
The most famous writers are Germans. Great people of German speaking countries. 1st century in German literature

German literature has given the world a lot great writers... The names of many of them have remained in the history of literature. The works of these authors are studied in schools and universities. These are famous German writers, whose names everyone knows, even if they are not familiar with their works. However, most of the names of their works are also heard by reading people.

German writers and poets of the 18th century

Goethe is one of the most famous writers in the whole world. His full name sounds like Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. He was not only a poet, but also a natural scientist, a great thinker and statesman. He was born in 1749 and lived for 82 years. Goethe wrote poems and comedies. He is known all over the world as the author of the book The Sorrows of Young Werther. The story of how this work greatly influenced the minds of young people - Goethe's contemporaries is widely known. And a wave of suicides swept across Germany. The young men imitated the main character of the work - Werther - and committed suicide because of unhappy love. In the pockets of many of the young suicides, they found a volume of The Sorrows of Young Werther.

Wilhelm Geynze is an equally talented writer, but is familiar for the most part only to literary critics and philologists. In Russia he is known for the novel "Ardingello and the Blessed Islands" translated by Petrovsky. Born in 1746, died in 1803. It was only in 1838 that Gainze's collected works were published.

German children's writers of the 18th century

Everyone read or listened to the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm in childhood. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm are German writers known to everyone from childhood. In addition to writing fairy tales, they were also linguists and researchers of their national culture. In addition, the brothers are considered the founders of scientific Germanic studies and Germanic philology. They were born one year apart: Jacob in 1785, and Wilhelm in 1786. Jacob survived his brother by four years. The Brothers Grimm fairy tales are loved by children of all nations. Many, as they say, grew up on their " Bremen Town Musicians"," Snow White "and" Little Red Riding Hood ".

19th century writers

Nietzsche is one of the first people whose name comes to mind when thinking of German writers of the 19th century. Few read his works, but many have heard of him and his philosophy. The full name of the author is Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. He was born in 1844 and lived for 56 years. He was not only a writer, but also a philosopher and philologist. Unfortunately, his creative activity ended in 1889 due to illness, and he gained popularity as a writer only after his death. The key work of Nietzsche's creativity is the book "Thus Spoke Zarathustra."

Theodore Storm is another 19th century writer. This is both a poet and a prose writer. Storm was born in 1817 and lived for 70 years. Most famous works Storms are the novels "Angelica" and "Rider on a White Horse".

20th century in German literature

Heinrich Belle is a laureate Nobel Prize for 1972. He was born in 1917, wrote stories and poems from early childhood. However, he began to publish his works only in 1947. In Belle's adult prose, there is a lot about the war and post-war problems. Since he himself survived the war and was even in captivity. More famous are Belle's collections of stories "Not Just For Christmas," "When the War Started," and "When the War Was Over," as well as the novel "Where Have You Been, Adam?" In 1992, Belle's novel The Angel was Silent was published; it was translated into Russian in 2001. Earlier, the author himself took it apart into a series of stories for the sake of a fee, since he and his family needed money.

Remarque is also one of the most famous writers... Erich Maria Remarque took the middle name for a pseudonym in honor of his mother. He was born in 1898, in 1916 he was sent to fight on the Western Front, was seriously wounded, and spent a lot of time in the hospital. All of his major novels are anti-war, for this reason the Nazis even banned his books. The most famous novels: "All Quiet on the Western Front", "Three Comrades", "Loan Life", "Arc de Triomphe" and "Love Your Neighbor."

Franz Kafka is Austrian but is considered one of the main German-speaking authors. His books are unique in their absurdity. Most of them were published posthumously. He was born in 1883, died of tuberculosis in 1924. His collections are famous: "Kara", "Contemplation" and "Hunger". And also the novels "The Castle" and "The Trial".

German writers have made a great contribution to world literature. The list of names goes on and on. It is worth adding two more names.

