
Technological maps for the 2nd junior group. Collection of technological maps for the second junior group. Didactic game "Hang handkerchiefs"

Technological map of educational activities in 2 younger group

Age group: 2 younger
Organization form: group
Space-time resource: 15 minutes
Educational areas: "Speech development"
Preliminary work: Examining illustrations depicting spring, birds, reading poetry about spring, watching birds flying to the walking area, composing descriptive story based on the painting "Spring", observing changes in nature.
Software and methodological support: an approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" / Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva - M .: Mosaica-Synthesis, 2014; Finger and gesture games in verse for preschoolers 2010 St. Petersburg "Childhood-Press"; “Spring has come to us”, Subject pictures and photographs of seasonal phenomena, paper flowers: snowdrops; paint, sponge, colored paper, puppet theater toy bear, magnetic easel.
Target: Development of active speech in younger children preschool age... Expanding the understanding of seasonal changes (changes in the weather, plants in the spring, the behavior of animals and birds).
Educational:. to continue to acquaint with the characteristic signs of spring;
to expand children's ideas about the peculiarities of nature in the spring;
to consolidate the knowledge of children about living and non-living nature in the spring;
continue to teach children to describe objects familiar to them, identifying their characteristic features.
Developing: develop the speech of children, enrich and activate their vocabulary;
develop an interest in natural phenomena;
develop auditory and visual attention, thinking and memory of children;
develop observation, resourcefulness.
Learn to use adjectives in speech.
Understand and answer adult questions with sentences.
Educational: foster interest in new words;
foster a feeling of love for native nature;
to develop an interest in knowing the world around;
to develop the ability to work in a team.

Planned result: have basic ideas about spring; know the characteristic signs of spring; know the four primary colors; participate with interest in outdoor games and game improvisations; answer questions fully, expanded, reasoned.
Psychological attitude: The teacher with children examines pictures about spring, birds
Introductory and organizational: Guys, look out the window, how brightly the sun is shining, how warm it has become outside.
-Spring has come. Everybody rejoices at the arrival of spring, birds, animals, trees. Are you happy about spring?
Reads a poem: The snow melted, the meadow came to life
The day is coming, the warmth is coming
It happens in the spring
Spring awakens affectionately
All nature from sleep.
The sun shone brightly
Looked into every house.
- Guys, what time of year is it?
- That's right, spring, spring-red has come to us. Tell me children there is a lot of snow on the street?
-And, the sun is shining on the street? -Well done boys. With the arrival of spring, the sun began to shine brightly.
Motivational and incentive:(Airplane sound)
- Oh guys, what is that sound?
- Probably, on this plane, someone came to visit us, I'll go and take a look.
(the teacher goes out the door, brings in a white bear)
Updating: Asks the guys to figure out the problem. Asking questions. The direction of the children’s activities by leading and problematic questions: “Guys, look who came to visit us?”, “Do you know where this bear lives, what is the weather like there?”, M: Hello friends! Yes, I live in the north, where it is always cold. Ah, I heard that you have a spring. I came to you to find out what spring is, will you tell me?
Perception and assimilation of new things:- Teddy bear, listen to a poem with the guys
“Spring has come to us”, author: E. Karganova. (picture on the board)
If the snow melts everywhere
The day is getting longer
If everything turns green
And a stream is ringing in the fields,
If the sun shines brighter
If the birds are not up to sleep,
If the wind gets warmer
This means that spring has come to us.
Did you like the poem? Guys, tell us what this poem says?
Dynamic pause: Shows movements, reads nursery rhyme.
The sun is clear, dress up, the sun is red, show yourself! Put on a scarlet dress Give us a red day!
Practical work:- Guys, look, I have such an interesting cube with pictures. I will throw it to you, which picture will fall out about that you are telling.
Start with the words "Spring"
- And what is the sun in the spring?
- And what puddles in the spring?
Well done guys, you know a lot about spring.
- Let's draw pictures for the bear as a keepsake. And we will draw, the first spring flowers
- Who can tell what they are called.
Distributes drawing material, shows a sample.
The final stage. Reflection: Summing up the GCD from different points of view: the quality of assimilation of new knowledge, the quality of the work performed, the emotional state, discussion of the features of joint work. "Remember who came to visit us?" "Where does he live" "What did we tell him about the spring?" “What did we draw?” The teacher makes children think about spring, its signs.

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1 Technological maps conducting GCD in the second junior group Topic: "Guys and animals" Age of children, educational area: 3-4 years, cognition (formation of elementary mathematical concepts) Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes ah Tasks: Cognitive: learn to answer the question "how much?" for children to compare familiar objects in size to continue teaching children to conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand the question asked and it is clear to answer it; - to consolidate and generalize the knowledge of children about the number of subjects one, many, not one, Educational: hard work, perseverance, desire to learn new things, love of mathematics. Expected result: distinguish and name geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) Materials and equipment: toys in the form of animals, constructor railroad, modules. Preliminary work: viewing the album "Wild Animals", Reading the Poem by S. Marshak "Where did the sparrow dine?" Stage Methods and techniques Teacher's activities Children's activities Equipment Motivational (2 min.) Artistic word - Guys, we have an unusual day today, we are going to the zoo today. To our fun zoo. Let's meet hares and a bear - Monkey neighbors. There the lion stands and waits, Who will come to visit them. We go to the zoo together, We need to feed the animals. We will not offend them in any way, But we will all play together. Listening to a poem

2 Surprise moment (knock on the door) -Guys our group received a letter that says that the animals in the zoo fled and we need help to put things in order! Will we help you? - yes letter Substantive (10 min.) Choosing a means of transportation by children Preparing for travel Physical education minute "Repairing the gate to the zoo" Meeting with animals Comparison of animals and quantitative counting How do we get to the zoo? Guys there in the distance I can see the railway, let's take the train! Guys, look, the locomotive has broken down and will not be able to take us, let's repair it! What parts do you think you need to put in order for it to go, round or square? why? And if you put on the squares, will he go or not? Why? Listening to an excerpt from the song "little locomotive bug" We reach the gate: guys look, the zoo gate has fallen apart, let's build it: turn on the music Guys look, the animals scattered, from which side do you see the bunny? Etc.! We analyze the children's answers and correct them for the correct ones, above, below, on the left, on the right. Let's now count how many animals have we found? Let's compare the size of which is the larger of the two animals, and if Answers children Let's! Children call geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) Children constructing a train and a trip to the gate Children build the gate to the music and enter them Children's answers Orientation in space One, two, three, four Children's answers Toy railroad constructor modules Toys, doll chairs Toys,

3 Let's put another animal next to it, what will we call the one in the middle? Consolidation of the concept of one many Look at these animals sitting together all together, how many are there? Is the elephant bored with it? Many One Toys, Reflexive (3 min.) Reinforcement with the children of the lesson Guys, what fellows you are, you did your best today, let's put the animals in cages, what did you learn to do in the lesson? What parts were the locomotive built from? how many animals did we find? What size were they? Well, animals, it's late hour, We sat at your place. It's time for us to go home, Goodbye, bye! Children's answers Topic: "Mom's birthday." Age of children, educational area: 3-4 years, communication (speech development). Goals and objectives: Goal: To teach children to answer the questions of the educator, to compose with the help of the educator a description of a person, a person's emotions. Tasks: Educational: Teach children to choose the correct adjectives and verbs, activate the vocabulary, learn to pronounce words clearly, loudly, to consolidate the pronunciation of sounds [h] [m]. Developing: Develop curiosity, attention.

4 Educational: To foster the ability to listen to others, love for mothers and others. Expected result: Reproduce: Ability to compose, with the help of a teacher, a description of a person, a person's emotions. They understand that they need to answer the teacher's questions with a full sentence. Applicable: Ability to correctly select adjectives and verbs. Materials and equipment: Musical physical training "My mother", a picture of a magic chest, a game with pictograms (cards), a game with illustrations (animals). Preliminary work: looking at photos from a family album, reading poems about mom. Stages of activity Forms, methods and techniques of work Educator's actions Children's actions Motivational-stimulating (2 min.) Circle of kindness Let's stand side by side, Say "Hello!" each other. We are not too lazy to say hello: "Hello!" and "Good afternoon!" If everyone smiles Good morning will begin. They get up, repeat after the teacher Conversation -Guys who brought you to Kindergarten? -Mom, dad, grandmother, etc. - Still, most of you brought your mothers. Calling the names of their mothers. -Guys, what are the names of your mothers? (survey of all children). - Well done! Guys, do you love your mothers? -Yes. Surprise moment - A fox came to visit us today. It's his fox mom's birthday today. And he does not know with what words to congratulate his mother. What is he like. Guys

5 let's help the fox. And we will put all our words in a magic box. -Let's. Informative (10 min.) Educator's story Guiding questions I ask children leading questions. -When mom hugs you, strokes your head, kisses you. What is she? -When does mom smile, laugh? What is she like? -Affectionate (in chorus). -Cheerful. -When mom doesn't scold when you are naughty? -Good. -If you love your mom, what is she like? -Darling. -Good fellows, here are how many wonderful words we have collected in a chest for mother Fox. In the meantime, we will close it so that our words are not confused and forgotten. -Good. The fox is in a hurry to go home, let's say goodbye to him. Say goodbye to the little fox Questions-Guys, and now we will answer the questions. -What happens when mom is funny? -Mouth smiles, funny eyes. -When is mom sad? -The eyes are sad, the mouth does not smile. -And who upsets mom when she is sad? -Children. -Yes, guys, when the children don't listen to their mother, her mood spoils, she becomes sad, offended ..

6 Physical education "What did mom teach us" D / and "Where, whose baby?" -Guys, let's show what mothers taught us. -Guys, let's say loudly to moms, for teaching us everything. "Mommy thanks." How good it is when each child has its own mother. -And what kind of mothers do animals have? Game "Where is whose cub?" Now I will name the cub, and you will have to pick up the card, which shows his mother. Ready? - Mom, who is the rabbit? -Do the foxes have mom? - Do the wolf cubs have a mom? - Do the bear cubs have a mom? -Do the squirrels have mom? - Animal moms love their kids as much as your mums do. They teach them everything, how to wash, clean their fur, run, jump, get their own food. -Well done boys. Show and repeat the verbs - Walk, jump, put your feet up, wash your face, comb your hair, eat with a spoon, stomp your feet, clap your hands. - Hare (raise cards with a hare). -Fox. -The she-wolf. -Bear. -Squirrel. Reflective correcting (3 min.) Evaluation of the lesson Artistic word -Guys, how did we learn a lot of interesting things. That our mothers are kind, and dexterous, and beautiful and fashionable.

7 -Who wants to tell about their mothers? Let's all read a poem about mom together, repeat after me. -Many mothers in this world, children love them with all their soul. Only mother is one. She is dearer to me all. Who will she answer I This is my mommy! -Well done boys! If desired, recite Read a poem with the teacher. Topic title: "Journey to the Forest". Age of children, educational area: 3-4 years, communication (speech development). Purpose and objectives: Purpose: Formation of the grammatical structure of speech and the development of communicative qualities. Tasks: Educational: to activate spatial prepositions in speech (before, on, for, under) with the simultaneous use of case forms; teach the pronunciation of vowels and consonants; to form the ability to compose a coherent story according to graphic schemes. Developing: develop logical thinking, memory, observation. Educational: fostering a caring attitude towards animals, feelings of concern for them .. Planned results: shows a steady interest in different types activities; is able to use simple maps-schemes for making sentences and a coherent story, applies the assimilated information, methods of performing activities under the guidance of an adult. Educational resources: attributes for decoration; toys (bunny, chanterelle, wolf, squirrel, crow); schematic maps; music; projector.

