
How to learn parkour at home. How to learn parkour. Video and detailed instructions for the initial stunts in parkour.

Greetings to all who read our magazine for women and children - in this article we will continue to explore what parkour is. Since most adolescents are interested in not only the story of its origin, but also parkour training for tricks, which we started talking about in the previous article, here the topic of our conversation will be training for beginners, ie technique itself perform the basic elements of this extreme sport.

Every time you train, you must be your own trainer. Watch yourself: be honest with self esteem. Can this rebound be more controlled, with a smoother fit? Such questions will always be. Train yourself completely, developing attributes and skills.

We suggest that at least half of your training regimen be dedicated to developing physical characteristics such as strength, mobility, muscle strength, good cardiovascular health, dynamics and speed. Most of them are included in the terms of conditioning, and they can not be neglected.

The very first thing that beginner tracer (followers of parkour) is taught is to jump with a soft landing and subsequent roll over the shoulder. “Roll” is the name of this element. Further it will be possible to master the elements more difficult:

  • develop the ability to keep balance on a very narrow surface - "balance";
  • running on a steep wall - “valran” (wallrun);
  • the ability to move "goose step" on a narrow surface - "cat balance" (catbalance);
  • the ability to walk on their hands - “catpace” (catpace);
  • in parkour, the most important thing is the ability to land correctly - “Landing” - you can’t stop jumping from a height, your legs are bent even in the air and spring on the ground, i.e. further the movement continues with a leap with a coup or something else;
  • several elements that allow the use of one obstacle to overcome the other, under the general name "tick-tock" (tic-tac).

So that training for beginners to parkour was full, there is a working out of special jumps:

To achieve the best performance, you need to be strong enough in every way to cope with the physical needs of the movements. This is what is called functional strength, and the strength gained in the hours spent in the gym is rarely obtained. The reason is known as fake muscle.

Perhaps you can push the bank to a huge weight, but if you cannot lift your own body above the wall, then it will not function for parkour. It seems that the most productive type of conditioning is the one that includes parkour. Stay on the bottom, with your feet on the wall jump. Legs can move several centrifuges for balance.

  • the simplest simple jump is a drop (drop);
  • a leap with support on widely placed hands, with the subsequent passage between them of bent legs - semolina (monkey);
  • jump with pushing away with hands - “hand jump”;
  • jump on a completely unknown surface, which is unverified - "blind jump"; training parkour for beginners
  • literally “flying over an obstacle”, i.e. jump without support on the legs or arms - sprin (spring);
  • a jump with a landing on a very small surface, on which it is difficult to hold on - “an exact jump”.

How to start learning parkour for beginners correctly, which should be taken into account?

The most important thing is to go through the basics, starting with increasing elementary physical activity. And only then to master the most simple jumps, with support on the hands, correct landing, roll, balance. You should not hurry, jumping to the more difficult, if you have not yet mastered the simple - you still have to come back and work. Immediately "like in the movies" will not work, even if you have devoted a lot of time to watch parkour.

To complete the exercise, release and land as quietly as you catch the bottom wall. Repeat this ten times and make a set: try another ten or more sets as part of your workout, and soon you will find new levels of strength and confidence in your arms, shoulders and back muscles. This exercise, quite simply, is ideal for developing the dynamics and mobility of the upper body, necessary for accelerated and feline control by the wall. This and other difficult exercises should be performed regularly if you want to experience visible development in the practice of parkour.

Some people think that parkour is a way to move in space. Some people think that this is a way of perceiving reality. "There are no barriers - they repeat behind the founding father - there are only obstacles that need to be overcome."

In fact, the tracer overcomes only himself.. Their fear, weakness, untrained, norms inspired from childhood, including the norms of the culture of movement and socialization. Overcomes the habit of submission, rules of the movement and falsely understood norms of morality inspired by civilization. Overcomes initially discredited "civilized" man to the outside world and "non-conflict" to society.

Powerful attributes lead to greater ease in the ability to learn new things. Parkour is a relatively new discipline, and therefore those who can teach others are few. Access to these teachers is difficult. Most of them do not understand how much training and effort is ahead of these demonstrations of strength, and therefore they move to copies that they cannot perform, and also safely. The obvious consequence of these imitations is that they do not produce talented people. Moreover, for these imitators injuries are even more likely than others.

