
Drawing nodes winter landscape preparatory group. Abstract of the GCD for artistic and aesthetic development in the preparatory group for school on the topic: Winter. Materials, tools, equipment

MBDOU Kirillovsky kindergarten "Teremok"

"Winter landscape"

directly - educational activities

educational area cognition

in the second younger group

Educator: Balachevtsova E.G.

Target: expanding children's knowledge about the season - winter.


Raise interest and love for the season - winter.

Reinforce the signs of winter (snow is white and cold, falling to the ground, trees, houses).

Develop speech breathing.

To form the ability to do correctly smooth and long exhalation

Improve the skills of an unconventional image of an object (finger drawing).

Form the ability to work together.

Introduce A. Barto's poem "Snow"

Activate the children's dictionary.

Prior work: observing seasonal changes in nature in winter, talking about the characteristic signs of winter, reading poetry about winter.

Material: pictures of winter, a picture of a bunny in a gray fur coat, a winter landscape on a Whatman paper for collective work, white gouache, wet wipes, snowflakes from napkins, musical accompaniment P. Tchaikovsky "The Four Seasons".

1.Organizational moment:

V.: Children, what time of year is it outside? (winter)

Why? (snow)

What snow? (white, cold)

Where does the snow lie? (on the ground, trees, benches, tables)

All the paths were covered with snow.

"Here is winter - white all around, a lot of snow covered ..."

V.:- Look, and we have a lot of snow in the pictures (looking at the pictures)

What is depicted here? (snow, trees, kids sledding, skiing, etc.)

And where does the snow come from? (from the sky)

Where is the sky? (high)

And the land? (low)

Snow falls, swirls in the air. Look how many snowflakes are around us! Do you want to blow on snowflakes?

Children take napkins "snowflakes" - blow on them to the music (2 - 3 times)

Here's how many snowflakes fell.

And now the kids will be snowflakes.

2. Acquaintance with the poem.

Poem by A. Barto "Snow"

Snow, snow is spinning

The whole street is white!

We gathered in a circle

Spun like a snowball.

Repeat with the children (a snowball fell, the children sat down)

What does the snow do?

Which street? Why?

Where are the kids going?

What are they doing? (spinning)

Let's play some more?

The teacher reads the poem again. Children talk over words.

There is a knock.

Someone is knocking on our door ?!

3. Examining the bunny.

The teacher goes to look, opens the door:

Someone rushes without looking back,

Bunny asks to the children.

Come to us bunny.

A bunny comes in (a child in a bunny costume)

Z .: I rode all the way through the forest,

And, of course, tired.

Can I relax with you?

And stay with you a little - a little?

V.: - Sure.

Z... Hello children. You are so cute, good.

Lesson on artistic and aesthetic development in kindergarten for senior preschoolers on the topic: "Winter day"

Theme:"Winter day"
Integration of educational areas:"Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Artistic - aesthetic development", "Social - communicative development", "Physical development".
Target: evoke pictures of a winter landscape in the children's imagination, encourage them to search for a variety of means of expression.
- Be able to choose visual content and reflect the most characteristic in the picture.
- To develop the ability to consolidate the techniques of working with gouache, the ability to beautifully position the image on the sheet.
-To educate in children the desire to bring the work started to the end.
Preliminary work: Observations on walks, viewing the landscapes of artists (I. Grabir, "Winter Day"; I. Shishkin, "Winter", etc.), learning poems about winter, toning white sheets of cardboard with blue gouache. Learning an excerpt from B. Zakhoder's poem "Snow, snow is spinning, the whole street is white!"
Material and equipment: tinted paper, gouache, simple pencil, brushes, tape recorder, soundtrack, "The Four Seasons" by PI Tchaikovsky, Snowman, wet wipes.

Content organized educational activities children
(Children are included in the group to the music)
The teacher seats the children at the tables in a semicircle and reads the poem by E. Blaginina "The ice crunched"

A piece of ice crunched
And under it is water. A snowflake is falling
Light star
And behind her is the second, the Third - without end ...
Not to see the barn
Do not see the porch.
Educator: What time of year does the poem describe?

Children: Winter.
Educator: Children, who came to visit us?
Snowman: Hello children. (says sadly).
Educator: Hello Snowman, why are you so sad?
Why, my friend, the artist Snowfall, fell ill. He wants to take a walk in the street, go downhill, ice skate, but he is not allowed. So he asked me to draw a landscape - a winter day. I so want to please him, but I don't even know what it is - a landscape. Children, did you know?

