
Dragoon's shortest Deniskin stories. Deniskin's stories. "Fire in the wing or feat in the ice"

Victor Yuzefovich Dragunsky(December 1, 1913 - May 6, 1972) - Soviet writer, author of stories and stories for children. The most popular was the cycle "Deniskin's Stories" about the boy Denis Korablev and his friend Mishka Slonov. These stories brought Dragoonsky immense popularity and recognition. Read funny stories about Deniska online at Mishkina's book website!

Dragunsky's stories read

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    In the sweet carrot forest

    Kozlov S.G.

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    Green bird

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    How to catch a cloud

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    3 - Hedgehog in the fog

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Before you are all the books of Dragunsky - a list of his titles best works... But first, let's learn a little about the author himself. Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky was born in 1913 and became known in the USSR as a renowned writer and recognizable actor.

His most famous series of books is Deniskin's Stories, which has been reprinted many times since its first publication half a century ago.

Dragunsky devoted his entire youth to work in the theater and circus, and this work did not always bear fruit. The little-known actor could not get serious roles and tried to find a vocation in related fields.

The first stories of the author were published in 1959, they became the basis for the future series. The name for the series was not chosen by chance - initially the writer wrote stories for his nine-year-old son Denis. The boy became the main character in his father's stories.

Beginning in the 1960s, stories became so popular that the publisher could not even cope with the volumes. And the popularity of the protagonist Denis Korablev has been transferred to films.

So, directly a list with descriptions of those very cult stories of Dragunsky.

  • The Magic Power of Art (Collection)

Deniskin's stories: about how everything really was

For three generations, Dragunsky's stories about the boy Deniska Korablev have been admired. During the childhood of the character, life was completely different: the streets and cars, shops and apartments looked differently. In this collection you can read not only the stories themselves, but also the explanations of the son of the famous author - Denis Dragunsky. He openly shares what really happened to him, and what is his father's invention. Farther

Deniskin's stories (collection)

Deniska lives his Soviet life - he loves, forgives, makes friends, conquers resentment and deception. His life is incredible and filled with adventure. He has the closest friend Mishka, with whom Denis went to the masquerade; they play pranks together in class, go to the circus and encounter unusual events.

Who among us does not remember Deniska Korablev, the famous hero of funny stories? This wonderful book was written by Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky. "Deniskin's stories" are easily perceived by ear, so they can be read to children from four years old. Younger schoolchildren will be happy to recognize themselves in a book: after all, they also do not always want to do their homework, read books, or study additionally during the summer holidays, when it is hot outside and all their friends are playing in the yard.

A summary of the book by Viktor Dragunsky "Deniskin Stories" will help you in a situation where you need to immediately refresh your memory of the names of the main characters. Want to know what this book is about? Below is a retelling of the work "Deniskin's stories". The summary of the text will allow you to remember the main points of the story, the characters of the main characters, the true motives of their actions.

"He is alive and glows"

This story begins with the fact that the boy Deniska is waiting in the yard for his mother. She probably stayed late at the institute or in the store, and does not even suspect that her son has already missed her. The author very subtly emphasizes that the child is tired and hungry. Apparently, he does not have the keys to the apartment, because it is already starting to get dark, lights are coming on in the windows, and Deniska does not budge. Standing in the yard, he feels that he is starting to freeze. While he is watching what is happening around him, his friend Bear of Elephants runs up to him. Seeing a friend, Deniska rejoices and for a while forgets about his sadness.

The bear praises his toy dump truck, wants to exchange it and offers Denis various items and his toys. Deniska replies that the dump truck is a gift from dad, so he cannot give it to Mishka or even exchange it. Then Mishka uses the last opportunity to get a toy dump truck - he offers Denis a living firefly that glows in the dark. Deniska is fascinated by the firefly, its magnificent radiance that spreads from a simple matchbox. He gives Mishka a dump truck, saying: "Take my dump truck, for good, and give me this asterisk." The bear goes home, satisfied, and Deniska is no longer so sad to wait for his mother, because he felt that there was a living being next to him. Soon my mother returns, and she and Deniska go home to dinner. Mom is sincerely surprised how her son could exchange a good toy for "some kind of firefly"

This is just one of the stories from Deniskin's Tales. The summary shows that the main theme is loneliness and abandonment. The boy wants to go home, he is tired and hungry, but his mother lingers somewhere and thereby prolongs Deniska's feeling of inner suffering. The appearance of a firefly warms the soul of the child, and it becomes not so difficult for him to wait for the appearance of his mother.

