
Criticism "Stationmaster" Pushkin. "Station keeper", analysis of Pushkin's story Historical basis from the work of the station keeper

The story of Alexander Pushkin " Stationmaster"- one of the stories of the cycle, told by a certain Ivan Petrovich Belkin under the title" Belkin's Tales ". Dated to September 14, 1830. Its plot was allegedly heard and recorded by the author of the work. The story is simple and ordinary, but it is told with a special lyricism, which is what the author makes the reader sympathize with and empathize with the heroes of the story.

The work raised the problem “ little man", Humiliated and unhappy. Samson Vyrin is the station superintendent, whose only joy is his daughter Dunya. The surname was not chosen by A.S. Pushkin by chance, it was formed from the name of the post station Vyra, which the author knew well.

The center of the story is everyday life an ordinary person, a station superintendent, whose work is hard and only provides funds for food. The visiting hussar Minsky carries Dunya along with him, and she leaves the parental home without her father's consent. Samson cannot be comforted by grief, because his daughter was the whole meaning of life for him. One day Samson Vyrin decides to go to Minsky to explain himself to him and see his daughter. But the meeting turned out to be unpleasant. Dunya fainted, and Minsky kicks Vyrin out of the gate, stuffing money into his pocket. So the poor father left with nothing. The reader learns that a few years later Dunya came to her father, but already at his grave and cried for a long time ...

This everyday history evokes pity in the reader for the unfortunate old caretaker who lost his daughter. Minsky's wealth did not allow Duna to communicate with his father. The caretaker was very worried about how his beloved daughter lived. And Dunya constantly thought about her father. “The little man” - Samson Vyrin - although of a low social class, is not devoid of rationality and sincere feelings, he does not believe in the happiness of his daughter and is trying to save her.

A special subject in the story is the furnishings of the room where Vyrin lived. Its walls were hung with paintings depicting scenes of the return of the prodigal son. Samson waited for his daughter to change her mind and return, but the miracle did not happen.

The reality of the picture emphasizes the accessible language of the story. The author, who is also the narrator, is also a feature of the work. The author's sincere sympathy can be seen between the lines. The narrator takes pity on Vyrin and inquires about his fate: "Is the old caretaker alive?"

The plot of this story is sad, but still it has a happy ending - Dunya, despite her new position in society, remembers her father and loves him. She is happy in the family, it is a pity that her father found out this way.

Pushkin's story "The Stationmaster" was written in 1830 and was included in the cycle "Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin". The leading theme of the work is the theme of the "little man", represented by the image of the station keeper Samson Vyrin. The story refers to literary direction sentimentalism.

A condensed presentation of "The Station Keeper" will be of interest to 7th grade students, as well as to everyone who is interested in classical Russian literature. On our website you can read summary"Station keeper" online.

main characters

The narrator- an official who "for twenty years in a row, has traveled to Russia", on his behalf is the narration in the work.

Samson Vyrin- a man of about fifty, station superintendent "from the respectable class of caretakers", Dunya's father.

Other heroes

Avdotya Samsonovna (Dunya)- Vyrin's daughter, very beautiful girl, at the beginning of the story she is about 14 years old - a "little coquette" with big blue eyes.

Captain Minsk- a young hussar who tricked Dunya away.

Son of a brewer- a boy who showed the narrator where Vyrin's grave is.

The story begins with the narrator's reflections on the fate of the station keepers: “What is a station master? A real martyr of the fourteenth class, protected by his rank only from beatings, and even then not always. " At the same time, according to the narrator's observations, "the caretakers are generally peaceful people, naturally helpful."

In May 1816, the narrator drove through the *** province. The man got caught in the pouring rain and stopped at the station to change clothes and drink tea. The caretaker's daughter, Dunya, laid the table on the table, amazed the narrator with her beauty.

While the owners were busy, the narrator looked at the room - there were pictures on the walls depicting the story of the prodigal son. The narrator, the caretaker and Dunya drank tea, pleasantly chatting "as if they had known each other for ages." Leaving, the narrator kissed Dunya in the entryway with her permission.

A few years later, the narrator visited this station again. Entering the house, he was struck by the carelessness and dilapidation of the situation. The caretaker himself, Samson Vyrin, has grown very old and gray. At first the old man did not want to answer questions about his daughter, but after two glasses of punch he got into a conversation.

Vyrin said that a young hussar had stopped by three years ago. At first the visitor was very angry that horses were not being served to him, but when he saw Dunya, he relented. After dinner, the young man allegedly became ill. Having bribed a doctor called the next day, the hussar stayed at the station for a couple of days. On Sunday, the young man recovered and, leaving, offered to give the girl a ride to church. Vyrin let his daughter go with the hussar.

