
Rubric: Real life stories. An essay on an interesting incident from my life

Almost everyone loves it. People are especially amused by short stories, funny and funny, that happened in real life. Such cases will be great entertainment for any company. Short stories, funny, original, funny - this is exactly what you need for a pleasant pastime. They are a kind of anecdote. However, the difference is that taken from real life, they sound much more interesting. You can laugh at these comical, famously twisted plots for a very long time without stopping.

Short stories. Funny incidents from life

So, if you are going to relax with friends, be sure that everyone will like this entertainment. Short stories, funny stories can instantly cheer up the people around you. And if you are endowed with a good memory, you will surely have a lot of them. Short stories - funny, kind, comical - about your acquaintances and friends will give you smiles and a lot of positive emotions. Let's take a look at where the most common situations occur.

Military service

You can often hear, for example, interesting stories from the life of people - funny, short - about the military. For example, such. The man tells about the period of his service in the army. While on duty at the checkpoint, an elderly couple approached him. The woman began to wonder where the tank unit was located nearby. The son allegedly served there, according to her. The duty officer tried to explain to the spouses that there was no tank unit nearby. In response, the couple tried desperately to prove that their son would not deceive them. The last argument of the woman was the photograph shown to the duty officer. It depicted a young "tanker" with a proud posture, leaning out from the waist up with a lid in his hands in front of him. One can imagine how the soldier on duty laughed. Such interesting stories from the life of people (funny, short) are heard very often among the military.

Cases with documents

Where else can you find funny funny moments? Surprisingly, you can often hear stories from life, funny, short, related to working with documents. Here is one of them. The man needed to get a certificate for the notary's office at the State Bureau of Investigation. An employee of the bureau asked how urgently he needed a document (the cost of registration for three days is sixty-eight rubles, for two days - one hundred and five). The man stopped at the second option, as time, as they say, was running out. Having paid money at the cash desk, I received the answer: "Come on Monday." And it was Thursday. The girl explained that on Saturday and Sunday they are closed. “What if I paid for three days?” the man asked. The girl explained that he would still have to come for help on Monday. “Why did I pay forty rubles more?” the man asked. "Like this? Time is pressing. To get a certificate a day earlier, ”the girl explained. Of course, such stories from life, funny, short, at first can only drive you crazy. However, over time, you will remember such cases with a smile on your face.

On vacation

Next option. Short funny stories from real life, related to recreation, are no less popular than the above. A lot of curiosities can be seen on the beach. How fun it was, for example, vacationers who watched the following picture. A married couple with an eight-year-old son was resting on the seashore. The family forgot to take panama hats with them. The wife went to the room for hats, leaving the child to the father. When she returned, she did not see her husband, but here is her son ... He was buried in the sand. One head stuck out. To the question "Where is dad?" the boy replied: "Bathing!". "Why are you here?" asked the mother. The child cheerfully declared: “Daddy buried me so that I wouldn’t get lost!” Of course, it’s hard to call such an act serious, but everyone had fun!


Short funny stories from real life sometimes have a continuation, growing into longer, drawn-out ones. One of them is told by the guide. A group of Russian tourists (hockey players) went on a boat trip on a mountain river. Often guides provoke water fights between vacationers. This time, the Germans fell into rivals with the Russians. And there was a tour on May 9 ...

One could imagine how the hockey players got turned on when they found out who they were fighting. With cries of "For the Motherland!" and "For victory!" they splashed their oars furiously on the water. However, they quickly got tired of it. Turning over the objecting guide along the way, they rushed at the enemy right on the boats, quickly turning them into the water.

It would seem that the fun is over. But in the evening, the following fact surfaced: both groups settled in the same hotel. Hockey players loudly celebrated their "victory" right by the pool, singing patriotic songs. The Germans did not even leave their rooms.

