
A creative lesson on the study of the story of M. Sholokhov “The fate of man. Public lesson "human destiny" I. Organizational moment

Synopsis to the lesson of Russian literature "M. Sholokhov" The fate of a man. The meaning of the title of the story. The character of the protagonist "Grade 7

17.07.2015 5275 605 Golovchenko Raisa Viktorovna

The purpose of the lesson:the formation of the concept "fate by example literary works M. Sholokhova,

  • to uncover character value influencing the fate of the main character of M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man"
  • to form communicative and informational competencies;
  • contribute to the upbringing of a spiritual and moral personality;

A person is not born, but becomes who he is.

Watch your thoughts, for they generate action, actions create habits, habits shape the character that builds our destiny.
Folk wisdom

During the classes

Org. Moment

Stage Call

- What do you think is "destiny"?

- What synonyms can you choose for this word?

- Is it possible to change fate?

The purpose of the lesson is named, the main task is commented.

3rd slide.Literature teacher: I want to start our lesson with the words of the great philosopher Helvetius "Man is not born, but becomes what he is."

Psychologist:I want to continue the thought with folk wisdom "Watch your thoughts, for they give rise to actions, actions give rise to habits, habits form the character that builds our destiny."

Talk to the class about what character is. The guys name the character traits that people have.

Discussion 4th slide.

6, 7th slideintroduces the children and those present with the results of the survey, which was conducted by the students of the class under the guidance of the school psychologist. Adults from 25 to 40 years old were interviewed. The guys asked them the question: "What can radically affect your life."

8th slide.Literature teacher: Both the loss of a loved one and an incurable disease can break a person, or it can temper him. What does it depend on? (From his character, from his life purpose.)

We have read E. Asadov's poems more than once. And today in the lesson I did not accidentally choose a poem of this particular poet. (The student tells the biography of E. Asadov (presentation)

9th slide.The student reads a poem with musical accompaniment.

You are in a hurry, seething in some kind of violent rage!
And the years rush by in a harsh succession.
And then one day you won't even notice
How are you already at the finish line ...

And in the past, stubborn years
The soul wanted to both dare and dare,
Hurry, never cooling down,
To achieve everything, achieve and be in time!

But now, when the snow has sprinkled,
You seem to be trying to save your days
For longer, slowing down the run,
You can't cross that finish line ...

Why is the poem written in the second person (the writer's instruction to the reader).

  • What do you mean "sprinkled snow"? ( Old age.)
  • Find contextual synonyms. ( Finish line.)
  • Find the meaningful words of the poem. ( Achieve, achieve, be in time, dare, dare.)
  • Thanks to what character traits did the poet overcome all life difficulties?

(Purposefulness, assertiveness, hard work, perseverance, etc.)

10th slide.Once again, we turn to the results of the survey, noting that the loss of loved ones can radically change one's destiny.

11th slide.After the teacher's opening remarks, the student tells the audience about the biography of M.A. Sholokhov ( presentation).

Who is the main character of the story "The Fate of a Man"? ( Andrey Sokolov.)

  • How many logical parts is the life of the protagonist divided into? ( 3 parts: before the war, during the war, after the war.)

12th slide.Group work. Students form a cluster. (1st group: A. Sokolov before the war; 2nd group: A. Sokolov during the war, after the war).

13th slide.Psychologist. Our state is also transmitted through music. What period of the main character's life does this piece of music correspond to? ( Before the war, the music is calm, melodic.)

Literature teacher.

  • Where does A. Sokolov see happiness before the war? ( Family, work, home, children.)
  • What is happy about the main character? (Home, work, respect.)
  • What are the character traits of A. Sokolov in the pre-war period? ( Diligence, love, care, respect, etc.)

In his life there is harmony, calmness, he doesn't need more.

14th slideWhat changes the life of the protagonist? ( War.)

  • Why the story of the war A. Sokolov begins with a story about peaceful life? (He went through difficulties. And what was familiar to him, ordinary, became dear.)
  • What character traits helped the protagonist during the war and after? ( Fortitude, courage, dedication, patriotism, generosity.)
  • What happened to him during the war? ( Was captured.)
  • What traits did he display in captivity? ( Dignity.)
  • What does A. Sokolov expect after captivity, what does he think about? ( He began to think about the house in Voronezh, about the family, about happiness, about love.)
  • And what lies ahead for him? ( We read out an excerpt from the work.)
  • What does home mean to a person? ( It is a hearth, a fortress, a defense.)

Together with home, a person loses hope, the meaning of life, happiness. In the life of A. Sokolov comes a moment of disappointment, emptiness, he was left alone with his cruel fate.

  • How can a person change who is in such a situation? ( He can become bitter, hate others, get drunk, take his own life.)

But our hero was not bitter. But Sholokhov sparingly writes about this period of Sokolov's life: he worked, he began to drink.

  • What changed the life of A. Sokolov? ( Meeting with the boy.)
  • Who found whom? ( Andrei Sokolov drew attention to the "ragtag".)

15th slide.What is the meaning of the title of the story?

We analyze the meaning of the word "fate" according to Ozhegov's dictionary.

  1. A confluence of circumstances beyond the control of a person's will, the course of life circumstances;
  2. Share, fate;
  3. The history of the existence of something;
  4. The future is what will happen

Fate is an ambiguous word.

  • In what sense is it used in the title of the story? ( Shown not only the history of the existence of Andrei Sokolov, but also how he could not submit to circumstances, was able to withstand. In the battle with fate, he showed great strength of character.)
  • Let's name again those character traits that helped Andrei Sokolov to withstand and overcome difficulties. ( Fortitude, generosity, love, courage, compassion, kindness, etc.)

16th slide.Presentation of the Nobel Prize to M. A. Sholokhov.

17th slide.

The psychologist and the guys are analyzing an excerpt from the work of Alexei Cherkasov and Polina Moskvitina "The Red Horse".

Fates, like paths in the wilderness, are always different.

A person finds a sohatina or a bear stitch - and follows it. Then he wonders: what unclean force carried him through such denseness, where the devil himself would break his leg?

Many follow the familiar roads, but not track in track, each in its own way.

It happens: a person is looking for destiny for a long time. Will fill his feet, wash himself with a bitter tear more than once; gray hair splashes into his head, but he still thinks - life is ahead! ..

The other, not having time to live, will suddenly burst into flames, and so brightly that at least pour water over many near him: it is unbearably hot. It will burn, and they will talk about him for a long time, remembering him kindly and dashingly.

There are easy destinies. The century will live another, never gasping. There are difficult ones, when, as the people say, all the bumps fall on poor Makar.

How many people - so many destinies, you cannot cover everything.

Slide 18.The piggy bank of fate is being compiled. (The guys on the interactive whiteboard write down the character traits that are the main ones in a person's life).

19th slide.The student tells about the fate of the Hero of the Great Patriotic War Alexander Nikolaevich Lenkin, showing presentation.

20th slide. I finish the lesson with a poem by Y. Levitansky.

Everyone chooses for himself
Woman, religion, road.
Serve the devil or the prophet -
Everyone chooses for himself.

Everyone chooses for himself
A word for love and for prayer.
A sword for a duel, a sword for a battle
Everyone chooses for himself.

Everyone chooses for himself.
Shield and armor. Staff and patches.
A measure of final reckoning.
Everyone chooses for himself.

Everyone chooses for himself.
I also choose - as I can.
I have no complaints against anyone.
Everyone chooses for himself.

The lesson is summed up.

Homework. Read excerpts from the book "The Last Witnesses" by S. Aleksievich from the book "Around You - the World", write an essay on the topic "War in the Destiny of a Child".

Theme: M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man".

The fate of a person and the fate of the Motherland.