“In less than half an hour,” the caretaker began to worry and went to the church himself. From a deacon's acquaintance, Vyrin learned that Dunya was not at the mass. In the evening, the driver arrived, carrying the officer, and said that Dunya had gone with the hussar to the next station. The old man realized that the hussar's illness was feigned. From grief, Vyrin "fell ill with a strong fever."

“Barely recovering from his illness,” the caretaker took leave and went on foot to look for his daughter. Samson knew from the roads of Minsk that the hussar was on his way to Petersburg. Having found out the address of the captain in Petersburg, Vyrin comes to him and in a trembling voice asks to give him his daughter. Minsky replied that he was asking Samson for forgiveness, but he would not give Dunya to him - "she will be happy, I give you my word of honor." Having finished speaking, the hussar put the inspector out into the street, thrusting several banknotes by his sleeve.

Seeing the money, Vyrin burst into tears and threw it away. A couple of days later, walking along Liteynaya, Vyrin noticed Minsky. Having found out from his coachman where Dunya lives, the caretaker hastened to his daughter's apartment. Entering the rooms, Samson found there luxuriously dressed Dunya and Minsky. Seeing her father, the girl fainted. Angry Minsky "grabbed the old man by the collar with a strong hand and pushed him onto the stairs." Two days later, Virin drove back to the station. For the third year already, he knows nothing about her and is afraid that her fate is the same as the fate of other "young fools".

After some time, the narrator drove through those places again. Where the station used to be, the brewer's family now lived, and Vyrin, having drunken himself, "died a year ago." The narrator asked to be escorted to Samson's grave. A boy, the son of a brewer, told him on the way that in the summer a "beautiful lady" "with three little barchats" came here, who, having come to the caretaker's grave, "lay down here and lay there for a long time."


In the story « The station superintendent "A. Pushkin outlined the special nature of the conflict, which differs from that depicted in traditional works of sentimentalism - the conflict of choice between Vyrin's personal happiness (paternal happiness) and the happiness of his daughter. The author emphasized the moral superiority of the caretaker ("little man") over the rest of the characters, depicting an example of a parent's selfless love for his child.

A brief retelling of The Station Keeper is intended for quick acquaintance with the plot of the work, therefore, for a better understanding of the story, we advise you to read it in full.

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Pushkin's story "The Station Keeper" is one of the saddest works from the cycle "Belkin's Tales", ending with a tragic ending. A thoughtful analysis of the work shows that the dramatic separation of relatives that happened is an inevitable problem of class differences, and the main idea of ​​the story is the spiritual discrepancy between father and daughter. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a brief analysis of Pushkin's story according to plan. The material can be used in preparation for a literature lesson in grade 7.

Brief analysis

Year of writing- 1830

History of creation- The story was created in the Boldinskaya autumn, this period was the most fruitful for the writer.

Theme- From this work, the theme of disadvantaged people begins to unfold in Russian literature.

Composition- The composition of the story is built with generally accepted literary canons, gradually the action reaches its climax, and moves on to the denouement.

genre- A story.

Direction- Sentimentalism and Realism.

History of creation

In the year of writing "The Station Superintendent", Pushkin urgently needed to solve his financial issues, for which he went to the family estate. In 1830, a cholera epidemic began, which delayed the writer for the whole autumn. Pushkin himself believed that it would be a boring and long pastime, but suddenly inspiration descended on the writer, and he started writing "Belkin's Tales". This is how the story of the creation of the "Station Keeper" took place, which was ready by mid-September. The time of the "Boldin autumn" was truly golden for the author, the stories came out from the pen one by one, and the next year they were published. Under the original name of the author, "Belkin's Tales" were republished in 1834.


After analyzing the work in the "Station Keeper", the multifaceted thematic content of this short story becomes clear.

The main characters of the story- father and daughter, and eternal theme fathers and children runs throughout the story. The father, a man of the old school, loves his daughter very much, the purpose of his life is to protect her from all the hardships of life. Dunya's daughter, unlike her father, already thinks differently, in a new way. She wants to destroy the prevailing stereotypes, and break free, from the gray, everyday village life, into Big city sparkling with bright lights. Her crazy idea is suddenly implemented, and she easily leaves her father, leaving with the first candidate for possession of her.

In Dunya's escape from her father's house, the theme of romantic passion slips. Dunya understands that the caretaker will be against such a decision, but, in the pursuit of happiness, the girl does not even try to resist Minsky's act, and resignedly follows him.

In Pushkin's story, in addition to the main love theme, the author also touches upon other problems of society that existed at that time. Little man theme concerns the difficult situation of small employees who are considered subservient, and, accordingly, are treated. In this relation to such employees, there is the meaning of the title of the story, which summarizes all the "little people" with a common destiny and a difficult lot.

