
Drawing up a fairy tale about a rook by children, senior group. Abstract nood on the development of speech “compilation of a descriptive story based on a picture. Savrasov “the rooks have arrived. GCD plan

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
kindergarten of general developmental type with priority implementation of the intellectual direction of development of pupils
No. 197 of Chelyabinsk "
directly educational activities
in the preparatory group for school
Examination of a reproduction of a painting by A. K. Savrasov “ The Rooks Have Arrived»

educator of the highest category
Konkova Elena Gennadevna
Chelyabinsk, 2015

1. Type of activity: Examination of a reproduction of A.K.Savrasov's painting "The Rooks Have Arrived"
2. Software content: Teach artistic vision of the landscape,
stimulate the desire to carefully consider it.
Continue training in the ability to see the artist's intention, correlate the content of the picture with the means of expression that he used. Enrich the speech of children with emotional and aesthetic terms.
To educate the manifestation of an emotional response to the spring manifestations of nature; aesthetic feelings and experiences.
3. Preparatory work: Excursion to the school garden; observation of spring changes in nature; reading poetry; examining illustrations, listening to the music of PI Tchaikovsky "The Four Seasons", spring.
4. Course of the lesson:
Children sit in front of an easel with a closed painting.
Children, guess the riddle: The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life,
The day arrives when is it?
And this one:
A warm south wind is blowing
The sun is shining brighter and brighter.
The snow grows thin, gets wet, melts,
The throaty rook arrives.
What month? Who will know?
And listen how the poet Alexei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev wrote about spring: The snow is already melting, streams are running,
Spring breathed through the window ...
The nightingales will swear soon
And the forest will be clothed with foliage! Pure sky blue
The sun became warmer and brighter
It's time for blizzards of evil and storms
Again passed for a long time ...
In nature, after a long winter, awakening occurs slowly.
The snow lies in the fields for a long time, the trees stiffen in the wind. In our country this year, spring cannot win over winter. More recently, we were with you in the school garden and saw that nature is still sleeping, snow covers the ground.
And suddenly everything was filled with the light thrill of life, the joyful hubbub of birds. The sun shines brighter, its rays have become tender, warm, and everyone around is happy about it. The snow is melting, thawed patches have appeared, the trees have sprung up, freeing themselves from the winter sleep. The birds cheered up, heard the sparrows chirping loudly and cheerfully. Did you feel how light the air has become, how it smelled of spring? This is the smell of melting snow, the bark of trees heated by the sun, the smell of a warm spring breeze.
And tell me which of the migratory birds are the first to return to us? That's right, these are rooks, they also say about them that they bring spring on their wings.
Such a picture was observed by the artist Alexei Kondratyevich Savrasov on the outskirts of a Russian village. He, too, rejoiced in the spring, the arrival of the first spring birds - rooks. And he wrote a picture about it, which he called - "The Rooks Have Arrived."
Let's - ka and we admire this picture, consider it carefully. You can come closer to see everything.
(give time to look at the picture)
What interesting did the artist see? (Rooks flew to the birches). Why did the flock fly to these birches? (rook's nests have been preserved here). What are the birds going to do (repair their old nests). Why did you think so (the rook below picked up a twig and will now carry it to the nest).
How many rooks and large rook's nests. It seems to me that I even hear a rook's hubbub, there are a lot of birds, they all scream, curl, each is busy with his own business, everyone is fussing, filling the surroundings with incessant hubbub.
Soon little chicks will appear in the nests: rooks. The poet Vladimir Musatov wrote the following poem about this time: In the spring a village was built on the trees.
As the wind begins, the trees all sway.
Trees sway - the village sways.
And hundreds of voices in alarm for the chicks
Take off over the village.
Trees sway, the village sways.
Wouldn't blow off the rook.
They shout, they shout ...
The clamorous village rustles, dropping feathers.
This is how interestingly the poet called the bird settlement "Noisy Village"
Now look at which trees the rooks have chosen. Tell us about them. Describe the birch in the center. (old, clumsy, with a split stump) Look, and there are young birches nearby. What are they (slim, tall, young). It seems that their bare branches came to life, warmed, stirred and stretched upward towards the sun.
Why do you think the rooks chose this place for their nests.
Yes, it is calm here, this is the outskirts of a small village. What do we see in the background of the picture? (a fence, several low wooden houses and a white-stone old church). And even farther away are the fields, with some snow still lying here and there. And then the endless stretches of plains and forests.
Tell us about the snow. (darkened, became loose, gray, donkey).
Is there a sun? As you guessed it (it shines a little through the clouds; the puddle has melted, there are shadows from the birches.)
What about the sky? What is it like? (covered with bluish-gray clouds, but transparent, light)
The transparent, fresh spring air is felt both in the high, gently turning blue clouds, in the dim light of the sun, and in the cold blue shadows on the melted snow.
Everything is extremely modest and simple. The picture contains both sadness and joy, smile and meditation; the longer you look at the picture, the more you become imbued with love for truly Russian nature.
I'll turn on the music now, and you think, what would you call this picture? Sounds "Morning" by E. Grieg.
After graduation - What did you hear, feel in the music?
Is it in the picture? Yes, I also heard the joy of the awakening of nature, the quivering feeling of waiting for the sun, warmth, spring and a slight sadness for the passing winter.
So how would you name the picture?

