
Signs and beliefs that exist among the peoples of Russia and the CIS countries. Bad omens among different peoples of the world


Among the genres of oral poetry prevailing in the folk environment, a special place belongs to omens and beliefs. And not so much because of their mysterious, mystical nature, as of considerable practical significance, their real in Everyday life the former society, and, in our opinion, have not lost their relevance today.

Beliefs and signs have existed since ancient times different nations... For example, among many peoples in the East, people with large ears were considered sages, and in Japan there is still a belief that a person whose upper edges of the ears are above the level of the eyebrows will definitely become a famous person.

In a number of countries around the world, there is still a system for selecting people when hiring, based on a preliminary study of the shape of the forehead, the structure of the cheeks, and the lines of the applicant's mouth. Each nation has also preserved many signs associated with the peculiarities of a person's appearance, his individual physical characteristics, in their opinion, influencing and largely determining his entire future fate.

For example, a wide, open forehead is a sign of happiness. A person with fused eyebrows, according to the omen, will find his betrothed in the neighborhood, while a person with widely spaced eyebrows will find her in distant lands.

The belief that this or that omen will certainly come true, to a certain extent, explains the character, psychology, traditions and customs of the people, their mentality, the system of world perception. Popular beliefs and omens would not have existed for such a long time if they had not been tested by centuries of life practice.

Perhaps every nation has a saying that. It must be admitted, in this regard, that correct understanding and reasonable adherence to many signs help people avoid dangers and diseases, maintain health and psychological stability. In addition, a number of signs and beliefs have served and still serve as a kind of moral guideline for society, since the thoughts and ideas embedded in them, absorbed the centuries-old life and spiritual experience of the people, have passed the test of time.

Such widely known beliefs and omens, as well as many others, speak eloquently about the role that they play today in the life of a modern person.

Below we present some of them related to astronomical objects and natural phenomena.

If the bird falls asleep standing on one leg, the next day will be cool or it will rain.

If the frog crawls out of the water and takes refuge in the grass, then the next day it will rain.

The weather will deteriorate if swallows screaming over the surface of the water.

The hen clucks loudly towards windy and dusty weather.

If the rose hips do not open in the morning, the day will be very hot.

The weather will be hot if the birds take refuge under the leaves of the trees in the early morning.

If fruits exude a strong aroma in August, autumn will be fruitful.

If the frogs in the ditches do not calm down until dawn, the coming day will be hot.

If the month was born in the north, then the whole month will be cool, if in the south - hot.

Winter will be cold if the shells of the nuts, as well as the skins of autumn melons and watermelons, are thick.

Autumn will be fruitful if the skin of the ripe grapes is shiny.

If the first autumn frost lasts a long time, the winter will be snowy.

If the sun's rays are reddish at sunset, the next day will be warm.

The first frost that fell in November and did not disappear for a long time speaks of the coming cold winter.

If migratory birds fly high - winter will come later than usual, if low - then early.

If stars are rare in the sky, the weather will deteriorate the next day.

The next day's weather will be clear if the Milky Way is clearly visible in the sky.

If the Milky Way is barely visible, the weather will be rainy.

If a spider web flies through the air in the fall, then the winter will be dry and cold.

The cold will last a long time if the firewood brought from the street burns, crackling.

If the cherry blossoms again in the fall, then do not expect snow in December.

The weather the next day will be cold if the goose stands on one leg on a fine day.

If the ducks do not fly away with migratory birds, the winter will be warm.

If it is cloudy in Novruz, this weather will last until June.

If it snows or rains on Novruz, the year will be fruitful.

Fruit harvest will be rich if branches of fruit trees ooze into Nowruz.

The grain harvest will be plentiful if the weather is cold in Novruz.

Frequent spring thunderstorms promise a rich harvest of mushrooms.

Whoever kills a cat will have no luck for seven years.

If you dreamed about a black cat, then good luck awaits you.
English omen

The patient will die if a black or white cat enters his room.
Russian folk omen

The cat killer will become the human killer.
Folk omen

A cat in the theater is a good luck only if it has not run across the stage. Even so, she cannot be hit - that is a bad omen.
Theatrical sign

According to an American omen that exists in the Ozark mountains, a girl who is not sure whether she should get married should pull three hairs from the tail of a black cat, wrap them in a piece of paper and put them under the doorstep for the whole night. If the next morning the hairs take the shape of the letter Y (which means yes), the groom's offer should be accepted, but if they took the shape of the letter N (no), it is better to reject it.

If the cat sneezed, I must say - "Hello!", Then the teeth will not hurt.
Modern Japanese omen

If on the morning of the wedding day a cat appears in the bride's room, then family life will be rich in quarrels.
American omen.

