
The chrysanthemum in the pot has faded. aromas to relieve stress and relaxation

Season chrysanthemums in full swing, they, unlike dahlias and asters, do not suffer torrential rains and the first colds, and pottery beauties and altogether can decorate balconies and porches almost until winter. How to take care of them when they blossom out, said Igor Bilevich, an expert at the Greensad Garden Center.

Autumn showers and the first frosts are not a verdict of a flowering garden, it can be arranged directly on the balcony of the apartment, on the veranda of the villa and continue to enjoy fresh herbs. What non-room flowers are suitable for a winter garden, how to create it cheaply and affordable even for an ordinary florist, said Igor Bilevich, an expert at the Greensad Garden Center. Far from everyone on the balcony or kitchen has an extra 5-6 square meters to decorate the habitation with thickets of oleander, dracen, fir and lemon trees.

Miracle from the pot

Chic pots with chrysanthemum bushes usually buy in the early autumn and admire their flowering at least until November, and then the question arises, where to put and how to take care of them further. Unfortunately, most likely, it will not be possible to obtain "professional" flowering from purchased pot plants, without special means: they contribute to the fact that the bush is blooming with little growth of stems and leaves. You can leave it in a pot, cutting off the stems for the winter and setting it in a dark cool place for rest (as do with all the plants dug out for winter), or planted in an open ground (at least half a month before the first frosts to adapt and take root) . If you're lucky, in summer chrysanthemum will sharply grow, and the flowers will become rare and not quite as attractive as they were when you bought. But most often planted on the flower pot bushes simply do not leave the wintering, especially if you got a thermophilic, for example, the Indian variety of chrysanthemums.

In any case, ask the seller if you need to transplant the plant at home. If you buy it in a normal nutrient soil mix and in a spacious pot, you can leave it as it is, but if the chrysanthemum is placed in peat or a small temporary pot, it is better to transplant it into a universal shop primer (or mix the sod land (50% of the mixture) with humus and sand (25% each)). Do not forget to cover the soil with a 2% solution of formalin or hot water for disinfection.

Getting ready for the winter

Ordinary garden species in the central and southern regions of Ukraine and even in Kiev can not be excavated - the climate allows you to simply hull them with compost, peat, earth or sawdust for the winter. The most cold-resistant and unpretentious are Korean small-flowered chrysanthemums (oaks), the rest can and freeze, especially in snowless winters. Therefore just in case, dig your pets and move in buckets, large pots or pots. Let them bloom in warmth (discolored baskets are cut off to prolong flowering), and after cutting the stems with yellowed dry leaves at a level of 10-15 cm from the soil level. Replace the container with a flower with a dense cloth or paper to prevent sprouting, and place the bushes in a cool non-freezing room (ideal temperature + 3 ° C) like a cellar or a cellar until February (no need to water). By the end of winter, it is supposed to extract the chrysanthemums from the "dungeon", put them on the window sills and wait for the shoots to appear. You can leave flowers for the winter and in the house, but then you will periodically have to pinch shoots to avoid stretching ahead of time, or to use a special drug that slows the growth of shoots, and in February, already begin to cuttings. Another option is to plant a part of the rhizome in the fall in the fall, and let the main bush wait for the spring cutoff in the soil.

Spring seating

If you leave the bushes for the winter in the ground, start to extract them from the shelter, as soon as the sunny weather sets in and garden work begins. Making sure that the threat of frosts passed (in the beginning of May - ideally), you can plant and wintering in pots and boxes bushes. The main thing here is not to forget about the regular spring planting of shoots that appear throughout the bush. Chrysanthemum multiplies by the shoots, and we should not ignore the procedure - for 3-4 years without seating it can simply not leave the wintering because of this. Once grown shoots reach a height of 5-7 cm, shake off excess soil from the roots, break off shoots with pieces of rhizome from the bush and arrange them, and the old central part of the bush that blooms in autumn can safely be thrown away. And from every withered process (you can arrange them in pairs, pits - at a distance of 15-25 cm from each other) by autumn a full-bush will grow. Special care for him is not required - keep the land moist, but do not fill with water, so that the roots do not rot. And during flowering, at least once you feed the chrysanthemum with phosphorus-potassium or universal fertilizer (you make it under the pre-watered plant) - you yourself will be surprised by the splendor and abundance of flowers.