Teacher L.V. Antipina

G. Krasnovishersk

Open lesson in literature in grade 9

Theme: M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man". The fate of a person and the fate of the Motherland.

The technology of student-centered and developmental learning. The use of information technology.


Educational: to give an idea of ​​the personality of M.A. Sholokhov and his works; to show the meaning of the image of the hero of the story "The Fate of a Man";

Developing: develop the skills of text analysis, the ability to choose the main thing, to generalize; educating: to bring up in children respect for the heroic deeds of a soldier of the Great Patriotic War, for the heroic past of their country.

^ During the classes

1. The teacher begins the lesson by reading a poem by the poet of the twentieth century Nikolai Matveyevich Gribachev "Problem conditions" (on the screen)

The question arose at any time-
What is life? What is it for?
A hundred wise men were looking for an answer
The stars, gods, earth, water, fire.
And what is known? The same as in the beginning-
On old secret old armor.
So, maybe you need to approach differently
Known unsolvable problem
And to state the essence in another aspect-
Since it is there, how is it to be lived?

Indeed, at all times a person asked himself: "What is life, what is fate, what was I born for? How to live life? What is human fate?" Probably, such questions were asked and famous writer XX century M.A. Sholokhov, solved this problem in his works. And one of them is the story "The Fate of a Man". Today you and I have to talk about the personality of Sholokhov and about his p-ze.

Students write down the topic of the lesson (on the slide)

The whole life of a writer is a great feat. Sholokhov is one of those writers who see for themselves the highest honor and highest freedom in the unrestrained opportunity to serve the people with their pen. About his innermost writing goal, he spoke like this: "I saw and see my task as a writer in the fact that everyone I wrote and write, pay homage to this working people, the building people, the hero people." (epigraph) + (On screen)

The list of titles and awards of Sholokhov speaks of the significance of the figure of the writer not only in Russian, but also in world culture. M.A. Sholokhov - Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, twice Hero of Socialist Labor. He is the author of "The Don Stories", the stories "Nakhalenok", "The Fate of a Man" and others, the novels "Quiet Don", "Virgin Soil Upturned", "They Fought for the Motherland". Sholokhov - Nobel Prize Laureate (1965)

The teacher includes a video clip showing the presentation of the award

What else can you say about this outstanding person?

^ Show presentations (children prepared in advance)

Generalization of the teacher. Yes indeed, interesting life, an interesting fate. He is an outstanding person, an outstanding writer. His books, his heroes are known all over the world.

^ 2. Work on the story

So, today we are talking with you about one of the most wonderful and heartfelt stories of Sholokhov - "The Fate of a Man". It depicts human destiny with amazing vividness, full of bitter drama, reveals the essential features of Russian national character.

We see with you guys that we perceived this story in different ways, that they argued about it. This is proof that he did not have indifferent readers, because the problem of this work is close to everyone. "Almost every family in our country came to the end of the war with losses. So I think: how much strength it took to start all over again ... I saw these completely burnt villages, farmsteads, villages, villages, cities, I saw devastation, desolation", - the writer spoke.

And not only saw, but also in the difficult days of the Great Patriotic War, he himself fought with the sworn enemy not only with a writing pen, but also with a military soldier's bayonet.

So the author tells us about this tragedy of our people during the war years, about the calamities and sufferings that befell the Russian people.

Let's turn to the content of the story

To whom and why did Sholokhov devote his story? (Implementation of an individual task)

(Evgenia Grigorievna Levitskaya, a member of the CPSU since 1903. She lived a difficult but glorious life, fought for the freedom of her people, for their rights; she was exiled together with her children. By his dedication, the writer seems to remind that it is impossible to unravel the mystery of greatness and the tragic beauty of the character of the hero, his fate is separate from the fate of the people and the Motherland.)

What can you say about the composition of this piece? Why did the author need it?

(The author uses a special compositional technique- a story within a story. This allows you to get acquainted with the confession of A. Sokolov, who survived all the troubles, torments and sufferings that befell him, this is like a first-hand story, therefore it is reliable.)

Sholokhov's short story traces the whole life, the whole fate of the hero, "an ordinary Soviet man." What are the main milestones in the fate of A. Sokolov? What helped the hero survive?

(they name the main milestones of the hero's fate)

On the desk

"Pre-war life

"Going to the front and saying goodbye to family

"The death of a family

"Meeting with Vanyushka, who became the hero's son

Pre-war life

What was the pre-war life of A. Sokolov? (text)

How does Sholokhov portray the life of a hero before the war? (highlights the most important things in life, creates generalized pictures: "When you come home from work ..." on the ninth I was attracted by the cars. I studied the car business, got behind the wheel on the truck ", etc. The verbs are, in the main, of the past tense.

Why is it so? (yes, because this is simple human happiness, and A. Sokolov was happy; he was happy in the past. Before us is an epic plan of the image)

Going to the front and saying goodbye to family

The war disastrously changed Sokolov's life. Notice how the writer talks about it? (And here it is, the war.)

How is this phrase different from the previous ones? (The suddenness, tragedy, the past tense gives way to the artistic present tense. The epic plan of the image turns into a dramatic one)

Find in the text the brightest, heartfelt lines telling about Sokolov's farewell to his family.

In what words does the mournful high lyric note sound like an incantation? I will die, but I will not forgive myself that then I pushed her away! .. "

What pictorial medium did the author use here and why? (gradation - to create a special emotional intensity in the transmission of the hero's experiences - both those that he is experiencing now, and those that were in the past, and those that will accompany him until the end of his life)

Fate chose the most bitter kind of test for Sokolov - fascist captivity.

How was Sokolov captured? (text)

How does the hero behave? (In immensely difficult conditions, he showed remarkable composure, high self-esteem)

A. Sokolov reflected one of best features of the Russian people - the everlasting and prompt readiness to defend the Motherland, the understanding of the holy righteousness of the people's struggle against the fierce enemy. For him, war is unnatural, but if it has begun, if the enemy attacked his native country, then at such a time he does not think of any other part for himself, except for the soldier's service.

In what episode do we see that our hero is faithful to the conscience, honor and duty of a Russian soldier? (the scene of the murder of a traitor who wanted to betray his commander to the Germans)

Why does Sokolov decide to run away? (purposeful, courageous person, a real man)

Unbreakable moral strength, exceptional courage, firmness of spirit helped Sokolov to win in the game started by Mueller. Let's watch this scene and think about the question: what is the symbolic meaning of this episode? (test or story, or film) (The scene with the commandant Müller has a symbolic meaning. Sokolov's behavior personifies the unbreakable spirit of the Russian people, the invincibility of his will, his freedom-loving aspirations. The Russian nation became an insurmountable obstacle on the way of the Nazis to the desired victory.)

And what does the moment when our hero brings hungry comrades a loaf of bread and a piece of bacon to his hungry comrades? (The feeling of camaraderie makes him, at a critical moment, forget about himself and do everything possible to help people. After all, fortitude, camaraderie, devotion to the fatherland - these qualities have long been inherent in the Russian soldier.)

Family death

Another test is the death of a family.

What helped to survive, to endure all this? (Both in war and in peaceful life, Sokolov is guided by an immutable principle of behavior for himself: "That's why you are a man, then you are a soldier, to endure everything, to demolish everything, if need called for this." This phrase is the leitmotif of the work ( leading motive, dominant mood), grasps one of critical parties its content. Sholokhov, thinking about Patriotic War, emphasized that "the sacrifices made in the name of saving the Motherland did not diminish our strength, and the bitterness of unforgettable losses did not belittle our spirit."

This thought was reflected in the ending of the story. It affirms the idea of ​​the organic continuity of generations.

Meeting with Vanyushka, who became his son

The teacher reads the passage.