Summary of OD on the development of speech "Drawing up a descriptive story based on the painting by A. Savrasov" The Rooks Have Arrived "


Introduce children to cultural heritage the Russian people; to consolidate and deepen ideas about the genres of painting and the means of its expression.


Help children see and feel the intimate beauty of their native Russian nature in the painting "The Rooks Have Arrived"

To develop an emotional response to the spring manifestations of nature, aesthetic feelings and experiences, the ability to correlate what he saw with the experience of his own perception of spring nature;

Teach the artistic vision of a landscape painting, stimulate the desire to carefully consider it,

Learn to write descriptive stories by landscape painting,

Enrich vocabulary with definitions, form figurative speech, the ability to understand and select figurative expressions and comparisons;

To consolidate knowledge about spring changes in living and inanimate nature;

Clarify and expand ideas about migratory birds, about their life in the spring.

Preliminary work

    Acquaintance with poems about spring by FITyutchev "Spring", "Spring waters", S.Ya. Marshak "Spring song", April ".

Memorizing Spring Poem Passages

    Observing the signs of the coming spring in nature with educators and parents.

    Conversations on the topics: "Spring has come", "Migratory birds", "Our feathered friends", "Signs of spring", etc.;

    Examination of illustrations, paintings on the spring theme;

    Reading fiction: G. Ladonshchikov "Spring", S. Gorodetsky "How birds learned to build nests",

    Making riddles about seasons, birds;

    Didactic and outdoor games: "Flight of birds", "Day-night", "Wintering and migratory".


Multimedia projector, presentation, fairy tale "How the painting" The Rooks Have Arrived "appeared, the story of G. Skrebitsky" The Rooks Have Arrived "DVD-records.

Vocabulary work: icicle, drops, rook, rooks, build nests, murmur streams, birds, migratory, chirping birds, rookery.

Course of the lesson:

The teacher reads a poem:

If the snow melts everywhere, it turns into a stream

The weed crawls out timidly, the day gets longer

If the sun shines brighter, if the birds have no sleep,

If the wind has become warmer, it means that ... (spring) has come to us.

Spring is a celebration of the awakening of nature. What Miracles Happen in Spring?

Snow melts, thawed patches appear. Trees wake up from winter sleep. The air smells of rotten leaves. Migratory birds return home from distant countries.

The first to return are the rooks, they are called the messengers of spring. Today you will learn a lot about rooks.

Today, we will continue our acquaintance with the wonderful book "Masters of Russian Painting". She will tell us about another great Russian artist Alexei Kondratyevich Savrasov. Here is his portrait.

Slide (Show portrait)

It was a long time ago. An artist lived in Moscow, and his name was Alexei Savrasov. He was huge, like a bear, his back was wide, his eyes were black, he had a mane of dark hair on his head, he looked almost always frowned, he could even be scared. But in reality, he only seemed gloomy, because he was ashamed of everyone. And when he smiles, he immediately becomes like a good doctor.

Most of all Savrasov loved flowers, trees, rivers, forests.

How can you call it all in one word? (By nature).

It is true that in his works A. Savrasov portrayed nature.

What do I call such pictures? (Landscapes).

Guys, besides landscapes, what other types of paintings are there? (Portraits, still life).

This means that A. Savrasov was a landscape painter.

And the main work of this artist "The Rooks Have Arrived". For more than a hundred years, Savrasov's work "The Rooks Have Arrived" has been a symbol of the Russian landscape.

