
Why do people walk on the left side of the sidewalk. What are the left and right sides of our body responsible for? Colonization spread left-hand traffic

It's a pity ... At the moment, for countries with different directions of movement, this is the only universal option.

A bit of history...

We asked driving instructors why in different countries different driving rules. And here's what they told us.

For thousands of years people have been arguing about which side of the road is best to drive on, and this dispute takes into account two factors: social and the fact that most people in the world are right-handed.

Commoners always walked on the right to protect the property worn on the right shoulder from damage. Wagons and carriages were also taken to the right when passing, because it is much easier to pull the reins to the right. But it was more convenient for horse and foot soldiers to disperse on the left side, since the shock arm with the sword in this case is closer to the enemy.

Gradually, the traffic flows became larger, and to XIII century decided to resolve the issue. So, in Russia, Empress Elizabeth issued a decree that carriages should keep to the right side. But the Parliament of England, on the contrary, decided that it would be better to drive on the left.

British mite

By the way, it was England that contributed to the solution of this issue. As you know, it was the British who built in Japan railway, and in your own way. Then, 14 years later, the Japanese saw the first cars, which were called horseless carriages. A lever sticking out of the floor was responsible for managing such a crew. To cope with this horseless car, it was necessary to apply remarkable force. That is why the driver sat on the right side.

At the end of the 19th century, the steering wheel replaced the lever, which was easier to control. Initially, the steering wheel was closer to the edge of the road, that is, for right-hand traffic on the right, and for left-hand traffic - on the left. It was not only easier for the driver to get out, but the overtaken carts were better visible. Year after year, there were more and more cars, and overtaking and oncoming vehicles began to occupy the main attention of the driver. So he was transferred. The very first model of a car with a left-hand drive and a correct driving position is the Ford T, which appeared at the beginning of the 20th century.

On most cars, the driver's seat is on the side of the oncoming traffic.

Exceptions to the rules

As historians say, in Sweden, due to narrow roads and small roadsides, when driving on the left, cars were made with a European steering wheel. This created some problems when visiting right-handed Finland or Norway, not to mention the rest of Europe. I must say that the moment of the transition of the whole of Sweden to the right-hand traffic is reflected in history. On September 3, 1967, exactly at 04:50, all vehicles moved to the right lane of the road. Thus, from 5 am Sweden has become a state with right-hand traffic.

Never before have the Swedes moved so carefully in their cars, so in the first month the accident rate dropped to almost zero. But over the next two years, the number of accidents returned to its previous level.

An interesting fact is that differences in the installation of the steering wheel in no way affect the order of the control pedals. This is the classic order - gas, brake and clutch (when viewed from right to left). So at least there is no confusion in the legs.

Video about the history of right-hand traffic:

Good luck on the road and a happy journey!

The article used an image from the site sfw.so

Since we are talking about roads, no matter how we remember today's date in the history of our traffic. It is not known how traffic was regulated in cave times; probably, there were no traffic police officers at that time and traffic on the roads was freer. Especially in Moscow. Jokes, jokes, but such a simple question - how did it happen that some people drive on the right side, while others - on the left, tormented me for quite some time. And today's date allowed me to finally put an end to Y.

It turns out that everything is very simple: right-hand traffic on the roads began to take shape spontaneously, which was mainly due to human physiology, a significant difference in the strength and dexterity of different hands in the methods of driving heavy horse-drawn carriages drawn by several horses. The peculiarity of the person affected that most people are right-handed. When passing on a narrow road, it was easier to direct the carriage to the right to the side of the road or the edge of the road, pulling the reins with the right, that is, with a stronger hand, holding the horses. It is probably for this simple reason that the tradition arose first, and then the norm of passing on the roads. This norm, in the end, was fixed as the norm of right-hand traffic.

The exceptions for the convenience of the right side were the following circumstances:

When riding. In this case, the right hand is in a striking position in relation to the oncoming rider. In addition, it is more convenient to mount a horse on the left side, since in this case the weapon suspended from the belt does not interfere with the landing.

