
Who are the archangels. Archangels and the highest heavenly hierarchy

Christians are helped not only by holy ascetics, but also by various heavenly powers. In serving God, they support people. The teaching about these powers was compiled on the basis of the Bible and the interpretation of Dionysius. Thanks to this work, the church has had a hierarchy for many centuries. It also contains archangels. They found a place along with the rest of the heavenly creatures. However, it is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to who the archangels are.

How the archangels appeared

Dionysius attributed the archangels to the lower hierarchy. She is the third in a row. They are messengers who appear at critical moments to communicate something important. The Virgin Mary saw the archangel, who told her about the birth of Christ.

Confusion often arises in matters of hierarchy - it is impossible to say for sure what forces are near the Lord. Sometimes all heavenly entities are called angels.

There are 9 ranks of angels. Angels and archangels are below all in this hierarchy: they are closer to people, but farther from the Lord.

Mythology calls the archangels in Orthodoxy teachers of people, mentors. The holiday dedicated to them is celebrated on November 21. This day applies to all heavenly powers. November was chosen because it is the ninth month of the year, that is, it coincides with the number of ranks of angels.

Destiny in Orthodoxy

Any Christian can expect help from the archangels. It manifests itself in:

  • strengthening pure faith;
  • understanding the gospel and the will of God;
  • instructions for a righteous life.

Their main job is to convey to people the will of God and report important events. And also among their cases include:

  • praising God;
  • a message from the Lord;
  • care about human souls after death;
  • protection from adversity;
  • answer to different requests.

Each archangel has its own functions as The Lord assigns them various tasks.

The difference between an archangel and an angel

There are several signs that distinguish these two heavenly forces. Archangels are higher in rank and more powerful. And also they are closer to God, surround his throne and touch his garment. Archangels perform important and responsible tasks, and angels are entrusted with mundane affairs.

Distinguishes between two celestial entities and quantity. There are a lot of angels, but only eight archangels.

The most famous archangels

There is the head of the host of all forces in Heaven and the senior messenger - the archangel Michael. The rest of the archangels in Orthodoxy are secondary.


The name Michael means "like the Lord." Sometimes he is painted on icons at the moment when he drives out the devil into hell. This is reminiscent of the tradition of the overthrow of Satan. The angels went after the Right Hand, and Michael, with all the remaining heavenly forces, faithful to God, began to suppress the rebellion. The right hand was overthrown and banished to the underworld.

The revelation of the Theologian also mentions the Archangel Michael. It indicates that the resistance of evil and good will end with the victory of the Creator, and the chief of the army will help in this struggle.

Voivode Heavenly forces often holds sword and spear on icons. And also they draw banners on it white... They indicate loyalty to the Creator and purity of those who obey Michael. There is a cross on the spear, signifying that they are fighting against evil in the name of Christ and for the sake of all people.

The church honors the chief archangel on September 19 each year. This holiday is called the Miracle of Mikhail in honor of the archangel's rescue of the monastery, which the pagans wanted to flood. The voivode made a crevice in the mountain, water went there, not getting into the structure.

Michael is asked to strengthen the faith, the blessing of peace on earth, they pray, entering new house and sanctifying dwellings.

The rest of the archangels

Each of the second order archangels has their own tasks. When a person needs their help, he chooses the one who is suitable for his request. Someone asks for health, someone for guidance on the true path, for help to those in need. The functions of the archangels can be learned from books or by consulting a priest. You can contact them any time you need support. For this, it is not necessary to study special prayers, the main thing is to open your soul in prayer.


This heavenly being is destined for the announcement of great secrets. His name testifies to the strength and inviolability of the Creator. This angel announced the arrival of Jesus, and also told the prophet about the first birth.

The New Testament says that Gabriel announced the birth of those who influenced the course of the history of Orthodoxy. Zechariah learned from him about the appearance of the Forerunner, which became the harbinger of the coming of Jesus. After the news of the archangel, the Mother of God was born to Joachim and Anna.

Gabriel conveyed the most joyful message to the myrrh-bearing wives. He was the first to tell them about the resurrection of Christ, which brought salvation to mankind.

He is depicted with a branch - a symbol of good news. The holiday dedicated to Gabriel is celebrated on July 26, April 8 and November 21 during the Council of Heavenly Forces.


This is a healer of diseases, God's doctor. His name is translated as healing from diseases. He is also the patron saint of ministers of science.

The Book of Tobit describes how the archangel helped Tobias in difficult circumstances. Raphael advised people to pray and fast, be just and merciful.

When addressing the archangel, one must follow these commandments. He heals, so the icons depict a vessel where he stores medicinal drugs. The memory of the archangel is honored in November.

This is the fire and light of the Creator, the enlightener of lost people. The third book of Ezra tells that he indicated to the prophet the coming of the Savior. He also instructs in prayer and the righteous path, helps in cleansing. Uriel illuminates the minds of people with truth, like the Angel of Light, and drives out bad thoughts, igniting faith, like the Angel of Fire. They remember him on November 21.


The main intercessor of people before the Creator, whose name means prayer, is the archangel Selafiel. He prays for all people, asks for health, healing and salvation. The book of Genesis describes how Selafiel appeared in the desert in front of Hagar and consoled her. Through his prayers, the Creator saved the suffering woman, not allowing her and her child to die.

This is the mentor of many angels who pray for all people before the Creator. Turning to him, they ask for sincere prayer, strong faith, as well as deliverance from the vanity of worldly life.

On the icons, the archangel is depicted in a pose with a bowed head and crossed arms. So he calls all people to pray. The day of honoring his memory is the Cathedral of Heavenly Forces.

This is the archangel glorifying the Lord and the main patron saint of monks and servants of God. He helps those who glorify the Creator, asks for reward for this work and deeds, prays for the suffering and wanderers.

Work for the sake of God is the lot of both monks and ordinary people. He who labors with the Lord's name in his heart, trying to accomplish everything as he would have done it for the Creator, receives comfort and true joy. In these labors, Jehudiel comes to the rescue.

The book of Exodus tells how he supported the Israelites as they passed the wilderness and held back their pursuers as they left Egypt.

The icons of the archangel look the same: he is depicted with a crown, symbolizing the reward of believers, and a whip, meaning the Lord's punishment for sinners. They remember him on November 21, along with the rest of the archangels.


This archangel is God's blessing. He was put by the Creator near him to bless for any good deed. Barachiel is the helper of those who live in spiritual health, protects the purity of the soul, keeps pious families.

This is the forerunner of bliss for people who want to live with the Lord. He is painted with white roses - a sign of heavenly grace. Honoring the memory of Varahiel at the Cathedral of Heavenly Forces, November 21.


His name means an ascension to God. He inspires a person with good intentions, relieves of the bustle of worldly life and everyday problems.

Turning to Jeremiel, people become more collected, quickly abandon bad habits. In the Third Book of Ezra, he speaks of the time when the end of the human race awaits. This angel is celebrated on November 21st.

Fallen archangel

Once the main archangel was Lucifer, which means "bringer of light." The Lord loved him more than anyone else. He was supposed to protect paradise from the dark forces with Michael. But pride and striving to be compared in a leading position with God pushed Lucifer to betrayal. A third of the angels agreed with him. An uprising and battle began, where the army under the leadership of Michael threw the apostates from heaven. So Lucifer became the personification of evil.

How to ask for help

If a Christian decides to ask for support, then you can say special prayers, which are in different books... And also you can ask a clergyman about them. You can ask for help in your own words.

As you begin to pray, remember that the heavenly powers stand before God Himself and hear petitions. They ask for help with a pure heart, not asking anyone for harm and not hiding any grievances. Such a request will be heard, which means that a person will receive the desired help from the Creator and his servants.

In the Christian tradition, angels are creatures close to God, through them He can express his will to people, they are His army. Archangels who are higher in rank also have supernatural abilities, each has its own area of ​​responsibility, its own history. It is not at all necessary to look for the names of archangels and angels; believing parents often call their children with them, hoping that the heavenly namesake will guard them along the path of life.