Tatyana Malinovskaya

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Autumn showers and the first frosts are not a verdict of a flowering garden, it can be arranged directly on the balcony of the apartment, on the veranda of the villa and continue to enjoy fresh herbs. What non-room flowers are suitable for a winter garden, how to create it cheaply and affordable even for an ordinary florist, said Igor Bilevich, an expert at the Greensad Garden Center. Far from everyone on the balcony or kitchen has an extra 5-6 square meters to decorate the habitation with thickets of oleander, dracen, fir and lemon trees.

To spring and summer, your flower beds have exceeded all expectations, it is not enough just to throw bulbs of tulips and crocuses in the ground and wait for the result. Even in the cultivation of the most common, non-exotic species of onions, there are a number of subtleties, little-known to the ordinary hut dacha. How to achieve the bulbous "exhibition" flowering, said Natalia Rudich, a flower grower and collector of the online store "Flower Paradise Natalia Rudich." What to do with the "eight-March" hyacinths Let the crocuses or hyacinths given to you stand in a pot until they bloom and the leaves start to dry and turn yellow.

Flowerbeds in the country with their own hands

At the villa site we relax and relax from work and everyday household chores - a beautifully equipped garden will give you a lot of peace and aesthetic pleasure, and will also show beautiful flower gardens in the country to neighbors and take due praise and compliments. Decorative horticulture helps show all creativity and imagination. It is very easy to make flowerbeds in the dacha with their own hands, the main thing is to find the materials that are at hand, to have patience and ideas. Flowers in the garden usually grow chaotically or along the fence line.

9 aromas to relieve stress and relaxation

Save from the autumn spleen can not only be vitamins - use fragrances. Everything works - from the smell of lavender to ... sunscreen lotion. It is known that some aromas cause a chemical reaction in the brain, leading to calm and joy. Especially if they are associated with positive associations in your life. Therefore, when you are stressed, your favorite smells will help you. Sniff a few minutes and you will feel better. Choose your favorite fragrance from our list. Lavender. Pouches with this plant are often put in the linen closet, so that the linen smells good.

What to plant in July: garden flowers of the second half of summer

Forming their garden plot, many dream to create such a flower bed, which will delight the riot of colors from early spring until late autumn. Particularly acute is the question of beautiful flowering plants in the second half of summer, when the flowering of peonies, roses, forget-me-nots is flowing ... What are the plant varieties chosen for the flower beds that attract the eye throughout the summer, capturing even a small piece of autumn? "Tells the consultant of the garden center" Divo Gay " ".

Spring garden: how to grow tea, ginger and pumpkin in an apartment

The end of February-March is the time in anticipation of the warmth and spring, when the hands are directly itching to plant and sow, so that the house will turn green and fresh. Even if you are not a summer resident and dive the Bulgarian pepper and cabbage on the windowsill do not plan, for sure you will like plants that will decorate your kitchen with a balcony or fill them with magical fragrances. Assortment of indoor greenery is not limited to geraniums, cacti and violets - choose something interesting for yourself, so that the guests are pleasantly amazed and sigh, and the family enjoys and strengthens health with natural-homegrown ones. Delicious.

Indoor plants blooming bright and long

Flowering houseplants are divided into two groups: those that we agree to take care of all year round, in order to obtain a flower of amazing beauty (let alone blossom one day), and those that bloom brightly, long and abundantly. And in fairness it must be said that plants of the second group are much more often occupied by our window sills - I want the joy that you feel when you look at "live diamonds", as the flowers are often called, lasted longer. Cyclamens - stylers of flowering Cyclamen, replacing flowers, can bloom non-stop for about six months.

Video games for Halloween

5 visual master classes that will help cook unusual sweets and pumpkins. Many people think that it's not worth celebrating Halloween, because we have enough of our own traditional holidays. But can you think of something more exciting for children than a spiderweb cookie or "witch's fingers"? We have collected 5 video recipes that will help you make delicious and quick treats.

Flax and lace

Use an excellent combination of thin lace and coarse linen to decorate pillows. This pillow is made of linen canvas and decorated with a lace cloth factory production, which is completely different sounded in the company with a natural linen base. From a linen flap, sew a pillowcase, and in opposite sides sew a decorative braid. Fill the pillowcase with a sintepon or put a prepared inner pillow in it, and then sew it. Place the napkin on the center of the pillow and manually sew on the pillowcase with inconspicuous stitches.


