • The weight is slowly added. - Add 250 calories per day. Re-evaluate the results at 3 and 4 weeks. Make additional adjustments if necessary.
  • Optimal growth. Don't change anything, stick to the current plan.
  • Rapid weight gain. – Reduce your daily calorie intake by 250 kcal. Re-evaluate the effectiveness of the diet after two weeks.

Proper nutrition

Now about specific foods for weight gain. Choose fresh foods that have not been cooked and cook for yourself. These foods are nutrient-rich, efficient and economical, with a high calorie density. And today they can be found in any store.

Best Products

You can add a small portion of these foods to one of your main meals or as a snack. All of these foods are high in calories (and delicious). In this case, you will not feel heaviness in the stomach.

Product A portion calories
Protein products
Minced meat, cooked, lean 100g 305
Bacon, thinly sliced 2 slices 122
Chicken wings, with skin 4 wings 394
Chicken legs with skin 1 ham 337
Pork chop 2 chops, 200 grams 436
eggs, large 2 eggs 156
Steak 280 grams 544
Salmon 100g 233
beef brisket 100g 246
Pork sausages 100g 384
Fruits and vegetables
Bananas 1 large 121
Grape 20 70
Avocado 1 cup 234
A pineapple 1 cup 83
Orange 1 large 86
Pear 1 large 133
Sweet potato 1 large 159
Potato 200 grams 142
Nuts and legumes
Peanut butter 2 tablespoons 188
Peanut 50 grams 321
Almond 50 grams 328
pistachios 50 grams 316
Peas 1 cup 125
black beans 1 cup 220
Milk products
Milk 1 cup 146
Butter 2 pieces 72
Whipped cream 50 grams 205
Cream cheese 25 grams 99
Cheddar cheese 50 grams 228
Cheese Pigtail 1 slice 80
Cottage cheese 1 cup 216
Carbohydrates and grains
Brown rice, cooked 1 cup 216
Quinoa, cooked 1 cup 222
White rice, cooked 1 cup 242
Spaghetti, cooked 1 cup 182
White bread 1 slice 78
Oils and more
Olive oil 1 tablespoon 120
Coconut oil 1 tablespoon 117
Pizza 1 piece 1,267
Hamburger 1 burger 400
Burrito with beef and beans 1 burrito 290

A little bit about junk food

You are young, slender and you have no problems with hubbub. If you don’t want to eat a ton of junk food in one sitting, then 10-15% of your daily diet can be fast food, chips, energy drinks, cookies without harm to health. It may even help speed up the process.

The main thing is balance. If the majority of your diet consists of wholesome, nutrient-dense foods, then nothing bad will happen if you indulge yourself a little.

Sports Nutrition Supplements

Now let's move on to sports nutrition supplements for mass gain. For the first step of a training program, the following supplements can be used to help build muscle and speed up recovery:

  • Multivitamins
  • Fish fat
  • Whey Protein
  • Gainer (if necessary)

Gainers provide plenty of calories and are handy for times when you don't have time to cook or when you've missed a meal.

By the second step of the training program, your diet will already be adjusted. It's time to introduce other popular supplements:

  • Creatine
  • Pre-workout complexes
  • Post-workout complexes

You can also use a range of supplements, depending on your needs (age, sleep duration, stress levels, low testosterone, slow recovery, etc.)

  • Antioxidants
  • Joint Health Supplements
  • Recovery
  • For sexual health
  • From sleep disorders
  • From stress
  • To increase testosterone levels
  • Protein Bars
  • Replacing whole meals

Protein shake for ectomorphs

"Protein shake" - the simplest and most fast way get the required amount of calories. The Mass Gaining Protein Shake Recipe below has 1066 calories. You can drink it once a day. Just add all the ingredients to a blender, blend and enjoy.

