
Essay on the topic: Love in the novel Dubrovsky, Pushkin. The love story of Troekurova and Dubrovsky The romantic love story of Masha and Dubrovsky

Tretyakova N.F.

Public lesson literature in grade 6(according to the program of Korovina V.Ya.)

Theme: « Romantic story love of Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova "

Target: reveal the originality of the relationship between Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troyekurova, consider the concept of "romantic love"


1) continue to develop the skill of meaningful reading;

2) to activate associative thinking and creative imagination of students;

3) develop the emotional sphere of students: the ability to feel, empathize, represent figuratively read and listened;

4) lead students to understand and accept the moral lessons of the novel.


1) novel covers made by students

2) painting by V. V. Pukirev "Unequal marriage";

1.Organizational moment

Hello, I am delighted to welcome you. Today in the lesson we continue to work on the novel by Alexander Pushkin "Dubrovsky". In the previous lessons dedicated to Pushkin's work, we shared our impressions, looked for answers to the author's "riddles", created covers for the novel. You see your work on the board. I hope you will remember today's lesson too !!!

2.Psychological attitude : Look into the eyes of your deskmate and mentally wish him success in the lesson, smile at him, the teacher, the guests.

3) Review of the past through the method "Catch the mistake!"

Before we start our conversation, I would like to check how well you know Pushkin's novel.

Assignment: I will read five statements, three of which are correct. You need to write two erroneous statements on a piece of paper.

    The novel "Dubrovsky" is an unfinished work of Pushkin;

    The novel "Dubrovsky" was written by Pushkin in 1830 in Boldino;

(The novel "Dubrovsky" was written by Pushkin surprisingly quickly. On October 21, 1832, the first chapter began. Chapters are born one after another. The novel is impatiently written in pencil - this is a trace of Pushkin's passion for his idea. After a short break, work on the novel resumed, and on February 6, 1833 the writer ends chapter 19)

    The original title of the novel was Ostrovsky;

(The novel "Dubrovsky", - wrote the first biographer of Pushkin P.I.Bartenev, - was inspired by Nashchokin. He told Pushkin about one poor Belarusian nobleman, by the name of Ostrovsky, who had a trial with a neighbor for land, was ousted from the estate and, having remained with some peasants, began to rob ...)

    The novel "Dubrovsky" consists of two volumes, including 23 chapters;

    The title of the novel was given by the publishers.

4. Work on the formulation of the topic through the "Yes-no" technique

Assignment: I wondered something. You need to find the answer by asking questions to which I can answer "yes", "no", "yes and no." For example, this object can be touched, it is a masculine object, can a person do without it ??? Today I wondered what french writer 17th century compared with a ghost ...

True love looks like a ghost: everyone talks about her, but few have seen her "La Rochefoucauld" Maxims ")

Why did La Rochefoucauld compare love to a ghost? Do you agree with this statement? Why did I come up with this particular word today? That's right, in today's lesson we will talk about the love story of Masha and Vladimir. Write down the topic of the lesson ...

5. Goal setting

6 ... Analytical conversation + expressive reading

Whose feeling arose earlier: Masha or Vladimir? Prove by text. how heavenly vision "," see your White dress"," Followed you "," happy with the thought "

“I understood that the house where you dwell is sacred, that not a single creature tied to you by the bond of blood is subject to my curse. I gave up revenge as if it were insane. For days I wandered around the Pokrovsky gardens, hoping to see your white dress from afar. In your careless walks, I followed you, sneaking from bush to bush, happy with the thought , that I am guarding you, that there is no danger for you where I am present in secret. ")

Can Vladimir's love be called beautiful, sublime? (This kind of love is calledromantic !!! Such love was awaited by Masha, brought up on foreign novels)

How did Masha's love for Deforge come about?

- Now you have to answer a very difficult, adult, question. What do you think, having fallen in love with Masha, did not Vladimir betray his father's memory, refusing to take revenge?

