
Topics of excursions in the local history museum. Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "world of miracles". Excursion to the museum. Excursions for preschoolers, photo reports from museums - Excursion to the Museum of Animation

Summer Camp 2014.

A trip to the Museum of Local Lore

On June 17, the "Pathfinders" detachment made an excursion to the Meshkov House, which houses the historical exposition of the Perm Museum of Local Lore. The guys learned about the past of our region, from the ancient Stone Age to recent developments century of the twentieth.

Household items were presented during the excursion different eras, costumes, jewelry, weapons. The objects of the Perm animal style, reflecting the connection between nature and man in ancient times, turned out to be especially interesting. The guys tried to figure out the meaning of ancient objects, in which images of animals and human faces were intricately intertwined and mixed.

At all times, people have worn jewelry. It was very interesting to see jewelry made from ancient coins brought from a Mari village. Coins were also used for their intended purpose. The children learned a lot about the history of money, about the origin of their names.

Our region developed as a mining region. The guys were able to see not only ore samples, but also machines, equipment, weapons produced at Perm enterprises. The boys were impressed by the shells for artillery, the aircraft engine, machine guns and other samples. military equipment of the past.

The guys were pleased with the excursion, having learned a lot about the history and culture of our region. Studying both the distant and the near past turned out to be a very exciting experience.

Description of the material: Dear friends, I bring to your attention a report on excursions for preschoolers to the local historical local history museum Safonovo. This material will be useful for preschool teachers.

Attracting older children preschool age to museums highly appropriate. A museum for preschoolers is a means of forming an integral personality, introducing a child to cultural property and traditions. At the same time, the most important tasks for the formation are solved:
- cognitive motivation;
- needs to visit museums;
- culture of behavior in the museum;
- aesthetic taste.
Employees of the Safonovo Museum of History and Local Lore successfully cooperate with many preschool institutions in our city. Excursions for preschoolers to the local local history museum, as one of the ways to organize direct educational activities with children in our preschool institution is now being practiced often. We well understand that excursion activities the best way allows you to acquaint children with objects and phenomena of nature, with the peculiarities of the organization of human life in a natural setting.
The role of the museum in introducing children to the world of museum treasures is invaluable. The museum, like a huge magic box, keeps an unusual treasure - time that lives in the form of museum objects created by man. Excursions around the museum contribute to the development of cognitive interest, coherent speech of preschoolers. Here they get patriotic education, the essence of which is to cultivate in a child's soul the seeds of love for native nature, home and family, history and culture of their country, for everything that has been created by the labor of relatives and friends.
More recently, for the pupils of our speech therapy group the next sightseeing tour of the halls of the Safonov Museum of History and Local Lore was held. The children got an idea of ​​what a museum object, exhibit, exposition is, learned the rules of conduct in a museum. In an accessible form for preschoolers, they were told about the history and culture of their small homeland. It was a significant event for the children, they took it with interest new information and imbued with new impressions.

I invite everyone to a sightseeing tour of the halls of the Safonov Museum of History and Local Lore!
"Today is a solemn and strict day.
The door is open, the museum welcomes guests,
Within the walls of those who enter it welcomes,
It is only worth crossing its threshold. "

Such a stupa from the century before last and a TV set from the last century meet us in the museum.

The clothes of our grandmothers.

Household items.

"I saw household items
From the revived antiquity.
It is now open to me
The past of my country! "

Peasant hut.

Good little shoes!
"Look at a couple of bast bast shoes,
They are worthy of a look by the way.
In our age among intricate things
There are no shoes that are simpler and simpler. "Burchak Mikhail

Grandma's "mixer".

The miracle of the iron.

How unusually melodic the music from the gramophone sounds.

Hall of Military Glory.

Machine gun of the times of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

Automatic machine of the times of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

A rifle from the First World War.

Soldier's overcoat.
"With tears of pride
To the first corner of the room
Mother will hang the old one
Gray overcoat. "Yuri Mikhailenko

The literary hero of A.T. Tvardovsky is the legendary Vasily Tyorkin.
"The fighter just took a three-row,
It is immediately evident - the accordion player.
For the beginning, for order
He threw his fingers up and down.
Forgotten Rustic
Suddenly he started, closing his eyes,
The sides of the native Smolensk
Sad memento ... "

Portrait of V.V. Griboyedova - cousin of the poet A.S. Griboyedov

Violin of the Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union M.N. Tukhachevsky

Antique gramophone.
"What was, then goes away
Forgetting like a dream
It's a pity that rarely does anyone start
An old, kind gramophone ... ". Ignatov Alexander

At the portrait of Yuri Gagarin.
"Fading, the glow of the sunset is extinguished.
Twinkling, the first star whispers:
“Gagarin didn’t leave, believe me guys.
He is with you, here, stayed forever! " Yu Goverdovsky

Banner of the city-forming enterprise of the Avangard plant

Our famous fellow countrymen.