At work

Very often there are also funny stories from the life of people (short) in the workplace. For example, such a case. One man bought himself a book on Bringing it to work, he decided to try it out on his colleagues. His employee wanted to "check" her daughter. The man agreed. The next day, a colleague brought an envelope with a note. Opening it, the man immediately issued: “Your daughter is 14 years old. She is an excellent student. He loves horseback riding and dancing. The woman was simply shocked and immediately ran to tell her friends about everything. The man did not even have time to tell her about the contents of the note: “I am an excellent student, I am 14 years old, I love horses and dancing. And your mother thinks you're a liar."

Cases with animals

Funny stories from short and not only, quite often are also associated with our smaller brothers. For example, such an interesting case happened to a middle-aged man. A tired old dog somehow came to the courtyard of his private house. However, the animal was fattened, a collar flaunted around its neck. That is, it was quite obvious that the dog was well taken care of, that she had a home. The dog approached the man, allowed himself to be stroked, and followed him into the hallway. Walking slowly through it, he lay down in a corner of the living room and fell asleep. About an hour later the dog came to the door. The man released the animal.

The next day, at about the same time, the dog came to him again, "greeted" him, lay down in the same corner and slept again for about an hour. His “visits” lasted for several weeks. Finally, the man decided to inquire what was the matter, and pinned a note to the collar with the following content: “Sorry, but I want to know who is the owner of this cute wonderful animal and whether he knows that the dog sleeps every day at my house.” The next day, the dog came with the "answer" strapped on. The note read: “The dog lives in a house with six kids. Two of them have not yet turned three years. He wants to sleep. May I come with him tomorrow?”


Sometimes people around bring funny stories to tears. Short stories from the life of young people are especially common among students, applicants, and high school students. However, this case is not like that. No one was offended or disappointed. Two young guys slowly strolled through the streets of the city. Stopping near a press kiosk, which also sells various stationery and other small things, they decided to buy a small ball with an elastic band that flies merrily if you pull on it - just, as they say, for fun. The problem was one thing: the guys did not know the name of this toy. One of the boys, pointing to the ball, turned to the saleswoman: “Give me that fennel!” "What to give?" the woman asked. "Fenka!" repeated the young man. The guys left with their purchase. The next day, they again passed by this kiosk. A price tag with the inscription "fenka" appeared on the window next to the ball.

Cases with children

Funny short stories are sure to make people smile when it comes to kids. Here is an incident that happened to a three-year-old boy. A large friendly family gathered together at the same table. The child sat and calmly watched how his grandmother and mother fry pancakes. All this time, he just quietly said: “This is all mine. I will eat first. Whoever eats without me - I will punish! The women finally finished cooking and piled the pancakes on a plate. The family took out jam and began to sit down at the table. The boy was the last to go to wash his hands. Before that, he warned everyone: “I will leave. But I’ll count all the pancakes so that you don’t eat without me. ” Next to the plate it sounded: “One, two, five, twenty, thirty… That's it! Do not touch!" When the child returned, one pancake was eaten. The boy began to shout: “I told you, don’t eat without me!” Relatives asked: “Did you really count?” To this the kid replied: “You don’t understand? I can't count! I flipped the top pancake!”

Indeed, it was funny. After all, none of the adults could guess to turn the top pancake over with the fried side down.

hospital stories

Very often, comic cases occur within the walls of medical institutions. As a rule, interesting stories (funny, short) from maternity hospitals about young fathers are the most common among them. For example, this one. A man's wife was giving birth. The wife was expecting twins. However, the sex of their future children was not known to them. The woman gave birth to a girl and a boy. The excited man was waiting for the doctor under the door of the ward. Finally, the midwife showed up. Her father ran up to her with the question: “Twins?” "Yes!" - answered the woman. Husband, smiling: "Boys?" She: "No!" Dad, smiling even wider: “Girls?” Midwife: "No!" Husband, dumbfounded: "And who?" There are many such incidents every day.

