
Home production with children clowns in the circus. Fun circus entertainment script. "Mage in a turban"

Scenario of a children's party for children 4-7 years old.

Everyone loved the circus in childhood. Why not organize a home circus!

Clowns, entertaining charades, trained animals, a mysterious magician, acrobatic and musical numbers... All this can be organized independently if the holiday is planned at home. When preparing a children's party, involve children, because it is much more interesting to participate in this "magic" business than to be just a spectator! If the holiday is dedicated to your child's birthday, the birthday person or birthday girl may remain in the dark about the upcoming performance. I wrote the script for the children's birthday about the circus a long time ago, but it remains relevant. My daughter and her guests 5-7 years old are delighted with this topic!

Thematic design of a children's party.


Costume of a clown, magician, acrobat, music and dance group; a set for tricks; a large suitcase - a screen on a string, where you can put the necessary props for numbers and competitions (you can glue the box over by building a checkered suitcase from the cartoon " The Bremen Town Musicians"); pipe-squeaker for a clown; colored paper palms according to the number of guests, indicating different animals and musical instruments; animal puppet theater for staging a simple fairy tale; riddles on cards; materials for creative assignment; programs-invitations to the "Magic Show" in the Wandering Circus.


Decorate the room with balloons. Arrange an impromptu buffet. Place the guests on inflatable balls, mattresses, toys.


One presenter is needed, who will act as Klepy's clown.

The rest of the roles can be distributed among children: magician, puppet theater participants, acrobats, music and dance group.

Children's birthday script 4-7 years old.

Klepa the clown comes out funny, pulls a suitcase with a string:

Hello guys! Tuzya and I are so glad you came! Really, Tuzya?

(referring to the suitcase)

This is my dog ​​Tuzya, meet guys! Tuzya has prepared many surprises for you, but until he hears a funny song in honor of the birthday boy (birthday girl), he will not open! Will you sing a song?

Children answer. If it is a birthday, then you can invite the children to perform the song of Gena Crocodile.

And to make the liver funny, funny and unusual, I will now give you magic palms. Look, in whose voice it fell to you to sing the song.

Children stretch out their palms with the names of birds, animals, musical instruments - who will meow the melody during the song, who will quack, etc. Better to choose the most simple options for execution: cat, duck, sparrow, mouse, goose, pipe, puppy, cow. On some palms, you can write words from a song, i.e. these guests will sing the words.

Well done !!! Tuzya, open up!

(the clown squeaks into a squeaky tune and opens the suitcase, forming a screen)

Guys, Tuzya has prepared a surprise for you - he invited a great magician to you!

Magic tricks for children.

Calls the magician by name, patronymic, it is better to entrust this role to one of the children.

If there are no people willing to speak, the clown hides behind a suitcase screen, to the sounds of "Tra-ta-ta-ta-ta", quickly takes off his wig, hat, nose, puts on a black hat, a mask on the half of his face and a black cape with stars from foil. You can ask an adult to play children's music at this time.

The magician performs 2-3 numbers. You can choose simple DIY tricks, or use a ready-made magician set that is sold in stores.

Here are some easy tricks to get you started. In front of the audience, we take 6 coins, suggest counting them, open a large thick book, put these six coins on the page, close the book, say magic words"Krex-pex-fex". We open the book, tilt it over the palms of the birthday boy (birthday girl), the coins should slip into the palms.


Guys, who remembers how many coins we put in this magic book? That's right, six! Let's count the coins again, did everyone come back to us?

There are ten coins! This magic book! How many coins were added? Four!

The secret of focus. Before starting the show, you need to shove four coins into the spine of an open book and check that they can slip out of there unnoticed when you tilt the book, but not fall out with any movement.


Let's remember the colors of the rainbow (children name, remember words: every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting).

And now I will show you the magic water, which before your eyes will turn into one of the colors of the rainbow!

What color is the water?

And if you want, I'll turn it ... choose any color of the rainbow!

The secret of focus. Take several jars of water, on the lids of which you need to thickly apply gouache of different colors. Guests, for example, call the color red, you choose a jar of red gouache, shake it, and the water turns red. You need to prepare jars according to the colors of the rainbow.


What happens if you pierce this balloon with this sharp needle?

He takes out a balloon and a spoke. The guests answer that the balloon will burst. The magician shows how the ball bursts.


But now I will say the magic words, and the balloon will not burst!

We take out a special ball, say the magic words "krex-pex-fex", pierce it. The balloon did not burst!

The secret of focus. The magician holds in his hands a specially prepared inflated balloon and a knitting needle. The needle should be long, thin, well-pointed and thoroughly polished, without chipping. On the ball you need to stick a piece of scotch tape on both sides. The ball needs to be practiced to pierce exactly in the places “strengthened” with adhesive tape quickly and accurately.


I still have a magic tray with goodies for you. different countries... But before you try all of this, let's blindfold you, and you will guess what it is. Whoever guesses the most dishes ahead will receive a special prize from me!

There are cups with pieces of fruits and vegetables on the tray, each guest is invited to take a piece and guess what it is. Someone should help the magician so that the children taste the same fruit at the same time. As a prize, you can present interesting keychains to all participants or circus accessories (clown noses, caps, pipes) - friendship won!


I'm leaving you going to trip around the world... And you will have an intermission and a delicious treat at the buffet! The ringing of the bell will call you back to the show!

An impromptu buffet - a table with sweets and drinks. Drinks can be served in small bottles with a straw, cakes and cookies on paper napkins - stands. During the intermission, turn on funny music and offer the children face painting - drawings on their faces. For example, it is good to post examples of how to depict this or that animal on the face. Children can paint themselves in front of the mirror. It is important to place several mirrors in front of them.

When the children are full, ring the bell and invite everyone to continue the show.

Guys, did you like the magic tricks?

And now acrobats will perform for you!

Guest girls may be asked to prepare a dance or acrobatic performance for the birthday boy in advance.

Puppet theater at a children's party.

You can choose a well-known children's fairy tale, for example, "Teremok". You can perform it in a new way. Or play a famous cartoon about a lion cub and a turtle. And get the heroes of the fairy tale out of the suitcase, making riddles about them.

Play roles in puppet theater invite all interested children. So that the children are not afraid that they will forget the words, you can turn on the audio fairy tale on the disc, and young actors will only need to "guide" the movements of their characters.

The script for the children's play "Teremok in a New Way".

Russian folk melody sounds. The curtain opens.
The frog and the mouse are doing housework.

Frog: I'm a frog frog, a pop-eyed friend.

Mouse: I am a mouse, a laughter in the forest.

Frog: We love to temper and pour cold water in the morning.

Mouse: Aerobics, shaping and dancing are no jokes, brothers.

They dance to the music.

Hedgehog: I am a gray hedgehog, no head, no legs.
Better than us forest urchins, there are no watchmen in the world.
I start the day with a jog, I swing my triceps muscles,
To protect your friends from uninvited guests.

Shows exercises with dumbbells, barbell.

Rooster: I am a cockerel - golden comb,
Butter head, silk beard.
I wake everyone at dawn, I'm the best athlete in the world.
I wake up my friends with songs, I take them out for exercises.

Only suddenly a homeless wolf dragged from the dark thicket,
He knocked at the gate, sings in a hoarse voice.

Wolf: What is this teremok? Smoke comes out of the chimney
Lunch is visible. Are there animals here or not?
Who, who lives in the little house? Who, who lives in the low?

Frog: I am a frog - a frog.

Mouse: I’m a mouse - butuka.

Rooster: I am a cockerel - a golden comb.

Hedgehog: I am a gray hedgehog, no head, no legs.

Chorus: Who are you?

Wolf: And I'm a wolf - teeth snap.

Chorus: What can you do?

Wolf: Catch the little mice! Crush the frogs!
Choke hedgehogs! Gutting the roosters!

Mouse: Go away, toothy beast, don't scratch our door.
The tower is firmly locked with a bolt and a lock.

The wolf knocks on the gate.

Wolf: Hey, owners, open it kindly, or I'll blow the gate for you.

Mouse: Hush, wolf, don't knock at the gate!

Frog: Our dough will tip over from the oven!

Rooster: Don't poke your nose into the teremok - crow! Or I'll pinch you with my spurs!

Hedgehog: If you will be engaged in robbery, you will meet the watchman - a hedgehog!

Wolf: The owners do not want to let me in, they do not want to treat me to dinner.
Long wait for me to hunt, I will break the gate now!

The wolf is leaning on the gate, but he doesn't have enough strength!

Wolf: Oh, and this is not an easy job. Yes, I was completely weak.

Tries to crawl from the other side.

Rooster: Kukareku! Everyone in the yard - a thief climbs into the gateway.
Hey hostess - frog, where is your big mug?
Bring water quickly, and wash over the homeless man.

Mouse: Water it guys!

Frog: From a jug, from a tub.

Hedgehog: Pour it over from a bucket, do not regret the evil thief!

Wolf: Help! Guard! Choked, drowned!
I'm not used to cold water, it's better for me to go hungry.

Hedgehog: I am a spiny gray hedgehog, you will not leave me.
Yes, I see you are a weakling - frail, skinny as a weed.

Rooster: Get away you wolf from here.

Frog: Don't trip over there with fear.