"The secret becomes apparent"

A funny story in which Deniska refuses to eat semolina for breakfast. However, Mom remains adamant and tells him to eat everything to the end. As a “reward,” she promises her son to take him to the Kremlin immediately after breakfast. Deniska is very inspired by this prospect, but even this cannot help overcome his dislike for semolina. After another attempt to put a spoonful of porridge in his mouth, Deniska tries to salt and pepper it, but from these actions it does not improve, but only deteriorates, acquiring a completely unbearable taste. In the end, Deniska goes to the window and pours the porridge into the street. Satisfied puts the empty plate on the table. Suddenly, the front door opens and a man enters the apartment, smeared with semolina from head to toe. Mom looks at him in confusion, and Deniska realizes that he will no longer get into the Kremlin. The man indignantly tells that he was going to be photographed, so he put on his best suit, and suddenly hot porridge poured out of the window on top of him.

This is the second story featuring Deniskin's Tales. The summary shows that sooner or later everything that is hidden is revealed and brings big trouble.

"Top - down - oblique"

Once Deniska, Mishka and a neighbor's girl Alyonka were walking near the house. And in their yard there was a renovation. The guys heard and saw how the painters were about to leave for lunch. When the painters left for dinner, it turned out that they had left the barrels of paint in the yard. The guys began to paint everything that came to hand: a bench, a fence, an entrance door. It was very interesting for them to watch how the paint itself comes out of the hose and rapidly colors everything around. Alyonka even managed to paint her legs to look like a real Indian.

This is the third story featuring Deniskin's Tales. The summary shows that Deniska, Mishka and Alyonka are funny guys, although they got a lot for that paint incident.

"Green leopards"

Do you like to be sick? No? But Deniska, Mishka and Alyonka love. In this story, they share the benefits with readers. different types diseases: from a simple cold to chickenpox and tonsillitis. Moreover, friends consider chickenpox to be the most "interesting" disease, because at the moment of exacerbation of the disease, they had the opportunity to be like leopards. And also, the guys think, "the main thing is that the disease is more terrible, then they will buy what you want."

The main idea of ​​the story is fully illustrated by him summary... V. Dragunsky (Deniskin's Stories) emphasizes that attention to a sick child is always greater, but it is very important to stay healthy all the same.

"Fire in the wing or feat in the ice"

Once Deniska and Mishka were late for school. On the way, they decided to come up with a worthy excuse so that they would not get too much from the class teacher, Raisa Ivanovna. It turned out that coming up with a plausible version is not so easy. Deniska offered to tell that they allegedly saved a small child from the fire, and Mishka wanted to tell about how the baby fell through the ice and his friends pulled him out of there. Before they could argue that it was better, they came to school. Each of them put forward his own version, which made it clear to everyone that they were cheating. The teacher did not believe them and gave both unsatisfactory marks.

The main idea this story highlights its summary. V. Dragunsky ("Deniskin's stories") teaches that one should not deceive adults. It is better to always tell the truth, whatever it may be.

"Where has it been seen, where has it been heard"

An amusing story in which Deniska and Mishka undertake to perform at a school matinee. They volunteer to sing a duet, tell everyone that they can handle it. Only at the performance, a misunderstanding suddenly occurs: Mishka for some reason sings the same verse, and Deniska, due to the situation that has arisen, has to sing along with him. Laughter is heard in the audience, it seems that their debut was not a success. Key point: you need to better prepare for important events.

"A tricky way"

In this story, Deniska is struggling to come up with a way that would allow his mother to be less tired in housework. Once she complained that she barely had time to wash the dishes for her household and jokingly announced that if nothing changed, she would refuse to feed her son and husband. Deniska began to think, and a wonderful idea came to him to take food alternately, and not all together. As a result, it turned out that the dishes would go three times less, which is why it would be easier for mom. Dad also came up with another way: to commit himself to washing the dishes every day with his son. the main idea the story is that you need to help your family.

Victor Yuzefovich Dragunsky

Deniskin's stories

© Dragunsky V. Yu., Heirs, 2014

© Dragunskaya K.V., foreword, 2014

© Chizhikov V.A., afterword, 2014

© Losin V.N., illustrations, inherited, 2014

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

About my dad

When I was little, I had a dad. Victor Dragunsky. Famous children's writer... Only no one believed me that he was my dad. And I shouted: "This is my dad, dad, dad !!!" And she began to fight. Everyone thought he was my grandfather. Because he was no longer very young. I am a late child. The youngest. I have two older brothers - Lenya and Denis. They are smart, learned and rather bald. But they know a lot more stories about my dad than I do. But since they did not become children's writers, but me, then they usually ask me to write something about dad.