Riding in a multi-seat carriage. In this case, being on the right side, the driver will not hit the passenger with a whip. Also, for an emergency crossing, you can hit the horses on the right side. It was the prevalence of wagons in road traffic that caused the leftism of the old Britannia.

In Russia, back in the Middle Ages, the rule of right-hand traffic developed spontaneously and was observed as a natural human behavior. In 1709, the Danish envoy to Peter I, Just Yul, wrote that “in Russia, it is customary everywhere for carts and sleighs, when meeting each other, to drive away, keeping to the right side.”

So, this was finally fixed by Empress Elizabeth Petrovna on this very day - February 5, 1752. She issued a Decree on the introduction of right-hand traffic on the streets of Russian cities for carriages and cabbies.

Despite the fact that to this day in our country this is exactly the way of traveling on the roads, there are generally recognized exceptions, of which there are not so many:

Firstly, on Red Square on May 9, two open ZIL vehicles drive in left-hand traffic.

Secondly, there is a junction with left-hand traffic in Moscow on Leskova Street.

Thirdly, the embankment of the Fontanka River in St. Petersburg, where the sides of the traffic are separated by the river.

Well, at the end of the excursion, it can be noted that the differences in the use of the right and left sides in different countries are not limited to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. From different sides, for example, cows and other dairy animals are milked: cows in Russia - on the right side, and in the countries of Central Asia - on the left. That's how we are right in everything. And they... no.

Many Eastern schools describe the difference between right and left sides as the difference between feminine and masculine.

emotional health

The brain is divided into two hemispheres left and right which have a completely different effect on the human body.

Left Hemisphere Leading People are usually logical, rational, well spoken and quick to think. They process information sequentially, studying it in parts, and only then add the knowledge gained into a coherent picture.

People with a leading right hemisphere, as a rule, visionaries who process information intuitively. They first capture the big picture and only then go into the details. In addition, they are more introverted and sensitive, especially to light, sound, and criticism.

Our educational system is focused on children with a developed left hemisphere, because they think in a linear way that is easier to teach. Right Hemispheric Children adapt less well because they tend to visualize and need visual images to understand this or that theory. Because of this, they are often diagnosed with distracted attention, or attention deficit. However, such children simply learn the material differently, and when they get such an opportunity, there are no problems with learning.

When the brain stem passes into the spinal cord, the nerves at the base of the skull, extending from the two hemispheres, cross. As a result, the right side of our body is associated with the rational, logical part, and the left side with creative qualities and feelings. However, logical abilities have nothing to do with which hand - left or right - dominates. It doesn't seem to matter at all. There are quite a few left-handed artists, but the proportion of left-handed tennis players is also high!

Left and right side of the body

Many Eastern schools describe difference between right and left sides, like the difference between feminine and masculine, yin and yang. This is not about gender, but about the masculine and feminine qualities that we all possess. If this principle is applied to the language of the thinker, then inevitably a connection is found between problems that occur on one side of the body, and internal conflict pertaining to one or another aspect of the relevant principle.

The right side of the body in both men and women reflects the masculine principle. She is responsible for the ability to give, rule and assert oneself. This is the authoritarian and intellectual part of our being that has to do with the outside world:

In both men and women, the right side of the body represents the connection with the inner masculine principle.

Problems with the right side in men can mean a conflict related to the expression male qualities, responsibility for the family, difficulty competing at work, lack of self-esteem or uncertainty about sexual orientation. Women's right side reflects the conflict between motherhood and career, the difficulty in showing confidence and assertiveness in a position that is usually held by men. Some mothers have to intensively develop the male side, feed the family and make decisions, which can also lead to internal conflict.

Moreover, the right side reflects relationships with men: with a father, brother, loved one, son - and all the conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

An example of this is the fate of Ellie, who came to me with complaints of a slight numbness on the right side of her body, which had haunted her since adolescence. As a child, she was a real tomboy. In the course of the conversation, it turned out that the numbness appeared shortly after her father expressed an urgent desire that she become a true lady and learn to be a secretary, while the only thing Ellie wanted was to become a military pilot.