Angelic hierarchy

Creatures like angels are found in the mythology of many peoples, and many angels, in whose existence Christians believe, are also characters in Jewish and Muslim religious texts. Mentions about them are often found in the texts of religious leaders who claimed that angels appeared to them in order to speak God's will, to give instruction or prophecy about the future.

Angels are endowed with tremendous power and many opportunities, but they never use them at their own discretion, all their actions are coordinated with God and never contradict His will. In addition, there is a clear hierarchy according to which angels with different abilities are divided into different ranks. There are nine angelic ranks in total, which make up three triads.

It is believed that it is they who are closest to God and should bear His love. The name of these creatures comes from the Hebrew word meaning "fiery." Seraphim are described as creatures with three pairs of wings and four faces, which makes one think about their mythological roots, as they resemble creatures from Assyrian mythology. It is possible that it was the myths of the peoples of Mesopotamia that became the ancestral home of the image of the seraphim.

They are just as close to God, possess great wisdom and all the knowledge that God considers necessary to endow others. They are the ones who must carry the light of knowledge into the world, they represent the second order after the seraphim. The cherub is referred to as the guardian of Eden, armed with a fiery sword. There are also references to the fact that God sat on cherubim, using them as a means of transportation.

So in the Christian tradition they call ethereal spirits who serve God as a throne. In addition, thrones are capable of helping judges and rulers make fair decisions.

They belong to the second triad of angelic ranks and represent the fourth rank out of nine. Dominions are mentioned in many early Christian texts, in which they are presented as beings capable of pacifying passions, raising the spirit over the body, and helping to master emotions.

God uses these spirits to perform miracles and to grant the power of miracles to those who are most pleasing to him.

These creatures are endowed with the ability to control evil forces, repel their attacks and protect people from them, as well as cleanse thoughts of evil.

Beginnings are creatures similar in functions to guardian angels, but they protect not one specific person, but a group (for example, on the scale of a tribe, nation, state). It is believed that God assigned them to every nation in order to protect, educate, protect from rash actions, suggest correct and just decisions.

VIII. Archangels

Archangels are considered the leaders of the divine army, they convey the will of God to the lower angels, so that they communicate it to people. Archangels bring enlightenment, help strengthen people in faith. The highest among the archangels is Michael.

Angels are spiritual guides for people. An angel is assigned to each person, who guides him on the right path, protects him from adversity, bad thoughts. They are the voice of our conscience. Angels are the closest beings to people, however, they do not act at their own discretion, because they receive instructions from God through his messengers.

Some archangels and angels, their deeds and influence on culture

The names of many angels and archangels are known to us not only thanks to the doctrine, but also to popular culture. Their deeds are often mentioned in religious texts.

  • Azazel. Considered a fallen angel, a desert demon. The name of this angel is known to the majority thanks to Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita, because he became the prototype of Azazello. Also featured as a negative character in Marvel comics.
  • Ariel (also referred to as Samuel and Ariel). Archangel, patronizing people whom God has endowed with talent. He helps musicians, artists, writers, poets, everyone in whom God has put a creative spark. He also helps children.
  • Barachiel. Archangel who brings blessings to those who are engaged in good and godly deeds. In iconography, his image is quite rare; in the surviving icons he is often depicted with a flower in his hand.

  • Gabriel. V Old Testament God reveals the secrets of the future to the Archangel Gabriel. In addition, it is Gabriel who brings the news of the birth of Christ to the Virgin Mary, and later warns her of death in advance. On the icons, the archangel is depicted with a candle, a blossoming branch or a mirror.

  • Jehudiel. One of the archangels in the Orthodox tradition. It is believed that he protects those people who have proven their righteousness by hard work, both physically and spiritually. He also suggests correct and fair decisions to those in power.

  • Michael. Chief among all archangels and most revered. It is believed that he acts at the head of the divine army, defeated the evil forces. It is Michael who should call souls to the Last Judgment, he will also judge sinners. Therefore, Michael is also considered the patron saint of the dead. Despite the fact that in the Old Testament the names of the archangels are practically not mentioned, the name of Michael pops up more than once, which indicates his exceptional importance.

  • Raphael. According to the Book of Enoch, Raphael is considered the second archangel after Michael. Among the abilities of Raphael mentioned in religious texts: casting out demons, healing. It is believed that Raphael can be called to help any person, if he himself wants it and is ready for spiritual healing. The very presence of the archangel nearby relieves of anxiety and worries. Raphael is often depicted with a fish in his hand. This plot is a reference to the Book of Tobit, according to which the archangel instructed Tobias to catch a fish, and then told how, with the help of its gallbladder, restore sight to a person.

  • Sataniel (Satan). Satan is a common noun in its original meaning, indicating someone who in every possible way obstructs the performance of good deeds. Satan was created as a cherub full of wisdom, divine love and beauty. But being proud of his perfection, he wished to be equal to God, for which he was cast down to earth. any appeal to a fallen angel is considered apostasy. Fortune-telling, various magical actions, occultism, belief in superstitions that are not recognized by the church are equated with turning to Satan.

The names of archangels and angels are found in Christian, Jewish and Islamic sacred texts. This serves as further evidence of the kinship of the three religions.

For our readers: who are the archangels with detailed description from various sources.

Archangel(Old Greek Ἀρχάγγελος from Old Greek ἀρχι- “chief, senior” + Old Greek ἄγγελος - “messenger, messenger, angel”) - in the Christian doctrine, one of the highest categories (ranks) of angels. In system angelic hierarchy Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite is the eighth of the nine ranks of the angels. In the canonical books of the Bible, only Michael is directly called the archangel (Epistle of Jude: 9), but, according to the traditions of the Church, there are eight archangels.

In the Orthodox Church, there is a mention of eight archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selafiel, Yehudiel, Barachiel and Jeremiel. Also known: Sikhail, Zadkiel, Samuel, Jophiel and many others.

The celebration of the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and other disembodied Heavenly powers takes place in the Orthodox Church on November 8 (21). Its establishment is associated with the decision of the Laodicean Council, which was a few years before the First Ecumenical Council and condemned as heretical worship of angels as creators and rulers of the world.


According to the book "On the Heavenly Hierarchy" by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (5th - early 6th centuries), the archangel is the name of the second rank in the third, lower face of the angelic hierarchy (1st rank - angels, 2nd - archangels, 3rd - start). The names of the seven archangels and their functions are given in the XX chapter (paragraph) of the Ethiopian Apocrypha "Book of Enoch" (II century BC):

Michael placed over the better part of the people - over the chosen people put over the best part humanity and over chaos presides over human virtue, commands the nations
Gabriel set over serpents, and over paradise, and over cherubim set over paradise, serpents and cherubs presides over serpents, over paradise and over cherubs
Raphael angel of spirits of people placed over the spirits of people presides over the spirits of people
Uriel angel of thunder and hesitation set over the world and over the tartare presides over the noise and horror
Raguel punishes the world and the luminaries gives vengeance to the world of luminaries imposes punishment on the world and the luminaries
Sarakael set over the souls of the sons of men, who incline the spirits to sin set over spirits that sin in spirit presides over the spirits of the sons of men who transgress the law
Remiel No God set over those who are resurrected No

Probably, the seven Archangels of the Book of Enoch correspond to the seven Amesha Spenta of the Zoroastrian pantheon and the seven planetary spirits of the Babylonians. According to the mystical legends of Judaism, each archangel is connected to one of the planets. Seven Archangels as chiefs over the myriads of angels (heavenly hosts) are also called in the Christian tradition archangels.

Seven angels are also mentioned in the book of Tobit: “I am Raphael, one of the seven holy angels who offer up the prayers of the saints and ascend before the Glory of the Holy One” (12,15). And in the Apocalypse: “the seven stars are the Angels of the seven churches” (1.20).

