
Comparative analysis of magical objects from fairy tales with modern inventions. What are the magical objects in Russian fairy tales What are the magical objects in Russian fairy tales

Useful gizmos, outlandish gizmos, and dodgy gadgets aren't just fashion in the twenty-first century. The Fairy Tale has no less assortment of life saving devices.

Many people remember flint by eponymous tale Andersen, in which a blow to the flint could summon three huge dogs, ready to carry out all sorts of errands. Flame is often found in Russian fairy tales. Only in them it usually evokes not dogs, but a horse: here, it seems, mythological motives of a burning spark and a horse-fire are combined. As a rule, the flint is flint and crushed, sometimes in a bundle of hairs. To call the horse mate, these hairs need to be ignited. As folklorists point out, flint is the most charged object with magical properties, with its help you can also summon spirits. In an old fairy tale, the hero in a forest hut finds a tobacco pouch, in which there is no tobacco, but there is a flint-box: "a crustacean and a mysatik." He struck the crimson with a mouse - twelve fellows immediately jumped out, ready to fulfill his request.

The role of a universal navigator in fairy tales is played by a ball of thread. He is better than a compass in the geography of fairy realms and never goes astray (though sometimes it can roll towards the goal for many years). But getting it is not easy. A gadget can be obtained, for example, from Baba Yaga for good behavior and respect for elders, in a word, having passed some kind of test. Ivan Tsarevich succeeds in this, and now he is in a hurry for a tireless ball to Vasilisa the Wise.

In fairy tales, we meet many wild animals who, for a little courtesy, are ready to help. But how to use the services of those beasts who do not need anything from you? To gain power over them, some part of them is required: a crow bone, a lion's claw, a fish scale. For example, the hairs of their horse's tail give power over the horse. The same principle applies to birds. In a fairy tale, a bird gives the hero a feather from his head with the words: "Keep this hair, hide it: whatever trouble happens, just take this hair out, change it from hand to hand - we will help you in everything." In the fairy tale about Finist the Bright Falcon, a feathered friend gives a girl a feather from his wing. Give them a wave and whatever your heart desires will appear. Sometimes a miracle feather is desirable in itself - especially if it is from the tail of a firebird. Such a feather is "wonderful and light." If you bring it to a dark room, it will illuminate the chambers no worse than hundreds of candles.

Self-assembled tablecloth

In fairy tales, the trip to the thirtieth kingdom for the princess turns into a difficult and tedious quest. In order not to lose strength, the hero needs to be reinforced from time to time. Luxurious dishes are always ready to create from nothing a self-assembled tablecloth, working on the principle of "all inclusive". After the end of the meal, leftovers and dirty dishes can be neatly folded into a tablecloth and move on. Sometimes the magic tablecloth was also called "hospitable". Some folklorists associated the self-assembled tablecloth with the kingdom of the dead, a place where food never stops, an endless source of food abundance. Even if you bring such a source of food from that kingdom, then on earth it will never run out. So a self-assembled tablecloth is a cherished dream of all phenomenal lazy people and gluttons.


The gusli-samoguds also work in autonomous mode: they start themselves, play themselves, dance themselves, sing songs themselves. True, in some fairy tales you still have to touch the strings. If you pull one string, the sea will become blue, the other - the ships will float, after the third - the ships will shoot from the cannons. The peculiarities of the sound of an outlandish instrument are poorly known; some tales give reason to believe that it was not very melodic. So, in one fairy tale, a fool covered his ears with a flower, came to the king and made the samogud gusli play. Only the gusli began to play, as did the king himself, and his boyars, and the court guards - everyone fell asleep; the fool took off the damask sword from the wall and killed the king.

All children with early childhood love fairy tales. Indeed, in fairy tales, the most incredible miracles are performed. The very first creator of them at all times was the people who put their cherished dreams into fairy tales: about justice, about the best lot of the poor. He talked about beauty, intelligence and hard work ordinary people.
When the fairy tales appeared, it is impossible to say for sure, but all this time she lived among the people and was told orally. Fairy tales are different. There are fairy tales, miracles and magical objects must be in them. There are fairy tales about animals, in such fairy tales animals can talk, visit each other and even go to school. There are fairy tales - everyday. Fairy tales that describe the life of ordinary people: a poor man or a clever soldier. Fairy tales have aroused and are of particular interest to children and even adults. She definitely teaches people something, and a fictional fairy world always carries with it a wise thought.