The author, predicting Vanyushka's future life, uses the word "endure" in almost the same meaning that Sokolov gave him: "... near his father's shoulder one grows up who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything on his way, if he calls him to this Homeland ". Literary critic Rybintsev believed that in the Sholokhov context the verbs "endure" and "overcome" are synonyms. I asked S. Ippolitova to find out with the help of dictionaries whether this is so.

Implementation of an individual task

(The people often used the word “endure” in the meaning of “overcome.” the mouth of A. Sokolov does not mean resignation, obedience. These are the words of a real man, soldier, courageous and strong. The word "endure" is the key word, supplemented first with the word "demolish", then - "overcome".)

Why do you think Sholokhov, talking about the fate of the Russian soldier Sokolov, called his work "The Fate of a Man" and not "The Fate of a Soldier"? (Human life. Fate. Homeland. In the image of a simple Russian man, which millions, soldier Andrei Sokolov, Sholokhov reveals the tragedy of our entire people, their misery and suffering. This is the generalization, collective character of Sokolov. We are presented not just the story of a soldier's life, and the fate of a person who has embodied the typical features of the national Russian character; in the hero's biography, features are combined that are characteristic of "not one social stratum, but the people. Therefore, the story is called not" The Fate of a Soldier ", but" The Fate of a Man. " )

The fate of A. Sokolov is the fate of an ordinary Russian person, to whom Vov fell. There are millions of such destinies. And in our village there are people who have gone through this hell. Do you know them?

This terrible war brought a lot of grief to almost every family. We must not forget this. I would like to finish our lesson with a poem composed by Masha Degelevich. In it, she expressed her vision of the war.

Lesson summary:

How is Sokolov's story instructive for you? (unlimited patriotism, unbending stamina and courageous patience, generosity, the ability to sacrifice, protection of the meaning and truth of human existence)

Write the story “Andrey Sokolov is the main character of the story by M.A. Sholokhov's "The Fate of a Man".

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Methodical development of a lesson on the topic

"The fate of Andrei Sokolov and the beauty of his soul in the story of M. A. Sholokhov" The Fate of a Man "

Literature, grade 9

Lesson on the topic “MASholokhov. "The fate of a man." The meaning of the title of the story. The fate of a person and the fate of the Motherland. "

Molotsilo Lyudmila Nikolaevna, teacher of Russian language and literatureIIqualification category MKOU "Borovskaya secondary school", Irkutsk region, Bratsk district, Borovskaya settlement.


    Learn to analyze a work of art, work with text, read expressively, build a monologue statement

    Develop analytical thinking, creative imagination, oral speech.

    Foster patriotic feelings, mutual respect, mutual understanding, the ability to defend

Planned results:

    Subject: to acquaint with the story of MA Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man", to promote the development of students' speech, to practice the skills of expressive reading. monologic and dialogical utterances.

    Cognitive UUD: search and selection of the necessary information, conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech utterance in oral form, free orientation and perception of the text artwork, semantic reading; promoting the development of mental operations: comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization. Help in the development of creative imagination, cognitive activity, intellectual abilities.

    Personal UUD : self-determination, striving for speech self-improvement; moral and ethical orientation, the ability to self-assess their actions, deeds;developing the ability to defend one's point of view, resist evil, teach compassion and mutual assistance, develop a sense of patriotism.

    Regulatory UUD: goal-setting, planning, self-regulation, highlighting and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what else needs to be learned.

Communicative UUD: planningeducational cooperation with the teacher and peers, adherence to the rules of speech behavior, the ability to express thoughts with sufficient completeness in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication

Equipment : portrait of M. Sholokhov, illustrations for the story "The Fate of a Man", cards with questions for working in pairs, cards with excerpts from the works of Russian writers and poets, tables with reference words.

    Knowledge update .

Teacher :
-Please read excerpts from Nikolai Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" (text on each school desk):

“... There were comrades in other lands, but there were no such comrades as in the Russian land ... No, brothers, to love like the Russian soul is to love not only with the mind or something else, but with everything that God gave whatever is in you ... No, no one can love like that! "

"But are there such fires, torments and such a force in the world that would overpower the Russian force!"

What do you think these words have to do with the story "The Fate of a Man"?

Students' answers.Teacher's word : Many writers have addressed this issue at different times, and each portrayed a real person in his own way. Tolstoy, Gorky, Polevoy ... And how M. Sholokhov portrayed him, we find out by opening the pages of his story "The Fate of a Man".

Goal setting : -Try to formulate the topic of the lesson and the tasks that you face. (Students' statements, writing the topic on the board)

    Motivational stage . Homework implementation .

Individual work . Students' answers are heard about various moments in the life of the hero of Sholokhov's story.(Eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such inescapable longing that it is difficult to look in them)
Folk wisdom
: "G laza - the mirror of the soul ". The eyes say a lot about a person. Everything that a person has experienced, all his suffering can be read in his eyes ...
- "As if sprinkled with ashes
» – that is, what, what color?(Gray, ash colored)
- Why is the color of the eyes not just gray, but exactly like the color of ash?
(Ashes are where everything is burnt, destroyed. The soul of the hero is ashes, disappointment, emptiness.) Thus, the color detail helps to understand the state of the hero.

2. Life before the war ... -How did the hero live before the war?
- What do you think, was Andrey Sokolov happy? Why?

-What words does he use when talking about his family?

The work was in full swing.
Not worse than others.
The children made me happy.
everything is fine

3. War. Farewell to family ... Comment on the scene.

4. Under what circumstances the hero is captured ? How does this episode characterize the hero?

5. What awaited the hero after returning from captivity? ( death of the family, death of the eldest son)


1. How can a person who is caught in such a difficult situation change? (A person can become bitter, hate everyone, especially children, who would remind him of their own. At such moments, a person can take his own life, losing faith in its meaning.)

2. Did this happen to Andrei Sokolov? (No, circumstances did not break the hero of the story. He continued to live)

Refer to the meaning of the wordfate (student reads the meaning of the word)

Fate - 1. A confluence of circumstances that do not depend on the will of a person, the course of life events. 2. Share, fate. 3. The history of the existence of something. 4. The future, what will happen (Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov)

Which of the meanings approaches the definition of the life of the hero Sholokhov? (Students' answers)

4. Creation of new knowledge .

What parts can the story be divided into?

What events in the life of Andrei Sokolov can be considered significant for understanding his character? (A scene in a church, a duel with Mueller, a meeting with Vanyushka).

Work in pairs. Analysis of significant episodes of the story.

Cards with tasks.

Scene in the church: possible types of human behavior in inhuman circumstances

On their way to the camp for the night, they are herded into a dilapidated church. What happens at night in the church?
-What kind of people does Sokolov encounter in this episode?

4 platoon
5. A. Sokolov

How do the heroes behave in this situation? What position is closest to Sokolov. How did the hero himself behave? (A Christian soldier prefers to perish rather than abandon his beliefs, but at the same time he becomes the culprit for the death of four people. Kryzhnev is trying to buy himself the right to life, having paid for him with someone else's life. the platoon commander is awaiting his fate, but only the position of the doctor evokes respect and admiration in Sokolov.)

Output : The episode "In Church" shows how cruelly the character of the hero is tested. Life confronts him with a choice. The hero acts as his conscience tells him to.

How would you rate the act of Andrei Sokolov?

Scene "Duel with Muller".

Why Müller summons A. Sokolov to him?
-What scene does Sokolov see?

- What did Mueller offer him?

-How did our hero behave? Why?

-Who won this fight

Output : the dialogue with Müller is not an armed fight between two enemies, but a psychological duel, from which Sokolov emerges victorious, which Müller himself has to admit.

Scene of Vanyushka's adoption.

Teacher. Circumstances did not break the hero of the story. He continued to live. Sholokhov sparingly writes about this period in the life of his hero. I worked, started drinking until I met a boy.