Exhibition of toparia.

The topic of the lesson is an excursion to the local history museum

"The history of my land"

“When we want to touch history,

Or a hunt to plunge into a wonderful world

We go to the museum, we walk in the halls,

And for ourselves we have a lot of interesting things

We find ".


familiarizing children with history native land;

the desire to preserve and enhance its history.


to give knowledge that the local history museum is the custodian of genuine monuments, material and spiritual culture of our city;

consolidate the concepts of "museum", " historical sources»;

expand and deepen the students' knowledge of history hometown;

develop logical thinking, curiosity, the ability to conduct comparative analysis;

systematize generalize children's knowledge about wild animals;

develop curiosity, attentiveness, observation;

    Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, today we will go on an excursion to our local history museum, where we will get acquainted with the history of our region and city.

The museum contains exhibits - real objects that existed in ancient times.

How many of you have been to the museum?

What does the word "museum" mean?

Museum (from the Greek μουσεῖον - house of the Muses) - an institution engaged in the collection, study, storage and display of objects - monuments natural history, material and spiritual culture, as well as educational activities.

    Departure of children to the local history museum.

Meeting with a guide

Course of the lesson - excursions.

1. Exhibition "Sing the Aldan Land" dedicated to the Year of Literature. "Aldan - Pages of History".

Several years ago, in the territory of the Aldan region, the boundless wilderness taiga was rustling. There was not a single one in the vast space. settlement... And all of a sudden, life was in full swing here. People began to flock here from everywhere. Many people. Wooden buildings appeared along the streams, and roads began to be laid. It was a difficult time. There were no cars and airplanes. The birth of mountain Aldan, the firstborn of the gold industry in Yakutia, was not easy.

At the call of the regional committee of the Komsomol, the Yakut rural youth went into production. She was a leading force not only in mining

They persistently mastered the mining professions, became masters of their craft. It was here that they received their labor hardening. The workers of Aldan have always been in the forefront of the competitors and justified the high assessment of their work.

Aldan turned from prospecting to highly mechanized: manual labor was replaced by dredges, excavators and bulldozers, modern processing factories.

The Aldanzoloto Combine is constantly reconstructing gold-extracting factories and dredges, introducing powerful earth-moving equipment in mining operations. The second birth of Aldan as a gold mining region of the country was the discovery of the Kuranakh gold deposit and the commissioning of a gold recovery plant in Kuranakh.

The Aldan region remains the leading gold mining region of the republic.

And for the first time, the gold of Aldan was discovered by the communist worker Voldemar Bertin and the hunter, non-party Yakut Mikhail Tarabukin.

The gold mining industry of Yakutia, which began with the discovery and development of the underground resources of Aldan, has a glorious history. Their names and deeds deserve recognition. About the pioneers and discoverers of the gold-bearing sands of the Aldan land, about the difficult beginning of its development in conditions of economic devastation after civil war, about the first steps in the formation of the gold industry, about the general labor upsurge of enthusiasts who began to build new life, we learn from books, from old records, which were written by the workers themselves, gold miners.

“The miners drove home after a work shift, feeling pleasantly tired in their bodies. And everyone thought that tomorrow it would not be easier - there will be the same stressful task, and they will again complete it. And they will be satisfied with themselves, as any person who has overcome difficulties is satisfied. "

2. The world of ancient secrets and mysteries.

In addition, unique finds related to the life of ancient people - objects of hunting, everyday life, art - are exhibited here and stored in museum funds. All this is of interest both for scientists from all over the world and for visitors who have the opportunity to get in touch with an era that is about 20 thousand years away from our time.

Yakutia is a world of ancient secrets and mysteries that beckons and invites travelers from different parts of the Earth. Only the most courageous and courageous dare to challenge the wayward north, which hides sincere cordiality and hospitality, incredible generosity and great amount ancient treasures.