The Mann Brothers

Heinrich Mann and Thomas Mann are brothers, both famous German writers. Heinrich Mann is a prose writer, born in 1871, who worked in the book trade and publishing house. In 1953, the Berlin Academy of Arts established the annual Heinrich Mann Prize. His most famous works are: "The Teacher of Vile", "The Promised Land", "The Young Years of King Henry IV" and "The Mature Years of King Henry IV".

Paul Thomas Mann was 4 years younger than his brother. Is an Nobel laureate... His literary activity began with the creation of the Spring Thunder magazine. Then he wrote articles for the magazine "XX century", which was published by his brother. Fame came to Thomas with the novel "Buddenbrooks". He wrote it based on the history of his own family. His other famous novels are Doctor Faustus and The Magic Mountain.

Hertha Müller (Herta Müller) - the author of novels and other works, as well as a representative of a social movement of German origin, born in 1953 in the family of "Banat Swabians" - the German-speaking minority in Romania. She completed her studies at the university in Timisoara (Romania), after which she worked in production as a translator, however, having refused to cooperate with the police, she soon found herself without a job.

In 1982, Müller published her debut book " Lowlands»In his native language in Romania. The work was heavily censored and was literally redrawn up and down. In 1984, the book was published in full version on the territory of Germany. The book "Lowlands" subsequently received a number of prestigious literary awards.

Muller is the author of not only major novels, but also poetry and essays. She is also known as a photographer and artist. The main emphasis in her works, Gertha Müller has always made on her own experience of restriction of freedom, violence, repression important events from memory. She also writes about the unwillingness of people to know about important but difficult moments in life.

Müller is a member of the German Academy of Language and Poetry. The writer's works are translated into a number of European languages, as well as into the languages ​​of Japan and China. In 2008, a collection of works by Hertha Müller with the title "The king bows and kills" was included in the top ten by the Swedish Writers' Union good books modernity, written by the fair sex. A year later, Müller was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature with justification: "With concentration in poetry and sincerity in prose, he describes the life of the disadvantaged."

Anette Pent creates in the genre of deep lyrical prose. As many admit, it leaves almost no one indifferent. The writer was born in Cologne in 1967. In 2001, her first novel was published, titled “Ich muß los” (“I have to go”). He brought the writer the Mary Cassens Prize.

A year later, Pent won the Jury Prize at the Literary Competition in Klagenfurt. At the competition, she presented an excerpt of the novel "Island 34" ... In 2008, the writer was awarded prize to them. Thaddeus Troll. Now one of the most read novels of the author is "You can get used to each other without words, it's not long at all."

Arnold Stadler - a writer, translator of German origin, also known for his essays. During the period of his career, the writer was awarded a number of prestigious prizes, including Prize for Georg Buchner, Hermann Hesse and Kleist. Stadler's work has been repeatedly noted by the most famous German critics and intellectuals, his talent was noted, among other things, by Martin Walser.

Stadler is one of the most successful and famous writers of this century. He is the author of such famous novels as "Once upon a time there was me", "Death and me, we two" and others. His romance "One day, maybe night" is rightfully recognized as one of the most beautiful, sad and sublime works in the world. The work tells the story of a photographer who attempted to freeze the moment and how he himself lost himself in these attempts.

Daniel Kelman is one of the most famous German and Austrian writers of the so-called " new wave". The writer's prose is built on subtle irony, in which he comprehends new horizons of literature, plays up all the clichés that exist in literature. In his works, Kelman “ played»At the same time with a rich plot and reasoning about deep philosophical problems. The formation of the writer was influenced by Latin American works with a share of "magical realism" and the fantasy of Prague writers such as Kubin and Perutz.

Kelman's first novel
was published in 1997 when he was still studying at the University of Vienna. At the same time, Kelmann began collaborating with major German media such as Frankfurter Rundschau and Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Now Kelmann is a member of the Mainz Academy of Sciences and Literature and the German Academy of Language and Literature. Also, the writer teaches poetics to students of German universities. He is the recipient of a number of prestigious literary awards: “ Candide», Awards of the society of Konrad Adenauer, Kleist, Haimito Doderer and many others.