The doctrine of the cathedral of seven Archangels with specific names: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selafiel, Yehudiel, Barahiel, appears in the Middle Ages in the 15th century, this description was made by the Franciscan Portuguese monk Amadeus Mendes da Silva (Portuguese Amadeus, † 1482), names he learned from his own revelation. In the Middle Ages, the cult of seven angels appeared in the Catholic Church and temples were built in Rome, then in Naples. Until the end of the 17th century, this teaching about a cathedral of 7 archangels with specific names in Orthodoxy, both in iconography and in hagiography (Great Chetye-Menaei of St. Macarius of the 16th century, Lives of Saints Tulupov in the middle of the 17th century) did not. The doctrine with the names from the revelation of Amadeus of Portugal was included in the lives of Saints Demetrius of Rostov under the number March 26 in the 1700 edition. In the Catholic Church itself, the doctrine of seven angels, with specific names, was rejected and only three angels returned to worship: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, only to those names that were allowed to be read by the Rome Council of 745 under Pope Zechariah. Only these three names are in the canonical books of the Bible. The Roman Council of 745 defined: Nos autem, ut a vestro sancto apostolatu edocemur, et divina tradit auctoritas, et non plus quam trium angelorum nomina cognoscimus, id est Michael, Gabriel, Raphael: alioqui de mysterio sub obtentu angelorum demonum nomina introduxit. (“But we, as the holy apostolic ministry teaches us and is given by Divine authority, do not know more than three names of angels, that is, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael: otherwise the mystery of the existence of the names of angels and demons would have been revealed.”)

The names Barahiel and Yehudiel are not in the Holy Tradition of the Church, these names are from the revelation of Amadeus of Portugal. The first name, Barachiel, is found even in the Jewish Apocrypha in the "Book of Heavenly Palaces" (between II and VIII / IX centuries) - 14, 17 chapters: "Barakiel (Barahiel), who rules the lightning", but Yehudiel is a name that is not found in general nowhere, except for the "revelation" of Amadeus.

If you believe exclusively in the words of the Bible, then Michael is an archangel, Gabriel is an angel (according to Orthodox hymnography - an archangel), Raphael is an angel. According to the Third Book of Ezra, Uriel is an angel (not an archangel or a cherub or a seraphim), and Jeremiel is an archangel.

In Kabbalah, the correspondence of the hierarchy of angels, forefathers and Sefirot is revealed:
Michael - Abraham - Hesed, Gabriel - Isaac - Gevura, Raphael - Jacob - Tifferet.

archangel Michael

archangel Michael(Hebrew מיכאל, Michael- "Who is like God"; Greek Αρχάγγελος Μιχαήλ) - the main archangel, who is one of the most revered biblical characters.

Michael's name is mentioned several times at the end of the Book of Daniel:

  • « But the prince of the kingdom of Persia stood against me twenty-one days; but now, Michael, one of the first princes, came to help me, and I stayed there with the kings of Persia”(Dan. 10:13).
  • « However, I will declare to you what is written in the true scripture; and there is no one who would support me in that, except Michael, your prince”(Dan. 10:21).
  • And also in the prophecy about the Last Judgment and the role of the Archangel Michael in it:

Christian tradition also identifies with the actions of the Archangel Michael the following references to unnamed angels:

  • apparition to Balaam: " and the Angel of the Lord stood in the way to hinder him"(Num. 22:22);
  • appearance to Joshua: “ and behold a man stands before him, and in his hand a drawn sword"And further it is called Leader of the Host of the Lord(Joshua 5: 13-15);
  • the destruction of 185 thousand soldiers of the Assyrian king Sennacherib (2 Kings 19:35);
  • the salvation of three youths in a fiery cave: “ blessed is the God of Sedrakh, Misach and Abdenago, Who sent His Angel and delivered His servants”(Dan. 3:95).

The book "A Guide to Writing Icons of Holy Saints" says that the holy Archangel Michael " depicted trampling (trampling) Lucifer and, as a conqueror, holding a green date branch in his left hand on his chest, and in his right hand a spear, on top of which is a white banner with a red cross, to commemorate the victory of the Cross over the devil».

He was the first to rebel against Lucifer (Satan) when this one rebelled against the Almighty. It is known how this war ended with the overthrow of the stallion (Satan) from heaven. Since then, Archangel Michael has not ceased to fight for the glory of the Creator and Lord of all, for the cause of the salvation of the human race, for the church and its children.

Therefore, for those who are adorned with the name of the first of the Archangels, it is most appropriate to be distinguished by zeal for the glory of God, loyalty to the Heavenly King and the kings of the earth, an everlasting war against vice and wickedness, constant humility and selflessness.

Innocent, Archbishop of Kherson

Celebrating in Orthodox Church November 21 (November 8, old style) and September 19 (September 6, old style) in remembrance of the miracle of the Archangel Michael in Khoneh (Colossi); in the Catholic - May 8 and September 29.

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel, Novgorod icon

Archangel Gabriel(Hebrew גבריאל - the power of God) Mentioned in the following biblical books: Dan. 8:16, 9:21 and Luke. 1:19, 1:26.

In the Bible he is called an angel, but in the tradition of the Christian church he appears as an archangel - one of the highest angels. In the Old and New Testaments he appears as a bearer of joyful evangelism. He announces to the priest Zechariah in the temple, during the ascension of incense, about the birth of John the Baptist, the Virgin Mary in Nazareth - about the birth of Jesus Christ. It is considered the guardian angel of the chosen people. Kabbalists consider him the teacher of Patriarch Joseph. According to the teachings of Muslims, the Prophet Muhammad received his revelations from him. On the icons, he is depicted with a candle and a mirror made of jasper, as a sign that the ways of God are not clear before time, but are comprehended through time by studying the word of God and obeying the voice of conscience.

The Archangel Gabriel is commemorated in the Orthodox Church on March 26 and July 13 (according to the Julian calendar).

Archangel Gabriel, as explained in the Guide to Painting Icons, “ depicted holding a lantern in his right hand with a candle lit inside, and in his left a stone mirror". This mirror made of green jasper (jasper) with black and white spots on it, illuminated by the light of truth, reflects the good and bad deeds of peoples, proclaims to people the secrets of God's economy, the salvation of mankind.

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael(Hebrew רפאל, Raphael- "the Lord healed"). Mentioned in the book of Tobit (3:16; 12: 12-15). Raphael in Aramaic means " Healing God" or " Healing of God". According to the Jewish midrash, Raphael healed the pain that Abraham suffered after he was circumcised. In Islam, the archangel Raphael is the one who will herald the Day of Judgment.

The Guide to Icon Painting states that: “ Archangel Raphael, physician of human ailments: he is depicted holding a vessel (alavastr) with medical supplies (medicine) in his left hand, and in his right hand, that is, a trimmed bird feather for anointing wounds».

Archangel Barachiel

Archangel Barachiel(God's blessing) - not mentioned in the Bible, known only from the "revelation" of Amadeus of Portugal.

In the book " Guide to Writing Icons"It is reported about him:" The Holy Archangel Barachiel, the dispenser of God's blessings and an intercessor who asks us for God's blessings: depicted as carrying white roses on his clothes on his chest, as if rewarding at God's command for the prayers, labors and moral behavior of people and foretelling bliss and endless peace in the Kingdom of Heaven". White roses are a symbol of God's blessing.

Since the blessings of God are different, then the ministry of this Angel is diverse: through him the blessing of God is sent for every deed, for every good everyday occupation.

Saint Innocent of Kherson

Archangel Selafiel

Archangel Selafiel (Salafiel; Old Hebrew שאלתיאל - "prayer to God"). Mentioned only in the apocryphal Third Book of Ezra (3 Ezra 5:16).

“And so the Lord gave us the whole face of prayer angels, with their leader Salafiel, so that with the pure breath of their lips they would warm our cold hearts to prayer, so that they would instruct us when and how to pray, so that they would raise our offerings to the throne of grace. When you see, brethren, on the icon of the Archangel standing in a prayer position, with his eyes downcast, with his hands attached with reverence to the Persians (to the chest), then know that this is Salafiel. "

The "Guide to the Writing of Icons" says about him: " Holy Archangel Salafiel, prayer book, always praying to God for people and stirring people up to prayer. He is depicted with a face and eyes bent (lowered) down, and hands pressed (folded) with a cross on his chest, like a tenderly praying».