The wolf leaves.

Rooster: We drove away the evil wolf,
Kukareku ko-ko-ko! He ran away far!
He let it go with all his blades, runs away without looking back.
Ko-ko-ko! Ku-ka-re-ku! Will not return to the house!

Frog: Come on, Petya, go and dance! Your boots are good!

Mouse: Hey, frog, dance with the rooster, ride the hedgehog.

Together: Today we have a merry holiday, there is a dance in the yard to the accordion!

Funny music.

Riddles about the heroes of the house:

How rich the mink is:
On the left is the cheese and on the right is the crust.
Straight - grains of rice,
Sausage, sunflowers
And a withered mandarin
In a word - a whole store! ..
Well, who is his mistress,
Try it yourself, guess!

He does not walk at a step, does not run, but jumps. Frog.

What kind of girl is this?
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
She doesn't sew anything herself,
And in needles all year round.

Not a king, but in a crown,
not a rider, but with spurs,
not an alarm clock, but wakes everyone up.

Who in the cold autumn
Going gloomy and hungry?

Games and contests for children 4-7 years old.

How else to entertain little guests at children's day Birth?

Clown Cleop:

Guys! Did you like our magic show?

Now let's take a photo as a souvenir! But these won't be simple photos! And alive!

Here are buckets with magic tools, and now I will introduce you to a magic instruction on how to take a live photo.

In plastic buckets, children are given large multiplied photographs of all those present, which clearly show the face, glue, felt-tip pens, sheets of colored paper, foil, ribbons, bows, strings, buttons, pieces of fabric, beads, pieces of yarn, fur, pictures from magazines, etc. .d. Children are best placed at a large table. From the suitcase, the clown takes out his poster with a ready-made photograph, which can depict the birthday boy (birthday girl) and the guests present. An example photograph is attached in a prominent place.

The magic of live photography is that you can turn your friends, yourself into anyone, and make your dreams come true! Become a magician or a princess!

Photo from the site from the site http://familyfun.go.com and http://www.gwynnwassondesigns.com/


In our world, saturated with information and stress, the soul asks for fairy tales - a miracle, the feeling of a carefree childhood. And in connection with this, one of the main tasks of the educator is to develop the creative abilities of children, the desire to perform in front of the audience. The formula for success lies in the mutual love of children and adults who are passionate about one favorite thing.

Holiday - this word makes the heart of every child beat faster.

The greatest hopes and expectations of children are associated with the holiday. It is about childhood holidays spent with parents that adults most often remember. For many, these memories are the brightest and most joyful in life.

The scenario of children's entertainment "The circus lights the lights" is one of the cycle of theatrical and circus performances. This is the ultimate entertainment, which is carried out when children have certain knowledge, skills and abilities. On which creativity, imagination, memory, a sense of rhythm, coherent speech, pace, motor skills, the desire to perform with a group of peers develop.

The scenario of entertainment "The circus lights the lights" is addressed to music directors, educators and parents.

Explanatory note.

The world of childhood is next to us, it is inside our adult world. he looks at us through the eyes of a child, speaks in his voice. Once he was our world too, but we left there, and there is no turning back.

But for some reason I want to return to it. Does it seem to each of us as an inner paradise, the golden age of our life?

How will they look into this world even for a moment? To drown in childish delight, even for a moment to see the mysterious planet named "Childhood". Without looking into this world, it is impossible to understand not only children, but also oneself.

Working on the script "The circus lights the lights" I wanted to open the cherished door to the world of children's consciousness. The scenario of this theatrical and circus holiday connects children with each other, children with adults into a single magical whole. And if a child begins to trust us, to believe - it means that you can create, fantasize, imagine.

The circus is one of the most democratic and accessible types of art for children, it allows you to solve many actual problems modern pedagogy and psychology associated with:

  • art education and upbringing of children;
  • moral education;
  • the formation of aesthetic taste;
  • development of the communicative qualities of a person (teaching verbal and non-verbal types of communication);
  • education of will, the development of memory, imagination, initiative, fantasy, speech (dialogues - monologues)
  • creating a positive emotional mood, relieving tension, resolving conflict situations through a circus show.

The scenario of a theatrical and circus show allows you to reveal the spiritual and creative potential of a child and provides a real opportunity to adapt in a social environment.

The creative principle of teaching and upbringing is very important, that is, the maximum focus on the creativity of children, on the development of psychophysical sensations, and the emancipation of the individual.

This scenario is a part of the "Development of ideas about the world about oneself" section of the "Development" program.

The practical value of the script "The circus lights the lights" lies in the development of artistic education. The script can satisfy any interests and desires of children. By participating in entertainment, children get to know creative world in all its diversity - through images, colors, sounds, music.

Software content:

  1. Exercise in the ability to distribute roles, understand an imaginary game situation and act in accordance with it.
  2. To consolidate the ability to carry out game actions according to speech instructions, to cultivate friendly relations, the ability to determine characters of heroes, evaluate their actions.

Upbringing and educational tasks:

  1. To expand the knowledge of children about the circus, about its workers.
  2. To develop creative imagination, memory, coherent speech of children, a sense of rhythm, pace, motor skills.
  3. Foster a desire to play in a team of peers.

Preliminary work. Watching a video about the circus and its history, making and selecting attributes together with parents. Learning lines, poems about the circus. Acquaintance with circus terminology, reading fiction on this topic.


  • circus posters, tickets;
  • costumes for performance;
  • hoops, balls, water bottles;
  • handkerchiefs, ropes, gymnastic ribbons;
  • stilts, improvised kettlebells, barbell;
  • balls, magic box.

The course of entertainment

The music of the song "Circus" (music by V. Kainsky) is playing. Children run up when they hear the music and start dancing.

Leading: Guys, what kind of song was it?

Children: The song about the circus.

Leading: How many of you have been to the circus?

Children: We are, we are, we are.

Leading: Guys, do you know that we have a circus in Perm?

Children: Yes Yes Yes.

Leading: Do you know who is the most important in the circus?

Children: Circus director.

Leading: Without whom the performance will not take place?

Children: No circus artists.

Leading: What kind of circus artists do you know?

Children: Juggler.

Leading: What does a juggler do?

Children: Throws up several objects at once and manages to pick them up on the fly.

Leading: What else?

Children: The trainer teaches animals to dance, play football. Clowns make us laugh, entertain, imitate other artists.

Leading: What does a clown look like?

Children: A crimson wig, a red nose, a ridiculous hat, huge shoes with curved noses.

Leading: What other circus artists do you know?

Children: A magician - he pulls from his pocket a whole hundred silk scarves, then he releases a flock of pigeons from his sleeve.

Leading: What other professions work in the circus?

Children: Cashier, controller, toy seller, buffet waiters.

Leading: Children, would you like to go to a circus show?

Children: Yes Yes Yes.

Leading: Let's choose the circus performers ourselves. (Assigning roles.) Who does Arthur want to be?

Arthur: I like different tricks, I want to become a magician.

Leading: Who does Tanya want to become?

Tanya: I love dancing and want to become a ballerina. And our teacher Galina Dmitrievna can be appointed director of the circus.

Leading: Okay, I agree.

The artists leave together with the director of the circus, the audience remains.

Leading: What should be done to get into the circus? That's right, buy tickets!

Hurry to buy a ticket
Because very soon,
Early in the morning at dawn
The circus will leave for a new city.
Buy tickets to the circus,
You have not seen this.
The hippopotamus sings couplets.
The elephant plays the trumpet.

Spectators are asked to take their places in the auditorium, the bell rings, a circus performance begins. The hall is decorated with balloons and garlands. Girls and boys come out to the middle of the "arena".


Why is everything beautiful today?
Why are they waiting for a miracle in the morning?
Why is today such a happy day?
Because I'm going to the circus today.

Boy: The cold rain is not a hindrance to me these days. I will smile at strangers passing by. There is so much happiness, joy and laughter in the circus that he can dispel any sadness!

Children enter the hall to music, sit down, all the participants in the circus performance enter to the applause, stop in a semicircle.


The circus! The circus! The circus!
The circus is very good!
Everywhere Festive, light!
A cheerful laugh is ringing here!
I invite everyone to visit!

Boy and girl: Welcome. Our circus lights up the lights!

The garland on the central wall lights up.

Leading: Our festive circus program will be led famous clowns: Bim and Bom! Please welcome them!

There is applause. Two clowns run out from different sides.

Bim(happily): Bom!

Bohm(surprised): Bim!

Bim: How glad I am to see you!

Bohm: And I'm even more happy!

Bim: Hello Bohm!

Bohm: Hello Bim!

Bim and Bom greet the children together. "Hello guys!" and bow.

Bohm: Dear viewers, children and parents, come to us soon, sit down in your seats. How many interesting things you will see today that you will not even believe your own eyes!


The music is funny
Let it thunder with us!
They will give us a dance
Girls now!

Dance with a handkerchief.

Ha ha ha ha!
Quickly look
Look at Bohm!

Bohm enters, holding a ribbon.

Bim: Look at the ribbon, don't get confused!

Bohm dances to the music, gets tangled up in a ribbon and gives it. Bim helps Bohm up, rubs the back of his head.

Bim and Bom: Yes Yes. Everything needs to be learned!