- another representative of the German modern literature, began his journey while practicing at the university, where he studied to be a lawyer. In 1983 he released his first novel "Bed" , in which he describes the life of a Jewish child who had to flee Frankfurt. The novel was warmly received by critics, who noted the original, yet austere and elegant style of storytelling.

writes his works in almost any genre. In his "arsenal" and novels, and poetry, and scripts, and articles about art. The general public fell in love with the author at the turn of the century, when he released novel "The Long Night" ... Mosebach writes all his novels while in "exile" - he has not had any contact with the outside world for several months.

In 2007, Mosebach was awarded Georg Buchner Prize, a novel "The Moon and the Girl" nominated for the "German Book Prize".

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Thema: Deutsche Schriftsteller

Theme: German Writers

Thomas Mann

Der berühmte deutsche Erzähler des 19. Jahrhunderts Thomas Mann war 1875 in Lübeck zur Welt gekommen. Seine Familie war wohlhabend. Der Vater war ein erfolgreicher Kaufmann und von den Bürgern der Stadt geehrt. Th. Mann fühlte sich sein ganzes Leben lang als deutscher Bürger, sogar in den USA während der Emigration. Seiner Meinung nach musste jeder ehrliche Mensch vornehm leben, gut verdienen, vernünftig und menschenfreundlich sein. Deshalb trat er gegen Hitler auf.

The famous 19th century German writer Thomas Mann was born in 1875 in Lubeck. The family was wealthy. My father was a merchant. He was respected in the city. T. Mann all his life felt like a citizen of Germany, even while in exile in the United States. In his opinion, every decent person should live according to his conscience, earn good money, be reasonable and friendly. That is why the writer opposed Hitler.

Th. Mann war begabt und hat große Kunstwerke hinterlassen. Trotz seiner Bürgerlichkeit war er als Künstler auch oft sensibel, einsam, unglücklich. Th. Mann schildert in seinen Werken außergewöhnliche Menschen. Viele von seinen Helden waren begabt, aber im Leben konnten sie ihr Glück nicht finden. Das größte Werk ist aber der große Roman Buddenbrooks. Dadurch wurde er berühmt. Der Schriftsteller zeigt anhand von drei Menschengenerationen den Prozess des Verfalls in Deutschland. Dadurch wurden viele Menschen ruiniert, ihre Existenz völlig zerstört.

T. Mann was a very talented writer and left behind a great literary legacy. Despite his views as a representative of the bourgeois environment, as an artist, he was an emotional, lonely and sometimes unhappy person. T. Mann describes outstanding people in his works. Many of his heroes were talented, but they never found happiness in life. The most remarkable work of T. Mann is the novel "Buddenbrooks". Thanks to him, the writer became famous. Using the example of 3 generations of one family, the author shows the process of decay in Germany. Because of this, many destinies perished, their usual existence was destroyed.

Die Handlung spielt in seiner Heimatstadt Lübeck. Der Autor versucht die Gründe des Niedergangs der Familie zu erklären. Die Sprache des Romans ist klar, einfach und schön, die feine Ironie gibt der Darstellung viel Charme. Die Männergestalten sind edel, klug, stark. Die Frauen sind schön, zierlich, liebevoll. Das Buch wurde inszeniert und verfilmt. Der letzte Serienfilm erweckte großes Interesse beim Publikum. Das war eine außerordentliche Erscheinung in der Filmkunst der ganzen Welt.

The novel takes place in Lubeck, hometown a writer. The author tries to show the reasons for the death of the family. The language of the novel is notable for its simplicity, precision, light irony, which gives the text beauty and elegance. Men in the novel are noble, smart, strong. The women, the heroines of the novel, are beautiful, gentle, attractive. The work was filmed several times. The latest multi-part film aroused public interest. the film "Buddenbrooks" is considered an outstanding phenomenon of world cinema.