If a cat sits at the altar before the wedding, then the marriage will be unhappy.
German omen.

A stray cat - for an imminent wedding.
Sign of the west coast of India.

If the cat in bad weather lies with its belly up or three times circle its paw around the muzzle, then the weather will be good.
Georgian omen.

When the cat is washing, turning to the east, it portends good weather, and if turning to the west, it portends bad weather.
Serbian omen.

Cats wash with their paws, turning in the direction from which the wind will blow.
Bulgarian omen.

If a cat runs away from the house where a seriously ill person is, the patient will soon die.
A modern sign.

Beliefs of different countries

If a child swallows cat hair, it will stop growing.
Russian folk belief.

If a man emptied the bottle to the bottom and a cat was sitting under the table, then he will marry in the same year.
Breton belief.

Cats are capable of summoning the souls of the dead.
An ancient Chinese belief.

Proverbs and sayings from different countries

Beware of people who don't like cats.
Irish proverb.

A house without a cat or a dog is a curmudgeon's house.
Portuguese proverb.

Better feed one cat than a hundred mice.
Norwegian proverb.

In a rich house, even a cat is an important person.
Bengali proverb.

It is difficult to get a cat to sit quietly by a bowl of milk.
German proverb.

Don't wake the sleeping cat.
French proverb.

Never trust a smiling cat.
French proverb.

Russian folk proverbs

A cat will not jump on the chest for a proud man.

The cat sees milk, but his snout is short.

The cat Eustathius repented, cut his hair, smiled, and sees all the mice in his dreams.

The cat is a hunter of fish, but he is afraid of water.

You cannot buy a cat in a poke.

The cat's paw is soft, and the claw is hungry.

Cat's eyes are not afraid of smoke.

The cat will not get tired of catching mice, and the thief will not stop stealing.

The cat is brave for mice.

The cat could not get meat and says: today is Friday (fast).

A cat and a dog do not live together.

Toys for a cat, and tears for a mouse.

The cat of the tour will not give birth.

The cat is not at home - the mice are free.

Cats - from the yard, and mice - on the tables.

They beat the cat, and give slander to the daughter-in-law.

The cat is not petted against the grain.

Cat omens

If the cat lies with its back to the hearth - there will be a thunderstorm.

The patient can be cured by bathing him and then splashing water over the threshold above the cat standing in the door.

The cat you bought will never be a good mouse hunter.


When you think, she hears you, even if you don't say a word. With the glance of God, she reads your thoughts in you.

The cat gives life, well-being and health, it does this every day and ensures a calm old age.
An inscription on ancient graves.

O wonderful cat, given forever.
An inscription on an obelisk in Nebra, Ancient Egypt.

Each nation has its own superstitions and superstitions, which reflect the culture and mentality of the inhabitants of a particular country. Many signs of different countries are similar to our beliefs, but most of them completely contradict the beliefs of our ancestors. For example, if our cat personifies dark forces, then in England, on the contrary, it brings good luck. Let's take a closer look at the most common signs of other countries.

In China signs are still believed. The inhabitants of this country are sure that all beliefs have their own hidden meaning.

If a butterfly has flown into the house, then expect guests soon. If the butterfly has bright wings, then the guest will bring good news related to your personal life... A butterfly with dark wings has flown in, which means that the guest will bring good news about the work.

A chance meeting with a cow, according to Chinese beliefs, promises a profit. This animal in China represents abundance and money.

Do not snack on long pasta. Pasta is considered a symbol of prosperity and money. Superstitious Chinese people always suck in whole pasta to attract financial well-being.

If from 11 to 13 o'clock "ears are on fire", it means that relations in the family will improve. If the ears are on fire from 13 to 15 o'clock, then guests will come to the house.

You can't leave sticks in the food at dinner, otherwise someone from those present at the table will soon die.

In England there are also many beliefs that the inhabitants of Foggy Albion still remember and follow them.

You can not wear anything on your shoulder, otherwise misfortune will happen to you, or you will soon carry the coffin of one of your close people. This refers to garden tools or household items, for example, a shovel, a bag, etc.

If the surname married woman starts with the same letter as her maiden name, which means she will not be happily married.

To meet a left-handed person or a lame one on Monday is a disaster.

If a cat sneezes three times in the house, all household members will get sick.

Someone else's black cat sat on the threshold or at the front door - to arrive soon.

If at the funeral a ray of the Sun fell on a person's face, then he will be buried next.

In Spain people, too, still believe in some omens.

Do not leave the scissors open - this will lead to loss and poverty.