Archangel Yehudiel

Archangel Yehudiel(praise of God). This name is known only from the "revelation" of Amadeus of Portugal, his name is not mentioned in the canonical texts.

The name of the archangel Yehudiel translated into Russian means “ Glorifier of god" or " Praise to God". Guided by these translations, icon painters placed similar epithets on his images. Thus, the inscription on the fresco of the Annunciation Cathedral says: “ have the service of affirming people who work in it, or, for the glory of God, seek reward for them».

As explained in The Guide to Icon Writing, Yehudiel “ depicted holding a golden crown in his right hand, as a reward from God for useful and pious labors to holy people, and in his left hand a scourge of three black ropes with three ends, as a punishment for sinners for laziness to pious labors».

Innokenty Kherson writes about him: “ Each of us, young and old, is obliged to live and work for the glory of God. The greater the feat, the higher and brighter the reward. In the right hand of the Archangel is not just a crown: it is a reward for every Christian who works for the glory of God».

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel(Hebrew אוּרִיאֵל - "the light of God, or God is the light"). Mentioned in the apocryphal Third Book of Ezra (3 Ezra 4: 1; 5:20).

According to the Apocrypha - the Third Book of Ezra, the archangel Uriel was appointed by God to guard Paradise after the fall and expulsion of Adam. According to Orthodox theologians, Uriel, being the radiance of the divine fire, is the enlightener of the dark, unbelievers and ignorant, and the very name of the archangel, corresponding to his special ministry, means "Fire of God" or "Light of God."

By iconographic canon Uriel " depicted holding a naked sword in his right hand against his chest, and in his left a fiery flame».

Innocent of Kherson, in his essay on the archangels, writes about Uriel the following: “ As an Angel of light, he enlightens the minds of people with the revelation of truths that are useful to them; like the Angel of the Divine Fire, he kindles hearts with love for God and destroys in them the impure earthly attachments».

Archangel Jeremiel

Archangel Jeremiel(the height of God). Mentioned only in the Third Book of Ezra (3 Ezra 4:36.).

The Biblical Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus reports the following about him:

In the 3rd book of Ezra (4:36), the Archangel Jeremiel (the height of God) is also mentioned. He was present at the first conversation of the Archangel Uriel with the priest Ezra and answered the latter when asked about the signs preceding the end of the sinful world and about the beginning of the eternal kingdom of the righteous.

Based on the meaning of the name (Jeremiel - "The height of God"), theologians believe that he is sent from God to man in order to facilitate the exaltation and return of man to God. He is depicted holding a balance in his right hand.

see also

  • Malaika are angels in non-Christian Abrahamic religions.
  • Mukarrabun are the highest category of angels in Islam.
  • Angelic hierarchy

Notes (edit)

  1. Archangels- an article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.
  2. Akathist to holy ethereal forces
  3. Cathedral of the Archangel Michael. Archived November 27, 2012.
  4. Smirnov A.V. Book of Enoch. - Kazan, 1988
  5. 1 Enoch (Ethiopic) Parallel Translations. Chapter XX / Chapter 20
  6. Empore (Gesamt). Retrieved February 2, 2013. Archived February 11, 2013.
  7. Debolsky G.E. Days of service of the Orthodox Catholic Eastern Church.vol. 1.1837, p. 98
  8. Engel
  9. Mansi JD - Sacrorum Conciliorum Nova Amplissima Collectio Vol 012 (1692-1769) col. 384 Concilium Romanum 745 Actio tertia
  10. Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and other disembodied Heavenly Forces. Archived November 27, 2012.
  11. Academician V. D. Fartusov, Moscow, Synod. Type., 1910, p. 226.
  12. Archbishop Innokenty of Kherson. Seven Archangels of God, M., 1996, pp. 5-6
  13. Fartusov V.D. Decree. sochu p. 226
  14. Fartusov V.D. Decree. op. P. 226
  15. Fartusov V.D. Decree. op. P. 227
  16. Innokenty Kherson. The Seven Archangels of God, M., 1996, p. 14
  17. Innokenty Kherson. Decree. op. S. 11-12
  18. Fartusov V.D. Decree. op. S. 226-227
  19. Innokenty Kherson. Decree. op. P. 12
  20. Innokenty Kherson. Decree. op. P. 10
  21. Nikifor, archim. Bible Encyclopedia. M., 1891.S. 63


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  • Archangel // encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - SPb., 1890-1907.
  • Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and all the ethereal heavenly forces: on the date of the holiday and the hierarchy of angels. Archived November 27, 2012. on the website Orthodoxy and the World
  • Archangel Michael. Archived November 27, 2012.
  • Archangel Gabriel. Archived November 27, 2012.

The angelic host is the support of the Creator. Angels and archangels help to fulfill God's providence in the world of people and in heaven. Depending on the circumstances, these invisible, disembodied spirits can be nurturing and light. Sometimes they are warlike and fiery, wise and understanding.

Inquiring minds ask questions: why did God create angels, and who is the archangel? For a true believer, the answers to these questions not only broaden their horizons, but allow them to strengthen the faith, to understand its essence deeper. After all, angels are an important part of Christian culture. They help believers throughout their lives, become harbingers of great events, and take care of souls after the death of people.

The destiny of the angels

Angels are spiritual, immortal, created in the image of God's being. All of them were created before our visible world. The word "angel" is translated as "messenger, God's messenger." This is their main essence: everything that they do is according to the will and to the glory of God. And they have a lot to do:

  1. Praising God. The angelic choir does not tire of glorifying and singing the greatness of the Creator.
  2. Indication. Angels and archangels appear to tell people what to do or to show them the way.
  3. Protection of people, nations and the church from all kinds of misfortunes and intrigues of evil forces.
  4. Answering requests and prayers.
  5. Message. Through the angels, God sends news of future events.
  6. Caring for souls after the death of the mundane body.
  7. Participation in the Day of Judgment.

When asked who an archangel is, people often imagine plump babies with underdeveloped wings or some Hollywood heroes in shining vestments and stern faces. These imposed images have little to do with the image of the heavenly host, which the church and theologians insist on.

Angels are not physical, but spiritual beings, therefore they remain invisible to people. They are shown to the eyes of a person only when God needs it. Angels can take any form: from a fiery whirlwind to a wonderful animal, but, as a rule, they choose a human form and appear before people in the form of an adult man.

For instilling awe and awe, the appearance of an angel is usually accompanied by additional effects: intolerable radiance, thunder, heavenly sounds. Christian tradition often endows them with majestic wings. However, one must remember that angels are endowed by the Creator with sufficient power to fly even without wings. Like golden garments, they play the role of an external attribute that boggles the imagination of the believer.

Guardian angels

Each person is protected and taken care of by a personal guardian angel. From the first cry to the last breath, the heavenly helper remains by his side, ready to respond to a prayer or a call. Among the representatives of God's army, guardian angels are closest to people. Therefore, the heaviest burden of human sins falls on them. All black thoughts and dirty deeds of the ward are known to the angel. He incessantly mourns the dying soul and prays for its salvation.

The holy fathers instruct to remember that guardian angels are close and faithful friends for believers, their guides to God. You need to be aware of the constant presence of an invisible patron, mentally talk and consult with him. This not only strengthens faith, but also allows you not to succumb to temptation, make deep prayer, gain peace of mind, and find answers to tormenting questions. Guardian angels sometimes protect entire nations and churches. For example, the Archangel Michael first patronized the Jewish people. Only after some time did he become the custodian of the Christian church. This is written in many sources.