Viele Leute haben mit Interesse den Roman gelesen und die Verfilmung gesehen. Ein Leser schreibt, dass sein Schullehrer der ganzen Klasse abgeraten hatte, in diesen Film zu gehen. Die Schüler waren natürlich neugierig. Sie sahen sich den Film an und wurden positiv überrascht. Tony und Thomas, die Haupthelden, wurden für viele Jungen und Mädchen zu Lieblingsgestalten.

Many people read the novel with interest and watch the film adaptation. One reader wrote that the teacher at school was against his students watching the film. But they, of course, immediately went to the cinema and were pleasantly surprised. The heroes of the film Tony and Thomas have become favorite characters in the cinema for many.

Erich maria remarque

Erich Maria Remarque

Der große deutsche Schriftsteller erschien auf dieser Welt 1898, am 22- Juli. Sein Vater war Buchbinder. Zuerst lernte er in der Volksschule. Später besuchte er ein Lehrerseminar. 1916 wurde er an die Westfront als Soldat geschickt und verletzt. Der Krieg kam zu Ende 1918. Remarque befand sich immer noch im Lazarett. Endlich konnte er sich als Lehrer betätigen. Aber die Arbeit als Zeitungsredakteur gefiel ihm besser. Er schrieb auch Prosatexte für verschiedene Zeitungen. Da kam das Jahr 1929. Remarque veröffentlichte seinen ersten Roman "Im Westen nichts Neues". Das waren seine eigenen Eindrücke aus dem Krieg und Erinnerungen an gefallene Kameraden. Die Verfilmung des Romans 1930 gefiel dem Publikum. Der Autor wurde bekannt.

The famous German writer was born in 1898, June 22. His father was a bookbinder. Erich first studied at primary school... After that, he attended a seminar for teachers. In 1916 he was drafted into the army and sent to the Western Front, where he was wounded. The war ended in 1918. At this time, Remarque was still in the hospital. Then he got a job as a teacher. But he liked the job of editor in the newspaper better. He wrote texts for various newspapers. The year 1929 has come. Remarque published his first novel All Quiet on the Western Front. He described his impressions of the war and of his lost friends. The adaptation of the novel in 1930 aroused public interest. The author was noticed.

Hitler kam zur Macht. Das Regime bedeutete für Remarque Vernichtung. Seine Bücher wurden schon verbrannt. Deshalb musste er emigrieren. Seit 1929 lebte er in den USA. Er machte sich hier mit anderen deutschen Schriftstellern und Künstlern bekannt. Nach dem Krieg lebte er mit seiner Frau bis zu seinem Tod 1970 in der Schweiz. Für seine Werke erhielt er viele Auszeichnungen. Er war geehrt und geliebt, auch in Russland. Der bekannte Roman "Drei Kameraden" gefällt auch heute vielen jungen Menschen.

Meanwhile, Hitler came to power. This was dangerous for Remarque. His anti-war books have already been burned at the stake. Therefore, he had to emigrate. Since 1929, the writer has lived in the United States. Here he met other German writers and cultural figures. After the war, Remarque and his wife lived in Switzerland until his death in 1970. He received many awards for his works. All over the world he was loved and appreciated, including in Russia. The novel "Three Comrades" is of interest even now among young people.

Der Held des Romans Robert Lohkamp, ​​ehemaliger Soldat, wie der Autor selbst, gehört zur sogenannten verlorenen Generation. Er kann seinen Platz im Leben nicht finden. Der Autor zeigt mit großer Wärme das schwere Leben einfacher Menschen in Deutschland der zwanziger Jahre. Es war Krise, keine Arbeit, kein Geld. Roberts Mädchen Pat war an Tuberkulöse erkrankt und starb. Robert konnte nichts tun, um sie zu retten. Er bleibt traurig und leer allein. Den Film nach diesem Roman haben viele Leute in unserem Land gesehen. Der Schriftsteller ist bei uns auch heute sehr populär.