  • 450 grams of milk - 292 calories
  • 2 scoops of protein - 320 calories
  • 50 grams of heavy cream - 205 calories
  • 1 large banana - 121 calories
  • 2 tablespoons peanut butter - 188 calories

Protein shake recipes at home

To increase the calorie intake, we will tell you how to prepare a protein shake at home. We have prepared several recipes that differ only in ingredients. The method of preparation is always the same - mix everything in a blender and drink 1-2 times a day.

Recipe number 1 (classic version):

  • a glass of milk
  • 100 g cottage cheese
  • 1 banana.

Recipe #2

  • 1 half glass of milk
  • 2 tbsp powdered milk
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 st. a spoonful of any jam

To gain weight by building muscle instead of fat, add 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil to this smoothie. Polyunsaturated fatty acid, which are contained in linseed oils, promote protein synthesis in the body.

Recipe #3

  • 50 g cottage cheese
  • a glass of milk
  • 1 egg white without yolk
  • 2 tbsp sweet syrup

If there is, then you can add 25 g of protein to the cocktail whey protein or milk powder, and replace the syrup with frozen berries or fresh fruit. The daily portion of this protein shake is 600-800 g. Consume half in the morning between breakfast and lunch, and the second between lunch and dinner or after training. Drinking a shake provides an additional 60-80 grams of protein per day.

Recipe #4

  • incomplete glass of kefir
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • a handful of any nuts
  • 1 raw egg

Recipe number 5

Very unusual recipe protein-carbohydrate cocktail for muscle growth.

  • 100 g chopped dried mushrooms
  • 50 g mayonnaise
  • 1 egg
  • 50 g homemade cheese
  • 100 g grated boiled potatoes

Such a cocktail should be taken 45 minutes before the start of a workout to get a boost of energy.

Recipe #6

  • 1.5 cups low fat milk
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of egg powder
  • 1/3 cup dry milk
  • 1/3 cup condensed milk
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder
  • half a banana

Recipe number 7

  • juice of half a lemon
  • 120 g sour cream
  • 60 g sunflower oil
  • 100 g orange juice
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 25 g cherry jam

Recipe number 8

  • 2 pear tubers
  • 100 g apple juice
  • 1 spoon of brewer's yeast
  • 1 walnut

3 step weight training plan

Now that you've figured out nutrition, it's time to figure out how to properly train for mass growth.

Muscle hypertrophy requires:

  • Consistency - Don't miss a visit to the gym. Consistency plays an important role in building muscle.
  • Load progression - Get stronger every day. Don't look for excuses. You can not "easily and simply" build muscle.
  • Good Workout - Do it best exercises from those available.
  • Patience - Muscles grow over the years. Don't expect results in a week. You can achieve amazing results in two years, so stay on track.

This three-step plan is just one of the possible ways to gain muscle mass. Combine this workout program with proper nutrition and you can quickly gain weight.

This plan is done in 3 steps:

  • Step 1 - Preparation. At this stage, you are preparing for the upcoming heavy loads. It lasts a month. Start with one set for each exercise. After a couple of weeks, increase the number of approaches to two.
  • Step 2 - Construction phase. During this phase of the 5 month time frame, you will begin to gain muscle mass.
  • Step 3 - The "pumping" phase. The last step of the workout. Do it until you decide to move even further.

Need to know:

  • For each approach, perform the maximum number of repetitions, until the legs give way or the arms weaken.
  • Use the same working weight for each set.
  • There is a "minimum rep" for each exercise. If you can meet this minimum, then for the next three sets, take more weight. For example, the exercise says that the "minimum reps" is 8, if you can do 8 reps, then next time take a barbell or dumbbell heavier or do more reps.

Step 1 - Preparation

For the first two weeks, do one set of each exercise. At week 3-4, increase the number of approaches to two.

Start with small weights. Add only when you can achieve "minimum reps"

Increase the load gradually. Gaining muscle mass is a marathon, not a sprint.