As a result, she had to cut off her assertiveness or, more precisely, to break the connection with this part of her, which caused the ailment, namely, the numbness of the right side. To heal, Ellie needed to forgive her father for imposing his will on her, to fully believe in herself in order to follow own desires, and revive that repressed, unrecognized part in yourself. When I saw her last time, she studied to be a pilot, although not a military one.

The left side of the body in both men and women reflects the feminine principle. It means the ability to ask for help, accept, obey, feed and care for others, be creative, artistic, listen and trust one's own wisdom. This side is connected with the home and inner world of reflection and intuition.

Men have problems with the left side reflect difficulties with the manifestation of care and sensitivity, the ability to cry and show their own feelings, turn to their own creative possibilities, intuition and inner wisdom. Boys are told from childhood that brave men don't cry, which is why so many grown men never get in touch with their sensitive, empathetic side.

In women, the left side reflects problems with the expression of vulnerability, femininity, the manifestation of care and maternal feelings, the conflict between sensitivity and responsibility.

Moreover, the left side reflects relationships with women: mother, sister, loved one, wife, daughter - and all the conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

Here is what massage therapist Jenny Britton writes:

“David came in for a massage complaining of lower back pain on the left side. When I began to massage his back, he began to tell me that he had just canceled a wedding that was supposed to take place in two months. The wedding day was already set, the dress was sewn, and he and the bride even bought a house. David said that he would be happy to continue to live with her, but she insisted on a wedding or a complete break. David decided to break up, and it was not easy at all. His back - on the lower left, in the zone of emotional support / upholding his rights / connection with women - was tight and tense. He said that he immediately moved from life with his mother to life with his bride, and only now he realized how much he needed to stand on his own feet.

The surprising reason why some countries drive on the left side of the road... You will be surprised, but it turns out to be related to swords. Seriously!

About 65 percent of the world's population drives on the right side, the remaining 35 percent on the left. What caused it? For the most part, it's all about the collapsed British Empire and the swords of the knights. At least that's how it's explained in the next video.

Medieval knights set the tone

As the Carfection video talks about the problem of multi-polarity of movement on modern automobile roads, “the concept of passing on the left” came to us from the Middle Ages, when people began to wear swords on the left side. If two armed men with swords in scabbards walked along a not very wide road, their swords hanging from their belts could hit each other.

A trifle, of course, but the richly decorated scabbard could be scratched, a decorative element could come off from them, and so on. This was not only unpleasant, but could even become a cause of conflict, so in Foggy Albion they preferred to solve the problem by adopting an unspoken rule: we stick to the left side, and there will be no problems.

Since the Britons are extremely conservative, the tradition was first followed by horse riders, then it spread to city cabs drawn by horses, and a little later - to trains and cars.

Colonization spread left-hand traffic

Now think about the most famous countries that drive on the left side today: Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and India among them. What do they have in common? All of them were British colonies. Therefore, it would be strange if these countries had a different direction of movement.

But what about Japan? There, too, they go “vice versa”. Of course, Japan was never part of the British Empire, but the British helped build a railway network on the island, so left-hand traffic became the norm in this country too.

In general, according to statistics, 65% motorists in the world are moving like in Russia, keeping to the right. 35% , respectively, drive on the left side for one reason or another. This, for a second, 2.5 billion people . And all of them were influenced by Great Britain in one way or another! Indeed, there was great country, spread over 1/3 of the world ...

