
Description of the character of people: individual qualities and examples. Personality traits: examples

Character is the manifestation of an emotional reaction in a person's behavior in various relationships and specific situations. The character of a certain person and all his features of the manifestation of qualities is a consequence of the upbringing and living conditions in a social society.

Of course, individual adjustment and various life circumstances affect a person's psychology, but the formation and development of higher mental functions and genetic characteristics is laid down and formed in the womb, therefore, when a person is born, practically from the first days, he shows his individual characteristics. Any person can be characterized and assigned to him a certain type of personality.

Also, you can pay attention to the manifestation of characteristic typical signs different nations, i.e. there are general definitions of specific nationalities. For example, the character of the Russian is clearly different from other national mentalities.

The temperament of a Russian person:

  • "The breadth and generosity of the soul", which is absent in most nations.
  • Patience, resilience and endurance.
  • Craving for justice and compassion.
  • From the negative: laziness, pessimism, hypocrisy and foul language.

It is easy to define a Russian person by temperament, foreign nations associate a Russian person as one who loves to walk "on a grand scale", they were always surprised by the generosity, steadfastness and dedication of the Russian people. Only a Russian person has an original sense of humor, which perplexes fellow foreigners. Many foreign men believe that a Russian woman is the best companion for life, as she possesses responsiveness, humanity, loyalty and compassion.

Also, a decent barrier for foreigners is the study of the Russian language, it is considered the most difficult because of the excessive emotionality and the double meaning of the same words. The qualities in people of the Russian warehouse, their attitude to other people of the social environment in to a greater extent tend to honor religious traditions. Attitude towards Christianity, observance of religious rites begins with the origins of the formation of the Slavic race.

8 SIGNS THAT LIE TO YOU! How to recognize a lie?

Individual characteristics in people, identifying their signs is an indicator of the true face of a Russian person, what qualities and abilities can manifest themselves in non-standard situations of a social society. The psychology of the Russian person, the flexibility of the mind, extraordinary endurance, dedication, love for the motherland, the manifestation of compassion has repeatedly convinced opponents of their strength and steadfastness.

Classification of character traits

Emotional Strong-willed Moral Intellectual
Emotionality Persistence Honesty Curiosity
Cheerfulness Independence Responsiveness Quick wits
Impressionability Uncertainty Kindness Resourcefulness
Determination Cruelty Lightheadedness
Courage Thoughtfulness

Psychology of varying degrees of manifestation of the character of each person is individual and is formed throughout life, changes depending on the social environment. There is a certain classification to the group of which one or another person can be attributed.

List of manifestations in human behavior and assessment of qualities in social situations.

  1. Strong-willed qualities are the features of the properties of a particular person, which are manifested in non-standard situations (endurance, patience, stubbornness, courage, cowardice, courage, discipline, etc.)
  2. Emotional manifestations are the duration of mental processes in a particular person in specific situations (negative, positive, dynamic, neutral, statistical, non-traditional).
  3. Intellectual features of an individual person, the quality of a person's thinking (breadth, depth, flexibility, criticality, stupidity, etc.)

List of manifestations of the qualities of people

Attitude to the outside world is divided into four types:

  • I'm good - everyone is good.
  • I'm good - everyone is bad.
  • I'm bad - everyone is good.
  • I'm bad - everyone is bad.
  • Attitude towards one's personality (self-esteem, self-criticism, arrogance, self-esteem, etc.).
  • Attitude towards work (laziness, hard work, accuracy, tolerance, negligence, punctuality, responsibility, etc.).
  • Attitude in groups of social environment (sociability, isolation, truthfulness, deceit, politeness, rudeness, etc.).

Types of human temperament

Temperament is the constant features of the individual behavior of a particular person, which are equally manifested in various activities. There are four types of definitions of which are:

  1. A sanguine person, distinguished by increased mobility, working capacity has pronounced mimic emotional manifestations in facial expression, responsiveness, sociability, poise, optimism, cheerful disposition, fatigue from hard work, carelessness.
  2. Choleric - sudden mood swings, hot temper, hysteria, quick disposition, impetuosity, outbursts of anger.
  3. Melancholic - anxiety, pessimism, vulnerability, excessive worries for any reason, restraint, self-control, not trusting others.
  4. Phlegmatic - composure, low activity, prudence, gives the impression wise man, always gets the job done.