Ballerina in the arena
Like a light fluff
And dances and spins
And at the same time he is not afraid!

Dance with a ribbon.


We continue the presentation,
We represent the number again:
Strongmen are visiting us
Welcome them now!

Number with weights.


Strong men you rest and sit quietly
Now see for yourself
This dance with hoops!
All are airy and light
Like a moth from a fairy tale!

Dance with hoops.


In this program number
Speaks in front of you
The famous magician fakir,
He surprised the whole world!

To the music, a magician enters the hall and bows.


I have many miracles:
The rain will fall on you from heaven
There will be lightning and thunder ...

There is a loud knock, Bom runs in.

Leading: Don't be intimidated by this Bohm.

The clown bursts the balloon.

Leading: And don't you feel sorry for spoiling the air balloons?

Bohm: And, apart from this trick, I am not able to show anything!

Magician: I'm calling my assistant, I'll show you tricks!

A girl in a red dress with a magic box enters.


There are boxes in front of you
I put a handkerchief in it.
Close: one, two, three!
Let's hit the stick, look!
I open the boxes.
But where did the handkerchief disappear to?


I'll tell you one, two, three
Look carefully!

A whole garland stretches out of the box. Take out a table with three cans of water.

Magic wand, help me:
Turn my transparent water into colored water!

Tricks with water.

Bohm: Blimey! What wonderful magic tricks! I don’t know how to show tricks, so Bim can do anything, let's call him!

Spectators Clap. Bohm runs out. Attractions with spectators: with whistles, soap bubbles, balls.

Clowns: And now we invite all the guys to dance!

And not a bit to be bored!
Light the circus lights!

Children enter the arena. They perform a cheerful dance “The circus loves everyone”. At the end of the dance there is “multicolored rain (confetti).


It's time for parting
But let's not be sad goodbye
New meeting we are always happy.
The circus of miracles says goodbye!
And nothing gets in the way
To meet friends again.
The circus is moving around the world,
But it will still come back to us!

Ulyana Chernova


1. Develop coordination and a sense of balance, a sense of space and a sense of oneself in space.

2. Develop flexibility and endurance.

3. To develop the motor abilities of children.

4. Develop creativity, artistry.

5. Develop communicative personality traits, the ability to be a united team.

6. Create festive mood, evoke positive emotions.

Equipment: Hoops, balls, skittles, rings, ponches - balls, hops, barbell, dumbbells, kettlebell, chain, silk scarves, jump rope, soap bubbles, mop, with a pan nailed to it, balloons, sultans.

Musical selection:

1. Song (minus) "Wonderland" (Appendix No. 1)

2. Song "The sun is shining for everyone" (Appendix No. 2)

3. Song "Freckles" (Appendix No. 3)

4. Music for dancing "Hoops"; "With the sultans"; "Chickens"; "Kitties"; "Jugglers"; "Strongmen"; "Cowboys"; "Oriental"; "Gypsy"; to the games.

Holiday progress

The hall is beautifully decorated with clowns, balloons, stars.

Clowns Vasya and Knopochka run into the hall to the accompaniment of cheerful music

Vasya The circus!

Button The circus!

Vasya The circus!

Button The circus!

Together: Only today and only now the world famous children's the circus gives its only presentation!

V the circus it's time to invite you

You can scream and laugh today

You can joke, squeal, somersault.

You can stomp everyone's feet loudly,

And best of all for the artists to clap.

Music sounds "Paint fairs" (children come out)

1 child Doors circus we are opening today

We invite all guests to the presentation

Come and have fun with us

Come and become our friends!

2 child: For the first time in Russia,

Today now,

Our children's the circus -

We present for you!

3 child: Then we'll go

Possibly New York

And we will call there

Everyone's delight.

4 child: Well, now

Performance for everyone

Hope waiting for us

Great success!

The song is playing "Wonderland"- (Appendix No. 1)

Vasya: Dear viewers! Children and parents! On our

Would you like to entertain yourself?

Button: Want to? Fine! Then only today everything is possible! Everything is allowed! You can play and play pranks! To be naughty and mischievous!

Vasya: Walk on your head and trick: Come on, I'll tell you different news now! And you, if the news is good, shout out: "Hooray!" and clap your hands.

Button: And if sad, shout out: "Ooh!" and stamp your feet. Deal? Today prizes will be awarded to all the children! Children: Hurray!

Vasya: And instead of prizes, you will receive semolina porridge! Children: Ooh!

Button: In fact, delicious candies are waiting for everyone! Children: Hooray!

Vasya: Which has been devoured by Button for a long time Children: Ooh!

Button: Why is it just me? Like that, so at once Button

Vasya: Don't be offended, I was joking. Come on quietly, the show begins.

Child: Parade alle! Let's start the rides!

And nothing that we are not champions -

We can learn everything

This is very useful to us in life.

Sports dance with the sultans ( "Cucarella")



Button: Let's make a guess

Vasya: There was a white house, a wonderful house

But something was pounding in him

And it crashed and from there

A living miracle ran out

Soft, fluffy, and golden!

because in the arena circus chicks dancing.

Dance of chicks (children of the 2nd junior group)

Vasya Button, tell me, what are you the smartest?

Button: Well, of course not the most, but I know something, but what did you want?

Vasya: Yes, I wanted to ask you a riddle.

Button: Let's make a guess

Vasya: There was a white house, a wonderful house

But something was pounding in him

And it crashed and from there

A living miracle ran out

Soft, fluffy, and golden!

Button I know why you asked me this riddle.

The audience is delighted, the audience is jubilant,

because in the arena circus chicks dancing.

Dance of chicks (children of the 2nd junior group)

Button What are they cute, so cute, fluffy, airy. Do you know, Vasya, what else is airy?

Vasya: Cloud? Pooh? Snow?

Button: No! Bubble!

Vasya: And what, are we going to blow soap bubbles now?

Button: We will dance now!

Vasya: I don’t understand something, but what does soap bubbles have to do with it?

Button: And besides, when the music starts playing, I will start blowing bubbles, I will have to dance and catch them. And as soon as the music stops, you need to freeze in place.

The game "Bubbles"

Vasya: Yes, it's great to play like that, but for some reason I haven't caught a single bubble.

Button: And you Vasya, look at our next artists, maybe they will learn to be clever!

The rings are flying higher and higher

hoops, skittles, balls,

it is the jugglers who came out to the audience

they are the most agile in the world!

"Jugglers" - sport exercises

with balls, pins, rings. (children of the senior group)

Vasya runs in, carries the hoops and tries to twist them, but he fails.

Button: Why did you bring the hoops here?

Vasya I decided to lose weight, I bought one hoop for myself, and give the other one to you.

Button: Eh, Vasya, Vasya, so you definitely won't lose weight, you need to eat less sweets.

You better watch how the young gymnasts perform. Very soon the whole country will know their names.

Sport dance with hoops(girls prep. gr)

Vasya (crying) Oh woe to me woe!

Button Vasya, what happened?

Vasya: Oh, woe, I fell ill with a terrible, incurable disease, help me, I'm dying!

Button Vasya, wait, you die, explain plainly what happened.

Vasya: Yes, look for yourself, you see on my face what spots have appeared, than I just didn’t wash them off, and with soap, a washcloth, and even sand, nothing helps. That's it, I'm dying.

Button Don't worry Vasya, I think I know what kind of disease it is, it's called "Freckles"... almost all children are ill with it.

Vasya: Truth? And I won't die? Button: Well, of course not, silly. Freckles are just the opposite, very beautiful. I know a girl who would really like to have the same freckles here. Do you want to hear how she sings about it?

Vasya Of course

Song "Freckles" muses. And Varlamov, words. R. Panin (children perform movements to the music)

Vasya: I can sing too.

Slowly, little by little, adds a cat to the mouse

It turns out the answer is that there is a cat, but there is no mouse!

Button: Oh, thank God that there are no mice, I'm terribly afraid of them!

Kittens in our circus perform, and the dance will surprise you all!

Dance "Cats" (performance of children of middle group)

Vasya enters, with a rope hooked behind his belt.

Button Vasya, what is it?

Vasya: I'm turning into a cat, and this is my long tail!

Button (laughs) what a tail! - selects and runs away

Vasya: Well, okay, think about it! I have a rope, a rope - a spinner, I can rotate it, but you have to jump!

The game "Fishing rod"

Vasya You know Button, I'm worried about the kiddies' tongues. They hadn't shouted for a long time. Perhaps their tongues were dry too.

Button: What to do? Charger for reeds?

Vasya: Exactly! And what do we have instead of charging for the reeds? Chants, of course. Now these guys will be with me shout: "Dosch - cheek!".

Button: And these together with me shout: "Prisch-sliver!".

Vasya: And the adults are friendly shout: "Dear friend!"... And now all together, at my signal, we shout!

At the same time, everyone shouts their words. In the end, it turns out "Apchhi!"

Button Great shout!

Vasya Aha! My cow sneezes like that.

Button: Where did you get the cow?

Vasya: Who cares? The main thing is that she gives milk! Drink that milk and you will immediately become strong and powerful, like our next speakers. Come on, announce them soon.

Button: Strongmen enter the arena

And weights are raised high

They bend horseshoes like rolls

And they will take any weight easily.

