
Falling leaves drawing with cotton swabs. Lesson in drawing with cotton swabs in the first junior group “Autumn tree. Drawing with cotton buds for beginners

Unconventional drawing. Autumn

Drawing master class. Autumn landscape

Kokorina Elena Yurievna, teacher visual arts, MOU Slavninskaya average comprehensive school, Tver region, Torzhoksky district.

Purpose of work: a master class on drawing in an unconventional drawing technique is intended for children from 5 years old, educators, teachers primary school and fine arts, teachers of additional education. The drawing can be used to decorate the interior or as a gift.

Target: creating a drawing on the theme "Autumn" using unconventional way in drawing: with a cotton swab.
1) open space for children's imagination;
2) create a drawing using gouache, cotton buds, as well as a brush for drawing with hard bristles;
3) development of creative thinking, interest in independent activity, fantasy and imagination.

Materials: gouache, paint brush (bristles No. 5 - No. 8), a jar of water “spill-proof”, a sheet of tinted cardboard, cotton swabs, a black wax pencil.

Children, getting acquainted with the world around them, try to reflect it in their activities - games, drawing, modeling, stories, etc. Visual activity, in this respect, presents very rich possibilities. In order not to limit the ability of kids to express their impressions of the world around them, the traditional set of visual tools and materials is not enough. The more diverse the conditions in which visual activity takes place, the content, forms, methods and techniques of working with children, as well as the materials with which they act, the more intensively children's artistic abilities will develop.
Non-traditional drawing techniques are an impetus to the development of imagination, creativity, the manifestation of independence, initiative, and expression of individuality. By applying and combining different ways of depicting in one drawing, children learn to think, to decide for themselves which technique to use in order to make this or that image expressive.

Blue skies, bright flowers
Golden autumn of wonderful beauty.
How much sun, light, gentle warmth,
Autumn gave us this Indian summer.
We are glad for the last warm, clear days,
Honey mushrooms on stumps, cranes in the sky.
As if an artist with a bold hand
Painted birch trees with golden paint,
And, adding red, painted the bushes
Maples and aspens of wondrous beauty.
It turned out to be autumn - you can't take your eyes off it!
Who else can draw like this? (Irina Butrimova)

Let's draw Autumn today. To work, let's take tinted blue cardboard - so we don't have to set the color of the sky.
To begin with, we will take a wide brush with a coarse bristle and ocher-colored gouache and draw autumn grass: making wide strokes from the bottom up.

Take a cotton swab, white gouache and draw tree trunks. Lines are drawn from the bottom up, placing them on different levels in height and width.

Guess what kind of tree we got: " thin mill, white sundress " (Birch)
With another stick and yellow gouache, we will begin to draw leaves on birch trees. (For each paint, I suggest taking a new cotton swab, as the cotton wool in the water begins to spread and beautiful prints do not work.)

Now we use green gouache, but there will be few such points, just to shade the crown.

Add brown spots.

white birch,
Tights with strokes,
curly, tall
Earrings with amber.
Glitter like coins
polished leaves,
And they wave branches
Like girls with handkerchiefs. (F. Sokolova)
Let's finish the birch trunk and add black strokes. You can use black gouache. But for preschoolers, this is a bit difficult, so I suggest using a black wax pencil or black oil pastel. They easily leave a mark on white paint and do not spread. To do this, we draw along the contour of the white line and add small spots and lines-twigs. At the bottom of the trunk we paint over denser.

For older children, you can offer a black gel pen to draw the trunk. The contour will be brighter and more expressive.

Draw the grass using brown gouache.

Add foliage at the bottom of the crown of birches with yellow paint. We use the "poke" method.

We draw the second plan. To do this, take ocher and fill in the distance between the foliage of trees and grass with small spots in the same “poke” way.

Shade using black gouache.

Now let's add bright yellow spots.

The work is ready, you can insert it into the frame.

In golden decoration, the autumn forest again,
And the cute birch changed the outfit,
All her leaves were covered with gold,
On top of the sky in a blue handkerchief.
You, white birch, are good-looking,
And winter and summer, early spring,
The playful breeze braids the braids,
Gentle and cool, even playful.
Autumn spares neither silver nor gold,
As an artist, autumn is rich in colors,
In golden decoration, the autumn forest again,
And the outfit was replaced by a cute birch.
(L. Bondarenko)

Outline of a correctional lesson with elements of art therapy

"Unconventional Drawing Techniques.