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- lady.tsn.ua

Pryruk sasіh інших матеріалів, у том чисіі відеосюжетів, and takozh tsituvannya be-anchor information zefiru television channel "1 + 1", allow tilki for umovi posilannya on TCH.ua for vinyatkom vikoristania such materіalіv at mobinnyh, Smart TV that інших додатками. Autumn Joys: what to do with chrysanthemums after flowering. © Getty Images. Lady September 10, 2015, 11:00 386. Add to favorites.

Chrysanthemum in the pot has faded, what should I do? - The magic of plants - ladym.ru

Chrysanthemum in the pot has faded, what should I do? Due to its incomparable beauty, chrysanthemum is very popular by right, both for beginners and experienced florists. It not only delivers aesthetic pleasure, but also copes well with the task of cleaning the air in the apartment, highlighting phytoncides capable of destroying microbes and bacteria. There is an opinion that chrysanthemums are a "one-off" plant, which becomes useless after flowering, which means that it should be discarded.

Chrysanthemums - growing in the garden, care, planting, varieties - floristics.info

How to grow chrysanthemums from seeds. Transplanting and reproduction of chrysanthemums by cuttings. Annual and perennial chrysanthemum. How to care for chrysanthemum. Pests and diseases of chrysanthemums. What to do if chrysanthemums have faded. How to keep chrysanthemums in winter. 7.1. Chrysanthemum after flowering.

Do not throw away the chrysanthemums after flowering! - myfl.ru

Once again about chrysanthemums - www.gardenia.ru

How wonderful chrysanthemums look in the autumn garden! Against the background of muffled colors of autumn, when there are no bright accents, chrysanthemums seem to sing a hymn to bright colors, telling us: "Do not be sad, autumn is a time of joy!". Therefore, our main task at the stage of cuttings and growing chrysanthemums is to grow a strong powerful bush with a lot of buds by the time of flowering.

How to keep chrysanthemums until spring? / Chrysanthemum / 7dach.ru - www.7dach.ru

My mother placed chrysanthemums after flowering to the basement, and in recent years other records about chrysanthemums. The red chrysanthemums of the autumn ball of the Nikitsky Botanical Chrysanthemum grow too high, the stems bent and twisted. What to do? 4.

Chrysanthemum in a pot has faded - what should I do? - dekorplants.ru

Chrysanthemums are popular with flower growers for the beauty and variety of varieties. Phytocindes, secreted by chrysanthemums, eliminate microbes, bacteria and purify air in the room where the plant is located. Indoor dwarf chrysanthemums are deduced artificially, require twice as much attention, care than street counterparts. Some growers believe that potted chrysanthemums are disposable. This means that after flowering such a plant is recommended to be thrown away.

Learn more about what to do after fading - sad-doma.net

Re-flowering: what to do if the chrysanthemums in the pots fade? Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum) - beautiful flowers, a long and a great love of gardeners, and more recently, lovers of indoor floriculture. Chrysanthemums in the house not only deliver aesthetic pleasure, but also perfectly purify the air, releasing into the air phytoncides - substances that have a harmful effect on harmful microorganisms.

- old-lady.tsn.ua

Special care for him is not required - keep the land moist, but do not fill with water, so that the roots do not rot. And during flowering, at least once you feed the chrysanthemum with phosphorus-potassium or universal fertilizer (you make it under the pre-watered plant) - you yourself will be surprised by the splendor and abundance of flowers. , Tags: garden, autumn garden, chrysanthemums, what to do with chrysanthemums in winter.

- lady.tsn.ua

Pryruk sasіh інших матеріалів, у том чисіі відеосюжетів, and takozh tsituvannya be-anchor information zefiru television channel "1 + 1", allow tilki for umovi posilannya on TCH.ua for vinyatkom vikoristania such materіalіv at mobinnyh, Smart TV that інших додатками. Autumn Joys: what to do with chrysanthemums after flowering. © Getty Images. Lady September 10, 2015, 11:00 305. Add to favorites.

What to do with chrysanthemum after flowering? - otvet.mail.ru

What to do with chrysanthemum after flowering? Joker Thinker (7074), closed 6 years ago. First time is not necessary, and a little later start to feed for flowering. And it wakes you up perfectly and will start releasing new processes. I also spray my own. That's kind of everything.

Secrets of lush flowering: All about chrysanthemums: Articles: Fazenda - fazenda-life.ru

In order to save chrysanthemums from short-term frosts in the autumn and prolong flowering, in October a frame with a height of about 2 m is placed above them and the film is stretched over it. Then the flowering will continue for another month. 5 most frequently read articles in the section All about chrysanthemums: "Secrets of lush flowering" CHRYSANTHEMS. WE SAVE IN BOUQUET »WE PROTECT FROM PENALTIES AND DISEASES» Reproduction of chrysanthemums »CHRYSANTHEMA.