The concept of the landscape.

Educator: Snowman, it's good that you came to us today. After all, we were just about to paint a winter landscape. And the children will now tell you what a landscape is.
Children: This is a painting about nature.
Educator: And what pictures - winter landscapes - we examined with you. (Children call)
Let's help the Snowman draw winter landscapes for him. But first, let's remember what colors of winter we observed in nature and in the paintings of artists. (Summarizes children's answers).
Now think about what you will draw? Where do you start? What do you need for this?
(The teacher clarifies the intentions of two or three children, discusses with them possible ways of depicting).
You have conceived very interesting landscapes - a sunny day and a blizzard. Your drawings should be different - after all, each artist sees and draws in his own way.

Physical minute "Walk"

White fluffy snow (put your hands from top to bottom).
It is spinning in the air (hands up).
And quietly to the ground (they lower their hands smoothly down).
Falls, lies down.
And then, and then (forward bends.).
We made a snowball (make lumps).
Uh (imitate throwing a snowball).

Painting winter landscapes.
Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the Seasons album, and the children begin to paint.
In the process of drawing, the teacher conducts individual work to clarify the concept (you can use a toy).

It focuses attention on a more complete implementation of it, helps with advice when choosing a color scheme for an image, reminds, as necessary, of a drawing technique.

Educator: It is snowing in your drawing, but it lies only on the ground, doesn't snow fall on trees and Christmas trees?
Snowman:(also comments) There is a real blizzard in your drawing. If you listen, it’s like the wind howls. A blizzard is sweeping, everyone hid - animals and birds.

The result of the lesson.
Analysis of drawings (with the participation of Snowman).
Snowman: We know poems about winter. I am now going to read an excerpt from one poem, and you will find a drawing that fits these lines. (Children find, answer)
Educator: Tell a poem that fits this picture. (Children tell)
Snowman: What a warm, sunny day! I will bask in the sun. (Surprised). The sun is not drawn, but the day is sunny. How did you do it? Let's go for a walk in this park. What snowdrift? Fluffy snow. Frost on a branch. And then someone's footprints? If I follow this path, where will I come? Old tree! How did Dasha draw an old tree? (Snowman thanks children)
Snowman: Thank you kids, you helped me a lot. I now know what a landscape is and how it can be painted. I will paint a landscape for a friend and tell him about you.
Educator: Come to us again if you need our help! Let's take our work to the exhibition. The composition with the image of the picture "Winter Day" is being drawn up.

Pupils' works on the theme "Winter Day"

Synopsis of directly educational activities in the preparatory group on the winter theme