My dad was born a long time ago. In 2013, on the first of December, he would have turned one hundred years old. And not somewhere there he was born, but in New York. This is how it happened - his mom and dad were very young, got married and left the Belarusian city of Gomel for America, for happiness and wealth. I don’t know about happiness, but they didn’t work out with wealth. They ate exclusively on bananas, and in the house where they lived, hefty rats ran around. And they returned back to Gomel, and after a while they moved to Moscow, to Pokrovka. There, my dad did not study well at school, but he loved to read books. Then he worked at a factory, studied to be an actor and worked at the Satire Theater, and also as a clown in a circus and wore a red wig. This is probably why my hair is red. And as a child, I also wanted to become a clown.

Dear readers !!! I am often asked how my dad is doing, and they ask me to ask him to write something else - bigger and funnier. I don’t want to upset you, but my dad died long ago, when I was only six years old, that is, more than thirty years ago it turns out. Therefore, I remember very few cases about him.

One such case. My dad was very fond of dogs. All the time he dreamed of having a dog, only his mother would not allow him, but finally, when I was five and a half years old, a spaniel puppy named Toto appeared in our house. So wonderful. Eared, spotted and with thick paws. He had to be fed six times a day, like a baby, which made my mother a little angry ... And then one day my father and I come from somewhere or just sit at home alone, and want to eat something. We go to the kitchen and find a saucepan with semolina porridge, and with such delicious (I generally hate semolina porridge) that we eat it right there. And then it turns out that this is Totoshina's porridge, which my mother had specially cooked in advance in order to mix it with some vitamins, as it should be for puppies. Mom was offended, of course. Disgrace - a children's writer, an adult, and ate puppy porridge.

They say that in his youth my dad was terribly cheerful, he always came up with something, the coolest and wittiest people of Moscow were always around him, and at home we always had noisy, fun, laughter, feast, feast and all the celebrities. Unfortunately, I don't remember this anymore - when I was born and grew up a little, my dad was very sick with hypertension, high blood pressure, and it was impossible to make noise in the house. My friends, who are now quite adult aunts, still remember that I had to walk on tiptoe so as not to bother my dad. Even I was somehow not allowed to see him so that I would not disturb him. But I still got to him, and we played - I was a frog, and dad was a respected and kind lion.

Dad and I also went to eat bagels on Chekhov Street, there was such a bakery with bagels and a milkshake. We were also in the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, sat very close, and when the clown Yuri Nikulin saw my dad (and they worked together in the circus before the war), he was very happy, took the microphone from the head-stand-maker and sang the "Song of Hares" especially for us ...

My dad also collected bells, we have a whole collection at home, and now I continue to replenish it.

If you read Deniskin's stories carefully, you realize how sad they are. Not all, of course, but some are very simple. I will not name now which ones. Re-read and feel for yourself. And then we'll check. Some are surprised, they say, how did an adult manage to penetrate into the soul of a child, to speak on his behalf, as if the child himself had told? .. And very simply - dad remained a little boy all his life. Exactly! A person does not have time to grow up at all - life is too short. A person only has time to learn to eat without getting dirty, walk without falling, do something there, smoke, lie, shoot a machine gun, or vice versa - heal, teach ... All people are children. Well, as a last resort, almost everything. Only they don't know about it.

I don't remember much about my dad, of course. But I can write all sorts of stories - funny, strange and sad. I got it from him.

And my son Theme is very similar to my dad. Well, poured out! In the house in Karetny Ryad, where we live in Moscow, there are elderly pop artists who remember my dad when he was young. And they also call the Theme - "Dragoon spawn". And we, together with Tema, love dogs. Our dacha is full of dogs, and those who are not ours just come to us to dine. Once a striped dog came, we treated her to a cake, and she liked it so much that she ate and barked with joy with her mouth full.

Ksenia Dragunskaya

"He is alive and glows ..."

One evening I was sitting in the yard, near the sand, and was waiting for my mother. She probably stayed late at the institute, or in the store, or, perhaps, stood for a long time at the bus stop. Do not know. Only all the parents of our yard had already come, and all the guys went home with them and probably already drank tea with bagels and feta cheese, but my mother was still not there ...

And now lights began to light up in the windows, and the radio started playing music, and dark clouds were moving in the sky - they looked like old bearded men ...