8 Preliminary work: examining the album "Wild animals", memorizing the greeting "Friend" Stage of the lesson Time Forms, methods of work Teacher's activities Pupils' activities Integrative qualities Motivational-orientational, organizational (3 min.) Circle of joy The teacher invites children to stand in a circle for speech adjustment : All the children gathered in a circle, I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's join hands together And smile at each other! Children with a teacher stand in a circle, smiling at each other. They listen with interest, adequately react emotionally to the adult's attempts to interest them in a cognitive problem; react to the emotional state of adults and children. Video Recording The teacher invites the children to watch a video letter. and help the Fairies. The children listen to the video letter and agree to help. Main (10 min.) Fiction - And we will go to the forest on a fun little train. Well, here we are in the forest! Hello forest, deep forest, Full of fairy tales and miracles! What are you making noise about with the foliage? On a dark, thunderous night? What are you whispering at dawn, All covered with dew as in silver? Who is lurking in your wilderness? What kind of beast? What kind of bird? Open everything, do not hide it: you see we are ours! Author: S. Pogorelsky inviting children into the forest. Draws the attention of children to a wonderful chest. Built by a locomotive. They imitate the movement of a locomotive to the accompaniment of cheerful music. Children come up to the chest, open it, use grammatically correct speech, when

9 Reflexive-evaluative stage (2 min.) Verbal game "Hide and seek with a crow" Physical education Guidance questions Respiratory gymnastics Summing up Questions The teacher suggests continuing the journey. Draws attention to a bird perched on a tree. Game "Hide and Seek with a Crow". The teacher offers to sit down to rest in the clearing. Exercises pronunciation of sounds "a", "o", "u" and sound combinations "ma-ma", "mo-mo", "mu-mu". The teacher plays the physical training "Frost". The teacher draws the children's attention to the bag, explains the appearance of the parrot. Offers to tell him about winter. The teacher reminds of the purpose of the trip. Performs breathing exercises with children. The teacher asks to stand one after the other, depicting a small train. The educator summarizes using questions. The teacher offers to say and they find cards there. Suggestions are made using the cards. Children pay attention to the bird, name and find its location. Children listen to a fairy tale, pronounce the sounds "a", "o", "u" in isolation and the sound combinations "ma-ma", "mo-mo", "mu-mu". Children repeat the text after the teacher and perform the movements. Children find a parrot in the bag, show sympathy for him. They compose a story about winter using graphic pictures. Children find animals in the house and return them to the forest. Children are doing a breathing exercise. Children imitate the movement of a train with funny music. Children answer questions, share their impressions. making a sentence that is understandable for a peer. They reproduce samples of motor and speech actions. They are actively involved in joint games. Show interest in unfamiliar movements and actions of an adult and try to repeat them. They apply the learned information, methods of performing activities under the guidance of an adult. Names of animals and their conditions of existence in the winter. They apply the learned information, methods of performing activities under the guidance of an adult. Reproduce action patterns. They willingly answer questions, interact and communicate with adults and peers.

10 thanks to each other and hug. Children thank and hug each other. Title of the topic: "Modes of transport". Age of children, educational area: 3-4 years, cognitive development. Purpose and objectives: Purpose: to acquaint children with the concept of "transport" Objectives: Educational: to acquaint children with the concept of "transport", as well as with modes of transport (land, air and water); expand your vocabulary. Developing: development of fine motor skills of hands; improving the coordination of movements. Educational: education of goodwill. Expected results: The types of transport are distinguished and named. Educational resources: Demonstration material: a screen, two balloons, two colored envelopes with illustrations for riddles (plane, truck); audio recording "Blue Carriage"; record player; toys (car, plane, boat and train); bag with a surprise Handout: Attributes to the didactic game "Helper Machines" Preliminary work: examining illustrations; monitoring transport: conversations. Stages of the lesson and time Forms, methods and techniques of work Joint activities of the teacher and children Independent activities of the child Result Organizing time(1 min) Circle of joy All the children gathered in a circle, I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's join hands together And smile at each other! They stand in a circle and repeat after the teacher. Organization of motivation for educational activities. Motivational-orientational Conversation Questions - Guys, who came to kindergarten on what (answers from several children) Children's answers. The desire of children to learn new and interesting

11 (1 min) - So you guys came by car, and some on sledges, and someone came on foot. - Do you know what a journey is? Travel is. - Guys, do you like to travel? (asks the children if they have traveled anywhere) - So what can you travel on? - Right! We drive by car on the road, what do we do by plane? that's right, we fly through the air, we go by train railroad... But how do we move on water, on what? Children answer on a boat, ship, etc. (The teacher puts a car on the table, an airplane, a boat). Search Engineer (2 min) Conversation Riddles - Guys, what's on my desk? Children's answers (plane, car, boat, train). - And in one word you can call it transport! (The teacher asks to repeat the children in chorus and individually) - Right. This is transport. And what is transport for? Children's answers (ride, fly, swim, travel). - Right. Transport helps people get around and travel. Do you love to travel? Children's answers (yes). - Then we will go on a journey right now. And on what? - let's guess the riddle: Brothers equipped themselves for a visit, clung to each other, And rushed off - the path is far, Only left the smoke. And we will go with you to the song. (A song is played - Denis Korablev - Blue Car) After passing two circles around the tables, the music dies down, you hear the grumbling, rustling for the Answers of the children. Guess the riddle. The desire of children to learn new and interesting

12 with a screen. The train stops. The teacher focuses the attention of children on the noise. -What? What's that noise? What's the matter? (looks behind the screen) Who is this? (an unprecedented creature made of balloons is shown from behind the screen) Practical (9 min) Questions Finger game -Guys, do you know who it is? The teacher pretends to listen to Zlyurik, then turns to the children - This is an evil and harmful Zlyurik. He's always dissatisfied with something. And he doesn't want to let us travel. And he has already prepared traps for us everywhere (and traps are tasks that we must complete). What to do? (children's answers) (the teacher notices some kind of envelope on the screen. He takes it out and reads it.) An amazing bird rushes very quickly in the sky. The pilot flies up on it. What kind of bird? - That's right, the plane! (one ball bursts) -Look, Zlyurik began to burst out of anger! (the assistant removes the zlyurik behind the screen) And runs away somewhere. - Well, now no one bothers us flew on an airplane! But first you need to start the engine. Finger play: Zhu, zhu, zhu (fingers are locked, thumbs of both hands I start the motor. They make rotational movements) our plane Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo Turned, circled, And landed on the ground. (again it is distributed Answering the questions. Performing the tasks of the teacher. Making conclusions. Performing the tasks of the teacher. Guessing the riddle

13 Physical education "Airplane" Asks a riddle Didactic game"Helper machines" noise and rustling) - Well, what is it? Zlyurik honey agaric is not happy with something and disturbs us! Look at this, Guys! Zlyurik tossed an envelope to us. What's in it? Reads What kind of hero has he raised the dust along the road? Straight on the asphalt Rides with a load (The ball bursts again) - Zlyurik is angry again! What does he need this time? -Yeah, this time Zlyurik wants you, Guys, to tell you what machines are for. Didactic game "Helping machines" -Zlyurik is no longer angry and does not burst with anger. Probably, the guys he felt sad. There are so many of us that we are happy, interesting, but he alone is bored and sad. Therefore, maybe he is harmful? Let us please Zlyurik and invite him on a trip by CAR! The game "We are chauffeurs" We are driving a car Press the pedal Gas turn on and off We look intently into the distance. Wipers count drops Right-Left cleanliness. Hair ruffles the wind We are chauffeurs anywhere! - Look how happy Zlyurik was! He really liked to ride a car with you, but it's time for him to fly, because he is now kind and also wants to please the kids in other kindergartens! Let's say goodbye to our extraordinary guest. Bye! The assistant takes Zlyurik out of the group. Carry out the actions of the game Carry out the actions according to the text. Carry out the tasks of the educator. Draw conclusions. They perform game actions Orientation in space Show knowledge of the name and purpose of the transport Game "We are drivers"

14 Perform game actions Reflexive - evaluative (2 min) Evaluation of the lesson Surprise moment What were we doing today, what were we doing? (traveled by plane, train, car) -And how to call all this in one word (transport) -and what kind of transport do we have (air, water and land) There is a knock at the door. The teacher comes out and brings in a bag (on it the inscription "For the children of the group" Sunbeams"From Zlyurik"). He informs the children that this parcel was sent by Zlyurik - and there is a surprise for the children in it. To the music, the teacher pours out air balloons and the children are given a little time to play with balls. Children's answers. They are happy. They are playing. Conclusions. Encouraging children. Reflection. Prepared by: educator of the second junior group 2 Kurkina Yu.G.

Organization of direct educational children in the 2nd junior group "B" Priority educational area: cognitive on the topic "Transport"

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Synopsis of the FEMP lesson in the second junior group "Journey through the fairy-tale forest" (consolidation of the material covered). Completed by Educator MDOU 3 Andreeva T.A. Date: 09.02.2016. Software

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Organization of direct educational activities of children in the second junior group "A" on the topic: "Transport"

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 159 Abstract of a lesson in mathematics in the senior group "Journey to the mathematical kingdom" Completed by: teacher of the group "Pochemuchki"


MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type 83" "Winnie the Pooh" of the municipal formation of the city district of Simferopol, the Republic of Crimea Summary of the final GCD for children with IDD of the middle group Topic: "Spring travel"

OUTLINE OF THE LESSON ON MATHEMATICS IN THE MIDDLE GROUP "CLOWN AND FUNNY TASKS" Busygina Svetlana Borisovna Topic: "Consolidation of the passed material" Tasks: Educational: - to form an idea of ​​the properties

Budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Omsk "Kindergarten 289" Synopsis open class according to traffic rules. Topic: Adventures of a fox. second junior group Educator: Gryaznova L.S. "Adventures

Integrated lesson in the middle group "Journey to the forest" Job description: integrated lesson with children of middle preschool age according to lexical topic"Wild and Domestic Animals". When building

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area:"Creation".


Date ______________

Taқyryby/ Topic #:"Snow falls".

Maқsaty/Target: to teach children to convey a picture of winter in a drawing, to teach children to poke with a hard, semi-dry brush. Develop an aesthetic perception of the winter landscape. Involve children in examining the drawings, giving them a figurative characterization. Learn to hold the brush correctly, dip it in paint, remove excess on the edges of the can. Rinse the brush in water.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ:

- OT:

- RZ:

The snow is fluffy.

Brush, water, White paint, landscape sheets on which a house, a Christmas tree, a tree are drawn on a blue background. Paintings depicting a winter landscape.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: kөp ar - a lot of snow, aқ ar - white snow.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

Organization of the game "Salem!"

“Let's go altyn kun!

Let's get kok aspan!

Let the zerana be ready!

Let's go balalar! "

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

Guys, now we will see an exhibition of paintings famous artists about winter.

How many knows who artists are, what they do?

Suggests to consider the pictures.

Tell me, what time of year did the artist depict in the picture?

Why do you think so?

The teacher suggests repeating in Kazakh - kөp қar, aқ ar.

What can you say about snow?

The teacher invites children to listen to an excerpt from a poem by I. Surikov.

Tell me, where is the snow falling?

Physical minute "We walk through the snowdrifts"

Do you want to become artists and paint a beautiful picture about winter?

The teacher puts in front of each child an album sheet on which a house, a Christmas tree, a tree are drawn.

Asks children to draw how the snow painted everything white.

See what is shown here?

And what is not here if this is a winter picture.

We will paint fluffy snow.