The hero of the novel, Robert Lokamp, ​​who was a soldier, like the writer himself, personifies the lost generation. He cannot find his place in life. The author shows with great participation the life of ordinary people in Germany in the 1920s. It was a time of severe crisis. There was no job, no money. Robert's beloved girlfriend Patricia fell ill with tuberculosis and died. Robert couldn't help her. He remains alone in loneliness and emptiness. The film based on the novel has been seen by many viewers in our country. The writer Erich Maria Remarque is still very popular in our country.

Wladimir kaminer

Vladimir Kaminer

Dieser Name ist jetzt in den russischen Literaturkreisen nicht neu. Geboren ist er 1976, in Moskau. Dann hat er Russland verlassen. Deutschland ist seine neue Heimat, Wohnort ist Berlin. Er schreibt seine lebensfreue Erzählungen deutsch. Seine Helden sind einfache Leute deutscher Herkunft, die, so wie er selbst, in ihr historisches Heimatland zurückgekommen sind. In Russland ist sein erstes Buch Russendisko veröffentlicht.

This name is not new for Russian literary circles. He was born in 1976 in Moscow. Then he left Russia. Germany became his new homeland. Berlin became a place of residence. He writes his funny stories about life in German. His heroes are simple people, Russian Germans, who, like himself, decided to live in their historical homeland. The first book by Vladimir Russendisko was published in Russia.

Seine Mutter war früher Lehrerin, der Vater von Wladimir war in der russischen Binnenflotte beschäftigt. Wladimir musste den Wehrdienst durchmachen. Er war Zeuge davon, wie Hobbypilot Mathias Rust unerwartet auf dem Roten Platz landete. Dann studierte der junge Mann den Beruf Toningenieur und danach absolvierte die Dramaturgie-Abteilung am Institut für Theaterkunst. Schon damals veranstaltete er Partys mit Rock- für junge Berliner. Heute veröffentlicht Kaminer seine Erzählungen regelmäßig. W. Kaminer ist talentvoll und aktiv. Er moderiert Sendungen im Rundfunk, organisiert Veranstaltungen "Russendisko" in einem Café. Seine Frau Olga kommt auch aus Russland.

His mother was formerly a teacher, his father worked for Russian fleet... Vladimir was supposed to serve in Russian army... He witnessed the unexpected landing of amateur pilot Matthias Rust on Red Square. Then he studied the profession of a sound engineer, and also graduated from the Institute of Theater and received the profession of a director. At the same time, he successfully hosted discos for rock lovers. Now V. Kaminer often publishes his stories in Germany. He is young and talented. He speaks on the radio, organizes discos "Russendisko" in a cafe. His wife Olga is also from Russia.


Christian Johann Heinrich Heine(German Christian Johann Heinrich Heine, pronounced Christian Johann Heinrich Heine; December 13, 1797, Düsseldorf, - February 17, 1856, Paris) - German poet, publicist and critic. Heine is considered the last poet of the "romantic era" and at the same time its head. He did colloquial capable of lyrics, raised feuilleton and travel notes to art form and gave a previously unknown elegant lightness to the German language. Composers Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, Richard Wagner, Johann Brahms, PI Tchaikovsky and many others wrote songs on his poems.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(German Johann Wolfgang von Goethe German pronunciation of the name (inf.); August 28, 1749, Frankfurt am Main - March 22, 1832, Weimar) - German poet, statesman, thinker and naturalist.

Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller(German: Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller; November 10, 1759, Marbach am Neckar - May 9, 1805, Weimar) - German poet, philosopher, art theorist and playwright, professor of history and military doctor, representative of the Storm and Onslaught and Romanticism trends in literature, author of "Ode to Joy", a modified version of which became the text of the anthem of the European Union. He entered the history of world literature as an ardent defender of the human personality. During the last seventeen years of his life (1788-1805) he was friends with Johann Goethe, whom he inspired to complete his works, which remained in draft form. This period of friendship between the two poets and their literary polemic entered German literature under the name "Weimar classicism".