One more opinion

07.04.2010, 13:17

The topic is very interesting for me. this moment:)) Inspired by a strange dispute in the section "Children from one to three". Maybe the right people from that thread and come here to express their opinion)))

There is such an unshakable rule from ancient times (as some comrades assure me) - you must move on the right side of the road, paths, rivers only in the order of right-hand traffic. Not only by car, but also on foot and, apparently, by swimming. :)
I'm wondering, who also agrees and knows such a rule for pedestrian traffic? Is walking on the left side of the road really a bad form and a violation of certain rules of the road?
Here I am walking in the middle of the road: 001:, but it turns out that people don’t know what they think about me! Of course, I learned a lot about myself on LV: 065:, but the fact that I also walk on the wrong side of the road was big news for me! I'm kinda bad at all :fifa:

07.04.2010, 13:20

Left-handed pedestrians confuse and disorient me :)) Seriously. Sometimes they run out.:073:
But this is not written anywhere, I think this is an unspoken rule.

cat green

07.04.2010, 13:20

Yes, on the right side. :)) And many people walk exactly like this: 073:

07.04.2010, 13:22

By the way, I especially sympathize with the "leftist" people in the subway. There will always be a poop radish that will create a congestion: 073:


07.04.2010, 13:23

07.04.2010, 13:24

07.04.2010, 13:26

somehow automatically ... if a person goes towards me, then I’ll move to the right, otherwise you can dance for a long time in the middle of the road moving synchronously in one direction :)) and then what’s the difference how you go if you don’t bother anyone? :) we don’t walk in formation ... just if you go alone towards the flow of people, then there will probably be some kind of inconvenience for everyone :)

07.04.2010, 13:28

yes, I'm on the right. In general, the flow goes like this. Of course, there is no such rule, but it seems to be accepted like that. And when on a busy street in the stream you get wandering against the traffic, it happens that it's annoying.

07.04.2010, 13:28

I go wherever is convenient. I once heard something like that, but I don’t think that it has anything to do with today’s time, but specifically with the city.

07.04.2010, 13:29

If you need to walk along the roadway, but there is no pedestrian zone, then on the left. I'm law abiding :fifa:

I stick to the right side. When I walk with a stroller, I walk in the middle of the path, if I need to part with another stroller, I again turn to the right.

07.04.2010, 13:29

it’s convenient for you to walk on the left, go :)) the rules do not regulate this
everything depends on your desire

But here I am driving the child by the hand so that I am always between the child and the roadway, i.e. if the roadway is on my left I will keep the child right hand and vice versa
my husband taught me this


07.04.2010, 13:30

07.04.2010, 13:30

07.04.2010, 13:31

It's an unspoken rule. Can you imagine what a chaotic crowd it would be if everyone went as they wanted. In principle, this applies to large cities. Mothers with strollers who go against the movement are especially striking. How many times have I almost knocked them down (not on purpose).

07.04.2010, 13:31

In our country, right-hand traffic.
I drive on the right side of the car.
I walk on the sidewalk on the right.
In the pool, I swim clinging to the right rope.
It's easier to live that way.

In Thailand, I would do the opposite.

07.04.2010, 13:32

07.04.2010, 13:33

There was already such a topic recently. The girl was outraged by the muschshchina with a briefcase, always going to the right ... she was uncomfortable.

07.04.2010, 13:34

I walk on the side on which the pedestrian traffic is moving in the direction I need (more often it moves on the right)
I'm not talking about pedestrian traffic, I'm not talking about the subway. I'm not crazy to shove against the crowd.
I'm talking about the rather uncluttered footpaths where people take leisurely walks with children, for example. Grannies and grandfathers walk peacefully back and forth, people go about their business...

07.04.2010, 13:34

It turns out that it's not so unspoken. Now I googled, they teach in obzh in elementary grades.

Right-hand traffic is when vehicles move only on the right side of the roadway.

Right-hand traffic in Russia has developed historically at a time when there were still horse teams. They had to keep to the right so as not to collide.

Most countries in the world drive on the right. And in some, such as the UK, Australia, India, Japan and others, it is left-handed. That is, traffic moves on the left side of the roadway.

In countries with right-hand traffic, including Russia, when crossing the roadway, you must first look to the left, where the transport is moving from, and when you reach the middle - to the right, while not forgetting to look at what is happening around.

Taking into account right-hand traffic, public transport is designed.

The transport doors for passengers are on the right side.

Right-hand traffic also applies to pedestrians. Walk on the sidewalk on the right side.

The word "sidewalk" in French means "a place for pedestrians". It diverges from oncoming pedestrians only to the right.