Who found whom? What feelings does the hero feel when he sees a homeless lonely orphan boy? How does this characterize Andrei Sokolov? Whether to each person like this, just like that, he can trustingly cling to Small child? Describe the means of expression and their role in this passage.

Output ... Andrei Sokolov's heart did not become stale, he was able to find the strength in himself to give happiness and love to another person. This shows the strong character of a person.

(We emphasize the noted character traits of Andrei Sokolov).

Analysis of the ending of the story (Expressive reading of the episode by the teacher) Conversation:

What time of year is shown at the beginning and at the end of the story? How do you think why?
-Do you think Andrei Sokolov will survive?
-What lies ahead for the hero and his little son?

In what sense is the word "destiny" used in the title of the story? (Shown not only the history of the existence of Andrei Sokolov, but also how he could not submit to circumstances, was able to withstand. In the battle with fate, he showed great strength of character and beauty of the soul of a real Russian person)

What is the beauty of the soul of the hero Sholokhov?

Let's name again those character traits that helped Andrei Sokolov to withstand and overcome difficulties. (Fortitude, generosity, love, courage, compassion, kindness, etc.) A table with words is posted on the board.

Lesson summary.

1.Creative work. (reflection)

Give your opinion on the story by continuing one of the sentences:

    After reading the story "The Fate of a Man", I understood ....

    Sholokhov's story made me think….

    While reading the story "The Fate of a Man" I experienced ...

    The story "The Fate of a Man" is relevant for our time, because ...

    The meaning of the story "The Fate of a Man" is, in my opinion, in ...

2. Read the statements of writers and poets, excerpts from works written at different times. Which of them could you illustrate the events of the story "The Fate of a Man"? And which ones would you take for yourself? (students' answers)

Estimates. Self-esteem. Teacher and student commentary.

Houses : Answer in writing the question of the optional textbook.

Sections: Literature

Target: to learn to comprehend the ideological concept of the work and the author's position by analyzing the text.


  • to form students' understanding of the meaning of human existence, to consider the author's concept of a person in the story "The Fate of a Man";
  • develop the skills of analyzing a work of art;
  • show the role of the detail in the text;
  • foster aversion to war.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, computer and projector, portrait of M. A. Sholokhov, text of the work, recording of S. Bondarchuk's film "The Fate of a Man", illustrations for the story of B. Alimov and O. Vereisky.

... Honor, conscience, decency, reliability are the most
important from what life gives a person. With such
wealth, you can withstand any, even unbearable
difficult circumstances. Stand up and win.

B. Vasiliev

Man lives by love. Love for the land, wife, children,
language, comrade ... Remain human in inhuman
conditions is difficult.

I.S. Gracheva


I. Organizing time

II. Introductory speech of the teacher

The people are like a huge tree with no number of leaves. And everything that we do good, adds strength to him. But not every tree has roots. Without roots, even a gentle wind would have knocked him down. The roots nourish the tree, bind it to the ground. Roots are what we lived yesterday, a year ago, a hundred, a thousand years ago. This is our history and spiritual traditions.
In today's lesson, we will continue to work on a work that takes us back to one of the most important and tragic events in the history of our Motherland - the Great Patriotic War. "If you really want to understand why Soviet Russia won a great victory in World War II, read the story" The Fate of a Man, "wrote one English newspaper.

- Let's turn to the topic of the lesson. Tell me, what will be the subject of our research? (Having traced the life path of Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the story, we not only learn about his fate, but also try to answer the question: what is the author's concept of a person in the story.)

- We have no epigraph for today's topic. I suggest that you choose it yourself, and we will do this after discussing the story at the end of the lesson.

III. Updating students' knowledge. Analytical discussion on the materials of the first lesson

- M. Sholokhov's story became an event. How did you react to the story "The Fate of a Man"? Why is this small piece did not leave indifferent its first readers and worries a modern person?
What is the genre feature of Sholokhov's work?
- Prove that the hero's biography can be used to trace the main stages of the path traveled by the whole country. What are these stages? What is the originality of the composition of the story? What would the story lose if the story was conducted directly by the author? What parts can the hero's story be conventionally divided into?

IV. Research... Sholokhov's concept of man in the story "The Fate of Man"

- To understand the author's concept of a person, let us once again turn to the central episodes of the story.
- Where does Andrei Sokolov see his happiness? in pre-war life? Find in the text the words of the hero that speak about this. ("What is even more necessary? Children eat porridge with milk, they have a roof over their heads, they are dressed, they are shod, so everything is in order")
- In what does Andrei Sokolov see happiness?
- M. Sholokhov's story about the war. Why do we practically not see the main character with a weapon in his hands, in a battle environment? (The author has a peculiar approach to depicting war. He opposes the monstrous machine of fascism not with the force of weapons, but with something else. Well? The writer examines not the war itself, but the possibilities of the human spirit. sources of victory. Analyzing the character of the hero, we will not judge by one or two of his actions. This story, like the novel, involves the study and analysis of the whole life of the hero)

Captivity. Historical commentary(Annex 1 )

Episode in the church

- What variants of human behavior does Sholokhov portray in this scene: a Christian soldier, Kryzhnev, a platoon commander, a doctor? (In an episode in the church, Sholokhov reveals possible types of human behavior in inhuman circumstances. Different characters here embody different life positions.)

- What position is closest to Sokolov? (Only the position of the doctor, "who both in captivity and in the dark did his great work," evokes Sokolov's sincere respect and admiration. In any conditions, being himself, not changing his duty - this is the position of Sokolov himself. Neither obedience, nor opposing his the hero does not accept the life of strangers)

An episode of the fight between Andrei Sokolov and Lagerführer Müller

- Why Mueller needed a ritual with a drink before the execution of the prisoner? ("Before you die, drink, Russ Ivan, for the victory of German weapons")
- In what physical condition is the hero? Why does he agree to have a drink but refuses the snack?
- Who wins the moral duel between two enemies: Müller and Sokolov?
- Is the attitude of the fascists to the prisoner changing? (The dialogue with Müller is not an armed fight between two enemies, but a psychological duel, from which Sokolov emerges victorious, which Müller himself has to admit)
- The conversation in the commandant's office takes place at the time of the Battle of Stalingrad. Is there, in your opinion, a connection between this battle, an event of a world-wide historical scale, and a private episode from the life of an individual hero? (The camp commandant wanted a repetition of Stalingrad, he got it in full. The victory of the Soviet troops on the Volga and the victory of Sokolov are events of the same order, since the victory over fascism is, first of all, a moral victory.)
- In what words is Sokolov's view of the duty of a person, a man, a soldier expressed? (The readiness to withstand, “to endure”, preserving human dignity, becomes Sokolov’s life credo “For that you are a man, for that you are a soldier, to endure everything, to demolish everything, if the need calls for it”)
- Invitation to reflection: What do you think was the most terrible event in military life for the hero of the story? (The most terrible thing for Sokolov was the loss of loved ones.)

Slideshow against the background of the song "Enemies burned their home" (Appendix 2 , Appendix 3 )

Teacher comment: Leo Tolstoy was very fond of M.Yu. Lermontov's poem "Borodino". This was one of the reasons for writing the epic novel War and Peace. And MASholokhov's favorite was M. Isakovsky's poem "Enemies burned down their home."
- Twice the hero interrupts his story, and both times - when he remembers his deceased wife and children. It is in these places that Sholokhov gives expressive portrait details and directions. Let's read them out.

- How great must be the pain this person experiences if he, more than once, looking death in the face, never giving in to the enemy, says: “Why did you, life, cripple it? Why did you distort it so? " The hero's heart “has turned to stone with grief” so much that he is not even capable of crying, although tears, perhaps, would bring him relief (“... And my unshed tears, apparently, dried up in my heart.”)