Slide pictures

And now I will read you a fairy tale: “How the painting“ The Rooks Have Arrived ”appeared.The narrator. One spring day in March, the artist Savrasov went out of town to see where the spring lingered. Dirt squishes underfoot, everything is unprepossessing and old. The wind is cold, the trees are twisted, there is nothing to stop looking at. Suddenly he hears a loud bird cry. And these are rooks screaming as if they are dividing what among themselves. The artist came closer to the birches, where the birds had gathered, and suddenly he saw that the largest rook had broken away from the flock, was flying, and something was sparkling in his beak. Other rooks rushed after him, pounced on him, only fluff and feathers flew. And suddenly a thick, heavy piece of glass fell directly into Savrasov's hand. Lies and glows quietly. And immediately, as if it became warmer. He wanted to bring the glass to his eyes, but then the rooks attacked him.

Savrasov. Go away, robbers! Here I am the feathers - then I will pull out for you! You will know how you should behave with a person!

Rook. Mil - man, give us our glass! It is not simple, and it is difficult for us to live without it. I am the head of the pack, the oldest rook, every year we fly far, far away for the winter. And in the spring we return home, to our homeland. But what kind of Russia is it? big country! Without our glass, we will definitely get lost.

Savrasov. How can it help you?

Rook. Why, it's magical. Look at him.

Savrasov looks.

The narrator. The priests are holy! What happened. His heart immediately felt warm and warm. Everything around has completely changed ... as if the trees are the same, and the earth, and the sky. But everything immediately became so amazingly beautiful that it is impossible to take your eyes off.

Rook. Well, now I understand how we find our homeland? You are a man, and so you will find your home. Give us back our glass, and we will thank you.

Savrasov. Forgive me, birds of spring! Now I know what you need a wonderful glass for. Only I can’t give it to you now. It turns out that I need it even more than you do. With him, I myself will be able to see my homeland properly, and I will help other people to do this. I'm an artist.

Rook. We, rooks, have the following rule: he who keeps the glass is the leader. I am quite old already, and the young decided to take it away from me. Okay, artist. Keep it until autumn, when it’s time for us to go far away for the winter. And you will give it back in the fall. Then I myself will give it to the strongest of the young. You, dear - man, do not let us down, otherwise we will completely disappear in foreign lands.

Savrasov. Thank you, rook, for not having to take away your magic glass by force. And I will definitely return it to you. Moreover, for the fact that you helped me so much, I will draw you in my picture. I know for sure that this will be my best picture. And I'll call her ... "The Rooks Have Arrived!"

Rook. Thank you for your respect, artist. We really bring spring on the wings. It will be warm very soon. Well, until September! A bargain is a bargain. I'll meet you at the same place.

Physical minute.

They stick out of the birdhouse. Children step in place, hands on the belt.

The beaks of the little ones grumble. Bends to the sides.

Beak once, beak two, Perform forward bends.

Legs, legs, head. They put their legs forward alternately, turn their head.

Birds sit in nests (children sit on chairs)

they look at the street. They suddenly wanted to fly,

And all flew at once, Children run around the group.

Birds in their nests. The children take their places.

Conversation on the painting.

Let's take a close look at the picture with you.

Educator: What season did the artist depict in the picture?

Children: Spring

Educator: What kind of spring is it?

Children: It's early spring

Educator: How did you guess that this is early spring?

Children: The snow has not melted yet, the trees are without leaves, the sun is weakly warming.

Educator: Pay attention to the sky, look at the earth. What words can you choose to describe the sky

Children: Gray, gloomy, covered with dark clouds.

Educator: What land?

Children: Wet, dark, covered with dirty snow, black thawed patches appeared.

Educator: What month is shown in the picture?

Children: March

Educator: What is the popular name for him?

Children: Protalnik

Educator: And after March, what are the spring months

Children: April - snowfall, May - grass.

Educator: let's play: game "Learn by description".


Educator: Migratory bird with black plumage of metallic purple tint

Children: Rook.

Educator: This beautiful tree has a white trunk with black spots.

Children: Birch

Educator: Tell us about the birches that are in the foreground. What are they?

Children: Old, curved

Educator: What's going on on the birches?

Children: Rooks make nests.

Educator: Rooks build their nests on the tops of birches. Rooks are friendly birds. Returning from distant countries, they examine old nests, repair them and build new ones, several nests on the same tree. Such places are called rooks. Here they are!

What are these places called?

Children: Rooks.

Educator: Do you think the rooks are happy or sad?

Children: They are joyful, cheerful, because they returned home to their homeland.

Educator: Rooks shout loudly, speak rook language, show how they talk.

Children: Gra-gra-gra!

Educator: What is the first sound we hear? Is it hard or soft?

Children: Solid sound"G".

Educator: the game "Who will name more actions?"

Educator: What are the rooks doing?

Children: They shout, fly, build nests, peck, catch beetles, return, make noise.

The teacher reads the story of G. Skrebitsky "The Rooks Have Arrived."