Do not open the umbrella in the house or indoors. Where the umbrella is opened, misfortunes and problems will come.

You cannot go under a ladder that is leaning against a wall. This place is considered by the Spaniards as a portal to the otherworldly worlds. Walking under the stairs meant incurring a lot of troubles and illnesses.

You can’t lie down on the sofa or the bed with your shoes on — this is death.

Stepping on dog excrement is a good luck and financial profit.

To meet a hunchback at Christmas is money and luck.

When a Spaniard sneezes, it is customary for him to say "Jesus" (Jesus). In this country, it is believed that when a person sneezes, part of his soul is spit out. And if we say the cherished word "Jesus", then the soul comes back.

Likewise in Germany omens have become an integral part of the everyday life of Germans.

Do not slam the door loudly and abruptly. The one who did this will be haunted for a long time. It was believed that by slamming the door, you can pinch someone's soul.

The Germans are very afraid to see black cats on their way. This foreshadowed misfortune. Seeing a spider or cuckoo also portends trouble. And if a swallow has built a nest on the window of a house, you will not see either health or money.

To meet a chimney sweep on the street is good luck. Luck of success is also foreshadowed by crossed fingers in a fig. It is shown even as a token of gratitude!

All these signs and beliefs still live in different countries, and foreigners still turn to them. They contain the deep essence of the national mentality, centuries-old wisdom and religion. If this material seemed useful to you, do not forget to press the buttons and

14.11.2013 15:43

Sometimes, in order to solve financial problems, people turn to magic, and it works! To...

17:14 28.03.2013

Modern man does not believe in omens, and if he does, then to a very insignificant extent. But the echoes of numerous superstitions have survived to our days, and sometimes they allow us to get to know our ancestors from the most unexpected sides. We have collected several surprising, at first glance, signs and beliefs among different peoples. And - we bring to your attention!

Chechen folk signs

Do not go out at night, the demon will take over

Sign: It was considered undesirable to let out a girl or young daughter-in-law alone after dark.

Why: It was believed that unclean forces can scare her, torture her, or, worst of all, move into her. However, over time, this belief has lost its relevance.

Have you crossed the road? To failure.

Sign: You can not block the road to a person who is on business.

Why: It is believed that if someone crosses the road to such a person within sight, the path will be unsuccessful. This belief still exists, but now it is observed only as a custom and a manifestation of respect. For example, the younger should not cross the older one, but should stop and let him in, greeting him respectfully, and the woman should let the man pass.

Don't look at the donkey, honey!

Sign: A pregnant woman is not allowed to look at a hare or a donkey.

Why: A kind of "Chechen reassurance" that the child is not born with a cleft lip or other bodily defects. This belief persists among the Chechens to this day. Also, a pregnant woman is carefully protected from fear, not allowing after sunset to go to fetch water, throw garbage or pour water out into the street; she is not allowed to look at the deceased, attend a funeral, mourn deceased relatives.

The Master of Animals will punish you

Sign: You can not kill animals for fun, but only when necessary - for food.

Why: In the era of paganism, the belief arose that if a person kills an animal in vain, then the Master of Animals will take revenge on him. It was also impossible to deceive animals by beckoning them with a hand in which there is nothing. This was considered a despicable act. It was said that a person who deceived a dumb creature in need of care would be punished by the Master of Animals.

Killed an ant - to the rain

Sign: The killing of an ant and the destruction of the anthill are condemned.

Why: It is believed that such actions can cause rain. Most often, anthills were damaged during mowing, which meant that bad weather would necessarily lead to damage to the hay.

Use water in moderation ...

Sign: Honor water.

Why: After any household chores, pour water onto the ground very carefully. In the old days, it was believed that water may not be available if it is disrespectful to it.

... and honor the salt!

Sign: Do not step on salt.

Why: The Chechens treated salt as respectfully as they did water. The salt should never be stepped on. It was believed that well-being would go away from a house where salt was shown disrespect. Later, this belief spread to all food products, and is still observed in Chechen society. Of course, it was impossible to throw away the bread and its remnants. It was believed that by showing disrespect for bread, and for any other food, one can incur the wrath of God.

Azerbaijani folk signs

Stones in the bride

Sign: When a girl gets married, a stone is thrown after her.

Why: Along with this sign, there is another one: water is poured out after the one who leaves for distant lands. It is believed that water returns to where it once flowed from, and in order for a person to return to where he left from, water is shed after him. Unlike water, the stone where it fell lies there, and so that the bride does not return to her father's house, it is customary to throw a stone after her so that she, like the stone, would sit firmly in place.