Author: Kharchikova Lyudmila Nikolaevna, teacher of the MDOU "CRR" Zorka "- Kindergarten No. 16", Zheleznogorsk
Material description: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the preparatory group on the topic "Winter landscape". This material will be useful for educators of the preparatory group, as it is suitable for conducting open event on the theme "Winter"
Expand children's ideas about winter, its signs.
To acquaint pupils with non-traditional drawing techniques.
To activate and enrich the vocabulary of children.
Develop imagination, fantasy, creativity of children.
Encourage landscape creation with unconventional ways drawing and a variety of visual materials.
Promote positive emotions.
To cultivate aesthetic feelings for nature.
Methods and techniques:
verbal: questions, artistic word, didactic games;
visual: winter nature landscape, snowflakes, loto pictures,
practical: experimental and experimental activity, productive activity.
Equipment: illustration depicting nature, paper, a plate with salt, cotton swabs, cotton pads, gouache, newspaper, made prints of Christmas trees, plates with green paint, dry leaves of trees, musical accompaniment, multimedia installation
Children enter the hall and greet each other.
- All the children gathered in a circle.
You are my friend and I am your friend.
Let's hold hands tightly.
And we will smile at each other.
- Guys, are you in a good mood today (children's answers)? And I have a good one. I want to tell you a poem.
White snow, fluffy,
Swirls in the air.
And quietly to the ground
Falls, lies down.
And under the morning snow
The field has turned white
Like a shroud
Everything clothed him.
Dark forest that heaped
Covered himself with a weird
And fell asleep under her
Strong, soundless ...
- Guys, what time of year is this poem about? Yes, poets often admired and glorified this time of year, and artists painted pictures on winter themes.
(slide show of winter nature).
- And you and I, we can also depict winter picture, but only with your hands.
Winter has come (showing with our hands).
It became cold (we hug ourselves, rubbing our forearms).
Hit the frosts (knocking fist right hand on the left palm).
The rivers were covered with ice (we spread straight arms to the sides, as if sliding).
It has started snowing (we make wave-like movements with our hands).
He fell in white fluffy flakes on the ground, on houses, on people (showing the ground with our hands, making a triangle over our head, stroking ourselves on the head).
- Guys, let's say, what kind of winter is it?
Let's play the game “What? Which? What kind?".
The forest (what?) Is winter, snowy, beautiful.
Snow (what?) Is white, light, fluffy.
The wind (what?) Is cold, north, strong.
Trees (what?) Are tall, snow-covered, sleeping.
- Guys, despite the fact that the winter is cold, it gives people joy and beauty. Let's say affectionately about her:
Word game "Say kindly"
Winter (winter), snow (snow), wind (breeze), frost (frost).
-And you heard how in the frost the snow crunches underfoot. Let's listen.
(the recording "snow crunching" sounds)
-Do you know why the snow crunches? Here, let's check if you answered correctly. Let's do the experiment. (On the tables, for each child, in plates, salt and a small plastic bottle to press on the salt). Each grain of salt is a small crystal. Press down on the salt with the bottle. What do you hear?
(children's answers) Also crunching. Why? What do you think? And who thinks otherwise? Yes, it is crystals breaking and making such a sound. Does snow make that sound too? We have proved that a snowflake is what? This is also a small crystal.
- What else can snowflakes do (children's answers)?
- Want to dance like snowflakes?
(impromptu dance to the song "Snowflakes").
- Do you like to guess winter riddles?
1. Falling from the sky in winter
And circling above the ground (snowflakes).
2. A white blanket covered the whole earth (snow).
3. The artist painted a picture
And I did not take a brush in my hands (frost).
- And what do you think, how the artist could draw this picture?
Would you like to become artists for a while and paint a winter picture without a brush (children's answers)?
(Instructing children). Pay attention to the horizon line. What is below the horizon? Above?
Be careful when working with paint. Use wet wipes if necessary. We put all the used material in plates.
And the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Winter".
Children's work (drawing a winter landscape with non-traditional techniques: printing with leaves, printing with a cabbage leaf, drawing with cotton swabs, a newspaper lump,)
Bottom line. All of you guys are such good fellows - real wizards! What did we do? (Answers). Yes, we have got a wonderful winter forest with beautiful trees. These unusual pictorial means, leaving their mark, helped us create such an image of trees. Did you enjoy working today? (Answers). What was difficult for you in your work? What came easy (children's answers)?
- Do you want to teach parents how to paint with unusual visual means? I have prepared a gift for each of you and I present you with a magic box with visual aids for such work.


Drawing a winter landscape without a brush, using a Christmas tree stamp, printing leaves from a tree, printing cabbage leaves, a cotton swab, newspaper lumps.

Abstract of the GCD in the preparatory group for artistic creation(drawing in non-traditional technique) using ICT

"Winter landscape"

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 6" Malyshok "

the city of Ershov, Saratov region "

Educator: Kuznetsova M.N.

Objective: to consolidate the use of unconventional painting techniques for cabbage leaf print and sand painting (drawing with salt).

Program tasks:

Educational: to consolidate the ability to draw a landscape, using different visual materials in one drawing and unconventional techniques drawing (print with cabbage leaf, drawing with salt)

Expand and refine children's knowledge about artists, consolidate painting genres.

Developmental: develop independence, aesthetic feelings and emotions in the perception of works of painting and musical works, fine motor skills hands.


To bring up a sense of beauty in children through art, music.

Raise interest in displaying your impressions, accuracy.

Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, social and communicative development.

Preliminary work: drawing in non-traditional techniques, viewing landscapes, listening to the work of PI Tchaikovsky "The Seasons".

Individual work:

Dictionary activation: landscape, imprint.

Materials and equipment: whitewash, non-spill cups, tinted sheets of A3 format, paint and glue brushes, PVA glue, coasters for brushes, Extra salt, oilcloths, napkins, Pikinskaya cabbage sheets, musical accompaniment (P.I. Tchaikovsky " December "), reproductions of paintings by artists (I. Grabar" February Azure ", N. Krymov" Winter evening", S. Zhukovsky" Winter ")

Course of the lesson

The teacher takes the children into the hall and draws their attention to the objects lying on the table.