Angelic hierarchy

There are innumerable angelic multitudes, their activities are varied. Therefore, depending on the works and ranks, the patrons are divided into three spheres (hierarchies). Each sphere includes three faces (ranks of angels). All faces are in complete agreement and strict submission. The following angelic hierarchy is most common:

First sphere:

  • seraphim;
  • cherubim;
  • thrones.

Second sphere:

  • domination;
  • authorities;
  • strength.

Third area:

  • beginning (bosses);
  • archangels;
  • angels.

First sphere

Seraphim are the highest angels who are right at the throne of God. Their name translates as “fiery, blazing”. Seraphim are aflame with reverence and love for the Lord, their task is to transmit this love to lower angelic ranks.

Cherubim - carriers great wisdom, their name means "abundance of wisdom." They know everything that a creature created by the Lord can know. The main task is to store and communicate this knowledge to angelic faces and people.

Thrones are the basis for the throne of God. The Creator pronounces his judgment upon them. The task of thrones is to bestow the glory of God on the lower hierarchies.

Second sphere

Dominions are a symbol and confirmation of the Creator's authority. Their task is to control the angels of lower faces. They guide earthly rulers, teach to humble feelings, not to succumb to the influence of evil forces, to choose the right decisions.

The authorities are the warriors of God, always ready to fight the forces of the devil. They protect a person from the temptations of evil spirits, strengthening his piety.

Forces are warlike, powerful angels, through which the Almighty manifests his infinite power, works wonders and signs with their help.

Third sphere

The beginnings take care of the destinies of states and peoples. The Lord endows them with the strength and task of protecting individual peoples from the intrigues of the devil, helping countries in harsh times.

Archangels are the leaders of the heavenly army, great warriors and evangelists. They proclaim the will of the Creator to the angels and prophets, enlighten the soul and strengthen the faith, protect the gates of paradise and are the conquerors of the forces of evil.

Angels are the lowest and most numerous face. They are the link between each individual believer and the Creator.

Great week

When asked who the archangel is, most believers recall the two most revered and famous types: Gabriel and Michael. In addition to them, there are five more archangels in the church hierarchy. They are considered the highest. The icons of the archangels from the Great Week are prominently displayed in every temple. The names of these higher beings are listed below.

Michael is the leader of the heavenly army, the conqueror of Lucifer, the archangel, the great leader, the first and closest angel to the Creator. His name means "equal to God." Archangel Michael is depicted with a date branch in his left hand and a spear in his right. A white banner with a divine cross develops on the tip of the spear; it symbolizes the victory of the forces of light over the devil.

Gabriel is a great evangelist and sage. He brought the good news to the Mother of God, guided John the Baptist and Joseph. Together with Michael he announced to the apostles about the resurrection and the miraculous ascension of Christ. His name is translated as "knowledge of God." On the icons, the archangel is depicted with a lantern or a paradise branch in one hand, and in the other he holds a mirror. The lantern symbolizes the light of true faith and knowledge, the branch - the good news. The mirror helps people see their sins.

Raphael is a healer of mental and physical ailments. The name literally means "God's healing." Helps in sorrow and disease. Depicted with a feather for lubricating wounds and a medical vessel.

Uriel is the patron saint of preachers of faith, bearer of the Creator's light, protector of divine truths. His name is translated as "God's fire." Uriel brings revelations to people, ignites their souls with deep faith, helps a person to overcome impure thoughts and attachments. Depicted with a flame and a sword.

Salafiel is the main prayer book for people. His name means “prayer of God”. Depicted with lowered eyes and folded hands in prayer.

Yehudil is the protector and patron of priests and people who live and work to increase the glory of the Creator. The name translates as “God's praise”. In his right hand he holds a crown as a reward for holy people for piety, in his left he has a whip as a symbol of punishment for laziness in serving the Almighty.

Barachiel is the leader and leader of the host of guardian angels. He intercedes for people before the Creator, and the name means “God's blessing”. Depicted with roses on clothes and in hands.

Fallen archangel

Once in the heavenly hierarchy, Lucifer was the main angel. God loved him more than anyone else. The beautiful and perfect Lucifer, whose name is translated as “bring light”, was called together with the Archangel Michael to protect heaven from the forces of darkness. But pride and thirst to equalize power with the Creator pushed him to betrayal and rebellion. A third of the angels joined Lucifer. A great battle began, in which the bright army under the command of Michael threw the apostates from heaven. Since then, the fallen archangel has become the personification of universal evil.

Differences between archangels and angels

And yet, who is an archangel, how does he differ from an angel? There are several fundamental differences:

  1. Chin. Archangels are the main angels, they are incomparably higher and more powerful than ordinary spirits.
  2. Closeness to the Creator. Archangels surround the Creator's throne, touch his garments.
  3. Purposes and deeds. The Lord sends archangels on the most important tasks. The lower angels are busy with more mundane matters.
  4. Number. Angels from the second and third spheres are innumerable, but archangels are countless.
  5. Name. The higher angels have names, the angels of the lower realms are unknown.

These are just the most important differences between angels and archangels. In fact, there are many more of them.

Not only holy ascetics can come to the aid of an Orthodox Christian, but also many other heavenly powers. All of them serve the Lord and help people in their earthly life. The doctrine of Heavenly powers is based on the Bible, as well as on the interpretation of Saint Dionysius the Areopagite, who was a disciple of the Apostle Paul himself.

The holy apostle was ascended into Heaven during his lifetime, where he saw the arrangement of the Heavenly powers. His disciple wrote down and systematized this knowledge, and for many centuries the Orthodox Church has adhered to this hierarchy. We know the names of the archangels in Orthodoxy, for whom many prayers are composed.

Who are the archangels

According to the teachings of Dionysius the Areopagite, archangels are one of the heavenly creatures that belong to the third, or lower, hierarchy. These are holy evangelists who have always appeared at turning points and announced something great and significant. So, for example, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced that she would give birth to Christ. It was a turning point in history, and to this day the Orthodox Church remembers this event on the feast of the Annunciation.

Annunciation of the Holy Archangel Gabriel

For every believer, the help of the supreme angels can be manifested in:

  • strengthening faith;
  • understanding God's will for man;
  • understanding of the Holy Gospel;
  • an instruction for a godly and God-fearing life.

Confusion often arises in matters of the Heavenly hierarchy, since it is impossible to thoroughly know which forces are next to God. In addition, all heavenly entities are often called by one common word "angels", meaning not the name of the order, but service before God. By the way, the meaning of the word "angel" is a messenger, i.e. all of God's essences proclaim God's will.

Interesting! Most of the celestial entities do not have their own specific names, while the archangels are all named. This speaks of their special position on the Heavenly Steps.

Chief Archangel Michael

This is the most important archangel, the head of the Heavenly Host. His name means "like God." On icons, he is often depicted as plunging the devil. This image is associated with the tradition of how Satan was overthrown from Heaven. When many angels were seduced by pride and followed the Right Hand, Michael gathered all the remaining heavenly entities that were faithful to the Lord and began to sing praises to God. After that, the Right Hand was overthrown, and the world was forever divided into Divine and Devilish.

Repeatedly the name of the head of the heavenly host is found in the book of the Apocalypse (revelation of John the Theologian). From there we can know that the eternal struggle between good and evil at the end of time will end with the final victory of the Lord, and to help in this war we have the great intercessor and assistant warrior Michael.

archangel Michael

On the icons, we can also see the Heavenly Warlord with weapons in his hands (sword and spear), as well as white banners. The latter symbolize crystal purity and loyalty to the Lord God of all heavenly forces that are subordinate. At the end of the spear, you can see a cross, which means that the struggle with the spirits of evil is in the name of Christ and for the salvation of every believer.

Attention! The Orthodox Church honors a special holiday of the year - Remembrance of the miracle of the Archangel Michael. This day is popularly known as "Mikhail's Miracle".

Not far from the city of Hierapolis there was a very revered Christian monastery. The pagans decided to flood it so that so many believers would not come to pray there. To do this, they connected the channels of two rivers, and sent a stormy stream to the temple. At that moment, the Archangel Michael appeared, with his rod he punched a crevice in the mountain, where all the water went, bypassing the monastery. I remember this miracle of September 19 in a new style.