On road

Real funny stories, short and long, are often associated with traffic police officers. At one of the Novosibirsk car depots, for example, such a case is known. There was a small chauffeur who worked there. When he was driving a KrAZ, he was not even visible from the outside. Once the driver went on a flight without fixing the rear number on the car. He just put it in the glove box. As usually happens in such cases, a traffic policeman was standing at the crossroads. Seeing a car without a driver, he was very surprised and whistled. The driver found a way out of the situation. He parked the car so that he could slip out the second door unnoticed and secure the number. Risky, but it's the only way to avoid a fine. So the car stopped. The patrolman slowly approached, stood for a moment and, without waiting for anyone, looked inside. Of course, he was very puzzled as he looked at the empty cockpit. The driver, meanwhile, fixed the number, and everyone returned to their seats. The traffic police officer was even more surprised when, obeying the command of his staff, the empty car started up and drove on.

That's just funny

And one moment. A lot depends on the mood of the person. Funny short stories may not have a so-called special plot. Sometimes, a person just has fun and joy in his soul. As they say, a chuckle got into your mouth. This is explained, most likely, by the fact that people face various stresses every day, small and not so much. All this, of course, is deposited inside each of us, adversely affecting the nervous system. A person, of course, does not remember this all the time. But in memory all the same, all these unpleasant moments remain. Accordingly, the body from time to time has to do a nervous discharge. After all, laughter heals. Thus, the healing process manifests itself in the form of a cheerful mood.

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that at times this happens. You can walk down the street with absolutely absurd thoughts in your head, look at others, and it will be funny to you. Their clothes, and gait, and facial expression can amuse you. Trying to hold back your laughter and smile, you thereby evoke a response from those you meet. Well, if some other incident suddenly happens ... For example, a gust of wind throws a piece of paper in your face, or a package, or something like that, this story will seem especially fun to you. And this, it is worth recalling once again, is not at all gloating! It's just the fight against stress in our body! Laughter prolongs our lives!

23 chose

As a child, I was restless and gave my parents a lot of trouble. Recently, my mother and I recalled interesting cases from my childhood. Here are some funny episodes:

Once, on a walk in kindergarten, my girlfriend and I came up with the idea, but should we quietly go home, watch cartoons, because kindergarten is so boring. And so we quietly slipped to the exit, the gate, to our joy, was not closed. And finally - freedom! We felt like adults and were truly happy. We knew the way home very well, since it was three blocks from kindergarten. We had almost reached the house, when suddenly our neighbor Uncle Misha, who was going to the bakery, blocked our path. He asked us where we were going and why we were alone, turned us around and led us back to the kindergarten. This is how the first independent trip ended sadly for us, because we didn’t manage to watch cartoons that day, because. we were punished.

And this story happened to me when I was taken to my grandmother for the summer, I was a little over 3 years old. I played in the house with toys while my grandmother was busy in the garden, and then, tired, I crawled under my grandmother's bed and fell asleep safely there. My grandmother came into the house, began to look for me, first in the house, then in the yard, then all the neighbor's children were raised to help, who examined the surrounding places. They searched behind the garden, near the river and even in the well ... More than two hours passed, adults joined the search. What was going on then in my grandmother's head, only God knows. But then, to everyone's amazement, I appear on the threshold of the house, yawning and sleepily rubbing my eyes. Then my grandmother and I often recalled this incident, but with a smile.

And another case when I already went to school. I was then 7-8 years old. I must say that I really loved poking around in my mother's jewelry box with beads, trying on her high-heeled shoes and various beautiful blouses, but most of all I was not indifferent to my mother's cosmetic bag. And here I am, once again, I decided to audit my mother's cosmetic bag and found a bottle of new perfume (as I later found out, my father got these French perfume "Klima" with great difficulty, like everything was in short supply at that time, and gave it to my mother for birthday). Naturally, I decided to open them immediately. But it was not so easy to open them, I tried my best and finally opened it, but at the same time the bottle slipped out of my hands, fell first on the sofa, then rolled onto the carpet. Naturally, there was almost nothing left in the bottle. Mom was very upset then, and a wonderful aroma of perfume hovered in the house for a long time.