There is still snow all around, and the rooks have already arrived. Rooks will choose a park or a grove for themselves. They make noise all day long, breaking branches for nests. Some old nests are being repaired, others are building new ones. They are in a hurry - it's time for the rooks to hatch their chicks.

Grachata are early chicks. The leaves will bloom on the trees, and they scream, ask for food.

Educator: the game "Pick up the words"


1) Black, loud (rook)

2) Old, curved (birch)

3) Gloomy, gray (sky)

4) Early, noisy (rooks)

Educator: What else is shown in the picture?

Children at home

Educator: What can be seen in the distance behind the birches?

Children: Belfry

Educator: What did you like most about this picture? What paints did the artist use?

Children's answers

Educator: We looked at the picture, and now let's put together a story based on the picture. The teacher tells one of the options, then asks the children to tell on their own.

1. The painting depicts early spring. There is still snow, but the first thawed patches have appeared. The first messengers of spring arrived - the rooks. They settled on old, tall birches. Rooks rustle, scream, build nests. The sky is overcast, gray, and the ground is dark, covered with dirty snow. The sun will come out and with its warm rays will melt the remnants of the snow, warm the earth and green grass will appear. Yes, spring is just around the corner.

2. "The Rooks Have Arrived" - this is the name of the painting by A. Savrasov. Rooks arrive in the spring. Spring is depicted early. The first spring month is March. There is still snow in March, but thawed patches are already visible. Rooks build nests on old curved birches to breed their offspring. The day was gloomy and gloomy. But despite this, the birds are working, some are repairing nests, others are building new ones. The rooks have arrived, so spring is just around the corner.

Educator: Well done guys.

Guys, who of you can tell a poem about spring that matches the mood of this picture.

Spring is striding towards us with quick steps,

And the drifts melt under her feet.

Black thawed patches, visible in the fields

Very warm legs are visible in the spring. (Irina Tokmacheva)

Let the thawed patches darken

The sun hid rays

Ah, you saw today

Rooks have come to us!

Amazing birds -

They have arrived, they are making nests,

Like hats in the trees

Rook houses are growing. (Anna Ponomareva)

The birch saved from the gray winter

The nests of the bird flock that hurries home.

Through the gaps of the clouds, blue heights.

Whispering with a birch: "So they waited." (Emmanuel Tereshkin)

Fascinated guys.

They look at the guests of spring

Nature wakes up

We are glad to change! (Anna Ponomareva)

Earlier in Russia, children would dance in a round dance, and all together called the birds. Let's call them with a call.

(Execution of the call)

Already you, birds, chirps,

Come to us!

Spring is clear, spring is red

Bring us.

(After singing the call, the children sit down. The cries of birds are heard, barely audible)


Educator: So, let's remember what we talked about today? What did you like in class today?

Children's answers

Educator: You did very well today, well done

Program tasks:

Correctional educational - to teach children to compose a descriptive story from a landscape painting; coherently, consistently describe objects and characters. Learn to adhere to the structure of a descriptive story: beginning, middle, end, describe the place and time of the action, follow the logic of the plot development, using a variety of linguistic means, complex grammatical structures.

Correctional and developmental - to develop the skills of verbal communication, speech hearing, visual attention and perception, coordination of speech with movement. Develop imagination through reception "Entering the picture" ... Develop fine motor skills using origami techniques.

Kreksionno-educational - to cultivate the ability to listen to comrades, accurately express their thoughts. To cultivate independence, activity, the ability to see the beauty of native nature.

Vocabulary work: enter the words chapel, rookery into the passive dictionary of children, intensify the use of the words landscape, village, definition words in active speech.

Preliminary work: examining spring landscapes, observing the signs of spring in nature, reading poetry about spring, examining a reproduction of A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived" , conversation about the types of painting - portrait, still life, landscape.

Material for the lesson: a letter attached to balloons, a reproduction of a painting "The Rooks Have Arrived" , colored paper, scissors, glue, glue brushes, oilcloth, birch twigs, calm music recording.

Course of the lesson

(The speech therapist teacher and the children stand on the carpet and have a conversation)

Speech therapist: Guys, what time of year is it?

That's right, spring. But look at the street: there is still snow, it is still cold, one might say winter.

D: -It's early spring.

Speech therapist: Let's play a game "What's superfluous?" ... Do you know the signs well early spring? Listen to me, determine which one will accept the superfluous and why? Watch the pronunciation of sounds.

The snow melts, migratory birds fly away to the south, drops begin, thaw patches appear. (In early spring, migratory birds do not fly south, but arrive from the south).