In our fairy tales, there are various objects with magical properties: a self-assembled tablecloth, a magic wand, walking boots, magic fruits and fruits, a flying stupa and others.

Magic items help the heroes to overcome difficulties, obstacles, surpass the extraordinary strength that to an ordinary person cannot give in.

Most often, the most common household items that the heroes use every day are endowed with magical properties: buckets, a stove, a mirror, a ball of thread.

And the most important thing is that fairy tales always end with the victory of "good" over "evil" and at the end of the tale the protagonist will receive a reward.

Magic Items File

Arrow, ball, feather... (Items, telling the truth and showing what is happening in this world.)

A mirror, a golden saucer and a pouring apple magic book.

(Items that can carry the hero through a large space in a short time.) Flying carpet, running boots.

Living and dead water, rejuvenating apples. ( Items that restore health, youth, revive the dead).

Self-cut sword, self-cutting ax, buckets, oven, wonderful hoop, needle, club. (Items that do the work for the hero).

Ring, flint, hairs.(Items that summon helpers).

Invisible hat. (Items that can make the hero invisible.)

Whistle, gusli, horn(Items that can make everyone dance around.)

Egg, chest.(Items that keep the secrets of pests.)

Among these items there are many that are in every home, but only without magical power.

Seven fabulous items of magic

2. Tangle.

3.The feather.

4. Self-assembled tablecloth.


6. Mirror.

7 scallop.

Riddles about magical objects

Exactly seven petals

There are no more colorful flowers.

Tear off the petal -

He will fly to the east,

Both north and south

And he will return to us in a circle.

Make a wish

Expect fulfillment.

What kind of flower is it?

Buttercup? Lily of the valley? A twinkle? (Seven-flowered flower.)

Ah, the cook! Ah, mistress!

You, my friend, recognize her:

One has only to spread -

He will be able to feed everyone.

There will be many different dishes.

What's the cook's name? (Self-assembled tablecloth.)

Many miles ahead.

How to get through them faster?

Try to put them on shoes -

You will overcome the path in an instant. (Walking boots.)

Takes flight

Not a rocket - an airplane.

Not simple - painted,

Not steel, but linen,

Not with a wing, but with a fringe. (Magic carpet.)

If you wear it

You can at least go where

And yet the enemy

Can't find you there. (Invisible hat.)

The duck knows, the bird knows

Where Koshcheya's death lurks.

What is this subject?

Give my friend a quick answer.

I'm fluffy, soft, round

There is a tail, but I'm not a cat,

I jump resiliently

I will swing under the chest of drawers.

(Ball of thread)

Round, ruddy, juicy and sweet,

Very aromatic, liquid, sweet,

Heavy, large

We remember magic objects ... Sword-kladenets (self-cut sword), flying carpet, self-assembled tablecloth, magic comb from which the forest grows, boots-runners, samogud gusli, Baba Yaga's stupa, magic needle, invisible hat, flying ship, magic club, rejuvenating apples, suma (two from the bag), living and dead water, a piece of wool, a bird's feather, fish scales, a wooden flying horse, a Russian stove, a magic ring (ring), a magic mirror, a silver saucer and a liquid apple ...

Sword-kladenets is the name of the weapon of several heroes from Russian folklore. They could be magical and give the owner invincibility. Usually they fell into the hands of the owner from some kind of cache. The sword was used in the fairy tale "The Enchanted Princess". In this tale, Ivan the merchant's son defeats the kites

Self-assembled tablecloth a magic tablecloth that appears in Russian folk tales and written based on their motives literary works able to serve itself. To set the table, it is enough to unfold the tablecloth, and it will be immediately lined with various dishes. At the end of the meal, it is enough to roll up the dirty dishes and the leftovers will disappear into the tablecloth.

Boots-runners, they are seven-league boots, magic shoes that appear in European, including Slavic, fairy tales. The one who puts on the boots gains the ability to move at high speed: each step taken takes the owner of the boots a considerable distance (hence the "seven-mile", that is, as an option, each step is equal to seven miles).