And if there is no sidewalk, where should pedestrians walk?

Answer: Along the way.

The roadside is also a road instead of a sidewalk. Walking on the side of the road is dangerous. Sometimes cars move down on it, so you need to be careful and get away from danger in time.

If there is no sidewalk, footpath, curb, then, accompanied by adults, you can walk along the edge of the carriageway in one row and towards traffic. Then drivers see pedestrians from afar.

A group of children is allowed to walk only on sidewalks and footpaths, and if there are none, then on the side of the road, but only during the day and accompanied by adults. Groups of children should not walk on the carriageway.

07.04.2010, 13:35

There was already a similar topic.
As far as I remember, the majority said that there is such an UNspoken rule;)

UPD: while writing already answered :))
I'll kill my slow Internet:wife:

07.04.2010, 13:36

and there are no such rules in supermarkets? :)) otherwise, yesterday, while I was choosing a product (too close to the shelves), I began to interfere with people who also wanted to take something, moved away - they immediately said that I was squatting in the middle of the aisle, preventing me from passing :)) I tried to take off - Did not work out...

Waving badly! :))

Uncle Fedor

07.04.2010, 13:40

Definitely on the right. And my child is just as learned. In our country, right-hand traffic.
I remember pictures from Soviet childhood in books-training rules of the road.
By the way, the author, you should not think that traffic rules exist only for drivers, they are also available for pedestrians.

07.04.2010, 13:40

I'm not talking about pedestrian traffic, I'm not talking about the subway. I'm not crazy to shove against the crowd.
I'm talking about the rather uncluttered footpaths where people take leisurely walks with children, for example. Grannies and grandfathers walk peacefully back and forth, people go about their business...

In such cases, does everyone also observe the right-hand pedestrian mode? And I, like a hooligan, wander where I wander: 001:

It's just that the majority is moving on the right side, and here you are walking on the same side, and everyone thinks that they are moving correctly ... and how to diverge? :)

07.04.2010, 13:41

Waving badly! :))

Next time I'll dig into the ground :))

07.04.2010, 13:43

Next time I will dig into the ground :))

Oh convenient! Crawled under the ground and emerge opposite the counter you need! I would like to learn how to burrow in Ozerkovsky O "kei!

07.04.2010, 13:44

but in general, I saw such a situation, a girl with a stroller was walking from the metro, but it was still snowy and slushy and there were two paths on the road, one way people walked in one direction, on the other towards them, the paths are exactly the same ... so here's the girl for some reason - then she walked towards the stream ... and everyone retreated into the snow and let her through, and it was enough for her to move the carriage a step to the right and go with everyone ...

07.04.2010, 13:46

it's just that the majority moves on the right side, and here you go on the same side, and everyone thinks that they are moving correctly ... and how to diverge? :)

07.04.2010, 13:48

07.04.2010, 13:49

And I assess the situation from afar: 004: Usually I don’t go for a ram. What if I am walking in the middle of the road and my aunt is walking towards me in the middle of the road? Who then is more right and correct? :)

Well, if you are lucky and step in different directions, then you will peacefully disperse :)) and if you are not lucky, you will dance a little :)

Fruza Markovna

07.04.2010, 13:50

07.04.2010, 13:50

And I assess the situation from afar: 004: Usually I don’t go for a ram. What if I am walking in the middle of the road and my aunt is walking towards me in the middle of the road? Who then is more right and correct? :)

Right sides diverge like cars! :)

07.04.2010, 13:52

This is the navel of the universe! No, not like that - the PUPPY OF THE UNIVERSE!
I have nothing against mothers with strollers and just with children by the hand, on the contrary, I will help, skip, move, lift ... But when they impudently push ... I, despite my height, their stroller in the oncoming traffic with As a child, I roll into the asphalt. And who will benefit from this? Mom? To kid? To me?