Strongman performance (with dumbbells, barbell, kettlebell)

Vasya Mirage, there is a caravan in the desert

Here's someone's flexible camp swaying

The sounds of the east are heard at dawn

The dance of beauties seems to me.

Performed "East Dance"

Button: Let's play riders?

Vasya: How is it?

Button: Well, first you will be a horse, and I will be a rider, and then vice versa.

Vasya: Come on, sit down!

The button fits on Vasya's back. He picks up her and walks in a circle.

"Rider" prodding "horse".

Button: But, but. Jump faster, otherwise you walk like a nag! Let's.

Vasya (indignantly)... Enough, get off!

Button: Wait, another little circle. "Horse" falls to his knees.

Vasya: Well, now it's my turn. Get on all fours!

Button: Well, here's another thing, I have nothing to do - to be a horse. You better let me know the next number of our program.

Vasya: In the arena, there are


horses trained.

Horses galloping like the wind

there are none faster than them in the world!

"Cowboy dance" (performed on hop balls)

Button We all sat down a little bit,

they looked at our artists,

let's quickly become a circle,

and we'll dance a little!

A common dance is performed "Hi guys!"

(music of the duet "Dance teacher)

Vasya: The gypsies drove home from the fair,

and stopped next to him.

And they stopped to dance

and convey the gypsy enthusiasm to all of you!

"Gypsy dance"

The song is playing "Paint fairs" (all artists come out)

Children Thank you, the circus, for the beauty of your soul,

thanks the circus, for kindness for faith in life,

thanks the circus, per your holiday,

A short date with a dream.

Vasya and Button: Have fun and optimism, clear sun and cloudless weather in your families,

Song "The sun is shining for everyone" (music by A. Ermolov, lyrics by V. Orlov) (Appendix No. 3)

Disco music "Aram Zam Zam"

Appendix No. 1


Verse There is such a country in the world,

where miracles always take place,

called circus she,

she is called forever young.

And believe that this country

cheers us all up,

we sail on magic waves

along the waves of happiness and admiration!

Chorus Fairyland,

here the beasts come out,

jugglers, strongmen,

and there are clowns.


it's colorful and bright here,

us in the circus is always expected

surprises and gifts.

Verse 2 Merry circus wonderland,

here the doors open to everyone,

here everyone is kind, here you can hear laughter,

all the people here are smiling.

In this kind, magical land-

the sun is brighter and the stars are brighter,

there is such a country in the world

there is no dearer and dearer than her.

Appendix No. 2

"The sun is shining for everyone"

Verse 1 The day opened at dawn

golden key

to get on Earth

each with a ray.

To make the palms grow

and birches with Christmas trees,

so that in the spring nightingales

clicked on the branches.

Chorus (2 times):

The sun is shining for everyone

so that cheerful laughter rings,

the kids didn't cry.

The sun is shining for everyone

so that cheerful laughter rings,

shines the same.

Verse 2 The day opened at dawn

golden key

to get on Earth

each with a ray.

So that funny laughter rings,

the kids didn't cry

the sun is shining for everyone

shines the same.

Appendix No. 3

song "Freckles"

Verse 1 On the nose, freckles on the cheeks

at my best friend.

And I will tell you frankly,

that they suit her undoubtedly.

Once she smiles a little

and her freckles will laugh.

I envy, I almost cry

Chorus Freckles, freckles

at my girlfriend's.

And honey agarics have freckles, under the tree at the edge.

Freckles, freckles,

at my girlfriend,

and most importantly at the sun

there are freckles on the nose.

Verse 2 I lie in the sun all day

and it laughs at me.

But the neighbor told me in secret,

that they are only in the summer.

I look at my friend with longing

what freckles go to her.

I envy, I almost cry

and I hide blue tears in my scarf.

Verse 3 I'll collect all my toys

I'll take it to my friend as soon as possible.

And I will say: "Take everything, do not mind!

just give me your freckles! "

List of sources used information:

1. "Thematic physical education and holidays v preschool"L. P. Shcherbak

2. « Sports serpentine» E. A. Galtsova; O. P. Vlasenk

3. "Friends with sports and games» G. P Popova

4. "Didactic piggy bank of a kindergarten teacher" P. P. Dziuba

5. "Fun physical education for children and their parents" O. B Kazina

The circus is a world of smiles, fairy tales, childhood and kindness. Children especially love him - for the fact that the circus easily transforms the everyday daily life into a bright a fairy tale, develops physically, educates character and teaches us to overcome our weaknesses.

The song "Circus, circus, circus" performed by O. Popov is played.

The clown comes out (teacher in a clown costume)

Clowness. Hello dear viewers!

Today in our program Alla Pugacheva ( claps herself and encourages the audience to applaud), Philip Kirkorov ( applause), Nikolay Baskov ( applause), Glucose (a fruit) will not perform! But on the other hand, today you will see real circus stars!

"Parade - alle"

The march sounds from the film "Circus" by I. Dunaevsky. All participants pass in front of the audience with a raised hand and go behind the curtain.

Clownness. Today all evening at the arena clowns Seryoga and Shurik!

Clowns come out to cheerful music, greet, grimace.

Clownness. Today in our program ... (Seryoga approaches)

Seryoga. Hello! (shakes the hand with the clown)

Clownness. Hello! Today in our program ... (Shurik approaches, greets in the same way).

Clownness. Today in our program ... (Seryoga approaches).

Seryoga. Hello!

Clowness: Hello! This is the third time you greet me, you better show that you can!

Seryoga. We can play musical instruments!

Clowns sit on chairs, play to the soundtrack, Seryoga plays a fake balalaika, Shurik plays a tambourine. Shurik gets up imperceptibly, creeps up from the back to Seryoga and lowers him in the face of a huge spider (props) on the line. Seryoga screams.

Shurik (hides the spider behind his back and asks)... What happened?

Serega gestures in fear of a spider (what kind of "eyes", "paws" he has).

Shurik shakes his head that there is nothing, and it seemed to him.

Serega sits down to play the balalaika again. Shura puts the spider on Seryoga's head again. Serega screams, gesturing to Shura the spider. Shura takes a huge hammer and hits the spider on Serega's head. Seryoga falls. Shurik blows a balalaika over Seryoga (when Seryoga comes to his senses), shows that the spider is a toy. Seryoga pounces on Shurik with his fists, and they run away.

Clownness. And now the trainer Polina is in our program (pupil's name) and her trained dogs.

Number "Trained dogs "

Highchairs stand in a semicircle. "Dogs" - children run out to circus music senior group... On the heads there are caps with sewn-on ears (clean insoles for shoes), on the neck there are different bows. Barking, they run around the hall, run like a snake around the chairs, then everyone around their chair, stop.

Animal trainer. Alla! Up!

"Dogs" jump onto a chair, "paws" in front of them, breathe, sticking out their tongueand like dogs.

Animal trainer. Our dogs can count! ( referring to "sobachke ") Ball, what is the number?

Shows number 2. The ball barks 2 times.

Animal trainer. Well done! (G gets along).

My friend, how much is 2 + 1? (the dog barks 3 times)

Baby, paw! (shakes hands with paws)

Another! ( the child turns, gives a "leg", is healthyit is)

Well done!

Our dogs can sing!

The Russian folk melody "From under the oak" sounds. The trainer plays onthe pipe, the dogs "howl".

Alla! Up! ( spinning on chairs, wagging their tails)

Alla! Up! ( jump off)

Sit! ( squat down)

Lie! (fall on bent elbows)

Alla! Up! ( the trainer lines up the "dogs" to bow, all cland run away with barking).

Serega and Shurik come out to the music of "Clownery - Strongmen". Serega drags a huge fake "weight" (200kg) across the floor.

Shurik. Well, what will you raise?

Seryoga. Easily!

NS He lifts the weight, grimacing, which is hard, spins it around him, drops Shurika on his leg. Shura writhing in pain, jumping on one leg, holding on to the patient. The child runs up, easily lifts a kettlebell on his little finger, exposing the clowns. The clowns run away.

Clownness. And now the strongmen will enter the arena!

Number "Strongman"

Boys - strong men with dumbbells (in a striptights, with muscles), with a heavy gait, walk around the hall, stand facing the audience:

1 exercise with dumbbells (2-3);

2 lift the kettlebell with one hand (each with his own),

3 interceptions in front and behind the back;

4 go up to the barbells, make a dash, twist the barbells overhead (afterEach type of exercise "wipes" sweat from the forehead). Leave.

Clownness. The next issue of our program "Predators" and their fearless tamer - Ksyusha (pupil's name)!

Number "Trained Tigers"

The music “Kornilovs. Trained elephants ”A trainer comes out, bows, holding a wand in her hands. Slowly, stealthily, the "predators" come out and carry out the commands of the tamer.

Animal trainer. Alla! Up! ("Tigers" kneel and restwith their hands in front of them).

Animal trainer. Well done! And now the stand! Up! (" tigers "neghands off the floor and "show paws").

Animal trainer. Ay, well done! And now into the hoop! Up! ("Tigers" jump through a red hoop with patches attached to it orange imitating fire).

Animal trainer. Alla! Up! (the tamer goes forward and rotates the stick, the "tigers" turn over on the floor, first to the right, then to the left).