The brothers grimm (German Brüder Grimm or Die Gebrüder Grimm; Jacob, January 4, 1785 - September 20, 1863 and Wilhelm, February 24, 1786 - December 16, 1859) - German linguists and researchers of the German folk culture... Collected folklore and published several collections called "Tales of the Brothers Grimm", which became very popular. Together with Karl Lachmann and Georg Friedrich Benecke, they are considered the founding fathers of Germanic philology and Germanic studies. At the end of their lives, they began to create the first dictionary German language: Wilhelm died in December 1859, completing the letter D; Jacob outlived his brother by almost four years, having completed the letters A, B, C and E. He died at his desk working on the word it. Frucht (fruit) The brothers Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm were born in Hanau. For a long time they lived in the city of Kassel.

Wilhelm Hauf (German Wilhelm Hauff, November 29, 1802, Stuttgart - November 18, 1827, ibid.) - German writer and short story writer, representative of the Biedermeier movement in literature.

Paul Thomas Mann(German Paul Thomas Mann, June 6, 1875, Lubeck - August 12, 1955, Zurich) - German writer, essayist, master of the epic novel, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature (1929), brother of Heinrich Mann, father of Klaus Mann, Golo Mann and Erica Mann.

Erich Maria Remarque(German Erich Maria Remarque, née Erich Paul Remark, Erich Paul Remark; June 22, 1898, Osnabrück - September 25, 1970, Locarno) - prominent German writer of the XX century, representative lost generation... His novel All Quiet on the Western Front is one of the big three novels of the “lost generation” published in 1929, along with his works “Farewell to Arms!” Ernest Hemingway and Death of a Hero by Richard Aldington.

Henry Mann (German Heinrich Mann, March 27, 1871, Lubeck, Germany - March 11, 1950, Santa Monica, USA) - German prose writer and public figure, older brother of Thomas Mann.

Bertult Brecht (German Bertolt Brecht; full name- Eugen Berthold Friedrich Brecht, Eugen Berthold Friedrich Brecht (inf.); February 10, 1898, Augsburg - August 14, 1956, Berlin) - German playwright, poet, prose writer, theatrical figure, art theorist, founder of the Berliner Ensemble theater. The work of Brecht, a poet and playwright, has always been controversial, as has his theory of “epic theater ", and its Political Views... Nevertheless, already in the 50s, Brecht's plays became firmly established in the European theatrical repertoire; his ideas in one form or another were perceived by many contemporary playwrights, including Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Arthur Adamov, Max Frisch, Heiner Müller.

Heinrich von Kleist(German Bernd Heinrich Wilhelm von Kleist; October 18, 1777, Frankfurt an der Oder - November 21, 1811, Wannsee, near Potsdam) - German playwright, poet and prose writer. One of the founders of the genre of the story ("Marquise d" O "1808," Earthquake in Chile "," Betrothal to San Domingo "). In 1912, in the year of the centenary of the writer's death, the prestigious German literary prize Heinrich Kleist.

Gothold Ephraim Lessing(German Gotthold Ephraim Lessing; January 22, 1729, Kamenz, Saxony, - February 15, 1781, Braunschweig) - German poet, playwright, art theorist and literary critic-educator. The founder of German classical literature.

Lyon Feuchtwanger(German Lion Feuchtwanger, July 7, 1884, Munich - December 21, 1958, Los Angeles) - German writer of Jewish origin. One of the most widely read German-speaking authors in the world. He worked in the genre of a historical novel.

Stefan Zweig (German: Stefan Zweig - Stefan Zweig; November 28, 1881 - February 23, 1942) - Austrian critic, author of many short stories and fictionalized biographies. I was friends with such famous people like Emile Verhaern, Romain Rolland, Frans Maserel, Auguste Rodin, Thomas Mann, Sigmund Freud, James Joyce, Hermann Hesse, Herbert Wells, Paul Valery, Maxim Gorky, Richard Strauss, Bertold Brecht.