Well, uh, I'm not talking about this, in general, she walked and walked and nothing terrible happened, and I would also give in, although I would be surprised and grumble ... I just described the situation: ded: anyone could go instead of her, and grandmother with a cart and a thick impudent man

07.04.2010, 13:54

Yes, somehow I instinctively try to keep to the right side, people who go towards me directly in the forehead annoy me and apparently think that now I will start to wag along the road. Cyclists are enraged, who generally don’t care which side to ride on the drum (despite the fact that the pedestrian zone has nothing to do with them at all): wife: Motorcycles enrage, I jump up from the roar for the second night, but I’ll write that in another topic :))
Join the bike frenzy! :) :)):))) I'm like a kaza jumping from them along Engels and Lunacharsky! :)

07.04.2010, 13:57

I only go on the right. Very enrage people who are against the flow, and in the subway in particular.
For example, even on a zebra, arrows are often drawn, along which part of the zebra to go in one direction or another. But there are even dumber people who don't understand shooters.
Cars don't drive as they please.
And what will happen when everyone walks as he likes and where he wants? What will happen from such a Brownian motion?
plus a lot

07.04.2010, 14:00

Right sides diverge like cars! :)
gyyy, but I thought that it was necessary to use the left))) well, since our traffic is supposedly right-handed, then in a head-on collision you need to step to your right right side ... oh, pedestrian science is hard for me! Here they did all sorts of garbage at school, and now I'm a disgrace: love:

Fruza Markovna

07.04.2010, 14:01

Join the bike frenzy! :) :)):))) I'm like a kaza jumping from them along Engels and Lunacharsky! :)

I especially advise the impudent ones to kick :)) ...and run until they crawl out from under their scrap metal, you will be far away :)) Although you can not run, but fall and scream that you shot down ...

07.04.2010, 14:04

I especially advise the impudent ones to kick :)) ...and run until they crawl out from under their scrap metal, you will be far away :)) Although you can not run, but fall and scream that you shot down ...

They also love to show off! When a person passes by, you definitely need to do some kind of bicycle step! And my heart is already sinking into my heels - it seems that this scrap metal will fall on you now, and then it will also roll from above! and for their tights is always very scary!

07.04.2010, 14:04

It seems to me that when driving on the side of the road, you should just go on the left. To have time to jump away from an inadequate driver.

I know the rule "move to the right", but I think it's ridiculous and outdated. It turns out that along Nevsky towards the Admiralty I should walk strictly on the even side, and towards the Mosk Station - on the odd? I imagine a crowd of zombie biorobots moving strictly according to the rules: 065:

The conversation seems to be about one pedestrian road, and not about the street as a whole (with a carriageway and a pedestrian part), right? :)

07.04.2010, 14:09

And what will happen when everyone walks as he likes and where he wants?
It sounds scary ...: 005: freedom of choice, freedom of the individual: 015:

Uncle Fedor

07.04.2010, 14:13

It sounds scary ...: 005: freedom of choice, freedom of the individual: 015:
Not at all. "The freedom of one person ends where the freedom of another begins" (c);)

You think of others (walk quietly to the right and don't push), others think of you (walk quietly to the right and don't push), and everyone is fine. Perfectly:))

Frau Lindemann

07.04.2010, 14:16


07.04.2010, 14:22

The conversation seems to be about one pedestrian road, and not about the street as a whole (with a carriageway and a pedestrian part), right? :)
Indeed, if everyone walked in formation along the street on different sides, it would be funny :))

Yes, I already understood that stupid

I love hockey

07.04.2010, 14:24

We part with our left shoulders - from time immemorial it has been so. :))
I am enraged by those who rush on the wrong side.

07.04.2010, 14:27

it’s just that they somehow convinced me with foam at the mouth that you need to move along the street strictly on the even or odd side, depending on the direction, and whoever walks differently is the collective farm))
Yeah, are you serious? :112::))

07.04.2010, 14:27

Since childhood, it has somehow been postponed for me that we always go on the right side, we overtake on the left. Only on the sides of the road - towards the traffic.
By the way, St. Petersburg pedestrian crossings surprised me at the time. In Ryazan, they cross the road at the crossing, also in two streams - right and oncoming - left. And in St. Petersburg the crowd. Well, it's inconvenient! I even specifically asked my husband if they always walked like this in St. Petersburg - he says, always, along the transition with the whole crowd ..
I showed him the arrows on the "zebra" - he was very surprised.