The main treasure of the region is its delightful nature. Among the snowy natural charm, like a precious pearl, Yakutia stands out, whose history is filled with many ancient secrets and legends telling about the life of the north and its glorious traditions.

3. A unique find.

“In a unique area at a depth of about 100 m, we managed to find rich material for research - these are soft and adipose tissue, wool of a mammoth ". People have found mammoth bones since ancient times. But then on earth there was no representative of the animal world that would have bones of such impressive sizes, and this gave rise to many legends. According to one of them, people believed that somewhere deep underground lives a gigantic beast that is not shown to people, and it can only be discovered after its death. And from the words "ma" - earth, "mut" - the mole began to call this beast - mamut. According to another legend, he was called Inder. In those days, there was a tundra here, herds of mammoths grazed, people settled. The mammoth was the most numerous representative of the fauna that existed at that time. The mammoth was a good prey for hunters - it gave a lot of meat, bones were used for building and heating houses. From the tusks of a mammoth, straightening them, ancient people made spears.

In addition to hunting and household tools, amulets were also made. Ancient people revered this majestic animal, which provided food, warmth, material for building and heating housing.

4. Culture and everyday life of the peoples of our region.

The Evens have lived in the North-East of Russia since ancient times. The Evens are a nomadic people. The life of a taiga man is closely related to the forest. From wood they built storage sheds for storing food and things, made up the skeleton of a dwelling from poles, and built fences for deer. Riding and cargo sleds (tolgokil), tables with short legs (table), oars (ulivur), and drawers for dishes (savodal) were made of soft birch and pine wood. Wooden objects were decorated with patterns that were applied with a knife, chisel, drill. They cut out wooden masks for shamans, graceful figurines of animals and birds, wooden dishes, children's toys - whistles, dolls.

The chum served them as housing. Three main poles "turgu". "Turgu" at the top were connected by a fork and installed in such a way that two of them, forming one of the sides of the triangle, were placed with an orientation towards the path along which they came to the camp.

Men were engaged in blacksmithing, processing bone and wood, weaving belts, leather lasso, harness, etc., women - dressing skins and rovduga, making clothes, sleeping accessories, pack bags, covers, etc. Even blacksmiths made knives, gun parts, etc.

The main material of the traditional clothing of the Evens was deer fur, as well as the fur of a mountain ram and rovduga (suede made from deer skins). The sides and hem were trimmed with a fur strip, and the seams were covered with a strip decorated with beads.

It is characteristic that at the birth of a child, a part of the herd was allocated to him, which, together with the offspring, was considered his property. Children were taught horse riding from early childhood.

Hunting was a traditional activity of the Evenks. It provided the bulk of the needs of Evenk families for food and raw materials for the manufacturing industries of home production. A bow (nuua), a spear (guide), a palm spear (ogpka), a knife (hirkan), a crossbow (berken), a mouth trap (nan) and a gun served as a hunting weapon. They hunted on deer, on skis-golits (kai-sar) and glued with fur (merengte), chase, skrad, with a deer-beckon, and a hunting dog.

They hunted sable, squirrel, red and black-brown fox, ermine, wolverine, otter, wild deer, elk, mountain ram, hare, goose, ducks, hazel grouses, partridge, wood grouse, etc.

5. Cult worship of the Evenks.

Bear cult.

A special place was occupied by bear hunting, regulated by strict rules and rituals. The bear was called allegorically, often with words borrowed from the languages ​​of neighboring peoples (Yakuts, Russians, Yukagirs). On the occasion of the extraction of the bear, a bear holiday was held. Bear holiday (mans. Yany pike - "big dances", nivkh, chhyf lerand - "bear game") is a complex of rituals associated with the cult of the bear. The ceremonies are accompanied by a game of musical instruments, ritual and entertaining dances, singing. There are myths about how the bear holiday rituals originated. The Evenk myth tells about a girl who went into the forest, fell into a bear's den and spent the winter there. In the spring, she returned to her parents and gave birth to a bear cub, whom they raised. Later, the girl married a man and gave birth to a boy. Both brothers grew up and decided to measure their strength. The younger brother - the man killed the older one - the bear.

Bear meat is eaten at night throughout the holiday (up to three days), and in between meals they arrange dances, games, and singing. Among the Evenks, the bear was killed by the eldest of the hunters. The holiday took place in the house of a hunter who killed a bear. Hunting for a bear was furnished with special rules and rituals, which was associated with the veneration of this animal.