- Sholokhov is a master of detail. With one phrase, the writer can reveal everything that the hero has in his soul. With what detail, already at the beginning of the story, does the writer convey the full depth of the hero's grief? (Eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such inescapable longing that it is difficult to look in them)
- Folk wisdom says: laza - the mirror of the soul". The eyes say a lot about a person. Everything that a person has experienced, all his suffering can be read in his eyes ...
- "As if sprinkled with ashes » – that is, what, what color? (Gray, ash colored)
- Why is the color of the eyes not just gray, but exactly like the color of ash? (Ashes are where everything is burnt, destroyed. In the hero's soul - ashes, disappointment, emptiness.)- Thus, the color detail helps to understand the state of the hero. The war took everything away from Sokolov. There is no family, the house is destroyed. Hometown became a stranger. And he set off aimlessly, to Uryupinsk, with a withered heart, lonely. How can a person who is caught in such a difficult situation change? (A person can become hardened, hate everyone, especially children, who would remind him of his own. At such moments, a person can take his own life, losing faith in its meaning)
- Did this happen to Andrei Sokolov? (He continued to live. Sholokhov sparingly writes about this period of his hero's life. He worked, began to drink until he met the boy.)

Viewing an excerpt from the film by S. Bondarchuk “The Fate of a Man”. Sokolov's meeting with Vanyushka.

Episode analysis

- What is common in the fate of Andrei Sokolov and Vanyusha? (Two orphans whose lives have been twisted by the war)
- The image of Vanyushka in the story appears together with the image of Andrei. But the author does not give a portrait characterization right away, but again through artistic details. It is worth paying special attention to Vanya's eyes. How are they described in the work? ("As light as a sky," "little eyes, like stars at night after the rain.")
- What is the color meaning of this image? (Here we mean a bright blue color. Pure, immaculate, unspoiled by any hardships of life. But this definition is not enough for the author. He gradually strengthens the image: "Little eyes like stars at night after rain"... The boy's eyes shine with a bright yellow, starry, some unearthly color. Let's pay attention to diminutive-affectionate suffixes (neBUSHKo, Asterisks): they also give out the author's attitude)
- Andrei Sokolov, having gone through the war, having lost everything that was possible in these terrible years, completely devastated, meets Vanyushka with eyes clear as a sky, like stars, washed by the rain. What does the comparison of Vanyusha's eyes with the light of the stars show? (Shows that he became for Sokolov, as it were, a guiding landmark in a life filled with black grief).
- As you can see, Vanya warmed Andrei Sokolov's heart, his life gained meaning again.
- Does a small child trustfully cling to each person like that, just like that?
- Now let's turn to the beginning of the story again. How does Sholokhov begin his work? ( From the description of nature)
- Imagine this picture. What colors are contrasted in the description? (death white, snowy winter color and lively brown, dirty yellow, gray early spring)
- What is the symbol of this opposition? (As winter with white coldness is replaced by warm, albeit not yet festive, but spring, so life conquers death).
- What kind of sky does the author draw at the beginning of the story? (Blue, with white, busty clouds floating in the faded blue).
- What do these details indicate? (About the coming world, about the feeling of peace and tranquility)
- The story describes tragic events, but still there is a place for a hot, bright, yellow sun. Confirm this with an example from the text.
- Why does Sholokhov repeat the words about the sun several times? (More and more sun, shine, warmth are bestowed on the heroes of the story. More and more more peace penetrates their soul. The yellow sun color symbolizes the coming happiness)
- Thus, the description of nature, given at the beginning of the story, is key to understanding the meaning of the work. But, interestingly, the significance of this landscape sketch, we understand only after finishing reading.
- And now let's turn to the final episode of the story. (Slide)
- What are the phrases by which the author defines the heroes (grains of sand, thrown into foreign lands by a hurricane of unprecedented strength - a man of unbending will)
- What does Sholokhov emphasize when he calls the hero a grain of sand in the last lines? (Andrei Sokolov does not appear at all epic hero is not a person with supernatural powers. He is ordinary, like everyone else). According to Sholokhov's concept, a person is a grain of sand, a blade of grass in the wind, a trembling leaf pressed against a branch, these are the metaphors that the writer uses in his story, describing the heroes.
- And what is fate?

Vocabulary work

Fate- 1. A confluence of circumstances beyond the control of a person's will, the course of life circumstances; 2. Share, fate; 3. The history of the existence of something; 4. Future, what will happen (Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov).

- In what sense is this word used in the title of the story? (In the title of the story, the word fate is used in several lexical meanings. You can consider it as the story of Andrei Sokolov, and his fate, and coincidence of circumstances)
- Then what is a person alive from the point of view of Sholokhov? What can he oppose to fate? (Love, kindness, human dignity)
- If you have brought up human dignity in yourself, it will help you to keep a person in any situations.
- Choose an epigraph for our lesson (see on the board)
1. Sow a habit - reap character, sow character - reap destiny. (Old truth)
2. No, not only in a dream do elderly men who have turned gray during the war years cry. (Mikhail Sholokhov)
3. ... Honor, conscience, decency, reliability are the most important things that give a person life. With such wealth, you can withstand any, even unbearably difficult, circumstances. Stand up and win. (B. Vasiliev)
4. Man lives by love. Love for the land, wife, children, language, comrade ... Remaining a man in inhuman conditions is a difficult matter. (I.S.Gracheva)

V. Lesson summary

- Reread the ending of the story. Why does the author speak at the end of the "heavy sadness" that gripped him under the influence of what he heard? (Nothing will ever comfort Andrey Sokolov, will not help to forget what he has experienced, will not compensate for his terrible losses. At the same time, he, an ordinary person, not only is not broken, but also retained the most precious thing in himself - a living soul. These two orphaned people acquire in each other their new common destiny, mutually affirming each other in life. ” ...

Theme : M.A. Sholokhov: pages of life. The story "The Fate of a Man".


Educational: to acquaint students with the biography of the writer, contribute to the formation of students to analyze a work of art, work with text, build a monologue statement.

Developing: develop analytical thinking, creative imagination, oral speech, develop expressive reading skills, develop intellectual abilities.


Planned results:

    Subject: acquaintance with the biography of M.A. Sholokhov, with the history of writing the story of MA Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man", to promote the development of students' speech, working out the skills of expressive reading, monologue and dialogical expression.

    Cognitive UUD: search and selection of the necessary information, conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech utterance in oral form, free orientation and perception of the text of a work of art, semantic reading; promoting the development of mental operations: comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization. Help in the development of creative imagination, cognitive activity, intellectual abilities.

    Personal UUD : self-determination, striving for speech self-improvement; moral and ethical orientation, the ability to self-assess their actions, deeds; developing the ability to defend one's point of view, resist evil, teach compassion and mutual assistance, and form a sense of patriotism.

    Communicative UUD: planningeducational cooperation with a teacher, adherence to the rules of speech behavior, the ability to express thoughts with sufficient completeness in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

Equipment : portrait of M. Sholokhov, video presentation, works of art, card for reflection.

During the classes

Teacher: Hello! We are glad to see each other and to cooperate in the lesson, because in cooperation and understanding, you can create. And the lesson is our joint work with you.

    Knowledge update


    The teacher begins the lesson by reading a poem by the poet of the twentieth century Nikolai Matveyevich Gribachev "Conditions of the problem"

The question arose at any time-

What is life? What is it for?

A hundred wise men were looking for an answer

The stars, gods, earth, water, fire.

And what is known? The same as in the beginning-

The old secret is wearing old armor.

So, maybe you need to approach differently

Known unsolvable problem

And to state the essence in another aspect-

Since it is there, how is it to be lived?

    Motivation learning activities... Statement of the educational problem.