("As long as people love, they forgive", said La Rochefoucauld. Indeed, it is love that brings Dubrovsky to the Christian commandment: do not answer evil with evil, forgive your enemy, do not kill. Dubrovsky managed to do the most important thing: among the troubles that he had to endure, he remained a man of honor.)

Why did Dubrovsky confess to Masha that he was not Deforge?

What circumstances separated Masha and Deforge?

How did Masha react to the offer of Prince Vereisky to become his wife? Who is more unpleasant and cruel: Troekurov or Vereisky? Why?

Unequal marriages were common in those days. Let's turn to Pukiriev's painting "Unequal Marriage".Do the heroes of the picture look like Masha and Vereisky? ( Vereisky was 33 years older than Masha!)

What way out and what help did Dubrovsky offer to Masha? Let's read the scene in the gazebo by role (chapter 15)

Why does Masha hesitate with the ring, which means the following episode:“She ran to her room, locked herself in and gave vent to her tears, imagining herself to be the wife of the old prince; he seemed to her disgusting and hateful ... marriage frightened her like a block, like a grave ... "No, no," she repeated in despair, "I'd better die, I'd rather go to a monastery, I'd rather follow Dubrovsky."

die - a monastery - for Dubrovsky. Do they think so about a loved one ?!

Why didn't Masha accept the release from Dubrovsky's hands? Why does Dubrovsky let Masha go with Prince Vereisky? (He realized that she was irretrievably lost. Note,as after the wedding the author calls Masha?) How does Masha feel about the oath of fidelity to her spouse given in the church before God? How does this characterize the heroes?

7. Staging homework

At home you have to write a mini-essay

For girls: Imagine: you are Masha, what did you feel during the wedding. Compose a monologue on behalf of Masha.

For boys : Imagine: you are Vladimir, what did you feel when you realized that Masha was irretrievably lost. Compose a monologue on behalf of Vladimir.

8. Reflection

To put an end to our conversation today, let's make a syncwine (a five-line poetic form that arose in the United States in the early 20th century under the influence of Japanese poetry)

1 line is a noun denoting the theme of syncwine (Love of Masha and Vladimir)

Line 2 - two interesting adjectives that characterize the concept

Line 3 - three verbs that reveal the actions inherent in the subject

4 line - a phrase that reveals the essence of the phenomenon("It's too late now")

5 line - a noun that acts as a result, conclusion("Tragedy")

Thank you for the lesson!!!

    The main character Alexander Pushkin's story "Dubrovsky" is a young gentleman, whose image is shown in development. A number of events from the life of Vladimir Dubrovsky pass before our eyes, and gradually we learn a lot about him. We are getting acquainted with Vladimir ...

    Plan for the topic: 1. Who is Shabashkin. 2. His appearance. 3. How did Shabashkin react to Troekurov's desire to take possession of someone else's estate. Why did he not refuse to participate in this wrong case. 5. In what ways did Shabashkin achieve the fulfillment of Troekurov's wishes. 6 ....

    A.S. Pushkin is a great reformer not only of the Russian literary language, but also Russian prose. He took it as a rule that "accuracy and brevity are the first advantages of prose." The novel "Dubrovsky" is a confirmation of this. This is a novel about a young man who ...

    On the pages of Alexander Pushkin's story "Dubrovsky" we meet two of the most fully outlined female images: Masha Troekurova and nanny Vladimir Dubrovsky - Egorovna. Neither the difference in years, nor belonging to different classes hinder these women ...

    Alexander Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky" does not leave indifferent any of the readers, and this is not surprising at all. This work shows the problems of the relationship between landowners and peasants, fathers and children, as well as all the vicissitudes of that difficult time. Great ...

    In our first acquaintance with Vladimir Dubrovsky, we see a young, confident in himself and his future nobleman, a guard cornet, who rarely thinks about where the money comes from and how much his father has. With the problem of lack of money ...