To do this, you need to type quite a bit of white gouache on a dry brush and hold the brush vertically, do pokes on top, placing snow on the house, trees, ground.

The teacher vertically shows the technique of drawing with a poke. The teacher offers to get to work.

Individual help from a teacher to children.

Children look at reproductions of paintings depicting the winter season.

Draw pictures.

Children look at pictures.

Winter, қys.

A lot of snow, trees without leaves, etc.

Fluffy, white, cold, soft.

On trees, houses, streets, roads, rivers.

Children coordinate their movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

Children's answers.

House, tree, bushes.

Independent work of children.

Reflective - ear correction


What kind of snowball did you make?

Where does the snow lie?

Children are looking at work.

Children's answers.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: words in Kazakh, signs of winter.

idea of ​​winter, snow.

: hold the brush correctly, dip it in paint, rinse the brush in water, dry it; convey a picture of winter in the drawing, make pokes with a hard, semi-dry brush; consider drawings, giving them a figurative characterization.

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map organized learning activities children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area:"Creation".


Date ______________

Taқyryby/ Topic #:"Decoration for the Christmas tree".

Maқsaty/Target: evoke in children joyful memories associated with the New Year's holiday. Teach children to depict rounded and familiar shapes Christmas decorations means of expressiveness available to them

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: teach how to draw Christmas tree branches and toys, placing symmetrically inclined lines.

- RZ: develop observation, attention, accuracy of movements.

- OT: cultivate perseverance and accuracy.

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: Christmas tree "fluffy"

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: brush, water, sheets of paper are divided into squares by fold lines.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: tree - shyrsha



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

Organization of the game "Salem!"

Children, together with the teacher, repeat the words in the Kazakh language.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

I liked your toys very much New Year's celebration... And they decided to arrange a Christmas tree holiday in the play corner. They got a Christmas tree, but they don't know how to decorate.

The teacher demonstrates to children an artificial Christmas tree - a baby.

You need money to buy jewelry, but toys don't have it. You can make beautiful decorations on paper, but they don't know how. And then I advised them to turn to you guys for help.

They really want to decorate their Christmas tree elegantly. And for this you need a lot of Christmas tree decorations. They prepared boxes for us and asked to put a Christmas tree decoration in each cell (showing the children a sheet of paper).

It can be multi-colored balls (the teacher depicts a ball in the cell), round and beautiful, or any other Christmas tree decorations that you have seen and are able to draw.

Having received the consent of the children to help the toys, the teacher distributes sheets of paper to the children and pairs the children:

    What kind of Christmas tree decorations he will draw.

    Suggests to get to work.

Individual help for children.

Children listen to the teacher.

Children's answers.

Independent work of children.

Reflective - ear correction


The teacher offers to consider the work, analyze each drawing.

Toys thank the children and ask them to decorate with Christmas decorations christmas tree.

The teacher thanks each child for a good job.

Children are looking at work.

The children agree to decorate the tree with toys.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: words in Kazakh; techniques for working with paints.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: the skill of making an image of a rounded shape, a desire to help toys.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: hold the brush correctly, dip it in paint, rinse the brush in water, dry it; do the work yourself; depict rounded shapes and familiar Christmas tree decorations with the means of expressiveness available to them.

Full name of the teacher ____________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area:"Creation".


Date ______________

Taқyryby/ Topic #:"Bunny with long ears».

Maқsaty/Target: teach to draw a bunny; develop accuracy, fine motor skills fingers; to bring up in children a feeling of love for animals.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: to introduce children to the accurate coloring of the picture

- RH: develop fine motor skills of the fingers

- OT: foster a sense of love for animals.

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: hare, bunny.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: demo material, pencils, sketchbook

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: oyan-hare, oyanқai-bunny.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

Organization of the game "Salem!"

"Salem altyn kun! (Hello, golden sun)

Sәlem kөk aspan! (Hello, blue sky)

Sәlem zher ana! (Hello, mother earth)

Salem balalar! "(Hello, children)

Ask a riddle:

A lump of fluff, a long ear,

He jumps dexterously, loves carrots. (Hare).

Children, together with the teacher, repeat the words in the Kazakh language.

Solve the riddle.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

Shows images of a hare. Explains where he lives, why his ears are long, how he jumps.

Vocabulary work:

Conducts vocabulary work.

Physical minute:

The teacher offers to spend a physical minute.

The gray bunny is sitting

And wiggles his ears.

Like this, like that

He wiggles his ears!

Bunny is cold to sit

We need to warm the paws.

Like this, like that

We need to warm up the paws!

Bunny is cold to stand

The bunny must jump.

Like this, like that

The bunny must jump.

The wolf scared the bunny -

Bunny immediately ran away.

Drawing method:

Asks children to draw a gray hare with long ears. Explains that the bunny's body is made up of round and oval parts. In order for it to become beautiful, it must be painted gray from left to right.

Children tell that the hare loves carrots, is very cowardly and lives in the forest.

The words are repeated: hare, hare, long ears.

Children under the poem perform simple moves: raise their palms above their head and wave, depicting ears, rub their forearms, jump in place, sit on chairs at their tables.

Connecting the points with each other with a pencil, draw a hare. The finished drawing is painted with a colored pencil.

Reflective - ear correction


The teacher praises the children: they painted a bunny beautifully.

Children talk about what they know about the bunny and how they drew it.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: about the hare.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: understanding of the body parts of a hare, what it eats.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: draw a hare with long ears.

Full name of the teacher ________________________________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area:"Creation".


Date ______________

Taқyryby/ Topic #:"Snowballs".

Maқsaty/Target: give children the concept of a lump of snow, teach how to draw snowballs with toothpaste and a cotton swab, develop a sense of the ratio of colors (white and blue to each other, foster a love of nature

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: teach how to draw snowballs using toothpaste and a cotton swab

- RZ: develop a sense of color ratio

- OT: cultivate perseverance, accuracy and love for nature

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: snowballs, snowballs

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: demonstration material, toothpaste, napkins, sketchbook, paper snowballs.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: қardyk kesegi-snowballs, lumps of snow.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

The teacher asks the children to stand in a circle. Surprised, he asks what the basket is in the middle. What's in it? Children will know if they guess the riddle: “It happens only in winter, when you hold it, your hands get cold. What is this? ”(Snowball). Asks the children to look into the basket. Did they guess correctly? The teacher scatters the paper lumps and offers to play snowballs. After the game, he asks for help to collect everything in the basket. Thanks children for their help. The teacher asks what time of the year you can play snowballs. What color is the snow?

Conducts vocabulary work.

Children stand in a circle, guess the puzzle, go to the basket, see what is inside. It's snowballs.

Children throw paper snowballs. Collect them in a basket.

You can only play snowballs in winter. Snow white.

Repeat in a whisper "snowball, snowball."

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

Today we are going to draw snowballs.

Finger gymnastics:

Exercise "Snowball".

Drawing method:

The teacher introduces the technique of drawing snowballs with toothpaste. Reminds you how to paint correctly with cotton swabs and toothpaste.

Conducts individual work. Observes the actions of children, helps.

Children imagine snow and make a snowball out of it.

Children paint lumps of snow with toothpaste using cotton swabs.

Reflective - ear correction


Offers relaxation and breathing exercises. It is cold in winter, while we were doing snowballs, our fingers froze. Let's blow on them and warm them up. Hangs out the drawings drawn by children, praises them, asks how they did it.

They blow on their fingers and rub their palms together.

Children talk about their work, then help the teacher to put everything in place.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: about precipitation in winter, about snow and snowfall.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: idea of ​​winter fun.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: use the technique of drawing with the index finger.

Full name of the teacher ________________________________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area:"Creation".


Date ______________

Taқyryby/ Topic #:"Snowman".

Maқsaty/Target: give an idea to children about winter games; teach how to draw a snowman; develop aesthetic taste; cultivate interest in winter fun.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: teach how to draw a snowman

- RZ: develop aesthetic taste

- OT: cultivate interest in winter fun

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: snowman.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: demonstration material, sketchbook, paints, pencils

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: aққala-snowman.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

The teacher asks the children what time of year it is now in the yard, stops on the characteristic weather conditions. Every child is interested in what kind of game he likes to play in winter, about his favorite activities. Ask a riddle:

We made a snowball

They made a hat on it,

The nose was attached - and in a moment

It turned out ... (snowman).

Children say the season is winter. It's cold, snow is falling. In winter, they love sledding and playing snowballs.

Solve the riddle.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

The teacher asks to find the hidden toy snowman.

Conducts a conversation: what the snowman is made of, what color it is, what figures the snowman is made of.

Vocabulary work:

Drawing method:

The teacher explains to the children how he draws a snowman. First, you need to circle the little lines with a pencil, draw a contour, then use a brush to paint the snowman without going over the edges.

Physical minute:


Well, my friend, rather my friend,

Katie your lump from the snow!

It will turn into a thick lump

And he will become a snowman!

His smile is so pure:

Two eyes, hat, nose, broom.

But the sun will bake slightly

Alas, there is no snowman.

While drawing, it reminds children how to properly outline a contour, draw with paints. Asks not to forget about accuracy.

Conducts individual work with children, observes their actions, helps.

Children find a snowman in a group. They say that they make it from snow, from snow balls, large and small. The snowman is white, he has a carrot instead of a nose, and a bucket on his head.

The word "snowman" is repeated.


With a pencil, draw a contour along the lines. The tip of the brush is used to paint over the snowman, without going over the edges.

After using each paint, wash the brush and wipe it with a cloth.

Reflective - ear correction


The teacher comments on each work, praises the children. She wondered what color they used, what the snowman's balls remind them, what additional details they painted.

Children talk about their work and winter fun, evaluate how their snowman turned out.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: about weather changes in winter.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: idea of ​​making a snowman.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: connect intermittent lines with a pencil, paint over the details of the drawing.

Full name of the teacher ________________________________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area:"Creation".


Date ______________

Taқyryby/ Topic #:"Scarf for a doll"

Maқsaty/Target: to form in children the concept of a scarf, to teach how to draw stripes, paint them; develop fine motor skills; educate accuracy.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: to form in children the concept of a scarf and its purpose

- RH: develop fine motor skills of the hands

- OT: educate neatness

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: scarf, scarf.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: demonstration material, sketchbook, dolls, dolls' things, colored pencils.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: moyyn orauysh-scarf.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

The teacher invites the children to join the cheerful circle. He asks to smile at those standing next to him.

From a small beautiful chest he takes out the things of Aisana's doll, asks to name them. Asks which of them are needed in winter, and which can be removed before warm days.

They form a circle, hold hands, smile.

They say what time of year the doll puts on the things that are in the chest. They choose those that are necessary in winter: a scarf, a hat.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

Shows different baby scarves. Asks what color they are, what they are decorated with. Offers to touch.

Other toys do not have scarves, the teacher suggests drawing beautiful scarves for them.

Vocabulary work:

Conducts vocabulary work.

Physical minute:

The wind blows in our face

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter

The trees are getting higher and higher.

Drawing method:

Shows children how to trace the stripes on a scarf. Asks what color these stripes are. Explains how to gently trace the brush to avoid crossing over to a different color line. Asks to put your finger on the top line and run your finger along it, then along the following lines. You can suggest doing it with different fingers.

Conducts individual work with children, observes their actions, helps.

Children examine scarves, name their color, pattern. They are said to be soft.

Work with the word "scarf".

Children listen to the teacher, name the colors, draw along the lines of the drawing with their fingers.

Outline the stripes from left to right with colored pencils. They paint them with paints, choosing the necessary color.

Reflective - ear correction


The teacher says that the toys really liked their scarves. Asks who used what colors, praises everyone. He is interested in what toy each child will give his scarf.