They pray to the primate of the heavenly host for the strengthening of faith, at the entrance to a new house and for the consecration of a new home, for the strengthening of the state and the blessing of the earthly authorities.

The names of the seven Archangels

Canonically, the Orthodox Church adheres to the teaching according to which we know the seven heavenly powers, each of which has its own special ministry before the Lord:

  1. Gabriel;
  2. Uriel;
  3. Raphael;
  4. Selafiel;
  5. Jehudiel;
  6. Barachiel;
  7. Jeremiel.

Let's take a closer look at how each of them differs and how they serve God.

Archangel Gabriel

This angel was appointed by the Lord God to proclaim his great Mysteries. His name speaks to us about the strength and power of the Lord. We can find memories of him in the Old Testament, in the Book of the Prophet Daniel, when the Archangel Gabriel announced the future coming of Jesus Christ. It is also mentioned in the time of Moses, when Gabriel revealed to the prophet the history of the first birth from the creation of the world.

Archangel Gabriel

In the New Testament, it was Gabriel who opened the news about the imminent birth of all who influenced the course of Christian history. Many pious parents were worthy of his appearance. This is Zechariah and Elisovet, who learned from Gabriel about the imminent appearance of John the Baptist, who became a harbinger of the coming of Christ. These are the righteous Joachim and Anna, who were honored to be the parents of the Mother of God.

This is the Mother of God herself, who bore Christ in the womb. Gabriel also appeared to Mary's betrothed, righteous Joseph, who thought to let go of the pregnant Virgin Mary. It was by the word of the archangel that Joseph understood and accepted the great service that the Lord had prepared for him. The second time Joseph was honored to visit Gabriel, when he warned him about the treacherous plans of Herod.

The most joyous message in the entire history of Christianity was conveyed by Gabriel to the holy myrrh-bearing women. It was they who were honored to be the first to learn from the great Angel about the resurrection of Christ, which gave salvation to all mankind.

On icons, Gabriel is most often depicted with a green twig in his hand, as a symbol of the good news. Sometimes you can still see in his hands a mirror and a lantern with candles. The mirror means that Gabriel shows the fate of people and their calling before God, and the candle symbolizes the Divine light that shines on all believers. The memory of the Archangel Gabriel is celebrated on July 26 according to the new style, as well as on April 8 (the day after the Annunciation) and November 21 at the Council of All Heavenly Forces (all dates are indicated in the new style).

Archangel Raphael

Translated from the Hebrew language, "Raphael" means healing from ailments, God's help, God's deliverance. Archangel Raphael is a healer of human diseases, the Lord's physician, a healer. The help of this Angel is found in the Old Testament, in the Book of Tobit. It describes how Raphael helped the righteous Tobias in every possible way in difficult life circumstances.

Icon of the Archangel Raphael

Notable are Raphael's parting words in the same book, where he talks about the need for a person to pray and fast. It is necessary to pay great attention to works of mercy, to act with everyone in truth and justice, not to fall into the sin of avarice.

Asking for help from Raphael, you yourself need to try to follow his commandments. Raphael helps in healing diseases of the soul and body, therefore, on icons, he is often depicted with a vessel in his hand, where healing potions are kept. His memory is celebrated on November 21 in a new style.

Raphael is considered the patron saint of all people who are engaged in science. Following the example of this holy Angel, we need not only to carry the light of reason around, but also to glow with pure and sincere love for God and neighbor. On the icons we see Raphael with a sword in one hand and a tongue of flame in the other, which symbolically testifies to the especially bright and ardent devotion to God of this His servant.

Archangel Uriel

The translation of the name tells us that this archangel is the Lord's fire and light, the enlightener of lost souls. In the Bible we find a mention of him in the Third Book of Ezra, where he points out to the prophet the imminent coming of the Savior.

Uriel is an enlightener of God, a mentor to prayer, an assistant in cleansing the mind from everything superfluous and sinful, a mentor on the true path of all those who have lost their way. As an Angel of light, he illuminates the minds of men with God's light, truth. As the Angel of Fire, his task is to kindle sincere and ardent faith in the hearts of men, to expel all evil and impure thoughts.

Archangel Selafiel

His name means prayer to God. Selafiel is our most important heavenly prayer intercessor, who prays fervently for every person, asks for health and salvation to every believing Christian.

The Bible tells us about him in the Book of Genesis, when Selafiel appeared in the wilderness to suffering Hagar and consoled her. Through the prayers of this Angel, the Lord saved Hagar in the wilderness, did not allow her and her child to perish.

Selafiel is a mentor a large number angels who beg all humanity before the Lord. Turning to Selafiel, people ask for strengthening in faith, the gift of pure, sincere prayer, deliverance from scattering and worldly vanity.

Archangel Selafiel

On the icons, we see Selafiel in a prayer pose, with her eyes downcast and her hands clasped at her chest. His entire image testifies to the fact that he is constantly in deep and sincere prayer. The holy Archangel calls upon every Orthodox person to do the same. Day of his veneration - November 21, new style.

Archangel Yehudiel

Yehudiel means “one who praises God,” therefore this holy angel is the main patron saint of all monks and those who have chosen serving the Lord as the main goal of their lives. Jehudiel helps everyone who works to glorify God, prays for reward for such labors and deeds, helps strangers, protects all those in need and the weak.

Do not think that labor for the sake of the Lord is the lot of monks only. Any honest work that is aimed at supporting the family can and should be done to the glory of God. And if a person works with the name of the Lord on his lips and tries to do his job as if he is doing it for God, then he will receive tremendous spiritual comfort and joy from what has been done. It is in such labors that Jehudiel helps people.

According to the teachings of our Church, it was Jehudiel who helped the people of Israel to overcome the passage through the desert for 40 years. It was this archangel who held back the persecutors when the Jews left Egypt, which is described in detail in the Old Testament Book of Exodus.

Since the task of Yehudiel is to help everyone who works for Christ's sake, he is often depicted on icons with a gold crown in his hands and a three-pointed lash. The scourge means the punishment of God for sinners, and the crown is the reward for godly Christians. Remembered among other archangels on November 21.

Archangel Barachiel

From the translation we learn that Barachiel means "God's blessing." This Angel was placed by the Lord near Him so that he would give the Lord's blessing to people for every good deed. Barachiel preserves pious families, helps those who strive to live in spiritual health, who strive for salvation and purity of soul.

Barachiel is a harbinger of heavenly bliss for those who strive to live with God. That is why we see him on icons with white roses as symbols of God's grace. Since Barachiel is the messenger of God's blessings, his actions can be very different. It should only be remembered that the Lord never sends what is asked if it will be to the detriment of a person or someone close to him.

Archangel Barachiel

Therefore, when starting to pray to the Archangel Barachiel, you first need to strictly test your conscience - are we asking something that is displeasing to God?

Archangel Jeremiel

The name of this God's subject means an ascension to the Lord. Jeremiel inspires people with good thoughts, takes the mind away from vanity and everyday problems to God. Through prayers to him, a person becomes more collected, prays better, more easily abandons worldly harmful habits, raises his mind to the Lord.

In the Bible, the name Jeremiel is found in the already familiar third book of Ezra, where he testifies when the end of the human race will come. The day of veneration of this archangel is celebrated on November 21 in a new style, together with the Cathedral of Heavenly Forces.

When starting to pray to any of God's Heavenly powers, each person should remember that they stand before the Lord Himself and hear all petitions. It is imperative to pray with a pure heart, not harboring grudges against anyone, not wishing to be evil. Such a prayer will surely be heard and a person will receive great spiritual help from the Lord and his servants.

Video about who the archangels are in Orthodoxy

Angels ("messengers") in Christianity, Judaism and Islam are called beings of a higher order who obey God and proclaim his will to people. Angels are divided into nine ranks, and one of these ranks is archangels.