Tkachev Egor

The research object of this work is Russian folk tales and magic objects found in them.

The purpose of this work is to investigate the purpose of magical objects in Russian folk tales.

1. Select objects in fairy tales and classify them.

2. Describe the functions of these objects in fairy tales.




Educational institution

average comprehensive school No. 12 about. Syzran

Completed by: Tkachev Egor,

student of grade 3 A

GBOU SOSH number 12

Work supervisor:

Egorova Svetlana Pavlovna,

primary school teacher.



The role of magical objects in Russian folk tales

1. Introduction

Russian folk tales are one of the main treasures of our culture. They have been translated into many languages ​​and are world famous. A fairy tale enters the life of every person from early childhood. The most common type of fairy tales is animal tales. The animals, the birds in them are both similar and not like the real ones. There is a rooster in boots, carrying a braid on its shoulder; the wolf catches fish and says: "Catch, fish, both small and large!" The fox informs the black grouse about the new "decree". Older children love fairy tales. They attract with the development of action, the struggle of light and dark forces, wonderful transformations.

The simplest and at the same time the most important ideas - about intelligence and stupidity, about cunning and straightforwardness, about good and evil, about heroism and cowardice, about kindness and greed - are given to us by a fairy tale.

The research object of this work is Russian folk tales and magic objects found in them.

The purpose of this work is to investigate the purpose of magical objects in Russian folk tales.


1. Select objects in fairy tales and classify them.

2. Describe the functions of these objects in fairy tales.

2. The role of magical objects in Russian folk tales

A fairy tale is a narrative, usually folk-poetic work about fictional persons and events, mainly with the participation of magical, fantastic forces. Such a definition of a fairy tale is given in the explanatory dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov. Similar interpretations are offered in the dictionaries of D. N. Ushakov (“A fairy tale is a narrative work of an oral folk art") And V. I. Dahl (" A Tale is a Fictional Story ").

If we choose the same root words for the word "fairy tale", then as a result a series of words will appear, to a certain extent revealing its meaning: fairy tale - to tell - to tell. In fact, a fairy tale is what is told, an oral story about something interesting for both the performer and the listener, despite the fact that it is always focused on fiction, be it moralizing stories about animals, fairy tales, adventure stories , satirical anecdotes. Ignorance of fairy tales, as one of the essential shortcomings of upbringing, was regarded by A.S. Pushkin: “I listen to fairy tales - and I reward those shortcomings of my accursed upbringing. What a delight these fairy tales are! Each is a poem! "

In a fairy tale, a person communicates with creatures that you will not find in life: Koshchei the Immortal, Baba Yaga, the many-headed Serpent, giants, dwarf sorcerers. There are unprecedented animals here: Deer-Golden Horns, Pig-Golden Bristle, Sivka-Burka, Firebird. Often wonderful objects fall into the hands of a person: a ball, a self-shaking purse, a self-assembled tablecloth, a self-striking baton. In such a fairy tale, everything is possible!

The fairy tale begins with the fact that the main character for one reason or another, he leaves his home, and then - from the ordinary world. Everything that the character of a fairy tale does, most often, takes place in a strange, strange world: in a copper, silver, golden kingdom, or in a distant distant kingdom, a thirty-tenth state.

Many fairy tales tell about military exploits. But fairy-tale heroes are not fighting for Russia, not for the Russian land. They procure for the king some wondrous, wonderful object.

The fairy tale gives the hero some magical gift and with the help of this gift he achieves his goal.

The number of magic items is unusually large. These are clothes (hat, shirt, boots, belt); tools and weapons (sword, club, whip, stick, stick); all kinds of bags, sacks, purses, vessels; musical instruments(whistles, horns, harp); household items(flint, towels, carpets, tablecloths, balls, mirrors, cards), fruits, berries. The main thing in all these subjects is Magic power, which they possess, helping the hero to achieve the goal.

Weapon items

In a fairy tale, the ax itself cuts the ship or chops wood, the buckets themselves bring water. It is interesting that the ancient connection with animals has not yet been lost here. This is done at the behest of the pike. But this connection is not necessary in a fairy tale. The club itself beats the enemies and takes them prisoner, with the help of a broomstick and a stick "at least any force can be defeated."