Children show their drawings, name the colors used and their favorite toy, for which they drew a scarf. Clean up the workplace.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: the purpose of things.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe scarf.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: evenly paint stripes with different colors, without going beyond the line.

Full name of the teacher ________________________________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area:"Creation".


Date ______________

Taқyryby/ Topic #:"Beanbag".

Maқsaty/Target: to form the concept of toys for the little ones; teach to draw a rattle; develop fine motor skills; creative taste; develop the ability to play with kids.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: teach to draw a rattle

- OT: develop the ability to play with kids

- RZ: develop fine motor skills of hands

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: beanbag.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: demonstration material, sketchbook, rattles, colored pencils.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: syldyrmaқ-rattle.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

The teacher finds a beautiful box on his desk. He asks the children if they will borrow it, who brought it. Suggests to see what's inside. Reads to children N. Radchenko's poem "Rattle":

Rattle, rattle,

My first toy

I'll take the rattle

I will make a noise and rattle.,

And it is clear to all relatives

That I have become quite big!

Asks what the lines of poetry are about. He takes out rattles and distributes them to the children. Asks to make some noise, to rattle them.

Children listen to the creation of the present, answer questions.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

Asks what size and color the rattle is. What sounds do they make?

The rattle is a toy for the youngest children.

Vocabulary work:

Conducts vocabulary work. Suggests to draw the baby's favorite rattle.

Drawing method:

Shows a finished drawing of a rattle in front of the children. It is necessary to circle it along the contour and paint it with colored pencils. Asks to draw circles in the air, and then in a workbook.

While drawing, reminds children how to draw correctly with pencils. Asks not to forget about accuracy.

Conducts individual work with children, observes their actions, helps.

They answer questions in detail and tell how they will play with the kids.

Under the guidance of a teacher, they work with the words "toy", "rattle".

Children listen and follow the teacher.

Draw in the air with a pencil. On the finished silhouette, rattles are drawn around the edges and in the center of circles, painted with colored pencils.

Reflective - ear correction


The teacher studies the children's drawings, asks what colors they used, reads poems by S. Loseva:

What a nice toy

These miracle rattles

Remarkable to look at

Sounds attractive.

Rattles should make noise - offers to take them in hand and rattle. The teacher praises the children.

Children talk about their drawings, what shape the rattle is, what color it is now.

They rustle with rattles.

Clean up their workplace.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: baby rattle toy.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: idea of ​​how to draw toys.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: draw circles with a pencil.

Full name of the teacher ________________________________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy


map of organized learning activities for children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area:"Creation".


Date ___03/02/2017 ____

Taқyryby/ Topic #:"Beads for Mom" ​​".

Maқsaty/Target: teach children to draw the same circles along the line; develop aesthetic taste; cultivate love for mom.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: : teach children to draw identical circles along the line

- OT: cultivate love for mom.

- RZ: develop aesthetic taste

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: beads.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: demonstration material, beads, sketchbook, paints.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: monshaқ-beads.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

The teacher invites the children to the circle, says that the doll Aisulu has come to visit them. She put on a new dress, brushed her hair beautifully. I wonder why she dressed like that? Aisulu made a present for her mother and draw beads.

Greet the doll Aisulu. They say they love the gift the doll has prepared for her mom. They express their willingness to draw beautiful beads as a gift for mom.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

Tells about beads: what they come from, what color and shape. Conducts vocabulary work.

Drawing method:

The teacher shows how to draw circles on the line: first, a contour, and then you need to paint inside. Each bead should not dangle in the air, but should be on a string.

Finger gymnastics:

The teacher distributes small strings of beads and asks to feel each bead with your fingers.

He suggests drawing bead circles, first in the air, and then on the sheet of the album.

While drawing, it reminds children how to paint correctly. Asks not to forget about accuracy.

Conducts individual work with children, observes their actions, helps.

Children speak out about the color and shape of the beads they want to give to their mother. Repeat the word "beads".

Children are fingering the strings of beads.

Draw beads with a brush in the air. Then they start drawing on the sheet. On the finished line, draw the outline of the bead, and then carefully paint over it and proceed to the next one. At the end, rinse and wipe the brush with a napkin.

Reflective - ear correction


Offers to show his work. Did the doll like the beads that the children painted for their mothers? Aisulu says she liked it very much. Praises everyone, offers to collect drawings and give them to mothers for the holiday.

Children tell what they did, what color of paints they used. They say goodbye to the Aisulu doll and clean up their workplaces.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: what are beads.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: idea of ​​the way to draw circles.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: draw the same circles on the finished line.

Full name of the teacher _____Gorbatova L.I. ____________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Birinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhyesinin technologies kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

1st junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area:"Creation".


Date ___May 11, 2017 ____

Taқyryby/ Topic #:"Flowers in the meadow".

Maқsaty/Target: teach children to draw short lines and circles with a brush; develop an interest in drawing with paints; educate accuracy.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: teach children to draw short lines and circles with a brush;

- OT: educate accuracy.

- RZ: develop an interest in drawing with paints

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: sun, grass.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: demonstration material, an album for drawing gouache, a jar of water.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: kүn-sun, shөp-grass.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

The teacher invites the children to the window. What's going on outside the window? Right. The sun is shining. Warm outside. The grass has grown. Leaves appeared on the trees. Everything around has turned green. Yesterday, during a walk, the children touched the grass with their hand. It is soft and delicate, somewhere long, somewhere short, different in color - dark green and light green.

Children come to the window, watch. They say that spring has come, the sun is shining brightly, green grass has grown.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

He suggests drawing the same grass as outside the window.

Physical minute:

You need to rest before you work.

In the sun, in the sun

Meadow path

We walk along the soft grass

We sometimes in summer.

Voiced birds chirp

Moths flutter

Dandelions turn yellow

Cornflowers turn blue.

Conducts vocabulary work.

Drawing method:

The teacher explains: you need to soak the tip in green paint and make a smear, moving your hand from bottom to top. From below, the brush should be slightly pressed down, and above, draw only with the tip of the brush. While drawing, it reminds children how to paint correctly. Asks not to forget about accuracy. Then he asks to draw flowers in this grass, also helping and supporting the children.

Conducts individual work with children, observes their actions, helps.

Children repeat the movements behind the teacher.

Walking in place.

Walking, raising my hips high.

Walking, hands up.

Walking with hand swings to the sides.

Inhalation of the scent of flowers.

The words "sun", "shines", "flowers", "grass".

Children in the air repeat the movements with a brush after the teacher.

Children paint the grass with the tip of the brush from bottom to top.

They try to draw flowers with dots.

Reflective - ear correction


The teacher observes the work of each child, analyzes the drawings, praises them, says that she really liked them, and suggests making an exhibition for the parents in the evening.

Look at each other's drawings. They say who they liked the most. Help to make an exhibition.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: about the season - spring.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: picture of natural phenomena in the spring.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: draw grass with dashed lines, as well as flowers with dots.

Full name of the teacher _____Gorbatova L.I. ____________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area:"Creation".


Date ___03/30/2017 ____

Taқyryby/ Topic #:"Favorite toys".

Maқsaty/Target: expand children's concept of toys; replenish vocabulary, teach how to draw your favorite toys; develop drawing skills; to cultivate a respect for toys.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: teach to draw favorite toys

- OT: to cultivate a respect for toys.

- RZ: develop drawing skills

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: toys, dolls, cars, etc.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: demonstration material, sketchbook, toys, pencils.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: oiynshyқ-toy, қuyrshaқ-doll.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

The teacher reads the poem "My toys" by Z. Petrova:

We have good toys:

Dolls, bears and crackers;

They are fun to play with.

Let the toys be friends with us

We will not offend them,

Let's play and then

We will clean everything in place.

Asks what the poem is about. Asks to show and name your favorite toy.

The children brought their favorite toys with them. Show and name them.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

The teacher puts the children in the play corner and reads the poem "Toys" by E. Uteteleuov. He takes each child's favorite toy and describes it.

Vocabulary work:

Conducts vocabulary work with the names of toys.

Asks children to draw their favorite toy. Gives recommendations, answers questions about drawing the selected toy. How to make the body, head, legs, etc.

While drawing, reminds children how to draw correctly with pencils. Asks not to forget about accuracy.

Conducts individual work with children, observes their actions, helps.

Listen to a poem and answer questions. They talk about their toys.

Repeat the names of new toys.

Children say what kind of toy they will draw, what parts it consists of, determine what color they will paint.

Draw on their own favorite toy with pencils or paints of their choice.

Reflective - ear correction


Analyzes finished drawings. Asks who they painted. Praises children.

Children tell what they have drawn, express their feelings. Put the toys back in place.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: names of children's toys.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: an idea of ​​the parts that make up toys.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: draw your favorite toys.

Full name of the teacher _____Gorbatova L.I. ____________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area:"Creation".


Date __9.03.2017 _____

Taқyryby/ Topic #:"Decorating the saucer."

Maқsaty/Target: teach children to draw drawings of a round shape, apply color evenly, develop aesthetic taste, and educate accuracy.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: teach children to draw round-shaped drawings, apply color evenly,

- OT: educate accuracy.

- RZ: develop aesthetic taste,

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: plate, ornament "tumarchiki"

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: demonstration material, gouache, cotton swabs, printing, sketchbook.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: plate-plate, "tamarsha" - "tumarci".



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

The teacher tells the children that the artist Kistochka has come to them. She brought the children drawings with Kazakh patterns and plates to decorate. Asks children to remember what Kazakh ornaments they know.

Children get to know the artist Kistochka. They talk about the ornaments shown in the pictures.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

The teacher shows the plate, asks what it is for. Indicates the ornament: what it looks like, what is it called, where it is located.

Vocabulary work:

Conducts vocabulary work.

Drawing method:

The teacher invites children to decorate a plate with an ornament. Explains how to draw it. In the center cotton swab draw a "tumarchik", and then, using the ready-made seal, apply a triangular ornament from left to right along the edge of the plate.

Physical minute:

At the choice of the educator.

Conducts individual work with children, observes their actions, helps.

They talk about the use of a plate in everyday life. Answers questions.

They work with the word "plate".

The center of the plate is decorated with a cotton swab. The edges are decorated with a finished print or with a brush.

Reflective - ear correction


The brush says the kids have done a great job. The result is beautiful plates. Praises everyone. He says goodbye and leaves.

Children tell how they decorated the plates, what colors they used. They say goodbye to the Brush.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: different types of ornament.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe methods of decorating a plate.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: draw with print, cotton swab, brush.

Full name of the teacher ________________________________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area:"Creation".


Date ______________

Taқyryby/ Topic #:"Spiny hedgehog".

Maқsaty/Target: expand knowledge about prickly hedgehog, teach how to draw straight lines, hedgehog needles; develop fine motor skills; educate accuracy and diligence.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: teach how to draw straight lines-needles of a hedgehog; develop fine motor skills;

- OT: educate accuracy and diligence.

- RZ: expand knowledge about prickly hedgehog

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: prickly hedgehog, hedgehog.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: demonstration material, sketchbook, colored pencils.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: kirpi-hedgehog.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

The teacher tells about an unusual guest who came to our kindergarten.

Ask a riddle:

Who rustles in the grass

And he snorts so funny?

All in pins and needles, you can't take it,

Who are these children? (Hedgehog)

Today in the lesson we will learn how to draw needles from a hedgehog.

Children guess the riddle.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

Shows children illustrations of a hedgehog. Tells about his lifestyle, where he lives, what he eats.

Vocabulary work:

Working with the words "hedgehog", "hedgehog", "prickly", "needles".