The story is deeply revealed problematic moral relations, revealed the psychology of each of the characters, their point of view, and what is the essence of existence for each of them. In pursuit of her illusory happiness, Dunya puts her personal interests first, forgets about her own father, who is ready for anything for the sake of his beloved daughter. Minsky has a completely different psychology. This is a rich man who is not used to denying himself anything, and taking his young daughter from his father's house is another whim for him. The conclusion suggests itself that each person acts according to his desires, and it is good if these desires are subordinated to reason, because otherwise, they lead to a dramatic outcome.

The theme of the "Stationmaster" is multifaceted, and many of the problems covered in this story are still relevant. What Pushkin's work teaches still happens everywhere, and a person's life depends only on himself.


The events of the story are presented from the point of view of an outside observer who learned about this story from its participants and witnesses.

The story begins with a description of the profession of station employees, about the dismissive attitude towards them. Further, the story moves on to the main part, in which the narrator gets to know the main characters, Samson Vyrin, and his daughter Dunya.

Arriving at the same station the second time, the narrator learns from old man Vyrin about the fate of his daughter. Using various artistic means, in this case, the popular prints depicting the return of the prodigal son, the writer skillfully conveys all the pain and despair of the elderly man, all his thoughts and suffering, the man whom his beloved daughter left.

The third visit of the narrator is the epilogue of this story, which ended in a tragic denouement. Samson Vyrin could not survive the betrayal of his daughter, anxiety for her fate, constant worries, had too much effect on the caretaker. He began to drink, and soon died without waiting for his daughter's return. Dunya came, cried at her father's grave, and left again.

main characters


The writer himself calls his work a story, although each creation from famous cycle"Belkin's Tale" can be attributed to the genre little romance, so deep is their psychological content. In the sentimental story "The Stationmaster", the main motives of realism are clearly visible, it looks so believable the main character who could actually meet.

This story is the first work that begins the theme of "little people" in Russian literature. Pushkin reliably describes the life and life of such people, necessary, but invisible. People who can be insulted and humiliated with impunity, without thinking at all that they are living people who have a heart and soul, who, like everyone else, can feel and suffer.

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In this article, we will look at brief analysis the story "The Stationmaster", which Alexander Pushkin wrote in 1830, and which was included in the collection "Belkin's Tale".

There are two prominent main characters in this work. This is the station superintendent who serves at the station, his name is Samson Vyrin. And his beloved beautiful daughter Dunya. There is also the hussar Minsky, who also played an important role. So, in a nutshell, the plot of the story "Stationmaster":

Samson Vyrin is a minor official at the station. It is kind and peaceful, although it is constantly plagued by people passing by. Vyrin's daughter Dunya is a beauty and helper. Once the hussar Minsky comes to them, who pretends to be sick in order to be with the girl with whom he fell in love for several days. Then, having deceived his father, the hussar takes Dunya to Petersburg. Samson Vyrin makes attempts to take his daughter, but nothing comes of it. Out of grief, he begins to drink, and, in the end, drinks himself from such an unhappy life, turning into a decrepit old man. Dunya, apparently, is marrying Minsky, giving birth to three children, and does not need anything. Having learned about the death of her father, she deeply regrets and reproaches herself all her life.

This is the plot of the story, without considering it, the analysis of The Stationmaster would be incomplete.

Problems of the story

Of course, Pushkin raises a number of problems in this story. For example, we are talking about a conflict - an eternal conflict - between parental will and children. Often, parents do not let their children leave their parents' home, and grown-up children want to live an independent life.

So it is in the "Station Keeper", which we are analyzing. Dunya's daughter helps Vyrin well, because his work is not easy, he does not have enough horses, people get nervous and angry because of this, conflicts are constantly brewing, and Dunya's charm and good looks help to settle a lot. In addition, she works in the comfort of the house, serves in front of clients. It is not surprising that Samson Vyrin values ​​his daughter so much and does not want to let her go, because for him she is the main thing in life.

When Minsky takes Dunya away, Vyrin thinks that this looks like a kidnapping, he does not believe that she herself wants to go with him. Going to rescue his daughter, Vyrin is faced with a strong reaction - the hussar does not want to part with his beloved in any way, although it seems to the station attendant that he is simply using her as a new toy - he will play and throw her away.

Samson Vyrin is confused and depressed, and although he goes back to his place, he imagines the fate of his daughter very sadly. He can’t believe that Dunya and the hussar Minsky will be happy, and in the end he just gets drunk.

What does the story "The Stationmaster" teach that the author especially wanted to emphasize? Many conclusions can be drawn, everyone will find something of their own. But in any case, there is an incentive to cherish family ties, to love loved ones and think about their feelings. In addition, you should never despair and allow circumstances to drive you into a corner.

We hope that the summary of this work will also help you. You have now read a brief analysis of The Station Keeper. We also bring to your attention an article with an essay on this story.

In the famous Boldin autumn of 1830, A.S. In 11 days Pushkin wrote an amazing work - "Belkin's Tales" - which included five independent stories told to one person (his name is included in the title). In them, the author managed to create a gallery of provincial images, truthfully and without embellishment to show life in contemporary writer Russia.