Painting cotton swabs « autumn tree»

The date of the:_____________________

Topic: Non-traditional drawing techniques. Drawing with cotton swabs "Autumn tree"

Class: 1

Lesson type : classstudynew material

Target: introduce students with unconventional drawing technique –drawing cotton swabs .



    Consolidate knowledgestudentsabout the seasons

    introducestudentswith drawing techniques in an unconventional way - cotton swabs

    Enrich the emotional sphere of the child


    Cultivate love for nature, createstudentsjoyful mood

    Learn to see the beauty of nature and the variety of colors


    Develop imagination and thinking, a sense of color and composition

    Develop fine motor skills

Teaching methods: verbal, reproductive, partially exploratory..

Materials and equipment: A-4 sheet of paper(preparation for work), gouache,watercolor,cotton swabs, illustrationautumntrees,work samples,recording the sounds of nature.

Formation of Universal Training Activities:

Metasubject UUD:


    Ccherish and accept core values"Motherland", "nature"


    WITHorganize your own workspace

    Odefine a job plan

    ANDuse in workunconventionaltools


    Odetermine the skills that will be formed on the basis of the study of this section

Subject UUD:

    Wfamiliarity withunconventional drawing methods

    The repetition of the seasons, fixing flowers

Individual work:



    Organizing time

Sitting at the desks, preparing for the lesson, announcing the start of the lesson.

    Announcement of the topic of the lesson. Learning new material

Guys, it's a great time of the year -autumn. Autumn- a very beautiful, generous time of the year. And of course,autumn isleaf fall! (examination of illustrations) Yellow, red, orange and still green leaves, plucked by the flowing breeze, fall to the ground, gracefully and smoothly spinning. And as we walk alongautumnthe leaves in the park they rustle under our feet.

    Didactic game "Find a shadow"

There are a lot of different trees in the autumn forest or park. Guys, you need to find the appropriate shadows for the leaves of these trees. (Annex 1)

IV . Finger gymnastics « Autumn leaves »

One, two, three, four, five

(Fingers are bent, starting with the big one)

Let's collect the leaves.

birch leaves,

rowan leaves,

poplar leaves,

aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves,

(Clench and unclench fists.

Fingers are bent, starting with the big one.)

Momwe will take the autumn bouquet( "Step" on the table.)

V .Practical work

Today we will be magicians, but we will not draw with brushes, but with cotton swabs. I will give each of you a piece of paper on which only the trunk and branches of a tree are depicted. What is missing from this tree? (children's answers). Right! Not enough autumn leaves. And welet's draw these bright autumn leaves on the tree.

Teaching the technique of drawing with cotton swabs.

Watch carefully how we will draw autumn leaves: I dip a cotton swab in paint and apply it to the branches of a tree. And I clean it - I got a leaf. We will draw yellow leaves with one cotton swab and red leaves with the other.

Let's practice with you, as if the paint is standing next to us:

Dip a cotton swab in paint, apply to a sheet of paper. Let's try again (2nd time) dip in paint and apply.

Completing of the work.

Gently dip a cotton swab into the paint and apply it to our tree. Be careful, pick up more paint so that our autumn leaves are bright, colorful. Now you have an autumn tree.

Guys, who can tell what color of paint we used to paint the leaves of autumn trees?(yellow, red)

VI . Physical education minute

We- autumn leaves, (Smooth swaying of the arms above the head.)
We are sitting on branches.
The wind blew - they flew. (Hands to the side.)
We flew, we flew
And they sat quietly on the ground. (Sit down.)
The wind came up again
And lifted all the leaves. (Smooth swaying of the arms above the head.)
Twirled, flew
And they sat down on the ground again. (Sit down.)

VII . Analysis of work performance. Summing up the lesson

    Whatyoudid you learn in class today?

    With what help did we draw the leaves of the tree?

    What color are the leaves on the autumn tree?

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Slides captions:

"Autumn tree" DRAWING IN THE TECHNIQUE BLOWING + COTTON STICKS joint activities v middle group using modern educational technologies Educator: Chernogorova E.V.