Physical minute:

The teacher imitates the "hedgehog": ideas with mincing steps, turning left and right and snorting "fu-fu-fu".

Drawing method:

The teacher shows how to draw with a pencil needles - short sticks from top to bottom. Suggests to draw them in the air and then on a worksheet. During work, it reminds you how to draw correctly with a pencil. Conducts individual work. Observe the actions of children, helps.

They look at the hedgehogs in the pictures, they say that hedgehogs need needles for protection.

They are actively involved in the work.

Repeat the movements behind the teacher.

Children lead a pencil in the air, repeating after the teachers. Then, in the workbook, they draw needles for a hedgehog - short straight sticks.

Reflective - ear correction


Looks through the drawings of children, comments on each work, asks the child how he drew, what the hedgehog's needles look like.

They answer the teacher's questions. Consider the work of other children. Clean up the workplace.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: about the hedgehog and his way of life.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: picture of appearance hedgehog.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: draw short and long needles.

Full name of the teacher ________________________________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area:"Creation".


Date ___April 13, 2017 __

Taқyryby/ Topic #: Dandelion in the Grass.

Maқsaty/Target: to expand children's knowledge about spring nature; teach to draw a dandelion; develop aesthetic taste; to cultivate love for nature, to protect it.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: expand children's knowledge of spring nature

- OT: to cultivate love for nature, to protect it.

- RZ: develop aesthetic taste

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: dandelion.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: demonstration material, sketchbook, gouache.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: baқbaқ-dandelion.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

The teacher reminds the children how they collected dandelion flowers while walking. Asks what color it is, what color the leaves are. Shows pictures of dandelion. Reads the poem "Dandelion" by E. Serova:

Carries a dandelion

Yellow sarafan.

Grow up, dress up

In a little white dress:

Light, airy,

Obedient to the breeze.

After the yellow sarafan, what dress will the dandelion wear? What will happen to him?

Respiratory gymnastics "Dandelion":

Imagine that you have dandelions in your hands, we repeat the words and do the exercises:

We'll blow high

We're blowing low

We'll blow far away

We'll blow close.

Conducts vocabulary work.

Children tell that dandelions are yellow, round, and their leaves are green.

Listen to the poem.

Children answer that they will wear a dandelion White dress... If you blow on it, it will fly apart.

Raise their hands up and blow on them. They squat down and blow on the "flower" in their hands.

Bend forward, stretch out their arms, blow on them. Stand straight. They bring their hands to the face and blow on them.

Repeat the word "dandelion".

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

The teacher says that today in class, the children will learn how to draw a dandelion. Suggests to look at the worksheet. What do they see, what time of year, what is missing? There are no dandelions, yellow dresses are lost.

Drawing method:

The teacher explains how to make dots with the tip of a brush, dipping yellow paint into it, to make a dandelion. You can try it with your finger. The teacher asks the children to draw dandelions. Shows how to properly hold the brush in your hand.

Conducts individual work with children, observes their actions, helps.

Children see on the leaf: dragonflies are flying, a snail is crawling, the sun is shining, the grass is growing. It is spring. Only dandelion is missing, one stem with leaves.

Children draw a dandelion by dipping the tip of a brush in yellow paint and making dots.

After work, wash the brush, wipe it off and put it back.

Reflective - ear correction


The teacher praises the children. He proposes to make a "blooming meadow" on the board - an exhibition of drawings.

Children share their impressions, help the teacher make an exhibition. Clean up the workplace.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: features of nature in spring.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: picture of a dandelion flower.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: paint with the tip of the brush.

Full name of the teacher ________Gorbatova L.I. ____________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area:"Creation".


Date ___27.04.2017 ___

Taқyryby/ Topic #:"The donkey is carrying the cart."

Maқsaty/Target: to form knowledge about the cart that moves along the road; explain how to draw with a pencil, connecting broken lines; develop fine motor skills; to educate an aesthetic taste.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: to consolidate the ability to hold a brush, to carry out strokes with them.

- OT: cultivate perseverance and attention when working with paints.

- RZ: develop fine motor skills of the hand, interest in work.

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: cart, cart.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: demonstration material, pencils, paper, brush.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: cart-cart.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

The teacher invites children to mound. Asks to smile at each other. Introduces the guest donkey Eeyore. He's sad, let's ask why. Eeyore says he doesn't have a cart. Asks the children to draw it.

Children stand in the mound, smile warmly at each other.

They ask Eeyore why he is sad.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

The teacher conducts a conversation: what is the cart for, what parts does it consist of? What color is its body and wheels? What is the shape of the wheel?

Vocabulary work:

Conducts vocabulary work.

Drawing method:

Shows how to draw a cart. First, draw with a pencil along the lines, and then paint with a brush and paints. The brush should be drawn from left to right, do not press on it, paint over carefully, without leaving the outline.

The teacher pays attention to the color of the body and wheels.

Physical minute:

The teacher puts the children in a line one after another. He himself gets up in front and leads the children with a snake. Who came off-leaves the game. The teacher asks to trace the outline of the cart with a pencil and paint it. While drawing, it reminds children how to draw correctly with paints and pencils. Asks not to forget about accuracy.

Conducts individual work with children, observes their actions, helps.

Children answer questions.

The word "cart" is repeated.

Children get acquainted with the drawing of the cart. Listen to the educator. They paint in the air with a brush.

Have fun participating in the game.

Connecting dashes, outline the wheels, the body. Paint the body, and then the wheels.

Reflective - ear correction


The teacher studies the children's drawings, comments on the work of each, praises. He offers to send them to Eeyore's donkey.

Children evaluate their drawings. Clean up the workplace.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: what is the cart for; the order of painting the parts of the cart.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: representation of what the cart consists of.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: draw with a pencil, connecting broken lines, paint with paints.

Full name of the teacher ________Gorbatova L.I. ________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area:"Creation".


Date __May 11, 2017 ____

Taқyryby/ Topic #: Chickens on the Grass.

Maқsaty/Target: to form the concept of the offspring of poultry (chickens, ducklings, goslings); improve vocabulary; develop aesthetic taste.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: to form the concept of the offspring of poultry (chickens, ducklings, goslings)

- OT: improve vocabulary

- RZ: develop aesthetic taste.

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: chickens, grass, grass.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: demo material, paints, sketchbook.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: balapan - chicken, shөp-grass, grass.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

The teacher puts on a chicken hat mask and sings, inviting the children to the circle:

Chick chick my chickens

Chip-chick-chick, my killer whales

Cheerful friends

My yellow lumps. (2 times)

Here in the grass is thick and free

Real expanse

You can take a walk to your heart's content,

You will all be happy.

Chick chick my chickens

Chip-chick-chick, my killer whales

Cheerful friends

My yellow lumps. (2 times)

The teacher asks who this song is about.

Children sing a song with the teacher.

Children: a song about chickens.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

The teacher conducts a conversation with the children about chickens: whose children are these, what color they are, what size they are, what they look like, what they eat. In the lesson, they will draw chickens on the grass.

Vocabulary work:

The teacher asks to repeat after him: chick, chick, chicks.

Drawing method:

The teacher explains where to start work. Draws a line along the lines with a pencil. He takes a yellow paint and with the end of the brush, first outlines the outline of the drawing, and then paints in the middle. Draws beak and eyes with pencils.

Asks the children: what is missing here? Herbs. Asks to remember how to draw it. Brush from top to bottom. So we got a drawing of chickens on the grass.

Finger gymnastics"Chickens":

Offers to feed the chickens, pour crumbs on them. But the chickens peck them.

Asks the children to trace the outline of the chicken with a pencil, color and draw the grass.

While drawing, reminds children how to draw correctly with pencils.

Conducts individual work with children, observes their actions, helps.

These are chicken kids, they are small, round, like balls, they are yellow, they eat grains, bread crumbs and worms.

Children repeat in chorus: chick, chick, chickens.

Children watch and listen to the educator's explanations.

Children, imitating the movements of their fingers, pour crumbs with the words "chick-chick-chick." Index fingers knock on the table, peck. Children trace the dotted lines, carefully paint the outline, and paint over the middle. Pencils draw a beak, eyes. Wash the brush. Draw the grass. Clean up the workplace.

Reflective - ear correction


Celebrates those who completed the task very carefully, encourages them.

Children talk about their drawings, rejoice for those they have noted.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: birds and their babies.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: idea of ​​chickens.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: outline the contour with a pencil, paints, paint with paints.

Full name of the teacher ____Gorbatova L.I. _________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area: Cognition.


Date ______________

Taқyryby/ Topic #: Square. Long short. Left-right.

Maқsaty/Target: the formation of the concept of a square, the ability to recognize and name geometric shapes.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: continue to teach to compare two objects of contrasting length (short-long); continue to navigate on a sheet of paper (left-right); to acquaint with a geometric figure - a square

- OT: foster interest in drawing a new geometric shape

- RZ: develop the ability to examine the square in a tactile-motor way; circle a square point by point, understand that a square can be of different sizes (large-small), navigate on a sheet of paper


Square (large-small) one at a time, a workbook, red and blue pencils for each child.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: tөrtbұrysh-square.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

Surprising moment.

(a bear in a box with a geometric figure - a square).

Includes recording with Bear roar. Interested children and asks:

Who is this roaring? He seems to be roaring somewhere in our group, let's look for him.

Oh, and the Bear brought us something and takes out a geometric shape-square from the box.

Bear suggests remembering:

What geometric shapes do you already know?

Do you want to get acquainted with a new geometric figure?

Look, I brought you a square. Open your notebooks, find the same shape.

Show interest.

They listen to the record with a roar, they call the Bear.

Together with the teachers, they find a box that is moving, open it and take out a bear toy.

They open notebooks.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

The game "Circle the square"

Working with a workbook

(task 1, fig. 1)

Suggests to consider a new geometric square shape.

Vocabulary work: square.

Bilingual component: square - tөrtbұrysh

Gives the task to slide your finger along the arrows, as shown in the figure. With a red pencil, draw a large square along the points, and a small square with blue.

Which square have you circled in red?

Which square have you outlined with a blue pencil?

What is the name of the geometric shape you outlined?

Guess the first game

(task 2, fig. 2)

Draws the attention of children to the drawing and says that these are two sisters, they are very similar, and only the most attentive children will be able to name and find differences between sisters.

What is the difference?

Physical education "Misha"

Like a clubfoot Misha,

Let's go all the quiet

Then let's go on our heels.

And then on toes.

Then we will go faster

And let's quickly move on to running.

Game "Prompt track"

(task 3, fig. 3)

Ask a riddle:

He sleeps in a den in winter, under a huge pine tree,

And when spring comes

Wakes up from sleep.

The bear is glad that the riddle is about him. The bear offers to find him in the picture, says that he loves honey.

Who is to the left of the bear?

What's to the right of the bear?

The bear asks the children:

Which way should he go to find honey?

And he asks the children to draw a path from the bear to the barrel of honey.


Repeat: square.

Repeat: square-tөrtbұrysh.

Perform tasks.


Examine the drawing.

One sister has short braids and the other has long braids.

Perform movements along the text of the poem.

Listen and guess the riddle.

Keg with honey.

They draw a path from the bear to the barrel of honey.

Reflective - ear correction


The bear thanks the children for helping him out of the box, helping to lead the path to the honey, and for this he gives them a geometric figure - a square. He says goodbye and leaves.

What new geometric shape did the bear give to the children?

Show joy.

Say goodbye to the bear.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: call geometric shapes-square, circle, triangle.

the concept of what is the difference between a geometric figure - a square from a triangle.

: find objects in the environment similar to geometric shapes, be able to determine the location: left-right.

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area: Cognition.