And I felt hungry, but my mother was still not there, and I thought that if I knew that my mother was hungry and was waiting for me somewhere at the end of the world, I would immediately run to her, and not be late and not made her sit on the sand and be bored.

And at that time Mishka came out into the yard. He said:

- Great!

And I said:

- Great!

Mishka sat down with me and picked up a dump truck.

- Wow! - said the Bear. - Where did you get it? Does he pick up the sand himself? Not yourself? And he dumps himself? Yes? And the pen? What is it for? Can you twirl it? Yes? A? Wow! Will you give it to me home?

I said:

- No I will not give. Present. Dad gave it before leaving.

The bear pouted and moved away from me. The yard grew even darker.

I looked at the gate so as not to miss when my mother would come. But she still didn’t go. Apparently, she met Aunt Rosa, and they are standing and talking and do not even think about me. I lay down on the sand.

Here the Bear says:

- Would you mind a dump truck?

- Get off, Mishka.

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One evening I was sitting in the yard, near the sand, and was waiting for my mother. She probably stayed late at the institute, or in the store, or, perhaps, stood for a long time at the bus stop. Do not know. Only all the parents of our yard had already come, and all the guys went home with them and probably already drank tea with bagels and feta cheese, but my mother was still not there ...
And now lights began to light up in the windows, and the radio began to play music, and dark clouds were moving in the sky - they looked like old bearded men ...
And I felt hungry, but my mother was still not there, and I thought that if I knew that my mother was hungry and was waiting for me somewhere at the end of the world, I would immediately run to her, and not be late and not made her sit on the sand and be bored.
And at that time Mishka came out into the yard. He said:
- Great!
And I said:
- Great!
Mishka sat down with me and picked up a dump truck.
- Wow! - said the Bear. - Where did you get it? Does he pick up the sand himself? Not yourself? And he dumps himself? Yes? And the pen? What is it for? Can you twirl it? Yes? A? Wow! Will you give it to me home?
I said:
- No I will not give. Present. Dad gave it before leaving.
The bear pouted and moved away from me. The yard grew even darker.
I looked at the gate so as not to miss when my mother would come. But she still didn’t go. Apparently, she met Aunt Rosa, and they are standing and talking and do not even think about me. I lay down on the sand.
Here the Bear says:
- Would you mind a dump truck?
- Get off, Mishka.
Then the Bear says:
- I can give you one Guatemala and two Barbados for it!
I'm talking:
- Compared Barbados to a dump truck ...
And Mishka:
- Well, do you want me to give you a swimming circle?
I'm talking:
- He's burst.
And Mishka:
- You glue it!
I even got angry:
- Where to swim? In the bathroom? On Tuesdays?
And Mishka pouted again. And then he says:
- Well, it was not! Know my kindness! On!
And he handed me a box of matches. I took it in my hands.
- You open it, - said the Bear, - then you will see!
I opened the box and at first did not see anything, and then I saw a small light green light, as if a tiny star was burning somewhere far, far away from me, and at the same time I myself was holding it now in my hands.
- What is it, Mishka, - I said in a whisper, - what is it?
“It's a firefly,” said Bear. - What, good? He's alive, don't think.
- Bear, - I said, - take my dump truck, do you want? Take it forever, for good! Give me this star, I'll take it home ...
And Mishka grabbed my dump truck and ran home. And I stayed with my firefly, looked at him, looked and could not get enough of: how green he is, as if in a fairy tale, and how close he is, in the palm of your hand, but shines, as if from afar ... And I could not even breathe , and I heard my heart pounding, and a little prickling in my nose, as if I wanted to cry.
And I sat like that for a long time, for a very long time. And no one was around. And I forgot about everyone in this world.
But then my mother came, and I was very happy, and we went home. And when they began to drink tea with bagels and feta cheese, my mother asked:
- Well, how is your dump truck?
And I said:
- I, mom, changed it.
Mom said:
- Interesting! And for what?
I answered:
- Firefly! Here he lives in a box. Turn off the light!
And my mother turned off the light, and the room became dark, and the two of us began to look at the pale green star.
Then my mother turned on the light.
“Yes,” she said, “it's magic! But still, how did you decide to give such a valuable thing as a dump truck for this worm?
“I've been waiting for you for so long,” I said, “and I was so bored, and this firefly, he turned out to be better than any dump truck in the world.
Mom looked at me intently and asked:
- And why, what exactly is it better?
I said:
- Why don't you understand ?! After all, he is alive! And it shines! ..