Caring for Chrysanthemum in the Garden in Autumn - Magic plants - ladym.ru

The basic rules of autumn care for chrysanthemums. Autumn care for chrysanthemums basically implies under itself an autumn pruning, which is performed exclusively after flowering and sheltering the roots of the chrysanthemum for the winter. Tulip transplantation after flowering. Black leaves are lemon, what should I do? The leaves of the arrowroot turn yellow. Rhododendron: planting and care in the suburbs.

How to keep chrysanthemums in winter. How to keep chrysanthemums - floreverflo.ru

Usually we buy chrysanthemums in the fall, when they blossom, then you can choose exactly the variety that you like, and the temptation to acquire a blossoming fireball is very large. And then we do not know what to do after the chrysanthemum peretsvetet. During flowering it is advisable to at least once a month to feed the chrysanthemum with phosphorus-potassium or universal fertilizers. The plant will thank you for a more vivid and lush bloom.

chrysanthemums. | | Entries in the chrysanthemum category. | | Diary - www.liveinternet.ru

Their neighbors, Japanese gardeners, are so imbued with the beauty of the chrysanthemum that made it. Golden Orffe is popular among the chrysanthemums with bright yellow color. Our joy, Soarele. Pinch the buds until the middle of June on the early-growing varieties of chrysanthemums, until the end. After flowering and in the autumn-winter period , when the mother plants

Answers @ Mail.Ru: what to do with the chrysanthemum after its flowering? - otvet.mail.ru

If you plan to plant it in a garden or on a lawn, then store it in the refrigerator. If not, throw it out with a light heart. Chrysanthemums love the air, the houses get sick too often. The pot that was presented to you, was grown in a greenhouse with the use of special fertilizing for "forcing out" flowers.

One of the forum visitors is interested in what should be done - www.vashsad.ua

What to do with chrysanthemums in the spring? Many gardeners are surprised when they see that their chrysanthemums begin to bloom in the middle or late summer. If you want to have an autumn flowering, you need to periodically peel off the tops in summer. Begin when the plants grow to 10-13 cm in height and continue every 2-3 weeks until mid-July.

[email protected]: Dying of chrysanthemum. Help - otvet.mail.ru

What to do with the dog? If you want to preserve the plant, then after flowering cut off all the long shoots, leaving only short stalks. Place the pot of chrysanthemum in a cool room with a temperature of 1-3 ° C. In spring, with the growth of young shoots, the plant is transferred to a warmer place in a bright place, transplanted into fresh soil, and fertilizing every two weeks begins.

Chrysanthemum in a pot has faded - what should I do?

Chrysanthemums are popular with flower growers for the beauty and variety of varieties. Phytocindes, secreted by chrysanthemums, eliminate microbes, bacteria and purify the air in the room where the plant is located. Room pygmy chrysanthemums are artificially removed, requiring twice as much attention, care, than street counterparts. Some growers believe that potted chrysanthemums are disposable. This means that after flowering such a plant is recommended to be thrown away. Is this correct, or can the flower be resuscitated and brought back to life? The first option is the landing of chrysanthemum in the summer in the garden

After flowering, wait for the warm season, plant the plant for the whole summer in the garden, and then transplant it back into the pot. Chrysanthemum is typed useful elements from the street soil, which will give it a second life in the form of another flowering. This method is suitable for summer residents, or residents of houses with front gardens. However, it does not give a guaranteed result, chrysanthemum can stand without blooming for another year.

The second option - pruning chrysanthemum This method is used more often by flower growers. Without landing in the garden soil, the discolored chrysanthemum is pruned. The plant leaves only fresh shoots that have not reached a length of more than 10 cm. After this procedure, the chrysanthemum is cleaned in a rather cold and dark room during the cold winter months. The room temperature on average should be 3 degrees of heat. For these purposes, either a cellar or a glazed balcony is suitable. On approach of spring, chrysanthemum should be transplanted into a new soil with a low level of acidity, loosened by fertilizers. By the middle of spring the plant will begin to show activity, let new shoots and branching. In summer, the plant is kept in the fresh air or in rooms where air is often ventilated.