Date ______________

Taқyryby/ Topic #: In front - behind.

Maқsaty/Target:... the formation of the concept of the spatial arrangement of objects in close proximity to oneself and in the figure (in front and behind).

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: the ability to determine spatial directions (front-back)

- RZ: continue to develop the ability to draw objects of a round shape

- OT: foster a desire to listen to the teacher.

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: in front, behind.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: pictures depicting a wolf riding a car along the middle line, a bear in front of a bicycle, and a bunny walking behind a car -1, a workbook, red and blue pencils and a plate (it contains an airplane, a butterfly, a bird, a table, a tree - everything is cut from cardboard, 1 pc.) for each child.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

Game "Behind-Ahead"

Working with a workbook

(task 1, fig. 1)

Draws the attention of children to the drawing where the car is driving.

Who is driving?

Who is driving in front of the car?

Who is driving behind the car?

Vocabulary work: in front, behind.

Bilingual component: aldynda-in front, artynda-behind.

Finger gymnastics

"Bes sausaқ"

(in Kazakh).

Bass barmaқ,

Balan Ayrek,

Ortan terek,

Shyldyr shүmek,

Kishkentai bobek.

Examine the drawing.

Repeat: in front, behind.

Repeat: aldynda-in front, artynda-behind.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

Game "Draw the balls"

(task 2, fig. 2)

Ask a riddle:

Everyone is rejoicing today!

In the hands of the kids.

They dance for joy


Asks to find the balls in the picture.

What do we tie to the ball so that it doesn't fly away and get blown away?

Who is holding balloons in their hands?

What are her balls?

Does the boy have balloons on his hands?

What does the boy have in his hands?

Gives the task to draw the boy the same balls as the girl.

What balls did you draw for the boy?

Conducts individual work.


Rope from balls.

Draw balls for the boy.

Big red and small blue.

Reflective - ear correction


Game "Guess the Neighbor".

Asks the children to get up on the train, one after another.

He approaches each and asks to look and name the child who is in front and who is behind each of them.

Become a locomotive.

They give the names of those children who are in front and behind.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know:: Spatial direction names (front-back).

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: the concept of the arrangement of objects on a sheet of paper and from oneself.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: use words in actions that indicate spatial directions (front-back).

Full name of the teacher _________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area: Cognition.


Date ______________

Taқyryby/ Topic #: Comparison and Equation different groups perdmetov.

Maқsaty/Target: the formation of the concept of comparing objects in quantity.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: to form the ability to compare groups of objects in terms of quantity, using the techniques of imposition and applications, to denote the results of comparison with words, which objects are more, less, which equally.

- RZ: develop the child's visual memory and thinking

- OT: foster positive feelings.

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: equally.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: a workbook, a simple pencil, a soft toy-bear-1, a picture - a card with the image of three bears and silhouettes (kegs of honey) for each child, 3 pcs.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: birdey equally.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

Surprise moment "Bear".

Today, when I was going to kindergarten, on the way I met this bear (toy). The bear asks to help him find out if the barrels of honey are enough for his cubs.

Can we help him?

Show interest.

Listen to the teacher's story.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

How can you please the cubs? Let's treat them with a keg of honey and check if all the cubs had enough kegs?

How do you know if a barrel of honey is enough for each cub?

Did the cubs have enough kegs?

Which is more: teddy bears or barrels of honey?

What is needed to make them equal?

Distributes one more keg to everyone.

How many kegs are there?

Who is more - bears or barrels of honey?

Vocabulary work: equally.

Bilingual component: birdey equally.

Physical education "Bunny".

Leap-leap, leap-leap,

Bunny jumped on a tree stump.

The hare is cold to sit

You need to warm your paws, paws up, paws down, pull up on your toes,

We put our paws on the side,

Leap-leap on toes.

And then squat down

So that the paws do not freeze.

Game "Treat Bunnies"

Working with a workbook

(task 1, fig. 1)

Draws the attention of children to the drawing with bunnies.

What do rabbits like to eat?

Which is more: rabbits or carrots?

Will all the rabbits have enough carrots?

Let's check, draw a path from each Bunny to a carrot and treat them like that.

Logic game "Collect the beads"

(task 2, fig. 2 work with stickers)

Handouts - stickers.

Asks the children to assemble the garland using geometric stickers in the same way as shown in the garland above.

Paste on the same geometric shapes.

What geometric shapes did you use to make your garland?

Conducts individual work.

You need to attach a keg of honey to the bear.

There are more cubs.

We need another barrel of honey.

Add another barrel to the bear image.

As many as bears.

They are equally divided.

Repeat: equally.

Repeat: berdey equally.

Perform movements along the text of the poem

Carrots, cabbage, etc.

Hare as many as carrots.

Draw a track.

Perform tasks.

Glue on the bottom thread the same geometric shapes that are shown above in order from left to right.

Square, circle, triangle.

Reflective - ear correction


The bear thanks the children for their help. He says goodbye and leaves.

They are happy that they have coped with the tasks. Say goodbye to Mishka.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: application and overlay techniques.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: the skills of comparing the number of groups of objects using overlay techniques, applications, the skill of collecting objects by analogy.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: how to properly level the number of items using overlay techniques and applications.

Full name of the teacher ________________________________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area: Cognition.


Date ______________

Taқyryby/ Topic #: Square, circle, triangle.

Maқsaty/Target: forming in children an idea of ​​geometric shapes

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: continue to teach to find objects in the surrounding world that correspond to other geometric shapes, comparing them with objects of the surrounding world.

- OT:

-RZ: develop the ability to examine objects and forms of tactile-motor and visual methods

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: circle, triangle, square.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: pictures with the image: circle, square; triangle one at a time, a workbook, a pencil and a plate in which there are four squares, triangles and circles made of cardboard for each child.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

Then let's go.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

Ask a riddle:

The wheel rolled

After all, it is similar,

How visual nature

Only a round figure.

Have you guessed, dear friend?

Well of course it's ... (circle)

Asking questions:

What is round?

What is triangular?

What is square?

Working with a workbook

(task 1, fig. 1 work with stickers).

How many are there?

Offers to check the correctness of the task using the techniques of imposition.

Again he asks to put as many triangles on the bottom strip as on the top strip (3 triangles)


Where did you put them?

How many are there?

Offers to check the correctness of the task using the techniques of imposition.

Vocabulary work: mound, triangle, square.

Bilingual component: dөңgelek-circle, үshbұrysh-triangle, tөrtbұrysh-square.

Finger gymnastics

"Bes sausaқ"

(in Kazakh).

Bass barmaқ,

Balan Ayrek,

Ortan terek,

Shyldyr shүmek,

Kishkentai bobek.

Game "Do objects look like a geometrical figure?"

(task 2, fig. 2)

Asks the children to look at the drawing and name the objects that are drawn there.

Gives the task to draw a line from objects to the geometric figure that they look like.

Conducts individual work.

Listen and guess the riddle.

Answers questions.

Triangle, square.

Watermelon, apple, etc.

Roof, etc.

Cube, etc.

Take squares from the plate and lay them out from left to right on the bottom lane.

Take squares from the bottom strip and apply to the top ones.

Take mugs from the bottom strip and apply to the top ones.

On the bottom strip.

They take triangles from the bottom strip and apply them to the top ones. Geometric shapes are pasted on.

Repeat: circle, triangle, square.

Perform finger gymnastics, alternately bending the fingers, starting with the thumb.

A path is drawn from objects to a geometric figure.

Reflective - ear correction


Find and name.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know:

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: an idea of ​​overlay techniques and applications for comparing an equal number of groups of objects.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: use expressions "as much as ...", "equally"

Full name of the teacher ________________________________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area: Cognition.


Date ______________

Taқyryby/ Topic #: Wider, narrower.

Maқsaty/Target: To form skills when comparing two objects, highlight the width parameters (wider - narrower), find similarities and differences.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: Reinforce the comparison of two objects: wide - narrow;

- OT: Foster a sense of collectivism in children

- RZ: Develop mental skills;

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: wide narrow.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: bars, stripes of the same length, but different in color and size; pencils; ribbons of different colors and widths.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: Selemetsiz be - hello



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

"Give a smile"

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we will smile at each other.

Children stand in a circle.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

Suggests to frame the contents of the basket.

Working with visual material:

Let's compare the bars in thickness, find out their size - which one is wider - narrower.

Physiotka "Eyes"

Eyes see everything around

I'll circle them.

To see everything with an eye

Where is the window, and where is the movie.

I'll circle them around

I will look at the world around.

The guys are tired, they decided to have a rest, they see 2 benches. Identical benches?

Is one shop wide and the other? (narrow)

Training exercise

Compare pencils, ribbons; compare guys.

Children listen, answer the questions posed

Reflexive - corrective stage:

D / and "Find your home"



Children in a place with a teacher do exercises for the eyes

Compare objects and draw conclusions. The answer is that it is wide, narrow, of the same (equal) width.

Children find a house in the group that matches their strip.

Reflective - ear correction


Thanks children, praises. Asks questions: Guys, what did we do with you today?

Children tell about what they liked today, what they learned today, what new they learned.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: ways to compare items in width.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: an idea of ​​the methods of comparing premets by width.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: use overlay techniques and applications to compare different groups of objects in width.

Full name of the teacher ________________________________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area: Cognition.


Date __02/22/2017 ____

Taқyryby/ Topic #:"The Kingdom of Geometric Shapes"

Maқsaty/Target: Learn to recognize geometric shapes.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: Strengthen the ability of children to distinguish and name a circle, a square, abstracting them in shape and color.

- OT: Exercise in the examination of the form by the tactile-motor way.

- RZ: To consolidate the ability to work with map points-schemes.

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: geometric figures

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: Gienesh blocks, circles, squares, round and square shaped cookies.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: circle-sheңber, square - sharshy.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

Motivation of the child to the process of activity:

The circle of joy.

Creating a problem situation

Organization of a surprise moment - an invitation to the "Mathematical Country".

Show interest in what is happening.

They are happy.

Show interest

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

1. Problem solving orientation of children:

Statement of a problem situation "At the gates of a mathematical country".

"Riddle about the circle".

I have no corners
And I am like a saucer,
On the plate and on the lid
On the ring, on the wheel.
Who am I, friends?
Call me! Circle

Demonstration of the form - a circle with a smile.

"Riddle about the square".

I am not an oval and not a circle,
The triangle is not a friend.
I am a brother to the rectangle
And my name is ... square.

The display of the form is a square with a sad expression.

Statement of the problem situation: the square was large, but it fell apart into many small squares. How to help?

Organization and management of d / and "Assemble a square".

Objective: to develop the ability to compose a whole from parts using Dienesh blocks.

Providing individual assistance and support during the game.

Organization and carrying out of physical minutes "Funny figures".

Organization and implementation of d / i

"Find the same one."

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to correlate the shape of objects, the ability to examine an object in a tactile-motor way.

Organization of task number 3 "Comparison".

Asks you to compare a round and square object.

Shows the comparison method.

Organization and conduct of the sign game "We are going by car".

2. Psychological and pedagogical support of the child in the process of activity

Inclusion of children in the process of activity

Children follow the teacher in a group, consider geometric shapes (circles and squares of different sizes and colors). Find out the chest. Show interest, think, express opinions. Listen carefully to the task from the chest.

Children listen to the riddle, think, make assumptions, give a circle answer.

Children look at the circle, make assumptions about the cheerful mood of the circle.

Children listen to the riddle, think, guess the answer.

Consider the shape, guess why the square has a sad expression.

Children think, make assumptions.

Children look at cards-schemes depicting a square made of Dienes blocks. Find the appropriate blocks, assemble a square by superimposing blocks on a sample.