The willow blossoms, the ice drift begins, severe frosts crackle, the mother-and-stepmother blossoms. (There are still frosts in early spring, but severe frosts no longer crack).

Buds swell, apples ripen, rooks begin to build nests, the sun not only shines brightly, but also warms. (Apples do not ripen in early spring, but in summer and autumn).

Icicles hang from the rooftops, the snow darkens and settles, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the bear wakes up. (Leaves turn yellow and fall off in autumn, not early spring).

Oh guys, what's that outside the window?

(Outside the window Balloons with a large envelope attached)

Speech therapist: It’s very interesting who sent us a letter like this in an unusual way... I will go outside and bring a letter to the group, we will read it and find out who sent it to us.

(I put in a letter, I read)

- “Hello dear guys. I am in a hurry to visit you with spring gifts. Ahead of me I am sending my faithful messengers - rooks. See you. Your Spring " .

Speech therapist: Guys, who is this letter from?

D: - It was written by Spring.

Speech therapist: That's right, it's from Spring. Whom did spring send ahead of itself?

D: - Rooks.

Speech therapist: Children, have you already seen rooks in our city?

I have not seen yet, apparently they are still on the way. But today I brought you a picture that was painted by the Russian artist Alexei Savrasov, on which he depicted rooks. It is called "The Rooks Have Arrived" ... Sit on the chairs and look at the picture.

(I give the children time to look at the picture)

Speech therapist: What genre does this picture belong to?

D: - Landscape.

Speech therapist: What other genres do you know?

D: - Still life, portrait.

Speech therapist: What interesting did the artist see and depict in his painting?

D: -He saw how a flock of rooks fell on the birches, how they make noise, rejoice that they returned to their old nests.

Speech therapist: Tell me about rooks, what do they do?

D: - Correct, repair the nests.

Speech therapist: Guys, imagine that you are in a picture, close your eyes for a minute, what do you hear?

D: - Rooks shout loudly, make noise, quarrel, make noise; they are happy that they have returned home, they speak a rook language, share their impressions of a distant journey, they share plans for the future.

Speech therapist: Well done, how exactly you told about rooks. You know, in Russia, the place where the rooks live is called the rookery. How can you call these birches in the picture?

D: - Rookery.

Speech therapist: Why do you think the rooks chose this particular place for their nests?

D: -It's quiet, calm here. This is the outskirts of the village, you can see several houses and a chapel. A forest is visible in the distance.)

Speech therapist teacher: Guys, stand in a circle, play with the cube, which side it will turn to you, select the words-signs corresponding to our picture to that picture "The Rooks Have Arrived" .

Snow - Darkened, loose, gray, wet, cold, thawed ...

Birches are thin, long, gnarled, old, thick ...

The sun is dim, lazy,

Clouds (sky)- Bluish-gray, fluffy, transparent, gloomy, low, sad, cold ...

Speech therapist: Well done. What good, accurate words they picked up.

Speech therapist: What are you attentive, well done.

Speech therapist: Now look, I have mnemonic squares on my table that will help you compose a story. Take one card at a time and tell the story. You will come up with a story in a chain - one will start, the other will continue.

Speech therapist: Now I think I need to take some rest.

Spring, spring is red!

Spring, spring is red! Walking in a circle, holding hands.

Come spring with joy

With joy, with joy. They go in the opposite direction.

With great mercy:

With a high flax, they stop, pull their hands up, stand on their toes, take a breath.

With a deep root, They lower their arms, squat, exhale.

With abundant bread. Holding hands, they run in a circle.

Maybe someone wants to tell on their own? (listening to stories).

"The artist Aleksey Savrasov called his painting" The Rooks Have Arrived. "Before us is a rural landscape. This is the outskirts of the village: you can see several village houses and a chapel. A flock of rooks has fallen on the birch trees. They make noise, shout, speak in a rook tongue. Rooks are happy that they have returned home , in their old nests. They fix, repair the nests. The birds chose an old, gnarled birch. It has elastic branches, a thick trunk. At the bottom of the roots of the birch, a rook found a branch and holds it in its beak. The sun has disappeared behind the clouds. It is still dim, lazy, but you already feel that the snow is melting under its warm rays. The snow is darkened, loose, thawed. The sky is low, sad and gloomy. Despite this, the air smells of spring. "

Speech therapist: Well done, guys, how beautiful your stories are. Do you know what I came up with? Let's make paper rooks now, put them on our twig, maybe spring will come faster. Do you agree?

Speech therapist: Before you start working, you need to stretch our fingers, make birds out of them and fly. Well done.

Speech therapist: Now we get to work, whoever makes a bird can choose a twig and plant it. (Children make a bird, I help if necessary).