I conducted a small survey among my acquaintances on the topic of children's pranks and almost everyone had 2-3 interesting stories. A friend said that she decided to cut flowers out of her mother's new dress and make an applique for a labor lesson out of them, the employee shared a story of how she and her brother threw tomatoes at each other, which mom bought the day before for seaming, but the most interesting thing was that they threw themselves in the room which has recently been refurbished. And he spoke about the reaction of his mother, who came home from work and saw this art.

Surely you also have funny stories from childhood, I would be interested to hear them and laugh with you.

Funniest Literary Opus Competition

Send us withhowl short funny stories,

really happened in your life.

Great prizes await the winners!

Be sure to include:

1. Last name, first name, age

2. Title of work

3. Email address

Winners are determined in three age groups:

1 group - up to 7 years

Group 2 - from 7 to 10 years old

Group 3 - over 10 years old

Competitive works:

Didn't cheat...

This morning, as usual, I do a light jog. Suddenly a cry from behind - uncle, uncle! I stop - I see a girl of 11-12 years old rushing towards me with a Caucasian shepherd dog, continuing to shout: "Uncle, uncle!" I, thinking that something happened, go forward. When there were 5 meters left before our meeting, the girl was able to say the phrase to the end:

Uncle, I'm sorry, but she will bite you now !!!

Didn't cheat...

Sofia Batrakova, 10 years old

salt tea

It happened one morning. I got up and went to the kitchen for tea. I did everything automatically: I poured tea leaves, boiling water and put 2 spoons granulated sugar. She sat down at the table and began to drink tea with pleasure, but it was not sweet tea, but salty! Waking up, I put salt instead of sugar.

My relatives made fun of me for a long time.

Guys, draw conclusions: go to bed on time so that you don’t drink salty tea in the morning!!!

Agata Popova, student of MOU "Secondary School No. 2, Kondopoga

Quiet time for seedlings

Grandmother and her grandson decided to plant tomato seedlings. Together they poured earth, planted seeds, watered them. Every day, the granddaughter looked forward to the appearance of sprouts. Here are the first shoots. How much joy! Seedlings grew by leaps and bounds. One evening, the grandmother told her grandson that tomorrow morning we would go to plant seedlings in the garden ... In the morning, the grandmother woke up early, and what was her surprise: all the seedlings were lying. Grandmother asks her grandson: “What happened to our seedlings?” And the granddaughter proudly replies: “I put our seedlings to sleep!”

school snake

After the summer, after the summer

I'm flying on wings to the classroom!

Together again - Kolya, Sveta,

Olya, Tolya, Katya, Stas!

How many stamps and postcards

Butterflies, beetles, snails.

Stones, glass, shells.

Eggs are motley cuckoos.

This is a hawk claw.

Here is the herbarium! - Chur, do not touch!

I take it out of my bag

What would you think?.. A snake!

Where is the noise and laughter now?

As if the wind had blown everyone away!

Dasha Balashova, 11 years old

Rabbit peace

Once I went to the market for shopping. I stood in line for meat, and a guy is standing in front of me, looking at the meat, and there is a sign with the inscription "Rabbit of the World." The guy probably did not immediately understand that "Rabbit of the World" is the name of the saleswoman, and now his turn comes up, and he says: "Give me 300-400 grams of the rabbit of the world," he says - very interesting, he never tried it. The saleswoman looks up and says, "Mira Rabbit is me." The whole line was just laughing.

Nastya Bohunenko, 14 years old

The winner of the competition is Ksyusha Alekseeva, 11 years old,

sent such a "chuckle":

I am Pushkin!