We are talking about Pushkin's unfinished novel Dubrovsky. With the same perfection Pushkin masters all possible kinds and types of literature: from a heartfelt lyric poem to a novel. The specificity of the novel (we met this genre for the first time) is the complexity, the branching of the plot, the story of the life of many actors whose interests and destinies collide and intertwine.
- Prove that the work we are studying is a novel. (There are several plot lines: the image of the Russian nobility, the relationship between peasants and nobles, the theme of a peasant revolt, a love line; a variety of characters.)

- But whom did Pushkin himself call the main characters of the work? Find the lines that prove it. (Chapter 3: “But it's time to introduce the reader to the real hero of our story” - about Vladimir Dubrovsky; Chapter VIII: “Kirill Petrovich's daughter ... there is a heroine of our story” - about Masha.)
- So, today in the center of our attention is one of the most interesting plot lines of the novel: love - and its main characters Vladimir and Masha. Let's write down the topic of the lesson. We have a big and interesting job- in the course of analyzing individual chapters of the novel, reveal the nature of the relationship between the main characters. Let's turn to the text of the work.
- What do you think made Vladimir Dubrovsky break into Troyekurov's house?

To such a simple, as it still seems to the sixth-graders, a question they quickly answer that Dubrovsky wanted to take revenge on Troekurov. I draw their attention to the fact that in Chapter X "the author explains the reason for this risky act:" I followed you, sneaking from bush to bush, happy with the thought that I was protecting you, that there was no danger for you where I was present in secret. Finally the opportunity presented itself. I have settled in your house. "
- Based on this act, we will determine the nature of Dubrovsky's relationship to Masha (Dubrovsky is in love with Masha. He risks his life for her. The desire to be near her, to constantly see her is the main reason for his risky act.)

To understand how the nature of the relationship between the characters develops, let's trace how Masha reacted to him. To do this, remember who Vladimir appears in the Troekurov house.

- How did Masha react to the appearance of a new person in the house? Confirm with text. (Chapter VIII: “Masha did not pay any attention to the young Frenchman

- Why did Masha suddenly pay attention to the young Frenchman? What event caused her to change her attitude towards the teacher?

- Yes, this is the episode with the bear. Now we will see a fragment of the feature film "The Noble Robber Vladimir Dubrovsky" (we will discuss its title later). Think about what qualities of character Deforges displayed while in the "bear's room". (Students note the determination of the protagonist, courage, composure, the ability to stand up for oneself.)

- What has changed in the nature of Masha's relationship with Deforge? Confirm with text.
(Chapter VIII: “She saw that courage and proud pride did not exclusively belong to one estate, and since then she began to show the young teacher respect, which from hour to hour became more attentive ... After that, the reader is no longer difficult to guess that Masha fell in love with him, herself still not admitting to herself).

- Why do you think Pushkin chooses the verb “fell in love” and not “fell in love”, why doesn't he reinforce it with some epithet: ardent, passionately? (Love -
a deep feeling, and falling in love is a light, romantic feeling. Masha first saw a strong, courageous hero. She only read about such heroes in novels. A romantic feeling awakens in her young heart. Therefore, the verb "in love" is more accurate. Her imagination draws her a new hero, and Deforge becomes such a hero.)

- At the beginning of Chapter XII, Pushkin again writes about Masha's feelings. Find the lines: “She began to understand her own heart and admitted, with involuntary annoyance, that she was not indifferent to the merits of the young Frenchman ... She missed Desforges, in his presence she was constantly busy with him, wanted to know his opinion about everything and always agreed with him. Maybe she was not yet in love, but at the first accidental obstacle or sudden persecution of fate, the flame of passion should have flared up in her heart. "

- Now about the obstacles. Why does Deforge make Masha a date in the garden? (Desforzh needs to leave, since he took revenge on Spitsyn by taking money from him. Now it is important for him to explain himself to Masha.)

- What did Masha expect to hear? ("She has long awaited recognition, wanting and fearing it. She would be pleased to hear confirmation of what she guessed ...")

- And what did you hear? Let's turn to the text and find the answer to the question: "Why did Vladimir refuse revenge?" (Chapter XII: “I realized that the house where you dwell is sacred, that not a single feeling connected with you by the bonds of blood is subject to my curse. I refused vengeance, as from madness-.)

