
Ordinary physique. Types of constitution (constitution) for men and women

In pursuit of a "glossy" model of appearance, an increasing number of people tend to change something in themselves: get rid of excess weight, gain muscle mass, acquire more attractive body proportions, etc. Moreover, many do not realize that the features of the human constitution are laid genetically, therefore, before correcting it, you need to know what kind of human somatotypes are, and which one you belong to.

The choice of typology is a matter of taste

The body of any person is unique. Nevertheless, there are many techniques that allow us to identify the main types of physiques that are not only similar in appearance but also react to various surrounding factors by similar changes in the constitution.

Among the most famous classifications are:

Typology of body proportions

In accordance with it all people can be divided into the following types.

  1. Dolichomorfny, which includes people of high stature with long limbs, poorly developed musculature and a small fat layer.
  2. Brahimorphic, under the definition of which fall representatives of the strong and weaker sex, whose longitudinal dimensions are inferior to the transverse. They are characterized by low growth and a sufficiently developed musculature. Even the internal organs of such a person can be wider than in length.
  3. Mesomorphic - type with the most "ideal" proportions, close to the average values.

This division is important not only from an aesthetic point of view. According to experts, the more deviations in body proportions of men or women are traced, the higher the probability of chromosomal abnormalities and disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system.

Sheldon's classification

According to the technique developed by Professor W. Sheldon, somatotype of a person is determined by a set of estimates of individual components of his physique. Proceeding from this, he singled out three main constitutional types.

  1. The mesomorph is distinguished by broad shoulders, developed thorax and strong musculature. The content of subcutaneous fat is small, in the mass predominate muscles and bones.
  2. Ectomorphe characterizes tall, lean people with a small percentage of fat tissue and poorly developed muscles. They differ in elongated parts of the body, which is especially evident in the structure of the limbs, thorax and face. The probability of the appearance of excess weight in this type is minimal.
  3. The endomorph can "boast" a heavy figure with a high content of subcutaneous fat, a significant part of which is concentrated in the shoulder girdle and abdominal and pelvic areas. The limbs of such a person are weak, with lethargic muscles. Endomorphs are genetically prone to obesity, so they have the hardest time in the struggle for ideal forms.

Sheldon's method has become widespread among people involved in sports. Based on the somatotype of man, he is selected individual training complex in combination with a special diet.

E.Krechmer's typology

This German physician, in the course of his research, has revealed the clear influence of a different body constitution on the psychological characteristics of a person. Proceeding from the systematization proposed by him, the following types of physique are distinguished.

  1. Asthenic is a thin man with elongated body proportions and height, above average. His face is usually elongated, and the bones are thin. He, as a rule, is constantly immersed in thought processes and has a rich imagination and excellent self-organization. Representatives of this type are inclined to choose creative professions.
  2. Athletics - people with narrow hips, broad shoulders, developed muscles and medium height. They are characterized by a love of order, a propensity for self-discipline and good organizational talent.
  3. Picnics is a category of people who usually suffer from excess weight. Common features include low growth, a figure with a "blurred" outline, a thick neck and a broad face. But, in their mass, they are good-hearted and merry people, adoring communication.

Classification of Chernorutsk

This is the most common division of constitutional types, which is often guided by modern medicine.

  1. Asthenics. Representatives of this physique have thin bones, high growth and long limbs. They have a narrow chest, the size of which clearly prevails over the volume of the abdomen. For such people is characterized by insufficient content of subcutaneous fat in combination with poorly developed musculature. It is difficult to increase it because of accelerated metabolism. But due to this, the deposition of an excess fat layer is unlikely.
  2. Normostenik is a man with good body proportions, strong skeleton, broad shoulders and developed musculature. The ratio of muscle and adipose tissue is within the limits of average norms. If desired, these people can quickly and effectively change their weight and build muscle.
  3. Hypersthenic - differs "dense" physique, short height, oval chest and short neck. They have a high percentage of subcutaneous fat and high cholesterol in the blood. Representatives of this type are prone to a rapid and uncontrolled weight gain, which is difficult to correct.

How to find out your type of constitution

Before you start activities to change your body, you need to find out which somatotype you belong to. So how to determine your body type? For this, there are several simple techniques.

Index of Pilliers

In this case, it is necessary to subtract from the growth the sum of the circumference of the thorax and the body weight and to evaluate the result obtained. If he is more than 25, feel free to treat yourself as an asthenic type. The index less than 10 indicates a hypersthenic physique. Well, if the value is within 10-25, then the person is a normostenic.

"Female" way

This method is suitable, mainly for girls and is based on the evaluation of the height and length of the legs of the fair sex.