In truth, there is no substitute for proper guidance from a truly experienced tracer. Even if there are no secrets to learn parkour, there are many subtleties of learning that are hard to find without guidance. And only these subtleties, like attention to detail from the very beginning, can make a difference.

When they say that a person “subjugated the ecology to himself, creating a comfortable world for himself”, many people do not think that this very “convenient world” of cities with its streets, which you must walk on, fences that cannot be jumped and trees that you cannot to climb, with its restriction on the speed of movement, also subjugated man

And just because it is difficult to find the right leadership in the discipline, it does not mean that you have to learn incorrectly. Take a train or even a plane to Paris or London, or where there is a group of competent practitioners. There are teachers who want to help, even the world of parkour, so you need to search for them and benefit from the knowledge they have gathered. Only a few exercises with such people do as many months of ineffective training as possible.

There are no secrets in parkour, it is true, but this is a double-sided sword. This means that anyone can find the right path, but it also means that there are no magic shortcuts in this way. If you want to follow it, you need to walk on it. If you think of Parkour, then you must know and understand certain things before you throw obstacles.

Taking the conventions of modern urban civilization, we renounce nature. Do I need to do this?

That is why the “white man” has always lost in every honest struggle for life in the forest to every single predator-animal and people - Indians, Hindus, peoples of the north, Negro hunters, Eastern martial artists, that is, people who have not lost touch with natureable to constantly remain in the awareness of one’s body, one’s movement and one’s position in space — even during a quick movement. Such awareness and the ability to go anywhere and survive in any situation was originally inherent in good hunters and warriors, which our civilization, alas, no longer needs. But this is not a reason to sit in a comfortable armchair and grow fat.

Parkour is a learning method that aims to achieve personal progress by studying natural physical movements and overcoming various obstacles through these actions. The principles that you learn through Parkour can apply to all aspects of life. Benefits range from immediate, such as the ability to move effectively in difficult conditions to more distant benefits, such as improved overall fitness, self-confidence, improved control and, ultimately, become a more positive person.

Parkour for beginners

So, the first thing a tracer needs to start with, who has decided that he wants to learn parkour - from his own motivation. Parkour suggests the psychology of a hunter who, in pursuit of prey, does not stop at obstacles and does not give up the goal. Even if this goal does not catch up with the deer, but go through the city in a straight line. Thoughts should leave consciousness: “impossible, impossible, I can't, they won't understand me”. You can not learn to parkour at home. And pontam also has no place in the head of the tracer.

The more difficult part is that it takes a lot of time and effort to get real benefits. Physical training is difficult and tedious. There is no magic solution, a shortcut, you get what you invest. Once you understand what your Parkour training involves, you can make an informed decision. If you decide that Parkour is not about you, not a problem, we hope that you will never find yourself in a situation where you have no way out. We are not trying to hire practitioners or transfer people to those who know what beliefs.

Who does not want a good day, wonderful life and all the best. If you decide you want to try Parkour and start your training, first of all, you need to understand how to train. All you need to start learning is the desire to train you. No special equipment, just determination.

A tracer is a person free from everything, including the need to hit the imagination of others or to conform to their views on how he should (or should not) behave. This is not a cynical self-contradiction, this is a peaceful decision to live as you like and not to disturb others to live their life as they like. The best tracers rarely attract attention.

Find a local group for training. The practice of Parkour requires the study of natural movements, adapted to each person. The way the body moves and the steps you can take are things that you have to find and think about yourself. However, having an experienced person next to you who can lead you in the right direction can be invaluable. For this purpose, if you find someone with enough knowledge of Parkour and with enough practical experience, if he agrees to help you, you will get great benefits.

Each person helps in a certain way, never 2 people will help you in the same way. Therefore, it would be preferable to find a person whose training method suits your personal needs. Ideally, this person will be the embodiment of those qualities that you would like to achieve in turn.

A good hunter will not constantly walk around the city and tell everyone how cool he is. This hunter hunts, this tracer goes through the city, and so quickly and skillfully that it is hardly possible for the citizens to see him for more than a few seconds.