Once, in the fourth grade, we were asked to learn a poem. Finally the day came when everyone had to tell it. Andrey Alekseev was the first to go to the blackboard (he has nothing to lose, because his name is in front of everyone in the class magazine). Here he expressively recited a poem, and the teacher of literature, who came to our lesson to replace our teacher, asks for his last name and first name. And it seemed to Andrei that he was asked to name the author of the poem he had learned. Then he said so confidently and loudly: "Alexander Pushkin." Then the whole class roared with laughter along with the new teacher.


For many writers, short stories are simply the ideal style of writing. While writing a novel can be a titanic task, almost everyone is able to come up with and, more importantly, put on paper small story. As in the case of a novel, the content of a short story should engage and captivate the reader. With the right approach to selecting ideas, preparing a draft manuscript, and then editing it, you can successfully write your own short story in no time.


Part 1

Choice of ideas
  1. Come up with a main plot or scenario. Think about what your story will be about and what will happen in the story. Think about what you want to address or what you want to illustrate. Decide what your approach or point of view will be about the events in the story.

    • For example, you can start with a simple plot in which main character receives bad news or receives an unwanted visit from a friend or relative.
    • You can also resort to a more complex plot, for example, when the main character wakes up in parallel world or find out someone's darkest secret.
  2. Concentrate on describing the character traits of the main character. Most stories have one or at most two main characters. Try to come up with a main character who has a clear goal or aspiration, but who is also full of contradictions. No need to opt for an obviously good or bad character. Give your character interesting features and feelings so that his image is quite complex and harmonious.

    • As prototypes of the main character, you can use real people who you know from life. Or you can watch strangers in public places and take them as the basis for your main character.
    • For example, the main character may be a young teenage girl who wants to protect her brother from school bullies, but at the same time wants to fit in well with the school community. Or the main character could be a lonely older man who decides to become close friends with his neighbor and as a result learns about her criminal activities.
  3. Come up with a central conflict for your character. In any good story there is necessarily a central conflict in which the protagonist faces some question or problem. The conflict must be presented to the reader at the very beginning of the story. Make the life of the protagonist hard and hard.

    • For example, the protagonist may have a desire or aspiration that he can not realize in any way. Or the hero may find himself in a bad or even dangerous situation, and he will need to decide how to survive in such a situation.
  4. Think of an interesting setting. Another key element of a short story is the setting, or the place where the main events of the story take place. For a short story, you can choose one central location and add a detailed description of certain episodes with the participation of characters. Choose a setting that will be of interest to you and that you can present in an interesting light to your readers.

    • For example, the scene of the story may be the usual school of your hometown. Or the story could take place in a small Martian colony.
    • Try not to overload the short story with too much variety of settings so as not to confuse the reader. For one short story, one or two locations are usually sufficient.
  5. Think about a specific topic. Many short stories build on a specific topic and explore it from the point of view of the author or main character. For a story, you can take one of the broad themes, such as love, a dream, or loss, and develop it from the point of view of your main character.

    • You can also focus on a narrower topic, such as love between siblings, the pursuit of friendship, or the loss of a parent.
  6. Plan for an emotional climax in the story. All good short stories have a gripping moment in which the protagonist reaches an emotional climax. The climax usually occurs in the second half of the story or even towards the end. At the climax, the protagonist may feel overwhelmed, trapped, desperate, and even out of control.

    • For example, an emotional climax may occur when a single man confronts a neighbor about her criminal activities. Or the climax might come when a teenage girl finally stands up for her brother in the face of school bullies.
  7. Think of an ending with an unexpected twist or surprise. sketch ideas various options endings that might surprise, shock or intrigue the reader. Avoid banal endings where the reader can guess the ending ahead of time. Give the reader a false sense of confidence that they know how the story will end, and then redirect the reader's attention to another character or situation to shock them.