Children, I came to the hall today and noticed these objects.

Do you know what they are called and what are they for? (children's answers)

What is the name of the people for whom drawing is a profession.

Can anyone become an artist?

What do artists depict in their paintings? (people, objects, nature).

What are the names of the pictures depicting nature? (landscape)

Do you know artists who painted winter landscapes?

Where can you see paintings by artists? (at exhibitions in the gallery)

I invite you to an exhibition of winter landscapes.

Viewing reproductions of paintings

1. I. Grabar "February Azure"

What day in February did the artist depict? (sunny, bright, frosty)

What is shown in the picture? (snow, birch, sky)

Did the artist manage to convey the beauty of winter nature?

2. N. Krymov "Winter Evening"

What is shown in the picture?

Why is the painting called "Winter Evening"

What does it tell you that the painting depicts evening?

3. Zhukovsky S. "Winter"

What is shown in the picture?

What colors did the artist use?

What mood did the artist want to convey in this picture?

In all paintings, winter is depicted in different ways.


Dunno dreamed of becoming an artist

Therefore, he painted everywhere.

With a pen on a sheet - like this (show)!

Brush on canvas - like this (show)!

With a pencil on the desk - like this (show)!

And with crayons on the asphalt - like this (squat)!

Boots in the snow - like that!

(Hands on the belt, immersion)

He drew skates on the ice - like that!

(Children depict the movements of a skater)

On the sand with a twig - like this (slopes)!

On the board with a carnation - knock-knock (knock with fists)!

I spread lime in a bucket (they interfere with my hands),

He whitewashed the ceiling with a brush (whitewash, hands up).

He stirred the paint with a stick,

I painted everything around with a brush (turn).

Although Dunno is not an artist,

But the painter is excellent all the same!

Do you want to be artists and paint a winter landscape?

I suggest you pair up.

But we will paint with unusual materials.

Children do their own work to the music of PI Tchaikovsky "December" (From the album "The Four Seasons")

Children's works are placed on the board.

Let's create our own exhibition and admire the landscapes that we have painted.

Which work, in your opinion, is more successful, why?

What is the tidiest job?

Did you enjoy being artists?

What did we draw today?

What did you like the most?

Panfilova Svetlana Valerievna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MDOU kindergarten combined type number 42 "Teremok"
Locality: Serpukhov city, Moscow region
Material name: Summary of GCD in the preparatory group for school
Theme:"Winter landscape"
Date of publication: 27.11.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Continuous educational activities

PA "Artistic and Aesthetic Development"

NGO "Cognitive Development"

Theme: "Winter Landscape"

(preparatory group for school)

Theme: "Winter Landscape"

Target: To acquaint children with non-traditional technique of drawing with salt

(semolina) using PVA glue, to form a generalized

the idea of ​​winter as a season.


Strengthen children's skills to work in an unconventional drawing technique


PVA. Strengthen the skills of children in

drawing with crumpled paper and cotton swabs. Strengthen children's knowledge about

genre of painting landscape.

To form the ability to create an expressive image of winter nature,

using unconventional painting techniques and additional materials.

Develop auditory and visual perception, general and fine motor skills






thinking), the ability to express their thoughts.










performing work.

To cultivate accuracy, the ability to listen and answer questions.

Foster a benevolent attitude towards each other.

To form the ability to bring the work started to the end.

Preliminary work:





talking about winter, looking at pictures of winter entertainment






paper, cotton swabs).

Enrichment and activation of the vocabulary:

The old names of the months: gloomy, fierce, snowy. Selection of words,

characterizing the winter.

Materials, tools, equipment:

Snowflake with a riddle, screen, reproductions of paintings (winter landscapes),

ball (ball) for playing, tape recorder for playing audio recording.



(semolina), sequins, white gouache, cotton swabs, sheets of paper, paper


GCD move

Open entrance to the activity.








V: Guys, guests have come to us today. Let's say hello to them.

(Children say hello). Let's smile at each other and our guests! Let it go

good mood does not leave us all day!

V: Now, I ask you to go to the rug and stand in a circle.

In a wide circle, I see

All my friends stood up.