Human temperaments. 4 types of temperament: choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic

Manifestations of character traits in men and women

Manifestation of character traits in men

The same character trait in men and women, their attitude to actions is manifested in different emotional reactions, while causing completely different feelings.

For example, a woman's resentment manifests itself in a man in the form of angry outbursts.

  • Women are characterized by manifestations of excessive emotionality, sensitivity, understanding and compassion, practicality, they are more susceptible to sudden mood swings. The psychology of men, the attitude towards values, is based on restraint and the desire for power and leadership. Each period of the era is characterized by the presence of certain qualities in men and women.

The manifestation of character traits in women

  • So, for example, the qualities in modern people have minor differences, more and more associations of male and female professions are being formed. Today, it is not uncommon to meet the beautiful half of humanity behind the wheel, and a man is a stylist, a hairdresser or a conductor, which would have surprised them a few decades ago.

The main traits of a person's character are the predominant stable, innate or acquired qualities that are constantly manifested in the behavior of an individual. Having learned which signs correspond to a certain person, you can draw up a psychological portrait, attitude and opinion about him, as well as assign a type of temperament (choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic).

To classify which characteristic individual qualities, in order to determine the positive and negative character traits and draw general conclusions. This will help, for example, when applying for a job in choosing a position, and sometimes in choosing a life partner, defining the criteria which you value.

Negative and positive traits of a person's character

The psychology of any person is a continuous formation of the quality of character, depending on what conditions, therefore, it tends to show negative traits, they can change depending on what conditions, for the worse or for the better.

There are also constant negative qualities manifested in an individual person, which do not change throughout life.

Negative character traits can not always be regarded as their negative features and qualities can emphasize the merits:

  1. Self-confidence - self-satisfaction, can provoke a craving for efficiency and improved performance, for the realization of self-satisfaction.
  2. Stubbornness, provokes the achievement of goals set for oneself.
  3. Selfishness - Ignoring others is bad, but trying to please others is not always beneficial. Sometimes you need to think about yourself in order to be able to help others.
  4. Jealousy, some people can provoke them to want to achieve better results than others.

There are such character traits in people as cruelty, deceit, hypocrisy, laziness, stinginess, rudeness, gloom, etc., which will never provoke them to good deeds.

Positive and negative character traits, their qualities, to a greater or lesser extent, are present in every person. Positive ones can cover up negative personality traits of an individual. For example, people can be lazy but good-natured or selfish, but neat and hardworking, rude but sympathetic and generous, etc.

List of positive qualities and their signs:

  1. Endurance and patience.
  2. Gratitude and morality.
  3. Initiative and originality.
  4. Cheerfulness and giftedness.
  5. Sensitivity and optimism, etc.

The main character traits in women

List of predominant qualities and their distinctive properties:

The main character traits in men

List of predominant qualities and their properties:

4 basic psychotypes of personality. How to identify and recognize a person's character?

Each person has a unique set of qualities that define his personality. I wonder what kind of character traits there are, what types of qualities are there and how do they affect a person's character?

What are the character traits?

Why deal with what character traits exist? In order to be able to determine the type of character of the interlocutor. And knowing what type of character a person has, it is easier to predict his actions, and this will help to avoid various unpleasant situations.

Even without being familiar with the topic, you can name many character traits, how to understand which of them are defining for a particular person? In psychology, there are concepts of leading and secondary character traits. That is, not every trait will manifest itself with the same force in a person's behavior. For example, a truth-loving and fearful person will constantly endure ridicule from others, alone with himself arguing how wrong they are if fear is the leading one. But if the love of truth prevails, then he will tell everyone who they really are, deep down, fearing the consequences.

Therefore, character traits are classified in relation to various aspects of life.