Women with an increase from 168 to 173 cm and above belong to asthenics. But for normostenics and hypersthenics, the growth does not exceed 165-170 cm.

It is also recommended to measure the length of the legs from the femoral to the heel and compare it to a value equal to half the growth. If the length of the leg is more than this figure by more than 6 cm, you belong to the asthenic type. When it exceeds 4-6 cm - to normostenic, up to 4 cm - to hypersthenic.

Measuring the wrist

Perhaps the easiest way to determine your type of constitution is by wrist, to measure the circumference of which is necessary on the working arm. The result will tell you which physique is typical for you:

  • for hypersthenics or endomorphs, the value obtained is greater than 17 cm for the weaker sex and 20 cm for the strong half;
  • in asthenics (ectomorphs) the indicator should not exceed 15 and 18 cm for women and men, respectively;
  • normostenic or mesomorph has intermediate results of the circumference of the wrist.

When determining its somatotype, it should be remembered that clearly expressed representatives of a constitution are rare. Typically, most people have mixed body types with a predominance of one.

Body types (constitution)   - the size and shape of the human body, in particular, the proportion of bone, muscle and fat tissue.

The person will inherit the following physiological factors, which are programmed at the genetic level:

  • The type of CNS that determines the character;
  • Structure of the skeleton;
  • Number of muscle fibers;
  • External characteristics.

The determining factor for the figure of men and women is the parameters of the bone and muscle systems.

To identify potential in sports and bodybuilding, the athlete should determine his body type. Without the latter, it is impossible to correctly form a training plan and, accordingly, to achieve the desired result.

Types of physique in men (with photo)

1. Ectomorph (asthenic)   - lean type of the constitution of men (narrow bones, thin limbs, skinny muscles and low% fatty deposits). The main problem with which the asthenic is facing is the accelerated metabolism. The body burns consumed calories so quickly that a person simply does not have time to gain weight, which is a limitation for muscle mass gain.

The ectomorph has advantages. If he manages to reach the right muscle volumes, then there is no need for an additional course of "drying" the body. Their muscles look impressive.

2. Mesomorph (normostenic)   - Muscular constitution (medium or broad bone tissue, developed musculature, medium or low% fat content). Normostenics have ideal proportions for bodybuilding or other sports. People with this physique have a high potential in increasing muscle mass and physical strength.

Lack - a bodybuilder quickly gaining weight, if there is no physical load (even in the presence of accelerated metabolism).

3. Endomorph (hypersthenic)   - a large body type with a large percentage of fat deposits. Men of this type have excess fat and a slow metabolism. But if you follow a certain training plan and nutrition can quickly gain muscle volumes. Although in addition necessarily need a course of "drying" the body.

Types of physique in women (with photo)

The female constitution, like the male constitution, is divided into 3 types - asthenic, normostenic and hypersthenic. Determining your physique allows you to identify weaknesses and weaknesses of the figure, and with the help of the correct training plan and nutrition to correct the existing shortcomings.

1. Asthenic type   characterized by leanness, elongated limbs and oblong features. Women are very tall, along with a weakly developed musculature of the body.

The advantage of the stature is a low% fat content. Absence of subcutaneous fat along with training and nutrition allows in the literal sense of the word "sculpt" the figure. To work out problem groups of muscles and obtain the desired forms, women should concentrate on training of force.

2. Female normostenics   have a proportionally developed body. This type has a developed muscular system and coordination. Women with such a constitution can achieve high results in any sport and in bodybuilding in particular.

3.   Hypersthenic appearance   The female stature is characterized by strength and strength, a large skeletal structure and large volumes of subcutaneous fat. Women have a slow metabolism, so they will have to try hard to get rid of the shortcomings of the figure. This will help you choose the right diet and training program.

Types of physique in women with a photo:

Body types (constitution) athletes should perceive as a starting point in further work on the relief and increase in musculature. This allows you to correctly draw up a plan for training and nutrition, get rid of the shortcomings of the figure and emphasize the dignity.

There are several varieties of the constitution (physique) of man. Among them - asthenic (or hyposthenic, ectomorphic) type. People with this body structure usually "do not know" what is excess weight. The other side of the coin is the lack of muscle mass. Why is it so difficult for so-called asthenics to develop a muscular frame? How do they get their bodies in order? About everything in turn.

Who are asthenics: the distinctive features of people-ectomorphs.