We're going right now

Now let's go left

Let's gather in the center of the circle

And we will all return to the place.

Let's smile, wink

Let's start listening to me!

Introductory and organizational moment.

V: Today a snowflake flew to our group. Not a simple snowflake, but

with a riddle. Do you like to guess riddles?

Then listen:

I swept everything around

Arriving from the kingdom of blizzards.

Autumn, best friend

I sent it south.

I'm cold and white

And she came to you for a long time.

V: What is it guys?

D: Winter.

V: I would like us to talk today about this wonderful


V: Each season has its own three months. Do you know the winter

months? Please name them.

D: December January February.

V:- What signs of winter do you know, name them?

V:- What changes take place in nature in winter?

V:- What colors have grown in nature?

V:- In winter, it is very cold, frosty, a strong wind blows, the sky is often

covered with clouds. But we love this time of year anyway.

V:- Guys, what do you like in winter?

V:- How can you have fun in winter? (Sledding, ice skating,

skiing, making snowmen.)

Game: "Snowball"

I suggest you play snowballs, I will throw you a snowball

(ball), and you must describe winter in one word. For example:

“What winter? - snowy, cold ... "and throw the snowball back.

Please tell me, what kind of winter is it?

Children's answers:










unexpected, fabulous, unpredictable, unexpected.

Yes, guys, you are right indeed, our winter is very different. She and

cold, with frosts, blizzards, with crunchy snow and thaw, and

Motivation for activity.



works like to tell us about winter.

Poets - in poetry and stories, composers - in music, artists - in


Let's admire



depicting winter.

What time of year are they depicted? How did you know this?

What did the artists depict in their paintings?

What color did the artists use?

V: What is depicted in all these paintings?

D: Nature.

V: And who remembers the names of the paintings that depict

D: Landscape.

A poem has been written about this genre of painting.

If you see, in the picture

The river is drawn

Or spruce and white frost,

Or a garden and clouds

Or a snowy plain

Or a field and a hut, -

Required painting

The landscape is called.

V: Children, I invite you to become artists today. Let's draw

our winter landscapes and make an exhibition. Let's now tune in to

We're kicking top - top,

We clap - clap with our hands,

We eyes a moment - a moment,

We shoulder chick - chick!

One - here, two - there,

Turn around you!

One - sat down, two got up,

Everyone raised their hands up.

One is two, one is two

It's time for us to study!

V: Now, I invite you to sit down to your jobs.

Explanation of the progress of the work.

V: Guys,

to portray


unusual drawing techniques.

What materials do we have for work?

glue, salt,

cotton swabs, sheets of paper, paper napkins.

V: The drawing technique in which we will work today is called

"Drawing with salt and semolina". In your work, you will use

cotton swabs, crumpled paper. I will remind you how the work is done in

this technique.

On a sheet of colored cardboard we apply a drawing with PVA glue (This can

be drifts of snow, trees, house (s). The drawing should not be





dried up.




add salt and semolina. Salt and semolina are allowed to stick. Then

excess semolina is poured onto a tray.

The snow that covered the ground can be drawn using the crumpled

paper. We draw clouds from which it snows with crumpled paper. We put it in

white paint and make prints.

Using cotton swab drawing a snowball. Dip a cotton swab

into the paint and leave an imprint on the sheet with it.

We draw snowflakes, and in

at the end of your work with sequins, sticking them to work (drip a drop

PVA glue and stick a sequin on this place).

V: So let's get down to our drawing.

Practical work.

Independent activities of children.

Open exit from activity.

After the children have finished drawing, they tidy up their

workplaces and lay out their drawings on the table.


V:- Guys, let's admire your drawings.

What did we draw today? (Winter. Winter landscape.)

How did we paint the winter landscape?

(Painted landscapes

semolina, salt, using glue.)

What did we use to represent the falling snow? (With cotton swabs,

semolina, salt, used sequins.)

How did we depict clouds, snow on the ground? (Crumpled paper)

How did we decorate our work? (Sequins)

What works have tall trees painted on?

Find works that show houses (some trees).

Which picture shows the snowiest winter?

What kind of work is the winter silvery, sparkling?

What did you like most about the lesson?

What do you remember the most?

Educator... What good fellows you are! Guys, we did it with you

beautiful winter landscapes.

We will display these landscapes in our exhibition,

for your mums and dads to admire them.