  1. Attitude towards other people: rudeness, truthfulness, tact, deceit, isolation, sociability, friendliness.
  2. Attitude to business: conscientiousness, responsibility, hard work, laziness.
  3. Attitude towards oneself: narcissism, self-criticism, modesty, pride, self-confidence.
  4. Attitude towards property: greed, frugality, generosity, wastefulness, slovenliness, neatness.

The main group is the attitude towards other people, because it is in society that the main character traits are formed, without assessing behavior with other people, a person's character cannot be understood. If a person has overdeveloped any certain character traits, then this is called accentuation.

What is the character of a person with accentuation?

The most famous division into introverts and extroverts, closed and sociable people, respectively. But there is also such a classification of types of human character with accentuation.

4 types of character

It is not easy to figure out what a person's character is, because there are many classifications. From school we know the concepts of choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic - these are types of temperament, but they are often mixed with types of human character. Temperament really has a huge impact on character. Therefore, in order to understand what types of character are, it is imperative to take into account the person's temperament.

Write a list of those qualities of a person that you think are very suitable for him as a person.

We offer you an example of such a list (with a decryption of each quality). We hope that it will help you at least a little:

  1. Workaholism. A person is able to work for a long time and not complain of terrible fatigue.
  2. Altruistic. A person always thinks about other people, forgets about his own problems, troubles and worries.
  3. Accuracy. A man tries to keep track of his appearance, for clothes, for things.
  4. Creativity. A person thinks outside the box, is able to find a way out of any situation.
  5. Pedantry. A person acts strictly according to the points of any instruction, without deviating from the information presented a single step.

Adjectives characterizing a person

Sincere, responsible, reliable, resourceful, eccentric, talented, selfless, fair, sociable, responsive, stress-resistant, strong, attentive, intelligent, strong.

Accentuation of a person's character with a description of each type

You can characterize a person taking into account character accentuations. We will tell you a little about them.

Stuck type

Differs in obvious "getting stuck" in thoughts, experiences. People are not able to forget past grievances, betrayals, quarrels. In the conflict, they take a leading and active position. Arguing with such people is almost always useless and pointless. They will stand their ground and are unlikely to admit they are wrong. People who get stuck are unyielding fighters for real justice.

Negative qualities and sides of this type: resentment (seriously and over trifles), vindictiveness, rudeness, straightforwardness, jealousy, arrogance, harshness, rejection of any other people's opinion.

Conformal type

People of this type are distinguished by hyper-sociability, turning into talkativeness. Often they do not have their own opinion, they do not strive to somehow stand out from the crowd. "Conforming" people are very fond of various entertainment, do not deny their interest in gambling.

Negative qualities and sides of this type: a long process of adaptation to anything, insincerity, pretense, duplicity, incorrect perception of objective reality.

Anxious type

People develop feelings of inferiority. They constantly think that they are acting incorrectly, making mistakes. They do not know how to be themselves, as they try to be the best in everything. They cannot be trusted with the position of a leader, since nothing good will come of it.

Negative qualities and aspects of this type: fearfulness, shyness, isolation, shyness, "overkill" with a sense of duty and responsibility, a high degree of sociability only with close people.

Dysthymic type

"Distant" people attract others with their serious approach to any problems and business, conscientiousness and kindness. They are extremely negative about all changes. It is easier for them to live as usual.

Negative qualities and sides of this type: pessimism, decadent mood, solid slow thinking, love of loneliness, the desire to work alone (not in a team).

Cycloid type

The main difference between "cycloid" people is a high degree of efficiency. They dress rather strangely (like for picnics, for outdoor recreation). They try to be as interesting as possible for the interlocutors. They are charming.

Negative qualities and sides of this type: instability, inconstancy, excessive gullibility, obsession, laziness, straightforwardness (sometimes), cutesy, excessive gesticulation, inattention.

Exalted type

Emotions are reflected in constant (frequent) falling in love. People of this type change their mood so quickly that they do not have time to keep track of it. "Exalters" are strongly attached to their friends and therefore try not to make trouble with them. They believe in eternal friendship, but they often get burned.

Negative qualities and sides of this type: alarmism, susceptibility to despair, a tendency to depression of the neurotic type.