What problems can arise after flowering chrysanthemum To chrysanthemum blossomed more than once, and did not die, the temperature of its content should not be above 18 degrees. Otherwise, the flower may not live to the first flowering, or die right after. The most difficult chrysanthemum survival in a hot room will be at a young age, so it is necessary to comply with the temperature regime. To chrysanthemum often bloom, you can provoke an artificial sensation in the plant that the time is approaching towards autumn. To do this, you need to create a light day for the flower, which is not more than 8-10 hours. But do not get carried away - chrysanthemums love the light, they can die at its shortage. In no case is it advisable to dry the soil where chrysanthemum grows. The plant is very fond of moisture, it dies in dry soil. Proper moistening of the soil is the guarantee of the long life of your chrysanthemum.

Season chrysanthemums in full swing, they, unlike dahlias and asters, do not suffer torrential rains and the first colds, and pottery beauties and altogether can decorate balconies and porches almost until winter. How to take care of them when they blossom out, said Igor Bilevich, an expert at the Greensad Garden Center.

Miracle from the pot

Chic pots with bushes usually buy in the early autumn and admire their flowering at least until November, and then the question arises, where to put and how to look after them further. Unfortunately, most likely, it will not be possible to obtain "professional" flowering from purchased pot plants, without special means: they contribute to the fact that the bush is blooming with little growth of stems and leaves. You can leave it in a pot, cutting off the stems for the winter and setting it in a dark cool place for rest (as do with all the plants dug out for winter), or planted in an open ground (at least half a month before the first frosts to adapt and take root) . If you're lucky, in summer chrysanthemum will sharply grow, and the flowers will become rare and not quite as attractive as they were when you bought. But most often planted on the flower pot bushes simply do not leave the wintering, especially if you got a thermophilic, for example, the Indian variety of chrysanthemums.

In any case, ask the seller if you need to transplant the plant at home. If you buy it in a normal nutrient soil mix and in a spacious pot, you can leave it as it is, but if the chrysanthemum is placed in peat or a small temporary pot, it is better to transplant it into a universal shop primer (or mix the sod land (50% of the mixture) with humus and sand (25% each)). Do not forget to cover the soil with a 2% solution of formalin or hot water for disinfection.

Getty Images

Getting ready for the winter

Ordinary garden species in the central and southern regions of Ukraine and even in Kiev can not be excavated - the climate allows you to simply hull them with compost, peat, earth or sawdust for the winter. The most cold-resistant and unpretentious are Korean small-flowered chrysanthemums (oaks), the rest can and freeze, especially in snowless winters. Therefore just in case, dig your pets and move in buckets, large pots or pots. Let them bloom in warmth (discolored baskets are cut off to prolong flowering), and after cutting the stems with yellowed dry leaves at a level of 10-15 cm from the soil level. Replace the container with a flower with a dense cloth or paper to prevent sprouting, and place the bushes in a cool non-freezing room (ideal temperature + 3 ° C) like a cellar or a cellar until February (no need to water). By the end of winter, it is supposed to extract the chrysanthemums from the "dungeon", put them on the window sills and wait for the shoots to appear. You can leave flowers for the winter and in the house, but then you will periodically have to pinch shoots to avoid stretching ahead of time, or to use a special drug that slows the growth of shoots, and in February, already begin to cuttings. Another option is to plant a part of the rhizome in the fall in the fall, and let the main bush wait for the spring cutoff in the soil.

Getty Images

Spring seating

If you leave the bushes for the winter in the ground, start to extract them from the shelter, as soon as the sunny weather sets in and garden work begins. Making sure that the threat of frosts passed (in the beginning of May - ideally), you can plant and wintering in pots and boxes bushes. The main thing here is not to forget about the regular spring planting of shoots that appear throughout the bush. Chrysanthemum multiplies by the shoots, and we should not ignore the procedure - for 3-4 years without seating it can simply not leave the wintering because of this. Once grown shoots reach a height of 5-7 cm, shake off excess soil from the roots, break off shoots with pieces of rhizome from the bush and arrange them, and the old central part of the bush that blooms in autumn can safely be thrown away. And from every withered process (you can arrange them in pairs, pits - at a distance of 15-25 cm from each other) by autumn a full-bush will grow. Special care for him is not required - keep the land moist, but do not fill with water, so that the roots do not rot. And during flowering, at least once you feed the chrysanthemum with phosphorus-potassium or universal fertilizer (you make it under the pre-watered plant) - you yourself will be surprised by the splendor and abundance of flowers.

Tatyana Malinovskaya