- Developing the storyline in this way, to what conclusion does Pushkin lead his readers? (Love gives birth to the most better feelings... She, Masha, his beloved, by her very existence forced Vladimir to give up revenge.)

- Are Vladimir's feelings clear to us? What words convey his condition? ("He grabbed her hand and pressed it to the burning lips")
- But "Marya Kirillovna stood motionless." What does this mean?

- What do you think is changing in the nature of Masha's relationship with Dubrovsky? (The nascent feeling frightens her, especially now that she has learned that Deforge is
- What event caused the heroes' second date? (The matchmaking of Prince Vereisky.)

- Knowing that his beloved father is forcibly giving in marriage, does Vladimir feel hatred for him? (Chapter XV: "Oh, how I must hate that one, but I feel that now there is no place for hatred in my heart")

- Who else owes his life to Masha? (Prince Vereisky. In chapter XV Vladimir says:
“I will not touch him, your will is sacred to me. He owes you his life)

- On what condition does she agree to escape from Dubrovsky? (Chapter XV: “Then,
then there is nothing to do, come for me, I will be your wife. " If her father is not moved by her tears, she agrees to be with Dubrovsky.)
- Let's pay attention to the end of Chapter XIV. What is Masha talking about? (“No, no,” she repeated in despair, “I’d better die, I’d better go to a monastery, I’d better follow Dubrovsky.”)

- Does Masha love Dubrovsky? (Pushkin does not give a direct answer. The fate of his wife
the robber frightens her. They will have to live in hiding all the time; and for Masha, very
obedient home girl, it's very hard and scary.)
- Why do you think, when Masha nevertheless decided to turn to Dubrovsky for help, Vladimir is late for his beloved at such a fateful moment and the wedding of Masha and the prince took place? (Under the circumstances, their union and happiness are impossible.) We watch an episode of a feature film and think about the question: "Why, after the wedding, Masha refused to help Vladimir?"
Fragment discussion. A sense of duty, honor prevails. She was ready to become the wife of a robber, but she cannot break her oath.
- Why did not Pushkin leave his hero at the head of the rebellious peasants? Why does Dubrovsky part with his "accomplices" and advise them to change their craft?
To summarize the students' reflections: Dubrovsky is not the leader of the rebellious peasants. Pushkin emphasizes the personal motives of his rebellion. But now that Masha has become the prince's wife and their lives have taken different paths, there is no need for him to stay here, nothing else keeps him here. In addition, Vladimir understands how awful life is when you are “on the run”. You don't need to live by robbery. After reading the novel in the 8th grade “ Captain's daughter", We will understand the attitude of Pushkin to the rebellion:" God forbid to see a Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless! "

One of the main threads of the narrative in the novel by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is the love of Maria Kirilovna Troekurova and Vladimir Andreevich Dubrovsky. On what basis was this wonderful feeling born? What did it lead to and how did it end?

The fathers of young people, being neighbors, have long been friends and communicated with each other. But the case quarreled poor but proud Andrei Dubrovsky and the vain rich master Troekurov. Kirila Petrovich, in a moment of anger, vindictively bribing the court, sued Andrei Gavrilovich for his estate and the only village of Kistenevka. The collapsed adversity crippled the health and strength of Andrei Dubrovsky.

Vladimir, having read the news of his father's illness, immediately arrives at his father's house, in which, after the imminent funeral of Andrei Gavrilovich, Troyekurov's people begin to dispose of. In despair, Vladimir Dubrovsky, burns down his native estate and is served with the peasants loyal to him as robbers, whose main goal is to take revenge on the tyrant master Kiril Petrovich.

An unexpected obstacle to the implementation of retaliation is the feeling that has arisen for Masha Troekurova.

Maria Kirilovna was loved by her father, but since Troekurov was a spoiled, wayward and hot-tempered person, he treated his daughter quite harshly and harshly.