You can characterize a person with the help of knowledge of temperamental characteristics

Characteristics of temperament types


Always in moving. There is no despondency and pessimism in him. Choleric is a leader with an explosive character. He always argues to the last, defending his own point of view. His distinctive features and hobbies - hyper communication, mobility, perseverance, sexuality, craving for extreme and experimentation, courage, willingness to take risks.


We teach quickly, resourceful, fair, reasonable and talented. He is accustomed to discipline, cleanliness and order. Doesn't like deception. It is difficult to piss off a sanguine person, but it is possible. For example, routine work is capable of this, since sanguine people cannot stand continuous monotony. As soon as they get tired of doing this or that work assignment how they immediately start sending out resumes in order to change their usual activity.


He is always betrayed by "frozen" facial expressions, timid speech, excessive vulnerability and resentment, shyness, gloom, bewilderment and depression. The melancholic is very sensitive to criticism and praise. People - melancholic are never afraid of loneliness, as they can find harmony within themselves. Their need for friendship is extremely poorly developed.

Phlegmatic person

Silent, balanced, calm, secretive person. He always manages to do everything (despite his slowness), since everything in his life is planned in advance. They are distinguished by constancy in tastes, habits, views.

There are people related to mixed type temperament. What is temperamental confusion? A kind of temperament, which includes a "cocktail" of various qualities of a sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic person.

It doesn't matter at what point you might need to describe yourself - when writing a resume, preparing for an interview, or just meeting new people. Whatever the reason, this skill is very useful. How you describe yourself is how you present yourself to others. To do this right, it's important to understand yourself well.


How to describe yourself as a person

    Find your words. Character analysis tests and personality type descriptions will help you gather the words you need. If you can't find the words you want on your own, you can also look through special books and dictionaries.

    • Personality adjectives can also be found on the Internet using search engines.
  1. Know which words to avoid. Some words sound normal, but only when someone describes you with them, and not you yourself. If you use them yourself, you will appear vain and repulsive. Discard the following words:

    • Charismatic. This will make you seem pompous.
    • Generous. Let other people decide whether you are generous or not based on your behavior.
    • Modest. A modest person is unlikely to call himself modest.
    • Humorous. People who consider themselves to have a great sense of humor most often do not have it. Even the most humorous people have many doubts about this.
    • Sensitive. Empathy also manifests itself in actions. Calling yourself empathetic is almost the same as calling yourself humble.
    • Fearless. Each of us has fears. Calling yourself fearless will make you seem overconfident. It also makes it harder for people to get along with you.
    • Clever. An intelligent person can be seen immediately, there is no need to talk about it.
    • Cute. Who do you seem likeable to? Everyone? If you call yourself that word, perhaps people will begin to subconsciously look for something repulsive in you.
  2. Describe situations. The most successful way to describe yourself is to tell stories from your life. Many writers try not to write something in plain text, but to describe it. This also applies to describing your personality, especially in job interviews.

    • For example, instead of saying that you are kind and patient, you can talk about how you helped smooth out a conflict with a client in a previous job.
    • Instead of calling yourself an adventurer, tell your friends what travels you've been and what you remember the most: for example, a difficult seven-day hike or a month you spent in Asia as a "savage".
  3. Pay attention to the facts. If you're trying to find words for your resume, it's best to focus on facts rather than describing yourself with adjectives. Adjectives let the employer know how you see yourself, and the facts from the previous place of work and your achievements will speak for themselves.

    • For example, if you are looking for a position as a customer service professional, provide examples that show that you are patient and willing to help people who have a problem.
  4. Correct the set of words depending on the situation. Describing yourself to friends or family and describing yourself to a potential employer are two different things. In both cases, it will be important to tell the truth, but in the interview you will have to describe yourself from the best side.