You will train 3 days a week

  • 1 day - training
  • Day 2 - rest
  • Day 3 - training
  • Day 4 - rest
  • Day 5 - training
  • Day 6 - rest
  • Day 7 - rest
1 stepTraining
The exercise Number of approaches Minimum reps
Squats 1/2 10/10
Bench press 1/2 10/10
Deadlift on straight legs 1/2 10/10
Seated chest press 1/2 10/10
Bent over pull 1/2 10/10
French bench press 1/2 10/10
Pull-ups / Rows of the upper block to the chest 1/2 10/10
Lifting dumbbells for biceps 1/2 10/10
Leg curl 1/2 10/10
Lifting on socks while sitting 1/2 10/10
Twisting lying on the floor 1/2 10/10

Step 2 – Construction phase

Continue with the weights you used during the first step of preparation. For those exercises that were not in the first step, start with light working weights, gradually increasing them.

Train 3 days a week, on the same schedule as in the first 4 weeks.

  • Day 1 - Workout A
  • Day 2 - rest
  • Day 3 - Workout B
  • Day 4 - rest
  • Day 5 - workout B
  • Day 6 - rest
  • Day 7 - rest
Step 2 – Construction phase
workout A
The exercise Number of approaches Minimum reps
Squats 3 8
Bench press 3 8
Bent over pull 3 8
Seated Dumbbell Press 3 8
Leg curl 3 10
French bench press 3 8
Lifting dumbbells for biceps 3 8
Rise on socks standing 3 10
Twisting with weights 3 15
Step 2 – Construction phase
workout B
The exercise Number of approaches Minimum reps
Romanian draft 3 8
Leg curl 3 10
Breeding arms with dumbbells in an incline 3 10
3 8
3 10
Extension of arms on the block 3 8
3 8
Shrugs with a barbell 3 10
Tilts to the side 3 15
Step 2 – Construction phase
workout B
The exercise Number of approaches Minimum reps
leg press 3 15
Breeding hands with dumbbells lying down 3 8
3 8
Seated Barbell Press 3 8
Leg curl 3 10
Push-ups from the uneven bars or Dumbbell row from behind the head while sitting 3 8
Bending the arms on the Scott bench 3 8
Lifting on socks while sitting 3 10
3 15/60 sec

Step 3 - The "pumping" phase

The third step is more intense and starts with dead thrust and 20 reps of squats. Do no more than 20 repetitions of squats, do not increase the load for this exercise.

Workouts are distributed according to the following principle: Monday is the hardest day. Wednesday - light isolated exercises. Friday - medium load.

  • Day 1 - Workout A - hard
  • Day 2 - rest
  • Day 3 - Workout B - Easy
  • Day 4 - rest
  • Day 5 - Workout B - Intermediate
  • Day 6 - rest
  • Day 7 - rest
Step 3 - The "pumping" phase
Workout A
The exercise Number of approaches Minimum reps
Squats 3 6
Bench press 3 6
Bent over pull 3 6
Seated Barbell Press 3 6
Romanian draft 3 6
Barbell Dips or French Bench Press 3 8
Barbell Bicep Curl 3 8
Lifting on socks while sitting 3 10
Twisting with weights 3 15
Step 3 - The "pumping" phase
Workout B
The exercise Number of approaches Minimum reps
Deadlift 3 5
Flattening dumbbells lying down or Flattening hands in the simulator "butterfly" 3 10
leg extension 3 10
Pull-ups or Pull-ups of the upper block to the chest 3 10
Incline Dumbbell Reverse Raise 3 10
Extension of arms on the block 3 10
Exercise for biceps "hammer" 3 8
Shrugs with a barbell 3 8
Side bends with dumbbell 3 10
Step 3 - The "pumping" phase
Workout B
The exercise Number of approaches Minimum reps
Squats 2 20
Incline Dumbbell Press 3 8
Dumbbell row to the belt with one hand 3 8
Arnold press 3 8
Leg curl 3 10
Dumbbell row from behind the head while sitting 3 8
Lifting dumbbells for biceps 3 8
Rise on socks standing 3 10
Twisting on the upper block "Prayer" or Plank 3 15/60 sec