Teacher: Indeed, at all times a person asked himself: “What is life, what is destiny, what was I born for? How to live your life? What is the fate of a person? " Probably, such questions were asked by the famous writer of the 20th century M.A. Sholokhov, solved this problem in his works. Today we are going to talk about the pages of Sholokhov's life and about one of his stories.

- Guys, what do you think we are going to work on today? ("The Fate of a Man")

- So, the topic of our lesson ... ("MA Sholokhov: pages of life. The story" The fate of a man ").slide

Open your notebooks and write down the topic of the lesson.

Let's formulate the objectives of the lesson together. Let's turn to the topic of our lesson (I'm reading the topic). Are we familiar with the biography of the writer? (No)

This means that we must get acquainted with the pages of the life of the writer.

We found out that today we are going to work on M.A. Sholokhov's "The Fate of a Man". Since the work on the story is designed for several lessons, today we will dwell in more detail on the study of one of the episodes.

How do we usually work with the text of a piece? (analysis, expressive reading)

So, summarizing all of the above, let's define the objectives of the lesson.slide

Teacher: About his innermost writing goal, he spoke like this: "I saw and see my task as a writer in the fact that everyone I wrote and write should bow to this working people, building people, hero people" (epigraph) . These words I offer you as an epigraph to the lesson.

- The list of titles and awards of Sholokhov speaks of the significance of the figure of the writer not only in Russian, but also in world culture. M.A. Sholokhov - Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, twice Hero of Socialist Labor(slide). He is the author of "The Don Stories", the stories "Nakhalenok", "The Fate of a Man" and others, the novels "Quiet Don", "Virgin Soil Upturned", "They Fought for the Motherland." Sholokhov - Nobel Prize Laureate (1965)Slide

    Stage of implementation of new knowledge

Teacher : What else can you say about this outstanding person?

1) - The guys got creative task... Theme« Interesting facts from the life of M. Sholokhov ".They needed to find in the additional literature interesting information from the biography of Mikhail Sholokhov. Let's take a look at the results.

1 biographer



At the end of 1922, at the age of 17, he came to Moscow, intending to study. He could not enter a workers' school, he works as a laborer, doing self-education.

2 biographer


3 biographer ... In 1960, the second book, Virgin Soil Upturned, was published. Sholokhov was awarded the Lenin Prize, which he donated for the construction of a school in the village of Karginskaya. In 1965 Sholokhov is awarded Nobel Prize for the novel "Quiet Don". On the slide you can see how the Swedish king Gustav Adolf presents the Nobel Prize to Sholokhov. And this is what the diploma itself looks like.slide


End our story of life famous writer I would like the words of Konstantin Fedin, uttered in honor of the 60th birthday of Mikhail Alexandrovich: “The enormous merit of Mikhail Sholokhov is in the courage that is inherent in his works. He never avoided the contradictions inherent in life ... His books show the struggle in the fullness of the past and the present ... "

Teacher: Thanks! Well done, we did the job. I would like to tell you why the Nobel Prize was awarded to Sholokhov.


- “For the artistic strength and truthfulness with which he portrayed in his Don epic historical era in the life of the Russian people ”. Then M. Sholokhov replied: “Of course, I am pleased with the award of the Nobel Prize to me. A feeling of joy prevails here because I, at least to some extent, contribute to the glorification of my Motherland ... This is more important and dearer than personal feelings ... "

Teacher: Yes, an interesting life, an interesting fate. He is an outstanding person, an outstanding writer. His books, his heroes are known all over the world.

    The history of the creation of the story "The Fate of a Man".

Teacher: One of his stories is based on real events. Have you guessed what story we are talking about? ("The Fate of a Man")


In the first post-war year, while hunting with Sholokhov, such an incident occurred. There was a big spring flood. Sholokhov was sitting near the fence near the river crossing, resting. A man with a boy approached him, took him by his clothes and hands in fuel oil for “his brother-chauffeur”, told about the painful fate. She excited Sholokhov. Then he decided to write a story. But only 10 years later he turned to this story and wrote "The Fate of a Man" in a week.

On New Year's Eve - December 31, 1956 And January 1, 1957 in the newspaper "Pravda" was published the story "The Fate of a Man."

People wrote letters, expressed their sympathy. Even the famous did not stand aside foreign writers Erich Maria Remarque and Ernest Hemingway, whose works reflect the theme of war, though the First World War.

3) Work on the content of the story

Teacher: So, today we are talking with you about one of the most wonderful and heartfelt stories of Sholokhov - "The Fate of a Man". It depicts human destiny with amazing vividness, full of the most bitter drama, reveals the essential features of the Russian national character.

- We see with you guys that in different times they perceived this story in different ways, they argued about it. This is proof that he does not have indifferent readers, because the problem of this work is close to everyone. “Almost every family in our country came to the end of the war with losses. So I think: how much strength it took to start all over again ... I saw these completely burnt villages, hamlets, villages, villages, cities, I saw devastation, desertion, ”the writer said.


And not only saw, but also in the difficult days of the Great Patriotic War, he himself fought with the sworn enemy not only with a writing pen, but also with a military soldier's bayonet.

So the author tells us about this tragedy of our people during the war years, about the calamities and sufferings that befell the Russian people.

To whom did Sholokhov dedicated his story?

4) Implementation of an individual task.

- Will tell us about it ...



5) Conversation on issues

Teacher: Guys, how do you think this story attracted the attention of many readers?

- How did you take the story?

- From whom do we learn about the fate of Andrei Sokolov? (We learn about the fate of the hero from him. He tells the story of his life to the author, whom he met by chance on the crossing.)

Is the entire story told in the first person? (No. At the beginning and end of the story, the narration is on behalf of the author).

- What can we say about the composition of this piece? Why did the author need it?

- The author uses a special compositional technique ( ring composition) - a story within a story. It begins with a meeting of the author with random fellow travelers and ends with parting with these people. In the central part of the work, the narration is carried out on behalf of the main character. This allows you to get acquainted with the confession of A. Sokolov, who survived all the troubles, torment and suffering that befell him, this is like a first-hand story, therefore it is reliable.

6) Dividing the story into main stages

Teacher: Prove that the hero's biography can be used to trace the main stages of the path traveled by the whole country.In a short story by Sholokhov, the whole life, the whole fate of the hero, "a common Soviet man" is traced. What are the main stages in the fate of A. Sokolov?

- How many parts can the story of Andrei Sokolov be divided into?


    Pre-war life

    Going to the front and saying goodbye to family


    Family death

    Meeting with Vanyushka, who became the hero's son

7) Pre-war life

Pre-war life, what is it?

- How did our hero live before the war? Find in the text the words of the hero that speak about this. ("What is even more necessary? Children eat porridge with milk, they have a roof over their heads, they are dressed with shoes, so everything is in order.")

Trials of War. Which one is the most important? Why?

Why is it so?

Because it is simple human happiness, and A. Sokolov was happy; was happy in the past.

What is it that changes the established order in the family?

8) Going to the front and saying goodbye to family

The war disastrously changed Sokolov's life. Notice how the writer talks about it? (And here it is, the war.)

How is this phrase different from the previous ones? (The suddenness, tragedy, the past tense gives way to the artistic present tense. The epic plan of the image turns into a dramatic one)

Find in the text the brightest, heartfelt lines telling about Sokolov's farewell to his family.

In what words does the mournful high lyric note sound like an incantation? I will die, but I will not forgive myself that then I pushed her away! .. "

What pictorial medium did the author use here and why? (gradation - to create a special emotional intensity in the transmission of the hero's experiences - both those that he is experiencing now, and those that were in the past, and those that will accompany him until the end of his life)

9) Captivity

Fate chose the most bitter kind of test for Sokolov - fascist captivity.

- What's going on with Andrei Sokolov at the front? How was Sokolov captured? Find this episode in the text.