  1. So, we take a square sheet of black color.
  2. We bend it diagonally.
  3. We bend the sides to the fold line.
  4. The lower sides also need to be folded to the fold line.
  5. Unfold the lower sides.
  6. Make cuts along the fold lines
  7. Bend upwards along the cuts.
  8. Bend the upper corner down (this is the future head)
  9. Fold the workpiece in half, glue the eyes.

Speech therapist: Look guys, what did we do? (Rookery).

Speech therapist: Rooks have always been popular symbols of spring. Rooks are considered weather predictors. If they build their nests high, the summer will be good; if they are low, it will be cold and damp. If rooks sit on a tall tree close to each other and beak to the wind, expect bad weather.

Speech therapist: Guys, did you like the picture by Alexei Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived" ?

Speech therapist: Guys, what do you feel when you look at a picture?

D: -It's a little cold, sad, somewhere even joyful, because winter is leaving.

Speech therapist: Well done, I also liked how you did it, how beautiful your stories were based on the painting, and I prepared a surprise for you.


open class

on the topic:

"Here the rooks have arrived"


Lysak Tatiana Andreevna

with. Chulym - 2015

Target: To generalize and systematize the knowledge of children about the signs of early spring, about migratory birds and changes in their lives in the spring;

Educational tasks:

    Learn to establish a connection between the arrival of birds and the presence of food in nature; 2. Form children's ideas that the birds themselves arrange their nests ( different types nests) and independently take care of their offspring; 3. Continue to acquaint children with reproductions of Russian artists - AK Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived";

Developmental tasks: To develop the speech activity of children, speech hearing, visual perception and attention, logical thinking. Develop general and fine motor skills; To develop the creative imagination and artistic and creative abilities of children.

Educational tasks: bring uphumane attitude to birds and to all life on Earth.

Equipment: illustrations of migratory birds, pictures of nests, audio recording of voices and singing of birds, a ball, books about birds, a reproduction of A.K.Savrasov's painting "The Rooks Have Arrived", one wooden clothespins for each child, cardboard blanks - square, rectangles (1 large and 5 small) black, string, eye blanks, vase with a large branch, scissors, glue - pencil, paper napkins.

Preliminary work: Observation of changes in nature with the arrival of spring, birds during walks; reading poems and stories about spring, birds, guessing riddles, introducing children to folk signs and sayings about spring, birds, making eye blanks, etc.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Artistic - aesthetic development".

Vocabulary work: renewal, sky blue (light blue paint), passed.

Course of the lesson

Organizing time.

(children are part of the group, greet guests)

Educator: Guys, please tell me which group do you go to? ( Preparatory group). This means that soon you will become schoolchildren. Imagine that you are not in a group today, but at school, in a class. Teachers came to us to see how you are ready for school. Will we show our guests what we know and can do? (The bell rings)

And now I invite you to listen to the poem by A.N. Pleshcheeva "Spring". (Reading a poem)

The snow is already melting, streams are running,

Spring breathed through the window ...

Soon the nightingales will whistle

And the forest will be clothed with foliage!

Pure sky blue

The sun became warmer and brighter

It's time for blizzards of evil and storms

Again it was long gone.

And the heart is so strong in the chest

Knocks as if waiting for something

As if happiness is ahead

And winter took away the worries!

All faces are looking merrily.

"Spring!" - you read in every gaze;

And he, as a holiday, is glad to her.

Whose life is only hard work and grief.

But the high-spirited children are ringing laughter

And carefree birds singing

They tell me - who is the most

Nature loves renewal!

Educator: Guys, did you like A. Plescheev's poem? What time of year does it say? (About spring).

Educator: Guys, how do you understand the word sky blue, renewal, what does it mean passed?

Educator: What mood does this poem evoke in you (Joyful, cheerful, good, something new, etc.

Educator: What signs of spring does it say about?

Educator: What you, fellows, have named all the signs of spring! I turn on the recording of the voices of the birds... I suggest listening to the voices of birds.

Educator: Guys, what are these sounds? (Birdsong) .

Educator : What bird voices did you recognize? (Children list birds).Educator: On What groups can we share the bird voices we hear? (Wintering and migratory).

The game “Divide the birds into groups. " There are pictures of birds on the table.

Educator : Help me divide birds into two groups: wintering and migratory. (Children complete the task and explain why they are called that).

Educator : Well done, guys, did a good job. What changes are taking place in the life of birds in spring? (Migratory birds return to our area, build nests, lay eggs, incubate and hatch chicks, take care of their offspring).