    • You can also choose words depending on the specific situation. It's important to be honest about your strengths and weaknesses, but what you say or keep quiet about will depend on the situation.
    • For example, let's say you want to get a job related to working with people. Even if you are good at interacting with people, if you say that you are an introvert who prefers to spend time on your own, your potential employer may decide that you are not the right fit.
  5. Tell us about your hobbies and previous experiences. It is better not to describe yourself with adjectives, but to talk about what you like and what you have done in the past. Imagine a situation in which you would only need to describe yourself with adjectives. This would be pretty funny (and awkward):

    • “Hello, my name is Alexey. I am neat, active, attentive to trifles, sensitive, and I am glad to meet you. " Perhaps such a text would be suitable for a dating site, but even there it would look strange.
    • Better to say this: “My name is Alexey. I am a barista and I really enjoy my job because I love coffee, jazz, coffee foam drawings and aprons. I also love cinema (especially science fiction and documentaries) and hiking. "
  6. Don't just talk about yourself. If you want to describe yourself to a friend or boyfriend or girlfriend you want to like, remember to ask questions as well. In order for people to enjoy being in your company, you must be able to listen.

    Never lie about yourself. When you get to know yourself better, you realize that there are things you can and cannot do, and that's okay. Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses and acknowledge them in yourself.

    • If you lie to yourself or others about your strengths and weaknesses, you may find jobs that are not suitable for you, or you will connect with people with whom you will not be able to bond.

    How to understand your character

    1. Keep a diary. If you are having trouble figuring out who you are, start journaling. Regularly recording your thoughts and feelings will help you understand yourself better. You can use the diary precisely to analyze what makes you you.

      Create an album about yourself. If you want to understand who you are, a book or album with all the things that you use in trying to understand yourself will help you. There you can store diary entries, personality test results, excerpts of prose, drawings - whatever you want.

      Make lists. Lists of things that are important to you will help you understand yourself better. Here are some examples of such lists:

      • "What do I like and dislike?" Fold a piece of paper in half, write in the top half what you like and on the bottom what you dislike. This can take a lot of time and space, so try to limit yourself to one category per list: movies, books, food, games, people.
      • "What would I do if I had unlimited money?" You can sketch out a series of ideas or draw something. Make a list of things you could buy or things to do if you weren't financially constrained.
      • "What am I most afraid of?" What are your biggest fears? Are you afraid of spiders, death, loneliness? Write everything down.
      • "What makes me happy?" Make a list of the things that make you happy. You can even describe specific situations in which you felt or might feel happy.
    2. Ask yourself why. Making a list is just the first step. The next step is to consider why you like or dislike something, or why something scares you and something else makes you happy. If you can answer the “why” question, you will understand yourself better.

      Study personality traits online or from books. Job selection and psychology books often contain personality trait lists as well as self-paced tests to help you determine your personality type.

      Take personality tests. They can be found in specialized literature and on the Internet. There are many sites where you can find free tests but it is important to use a reliable source.

      • Do not take tests on popular entertainment sites, as often the people who compose them do not have a special education in the field of psychology. There are sites that are known for their tests. It is interesting to pass them, but they are not based on scientific information.
      • If the site asks you to enter any personal information other than your email address, age and gender, make sure the site is not fraudulent. Free sites have no reason to ask you to enter your card details, exact date of birth, full name or address.
    3. Connect your hobbies with personality traits. Once you know what personality traits are, go through your lists and journal entries to see if there are certain traits that you read about.

      • If you enjoy doing something dangerous or you talk about adventure a lot, you might describe yourself as a daredevil, a risk-taker.
      • If you notice that you often try to help people, you may be generous and loyal (or everyone is wiping their feet about you, and you are trying to please everyone).
      • If you often make people laugh, you can say that you are funny. But it can also be a sign that you are trying to hide your anxiety and nervousness with humor (assuming you often joke when you are nervous).
    4. Ask friends and family. If you want to know how others perceive you, ask friends and family how they would describe you. But remember that no one knows you better than yourself.

      • It is important to consider what other people have to say, however, they evaluate everything through the prism of their experience, and everyone's experience is different. Your mom may say that you are unkempt and fussy, and your friends may say that you are calm and calm.
      • Summarize what your friends and family have to say, and then draw your own conclusions. If everyone says you can be mean, you should think about it (and work on fixing it).
    5. Remember, your personality can change. People change over time and with experience. The person you are now will be different from the person you will be in 10 years. When analyzing your personality, do not forget that something can change.