How does the hero behave? (In immensely difficult conditions, he showed remarkable composure, high self-esteem)

A. Sokolov reflected one of the best features of the Russian people - the constant and prompt readiness to defend the Motherland, the understanding of the holy righteousness of the people's struggle against the fierce enemy. For him, war is unnatural, but if it has begun, if the enemy attacked his native country, then at such a time he does not think of any other part for himself, except for the soldier's service.

Let's look at the church scene. What variants of human behavior does Sholokhov portray in this scene? Christian soldier, platoon doctor, Kryzhnev? (in an episode in the church, Sholokhov reveals possible types of human behavior in inhuman circumstances. Different characters embody different life positions.)

What position is closest to Sokolov?

(Only the position of the doctor, "who both in captivity and in the dark did his great work," evokes Sokolov's sincere respect and admiration. In any conditions, being himself, not changing his duty - this is the position of Sokolov himself. Neither obedience, nor opposing his the hero does not accept the life of strangers)

In what episode do we see that our hero is faithful to the conscience, honor and duty of a Russian soldier? (the scene of the murder of a traitor who wanted to betray his commander to the Germans)

Why does Sokolov decide to run away? (purposeful, courageous person, a real man)

10) Analysis of the episode of the fight between Andrei Sokolov and Lagerführer Müller.

Teacher: Who do you think the Lagerführer is?


Let's turn to the dictionary entry

Vocabulary work

Lagerführer - camp commandant

How was the military fate of Andrei Sokolov?

For what purpose did Sholokhov introduce a description of captivity? (he showed how heroically, with dignity the Russian people behaved in captivity, how much they overcame)

What trials fell to the lot of the soldier Sokolov in captivity?

Why was he summoned to the camp commandant Müller?

Prisoner of war Sokolov, camp number 331, goes on call, preparing for death. Is it possible to prepare for death, get used to it? (You cannot get used to death, you cannot prepare for it. But you can accept it in different ways, depending on whether a person has a character. Sokolov's strength is in love and pride for his Motherland , for a Russian person)

Unbreakable moral strength, exceptional courage, firmness of spirit helped Sokolov to win in the game started by Mueller.

Sergey Bondarchuk made a film of the same name based on this story. I suggest you watch a fragment from this film "Duel of Mueller and Sokolov"

Let's watch this scene and think about the question: what is the symbolic meaning of this episode?

11) An excerpt from the film by Sergei Bondarchuk "The Fate of a Man"

Teacher: The scene with Commandant Müller has a symbolic meaning. Sokolov's behavior personifies the unbreakable spirit of the Russian people, the invincibility of his will, his freedom-loving aspirations. The Russian nation became an insurmountable obstacle on the path of the fascists to the desired victory.

What is Sokolov thinking as he prepares for death?

Why would Müller need a ritual with a drink before the execution of a prisoner?

Why does he agree to drink, but refuses to eat? (The author emphasizes his moral stamina)

Who wins the moral duel between two enemies: Müller and Sokolov?

Output: The dialogue with Müller is not an armed fight between two enemies, but a psychological duel, from which Sokolov emerges victorious, which Müller himself has to admit.

The conversation in the commandant's office takes place at the time of the Battle of Stalingrad. Is there, in your opinion, a connection between this battle, an event of a world-wide historical scale, and a private episode from the life of an individual hero?

(The camp commandant wanted a repetition of Stalingrad, he got it in full. The victory of the Soviet troops on the Volga and the victory of Sokolov are events of the same order, since the victory over fascism is, first of all, a moral victory.)

In what words is Sokolov's view of the duty of a man, a man, a soldier expressed? (The readiness to withstand, “to endure”, preserving human dignity, becomes Sokolov’s life credo “For that you are a man, for that you are a soldier, to endure everything, to demolish everything, if the need calls for it”)

Invitation for reflection: What do you think was the most terrible event in military life for the hero of the story? (The most terrible thing for Sokolov was the loss of loved ones.)

12) family death

Teacher: What did Sokolov go through after escaping from captivity?

Another test is the death of a family.

Guys, find in the text an excerpt describing the death of the hero's family.

What helped to survive, to endure all this? (Both in war and in peaceful life, Sokolov is guided by the immutable principle of behavior for himself: “That's why you are a man, then you are a soldier, to endure everything, to demolish everything, if need called for this.” This phrase is the leitmotif of the work ( the leading motive, the dominant mood), grasps one of the most important aspects of its content. Sholokhov, thinking about the Patriotic War, emphasized that "the sacrifices made in the name of saving the Motherland did not diminish our strength, and the bitterness of unforgettable losses did not belittle our spirit."

This thought was reflected in the ending of the story. It affirms the idea of ​​the organic continuity of generations.

13) Meeting with Vanyushka, who became his son

Teacher: the war took everything away from Sokolov. There is no family, the house is destroyed. The hometown has become a stranger. And he set off aimlessly, to Uryupinsk, with a withered heart, lonely. But there he meets a wonderful boy Vanyushka and his heart revives.

    Viewing an excerpt from Segrei Bondarchuk's film "The Fate of a Man". Sokolov's meeting with Vanyushka .

15) Episode analysis

Teacher: why does Sokolov decide to adopt Vanyushka? What is common in their fate?

- After meeting with the boy, whose eyes are like a star after the rain, Sokolov's “heart leaves, it becomes softer”, “my soul became light and somehow light. As you can see, Vanya warmed Andrei Sokolov's heart, his life regained meaning.

- So, Vanya found his father, and Andrei Sokolov found his son. Both found a family. Where are they going and why?

- What do you think lies ahead of our heroes?

Name the phrases by which the author defines the heroes (grains of sand, thrown into foreign lands by a hurricane of unprecedented strength - a man of unbending will)

- What does Sholokhov emphasize when he calls the hero a grain of sand in the last lines? (Andrei Sokolov does not at all appear as an epic hero, is not a person with supernatural powers. He is ordinary, like everyone else).

According to Sholokhov's concept, a person is a grain of sand, a blade of grass in the wind, a trembling leaf pressed against a branch, these are the metaphors that the writer uses in his story, describing the heroes.

16) The meaning of the title of the story

Why do you think Sholokhov, talking about the fate of the Russian soldier Sokolov, called his work "The Fate of a Man" and not "The Fate of a Soldier"? (Human life. Fate. Homeland. In the image of a simple Russian man, which millions, soldier Andrei Sokolov, Sholokhov reveals the tragedy of our entire people, their misery and suffering. This is the generalization, collective character of Sokolov. Before us appears not just the story of a soldier's life, ahuman destiny , which embodied the typical features of the national Russian character; in the hero's biography itself, features were combined that were characteristic of “not one particular social stratum, but the people. Therefore, the story is called not "The Fate of a Soldier", but "The Fate of a Man".)

The fate of A. Sokolov is the fate of an ordinary Russian person, to whom Vov fell. There are millions of such destinies.

17. Lesson summary

Teacher: This terrible war brought a lot of grief to almost every family. We must not forget this.

What has today's lesson taught you?

Today we have considered only one of the stages in the life of Andrei Sokolov. No less important is the episode of the meeting between the protagonist and Vanyushka.

This episode will be your homework.



analysis of the episode of A. Sokolov's meeting with Vanyushka,

creative task: continue with one of the sentences:

    Sholokhov's story made me think about (...

    While reading the story "The Fate of a Man" I experienced (...

    The meaning of the story "The Fate of a Man" is, in my opinion, in (...



Teacher: In front of you on the tables is the questionnaire "How do you evaluate your work in the lesson" (underline the right word)

Read your summary


1 biographer ... Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov is an outstanding writer and public figure.

On May 24, 1905, Anastasia Danilovna Kuznetsova and Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov had a son, Mikhail, in the Kruzhilinsky farm of the village of Veshenskaya, Donskoy District.