Lacking sincere and trusting relationships in the family, Masha grew up into a sensitive and rather secretive young girl.
Disguised as a young Frenchman, Desforges, Vladimir entered the Troyekurov estate. Masha, full of social prejudices, initially did not pay the slightest attention to the teacher who appeared, but one incident could change her attitude.

The starting point was Kiril Troekurov's strange fun, during which he covered the newly arrived guest in a room with a bear on a chain. A man full of horror had to stand, being squeezed into a safe nook, for several hours in a row. A similar joke over the Frenchman ended with Deforge's confident shot at the bear. The courage and pride of the Frenchman changed Masha's opinion about the teacher, thanks to which they began to spend more time alone, talking and making music.

After a while, Desforge makes an appointment with Maria Kirilovna in the garden. Hurrying to a date, Masha was full of conflicting feelings and doubts, but how unexpected was the confession not only of love, but also of the personality of Dubrovsky, hiding under the name of a French teacher.

Dubrovsky disappeared, promising Masha any help and support. Very soon this help turned out to be very useful. The father decided against his will to marry his only daughter to a rich, but elderly and vicious prince of Vereysk.
On the wedding day, Masha waited until the last and believed in the appearance of Dubrovsky, but finally, the words and oaths of loyalty were pronounced by the priest, and the girl became the wife of a noble old man.

On the way from the church, Dubrovsky's men attacked the wedding carriage. The leader of the robbers opened the doors of the carriage, but Masha, being faithful to the vows she had spoken, refused to accept the freedom and love given to her.

The main idea of ​​this sad love story was dedication to a sense of duty and your word. Sacrificing their love, the heroes lost their happiness, but retained their inner core, honor and dignity, despite the fact that it was hardly worth such suffering and hardship, in the eyes of a modern person, not burdened by rigid social frameworks.

Option 2

The novel by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin raises many human problems. A considerable part of the plot is devoted to issues of relations between people. This theme is especially strongly revealed in the relationship between Masha Troekurova and Vladimir Dubrovsky. Against their background love line the reader is confronted with concepts such as honor, responsibility and honesty. These characters carry important role in this piece. They help to reveal enmity between two quarreling families. But what is this couple like, and how does their love line develop?

The Dubrovsky and Troekurov families were in a state of friendship. But even the smallest quarrel can destroy any idyll. Fathers Vladimir and Masha became violent enemies. There is no trace of the former friendship left. Their children suffer the most from this conflict. They cannot meet or even just contact. Nevertheless, the younger Dubrovsky manages to see his beloved. Having settled down as a governor in the Troyekurov estate, Vladimir met with Masha.

Masha, due to her modesty, cannot tell him about her feelings. Her character was greatly influenced by the guardianship of the otst in all aspects. Due to total control, his daughter cannot express her own opinion. Surprisingly, at the same time, Mash is a rather serious and sympathetic person. Perhaps the author wanted to show the reader the image of a classic young lady from a noble family. This is also indicated by the girl's great love for romantic literature, which was typical for that period. She longs for the simple love that she cannot get in her own family. Vladimir, on the other hand, has a thirst for adventure, acting in the role of a certain robber, striving to achieve his goal by any means. After the sudden death of his father, he was left completely alone. Life forced him to become an adult to cope with all the difficulties. It would seem that 2 completely opposite personalities cannot get close. But they actually have a lot in common. Both Vladimir and Masha lost their mothers at an early age, and they both have a rather difficult fate.

Troyekurov's daughter serenely falls in love with the governor, not knowing that Vladimir is hiding under his mask. He reveals his real goal - revenge on the elder Troekurov. Masha realizes that before her is the enemy of her family, who wishes evil to her father. But the girl's feelings are in the first place, and she does not reject her lover. But Dubrovsky does not expect such a reaction. He sees that Masha sincerely loves him and does not dare to inflict suffering, leaving Masha without her only loved one.