Among the nine angelic ranks, the archangels occupy the eighth place, entering the third hierarchy along with the beginnings and the angels themselves. Word "


"Literally means"

supreme angel

The Bible contains direct references to archangels. One of them is in the first epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians. The Apostle speaks of the coming second coming of Jesus Christ, which will take place "with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God." The Epistle of Jude mentions a specific archangel named for him - Michael. The Bible does not name the names of other archangels, but in the book of the prophet Daniel, the archangel Michael is referred to as “one of the first princes,” therefore, he is not the only archangel.

The main task of the archangels is to preach the gospel to people about God, to transmit his prophecies. They help people to know and internalize the will of God and strengthen their faith.

The most famous of the archangels is the already mentioned Michael. He is called "archangel", that is. a military leader, depicted in military armor, with a spear and a sword, and at his feet - a defeated dragon, personifying Satan - an angel who rebelled against God. Archangel Michael is considered the patron saint of warriors.

Another famous archangel is Gabriel, the bearer of good news that gives people hope. He explained the meaning of the visions sent to the prophet by God. The main prophecy that Daniel heard from Gabriel concerned the coming birth of the Savior. The Archangel again announced this joyful event, when there was very little time left before him - he appeared to the Virgin Mary and said that it was she who was destined to become the Mother of God. Christians call this event the Annunciation.

Archangel Raphael is mentioned in the non-canon book of Tobias and is known as a healer and comforter. It is he who heals Tobias' father and bride from serious illnesses. In all the images, Raphael usually holds in one hand a bowl of medicine, and in the other - a cropped bird feather, which was used in the old days to smear wounds.

The archangel Uriel is mentioned in the book of Ezra. His name is translated as "the fire of God" or "the light of God", he seems to be an enlightener of lost souls and ignoramuses, ignites human hearts with love. Uriel is considered the patron saint of scientists.

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In heaven, the brethren, in spite of mutual love, joy and bliss of each and every one, there is, however, the equality that some, through extreme folly, seek on earth; and there some rule and stand, others obey and follow. Substantial and complete equality is found only between the three Persons of the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Although the number of Angels is immeasurably large, “the darkness of those” (Rev. 5:11), according to the expression of the Holy Scriptures; but there are only seven Archangels. “I am ... one of the seven holy Angels,” said the Archangel Raphael to the righteous Tobit, “whoever brings the prayers of the saints and enter before the glory of the Holy One” (Comrade 12:15). Why are there only seven main Angels - no less and no more?

This is the secret of creation, known to the Lord and the Creator of Angels. We can only observe with reverence that the sevenfold number is a sacred number; for shall we behold the kingdom of grace? We receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, seven Sacraments. Let's look at the kingdom of nature? We find seven rays of light, seven tones of sound, seven days of creation, etc.

Of these seven supreme spirits, the Holy Church is the first to recognize Michael. Who is like God (Heb.) - signifies his name; who is like God - express themselves and all his deeds. He first rebelled against Lucifer (Satan) when he rebelled against the Almighty. It is known how this first terrible war ended - with the overthrow of Dennitsa from the sky. Since then, Archangel Michael has not ceased to fight for the glory of the Creator and Lord of all, for the cause of the salvation of the human race, for the Church and her children. Therefore, he is always depicted in a warlike form, with a spear or sword in his hand, having a dragon under his feet, that is, a spirit of evil. The white banner adorning the top of his spear signifies the unchanging purity and unshakable loyalty of the Angels to the Heavenly King; and the cross, with which the spear ends, makes it known that the struggle with the kingdom of darkness and the victory over it by the Archangels themselves is committed in the name of the Cross of Christ, is accomplished through patience, humility and self-denial. Therefore, for those who are adorned with the name of the first of the Archangels, it is most appropriate to be distinguished by zeal for the glory of God, loyalty to the Heavenly King and the kings of the earth, an everlasting war against vice and wickedness, constant humility and selflessness.

The second place in the line of Angels belongs to Gabriel: a name meaning the power of God. This archangel in the work of serving human salvation is especially the herald and servant of the omnipotence of God. So, whether the power of God is revealed in the miraculous conception of the Forerunner from aged parents, the news of this conception rests with Gabriel. Does the seedless conception of the Son of God Himself take place? The honor of announcing this goes to Gabriel again. The same Archangel, according to the wise men, was sent to reinforce the Savior in the garden of Gethsemane and to proclaim the Mother of God Her all-honorable Assumption. Therefore, the Church calls him a minister of miracles. But, serving miracles, he is therefore a special servant of the mysteries of God. The Holy Church depicts him sometimes with a paradise branch in his hand, which was brought to them by the Mother of God, and sometimes in his right hand - with a lantern, inside which a candle is burning, and in the left - with a mirror of jasper. Gabriel is depicted with a mirror, since he is the messenger of the fate of God about the salvation of the human race; depicted with a candle in a lantern, since the fate of God is hidden until the time of their fulfillment, and when fulfilled, they are comprehended only by those who are steadily looking into the mirror of the word of God and their conscience. Thus, everyone who bears the name of Gabriel deserves that faith of God (Mark 2:25), for which, according to the word of the Savior Himself, nothing is impossible.

Raphael, or God's help and healing, is the name of the third Archangel; a name dear to all who suffer. There is a whole book in the Holy Scriptures, which describes how this Archangel, in the form of a man, accompanied the righteous Tobiah, freed his bride from the evil spirit, restored his sight to his aged father, Tobit, and then ascended from them to heaven. Therefore, this Archangel is depicted with a medical vessel in his left hand, right hand he leads Tobiah. The words spoken by this Archangel during separation from the family of Tobit are very instructive: “It is good to pray with fasting and alms and righteousness ...” Raphael said, “charity saves from death and thawing cleans up all sin ... ecu did not hide me well, but Bekh with you "(Comrade 12: 8-9,13). Therefore, whoever wishes to be worthy of the heavenly help of Raphael, first of all, he must himself be merciful to the needy. Moreover, the virtue of mercy and compassion should distinguish those bearing the name Raphael: otherwise they will not have a spiritual union with the Archangel.

The fourth Archangel is depicted with a sword, and in the shuyts with a flame descending to the valley, and his name is Uriel, that is, the light or fire of God. As an Angel of Light, he enlightens the minds of people with the revelation of truths that are useful to them; like the Angel of the Divine fire, he kindles the hearts with love for God and destroys in them the impure earthly attachments. So, Uriel is your Archangel, people devoted to science! Do not forget, following his example, to be servants not only of the light of truth, but also of the fire of Divine love. "Reason (ubo) kichit, but creates any love" (1 Cor. 8: 1).

The Fifth Archangel is the supreme minister of prayer and is called Selafiel. Pure and fiery prayer itself can serve instead of the Cherubim for the soul, protecting it from all hostile forces. But what are our prayers? Weak, short, impure, cold. And so, the Lord gave us the whole face of prayer angels with their leader Selafiel, so that with the pure breath of their lips they would warm our cold hearts to prayer, so that they would instruct us about what, when and how to pray, so that they would raise our offerings to the throne of grace. When you see, brethren, on the icon of the Archangel, standing in a prayer position, with eyes downcast, with hands attached with reverence to the Persians, then know that this is Selafiel. And seeing the Archangel himself in this position of the prayer, try yourself during prayer to always be in a position decent to the one who is praying. Decent, I say, because many do not have it. Looking at how some of us pray, you will think that they are not asking, but commanding and threatening the One from Whom they ask. Is this a prayer? ..

The sixth Archangel has a golden crown in his right hand, and in Shuytsa a scourge of three red ropes. This is because the duty of this Archangel with the face of Angels entrusted to him is to encourage with the reward of the eternal blessings and to defend in the name of the Holy Trinity and the power of the Cross of Christ people who work for the glory of God; therefore it is called Jehudiel, or the praise of God. Each of us, young and old, is obliged to live and work for the glory of God. But on our sinful land, among us, sinful people, every good deed is not accomplished otherwise than with labor, and many - with great and hard labor. What needs? Our Lord and Master will not forget any of our work and any “labor of love” (Heb. 6:10) in His name. The greater the feat, the higher and brighter the reward. The crown is not in vain in the right hand of the Archangel: it is a reward for every Christian who works for the glory of God.