Clownness. Attention! Attention! We ask the faint of heart to leave the hall!

Deadly number! During the performance of the number, please do not get up from your seats and do not make sudden movements!

To the drum roll, children-"tigers" lie on the floor on their stomachs (facing the audience). The tamer gently lies down on top of them and raises her hand, saying: “Alla! Up! " To the applause of the audience, the tamer bows and leads the predators away

Clown music sounds. Shurik runs into the hall, he has a musical instrument in all his pockets, in socks, under his shirt. He runs and knocks on wooden spoons.

Clownness. Wait, Shurik, you can't make noise here! ( takes spoons and carries away). Shura teases the clown, pulls out a tambourine from his bosom, runs, rings.

Clownness. I said you can't make noise here! ( selects a tambourine and carries away). Shurik takes out spare noise musical instruments from pockets, socks, sleeves. Teases Clownness by playing even louder. The clowness runs after him, swears, takes away the tools and takes him backstage.

Shurik. The tools are out, but I have ribbons!

Clowness... How are you going to make noise on them?

Shurik. I won't make any noise anymore, because we have a performance of gymnasts according to the program!

Number "G them nastki "

To the music of the show-ballet "Todes" girls perform sportsth dance with ribbons.

Clownness. And now the best of the season, trained Bear Potap will perform in the arena! Meet the trainer Polina and her trained Potapa.

Number "Trained Potap Bear"

To the music “Nikulin Circus. Bears on bikes "on a children's motorcyclethe child leaves - "bear", the tamer with a stick goes in front, gives commands.

Animal trainer. Potap, stop! (The "bear" gets off the motorcycle, somersaults).

Trainer... Come on, bear, show yourself, bow to all the guys! ("Bear" performs movements).

Animal trainer. Well, Potap, show me how the girls are going out for walks! ("Teddy bear" dresses up, looks in the mirror, paints his lips).

And show me how the girls go to work (Potap walks, reluctantly, “boflies ")

Oh, show how the girls go from work (runs merrily, bounces)

Animal trainer. Potap! Somersault! (The "bear" is tumbling)

Trainer... Potap! Squat! ("Bear" dances in a squatting position)

Well done! Whirl around! (performs the girl's command)

Animal trainer. Well done, Potap! (gives him a bottle of milk).

To the applause of the audience, they leave the hall.

Cheerful clown music sounds again, Sere rushes into the hallha and shouts loudly.

Seryoga. Oh oh oh!

Clownness. What's the matter?

Seryoga. My tooth hurts!

Clownness. Well, open your mouth! Come on! Even wider!

(Takes pliers from his pocket, shows the instrument to the viewerholes and "pulls out" a large tooth-dummy)

Seryoga. Oh, what is this ?!

Clowness... This is your aching tooth!

Seryoga. My tooth ?! NS! (falls)

Clownness. What's the matter?

Seryoga... I fainted!

Clowness... Who's talking?

Seryoga... My tongue!

Clownness. Well, then lie down! And I am announcing the next program number!
Attention! Attention! For the first time on the arena - acrobats!

Number "Acrobatic studies"

Boys (6 people) are lined up in a column one by oneturn around and walk in a circle under the parade Alla circus march, one hand raised in greeting, the other on the belt. They line up in front of the audience.

Acrobat. Figure one "Fountain" . Do it - once!

(the second and third acrobats come forward and kneel,

facing each other)

Acrobat: Do two.

(the fourth and fifth acrobats step out and stop at the side of each kneeling)

Acrobat: Do three.

(the sixth acrobat kneels down to the first, two standing acrobats of one ruCoy hold it, the other is raised up)

Acrobat: The second figure "Cuckoo". Do it - once!

(The second and third acrobats take the third by the legs, and the fourth and fifth by the arms and begin to swing. When the third acrobat is facing the guests, he loudly shouts: "Ku-ku!")

To the applause of the audience, the acrobats line up again.

Acrobat... Figure three "Wheel" (the first acrobat performs a "wheel") Acrobat. Figure four "Frog" ( the second acrobat performs the "frog")

Acrobat. The fifth figure "Bridge" (the third acrobat performs the "bridge").

To the applause of the audience, the acrobats line up, to the music they walk in a circle and leave.

Clownness. And now on the arena you will see dashing riders!

Room "Dashing riders"

The music "Dance of the Cowboys" is played. The "riders" run out - children with chairs (on the back of the chair - the head of a horse). They run around the hall, put chairs, sit with their faces to the back, as if on a horse, pushing off with their feet, make the movements of a "rider». The trainer is a girl with a whip. After each "Alla ... up!" riders change positions on chairs, always portraying a galloping rider ("shake").

1 movement - “just on the chair”;

2 movement - one knee on a chair, leg on the floor, hands in front (behind the bridle);

3 movement - lying on your back, with one hand holding on to the cnchair incu, the other hand up;

5 movement - lying on your stomach, arms to the sides, head to the viewerspruce.

They run away one after another, holding a chair in front of them with 2 hands.

Clownness. The next number we have is unusual

I would say very exotic

The magician fakir speaks in our program number

Speaking at the arena, he surprised the whole world!

Mysterious music “Maurice Ravel. Bolero "and a magician appears, bypasses the arena.

Magician I am a magician, I am a magician, I am a magician

And I can prove to you

And right now here to the arena

I will call the Eastern princesses.

Oriental music “Tarkan. Smack ", there areprecise beauties performing a dance.

Clowness... You did it cleverly

These tricks are simple.

Can you or not

Paint the water red?

Magician It's a trifle for me. I'm not a great magician for nothing.

Focus "Multi-colored water"

Mysterious music "Caravan" from the m / f "Well, wait" sounds

The clowness brings in a table, on it is a jar of water, covered with a handkerchief. The magician takes a jar with a tightly screwed lid (paint the inside of the lid red watercolor paint) and demonstrates to the audience so that it is not visible inner side cover. "Just like in a fairy tale, turn red water." With these words, the magician shakes the jar of water. The water will wash off the watercolor paint and turn red.

Magician I am a great magician! I can see through the walls!
(he leaves the hall, and the Clowness at this time puts one scarf in the box (the color of the scarf is chosen by the audience): if it is red, then the box is placed closer to the edge of the table, and if it is yellow, then in the middle (only the magician and the Clowness know about this) The magician enters the hall and says what color the handkerchief is in the casket.

Clownness. And now only in our circus program there is an amazing show " Dancing people spiders "

Dance "Hip-hop"

A group of boys dressed in Spiderman costumes dance the Hip Hop dance.

Clownness. This is where our circus show ends! But that is not all. All of you were waiting for the "stargazing", before you the stars of the garden. Please welcome!

The music "Fanfare of the Magician" is played. All the participants of the performance come out to the applause of the audience. The clowness calls the names of all the children. Children line up in four ranks and sing the final song "We are little stars"

Song of the group Fidgets "We are small stars".

Used Books:

  1. I. Kaplunova. I.Novoskoltseva “Circus! The circus! The circus!"

Step 1. We print invitations on a piece of cardboard using a color printer:

“Dear ______ (guest name)! We invite you to take part in a great circus performance! Hurry up! As long as you have the opportunity to choose the role for yourself! Who will you be? An acrobat? A tamer? Clown? The circus tent is located at ____ (your address), the selection of participants for the performance will begin on ___ (date, time). Don't miss your chance! The director of the circus ______ (name of the birthday boy) _____ will be performed (_ __) in his performances. Much depends on his choice! "

The text should be centered, with indents at the top, left and right by 4 cm.

Step 2. On another sheet we make a drawing of the tent so that the "entrance" (the line of the T-shaped cut) is located exactly in the middle. We use red and yellow paint for the drawing. When the yellow lapel dries up, apply glitter varnish with a thin brush.

Step 3. Cut the "tent" and glue the two parts of the invitation card.

Scenario of the holiday "circus. Circus? Circus!"

Scenario of a school-wide holiday.

Educator OGSKOU SKOSH number 5

Nagai Zoya Ilininichna

Theme:"The circus. The circus? The circus!"

(April Fool's Day)


- rallying a classy team;

- instilling ethical standards of behavior, friendship between boys and girls;

- upbringing of the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual.

Equipment:audio cassettes with recordings oriental music, rhythmic music or popular songs for kids. You can prepare the costumes of "Fakir", "Clowns", "Strongman" in advance. It is possible to imitate costumes, or the student will mimic his role.

The course of the holiday.

Teacher. Dear Guys! Today is a holiday in our class - April Fool's Day, which traditionally takes place on April 1. We congratulate you on this holiday. We sincerely wish you a good mood, loyal friends, good luck in all your endeavors and good health.

A surprise awaits you on this holiday. Circus artists want to congratulate you with laughter. So, we have a circus as our guest! ( Solemn music sounds).

WITH MADAGASCAR "," Hide ")"> Video: Children's parties with MADAGASCAR

Children's parties with MADAGASCAR

Children's parties in Zaporozhye, birthdays, Birthday, Children's Day, graduation in kindergarten, at school, leading children's parties, entertainment, visiting actors, corporate parties and outdoor recreation, order animators at home, kindergarten, school, cafe; quest, theme parties, carnival costumes rental, Pirates, Winx fairies, Luntik, Snow White, clowns, Cowboys, Indians. Corporate events, toastmaster, presenters, magic tricks, jugglers, circus acts. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden order in Zaporozhye, New Year's holidays


Attention! Attention!