    6. Try to live in harmony with yourself. You have strengths and weaknesses, and positive and negative traits. Accept all parts of yourself. Enjoy the ones you like and work on the ones you don't like, but never berate yourself for who you are.

      • Of course, you have weaknesses, but you also have strengths, and weaknesses can be overcome. In fact, weaknesses may even be strengths that you don't immediately consider.

When a new personality is born, it receives a unique character as a gift. Human nature can consist of traits inherited from parents, or it can manifest itself in a completely different, unexpected quality.

Nature not only determines behavioral reactions, it specifically affects the manner of communication, attitude towards others and oneself, towards work. Traits of a person's character create a certain worldview in a person.

The behavioral reactions of a person depend on the character

These two definitions create confusion, because both of them are involved in the formation of personality and behavioral responses. In fact, the character and temperament are heterogeneous:

  1. The character is formed from a list of certain acquired qualities of the personality's mental make-up.
  2. Temperament is a biological quality. Psychologists distinguish four types of it: choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic.

Having the same temperament, individuals can have absolutely different character... But temperament has an important influence on the development of nature - smoothing or sharpening it. Likewise, human nature directly affects temperament.

What is character

Psychologists, speaking of character, imply a certain combination of individual traits that are persistent in their expression. These traits maximally affect the behavioral line of the personality in diverse relationships:

  • among people;
  • in the work team;
  • to self;
  • to the surrounding reality;
  • to physical and mental labor.

The word "character" Greek origin, it means "to mint". This definition was introduced into everyday life by a natural scientist. Ancient Greece, philosopher Theophrastus. Such a word really, very accurately defines the nature of the individual.

Theophrastus was the first to introduce the term "character"

The character seems to be drawn as a unique pattern, it gives rise to a unique seal, which the individual wears in a single copy.

Simply put, character is an aggregate, a combination of stable individual mental characteristics.

How to understand nature

To understand what kind of nature an individual has, you need to analyze all his actions. It is the behavioral reactions that determine the examples of character and characterize the personality.

But such a judgment is more often subjective. A person does not always react the way his intuition tells him. The actions are influenced by upbringing, life experience, the customs of the environment where the person lives.

But you can understand what kind of disposition a person has. Observing and analyzing the actions of a certain person for a long time, one can identify individual, especially stable traits. If a person in completely different situations behaves the same way, showing similar reactions, makes the same decision - this indicates the presence of a certain nature in him.

Knowing what character traits are manifested and prevailing in a person, one can predict how she will manifest herself in a given situation.

Character and its features

A character trait is an important part of a personality, it is a stable quality that determines the interaction of a person and the surrounding reality. This is a defining method for resolving situations that arise, therefore psychologists consider a trait of nature as predictable personal behavior.

Variety of characters

A person acquires features of character in the course of his entire life span; individual traits of nature cannot be attributed to innate and characterological. To analyze and assess the personality, the psychologist not only determines the totality of individual characteristics, but also identifies their distinctive features.

It is the character traits that are defined as prevailing in the study and compilation of the psychological characteristics of the personality.

But, defining, evaluating a person, studying the traits of behavior in the social plane, the psychologist also uses the knowledge of the content orientation of nature. It is defined in:

  • strength-weakness;
  • width-narrowness;
  • static-dynamic;
  • integrity-inconsistency;
  • integrity-fragmentation.

Such nuances are common, full description a certain person.

List of personality traits

Human nature is the most complex aggregate combination of peculiar traits that is formed into a unique system. This order includes the most vivid, stable personal qualities that are revealed in the gradations of the relationship between man and society:

Relationship system Inherent traits of an individual
Plus Minus
To self Fastidiousness Condescension
Self-criticism Narcissism
Meekness Boastfulness
Altruism Egocentrism
To the people around Sociability Isolation
Complacency Callousness
Sincerity Deceit
Justice Injustice
Friendliness Individualism
Sensitivity Callousness
Courtesy Shamelessness
To work Organization Laxity
Obligation Stupidity
Diligence Sloppiness
Enterprise Inertia
Hard work Laziness
To subjects Economy Squandering
Thoroughness Negligence
Neatness Negligence