Educator : Let's look at bird nests, what do they build them from? (From branches, blades of grass, feathers, clay swallows, etc.).

I invite the children to sit on the chairs that stand in a semicircle. Examination of the painting by A. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived".

Educator: What do you see in the picture? (Answers of children).

Educator: What time of year did the artist depict? (Spring).

Educator: At what point did you guess that this is spring? (Thawed patches, puddles, high gray-blue sky with clear blue skylights, rooks running over their nests, reflection of clouds and trees in muddy melt water).

Educator: What did the artist depict in the foreground of the painting? (Dark birch trees with nests, rooks).

Educator: What do you think the rooks are up to? (Set up their nests).

Educator: What did the artist depict in the background? (Church, houses, fields, etc.).

Physical minute "Birds".

Sing along, sing along, 2 claps.

Ten birds are a flock. 3 steps.

All are known to children:

This is a bird - a nightingale Right hand lift up.

This bird is a starling bird, raise your left hand up.

A gray feather. Hands up, down.

This is a bird - a corncrake, Right hand - to the side.

This is a waxwing bird, Left hand - to the side.

This is a finch, this is a swift, 4 claps.

This is a funny siskin, Hands up, down.

Well, this is an evil eagle. 4 cottons.

Birds, birds, home! Fly around the hall.

Surprise moment:

Educator: Guys, look, while we were resting and a rook flew into our tree, but for some reason he is alone? Let's make him not bored by making the same rooks out of cardboard, glue and clothespins.

Educator: What parts does it consist of? (Head, torso, tail, wings, beak, eyes).

Educator: Look at the blanks of paper, from which geometric shapes Will you cut the head, torso?

Educator: How do we cut a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle? (Cut off by rounding off four corners).

Educator: What do the wings of a tail look like? (On a tulip flower).

Educator: What geometric shapes? How? (From squares - we cut off the two upper corners by rounding, and from the lower corners we cut out in a zigzag).

Educator: When you cut out all the blanks of body parts, they must be glued together, the legs are cut out in the same way as the wings, we glue them to the rope, and the rope folded in half is glued to the blank. After that, we glue the clothespin to the workpiece "with the crocodile up" - glueing the side of the clothespin with glue.

Educator: All clear? Let's get to work. (I turn on calm music).

Educator: Let's hang your rooks on the tree.

Educator : Look how many rooks there are on the tree.

Educator: Who has the biggest rook?

Educator: Who got the smallest rook?

Educator: Find and show whose rook is the happiest

Educator: Whose rook is sad? I wonder why?

Educator: Guys, the rooks have arrived, what are they going to do now? (They will build nests, lay eggs, incubate chicks).

Educator: It is not for nothing that the people say: "I saw a rook - know that spring has come."

The result of the lesson. Guys, what did you do in class today? What have you learned new? Did you enjoy studying today? Well done guys, you were doing well today, thanks. The lesson is over.

GCD in the senior group: "The Rooks Have Arrived"

Integrated GCD in the senior group: "The Rooks Have Arrived"

Theme:"Drawing up a descriptive story on the reproduction of the painting by A. K. Savrasov" The Rooks Have Arrived "(Summary of the GCD for the development of coherent speech in the senior group

Integration of areas: "Speech development", "Cognitive development" "Social - communicative development", "Physical development.


visual - illustrations;

literary - poems, riddles, proverbs;

musical - melodies;

equipment - TSO; CD - player.

Target: acquaintance of children with the cultural heritage of the Russian people; to consolidate and deepen ideas about the genres of painting and the means of its expression.


1. Learning tasks:

To teach the artistic conduct of a landscape painting, to stimulate the desire to look attentively;

Learn to compose descriptive stories from a landscape painting;

To consolidate knowledge about spring changes in living and non-living nature;

2. Developmental tasks:

To develop an emotional response to the spring manifestations of nature, aesthetic feelings and experiences, the ability to correlate what he saw with the experience of his own perception of spring nature;

Clarify ideas about migratory birds, about their life in the spring;

Enrich vocabulary with definitions, form figurative speech, the ability to understand and select figurative expressions and comparisons;

3. Educational tasks:

To help children see, feel the intimate beauty of their native Russian nature in the picture, the rooks have arrived;

Foster a desire to carefully consider and understand the picture.

Course of the lesson

Educator: The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life,

The day is coming. When does this happen? (in spring)

Educator: That's right, it's spring.

Listening to music, birds singing.

Educator: And what are they singing so loudly?

Children: They are glad that spring has come.

Educator: Yes, guys, they are happy that the long-awaited spring has come.

Educator: (reads a poem)

The snow is already melting, streams are running,

Spring breathed through the window ...