A typical sign of asthenia is leanness. Even a rich diet with the inclusion of a significant share of sweets and baking does not always contribute to weight gain. Ectomorphs are usually high, but occasionally there are people of medium, even very low stature. They have a weakly developed muscular skeleton, a fatty layer is almost not observed. Torso, face and limbs elongated, elongated, and shoulders and pelvis - narrow.

Male asthenics always suffer from weight deficiency. Their bones are thin, the thoracic cage is sunken, the ribs protrude. Female representatives who have an asthenic structure of the body, look more like teenagers. Such persons grow old early - because of too rapid metabolism, muscles and skin do not timely atrophy.

Surprisingly, the type of physique has an impact on the psychological characteristics of man.

Asthenics are characterized by such distinctive features of character:

  • punctuality, scrupulousness and accuracy;
  • conscientiousness and decency towards others;
  • emotionality;
  • shyness (even bashfulness), the tendency to instantly "fall into the paint" in awkward or tense situations;
  • delicacy;
  • sensitivity, vulnerability;
  • suspiciousness and thoughtfulness;
  • insecurity, increased susceptibility to stress.

Interesting! Among asthenics, introverts and artistic natures are more common.

The hyposthenic type of constitution creates a predisposition to the ailments of the respiratory and digestive organs. For example, asthenics often diagnosed with gastrointestinal ulcers, gastritis with reduced acidity. There is a high risk of arterial hypotension, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

What factors prevent the ectomorph from accumulating muscle mass?

Asthenics, as is known, are more difficult for other people to build muscle mass, to develop its strength. There are reasons for this:

  • First, there is initially a noticeable shortage of muscle and adipose tissue - their starting volume is much lower than normal.
  • Secondly, all asthenics are characterized by accelerated metabolism (metabolism), because of what consumed carbohydrates are instantly burned, not having time to transform into a fat resource. This happens even in a state of complete rest.
  • Thirdly, the muscles of the ectomorph are not particularly prone to overgrowth due to anatomical and physiological characteristics.

A person with a hyposthenic physique is forced to make considerable efforts and spend a lot of time to make his muscular frame become embossed outlines. In addition, the achieved result goes "to nothing" much faster than that of people of other types of constitution.

To increase the volume of muscle tissue, we need an integrated approach. It implies a correction of nutrition and a competent selection of sports exercises.

The right food for the ectomorph

Asthenic desire to reduce the number of foods in the diet that are high in fat. We are talking about pork meat, mayonnaise, fast food, chips, excessively sweet and fatty desserts, sausages, whole milk, etc.

The menu is formed, focusing on proteins and other healthy nutrients. Their optimal ratio is:
  1) complex carbohydrates - from 50 to 55%;
  2) proteins (proteins) - from 30 to 35%;
  3) useful fats - about 15%.

Satisfy the need of asthenic in carbohydrates can be at the expense of nuts, various vegetables, rice. The source of quality protein in this case are poultry (turkey, chicken), eggs, kefir. High-quality fats are rich in olive and linseed oil, shrimp, mussels and sea fish.

Observing the balance of basic nutrients, a person helps his body synthesize in more or less sufficient volume its own protein, necessary for the formation of the muscular framework.

What exercises should I pay attention to?

Training for asthenics should be combined with long periods of rest. This is due to the fact that the recovery of forces in ectomorphic people takes much longer. Excessively intense and frequent stress can lead to the exhaustion of the body, rather than making the figure fit.

Important! "Lazy breaks" during sports activities for asthenics are simply necessary - they help to strengthen the effectiveness of exercises.

In the complex of mandatory exercises include adequate strength training. Thanks to them, you can significantly increase muscle mass. Varieties and features of such exercises:

  • monotonous work of muscles with free weights;
  • gradual increase in intensity of loads;
  • improving the technique of implementation.

Endurance and strength must be trained regularly, as the muscular mass of the ectomorphs is lost faster than increases.

Cardio-operations will also be useful, especially to eliminate the stress that asthenics suffer from. In doing so, you must follow simple rules:

  1. Perform aerobic exercise for 15 (maximum 30) minutes not more than three to four times a week.
  2. Training is conducted in the "corridor" of values ​​from 60 to 80% of the personal maximum of the heart rate (or heart rate) in order to prevent burnout, loss of valuable calories.

It is good to practice yoga, pilates, martial arts, tai chi. They contribute to toning and stretching of muscles, optimization of local blood flow and muscle trophism.


Because of the increased metabolism, asthenics differ in harmony, which is often excessive. To the body looked harmonious, one full (mainly carbohydrate-protein) nutrition will not be enough. It is necessary to go in for sports, but here also there are nuances. Before asthenics, in most cases, there is no need to lose weight, but aerobic exercise is necessary as well as strength training.