Just now

And only for you!

Circus show!

The artists are all in excitement

They are waiting for a meeting with you sooner,

And opens the evening

The most famous fakir!

He conquered the whole world:

All countries, continents ...

Where is the applause?

To an oriental melody, the "fakir" and his assistant appear on the stage. The fakir carries a pipe, and a stocking-snake is put on the helper's hand, the child's hand is hidden in a bag. The fakir's assistant "carries" the bag with his free hand, and on the other hand, an empty jacket sleeve along with a glove is sewn to the bag. It seems that both hands are visible to us.

To the melody of the flute, the fakir "blows" the pipe. A snake "appears" from the bag, sways to the beat of the music, snatches the pipe from the fakir and plays for him. The fakir takes the pipe, but at this time the snake attacks the assistant and grabs him by the nose. The fakir helps a friend out. Again a short dance of the snake, and it hides in its bag. The artists leave the stage.


Thanks to the fakir for these serpentine ...

And we present to the public

Happy our clowns

They sing and dance.

Clowns dance and make the audience laugh.


My soul sings like a violin

And in the song there is a cry and a smile with it.

So that the viewer understands me better,

A super performer will come out to you.

A violin melody can be performed by a child accompanied by a phonogram.


And now for the scariest attraction:

A huge dragon enters the arena.

With him is the trainer who raised him.

We ask the faint of heart to leave the hall.

It turns out - "trainer" and "dragon". The dragon is represented by three people. The first child has a large mask to the waist, the other two boys, bending over, depict the back of a dragon. From above they are covered with a blanket. The dragon performs various tasks of the fakir. In conclusion, a "risky number" is performed: the trainer puts his head in the dragon's mouth.


A fairy fairy will appear before us,

I'm even a little shy now:

Suddenly she will turn all of us into rabbits ...

Or maybe it will surprise you with something else?

The girl shows several tricks.


Now, notice:

The company is strongmen.

They bend horseshoes like rolls!

Meet, here they are - strong men!

The clowns appear again. They carry the weights out of balloons and a barbell made of paper.

The guys are doing comic exercises.


It's almost impossible to train a dragon

But the dog is also quite difficult.

We are waiting with you now impatiently

Dog trainers performance.

Performance of the trainer with the "dogs". Pantomimic sketch.


But our friends-

Cheerful, friendly clowns.

Clowns perform a dance to cheerful music, involving all spectators.


Have you heard the bird chirping

Have you seen a bird flying

And even, quite possibly,

We met the speaker

But a bird that can sing

And also dance

I think you probably

Didn't have to meet.

All circus performers are dancing "Dance of the Ducklings"

Leading: It's time to say goodbye to us.

Fakir: And it's time to part.

Clowns: See you again.

Trainer: The beginning in the circus is-

Children (in chorus). The circus has no end!

The song "Where has the circus gone?" (words by V. Levin, music by V. Bystryakov).

Scenario of the holiday “circus! the circus! the circus!". part 2. (continued)

Rather, everyone, all the guys join their teams. You need to jump in bags, just carefully, otherwise you can fall to the finish line. Take off the bag there and run to your friends. Give the bag to your neighbor. And the neighbor will also have to quickly run to the finish line in the sack, take it off and return to the team again. Whose team is faster to cope, she won! Ready?

Game 10. "Jumping in bags"

(Props: jump bags)

NS: Pocus, we completely forgot to ask the guys how they live and what they do. Are boys and girls lazy? Or someone draws all day, or maybe sings? Guys, repeat the movements after us with Pokus.

(The clapperboard asks a question, and the children answer her, performing the appropriate movements)

How are you? - Like this! - Fist forward, thumb up.

How are you going? - Like this! - movement that imitates walking.

How are you running? - Like this! - running on the spot.

Do you sleep at night? - Like this - palms under the cheek.

How are you getting up? - Like this - get up from the chairs, hands up, stretch.

Are you silent? - That's it - finger to mouth.

Are you shouting? - That's it - everyone is shouting loudly and stamping their feet.

Game 11. "How are you?"

NS: That's it guys! There is no equal in dexterity, speed, ingenuity! Can you guess riddles? About the animals that live in the circus?

They drove out the horns at the mouse hole. An island with a water palm,

The hooks are sharp. Take a walk in the meadows. Say hello to me!

And hung, grief, And horns in the evening He puffs offended:

Two green lanterns. Came with milk. "I am not an island! I am ..."

(cat) (cow) (whale)

My white brother lives in the ice Angry touchy Behind the trees, bushes

And he eats sea fish, Lives in the wilderness of the forest. Flames flashed quickly.

And I love bee honey There are a lot of needles,

And the forest berry. And the thread is not one. There is no smoke or fire.

(bear) (hedgehog) (fox)

When he is in a cage, he is pleasant, He walks with his head lifted, There is a lot of strength in him,

There are many black spots on the skin. Not because of a proud disposition, he is almost as tall as a house.

He is a beast of prey, although a little, Not because an important count, He has a huge nose,

Like a lion and a tiger, he looks like a cat. But because he ... As if the nose grew for 200 years. (leopard) (giraffe) (elephant)

Game 12: "Riddles about circus animals"

(Props: riddles)

NS: The guys amazed me with their knowledge! How fast can you find out? Can you really do everything? Now let's check it out. I would like to invite you to play the favorite exercises of the artists of our most beautiful circus! We scattered bagels on the floor. They are familiar to you from childhood for sure. Here are sticks from them. Your task is to put these bagels on sticks all together and put them on as you like! Collect three public pyramids! There is no need to divide into teams. We'd better check your friendship! (On the floor there are rings and three sticks from the pyramids. Children collect to the music. At the end of the assignment, the music stops)

NS: Uh, no, what kind of pyramids are they? wrong. After all, the rings should stand one after the other, from large to small. We fix it and try again! (We repeat the game. We put on the rings correctly.)

Game 13: "Public Pyramid"

(Props: baby pyramids)

The script for the competition "circus ... circus? Circus!" - distance educational portal "prolongation"

(11 votes)

Each of the games requires special props. Before the start of the circus performance, children participating in the competitions are given colored tokens, which helps to easily organize teams at the right time. All are accompanied by rhythmic music. For each competition, prizes are prepared in advance: books, pens, notebooks, pencils, bookmarks, etc.

Did you know that the circus was born almost 200 years ago and was initially only equestrian, i.e. nothing but horse racing was shown in the circus. But so the horses pranced!

Competition "Horses"

Held by riders. Those who wish are invited to the stage with tokens ... colors.

The mansions are white

The props are red. (Geese.)

Silent during the day

Screams at night. (Owl.)

Gray hat,

Non-woven vest,

A pockmarked caftan,

And he walks barefoot. (Crow)

Small ears

Huddle together

Wool rings

And there is a hoof. (Sheep)

With a beard will be born,

Nobody is surprised. (Goat)

There is a heap in the middle of the yard:

In the mountains, in the valleys

There is a fur coat and a caftan. (Sheep.)

Four legs, fifth tail,

Sixth mane. (Horse.)

The foot is soft

And the claw is upright. (Cat.)

The legs are thin, the sides are ringing

And the tail is a squiggle. (Dog.)

The ears are long, large,

And his eyes are slanting.

Short tail, gray fur,

Waddling along the path

Pillows and feather beds to the water.

They are beautiful swimmers

Competition "Ants"

Clown. You guys said that I am the most hero in the circus. Do you know which number is the most important. This number is often called fatal.

Contest of facial expressions and gestures

Clubfoot bear ...;

There is a goby swinging ...;

I love my horse ...

Bad advice.

1. How many notes are there in total? (7.)

Contest "Notes"

(Children Answer.)

Competition "Butterflies"

Scenario of the holiday “circus! the circus! the circus!". part 1.

Characters: the clown Pocus and the clown Clapperboard (final version)

Music sounds, children meet two clowns - Pokus and Clapperboard.

NS: We gathered here all at once

For a fun hour for children.

Well, how do we rest?

Raise our hands higher!

NS: Ihaha! What a mood! La-la-la, trawl-la! (grimacing) How many beautiful, beautiful, cheerful children! Hi guys! (children answer)

NS: Hi girls!

(girls answer)

Great, boys!

(boys answer)

NS: So we all met together!

Let's start our holiday with a song!

NS: Well, well, well! (hands on hips, displeased) Why is it me, miss of the magical circus (standing on tiptoes) not in the know! What is this holiday today !?

NS: Guys, let's not tell you what day is today, let her guess herself!

(children answer)

NS: Well, well, well, well (dissatisfied again) I am the smartest girl, I’ll guess right away.

NS: Guys, do not tell Clapperboard, answer loudly, if the holiday is today, then the word "YES", and if the holiday is not correct, then "NO"

NS: Ready?

(children answer)

Maybe this New Year? - (No)

Well, probably women's day? - (No)

Does April send us a ringing laugh? - (No)

(after a little thought)

Well, laaadno, is today all the sausages day? - (No)

Maybe a day of cool barberries? - (No)

Is it really a birthday? - (Yes)

(pointing to the child)

He told me, well done!