    • Try to avoid the standard tricks for ending your story. In an attempt to surprise the reader, do not rely on clichés and familiar plot twists. Gradually build up tension and suspense as the story progresses so that the reader is left with a shock at the end.
  8. Read examples short stories. Understand what makes short stories successful and interesting for the reader by reading the stories of experienced writers. Read stories from a variety of genres, from literary fiction to science fiction and fantasy. Notice how the writers use the character, theme, setting, and plot of the story to make their story incredibly impactful. For example, you can read the following works:

    Part 2

    Preparation of the first draft
    1. Prepare a story plan. Organize your short story according to a five-part story plan: exposition, opening, development, climax, fading, and denouement. Use this outline as a basis for writing a story so that it has a clear beginning, middle, and end.

      • You can also try using the snowball method, when you first describe the story in one sentence, then describe individual parts of the story, prepare a description of all the characters in the story and prepare a list of scenes with their participation.
    2. Come up with a catchy start. The story must begin with action, conflict, or unusual picture that will grab the reader's attention. Introduce the reader to the main character and setting right in the first paragraph. Set the reader on the key theme and idea of ​​the story.

      • For example, such a beginning as “That day I was lonely...” not only does not say anything at all about the narrator, but also does not interest the reader in anything.
      • Instead of the above example, you can try to start the story like this: “The day my wife left me, I knocked on my neighbor’s door to ask her for sugar for a cake that I was not going to bake.” This line of description introduces the reader to the past conflict, the presence of a wife, and the current tension between the narrator and the neighbor.
    3. Stick to one narrative angle. Short stories are usually told in the first person, and this perspective of the narrative remains unchanged. This helps to give the story a clear focus and perspective. You can also try to write the story in the third person, however, this can distance you from the reader.

      • Sometimes there are stories in the second person in which the author uses the pronoun “you”. This is usually done when the use of the second person is essential to the writer, as in Ted Chan's The Story of Your Life or Hunot Diaz's That's Why You Lost Her.
      • Most short stories are written in the past tense, but the story can also be written in the present tense to give the story a more lively feel.
    4. Use dialogue to better reveal the character's personality and further development plot. Dialogue in short stories should always serve more than one function. Make sure the dialogue tells the reader something about the character who is speaking and adds to the storyline. Include explanations in the dialogue that will open up the character and add more tension and conflict to the dialogue scene.

      • For example, instead of opening the dialogue with the phrase “Hi! What's your news?", try writing "Hey girlfriend, what's up?" or “Where have you been? Haven't seen you in years!"
      • Try to complete the dialogue with the author's words like "she stuttered", "I hissed" or "he yelled" to expand the description of your characters. For example, instead of writing “- Where have you been? - she asked a question ... ”, you can write“ - Where have you been? she demanded...” or “Where have you been? she yelled at him.
    5. Include a sensitive detailed description of the scene. Think about what the protagonist feels, hears, tastes, smells, and sees. Describe the scene in terms of human feelings so that it comes to life in the eyes of the reader.

      • For example, an old high school building can be described as "a gigantic building of industrial-style architecture that smells of sweaty sportswear, hairspray, broken dreams, and chalk." Or you can describe the sky above the roof of your house as “a white sheet covered with a thick gray haze from the fires that have spread in the morning through the nearby forest.”
    6. Finish with a description of the junction. The denouement does not have to be direct and obvious. It can be represented as a subtle hint that the characters are starting to change and look at things differently. The denouement can be made open to speculation or complete and clear.

      • It can also be supplemented with an interesting scene or dialogue that reflects the changes that have occurred in the character's character.
      • For example, the story could end with the protagonist betraying his neighbor to the police, despite the fact that by doing so he loses her friendship forever. Or the story may end with a description of the scene as main character helps his bloody brother get home just in time for dinner.
    7. Edit the story to make it understandable and harmonious. In most cases, short stories are limited to one to seven thousand words or one to ten pages of text. Don't be afraid to shorten episodes or cut out entire sentences to shorten the story and make it richer. Leave in the narrative only those details and moments that are essential to the story you are trying to tell.