Soon the nightingales will whistle

And the forest will be clothed with foliage!

Pure sky blue

The sun became warmer and brighter

It's time for blizzards of evil and storms

Again for a long time passed.

(A. Pleshcheev)

After a long winter, wakes up under warm sunbeams Earth. Snow melts, thaw patches appear. Trees sprang up, freeing themselves from winter sleep. The air smells of rotten leaves, bark of trees, the smell of a warm spring breeze. The first spring messengers - rooks - are returning home from distant places. A joyful hubbub is heard over the tall birches.

Game: "Name the birds that have arrived."

(children stand in a circle, the teacher throws the ball to one of the children. The one who caught the ball must name the birds that returned from the warm lands in the spring. The child who did not give an answer leaves the game).

Educator: Guys, look how wonderfully the artist A.K.Savrasov told about this in his painting "The Rooks Have Arrived." People always waited and rejoiced at her arrival, as evidenced by the arrival of rooks. There is a proverb

- "Rook on the mountain ... spring in the yard"

Educator: Guys, what interesting did the artist see and depict in his painting?

Children: He saw a flock of rooks descend on the birches, how they make noise and rejoice, having returned to their old nests.

Educator: Guys, tell us about the rooks. What are they doing?

Children: Correct, repair nests; below, at the roots of a birch, a rook found a twig and holds it in its beak. Rooks are joyful, funny, funny, noisy. They shout loudly, speak a rook language, share their impressions of a long journey from the south to their beloved homeland. They are happy to have finally returned home. They tell each other about their plans for the future, how they will arrange their nests, raise their chicks, teach them to fly, etc.

Educator: What do you guys think, why did the rooks choose this particular place for nests?

Children: Because it is calm, quiet, beautiful here. This is the outskirts of the village, you can see several wooden houses, a white-stone church. Behind the houses is a plain with darkened snow, a forest in the distance.

Educator: Guys, what trees did the rooks choose?

Children: The Rooks chose an old gnarled birch. It is thick, the branches are elastic, the nests are securely reinforced. When the leaves bloom, the nests will not be visible in the dense bark of the tree.

Educator: Guys, look carefully, is there a sun in the picture? Children: No.

Educator: How did you guess? What is it like?

Children: It is still dim, the sun has disappeared behind the clouds, it is lazy. It will look out, then it will again hide behind the clouds.

Educator: Guys, what about the sky? What is it like, the spring sky?

Children: The sky is covered with bluish gray clouds. It is low, sad, cold. But the rays of the sun illuminate the clouds, and it seems that the cloud is about to melt, and the sun will brightly illuminate the spring land.

Educator: Guys, pay attention to the clouds, what are they?

Children: Bluish-gray, gray-yellow, fluffy, brooding, transparent, a little gloomy, etc.

Educator: Guys, what do you feel when you look at this picture?

Children: A little cold, joyful, you feel freshness, cheerfulness, anxious anticipation of the sun, the warmth of spring.

Educator: Guys, did you like the painting by A. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived"?

Physical education: "The Rooks Have Arrived"

Sometime in early spring Children stand in a circle

At the edge of the forest

A flock of birds has appeared, Children run on tiptoe, raising

Not starlings or tits bent arms at the elbows

And tremendous rooks

Colors black as night squat

Scattered at the edge of the river Run in different directions

Jump-jump, krak-krak

There is a bug, there is a worm Jump, lean forward, down

Krak-krak, krak-krak

Educator: Well, now it's time for us guys to play the role of an artist. Who wants to compose a story based on this wonderful picture?

A story about the sun and the sky, about snow and clouds, about the coming spring and the outgoing winter, about birches and about loud rooks. Try to tell, slowly, expressively, conveying your mood and attitude towards the main characters in your voice.

(Children tell their wishes according to the picture, and the teacher records them on a dictaphone).

Educator: Well done, guys, you've got a good collective story that guys from neighboring groups can listen to with us.

Educator: Guys, let's remember with you what artist's painting we looked at in our lesson?

Children: Savrasova

Educator: What is the name of the picture?

Children: "The Rooks Have Arrived"

Educator: What proverb did you and I remember in class?

Children: "Rook on the mountain ... spring in the yard"

Educator: How did you understand the meaning of this proverb?

Children: Spring comes with the arrival of rooks

Educator: Right. Well done boys.

Educator: In the role of whom did you manage to visit?

Children: As poets?

Educator: This concludes our lesson, but since we talked a lot about rooks, I suggest you play the game "The Rooks Have Arrived."

Kalmykova Tatiana Nikolaevna