Tracer does not perceive the obstacle as an obstacle, this is precisely his psychological difference. As long as a person sees an “obstacle”, perceives it as an “obstacle”, he is not free. There is such a wonderful Soviet film, The Magicians. It sounded wonderful instructions on the passage of walls through: "I see a goal, I believe in myself, and I spit on an obstacle." That is how you need to learn how to do parkour. Tracer also passes space through.as if it is homogeneous and unhindered by definition. For this we need willpower and mental power.

The person most able to judge the physical state in which you are is yourself. You have access to a huge variety of sensations and sensations in your body that no one else can perceive or understand in the same way as you. Even if you are already strong and have a good general level of physical fitness, you need to understand the theory, because Parkour's physical stress is greater than other actions and often specific to Parkour. Since many muscles are used, usually at the same time or in group combinations, it is important to understand their functioning and their limits.

So, everyone who wants to show off and unfading glory in the girl's eyes - alas, not to us. Not parkour makes a person cool, and cool people come to this sport to become even better. We enjoy the work of muscles, speed, awareness of their unstoppable and cross-country. Well, the girls, as they say - later.

Spend a week doing all the body parts so you can imagine the level of fitness that you have. Before you begin to improve your physical condition, you first need to know what it is, to know from what level you start. Take a week and exercise a little over the normal limits, without endangering you, so that you can see what you can, but also allow your body time to recover its strengths and, most importantly, to see its effect on who was trained in these conditions.

Solve exercises that suit you as an individual. Once you understand the general principles of learning and know why your body is capable, you need to figure out how to adapt the exercises to you. First, some experiments will begin, but over time you will realize that it is better, and you will be able to judge your training more and more accurately.

Parkour is a sport that requires not only a specific psychological attitude, but also considerable physical training. This is the case when moral strength, physical strength, speed of reaction, coordination of movements and the ability to make an accurate assessment of the unit of space through which you are now moving, should be one. Parkour is exclusively a motor improvisation, but improvisation on well-developed and automatism skills of conscious movement.

First, focus on physical training, training, as a platform for the rest of the training, which will come later. There are two types of physical training: technical and conditioning. Technical training focuses on coordination and precision in movement, while conditioning focuses on the development of physical strength and general fitness. Most already have a basic level of accuracy and coordination, strength and suitability will facilitate teaching methods.

All technical movements require a certain level of strength and suitability, which must be carried out effectively, so training must be carried out in small steps so that the body can get used to the movement and allow strength and fitness to keep up with the times. Most importantly, listen to your body, and if you hesitate, take things from simple to complex. If you try to progress too quickly, you will probably get pain and regression.

If you are planning to go camping, but have not yet acquired a sleeping bag, you. All about how to choose a sleeping bag.

And for skiers, we still have in store an article about where to go in Belarus:

How to become a tracer

To learn how to practice parkour, obviously, you need dry, strong and very strong muscles, flexible joints with a powerful ligamentous apparatus, because sometimes the entire body weight falls on one supporting arm, and the body bends or twists in a jump, without support. We need a powerful, developed and interval-capable breathing tank, and legs that are accustomed to long interval running. Need finger tenacity, good reaction and excellent coordination of movements.

Rapid progress can lead to injury, not necessarily in place, but in the long run. Therefore, always train step by step to strengthen your body. Most problems can be solved if you spend a little time and think about what you are doing and what you are experiencing, making small changes in the technique or approach.

If you just started with Parkour, don't start teaching other movements or philosophies - first find out what that means.

  • What you see in some videos is the result of many years of training.
  • Do not be silly!
Mode, where people spend acrobatics on the streets of the city, called parkour.

Where to learn parkour? Now almost everywhere there are clubs of parkour or at least practicing him guys, so a beginner should look for experienced fighters in his city. What is called, or feet will find, or Google to help. The team is easier and safer to learn the exercises  - experienced masters and know how to do the trick, and insure, if that.

Parkour is a physical discipline developed in France, focused on the ability of the movement that generates a person. Those who practice this tend to move from one point to another as effectively as possible, adapting it to the requirements of the environment with the help of your body. Parkour is practiced both individually and collectively anywhere, almost exclusively in urban settings.

Each practitioner decides how much to participate in their training and how to approach it. His practice involves adapting to the environment to overcome various obstacles along the way. In recent years, it has been a big sport on a global scale, and this is due to the terrific pirouettes that they perform, and how practitioners in this specialty deal with the problems that most people cause him to fear.