In addition to the character traits included by psychologists in the gradation of relationships (as a separate category), manifestations of nature in the moral, temperamental, cognitive and sthenic spheres were distinguished:

  • moral: humanity, rigidity, sincerity, good nature, patriotism, impartiality, responsiveness;
  • temperamental: passion, sensuality, romance, liveliness, receptivity; passion, lightheadedness;
  • intellectual (cognitive): analytical, flexibility, inquisitiveness, resourcefulness, efficiency, criticality, thoughtfulness;
  • sthenic (strong-willed): categorical, persistence, obstinacy, stubbornness, purposefulness, timidity, courage, independence.

Many leading psychologists are inclined to believe that certain personality traits should be divided into two categories:

  1. Productive (motivational). Such traits push a person to perform certain actions and actions. These are target traits.
  2. Instrumental. Giving personality during any activity, individuality and method (manner) of action. These are trait ways.

Graduation of traits according to Allport

Allport's theory

The famous American psychologist Gordon Allport, an expert and developer of gradations of personality traits of an individual, divided personality traits into three classes:

Dominant... Such traits most clearly reveal the behavioral form: actions, activities of a certain person. These include: kindness, selfishness, greed, secrecy, gentleness, modesty, greed.

Normal... They are equally manifested in all the numerous spheres of human life. These are: humanity, honesty, generosity, conceit, altruism, egocentrism, cordiality, openness.

Secondary... These nuances have little effect on behavioral responses. These are not dominants in behavior. These include musicality, poetry, diligence, diligence.

A strong relationship is formed between the traits of nature that exist in a person. This regularity forms the final character of the individual.

But any existing structure has its own hierarchy. Human warehouse was no exception. This nuance is traced in Allport's proposed gradation structure, where minor traits can be suppressed by dominant ones. But in order to predict the act of a person, it is necessary to focus on the entire set of traits of nature..

What is typicality and personality

The manifestation of the nature of each person always reflects the individual and the typical. This is a harmonious combination of personal qualities, because the typical serves as the basis for identifying the individual.

What is typical character... When a person has a certain set of traits that are the same (common) for a specific group of people, such a warehouse is called typical. It is like a mirror, reflecting the accepted and customary conditions for the existence of a particular group.

Also, typical traits depend on the warehouse (a certain type of nature). They are also a condition for the emergence of a behavioral type of character, in the category of which a person is “recorded”.

Having understood what kind of features are inherent in a given personality, a person can draw up an average (typical) psychological portrait and assign a certain type of temperament. For example:

Positive Negative
Activity Incontinence
Energy Irascibility
Sociability Aggressiveness
Determination Irritability
Initiative Rudeness in communication
Impulsiveness Instability of behavior
Phlegmatic person
Persistence Low activity
Operability Slowness
Calmness Sedentary
Endurance Uncommunicativeness
Reliability Individualism
Good faith Laziness
Sociability Aversion to monotony
Activity Superficiality
Benevolence Lack of persistence
Adaptability Bad perseverance
Cheerfulness Frivolity
Courage Recklessness in actions
Resourcefulness Inability to focus
Sensitivity Isolation
Impressionability Low activity
Diligence Uncommunicativeness
Restraint Vulnerability
Cordiality Shyness
Accuracy Poor performance

Such typical character traits, corresponding to a certain temperament, are observed in each (to one degree or another) representative of the group.

Individual manifestation... Relationships between individuals are always evaluative, they are manifested in a rich variety of behavioral reactions. The manifestation of the individual traits of an individual is greatly influenced by the emerging circumstances, the formed worldview and a certain environment.

This feature is reflected in the brightness of the various typical traits of the individual. They are not the same in intensity and develop individually for each personality.

Some typical traits are so powerful in a person that they become not just individual, but unique.

In this case, typicality develops into individuality by definition. This personality classification helps to identify the negative characteristics of an individual that interfere with expressing themselves and achieving a certain position in society.

Working on himself, analyzing and correcting shortcomings in his own character, each person creates the life to which he aspires.