Synopsis of joint activities in the middle group using modern educational technologies on the topic: "Autumn Tree" DRAWING IN THE TECHNIQUE BLOWING + COTTON STICKS Goals and objectives: To develop children's creativity, sense of composition, fantasy, imagination by means non-traditional drawing; To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in animate and inanimate nature, to learn to depict these changes in the drawing most expressively; Learn to draw a tree with blowing technique and autumn foliage early autumn cotton swabs; Develop color perception, improve fine motor skills of hands; Cultivate love for nature and respect for it. Materials and equipment: watercolor paints, gouache, glasses of water, brushes, napkins, wide cocktail tubes, cotton buds, oilcloths, sheets of A4 paper; Preliminary work: observing and talking about changes in nature in autumn; looking at illustrations, on a walk - autumn trees. Course of the lesson: Educator: I’ll give you a riddle: In the spring it amuses, in the summer it cools, in the autumn it nourishes, in the winter it warms. (Tree) Children's answers. Educator: How did you guess that this is a tree? Children: But because it amuses, and nourishes, and warms. Explain how a tree makes you happy in spring? Children: Green leaves appear. Educator: How does a tree cool in summer? Children: It's cool under the tree in the heat, shade. Educator: How does a tree nourish in autumn? Children: Fruits are warmed on trees: apples, pears ... Educator: What is the difference between a tree in autumn? Children: The leaves are yellow, orange, sometimes leaf fall.

Educator: First we need brushes, watercolor paints and straws for juices and cocktails. We draw the trunk and main branches with a brush, we do not regret water on the branches. We take the tubes until the water in the figure has dried up, we begin to blow through the tube from the main branch, setting the direction with the tube - here are our thin branches. (teacher's show) Fizkultminutka - relaxation. The tree is higher and higher (children imitate a breath of wind by shaking their bodies in one direction or the other. They straighten up at the words "quiet, quiet") The wind blows over the fields The wind blows over the fields And the grass sways (children smoothly shake their arms above their heads) The cloud floats above us Like a white mountain (sipping-hands up) The wind carries dust over the field The ears of corn lean - Right-left, back-forward, And then vice versa (tilts right-left, forward-back) We climb the hill (walking in place ) The wind quietly shakes the maple To the right to the left tilt Once tilt, two tilt The maple leaves rustled. Teacher: Sit down and get to work. Educator: Let your trees dry a little, and we will play with our fingers. Gymnastics for fingers. Falling leaves, falling leaves (smoothly shake their hands up and down) Leaves fly in the wind. Here an aspen leaf flies (fingers alternately bend, starting with the little finger) And behind it a mountain ash leaf, The wind drives a maple leaf, Drives an oak leaf. The birch leaf is spinning. (thumbs twirl) Look out for the puddle! Spinning, spinning (rotate with brushes) He sank straight into a puddle. (they lower their hands on the table) Educator: Guys, now we will dress our tree in a golden outfit - we will draw bright, colorful autumn foliage using gouache yellow, red and orange flowers. And the tool will serve us not

a brush, but a cotton swab. Choose a color and quickly draw leaves. Educator: Look at our exhibition - we ended up in the autumn forest, we can say we invited autumn to our group. You've done a great job and you've got some very nice work.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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My children and I love to draw autumn. In my opinion, this is the most beautiful time of the year.

© Galina Shefer, site "Graphomanim for two", 2014. Copying of the text is possible only with the written permission of the author. All rights reserved.

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Natalya Kryuchkova

Drawing with cotton swabs" autumn leaves"


Raise interest in reflecting your impressions and ideas about nature in the drawings. Develop a sense of rhythm and form. To teach children draw an autumn leaf with cotton swabs.

preliminary work:

Watching autumn trees(maple, birch, chestnut)

Conversation about autumn changes in nature. Didactic games"From what tree sheet?".

Materials, tools:

gouache paints (red, orange, green, yellow) colors, sheets paper with outline leaflet, jars of water, cotton swabs.

The teacher shows a bouquet of collected autumn leaves and reads a poem by A. Tolstoy.

Autumn. Sprinkled

All our poor garden

Leaves are yellowed

Flying in the wind

Only in the distance they flaunt

Down there at the bottom of the valleys

Bright red brushes

Withering rowans.

After class, an exhibition of children's work.

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