I'm Clapperboard. Let's all clap our hands loudly, finally!

(all the kids and clowns clap their hands loudly)

NS: Who is the birthday person today, or maybe the hero of the day?

Come out and do not be shy, your carnival has come!

(the birthday boy comes forward)

NS: Let's get acquainted! what is your name? (Dima) I propose to loudly shout to Dima this kind of congratulation: "Happy birthday, happy cookie day, happy cooking day!"

(everyone congratulates)

Dima you, and I am Clapperboard and now your girlfriend,

And now for one, two, three, give me the name!

(all the kids are screaming out their names)

NS: Clapperboard, I have prepared a present for Dima. Maybe we'll show the guys in honor of this have a wonderful day our circus?

NS: How great Pocus, I fully support you! But you can be a hooligan on your birthday?

NS: Well, within reason, I think you can! Are you guys ready for the circus performance?

(children answer)

That's right, whoever is having fun is not afraid! Yes, and I have wonderful today.

NS: Guys, let's all stand together in a huge circle. And to the cheerful music we will jump and dance with you, spin in place and stomp our feet. And as soon as the music stops, you will need to freeze in some figure in place and make very uuuumny faces, you just can't laugh. And then again we will have fun with incendiary music! Ready?

(children answer)

NS: Two hundred years off the shoulder,

Into the pool with your head

Young man,

Dance with me!

Game 1. "Dance" freeze ""

NS:(rubbing palms together, slyly) Wow, how great that was! Did you know that monkeys work in the circus? While you are all standing in your places, I will quickly show you how our monkeys are trained by the trainer to perform! Ready? Your task is to repeat the movements after me! Just be in time, I will accelerate!

(props: no)

The scenario of the holiday "we are going, we are going to the circus!"


Georgieva Olga Vyacheslavovna, educator,

Marina Mikhailovna Zolotseva, educator


  • Create an atmosphere of general joy, good mood.
  • Form mathematical concepts: one - many, short - long, using the application method.
  • Learn to upload a drawing from geometric shapes according to a given sample.
  • Create conditions for familiarization with color and shape (circle).
  • Give the concept of "passenger transport", acquaint with the rules of ethical and safe behavior in public transport.
  • To acquaint with the road signs "stop", "pedestrian crossing".
  • Continue to expand and revitalize children's vocabulary (passengers, crosswalk, trolleybus, tram)
  • To develop aesthetic perception, imagination, attention, memory, visual - figurative thinking.

Equipment: a clown costume, a circus dome, satin ribbons of different lengths, an easel with pictures: bus, tram, trolleybus; tickets of different colors; bus stop sign; pedestrian crossing - "zebra"; chairs - bus; a miracle is a tree; packages with surprises; bubble; box for tricks, "Losharik", rug - flannelegraph; multi-colored circles; magic chest, balloons, music discs.

Preliminary work:

  • laying out a drawing of geometric shapes in the office (according to the sample)
  • watching the cartoon "Losharik", "The genius child, colors and shapes"
  • learning physical education "bus"
  • conversation about transport and behavior in it;
  • plot - role-playing with transport
  • didactic games.
The course of entertainment.

(The teacher with the children in the hall.)


Guys, we are in for a surprise today. My old friend the clown Klep called me and invited us to the circus, he asked him to wait for us to go to the show together (looks at his watch), but he’s late. (Klep the clown appears, in a hurry).


Hello guys! (children say hello)


Klepa, why are you late? The guys and I are waiting for you.


You see, the whole point is that I was in a hurry to see you, and when I went out into the street, I was confused. Around the cars, apparently - invisible. Some carry milk, others bricks and boards, others bread. I wanted them to give me a lift, but they drive by and do not stop. Ate reached you on foot.


Klyopa, don't you know that people travel by other transport - passenger.

(The presenter and the children are near the easel with pictures of passenger transport).


And what kind of transport is this?


Let's ask the guys if they know what is shown in these pictures.

Children's answers: This is a tram, trolleybus, bus (questions for children about the tram, trolleybus).


Blimey! I also saw a bus on the street. There are a lot of seats, windows and a lot of people. Guys, what are the names of the people who ride the bus, tram?




Wow, such an interesting word pass - sa - fat - ry! (Ask 1-2 children). Great! Who is driving the bus?


Driver, chauffeur.


Have you ever taken a bus?


Did you go alone?

No with dad, with mom.


That's right guys. Small children are not allowed to travel in transport, only with adults!


Can you dance on the bus?


And why?

Children and presenter:

You can fall.


What then can you do on the bus? How to behave?


Be polite, do not push, small children should hold adults by the hand! Do not litter, do not make noise, do not distract the driver with conversations!

Why can't you talk to the driver?

Children and presenter: An accident may occur.


I got it! Then let's go to the circus by bus!


Do you know where the bus stops?


No! Do you guys know?

Children and presenter: At the bus stop. Look, here is the sign, "bus stop" and now we will go there (they come to the table with tickets).

We'll go by bus. The bus has windows of different colors. Let's name it.

(The presenter points to the windows of the bus - the children are calling).

We need tickets to take the bus. Look closely at the tickets. They are of different colors.

(Questions leading to the children: what color is your ticket? In which window will you stick it?)

Guys, let's stick your tickets in those colored bus windows that match the color of your tickets.


Now take your seats on the bus. I will be the driver, and who will you be?

(Children's answer: passengers).


Now take your seats on the bus. I will be the driver, and who will you be? (Answer of children: “passengers” We got on the bus, went to the music “Fizkultminutka in the bus”).

And we are sitting on the bus,

We all sit and sit

We look out of the window,

We all look.

Looking back, looking forward

So that's it! So that's it!

Well, the bus is out of luck,


The wheels are spinning

So that's it! So that's it!

We rolled forward

So that's it!

And the brushes rustle on the glass

Whack, whack, whack!

All the droplets want to sweep away

Whack, whack, whack!


Guys, get off the bus carefully, don't push, come up to me. Have a seat. The show is about to start.

Children are applauding. Music, fanfare sounds. Klepa comes out.

Here I am! Here I am!

All my friends are with me

We let you clap loudly

And the show is starting !!!

Music for a miracle tree - "Surprise" sounds.

(Klepa dances, conjures near the tree and removes the veil. A miracle tree appears with bags of surprises).

On this miracle - the tree grows tricks - bites, surprises. I'll take a look, I'm in the first bag (magic music ……).

He takes a ribbon out of the bag and asks the children: Do you like magic tricks? Children: Yes!


I have a magic box. Look how beautiful she is. It is empty. Now let's put the ribbon in there and see what happens to it.

The clown says the magic words: "1, 2, 3 - look." (Klepa takes out a long ribbon and gives it to the presenter).


Oh, Klyopa, you are a real magician. And where is the ribbon that we hid in the box?


Don't worry, I'll get it back now. (Shows a box with an empty bottom) Klepa repeats the magic words: "1, 2, 3 - look" and takes out a short ribbon.


Guys look at the ribbon. What kind of ribbon was it?




And what has become?



And to be convinced of this, let's compare the ribbons. We apply the short one to the long one. Yellow is shorter and green is longer (or vice versa). Individual assignments to children: "Alena, bring me a short ribbon", "Seryozha, and you bring a green ribbon, what is it?" That's how Klepa surprised us. Let's clap him (music plays).

At this moment, a jar of soap bubbles is taken out of the bag.

Klepa and the presenter blow bubbles. (music sounds).


Oh, guys catch, catch, fly away !!!


Guys, what shape are the bubbles? What do they look like?


For balls, balls, the sun.


Well done boys. You rightly said that soap bubbles are like balls. This means that now an extraordinary artist will perform in the arena, and his name is Losharik, because this is a horse made of balls. I have the details of the portrait, but to come to life and appear in front of us, you have to try and lay out his portrait on a magic rug.


Come here. What figures does Losharik consist of.

From circles, balls.


Draw shapes in the air with your finger. Look at the circles we have here.


And small ones.

(We spread it to the music. For the head, bigger circles, smaller ears).


Guys, now let's sit down and see what happens now.


Oh look! A miracle happened! Losharik has become real!

(Music sounds. Losharik dances to the music. Children clap).


Guys, look how beautiful it is here. You liked it in my circus.


Yes! (Answers of children)


Yes, Klepa, it's very beautiful here. We especially liked the balloons.

Then I will give them to you as a keepsake.

Oh, thank you, Klepa. Guys, look how many balls Klepa gave us.



And I will distribute balls to each of you (distributes). How many balls do you have, Alena? And you, and you ... And now all come to me. How many balls do we have when we are together?



Klepa, it's time for the guys and me to return to kindergarten.

Do you want to quickly return to kindergarten? I will help you with this.

(Pulls out the "crosswalk" mat).


This is a magical path, it is called a pedestrian crossing. (Consider appearance). This path will help you get to kindergarten quickly. (He spreads the path and to the music of "Mustache Nanny" the children leave the hall along the path).

Used Books.

