
Blotography with a straw in kindergarten drawings. Blotography with a straw is one of the directions of non-traditional artistic drawing technique. Materials for work

Hello dear colleagues! I bring to your attention

master class "Fairy trees"

- unconventional technique drawing (blowing with a straw + stuffing with a hard, semi-dry brush).

Drawing in non-traditional techniques - this is a great way to have fun and usefully spend time, experiment with colors, create unusual works. This is another magic drawing lessons for my loving creativity preschoolers.

Drawing in this technique perfectly develops creativity, fantasy, imagination, fosters the aesthetic perception of works visual arts... The lesson is not only interesting, exciting, but also very useful. So, as blowing through a tube strengthens health: the strength of the lungs and the respiratory system of the child as a whole.

So, for work we need:

Bottles with colored liquid paint;

Album sheet of paper (better for watercolors or drawing);

Colour pencils;


A glass of water;

Cloth for drying the brush;

Cocktail tube;

Thin squirrel brush;

Adhesive bristle brush.

Work process:

Preparing the background. Draw the earth, sky, sun with colored pencils.

On a prepared sheet of paper from a bottle we drip paint of any color(the tree is fabulous, so it can be of any color).

Blow the drop with the help of a tube from the bottom up until it is divided into several parts.(branches, without touching a drop or a sheet of paper with the straw.

Continue blowing through the straw to get smaller branches. To do this, when blowing, it is necessary to make quick movements with the tube to the right and left, up and down.

We drip paint of different colors onto the palette and continue drawing. Draw the leaves with a thin squirrel brush using the wetting method.

Draw flowers on a tree with a hard, semi-dry brush using the "stuffing" method.

We draw flowers on a tree using a different paint color, and flowers on the ground (when changing paint, rinse the brush thoroughly and dry it on a paper towel).

Children paint!

Our fabulous trees are ready!

In this technique, you can draw a tree "Saxaul"

Blooming sakura twig(flowers are drawn using cotton swabs) .


Theme: Non-traditional drawing techniques as a means of developing interest in fine art.

Target: to expand the knowledge of teachers through acquaintance with non-traditional drawing techniques, as a means of developing the interest of preschoolers in fine art.


  • introduce teachers to unconventional technique drawing - blobography;
  • to teach practical skills in the field of visual activity using an unconventional way of image: blowing with a tube and monotyping;
  • improve the level of teachers' skill.

Methods and techniques: reproductive, practical.

Equipment: drawings made in the technique of blotting; children's work on visual activities using non-traditional drawing techniques; tables, chairs for teachers; material for practical activities - gouache, ink of different colors, jars of water, brushes, colored pencils, cocktail tubes, album sheets of paper, scissors, glue, strips of paper, napkins for each teacher.

Preliminary work: processing of special literature on this topic; preparation of equipment; creative work children.

MASTER-CLASS № 1 "Saxaul tree"

Technique: blotography (blowing with a straw)

1. Prepare: a sheet of thick landscape paper, black ink in a bottle with a fine tip, cocktail tube, colored pencils (yellow, brown, blue) for the background.

2. Draw a bright sun and sand on a sheet of paper.

3. Take a bottle of ink and put a blot at the bottom of the sheet.

6. You will get such a tree.

MASTER CLASS № 2 "Fairy tree"

Technique: blotography (blowing with a tube

1. Prepare: a landscape sheet of paper; colored ink in bottles with a fine tip; cocktail tube; squirrel brush No. 3-5; palette, a glass of water, colored pencils for the background.

2. Prepare the background with colored pencils (grass, sky).

3. Take a bottle of ink of any color and put a blot at the bottom of the sheet.

4. Using a cocktail tube, blow out the blot from the bottom up. When the blot splits into several shoots (twigs), blow them out separately in the desired direction.

5. To obtain smaller branches, blow out each large branch with quick movements of the tubes to the right - left, up and down.

6. Draw a drop of ink of different colors on the palette and paint the leaves with a brush, using the wetting method.

7. You will get such a fabulous tree.

MASTER CLASS № 3 "Butterfly"

Technique: blotography (monotype).

1. Prepare: gouache of different colors, a jar of water, an album sheet of paper, a brush, glue, a strip of paper, scissors.