Everything beautiful is for pregnant women

Sign: A pregnant woman for six months should not look at ugly animals.

Why: It is believed that no matter what a pregnant woman eats or does, and no matter what she looks at, everything can be reflected in the fetus. And in order for a child to be beautiful, it is necessary to look only at all the most beautiful, for example, at the moon, which is popularly considered very beautiful. For a woman, it is a great compliment if she is compared to the moon.

"Extend" marriage

Sign: On the day of the betrothal, they do not wash.

Why: Betrothal Day is the beginning of a new family life... It is believed that if you start doing laundry on this day, you can “wash” the whole family life of a young couple - this does not bode well for the future.

Nowruz is a family holiday

Sign: Navruz Bayram must be met at home, with family.

Why: Navruz is the beginning of a new day-year, but how New Year if you meet him, you will lead him. It is believed that those who meet Navruz outside the home will celebrate this holiday away from their family for another seven years.

Towel of Discord

Sign: Two people should not wipe their hands on different ends of the same towel at the same time.

Why: A towel and a handkerchief are two capricious objects, they cannot be given, only exchanged for money. Wiping their hands on one towel at the same time, they seem to be trying to share it among themselves, which cannot be done with a towel, therefore it is believed that after that people will quarrel soon.

Beast shield

Sign: If you do not want to be touched by troubles, always keep cattle on the farm.

Why: The cattle is like a kind of family shield: if trouble comes, then first of all it will hit the shield. The trouble in this case will not affect the person himself and his family.

Girls slander

Sign: If there are two girls, do not pass between them - you will be slandered.

Why: Since ancient times, girls have talked about what they see and hear. Sometimes they say, embellishing, and sometimes completely distorting. Passing in front of their noses, a person writes out a sentence for himself. Do not catch the eye of two girls standing on the sidelines and looking for a new informational occasion!

Buryat folk signs

The Buryat word “seerte” means “sin”, “cannot”. In fact, "seerte" is the same "taboo": it is impossible, because it is impossible. And it is not discussed!

Do not walk under a canopy

Sign: You cannot go over the canopy.

Why: It was believed that the gate through which you pass must necessarily lead somewhere. Passing under a canopy means going nowhere, an unknown space, emptiness, and this is an extremely undesirable path.

Don't spit on the ground ...

Sign: You can't spit on the ground.

Why: The Buryats believe that the earth provides food for everyone, therefore it is sacred and does not tolerate neglect, including spitting.

And don't pick it!

Sign: You cannot pick the ground with a stick.

Why: For the Buryats, the earth is the mother of everything. Digging in the ground is believed to be causing her pain.

Flowers are the hair of the earth

Sign: Flowers cannot be uprooted.

Why: This sign is also associated with the idea of ​​the earth as a mother. Flowers are the hair of the earth. There is also a practical meaning in this sign: the grass uprooted will not grow next year.

Go along the edge

Sign: You can't walk in the middle of the road.

Why: Buryats have long believed that spirits move in the middle of the road that can take peace human soul... Many people still believe in spirits, like their ancestors.

Required Attribute

Sign: You can not twist or toss a hat.

Why: The Buryats were sensitive to their clothes. The hat was considered the most important piece of clothing. For example, during the ritual of dripping to the ground, you need a hat on your head. The rite of dripping to the ground is carried out in sacred places, located at a specific site along the road. Motorists driving through Holy place, should appease the spirits of the area and the road by sprinkling a drop of vodka on the ground. In this case, the crown of the head must be covered, if not with a hat, then at least with a palm. On the branches of trees growing in the holy place, travelers leave colored bandages.

The year after the funeral

Sign: You cannot celebrate something in the year of a relative's departure to another world.

Why: For a whole year after a relative leaves for another world, it is forbidden to hold large celebrations, for example, a wedding.

It's not a child's business - butchering a ram

Sign: It is impossible that Small child attended the butchering of a ram carcass.

Why: Only an adult man is engaged in butchering a ram. Butchering a ram is a sacred event, and it is not clear how such a spectacle can affect a child. Everything has its time. The time will come - he will find out himself.

Don't tease - you call

Sign: You can't tease cripples.

Why: There is a belief that if you tease a cripple, mock him, the spirits will punish you and you yourself will become the same.

Difference of energetics

Sign: You cannot visit a house where there is a small child, and if you did, then stay in it after midnight.

Why: Buryats are sure that the energetics of adults and children is different. If someone else's adult stays overnight in a house where there are small children, he can have a bad effect on the little ones - the children will sleep poorly and wake up.

Legs and doors

Sign: You can't sleep with your feet to the door.