Unfortunately, they will not be able to become spouses. Masha is destined to marry Prince Vereisky, who is a close friend of Troyekurov. Vladimir offers to run away with him. But the young lady shows loyalty to her principles, thanks to which she cannot hurt another person, and refuses the robber. This moment says a lot about her character and life values who will never bend under the influence of love feelings.

Composition 3

The romantic line plays an important role in the work. The description of the love of Masha and Dubrovsky allows the author not only to give the readers a familiar plot containing a love intrigue, but also to highlight the characters of the heroes more deeply.

As the children of two friends, Dubrovsky and Masha, most likely, were supposed to get married over time, at the behest of their parents. However, the quarrel, and then the ruin and death of Dubrovsky Sr., robbed by Troekurov, make Vladimir the chieftain of the robbers from a guards officer. This circumstance should have put an end to possible romantic relationship him with his daughter Troekurov.

However, when Dubrovsky, disguised as a French teacher, Desforges, appears in the house of his main enemy, feelings flare up between the young people.

In this case, the peculiarities of upbringing and outlooks on life characteristic of the noble environment of that time are manifested. The leader of the robbers retained the outlook and demeanor of a guard officer, so it was quite natural for him to get carried away beautiful girl equal to him. Fashionable then books and public opinion, unequivocally, put love above everything else, which made Vladimir neglect, because of Masha, revenge for his father and his own ruined life.

Masha also read similar books and dreamed of a beautiful romantic love... Having met a French teacher, a person standing below social status, she doesn't pay attention to him at first. However, feeling that he is a brave and noble person with similar principles and upbringing, Troekurov's daughter also falls in love. She is not stopped by the fact that Dubrovsky is the mortal enemy of her father, since according to the views she absorbed from books, love is above all.

When Vladimir did not manage to escape with Masha, and could not prevent her father from marrying the girl to the unloved prince Vereykis, she refuses to leave with him. According to the concepts of that time, prevailing in the noble environment, a man could take his wife away from her husband and start living with her, for him such an act was considered permissible, although not too approved by society. However, Masha, in such a case, would cover herself with shame. If she returned later to her unloved husband, she would have been awaited by the eternal contempt of those around her. In addition, she was dominated by the conviction of the sanctity of the church wedding. As a result of all this, Masha, like the heroines of the novels read by Rey, also chose to make a heavy sacrifice and sacrifice feelings for the sake of duty.

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    > Compositions on the work of Dubrovsky


    Love in this work appears exactly when he is already halfway to retribution, and violates his plans. He had known Masha Troekurova since childhood, since their parents were friendly. Plus, the characters had a lot in common. They lost early maternal love, were left to their own devices early and grew up alone, their fathers were colleagues and good friends. They were distinguished by only one thing - material well-being. Maria's father was very rich, and Vladimir's father belonged to the impoverished nobles.

    It so happened that between these two respected people in the area, a shadow of doubt about good-neighborly relations ran through. Since then, they did not speak to each other and were considered fierce enemies. This could not but affect their children. The conflict between the fathers undoubtedly left an imprint on the love story of Vladimir and Maria, but the young people had other principles that prevented them from being together. When Maria found out that her father wanted to marry her off to the unpleasant prince of Vereisky, she, of course, expressed her displeasure.

    Deep down, she hoped that Vladimir would interfere with this wedding, appear at the right time and make a commotion. However, events turned out a little differently. Dubrovsky appeared only after the wedding ceremony was over. He and his armed friends blocked the path of the motorcade to free Masha, but the girl brought up in strict principles chose honor and a sense of duty. However, devotion to his words occupied an important place, both in the life of Masha and in the life of Dubrovsky. He did not insist, but simply disappeared from sight forever.

    Vladimir was a brave and strong young man by nature, but his love for Masha Troekurova made him weak. For her sake, he even spared her father, although he was halfway to the completion of his plan of revenge. Pushkin's story remained unfinished. The cruel landowner continued his tyranny, and the story of sincere love never received further development... Knowing that Pushkin was a writer and poet from God, you can see that his works were full of strong passions and subtle experiences. The story "Dubrovsky" in this sense is no exception.