Children repeat the movements behind the teacher.

Children find round and square objects in the group, examine the objects, following the teacher's show.

Children compare round and square objects, name the differences.

They express their opinions, try to justify the answers, using the conjunction "because".

Repeat the words and movements of the game.

They return to kindergarten with a chest.

Asking a child for the necessary help from an adult

Listen, correct mistakes.

Reflective - ear correction


Analysis of the results of the activities of children

Letter from the chest.

Organization of dialogue communication: question - answer.

Chest Gift - Round and Square Cookies

Awareness of the child of the results of their activities

Children accept gratitude from geometric shapes.

The stages of the journey are remembered and named.

Children are happy with the result, receive a surprise, thank

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know:

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: presentation of how to collect Gienesh blocks.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: collect a large one from small figures.

Full name of the teacher ________Gorbatova L.I. ______________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area: Cognition.


Date __02/15/2017 ____

Taқyryby/ Topic #:“One-many. Count up to 3 "

Maқsaty/Target: to form the ability to count to three.

Esepti / Tasks:.

- OZ: Reinforce the concepts of quantity: one - many, sizes: large - small, lengths: wide - narrow, geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle

- OT: cultivate perseverance

- RZ: Learn to count to three.

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: Pets

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: mushrooms, jump rope, set of toys "pets", geometric shapes.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: genoirlard animals



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

Surprising moment.

Brings an invitation to the farm.

Guys, today we will go for a walk, and where I’ll tell you now. Who knows where pets live? What pets do you know? Guys, and pets, besides the house, live on the farm. And today with you we will go to visit the pets on the farm. Follow me.

React emotionally.

They are going for the nourisher.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

Oh, look, what's growing on our road? Mushrooms.

How many mushrooms? (Many).

And here? (One).

What mushrooms are in size? (Large).

What color are the mushrooms? (Red).

How long is the stream? (Narrow) so you can .... (jump over).

How many mushrooms? (One).

What is the size of the fungus? (Small)

Look at the fungus growing near the river. Let's try to jump over the river.

You can't, but why? (Because the river is wide.)

Who is this floating in the river? (Duck).

What color is it? (Yellow).

How many ducks? (One).

How many pets? (many).

Look here who is this? (bull).

How many gobies? (one).

How many cows? (two).

How do cows cry? (moo).

And what do cows give? (milk).

How many horses? (three).

How do horses scream? (yoke-go, yoke-go).

How many geese? (many).

Well done boys! You see how many pets live on the farm. Guys when night falls the animals go to bed. Let us settle them in houses, but the houses are not simple. Look here (geometric shapes, colored side upside down, lie on the table) Here is my house.

What is it? (square).

What colour? (red).

We will put cows and a bull in this house.

And what's that? (circle).

What colour? (yellow).

We will put geese in this house.

What is it? (triangle).

What colour? (blue).

We will put horses here.

Fi zkult minute (game)

The chicken went out for a walk

Pinch fresh grass.

And behind her are the guys, yellow chickens. Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko (knock your finger on the floor)

don't go far (shake a finger)

They ate a fat beetle, an earthworm. We drank some water (head thrown back) Full trough (arms out to the sides).

They walk and along the way answer questions about what they saw.

They scream like cows and horses.

Repeat geometric shapes.

Perform physical exercises.

Reflective - ear correction


It's time to return to kindergarten.

I suggest they come back quickly. How can you do this?

Return to the group, at the choice of the children (some by plane, some by car)

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: names of geometric shapes and pets.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: an idea of ​​how to compare items by quantity

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: use counting tricks up to 3.

Full name of the teacher ________Gorbatova L.I. ______________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area: Cognition.


Date ___22.03.2017 __

Taқyryby/ Topic #:“Let's help the mouse. Securing Geometric Shapes "

Maқsaty/Target: Form a stable knowledge of geometric shapes.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: Continue teaching children to name familiar geometric shapes and colors suggested during didactic games; use the words "top", "bottom". Activate liaison oral speech children by verbal justification of actions.

- OT: To foster children's interest in mathematics, to form the ability to work in a team.

- RZ: To develop mental operations, attention, tactile sensitivity, fine motor skills of the hands in the process of working with didactic material, paper, templates of geometric shapes.

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: circle, square, triangle, top, bottom.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: a rag and patches that match the color and size to the holes, jars (object pictures) - red and blue, paper, handkerchiefs of different colors, treats for children.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: mouse - tyshkan.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

A mouse with a rag comes to visit the group, to which you need to sew patches.

My baby mice have gnawed holes in their blankets and can freeze. I have prepared the patches, you need to lay them out correctly: so that the color and shape correspond to the hole.

Show interest, examine and name the figures, their color.

They greet M., express a desire to help.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

Didactic game "Dash the blanket"

Mouse: My rascals have made a mess in the pantry, help.

Didactic game "Clean up the pantry"

The blue jars were on the top shelf, the red ones on the bottom.

Mouse: Thanks guys!

Physical minute "We will clap our hands"

Mouse: Maybe you can help another trouble too? The mice have lost their toys, let's roll many colorful balls out of paper for them

Didactic game "Make balls out of paper"

-Which paper is it easier to make a ball and why?

Mouse: Well done guys, I still have one more request - help me hang handkerchiefs on the rope.

Didactic game "Hang handkerchiefs"

The holes are closed with appropriate patches.

Arrange the jars.

Crumpled paper of different textures, roll up balls, call the color

Hang handkerchiefs on a string, naming its color.

Reflective - ear correction


The mouse treats the children and thanks them for their help.

Say goodbye to the mouse

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know:; the meaning of the words "top", "bottom"; experimentally determine the texture of the paper - thick, soft.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: knowledge about geometric shapes; the ability to gently pick up cereals with a spoon

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: name familiar geometric shapes and colors suggested during didactic games.

Full name of the teacher _______Gorbatova L.I. _______________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area: Cognition.


Date ______________

Taқyryby/ Topic #: Triangle. One to many. Logical task.

Maқsaty/Target: form the concept of a triangle, the ability to recognize geometric shapes in objects and name them.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: Learn to find objects of a triangular shape; to bring up accuracy in drawing and in pasting ready-made forms (stickers), to introduce a new geometric figure-triangle.

- OT: to form the ability to compare familiar objects in size (large-small) and in quantity (one-many).

- RZ: develop the ability to examine the triangle in a tactile-motor way; draw a circle around the points, understand that circles can be of different sizes (large-small)

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: triangle.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: Butterfly doll, a picture with the image of triangles (large-small), two plates (large-small), cardboard candies -4 pcs, a workbook, candy stickers -4 pcs, blue and red pencils for each child.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: үshbұrysh-triangle.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive


There is a knock on the door, the teacher comes in and brings in the Grandmother doll. She greets the children and shows them that she brought two plates and sweets with her.

Game "Help Granny".

Shows the children two plates - they are empty, asks for help. Calls one child and asks to put one candy in a small plate, then calls the next child and asks to put a lot of candies in a large plate.

Show interest.

They say hello to their grandmother.

They come up to the grandmother and carry out the task.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

Put it right game

Draws the attention of children to the drawing where the plates are drawn, and to the handouts (candy stickers-4)

Gives the task to stick one candy on a small plate, and a lot of candies on a large one.

What geometric shapes do you know?

Today we are going to get acquainted with a new geometric figure. They are different: large and small, red and blue.

Game "Meet the Triangle"

He offers to open notebooks and get acquainted with a geometric figure called a triangle.

Vocabulary work: triangle.

Bilingual component: triangle-

Gives the task to slide your finger along the arrows, as shown in the picture. With a red pencil, draw a large triangle, and a small one with blue.

Which triangle did you draw with red pencil?

Which triangle did you draw with a blue pencil?

Conducts individual work.

Physical education


(in Kazakh).

Zhattykudy zhasaymyz!

Bir degenede- biz tramyz!

Ekі degenede ekі ret biz ainalamyz.

Үsh degende- sh ret biz sekiremiz.

Turt degende - otyramyz!

Game "What figure

are the objects similar? "

Suggests to consider the objects in the picture and name them.

What geometric shape do the objects look like?

Suggests to paint triangles in objects.

Conducts individual work.

Pay attention to the plate pattern and handouts.

Glue candies on plates.

Answer the question.

Listen to the teacher attentively.

Repeat: triangle.

Repeat: triangle

Carry out the task, circle the triangles point by point.


Movements are performed.

Stand up straight.

Spin around themselves two times.

They jump three times.

Examine the drawing.

They call it: a house, a boat, a tree.

Into the triangle.

Color triangles in objects.

Reflective - ear correction


The grandmother thanks the children for helping her to correctly arrange the candies on the plates and for this she treats them to the candies.

We are glad to see grandma's treat.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: names of geometric shapes - circle, triangle.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: idea of ​​comparing objects in size (large-small) and number (one-many.)

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: find triangular objects in the environment.

Full name of the teacher ________________________________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area: Cognition.


Date ___5.04.2017 ___

Taқyryby/ Topic №: "Triangle, square, circle"

Maқsaty/Target: the formation in children of an idea of ​​geometric shapes.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: continue to teach to find objects in the surrounding world that correspond to other geometric shapes, comparing them with the objects of the surrounding world;

- OT: educate observation, attention.

- RZ: develop the ability to examine objects and forms with tactile-motor and visual methods;

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: circle, triangle, square.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: pictures with the image: circle, square; triangle one by one, simple pencil.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: degelek-circle, үshbұrysh-triangle, tөrtbұrysh-square



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

Today we will go on a visit to the land of geometric shapes. Do you agree?

Then let's go.

Agree with the teacher's proposal.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

Ask a riddle:

The wheel rolled

After all, it is similar,

How visual nature

Only a round figure.

Have you guessed, dear friend?

Well of course it's ... (circle)

Asking questions:

What geometric shapes do you know besides a circle?

What is round?

What is triangular?

What is square?

Working with handouts

Draws the attention of children to the drawing and suggests sticking on the lower strip as many squares as are drawn on the upper strip (4 squares).

How many squares did you put on the bottom lane?

How many squares are there on the bottom strip?

Then he asks to put on the lower strip as many circles as drawn on the upper strip (2 circles).

How many circles did you put on the bottom lane?

How many are there?

Again he asks to put as many triangles on the bottom strip as on the top strip (3 triangles)

- How many triangles did you put on the bottom lane?

Where did you put them?

How many are there?

Stick on the bottom of each card as many of the same geometric shapes as on the top strip.

Vocabulary work: mound, triangle, square.

Bilingual component: dөңgelek-circle, үshbұrysh-triangle, tөrtbұrysh-square.

Finger gymnastics

"Bes sausaқ"

(in Kazakh).

Bass barmaқ,

Balan Ayrek,

Ortan terek,

Shyldyr shүmek,

Kishkentai bobek.

Game "What geometric shape do the objects look like?"

Asks children to think about what objects have the shape of a circle, square, triangle.

Gives the task to draw a line from objects to the geometric figure that the object looks like.

Listen and guess the riddle.

Answers questions.

Triangle, square.

Watermelon, apple, etc.

Roof, etc.

Cube, etc.

Take squares and lay them out from left to right on the bottom lane.

As many squares as there are on the top strip.

Spread mugs on the bottom strip.

As many circles as on the top strip.

Take triangles and lay them out on the bottom strip.

As many triangles as on the top strip.

On the bottom strip.

Geometric shapes are pasted on.

Repeat: circle, triangle, square.

Repeat: dөңgelek-circle, үshbұrysh-triangle, tөrtbұrysh-square.

Finger exercises are performed, alternately bending the fingers, starting with the thumb.