      • When it comes to short stories, the rule “the shorter the better” usually applies. Don't post sentences that don't say anything, or scenes that don't have any other purpose than what you like the way they're described. Be ruthless about shortening the story so that it includes only as much information as is sufficient.
    8. Come up with an interesting name. Most editors and readers look at the title first to decide if they want to read a story. Choose an intriguing or interesting title for your story that will encourage the reader to read the story itself. As a title for a story, you can also use its theme, a certain visual scene, or the name of the main character.

      • For example, the title of Alice Munro’s story “I’ve Been Wanting to Tell You for a Long Time” can be considered a good example, since it is an excerpt from the words of the main character of the story and addresses the reader directly through the pronoun “you”, indicating that the author has something to share with the reader.
      • The title of Neil Gaiman's story "Snow, Mirror, Apple" is also good, as it introduces the reader to three objects at once, which are interesting in themselves, but it also becomes even more interesting how they are interconnected in the story.

Once an instructive incident happened to me, after which I had to draw important conclusions. During the summer holidays, my grandparents decided to go for a walk in the forest. They live in their own house, and not far away a large river flows and there is a green forest. I went with them. We walked along the forest paths for a long time, it was warm, grandmother told interesting stories, and grandfather whistled beautifully. He promised that one day he would teach me how to whistle like that. Soon I said that I was tired and my grandmother took out a blanket from her hiking bag and spread it on the green grass. We had a picnic.

Soon my grandparents decided to lie down to rest, and I could take a walk not far from them. I walked along the overgrown path and looked at the trees. I didn't notice how I had gone too far. At first I decided to call for help, but then I remembered how cartoon characters act, and decided to find my own way and go back. I started following in my footsteps. Then I realized that I was confused and started crying. Suddenly, she heard the voice of her grandfather and shouted back. It turned out that I did not go far at all, and our camp was behind two bushes.

After this incident, my grandmother told me that as soon as I realized that I was lost, I should scream and call for help. If I went the other way, I could go very far and get really lost. Now I know that if I lose sight of the adults again, I will stop on the spot and call them, so as not to get lost even more.

Composition 2 option - A memorable case

I want to tell about the case on the eve of May 9th. Once the school organizer came into the classroom and told about the idea to go to the students through all the veterans of the Great Patriotic War of our village and help around the house, to do what the old people ask. Naturally, we agreed, chose several addresses and shared them among ourselves. We got 5 people for 1 veteran.

On the second day, right after school, we dispersed around the village. The team that I was in got my grandmother, who lived not far from me. Every day I walked past her yard and did not know that she was alone. It seemed that she had a family, because near the yard it was always clean and tidy. Curtains are always white a large number of flowers on the windows are constantly blooming, which means that there is someone to look after them, the gates are old, but every year before Easter they are painted.

Not only I was surprised when an old grandmother who walks with the help of two sticks opened for us. Tears appeared in her eyes when we explained why we had come, but she let us into the yard and found a job for everyone. Two people cleaned the house, two went to annoy a few buckets of potatoes, and I got to clean the kitchen.

Seeing how she really lives, I was upset, because while we were playing and running around the village, we could occasionally come and help lonely people. Greasy dishes have not been washed properly for a long time, because the old woman’s hands are not at all the same, the dirty floor from the applied dirt after the day before yesterday’s rain, towels that cannot be washed, but only thrown away and much more. It turned out that only a social worker helps her, who comes 2 times a week, he also brings groceries from the store.

We completed all the work in just two hours, then we sat for a long time and listened to stories about the war and about the life of Tamara Fedorovna. We parted ways when it was getting dark. After this trip, my friend and I began to visit this grandmother every Saturday and help her in any way we could. Unfortunately, she did not live a little by the next May 9, but we did not stop doing good deeds and took an old man who lives on the next street under our guardianship.
So one case, one day in the flesh turned our outlook on life and attitude towards the elderly.

Some interesting essays

    Only the person who has achieved certain results can be successful. For this, it is important to be able to set goals. They can be large, global or small, intermediate, characteristic of some stage.