Why: The burial ceremony among the Buryats is practically the same as among other peoples. Friends, relatives, and relatives of the deceased gather for the funeral. It so happened that after the farewell ritual, the deceased is carried out with his feet towards the door, so you cannot sleep with your feet to the door.

Cutting down trees and longevity

Sign: You cannot cut trees in sacred places.

Why: This belief concerns the sacred thickets. Some families have so-called ancestral places where trees grow that are directly related to the family and clan. Chopping down a tree in such a place can shorten the life of a loved one.

Baikal is a deity

Sign: You cannot take the stones of Baikal with you

Why: Baikal is a living deity for the Buryats. Everything on Lake Baikal belongs to Lake Baikal. And only to him.

Dagestan folk signs

Woman is not a housewife

Sign: Do not give pans and pots to women.

Why: This is explained by the fact that a woman should always be a woman, and only, and not a housewife. Well, if so, then you can give kitchen items to men. Nowhere is it forbidden. Here he will be delighted to see a frying pan in the gift wrapping!

Free money? Does not respect

Sign: You cannot give money.

Why: Oddly enough, money is generally considered the worst gift among Dagestanis. Why? Because you, as a donor of a certain amount, say, to a hero of the day or to a birthday man, didn’t hit your finger, didn’t run and didn’t fuss, didn’t think about the choice: what to give? This means that you do not respect the person you are visiting.

Cutting and scorching - to a quarrel

Sign: Sharp, cutting and prickly objects - knives or forks - must not be given.

Why: In Dagestan, it is believed that such a gift leads to a quarrel. Since ancient times, these items have been associated with enmity and war. But today in stores we see great amount it is the gift knives that are bought no matter what. Why? Because this is just a sign that someone believes in, and someone does not.

Hours and longevity

Sign: You cannot give a watch.

Why: To give a watch means to hint that a person has already outlived his own. And it is also believed that the clock speaks of separation, strife, quarrel: as long as the clock goes, so much time you will communicate with this person. In addition, the watch further shortens the age of the giver.

Forty to guests

Sign: If you see a magpie on the windowsill, wait for the guests.

Why: People believe that this is for the arrival of guests, and this bird predicts a quick recovery to a sick person. But in most cases, birds and windows are associated with something negative, like, for example, a dove that flew into the window and broke the glass portends the death of a loved one, regardless of whether he lives in this house or not.

Chicken, tit, crow and sparrow

Sign: The hen suddenly cried out like a cock - to be in trouble. If a titmouse flies into the house - unfortunately.

Why: It is also considered a bad omen to see a crow flying alone over a field. In some cultures, the sparrow is generally considered a cursed bird and bad omens are associated with it. For example, a sparrow flying, chirping loudly over the head of the traveler, promises the latter a great failure.

And he looks like mom

Sign: If a born boy looks like a mother, and a girl looks like a father, then they will be happy in life.

Why: It is also believed that the more moles a person has, the happier he will be.

Plucking a clump of fur from a dog

Sign: To prevent the dog from escaping from the yard, it is necessary to pull a clump of wool from its neck

Why: Belief, obviously, is based on the principle of ownership and transfer of a part to a whole. Since the owner owns a tuft of wool, then symbolically the whole dog. In reality, this is also explained by the fact that the native smell will again attract the escaped dog.

Fly in the soup - it doesn't matter

Sign: A fly got into the soup - wait for an early gift.

Why: It is unlikely that this has any real meaning, except for one thing: it is a pity to pour out the soup, so a squeamish person who sees a fly in his plate is told about an upcoming gift, hinting that either you will lose the gift, or take out the fly, and continue to eat.

Insect protection

Sign: Never kill the ladybug - it will turn into disaster.

Why: The ban is based on the need to protect this insect, which is extremely useful in agriculture because it destroys aphids. In essence, aphids are the trouble for the peasant.

Sleep properly

Sign: You can't sleep on your stomach.

Why: Doctors warn: sleeping on your stomach is very harmful. This habit can have the most negative impact on both appearance and sex life. The Islamic religion also prohibits sleeping on the stomach.

To the rain ...

Sign: I washed the car - wait for the rain.

Why: A washed car runs quieter and smoother on potholes, accelerates faster (maybe it feels cared for), traffic cops slow down less often. Obviously, this was invented in recent decades, but it still has a right to exist - that's why it is popular.

Kyrgyz folk signs

The Kyrgyz, for whom the livestock was considered the main income in the old days, and a large family consisting of numerous descendants was a sign of prosperity, also have many signs that they follow to this day.

Neck and tongue are not for a girl

Sign: When distributing pieces of meat from a freshly cut ram at celebrations, the girl should not eat the neck part.