Upd while climbing snowdrifts in winter, I also remembered my native village: there snowdrifts and narrow paths are not uncommon, if two people meet on such a path, they diverge, stepping into the snowdrift in the same way. Both give way at once :) Well, at least it was like that when I lived there. It's probably different now..
And I'm from St. Petersburg, I follow the arrows!

07.04.2010, 14:43

yes, I already realized that stupid
within the same sidewalk - of course, on the right side
it’s just that they somehow convinced me with foam at the mouth that you need to move along the street strictly on the even or odd side, depending on the direction, and whoever walks differently is the collective farm))

07.04.2010, 14:43

You think of others (walk quietly to the right and don't push), others think of you (walk quietly to the right and don't push), and everyone is fine. Perfectly:))
Ideally, I think about others, I go quietly where I want, others think about me, they go quietly where they want and we all don’t push, we all feel good :)) And then some kind of prison courtyard in your ideal seems

07.04.2010, 14:47

Ideally, I think about others, I go quietly where I want, others think about me, they go quietly where they want and we all don’t push, we all feel good :)) And then some kind of prison courtyard in your ideal seems

Why a prison yard?! Look, the vast majority of people walk like that. and looking at them does not inspire thoughts of arrest in me!

07.04.2010, 14:50

yes, I already realized that stupid
within the same sidewalk - of course, on the right side
it’s just that they somehow convinced me with foam at the mouth that you need to move along the street strictly on the even or odd side, depending on the direction, and whoever walks differently is the collective farm))

Judging by your posts, you are far from being stupid: flower:: flower:: flower:

07.04.2010, 14:50

And I'm from St. Petersburg, I follow the arrows!
and I have never seen a St. Petersburg shooter on a zebra: 009:

07.04.2010, 15:00

and I have never seen a St. Petersburg shooter on a zebra: 009:
And sometimes when I go to Ikea and see the arrows, I tense up, my body and brain rebel against such disgrace and I try to follow the shortened path through the passages between the rooms, and not along the arrows: 065:
However, this dislike for shooters is something psychiatric: 065:

On zebras - at the very beginning of the road. on both sides.

Rostishina mommy

07.04.2010, 15:12

I drive only on the right side

07.04.2010, 15:13

I go on the right. Enrages when the rod meets.

07.04.2010, 15:31

Intuitively - on the right, because the car is also on the right. With a stroller, I also tried to take it more to the right ... but if suddenly a child walks along the curb on the left, so on the left ... no one infuriates me :))

07.04.2010, 15:37

intuitively, too, on the right ... I always try to overtake from the left, it has become a habit .. I also scold my husband when he overtakes on the side of the road ..)))) but with a stroller I go where the asphalt is smoother ... alas, sometimes the way out there is not even a pru across the crowd .. but those potholes that a pedestrian does not notice, a child in a stroller on small wheels feels good ...

07.04.2010, 15:59

I'm on the right side :)

07.04.2010, 16:00

When I walk alone - then on the right side of the sidewalk, if I walk with a dog - on the left, and now I will explain why. The dog always walks to the left of the owner (those are the rules), if I walk with the dog on the right side, then my dog ​​(a pit bull weighing 42 kg) will be between me and other pedestrians, which is very annoying for the latter, despite the muzzle. And walking along the left side of the sidewalk, my dog ​​walks along the side of the road and I am between people and it, and everyone is fine. So, if you see a person with a dog brazenly rushing towards you - this is for your own peace of mind, and not because the dog is big and I walk as I want.

07.04.2010, 16:52

I walk on the right side. Annoying when they go towards you on the left side. It makes you want to say: "We have right-hand traffic!"