Mother - from a peasant family, father - a native of the Ryazan province, sowed bread on the Cossack land, was the manager of the mill.

Before us is a photo from a family album. Parents with their son Misha, a 1st grade student of the parish school. Misha loved his mother very much. An intelligent, energetic woman, she paid a lot of attention to raising her son.

In mid-1920, Sholokhov worked as a teacher to eliminate illiteracy among the adult population. Then he was enrolled as an assistant accountant of the procurement office.

At the end of 1922, at the age of 17, he came to Moscow, intending to study. I could not enter the workers' school, works as a laborer, self-educated.

Here he meets with poets and writers of the "Young Guard" group.

2 biographer ... At the beginning of 1924 M. Sholokhov returned to the Don, to the village of Bukhanovskaya, and married Maria Petrovna Gromoslavskaya. For some time they lived in Moscow, Sholokhov went to editions, offered stories written by him.

The Sholokhovs lived together for 60 years of marriage, raising and raising four children, they have many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

In 1925, Sholokhov met with A. Serafimovich, who said "words of approval and recognition." Throughout his life, the writer retained gratitude to Serafimovich, considering him one of his first teachers.

At the end of 1926, Sholokhov began writing his novel Quiet Don.

In 1932 he began working on the novel Virgin Soil Upturned.

When the Great Patriotic War began, the writer was already 36 years old. He had seen a lot at that time. Civil War, the devastation of lands on the Don. ... During the war, M.A. Sholokhov goes to the front, works as a correspondent. Wounded. In 1942, his 75-year-old mother was killed by a bomb explosion.

3 biographer. In 1960, the second book, Virgin Soil Upturned, was published. Sholokhov was awarded the Lenin Prize, which he donated for the construction of a school in the village of Karginskaya. In 1965 Sholokhov was awarded the Nobel Prize for the novel "Quiet Don".

On February 21, 1984, Sholokhov died in the village of Veshenskaya and was buried in the garden near his house, on the high bank of the Don, which he praised. In the year of the writer's death in his homeland, State Museum- reserve M.A. Sholokhov.

I would like to finish our story about the life of the famous writer with the words of Konstantin Fedin, uttered in honor of the 60th birthday of Mikhail Alexandrovich: “Mikhail Sholokhov's enormous merit in the courage inherent in his works. He never avoided the contradictions inherent in life ... His books show the struggle in the fullness of the past and the present ... "

Mikhail Sholokhov dedicated his story to Evgenia Grigorievna Levitskaya, editor of the Moskovsky Rabochy publishing house. They met in 1928, when Sholokhov brought the manuscript of The Quiet Don to the publishing house. Evgenia Grigorievna lived a difficult but glorious life, fought for the freedom of her people, for their rights; was exiled together with the children into exile. With his dedication, the writer reminds us that it is impossible to unravel the mystery of the greatness and tragic beauty of the hero's character, his fate apart from the fate of the people and the Motherland.


Self-analysis of a literature lesson in grade 9b

on the topic “M.A. Sholokhov: pages of life. The story "The Fate of a Man"

At present, it is recognized at the state level in Russia that civil patriotic education schoolchildren is a condition for building a legal state. Civil-patriotic education of youth has always been one of the most important tasks of the school, because childhood and adolescence is the most fertile time for instilling a feeling of love for the Motherland. The problem becomes especially urgent in our days, when there is a process of destruction of the personality, when our entire society is distinguished by aggression, intolerance, and spiritual poverty. Therefore, the main task of the teacher is the ability to help students understand the stormy flow of information and find themselves in this world.

Work on civic-patriotic education is not only different types and forms educational work with the class, but also educational activities. Literature lessons provide especially great opportunities for the formation of civic consciousness and patriotism among schoolchildren.Exactly fiction designed to educate a person, to influence her spiritual world.

A striking example of this is a work about the Great Patriotic War - the story of M.A. Sholokhov's "The Fate of a Man".

Lesson topic : “M.A. Sholokhov: pages of life. The story "The Fate of a Man"

Lesson location in the system of lessons on the creativity of M.A. Sholokhov: the first lesson

Lesson type: a lesson in "discovering" new knowledge

Lesson form : reflection lesson

I have supplied the followinggoals:

Educational: to acquaint students with the life of a writer, teach to analyze a work of art, work with text, read expressively, build a monologue statement.

Developing: develop analytical thinking, creative imagination, oral speech,develop expressive reading skills, develop intellectual abilities.

Educational: foster patriotic feelings, mutual respect, mutual understanding, the ability to defend their point of view.

Planned results:

Subject: acquaintance with the biography of MA Sholokhov, the history of the creation of "The Fate of a Man", to promote the development of students' speech, to practice the skills of expressive reading, monological and dialogical utterances.

Cognitive UUD: search and selection of the necessary information, conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech utterance in oral form, free orientation and perception of the text of a work of art, semantic reading; promoting the development of mental operations: comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization. Help in the development of creative imagination, cognitive activity, intellectual abilities.

Personal UUD : self-determination, striving for speech self-improvement; moral and ethical orientation, the ability to self-assess their actions, deeds; developing the ability to defend one's point of view, resist evil, teach compassion and mutual assistance, and develop a sense of patriotism.

Communicative UUD: planningeducational cooperation with the teacher and peers, adherence to the rules of speech behavior, the ability to express thoughts with sufficient completeness in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

The lesson was started in an orderly manner.The guys themselves outlined the topic, the goals of the lesson. This topic touched children's souls, excited them.

In the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard, I consider it necessary to teach children to independently acquire knowledge, to be able to isolate the main thing from the flow of information, to use additional literature, to present the product of their mental activity, to prove their point of view, to be creative in a literature lesson. That's whyused various methods and techniques creative works, activated the children to independently search for the study of additional material (materials from the biography of MA Sholokhov). I tried to teach them to conduct research work (Sholokhov's concept of a person), to be able to boldly speak in front of an audience, to develop a monologue speech.

In this regard, I use the principles of visibility, accessibility, strength, consistency, scientific character, integration (connection with history).

Methods: visual-illustrative, problematic, search, work on the text with elements of conversation.

Types of educational activities : analytical work with text, anticipatory task, problem dialogue.

Technologies : problem learning, cooperation technology, ICT.

Interdisciplinary area: history, literature.

My main task is to educate a modern student who is capable of self-development and self-expression, freely speaking in front of an audience, and being a keen observer of life in all its phases.

At all stages of the lesson, the students were involved in active thinking and practical activity.

All stages of the lesson are sustained and closely interconnected, alternated different kinds activities.

Lesson structure

    1. Self-determination to activity


      Motivation for learning activities. Statement of educational2 tasks

      Stage of implementation of new knowledge



A success situation was created for each student, which also helped to increase motivation and maintain a cognitive interest in learning.

When posing questions and defining tasks in the lesson, I took into account the individual characteristics of the students, gave only a positive characteristic of the results of their activities, which stimulated the children and increased their activity in the lesson.
The educational information was educational for the children. Through a variety of activities, assignment content and submission teaching material, increased the ability of students to achieve their goals in the lesson.
The study time in the lesson was used effectively, the planned lesson volume was completed. The intensity of the lesson was optimal, taking into account the physical and psychological characteristics of the children. Undoubtedly, with all my might I wanted to help the students feel the strength, resilience of a Russian person who went through the hell of war - captivity, who survived and managed to live in a new way.

There was no overload of children. The goal of the lesson has been achieved. The tasks of the lesson are solved. This was helped by a clear planning of the structure of the lesson, the use of various forms of teaching, carefully thought out methods and techniques for presenting educational material.

Municipal government educational institution

"Korovyakovskaya average comprehensive school»

Glushkovsky district, Kursk region

Karyzhsky branch