A special place in the cycle is occupied by the story "The Station Keeper". It was she who laid the foundations for the development of the theme of the "little man" in Russian literature of the 19th century.

Meet the heroes

The story of the stationmaster Samson Vyrin was told to Belkin by a certain I.L.P., a titular councilor. His bitter reflections on what is the attitude towards people of this rank, from the very beginning set the reader in a not very cheerful mood. Anyone stopping at the station is ready to swear at them. Either the horses are bad, now the weather and the road are bad, or even the mood has not worked out at all - and the station keeper is to blame for everything. The main idea of ​​the story is to show a difficult situation common man without high rank and rank.

Samson Vyrin, a retired soldier, a widower, who raised his fourteen-year-old daughter Dunechka, calmly endured all the claims of those passing by. He was a fresh and cheerful man of about fifty, sociable and empathetic. This is how the titular councilor saw him at the first meeting.

The house was clean and comfortable, with balsams growing on the windows. And everyone who stopped was given tea from a samovar by Dunya, who had learned how to farm early. She, with her meek appearance and smile, humbled the anger of all the dissatisfied. In the company of Vyrin and the "little coquette" the time flew by unnoticed for the adviser. The guest said goodbye to the hosts as to old acquaintances: their company seemed so pleasant to him.

How Vyrin has changed ...

The story "Stationmaster" continues with the description of the second meeting of the narrator with the main character. A few years later, fate again threw him to those lands. He drove up to the station with anxious thoughts: everything could have happened during this time. The presentiment, in fact, did not deceive: instead of a cheerful and cheerful person, a gray-haired, long-shaved, hunched-over old man appeared before him. It was the same Vyrin, only now he was very taciturn and gloomy. However, the glass of punch did its trick, and soon the narrator learned Dunya's story.

About three years ago a young hussar was passing by. He liked the girl, and he pretended to be sick for several days. And when he achieved mutual feelings from her, he took it away secretly, without blessing, from his father. So the misfortune that fell has changed the long-established life of the family. The heroes of The Station Keeper, father and daughter, will no longer meet. The old man's attempt to return Dunya ended in nothing. He reached St. Petersburg and was even able to see her, richly dressed and happy. But the girl, looking at her father, fell unconscious, and he was simply kicked out. Now Samson lived in melancholy and loneliness, and the bottle became his main companion.

The story of the prodigal son

Even at his first arrival, the narrator noticed pictures on the walls with signatures on German... They displayed the biblical story of prodigal son who took his share of the inheritance and squandered it. In the last picture, the humble youth returned to his home to the parent who had forgiven him.

This legend is very reminiscent of what happened to Vyrin and Dunya, therefore it is no coincidence that it is included in the story "The Stationmaster". The main idea of ​​the work is connected with the idea of ​​helplessness and defenselessness. ordinary people... Vyrin, well acquainted with the foundations of high society, could not believe that his daughter could be happy. Nor was the scene seen in St. Petersburg convinced — everything could still change. He waited for Dunya's return until the end of his life, but their meeting and forgiveness never took place. Perhaps Dunya simply did not dare to appear before her father for a long time.

The return of the daughter

On his third visit, the narrator learns about the death of an old acquaintance. And the boy who accompanied him to the cemetery will tell him about the lady who came after the station warden had died. The content of their conversation makes it clear that everything went well for Dunya. She arrived in a carriage with six horses, accompanied by a wet nurse and three barchats. But Dunya did not find her father alive, and therefore the repentance of the "lost" daughter became impossible. The lady lay on the grave for a long time - so, according to tradition, they asked for forgiveness from a deceased person and said goodbye to him forever - and then left.

Why did the daughter's happiness bring unbearable mental suffering to her father?

Samson Vyrin always believed that life without a blessing and as a mistress is a sin. And the fault of Dunya and Minsky, probably, first of all, is that their departure (the caretaker himself convinced his daughter to accompany the hussar to church) and the misunderstanding when they met in St. Petersburg only strengthened him in this conviction, which, in the end, will bring the hero to the grave ... There is one more important point- the incident undermined the faith in my father. He truly loved his daughter, who was the raison d'être of his existence. And suddenly such ingratitude: for all the years Dunya has never let know about herself. She seemed to have deleted her father from her life.

Depicting a poor man of the lowest rank, but with a high and sensitive soul, A.S. Pushkin drew the attention of his contemporaries to the position of people who were at the lowest rung of the social ladder. The inability to protest and resignation to fate make them defenseless in the face of life's circumstances. The stationmaster turns out to be such.

The main idea that the author wants to convey to the reader is that it is necessary to be sensitive and attentive to each person, regardless of his character, and only this will help to change the indifference and anger reigning in the world of people.