2. Fold a sheet of paper in half.

3. Expand.

4. On one half of the sheet, apply the gouache along the contour with a brush.

5. Apply paint of a different color in random order.

Summary of a drawing lesson for the older group.

Topic: Blotography. Blowing with a straw

Target: The development of imagination in children through an unconventional drawing technique - blotography.


Educational: to consolidate the knowledge about the main colors, to acquaint with the unconventional technique of drawing blobography - blowing with a tube.

Developing: develop the creative thinking of children (through problem situations), curiosity, imagination.

Educational: in nurture an interest in pictorial activity

Expand and activate the dictionary: blotography, blot,vblowing with a tube.

Equipment : container with soapy water, a transparent container with clean drinking water,album sheet, gouache, wide brush, jar of water, cocktail tube,wet wipes, paint brush.

Preliminary work: reading a fairy tale by V.G. Suteeva "We are looking for the Blot"

Lesson plan

1. Introductory part: 4 min

Creating a problem situation

Creating a motive for children's activities

2. Main part: 13 minutes

Visual activity


Visual activity

3. Final part: 3 min

Assessment of children's performance and self-esteem

Summing up the results of the lesson

Duration of lesson 20 minutes

Course of the lesson

Parts of the lesson

Introductory part

Creating a motive for children's activities

Children come up to the teacher's table. A cocktail tube is in the hands of the teacher.

- What do you think it is for? (children's answers)

The teacher drinks from a straw, makes a storm in a glass, blows bubbles, just blows ...

Imagine, and I can also draw with a straw. Do you know how? (children's answers)the teacher leads the children to ask them to teach.

Take a seat at your workplace.

2. Main part

Guys, drawing with a straw is an unconventional drawing technique, and it is called blobography.

With the help of cocktail tubes, we will blow the drawing, and what you get depends only on you. Take a brush, dip it in water, then in paint and drip onto the paper, you get a little blot. Move the brush to the side. Now, with the help of a straw, we inflate the blot and get a pattern. Everyone will have their own pattern, unique. The teacher demonstrates the drawing process.

In the meantime, your blots will dry, I propose to do a physical minute.

Physical minute. "Watch"

Tick-tock, tick-tock -

All clocks run like this:

Tick ​​tock. (Tilt your heads first to one shoulder, then to the other.)

Look quickly, what time is it:

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. (Swing to the beat of the pendulum.)

To the left - once, to the right - once,

We can do that too. (Legs together, hands on the belt. On the count of "one" tilt your head to the right shoulder, then to the left, like a watch.)

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

Your designs are dry, take a close look at your design. Who sees what? You can paint with a regular paint brush. Dream up guys, do not hesitate.

Your work is ready, take it to the exhibition table.

3. The final part

Guys, what interestingwork at you turned out.

The teacher asks the children to tell what they have drawn.

Then the children wondered which work they liked the most and why.
Guys, what you today well done! You great worked hard! Tell me ah what we with you today did? (answers children)

How and how we painted ? (answers children) How are called technique that we used v his work?

And who can say why we painted with cocktail tubes?

I see that you all learned to draw using this technique.

You are great fellows!

thanks to you!

Small children love to leave blots on paper. Parents, underestimating the "masterpieces" of their own children, get rid of incomprehensible drawings. But it turns out that from the blots left, you can create a unique pattern. By the way, there is even such a drawing technique - blotography.


V last years blotography is gaining unprecedented popularity. And this moment is not connected at all with the latest fashion trends. It turns out that thanks to this drawing technique, the child's creative imagination is intensively developing.

It would seem that the kid can learn useful from the usual blot. In fact, a spot accidentally made with paint has a unique, non-repeating shape and size. And if you apply a little imagination, then an ordinary blot can be given the outline of an object or create an image of an animal. By the way, adults are often fond of this unconventional drawing technique.

Blotography drawing technique

To create a unique pattern, you must prepare the following material:

- Artistic brush. It is advisable to use hard brushes. Sometimes children to paint a blot big size use a toothbrush.
- Paints. In this art form, only liquid watercolor is used. If not at hand suitable paints, then you can simply dilute the existing watercolor with water. By the way, multi-colored ink has the consistency necessary for drawing. It can also be used while painting.
- Cardboard or sheet of white paper.
- Capacity for water.
- Cotton buds.
- A damp cloth. Used to remove dirt from hands.