Why: He can marry a dowry, and if he eats his tongue, he can be her tongue daughter-in-law in new family! Eating some parts of lamb, as today's women explain this belief, is not an easy task: the girl could get into a mess and thus make a bad impression on the guests at the dastarkhan (festive table).

Achilles' heel

Sign: You can't kiss a child on the heels

Why: He can grow up spoiled and naughty. The heel is a sensitive area. The Kyrgyz people could have invented this in order to turn adults away from such careless and undesirable movements for the baby.

Cleanliness is the key to health

Sign: Do not leave unwashed dishes overnight

Why: Thus, you can collect evil spirits in the house. This is one of the ways to bring up cleanliness and orderliness in a girl. The same is said about food on the table, which the Kyrgyz try to cover with a napkin at night for the same reasons.

No pity

Sign: You can't stroke a child on the head.

Why: It is believed that if you pat him on the head, then he may become an orphan. Any orphan is treated with pity. This could be so vividly imprinted in the memory of people that stroking a child on the head immediately becomes associated with his grief - the absence of both parents.

Soot on the forehead

Sign: When guests gather in the house, the mother of a young child smears his forehead with soot.

Why: Mothers do this so that people can focus their attention on the black spot, and thus distract attention from the child, which is why he is not capricious at night, but sleeps sweetly.

Knife, cauldron and mother-in-law

Sign: The cauldron must not be stirred with a knife.

Why: If you stir with a knife, that is, the risk that the girl will have a grumpy mother-in-law. In the old days, the concept of a girl's happiness was formed from considerations of creating a strong friendly family, so mothers all the time worried about their daughters and watched their upbringing. In addition, the parents took into account the rare compatibility of two housewives in the same kitchen - according to tradition, the daughters-in-law live in the house of the husband's parents until the marriage of the next son.

In the clothes of the husband and childbirth is easier

Sign: To make it easier for a woman in labor to endure childbirth, a pregnant woman is sometimes put on her husband's outerwear

Why: It was believed that the husband thereby shared the torment of his wife. It is not uncommon for Kyrgyz husbands to have severe pain in their lower back during their wife's contractions.

Russian folk signs

Don't scratch your hair - your husband will die

Sign: If a girl, after getting married, scratches her hair for seven Mondays in a row, her husband will die.

Why: Monday was popularly considered a difficult, bad day. On this day, they preferred not to start any serious business. Hair, on the other hand, is a conductor of energy and requires a particularly attentive attitude towards itself. With marriage begins new stage in a woman's life, so she must be extremely careful during this period. One of the prescriptions is not to comb your hair for seven Mondays in a row.

"Viagra" in the old days

Sign: If the husband ceased to fulfill marital duties, the women were advised to take the eggshell from the brood, spit on it, dry it in the oven, boil it together with sleep grass at night and give it to the husband to drink.

Why: Eggshells symbolize childbirth, and the oven, as you know, is an integral part of the Russian hut. They cooked food in the oven, washed themselves, slept and warmed themselves on it. The stove not only symbolized the hearth, it was considered the soul of the house, a kind of family totem. Sleep-grass used to be considered a magical plant, it was collected with various incantations, it was a whole ritual. Sleep-grass was called plants, juice, decoction and smell of which produce an intoxicating effect on a person.

Pour the scandal along with milk

Sign: It was believed that if there are frequent scandals in the house, you need to pour the milk not drunk by the cat on the doorstep to the neighbors.

Why: The cat is the guide to other world, a kind of medium, living in a person's house. This animal affects energy processes, therefore, among the people, a lot of not only signs, superstitions, but also magical rituals were associated with a cat.

Don't kiss - go numb

Sign: According to Russian belief, it was forbidden to kiss a baby on the lips - he would remain dumb.

Why: In fact, kissing the baby on the lips was avoided for hygienic reasons. Many peoples of the world believed that newborn children should not be shown to strangers for some time. Our ancestors, as we can see, were of the same opinion.

Tickling without screeching - to a family without a child

Sign: If you tickle a woman, and she giggles, it means they are having fun with her husband.

Why: In the old days, a person's reaction to being tickled was an indicator of the well-being of his family life. If you tickle a girl and she jumps up, but doesn't laugh, that's the best thing. “You poke a girl, and you look. Now, if it screeches, and then everything - good wife he will, he will not walk, he will be able to look after himself. " It is also bad if the girl does not respond to tickling - this is a sign of probable childlessness. "If the girl does not scream from being tickled, then she will not have children."

If a man is ticklish, then he is terribly jealous.