The shaman's assistants are sacred birds ..

The following birds enjoyed cult worship among the Orochon Evenks: raven (oli), eagle (kiran), swan (gakh), loon (ukan), teal duck (chirconi), black woodpecker (kirokta), cuckoo (ku-ku), sandpiper (Chukchumo), snipe (oliptykin), titmouse (chipiche-chiche). All these birds were considered assistants to the shaman in the rituals of treatment, the extraction of deer souls, and health for the family. All of these birds are inviolable, it was strictly forbidden to kill them and eat their meat.

Evenks consider a raven as a person turned into a bird. It was believed that crows could marry Evenk girls, but they just did not understand the language. Evenk hunters believed that crows help protect reindeer herds from predators by looking for animals during the hunt, betraying them with their cries. Among shamans, the raven acts as the keeper of the shaman's soul during rituals.

“If someone kills a crow, then the soul of the latter flies to his“ father Khara Syagylakh'u ”with a complaint about the offender. Then this god terribly punishes the offender-hunter, sending a disease to him. "

The eagle was the leading character in shamanic mythology. This is the only bird that is able to ward off hostile spirits from the shaman's soul. In all rituals, he was the leader and protector of a flock of birds carrying the soul of a shaman.

Loon is a shamanic attribute. In shamanic mythology, this is one of the helper spirits, through which the shaman flies with the "Path of Birds" to the source of Dolbor, a river that originates in the Upper World. The bird spirits perform the duties of messengers to the spirits of the Upper world. Many Evenki believe that the loon created the earth. It happened like this: “In the beginning there was water. Then there were two brothers - hargi and seveki. Seveki was kind and lived above, and evil hargi - below. Seveki's assistants were gogol and loon. Loon dived and pulled out the ground. Gradually, the land expanded and took on a modern look. "

6. The final part.

Man is the greatest creation of nature. He emerged from the animal kingdom in the course of many years of evolution. Nature taught him to work, think, produce, see beauty, observe and comprehend the world. Man would not have become a man without nature. Nature is everything that surrounds us: living and inanimate.

As we like to say that man is the master of nature, we call ourselves “Homo sapiens”. And how often we forget that, first of all, man is a child of nature. Everything that surrounds us: forests, rivers, lakes is not only a habitat for birds, fish, animals, but also a human habitat. And birds, fish, animals, plants are our brothers, the children of our single mother - nature.


What did you like more about the museum?

Legends about what animals did you learn on the excursion?

What would you like to know more about?

Elena Lopatko

In each the edge has a place where you can get acquainted with its history, learn about sights, customs and life, see interesting and amazing things, get to know its outstanding people. This place is local history museum.

I invited our guys to visit such a unique place in the city of Proletarsk. They happily agreed.

On a sunny November morning, the other guys and I went to excursion... We walked along the cozy streets of our city. In the old part of the city, the old houses of the stanitsa Cossacks have been preserved. It was very interesting to look at them. Proletarsk is one of the historical cities with a protected cultural layer.

Into the exposition museum includes several sections on different periods in the life of our region. Our excursion began with the oldest part of its exposition - historical and archaeological. Here we got acquainted with the history of the development of life on the territory of our region. Going through the sections museum, you can see how their life improved, becoming more skillful, skillful, educated. Our distant ancestors were great masters, mighty warriors, talented architects. You are proud of them, who lived many years ago and knew how to equip their life with such care and skill.

It was very interesting for the children to learn what our land was like in the Stone Age. Numerous evergreen trees and shrubs grew on its territory. Guide Tatyana Petrovna showed us a bamboo fossil. She was found in a shell quarry, not far from our city. This tells us that we live at the bottom of an ancient sea and once, many millions of years ago, it was warm here.

The fauna was represented by stuffed birds and animals living in our area. So, in local history museum presented: stuffed steppe eagle, owls, they amazed with their size. A large number of waterfowl. The collection of steppe rodents and predators is diverse.

Most of all, the guys were interested in objects, excavated: stone, bronze and iron weapons and tools, pottery, clay jugs, various decorations. And especially the military weapons of the Second World War. And the military uniform simply mesmerized with the radiance of orders and medals.

Overall, we really liked excursion to the city museum of local lore, the guys learned so much new about their Donskoy edge, about his past.

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