Stages of the creative process

So, blotting is a drawing technique.
Where to begin?
If you are new to this area, then initially you should decide on the theme of the future drawing.
It is extremely important here to direct mental activity in the right direction, in other words, to set the direction.
After making a blot on a piece of paper, turn on your imagination and try to see in it the outlines of an object or living creature. Maybe an amazing planet or a picturesque underwater world is in front of you.

There are several ways to create a drawing using blotting.

The most common is drip method.

A wide, voluminous brush is required here. It should be thoroughly saturated with paint, and then, placing it over a piece of paper, begin to spray watercolor. If you want the drops to spray a small area, tap the brush on your finger or hand. When the brush is simply shaken, the spray area increases. For spot application of paint, use a pipette. By the way, with its help, you can create a large blot, thus depicting, for example, the sun. Most often, landscapes are created using this method of blotting.

In the second method of blotting, use spreading method.

To do this, a large blot is applied to the corner of the sheet with a brush. Importantly, the paint must be very liquid. Then, using a drinking straw, they begin to inflate the paint over the surface of the paper. It is advisable to direct the watercolor in different directions. Now take a closer look at the resulting drawing, what does it remind you of? Maybe a mountain ash bush?

If yes, then you should complete the drawing by drawing red fruits on the branch. To do this, use cotton swab... Just soak the "tool" in the paint the desired color and draw rowan leaves and berries. The resulting drawing, if desired, can be decorated with an original frame.

Your child may need adult help for the first few lessons. Most often, babies cannot immediately see familiar outlines in the blot.

Drawings made in the technique of blotting.

Unconventional drawing technique - blotography "Magic Trees"

Topic: "Magic Trees"

Software content... To consolidate the knowledge of children with a non-traditional artistic technique of blotting with a tube, followed by fantasizing the image. Continue to teach children, make additions to the drawing that enrich its content. Use familiar brushing techniques to complete your drawing. To instill an interest in an unconventional type of drawing, to develop coordination and strength of movements, independence, creativity, imagination, imagination, and develop the respiratory system. Educate neatness.
Equipment: tinted sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, cocktail tubes, napkins, water.
Preliminary work: observation of trees, shrubs while walking; blowing air through the tubes.

1. Organizational moment.
Educator: Hello! Guys, guests have come to us today, let us
let's say hello to them.
Children say hello.
2. The main part.
- Do you guys believe in magic?
Children's answers.
- And which of you dreams of becoming a wizard?
Children's answers.
- And who are these wizards and what can they do?

Children's answers.
Educator: Today I suggest you turn into wizards. and the cocktail stick turns into a magic wand. So, we turn ...
- Spun, whirled ... and turned into wizards!
- So you turned into wizards.
- When I went to kindergarten today, I saw the trees swaying. What
make them swing?
Children's answers.
Educator: Show how the treetops swing when the wind blows? And when does the gentle breeze blow? (Children show) Well done!
Today we will draw magic trees using a magic
sticks - tubes.
But first, we'll practice with you. Try to draw with
tubules and air blown out by you an imaginary tree.
(children draw in the air)
- Well done boys! You are good at it.
(The teacher uses a spoon to make a blot on a piece of paper.)
A drop fell from a spoon,
This blot came running
I have bewitched everything around
And trees and bushes
And we will disenchant.
3. Explanation and showing:
First we dilute on the palette brown gouache with water. Take the paint with a spoon and make a blot at the place where the tree trunk will begin. With the help of a straw, blow on the blot so that its end does not touch either paper or paint. If necessary, the sheet can be rotated, creating a trunk. This drawing technique is called blotting.
4. Independent activities of children.(Soft music sounds)
In the process of drawing, the teacher monitors the technique of blotting, when
necessary helps children, gives advice.
5. Analysis of works. Reflection.
Educator: Let's see what we got? What beautiful trees! And how does your (child's name) crown swing? Whose work is the most interesting? What mood are you in now? Did you enjoy being wizards?
Well done boys! Now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.
Spun, whirled ... and we turned into children!
Children say goodbye to guests.