"Troubles" from the shoemaker

Sign: To meet a shoemaker is unfortunate, there will definitely be problems.

Why: Among the people, the so-called "knowledgeable" people - artisans - were especially famous: stove-makers, shoemakers, millers, potters and others. They were considered a kind of guides to the other world.

Shoemakers, for example, were considered dangerous people, and meeting them did not bode well. The shoemaker was considered “knowledgeable”, a guide to the other world, because he worked with shoes, and shoes were considered a symbol of a certain borderline state, being between home and the external, alien, hostile world. On the soles of the house they brought the impurity of this world.

The shoemaker himself, engaged in a dangerous business from a ritual point of view, should not leave work unattended - in his absence, dark forces can ruin the shoes, or even damage them altogether.

“A shoemaker should not leave his shoes without God's word, otherwise the sorcerer will put a keel on it (swelling, abscess - ed.), And whoever has this shoe will get the keel”.

Weaved a bast shoe - eat the ashes

Sign: In Russia, there was a belief that the first woven bast shoe (and they learned to weave from childhood) must be burned, the ashes diluted in water and drunk, thus consolidating the skill.

Why: In some provinces, the ashes were added to the bread crumb and the spirits were given to eat. If the master was forced to interrupt his work, he was instructed to baptize the bast shoes, otherwise "the devil will frolic": he will make the bast shoes torn or so that their legs hurt.

Tajik folk signs

New life from Navruz

Sign: If the house is dirty on Navruz, this will be the whole next year.

Why: Before Navruz, Tajiks do spring cleaning for three days in a row to clear the house of negativity and problems. There is a sign among the people that the one who does not clean his house will be full of dirt and problems next year. This also includes the sign that all family members should wear new things for Navruz. All family members, after cleaning their house, put on new things - this means that all the problems that a person faced in the past year also go away with old clothes.

Married? Don't go outside

Sign: After the wedding, the bride and groom must not leave the house for three days.

Why: If they go out on the street these days, then misfortune may befall them. This tradition is still preserved in Tajikistan, especially in the Pamirs. Also, they cannot be outside the house at night for a certain number of days after the wedding.

Wash the hands

Sign: After the wedding, the bride should not wash her hands with cold water for three days.

Why: If she does this, then, according to folk legend, she will be sick throughout her married life.

Genie attacks

Sign: Girls cannot go outside at night and walk under trees without a headdress.

Why: If she nevertheless dares and goes about her business without a headscarf, then according to popular belief she will be surrounded by genies, who, by the way, do not promise anything good.

40 days of silence for a baby

Sign: A newborn baby should not be seen by strangers during the first 40 days.

Why: It is believed that if a stranger sees a newborn baby, the baby will become very sick. A stranger can negatively affect a child.

Don't cut your baby's nails

Sign: You cannot cut your baby's nails for 40 days after birth.

Why: According to popular beliefs, this work for the child is done by angels who take close guardianship over him during a given period. They even cut their nails!

A mirror is not a toy for a child

Sign: A child under one year old should not look in the mirror.

Why: Therefore, passing with him past the mirror, it is necessary to cover his head or eyes so that he does not see his reflection. If this happens, then, according to the belief of the peoples of Tajikistan, the child can become very sick.

Money in the morning, chairs in the evening

Sign: You cannot give money in the evening.

Why: According to legend, they will not run around money. And if you still really need to give the money, then it is better to put it on the floor, and the person who needs it will easily pick it up.

Circassian folk signs

Closed Tuesday

Sign: You cannot sew and work on Tuesdays.

Why: There are several taboo days in Circassian folklore, one of which is Tuesday. This taboo is the legacy of three mythological systems: Adyghe, Christian and Muslim.

Tuesday is personified in Circassian folklore. In folk tales, there is such a plot: two giants entered unnoticed at the spinner, who was working on Tuesday, grabbed her by the arms and made her dance until she fainted, then threw her into fluffed wool and said: "We are Tuesdays, never work on Tuesday again."

It was believed, however, that Tuesday is good to hit the road, and on Tuesday there is one happy hour, and if you get there, luck will accompany you. We did not plan any events or affairs for Tuesday. The Circassians believed that this would not be successful.

Baby and broom

Sign: If you leave your baby alone in the cradle, place a broom next to it.

Why: It was considered undesirable to leave the baby in the cradle unattended. If he had to leave, then a broom was always placed next to him. The people believed that the broom performs protective function, protects from unclean forces.

Burned the shell - to the lack of money

Sign: Do not burn the skins of onions, garlic and eggshells.

Why: It was believed that if you burn the skins of onions, garlic or eggshells, the family may become impoverished or never get rich.