Names: sun, ball, pyramid, tree, cube, TV, lemon, gift box.

A path is drawn from the object to the geometric figure.

Reflective - ear correction


Find and name objects that are similar to geometric shapes (square, circle and triangle) in our group.

Find and name.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: overlay techniques and applications for comparing equal numbers of groups of objects; the skill of working with stickers, the skill of finding objects by analogy.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: performance , that some objects in the environment are similar to geometric shapes: a circle, a square and a triangle.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: use the expressions "as much as ...", "equally".

Full name of the teacher ________________________________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area: Cognition.


Date ______________

Taқyryby/ Topic #:More, less, equally "

Maқsaty/Target: To form the ability to establish equality and inequality of objects.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: Continue to teach children to establish equality and inequality between two groups of objects located in a row, using the expressions in speech: “more”, “less”, “equally”, “as much”.

- OT: cultivate perseverance.

- RZ: develop mindfulness.

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: more, less, the same, equally

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: tickets, counting material: squirrels and nuts.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: thiin- protein



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

Motivation of the child to the process of activity:

The circle of joy.

Creating a problem situation

Surprising moment - in the group space, a train is made up of chairs in two rows.

Invites children to go to the land of magical mathematics.

Manifestation interest in what is happening.

They tell each other their wishes.

Show interest

Children are interested and accept the invitation.

They sit on the chairs and go to the music of E. Tilicheeva "Train"

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

1. Problem-solving orientation of children:

Organization of d / and "Tickets"

Purpose: to teach to compare one group of objects with another, to distinguish between equality and inequality of objects, using expressions in speech: "more", "less"

Invites you to complete the first task.

Organization d \ and "Let's treat the squirrel with nuts"

Purpose: to teach to compare one group of objects with another, to distinguish between equality and inequality of objects. Demonstration of superposition techniques and applications by the teacher.

Organization of the game "Magic Lake"

Purpose: to form the ability to move on a signal, to determine the number of pebbles, fish.

2.Psychological and pedagogical support of a child in the process

Conducts individual vocabulary work.

Inclusion of children in the process of activity

Listen to the task,

Distributes tickets (there are more tickets than passengers).

Work with handouts.

They compare one group of objects with another, using the techniques of imposition and application, using the expressions in speech: "more", "less", "equally", "as much as"

Children move freely in the play space. At the signal of the educator, the "fish" hide behind the chairs.

The answer is that there are more pebbles or fish.

Asking a child for the necessary help from an adult

Listen, correct mistakes.

Reflective - ear correction


Analysis of the results of the activities of children

Say goodbye to the magic land of mathematics. Get on the train and go to the group.

Awareness of the child of the results of their activities

Thanks for the fun. Say goodbye.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: more, less, equally.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: idea of ​​how to equalize the quantity.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: establish equality and inequality between two groups of objects located in a row, using expressions in speech: "more", "less", "equally", "as much - how many".

Full name of the teacher ________________________________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area: Cognition.


Date _19.04.2017 _

Taқyryby/ Topic #:"Point"

Maқsaty/Target: Formation of understanding of the concept "point"

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: introduce the geometric concept of "point"

- OT: activation of the dictionary.

- RZ: development of fine motor skills of hands

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: point

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: a house in dots, cards with a contour of figures for each child, a simple pencil.

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: dot-nүkte



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive


We get up early in the morning

We are going to kindergarten as soon as possible.

Say good morning to everyone!

We never get tired.

Good morning, sky! (showing)

Good morning sunshine!

Good morning earth!

Good morning, our planet Earth!

Good morning, our big family!

Exercise "Rain".

Rain, pour more fun

Do not regret warm drops

For forests and fields

And for small children

The House decorated with dots is introduced. Question: "Guess who lives in this house?"

They sit on the carpet.


Show in places.

Fingers right hand knock on the palm of the left hand.

Answer the question.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

The teacher's story about the mistress of the house (about the Point).

A point is the smallest geometric figure, but very necessary and important. She helps big figures. For example: it is easier to depict a triangle by putting dots first (shows).

Acquaintance with the concept of "point".

Point Actions (runs, jumps, walks, leaving traces).

The point is like raindrops. Let's play rain.

Physical minute "Rain".


A drop is one, a drop is two
Very slowly at first

And then, then, then -
All running, running, running.

The drops began to ripen
Drop to catch up with the drop.
Claps with your hands on every word.
Drop-drop, drop-drop
Free finger movements.
We'll open our umbrellas as soon as possible,
We'll hide ourselves from the rain.
Connect your arms above your head.

Surprise Dots for kids - fill in the contours of objects with dots (ball, typewriter).

Listen and consider.

Perform actions for the teacher.

They receive sheets where the outlines of various objects are depicted, children put dots in them.

Reflective - ear correction


Exhibition of Bitmaps. Praise.

What is the smallest geometric shape called?

What does the dot look like?

Exhibit their work.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: the name of the smallest geometric shape.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: representation of what the point is.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: draw a point, name it.

Full name of the teacher _____Gorbatova L.I. _________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area: Cognition.


Date ______________

Taқyryby/ Topic #:"Unfolding objects by size"

Maқsaty/Target: the formation of the ability to lay out objects in size.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes,

- OT: cultivate perseverance

- RZ: develop the ability to lay out geometric shapes according to the principle:

    from small to large,

    from big to small.

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: big small.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: three little pigs, geometric shapes

KOS tildik component /Bilingual component: piglet - shoshқa.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

Memorizing the counting room:

One, two, three, four, five

A month went out for a walk

And after the month - the moon,

We will always be together.

Three little pigs come to visit.

Problematic situation:

Piglets live far from each other, deprived of communication. To bring joy to the brothers, you need to help them.

They teach a counting-rhyme.

Are willing to help.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search


- build a road from Naf-Naf to Nuf-Nuf, starting with the smallest and ending with the largest;

- from Nuf-Nuf to Nif-Nif to build a road from squares, starting from the largest to the smallest;

- from Nif-Nif to Naf-Naf, alternating geometric shapes - a square, a circle, a triangle.


Piglet Piglet

(torso turns)

A barrel was laid for itself.

(side bends)

So he got up and stretched,


Here I sat down,


But he bent down,

(forward bend)

Turned right, left,

(torso turns)

Spun around, smiled.

(circling in place)

Individual work

- define the figure with your hands and find a place for it.

- exercise "What is superfluous?"

They are laid expensively from short and long paper strips.

They build a road from squares.

Build a road from different figures.

Perform physical exercises.

Carry out the task.

Reflective - ear correction


They offer to say goodbye to the pigs.

Say goodbye to piglets.

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: names of geometric shapes.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: representation of which figure is larger, which is smaller.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: lay out geometric shapes from large to small and vice versa.

Full name of the teacher ________________________________________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Ekinshi kishi tobyna arnalgan zhinaatalgan onu zhuyesinin tekhnologii kartasy

Technological map of organized educational activities of children

2nd junior group

Bilim take salads/ Educational area: Cognition.


Date __17.05.2017 ____

Taқyryby/ Topic #: Geometric figures. Check

Maқsaty/Target: the formation of the ability to count and name geometric shapes.

Esepti / Tasks:

- OZ: consolidate the count to 5, knowledge of geometric shapes

- OT: foster collectivism.

- RZ: develop mindfulness

Sozdik zhumys / Dictionary work: circle, square.

Zhabdyқ, demonstrationsқ material / Equipment, demonstration material: patterns of small geometric shapes, doll Masha.



Activity stages

Mұғalimnin іс- reketі

Caregiver actions

Balalardyk is- reketi

Children's actions



Motivational and incentive

Time is not a pity:

One two three four…

One hundred - that's the whole counting room!

Guys, Masha has come to visit us again.

Learn a counting rhyme.

React emotionally.

Izdenu Ayymdastyrushy

Organizational and search

How many braids does Masha have?

How many eyes do you have?

How many fingers are on your hand?

Place the same number of small red triangles on your plate.

Well done!

And how many polka dots are on Masha's skirt, put yourself the same number of squares.


"I go and you go"

"Collect the car"

Each group of geometric shapes will assemble a car for Masha. Before that, the teacher divides the children into groups (2 people per group).

The flowers are counted.

Small red triangles and squares are counted and placed on the plate.

Perform physical exercises.

They work in a group, make up a car from the figures.

Reflective - ear correction


He offers to take Masha home. Final conversation.

Say goodbye to the guest

Kateletin nutizhe/Expected Result:

Bilu kerek / Know: names of geometric shapes.

Kazhettilikter bolu kerek / Have: an idea of ​​what the account is for and where to use it.

Jean - zhaқty bilimi boluy kerek / Be able to: count, lay out from geometric shapes as intended.

Full name of the teacher _______Gorbatova L.I. _______________________________

Acquainted with ____________________________________________________________

Maria Semenchenko
Technological map of the OOD for drawing in the second junior group

Technological map of the OOD for drawing in the second junior group

Theme: Sun

Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, physical development, social and communicative development

Target: the development of motor skills in drawing lines, the formation of a conditional connection between the movement of the hand and the resulting pencil trace on paper


Educational: teach children to convey the image of a bright sun in the drawing, place the drawing in the middle of the sheet, paint over a round shape with solid lines from top to bottom or from left to right with the entire nap of the brush, combine a rounded shape with straight lines.

Developing: develop the creativity of each child, fine motor skills of hands.

Educational: foster independence, interest in artistic activities.

Target benchmarks: depicts individual objects, simple in composition and uncomplicated in content plots. Matches colors that match the depicted objects. Uses pencils, markers, brushes and paints correctly. Shows positive emotions during physical activity.

Implementation means: multimedia (music, visual (illustration depicting the sun, verbal (riddles, nursery rhymes)

Equipment and materials: album sheets, paints and brushes, jars of water, oilcloth, napkins

Vocabulary work: activation of nouns in the speech of children (sun, rays, clouds, etc.)


I. Introductory part

V: children, I’m going to tell you a riddle, and you listen carefully.

Golden Orange

He traveled all over the sky.


II. Main part:

V: let's all go to the window and see if the sun is peeping out? (children come to the window and look).

V: no, not visible. Let's call him! (says the nursery rhyme)

Sunshine, sunshine

Look out the window!

Sunny, dress up

Red, show yourself!

Children are waiting for you

They are waiting for the youngsters.

V: the sun does not want to come out because of the clouds. Guys, let's all call the sun together! (children together with the teacher recite the nursery rhyme again).

V: let's draw our own sun with you, and we will have a sun.

Finger gymnastics:

"Hide and seek"

rhythmically bend and unbend all fingers at the same time

Fingers played hide and seek

And the heads were removed

Like this, like this,

And the heads were removed.

V: I'll show you how to do it right draw the sun... (the teacher shows the techniques drawing circle with a brush and painting it with solid lines). Let us try with you draw the sun in the air... Lift the right stick up and try draw a circle. (children draw a circle in the air) ... Children, what do you think we have forgotten draw the sun? - right, rays. See how I'll be paint rays to our sun (children draw rays in the air) .

Children sit down and begin paint... The caregiver provides assistance to children in difficulty.

Physical education:

"The sun"

The sun came out from behind a cloud

We will stretch our handles to the sun.

(Stretching - arms up.)

Hands to the sides then

We will spread it wider.

(Stretching - arms to the sides.)

We've finished our warm-up.

Rest, arms, back.

III. The final part:

Output: children look at the drawings, discuss the work done

Reflection:"Sun"... A circle from the sun is attached to the board, rays of yellow and blue colors are distributed to children. The beams need to be attached to sunshine: yellow - I really liked the lesson, received a lot of interesting information; blue- the lesson is not interesting, it was not

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