You can do on the street, in the hall, as a last resort and at home. Even if you decide to learn parkour on your own, it is better to learn the exercise in the gym, then learn the tricks of parkour in practice, in kind.

Trying to immediately perform a complex jump or coup, without having developed motor skills and flexibility, the beginner takes a lot of risks. One can hardly expect anything more than dislocations, fractures and bruises to be practiced by parkour if the body is not physically developed, and you yourself very vaguely imagine where your foot or arm should fly (and at what second) during the jump.

Millions of young people are motivated to try to avoid everyday stress. It all began in the late 1980s, when young people living on the outskirts of Paris decided to practice acrobatics in urban places. Over time, this became popular throughout France, and by the end of the nineties, this discipline began to take the first steps in other European countries. Over time, films and videos were created that spread this activity throughout the world.

However, in many countries of the world, including Latin Americans, tracking is called parkournik. This person should not only run, jump and know how to do pirouettes, should also have loyalty, should learn to face their great fears, know how to work in a team, and always have to look for a way to improve both sport and personal.

What sports will help you learn parkour quickly?

Bodybuilding (more precisely, body fitness)

Of course, you will need a simulator and work on power simulators. But the training program needs a special one. Tracer to anything loose, heavy and bulky bodybuilder muscles. Moreover, such hypertrophied muscles are also “slow”, the very process of training causes slow fibers to grow. The classic powerlifting with its overdeveloped chest and muscles of the torso and arms, which allows one to squeeze two of its weights once, doesn’t come to anything.

It is quite enough if the tracer will work in the gym with a barbell of his own weight, but work on endurance, for example, 5-6 sets of 15-20 repetitions. Generally all workouts "on the gland" should be based on the principle of increase in the semi-dry mass and the development of endurance, for one workout, the whole body is trained, and not less than four different exercises should be done on one muscle group in order to make the muscle work from different angles and loads until exhaustion. Training is not easy and takes about two hours.

This will allow, firstly, to get a dry and light body without fat, which muscles will easily move in space, secondly, will give full development of all beams of each muscle and all muscles-assistants, thirdly, it will avoid often occurring in strokes clumsiness and amplitude force, when a muscle can work in full force only in one position that is customary for it. Training on a semi-dry mass gives just bestial endurance on the track. It is also important that a well-pumped body is less injured.

Special attention It is necessary to draw on exercises on the finger grip and development of wrist and ankle tendons, on exercises with your weight - pushups, pull-ups with different position of hands, on paravertebral (deep back muscles, "pillars" along the spine) and powerful work on the press, especially oblique abdominal muscles. It is important to pump the biceps of the thigh., without it, parkour is not parkour, but tears.

Such training programs are usually for tourists, climbers and climbers.

Dancing or martial arts

These two types of art (or sports) are united here solely by their influence on our motor and analytical skills. Both martial arts and pair dances teach to work closely with a partner, to constantly adjust to an unknown value - his more or less unpredictable movements, to coordinate his movements simultaneously with him, without losing his line of movement and control over others.

Sparring or dance also gives endurance, patience and the ability to observe and select the most advantageous line of movement in real time. In other words, the partner in sparring trains the tracer's sense of contact with obstacles on the track, gives the skill of an accurate assessment of the rapidly changing conditions of space, the characteristics of obstacles and the ability to instantly adapt to them by choosing the right movement.

Regular and rational nutrition and sleep patterns are very important for parkour. It is impossible to keep the muscles in working condition, eating chips, and then in fragments, and chronically lack of sleep. It is also desirable to get rid of the habit of drinking and smoking. What is said, nothing personal, one science: nicotine causes a spasm of smooth muscle. Having smoked a cigarette before going out on the track or training, a person for an hour and a half ensures a persistent spasm (contraction) of the vessels through which the heart will run while heroicly trying to push blood through. In other words, we get oxygen deficiency and overload of the heart muscle from scratch.

After training, the muscles require an additional amount of oxygen for an hour to rest and restore damage. A cigarette immediately after training will deprive them of this chance. As for alcohol, it must be remembered that it puts a strain on the liver, which will already rake a mountain of slag after the race. If the liver does not care, think about the fact that 100 grams of vodka for a day stops testosterone production in the body. And where there is no testosterone, there is no muscle and courage.

And actually, for happiness, you need a parkour, not surrogates.

We offer to watch a video on how to learn parkour