Items that summon spirits

Such objects can be of both animal composition (horse hairs) and tools (club) and a number of other objects (ring). Power lives in them.Strength is inherent in all animals and in all parts of them. In the hairs there is the same force as in the whole animal, that is, in the hair there is a horse, just as it is in the bridle, as well as in the bone.


A stick, twig or cane goes back to completely different ideas. The items discussed so far come either from animals or from tools. The wand was created as a result of human communication with the earth and plants. The tale did not retain only one circumstance: a twig is cut from a living tree, and then it can turn out to be magical, transferring the wonderful property of fertility, abundance and life to the one with whom it comes in contact. There are a lot of such cases, and they clearly show that here the life force of the plant is transferred to the struck. The same is attributed to roots and herbs. In the fairy tale "Feigned Disease", the murdered prince is revived by a spine, a gift from an old man. "They took the spine, found the grave of Ivan Tsarevich, dug it up, took it out, wiped it with that spine and rolled over it three times - Ivan Tsarevich got up." The force of the root is transferred to the person.

Items Giving Eternal Abundance

These include water for life or sight, apples for youthfulness, tablecloths for eternal nourishment and abundance.

Living and dead, weak and strong water

Living and dead water are not opposite to each other. They complement each other. "I sprinkled Ivan Tsarevich with dead water - his body grew fused, sprinkled with living water - Ivan Tsarevich got up."

Magic items and their purpose

Magic items

Purpose of items

Arrow, ball, feather.

Show the direction of travel.

A mirror, a magic book, a golden saucer and a pouring apple.

They tell the truth and show what is happening in this world.

A stick, a hair.

Fulfill desires.

Scallop, towel, scarf.

Block the path of the pursuer.

Flying carpet, running boots.

They quickly transport the hero over a long distance.

Ring, flint, hairs.

Assistants are called.

Whistle, gusli, horn.

They make everyone dance around.

Egg, chest.

Keeping secrets.

Rejuvenating apples. Living and dead water.

They return health, youth, revive the dead.

Invisible hat.

Makes the hero invisible.

Self-cut sword, buckets, oven, wonderful hoops, needle, club.

They do the work for the hero.


Protects, protects,


Gives advice, protects, helps.

3. Conclusion

Magic objects in fairy tales are either a kind of portal, a guide to another world, or they play the role of helpers, talismans, amulets and protection. Moreover, not a single fairy tale contains a description of these objects. Their magical properties and functions are simply mentioned, any object in fairy tales can serve as an assistant. The main thing is the magical power contained in it.

Reading a fairy tale, a person worries, worries, and when everything ends well, he feels pleasure, like from any other good book. The fairy tale today is not a dilapidated monument of the distant past, but a bright, living part of our national culture.

Russian folk tale is often the basis of the author's literary and artistic works. Among them: V. A. Zhukovsky, P. P. Ershov, A. S. Pushkin, V. F. Odoevsky, S. T. Aksakov, L. N. Tolstoy, V. M. Garshin, D. N. Mamin -Sibiryak, N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky, M. Gorky, Yu. K. Olesha, A.N. Tolstoy, M. M. Prishvin, V. V. Bianki, K. G. Paustovsky.

The folk tale has had a noticeable impact on painting, animation and cinema, as well as musical creativity and theater.

The practical significance of this study lies in the fact that the results can be used in literary reading lessons when studying oral folk art, when conducting literary competitions, quizzes, as well as in their own literary experience, for example, when writing a fairy tale.

List of used literature

Literary texts

  1. Afanasyev A. N. Russian folk tales. Samara Printing House Publishing House, 1993.

Encyclopedic and reference publications

  1. Dal V.I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language: In 4 volumes. M., 1981.
  2. Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Yu. Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. M., 1993.
  3. Ushakov D.N. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1995.

Scientific critical literature

  1. Anikin V.P. Russian folk tale. M., 1984.
  2. Pomerantseva E.V. Russian folk tale. M., 1963.
  3. Propp V. Ya. Historical roots Russian folk tale. L., 1986.
  4. Propp V. Ya. Russian folk tale. L., 1984.