Take off your skirt right

Sign: You cannot remove the skirt over your legs, only over your head.

Why: It was popularly believed that if a girl took off her skirt over her legs, the guys would not love her.

Bad news from the broom

Sign: You cannot step on a broom in someone else's house.

Why: When visiting relatives or friends, the Circassians always tried to stay away from the broom. It was believed that if you step on a broom in someone else's house, this is bad news.

Unclean in the mirror

Sign: You can't look in the mirror at night.

Why: The Circassians forbade children to look in the mirror at night. It was believed that evil spirits could be seen in it.

Mirrors as a sign of happiness

Sign: If you want to get married, you can't look in one mirror.

Why: The ancestors of the Circassians believed that young people who were going to get married should not look in one mirror, since in this case they might not have happiness in the family.

Do not eat from the pan

Sign: An unmarried girl cannot eat from a cauldron or frying pan, her wedding day will be rainy.

Why: The Circassians believed that in this case it could rain or snow on the wedding day. The sign is relevant to this day. If the wedding day turned out to be rainy, guests make fun of the young, reproaching them for their impatience with food.

Slap on the shoulder

Sign: If, while talking about the dead, someone sneezed, you need to pat him on the shoulder.

Why: It was believed that someone who sneezed at such a moment could soon die, and they clapped him on the shoulder to prevent this from happening.

All countries of the world have their own signs. Some of them have a reasonable explanation, others seem unfounded, ridiculous and sometimes even funny, since the reasons for the appearance of certain beliefs have been forgotten over time. However, they all constitute cultural heritage nation, country, people. They give the people their identity.

Czech ranks first in the world in terms of the amount of beer consumed. It is with this foamy drink that a sign is associated here, non-observance of which promises trouble. In the Czech Republic, according to the omen, you cannot mix different types of beer in one glass.

In many countries around the world, Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day. But in Greece Tuesday is considered an unlucky day. Especially the Greeks are afraid of Tuesday 13. Perhaps the reason for this attitude precisely on the second day of the week was the events that took place in the country on Tuesday April 13, 1204, the day the crusaders captured Constantinople. Also on Tuesday, May 29, 1453, Constantinople fell under the siege of the Ottoman Turks. In his notes, one of the 19th century travelers wrote that on Tuesday the Greeks did not even shave.

However, Greece is not the only country to be biased about Tuesday. In a number of countries Latin America weddings do not play on Tuesday, since it is believed that getting married on this day is unfortunately, and even famous movie Friday 13 in translation for these countries sounds like Tuesday 13. A local proverb, in addition to getting married, also advises against going on the road on this day and not leaving the house at all.

Children in South Korea They are not allowed to swing their legs, since this, according to the omen, can shake off good luck.

Some Chinese people living in fishing areas Of China, believe that by flipping the cooked fish you can trigger a shipwreck.

Another sign concerning the sea and sailors is in Europe... So, it is believed that a cigarette lit from a candle can cause trouble for those who go to sea. One of the options for the appearance of such a sign may be that the sailors also earned by trading matches, and if you light a candle from a candle, then matches are not needed. Accordingly, the lack of the need to buy matches can lead to a lack of income and money for the sailor.

In traditional communities Rwanda it is believed that if a woman eats goat meat, she will grow a beard.

In all countries, bread is treated with reverence. V Of Italy do not put bread upside down. The most common explanation for this is that bread is considered the body of Christ and must be treated with respect.

V Sweden it is believed that the keys on the table can cause trouble. Probably, this sign went from the times when women of easy virtue attracted clients in this way. Decent citizens tried not to do that.

One of American takes the last century says that moving to new house all kitchen and cleaning rags must be burned. In doing so, the owner leaves all the troubles in the old house.

V Argentina you can not eat a watermelon, washed it down with wine, as this can even cause death.

Azerbaijanis believe that you can avoid quarrels and troubles by sprinkling salt or pepper if you pour a little sugar on top of them, and then put them together.

Pennsylvania Germans believe that if on the first day of the new year a woman is the first to come to the house, then the whole year will be unsuccessful. If the first guest is a man, then there will be prosperity and prosperity in the house all year round. Also, it is believed that in the period between Christmas and New Years, one should not change clothes and wash, as this will lead to the appearance of acne on the body.

On the portal of the ministry of culture Turkey you can find signs, among which is the fact that you cannot drink water in which the moon was reflected, as this can cause trouble. At the same time, swimming in the light of the moon is not only not prohibited, but even recommended.

In a book published in New england in the 19th century, it is said that someone who stumbles over an object will be in trouble. However, this can be avoided by going back and stepping over the object again.