1.Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva O.A., Sterkina R. B. educational - Toolkit on the basics of life safety for older children preschool age"Childhood press" 2002

2. Vasilyeva MA, "The program of education and training in kindergarten" M, "Mosaic - Synthesis" 2007

3. Zheleznova E. "Developing songs - games for sensory development from 1.5 to 4 years."

4. Kozina L. Yu. "Games in mathematics for preschoolers" Moscow 2008 "Creative center"

5. Petrova. M. N " Didactic games and exercises in mathematics "Moscow 1996" Education ".

6. Pomoraeva I. A ,. Pozina V. A. "FEMP lessons" in the 2nd younger group publishing house "Mosaic Synthesis", Moscow 2008.

7. Visual aid for teachers, speech therapists, educators and parents. Acquaintance with the outside world and the development of speech "Transport in pictures".

Scripts and scenes - circus ... circus? the circus! - scenarios and scenes - children's party - scenarios - articles catalog - gerasimova.ucoz.ru

Each of the game contests requires special props. Before the start of the circus performance, children participating in the competitions are given colored tokens, which helps to easily organize teams at the right time. All competitions are accompanied by rhythmic music. For each competition, prizes are prepared in advance: books, pens, notebooks, pencils, bookmarks, etc.

Leading. Today we will go with you ... guess where? That's right, to the circus. An extraordinary performance awaits us! Why extraordinary? Because in an ordinary circus, performers are performers, behold, they are spectators. And in our circus you yourself will be both spectators and artists.

Before starting our program, please introduce yourself to each other, as real artists, I will announce: "They are taking part in an extraordinary circus performance ...", and you will loudly announce your names. Ready! "They participate in an extraordinary circus performance ... (children loudly call their names.) Nice to meet you!"

(The musical epigraph of the circus program sounds.)

Leading. Well, we met each other. You, as true artists, are prepared to participate in the performance. But it seems that we forgot to meet another circus artist, the funniest participant in any circus program. Who is he? (the children call it.) Of course, the clown. So, let's call our clown Klepa to us. Prepared. (children call Klepa). 'The clown juggles out to the children

Clown. Hello kids, hello kids! What a young change I have growing up! And you know, I have been working in the circus for so many years, I have learned a lot, because there are so many interesting genres in the circus. Do you know them? Name! (children list.)

Did you know that the circus was born almost 200 years ago and was initially only equestrian, i.e. nothing but horse racing was shown in the circus. But the horses pranced so beautifully!

Leading. Guys, let's make our Klepa a gift. We will arrange for him an equestrian show, but not a simple one, but with real riders and jugglers.

Competition "Horses"

A horse-riding competition is being held. Those who wish are invited to the stage with tokens ... colors.

Participants are given "horses" - animal heads on a long stick. To the music, children, like riders, run in a circle. At this time, the leader stands in the middle of the circle and throws a ball to the runners. If the participant loses the horse "or drops the ball, he is eliminated from the game. The competition continues until the winner is determined.

Klepa. What good fellows you guys are! So they made me happy. Do you know that nowadays there are a lot of animals and birds performing in the circus. Guess who I'm talking about.

The mansions are white

The props are red. (Geese.)

Silent during the day

Screams at night. (Owl.)

Gray hat,

Non-woven vest,

A pockmarked caftan,

And he walks barefoot. (Crow)

Small ears

Huddle together

Wool rings

And there is a hoof. (Sheep)

With a beard will be born,

Nobody is surprised. (Goat)

There is a heap in the middle of the yard:

In front of the pitchfork, behind the broom. (Cow.)

In the mountains, in the valleys

There is a fur coat and a caftan. (Sheep.)

Four legs, fifth tail,

Sixth mane. (Horse.)

The foot is soft

And the claw is upright. (Cat.)

The legs are thin, the sides are ringing

And the tail is a squiggle. (Dog.)

The ears are long, large,

And his eyes are slanting.

Short tail, gray fur,

He is in the forest of cowards of all. (Hare.)

Waddling along the path

Pillows and feather beds to the water.

They are beautiful swimmers

On the paws - red flippers. (Geese.)

Leading. And I want to say that in Moscow there is a real cat circus of Yuri Kuklachev. Indeed, what kind of animals you will not see in the circus! What's the biggest animal you've seen in a circus? (Elephant) And what is the smallest? (Ant.)

Clown. Since we are having a real extraordinary performance, why don't some of the guys turn into hardworking ants?

Competition "Ants"

Teams of four are lined up at the door of the hall. The first member of each team runs across the hall past the first row to the opposite wall, then comes back, and now, holding on to a stick ("reed"), the "ants" run together, then three, four. The winner is the team that is the first to return to its door, without losing any "straw" or "ants" on the way.

Leading. Guys! What do you think viewers do when they want to thank the artists? Whistling? Are they shouting? Knocking your feet? That's right, they applaud. let's and we'll learn to applaud. When the host comes out at the beginning of the performance, we do not applaud very strongly, politely and restrainedly, as if we are saying: "Thank you for the performance to begin." Let's try to applaud as if the show is just beginning. (Children applaud.)

Well done! And if you liked the performance of the artist, how do we applaud? (Applause.)

And if you really liked it? (Applause.) Well done, real thunderous applause.

And if you liked the performance very, very much? (Applause.)

Great, it was a prolonged applause, turning into a standing ovation.

Clown. Here you guys said that I am the most the main character in the circus. Do you know which number is the most important. This number is often called fatal.

Leading. In order to perform this number, we need to choose the bravest boy in the hall. (The host announces who is speaking.)

Attraction "Death number"

The daredevil is given a tray with a vase of flowers on it. It must be carried to the table, carefully bypassing obstacles in the way - pins. The difficulty of completing the task lies in the fact that the participant is blindfolded and he must remember where the pins are and not knock them down while moving to the table. But when the participant is blindfolded, the pins are quietly removed. Spectators have a lot of fun watching the daredevil overcome obstacles.

Clown. Well, was it scary? After all, all the guys hid under the chairs. Do you want me to make you laugh? Only you can help me.

Children rise to the stage. The clown puts on them clown noses backstage. The audience laughs.

Leading. Now artists of a very interesting genre will take part in our performance. Without saying a word, they will be able to tell us a lot of interesting things. Do you think it's easy? Try all together, not with words, but with the help of facial expressions and gestures, say the phrase: “Give me a balalaika. And now: "I have a big balloon." Well, everyone did it very well. Klepa, I think that the artists are ready to demonstrate their skills, and you guys, guess what they are telling us about.

Contest of facial expressions and gestures

Three participants with clown noses alternately depict lines of famous children's poems by A. Barto with the help of facial expressions and gestures:

Clubfoot bear ...;

There is a goby swinging ...;

I love my horse ...

Klepa. I think the guys are worthy of your thunderous applause. You know, I was just behind the curtains and watched with great interest you - the audience who are sitting in the hall. Everyone behaves differently, although there are a number of rules of behavior in the theater, in the cinema, at the circus performance. Do you want me to tell you about them?

Bad advice.

You can enter the hall whenever you want. If spectators are already sitting in it, do not be afraid, make your way to your place, step on everyone's feet. You can eat a delicious chocolate bar. During the performance - why does it melt in your pocket! You can, if you like a concert, stomp, shout. And you can hardly see behind the head of the girl sitting in front, pull her braids + let her bend down. In general, make yourself at home.

Leading. Guys, tell Klepe how to behave in the hall, otherwise he doesn't see anything behind the scenes. (Children answer.)

And now we will hold a music quiz with you, and Klepa will invite its winners to participate in our performance.

Quiz "Seven Questions About Music"

1. How many notes are there in total? (7.)

2. Which instrument has 3 strings? (At the balalaika.)

3. What spring bird did the composer Alyabyev dedicated his work to? (Nightingale.)

4. What wind musical instruments do you know? (Trumpet, saxophone, flute, etc.)

5. On what musical instrument played Crocodile Gena? (On an accordion.)

6. With whom did the lion cub sing a duet his song "I lie in the sun"? (With a turtle.)

7. Who sang the song of the Snow Maiden in the New Year's edition “Well, wait (Hare.)

Klepa. Here they are, the smartest, the most inquisitive. Today I told you so many interesting things, please you too. Let the singers perform at our circus, because we have an extraordinary performance.

Contest "Notes"

Seven participants take the stage - the winners of the music quiz. They are pinned in advance prepared emblems with notes: do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si. Each note is offered to sing a verse of your favorite song. And the audience, with the help of applause, determines the winner to whom they clap louder - that will receive a prize.

Leading. Thank you guys. You have brought great pleasure to our Klepa, and he has made us happy many times today. Truth?

(Children Answer.)

Klepa. Since you liked me so much, then so be it, I'll show you one trick, but you must help me again. I give this camomile to all the girls, and this bell to all the boys. As soon as you catch butterflies, rather run to your flower and plant them on it, and then we'll see who did this miracle trick better.

Leading. Well, guys, I ask you to get up, to return to face the chairs and quickly catch your butterflies.

Competition "Butterflies"

Flowers are attached on tablets on both sides of the stage (hall), and paper butterflies are pinned under the seats of the spectators. You need to find them, run to the stage and plant a butterfly on your (chamomile or bell) flower. They pin the butterflies with pins or tape, which are served by Klepa's assistants.

At the end of the circus performance, its host and Klepa say goodbye to the guys and invite them to a new circus program.