07.04.2010, 17:31

of course on the right :fifa:

07.04.2010, 17:31

Yes, I try to walk on the right and teach children besides, a so complete chaos in our country and the minds of citizens, and all because of the fact that everyone thinks and does as he wants, that's why we live like nonhumans :(

07.04.2010, 18:45

On the right, I teach children at school to do this for the sake of safety and order! Such a rule, I read, appeared in the Middle Ages, because otherwise it would be difficult for armed people to pass each other in the narrow streets (spears, swords, shields!). And so everyone moves along the right, certain side - and order!
Terribly annoying people walking "wrong" as expected. Especially for some reason there are a lot of them in IKEA ... Well, everything is lined up there, arrows, thought out, but no, all the same, "diameters" come from somewhere ... Immediately I recall an indecent verse "The horse goes across the furrow - it doesn't care, and I don't care!"

07.04.2010, 18:57

07.04.2010, 19:02

On zebras - at the very beginning of the road. on both sides.
but I never saw a shooter in Okey :(
Nee not in Okaya, but in Ikea :))
I go on the right. Enrages when the rod meets.

I walk on the right side. Annoying when they go towards you on the left side. It makes you want to say: "We have right-hand traffic!"

Yes, I try to walk on the right and teach my children the same, and so there is complete chaos in our country and the heads of citizens, and all because everyone thinks and does as he wants, therefore we live like non-humans :(

07.04.2010, 19:06

And I would also introduce high-speed lanes for pedestrians. So that people walk along the green one, walk along the yellow one, and quickly walk along the red one. And it is very annoying walking people all the way. The Americans (like) have introduced this somewhere!
There is not a road here, but a whole football field will be needed.

07.04.2010, 19:07

07.04.2010, 19:12

Nee not in Okaya, but in Ikea :))

Wow! Well, now I'm aware that when I walk slowly through the park with a child, I piss everyone off, annoy everyone, and finally I'm some kind of non-human. So many negative emotions because of such a seemingly harmless little thing .... but I'm not a human
Maybe it's easier to treat life and the people around you and there will be fewer non-humans;)
Just don't be offended :flower: but it's strange for me to read so much negativity in this thread about people who don't follow the rules. Somewhere even funny.

This is because everyone imagines the situation differently, you talk about a leisurely walk in the park and that you don’t interfere with anyone by foreseeing a “head-on collision” :) and those who are infuriated talk about how a person rushes towards them not going to give way and walking on the wrong side of the road, and most likely in the city center and in the middle of puddles, but during working hours when everyone is in a hurry and preoccupied ... absolutely different pictures: 004:

07.04.2010, 19:14

I try to walk on the right side.

07.04.2010, 19:16

And we have left-hand traffic here. Both cars and pedestrians move the same way ...

07.04.2010, 19:20

I walk on the right side when I go down to the subway, where there is chaotic movement on the platforms, I miss the obstacle on the right, I am indignant when they don’t let me through: 073: ... driving a car still leaves its mark :))

07.04.2010, 19:23

Prison yard, that's for sure.

07.04.2010, 19:24

by the way, I’m more surprised not by those people who go against the flow, but by those who, for example, met in the subway on the platform and stood right there - in the middle of the flow, at rush hour, share the news, or even in front of the escalator, so really don’t step aside ...

07.04.2010, 19:32

I always walk on the right side automatically
And I was taught so at school, now - a reflex! :))

07.04.2010, 19:34

I walk on the right
I also swim in the pool. Like everyone else, otherwise it will be a mess :))

07.04.2010, 19:44

Nee not in Okaya, but in Ikea :))

Wow! Well, now I'm aware that when I walk slowly through the park with a child, I piss everyone off, annoy everyone, and finally I'm some kind of non-human. So many negative emotions because of such a seemingly harmless little thing .... but I'm not a human
Maybe it's easier to treat life and the people around you and there will be fewer non-humans;)
Just don't be offended :flower: but it's strange for me to read so much negativity in this thread about people who don't follow the rules. Somewhere even funny.
You know, but I am surprised by the fact that if you are driving, you must follow the rules, otherwise there will be a punishment, because it didn’t occur to you (if you are driving) to drive towards the flow of cars, but why can you go, because we not a herd?