Celebrating the council of Archangels and Angels, we must, brethren, think that we also need, we must certainly be either in the Cathedral of Angels, or among the congregation of rejected spirits. Who can decide on the latter? But, desiring the former, one must prepare oneself in advance for coexistence with the Angels through the acquisition of Angelic thoughts and feelings. Amen.

From the works of Innocent, Archbishop of Kherson

Archangel Michael, Raphael and Gabril are evangelists bringing great news. They convey to us the will of the Lord and prophecies to strengthen people's faith in God, and are also enlighteners of minds with the light of the Gospel. Archangels reveal to us the secrets of godly faith. They are assigned to a special service and are a reflection not only of the entire Trinity, but also of God himself. In the Orthodox Church, the Archangel Raphael, Michael and Gabriel are honored in one day. The Heavenly Host is a symbol of the main features of our Creator: beauty, reason and goodness.

Who are the archangels, their meaning in Orthodoxy

The Orthodox faith is distinguished by a number of traditions that have come down to our times from ancient times. The names of the archangels are found in the Holy Scriptures, where the structure of the entire system is explained. Even experienced theologians are not always able to decipher biblical writings.

Studying the list of archangels, and getting acquainted with their divine purpose, it becomes clear that they are the leaders of the other angels. When writing archangels on icons, artists pay special attention to their image, not losing sight of even minor details. They can be very important for our descendants. Each of the main angels is endowed with its own attribute - a trumpet, sword and spear, which are a kind of symbolism.

In the Orthodox faith, there are seven holy angels, whose names are known to almost all Orthodox Christians. Nobody knows what the number 7 means. The Bible states that only God knows this.

Archangels act as defenders of man and set him up on the righteous path. Each of them performs specific functions.

The church honors three archangels who played a significant role in the history of salvation:

  • Michael (translated as "Who is like GOD") - supports a person in the battle with evil and wages a battle with fallen spirits.
  • Gabriel (the name is translated as "Bol power") - carries messages for a person from the Creator.
  • Raphael (meaning of the name - "God heals") - was the guardian of the young Tobiah and stands before the Lord.

A true Christian should be aware of the presence of invisible divine forces and feel the support of their activities. Only true faith gives the right to ask the Almighty and his helpers for help and protection. If a person is not ready to receive spiritual help, then the angels are not able to do it against his will.

Saint Archangel Michael

The leader of the heavenly army, under whose feet the defeated devil is depicted. He is the main archangel in both the New and Old Testaments. In the Scriptures he is called "the leader of the army." Michael is the main fighter in the fight against evil in the world. Saint George the Great believed that angels appear to a person when it is necessary to bring a message, and Archangel Michael - before the manifestation of the power of God.

When the angel Lucifer, the closest to God, moved away from him, going over to the side of evil along with his companions, Michael called on the remaining supporters of the Lord to fight against the tempted. The fallen angels with Lucifer were "banished to the underworld."

Michael is most often depicted in the guise of a warrior with armor, with a spear in his hand or with a sword. He never stops fighting for the glory of God and for people. In the Old Testament, acts as a protector Israeli people, and in the New - all righteous Christians.

Since ancient times, the Archangel Michael was loved and honored by believers. He accompanied the souls of the righteous and the repentant to paradise, performed the ritual of washing souls before they appeared before God. Michael was accompanied by the Virgin Mary through hell. She managed to contemplate the torment of the souls of sinners. On the day of the Last Judgment, Michael will pray to God for the mercy of all who have sinned. In Byzantium, many managed to be healed at the springs, on which temples were erected in honor of Michael. According to Greek legends, at the death of a person, the soul follows the archangel. It is Michael who guards against demons and accompanies souls to the Judgment of God.

Prayers to Saint Michael the Archangel

The patron saint of warriors who fought for the good, the Holy Archangel Michael, is revered as a protector from evil spirits, visible and invisible forces. It keeps a person's sleep and helps in the fight against sadness.

They turn to Michael while reading prayers:

  1. About healing.
  2. Upon entering a new home.
  3. When lighting your own home.
  4. On the protection of the souls of the dead.

An ancient prayer to Archangel Michael protects the believer from the touch of the devil, human evil intentions and flattery. When you read it, you feel calm and confident. A prayer is read to Archangel Michael at the onset of a new day - at midnight. During the day, evil forces will be powerless and will not be able to cause evil. Archangel Michael will take away all troubles and the one asking will feel protected all day long.

Holy Archangel Gabriel

According to texts from the Bible, the Archangel Gabriel was chosen by God himself to notify a person that the son of the Lord had come to earth.

He is considered the patron saint of young married couples who want to have children. Gabriel is asked to conceive. He protects a woman and an unborn child during pregnancy.

Archangel Gabriel ranks second in the hierarchy. He patronizes a person whose work has a connection with communication (journalists, psychologists, managers, etc.). The icon with his image is revered by the Orthodox Church. He is depicted in rich robes, sometimes with a scepter in his hand and a crown on his head. The date of the celebration is celebrated after the Annunciation.

According to legend, Gabriel guarded the Virgin Mary and was sent by God to warn her husband about the king's plan to destroy all babies. An angel taught the forefather Moses to write books.

Prayers to the patron saint Archangel Gabriel

Gabriel's help is as follows:

  • protects from troubles and hardships;
  • protects against diseases;
  • acts as a guiding star in life;
  • heals from ailments and serious diseases;
  • helps to overcome infertility and bear a healthy child;
  • clears from frightening thoughts and bad feelings;
  • relieves internal fears and various kinds of phobias.

Prayers to Gabriel help with depression and psychological deviations. You can ask him for love, faith, help in marriage. You don't need to look for separate prayers for every occasion. You can pray in your own words in front of the image. The main thing is to sincerely believe and Gabriel will definitely bless for what was requested.

Prayers to Archangel Gabriel can be read not only by a priest. The request will also be heard from the lips of a believer. The main thing is to have faith and sincerity. You can read the prayer to the Archangel Gabriel at home, it is not necessary to visit a church or temple for this purpose. You need to put the image of the Saint in front of you.

Saint Archangel Raphael

Translated from Hebrew, the name Raphael is translated as "healing". The Archangel is in 3rd place after Michael. Heals and relieves both mental and physical pain. They pray to him when problems arise concerning the inner world, feelings and health. Archangel Raphael is prayed for both healing from ailments and restoring relationships or correcting in any life situation. It is important to convey the problem correctly, since many do not know how to express their own thoughts, directing divine power in the wrong direction.

The Bible says that the Archangel Raphael imprisoned the fallen Azazel in the wilderness at the behest of the Lord. He was punished for the craft that was presented to a person and that corrupted him. He is assigned to guard the fallen angels, who are mortals, like other archangels.

Raphael heals not only the body, but also the soul, and fights with malice on earth. The book of Tobit says that he is a companion of his son, taking on a human form. Raphael drove out a demon and healed blindness.

The archangel told mortals about the places in which souls reside before the Last Judgment. It was Raphael who gave the ring to King Solomon, intended to subdue the demons.

Prayers to Archangel Raphael

In the Orthodox Church, the Archangel Raphael is:

  • travel assistant and medicine men;
  • patron of the sick spiritually and physically;
  • a healer from ailments and mental wounds.

You can ask the Archangel Raphael for help both for yourself and for relatives or spiritually close people. He will appear exactly where they need him, and will help only those who have a holy faith in God. If a person does not accept spiritual help, then you need to pray to Uriel. They ask Raphael for the health of man and animal. The angel will help you choose the right path in healing and prevent death.

Prayers to Archangel Raphael will help to overcome anxiety and worries. With their help, quit destructive tendencies that are harmful to health and restore the spiritual state. Prayers to Archangel Raphael will cleanse your home of dark entities and bad energy.
