
Dominant activity in kindergarten. Synopsis of the dominant musical lesson in the preparatory group of a kindergarten. Scheduling music lessons

Article.Types and types music lessons .

Musical lessons can be varied depending on the structure, content, participation of all children, subgroups, the inclusion of all or certain types musical activities etc.Depending on the composition of the children, classes are divided into the following types: frontal (uniting the entire age group), group (large groups of 4 - 7 children), individual, combined (2 - 3 age groups are engaged). Depending on the content of the classes, they can be thematic (in older groups) and complex 14 . Each of the types of activities meets the general tasks of musical education and has its own specific tasks, this is all reflected in the long-term and calendar plans. The ratio of these types of activities in the age group kindergarten is determined by educational tasks, age and individual characteristics of children, the level of their musical development and interests, the degree of assimilation of the program material, the specific living conditions of this age group and the entire institution as a whole.The structure of music lessons, which has some stability in practice, can and should vary depending on the educational, educational and educational tasks, the degree of mastering by children musical material, as well as the general psychophysical state of children.According to the content of the lesson, it can be typical, dominant, thematic (and frontal ones are also complex), depending on the use of various types of musical and artistic activities, the presence of a topic.Children are admitted to preschool from one and a half years. At this age, the child needs special attention from an adult. He is not yet able to coordinate his actions with the actions of those around him; therefore, music lessons are held individually twice a week, the duration of the lesson is 5 - 10 minutes.The teacher monitors the manifestations of each child, seeks to evoke in him emotional responsiveness to music of different nature, focusing on its sound, the desire to sing along, to move.A child listens to music and reacts to its character with movements, at the same time he can sing along to an adult without words, waving a toy to the beat of the music.It must always be remembered that already at this age one should diversify the musical impressions of preschoolers. They should gain experience in listening and classical pieces, both created works especially for children, and short works or small fragments classical music different times, close to children in emotional-figurative content.It is important to arouse in the child the joy of communicating with music, emotional manifestations, attention, interest corresponding to its nature. The repetitiveness of the repertoire helps this, as familiar melodies are perceived with great pleasure. To enhance the emotional reaction of children, contrasting works are juxtaposed.To form a stable positive attitude towards music at this age, play techniques, toys, and paraphernalia are widely used.The leading type of musical activity that unites the lesson is the perception of music, which includes the simplest movements, play actions of children, singing along.The teacher should encourage the slightest musical manifestations of kids, approve of their actions, consistent with the music, tactfully correct mistakes.

Having revealed the tendencies of children to certain types of musical activity, the teacher advises parents what it is preferable to teach the child additionally in a circle, studio or music school: choreography, singing, playing on musical instruments... With gifted children, he conducts special individual lessons, advises parents.Individual music lessons with children are based on a teacher's careful study of the age and typological characteristics of children, an analysis of their behavior and activities in a team, taking into account the level of their physical, mental and aesthetic development, emotionally vitality.Individual lessons and in subgroups are conducted not only with children of an early age and younger preschool age, when children cannot yet perform tasks collectively, but also in all age groups.This is due, on the one hand, to the fact that children develop differently, their musical manifestations are individual; on the other hand, the specifics of teaching certain types of musical activity, involving contact with each child separately.In terms of content, individual lessons are predominantly dominant. Not only one type of activity may prevail. The lesson can be aimed at developing a musical ability. In this case, it includes various types of musical activities.Individual dominant lessons are necessary when learning to play musical instruments. Information about the instruments, some methods of playing them, preparatory exercises for distinguishing the pitch of sounds are given to the entire group of children, starting from a young age.Musical lessons with not large groups conducted with children who have insufficiently developed auditory ideas, musical and rhythmic feeling, with shy children who can express themselves creatively, but are afraid to act in a group of peers. Individual lessons are needed not only by lagging children, but also by those who are ahead of their peers in development. The orientation towards "trimming" to the average level negatively affects the development of capable and gifted children. The averaging of requirements also reduces the level of development of all retarded children. In such classes, the tasks of musical and sensory development of children are solved, teaching various ways of performing musical tasks for singing, musical rhythmic movements, playing in an ensemble on children's musical instruments, and creative musical tasks.Musical group lessons are conducted sporadically. They are organized by the teacher in order to establish the coherence of the collective performance of songs, dances, processions of children at the entrance to the holiday. The general coherence of movements for the festive procession, entrance is checked: the beginning of the movement after the entrance to the march, the alternate exit of individual groups, placement in the hall, etc.All types of musical activities represent an educational, developmental upbringing and educational complex of purposeful, variously organized musical activities for children. All types of this activity have an emotional and aesthetic impact on the child, create a special interest in the learning process, bring up in children a love of music, a desire for musical performance and creativity 15 .

Typical occupation . A feature of a typical lesson in early age groups is the fusion of all sections, the combination of various types of musical activity (listening, singing, musical rhythmic movements).At the same time, it is often impossible to use all types of musical activity in each lesson in 15-30 minutes (depending on age). It is important here that the absence of any kind of activity is not permanent.Learning to play musical instruments and creative tasks requires a lot of time in and out of the classroom. Citing a flaw, music directors rarely turn to these activities.The order of tasks must be carefully considered. For example, it is difficult to sing after a dance due to unsteady breathing, so before singing, you need to reduce physical activity with calm movements or other activities.Tasks that require emotional and mental activity. Concentration, best given at the beginning of the session. Children find it difficult to do them if they are excited by intense movements or games. It is necessary to "collect" their attention, to calm them down.It is important to regulate the physical and mental state of children, changing the type of activity, load, the nature of the sound of music. The teacher should even change the structure planned by him during the lesson if he feels that interest is fading or the children are overexcited.Preschoolers who show inclinations for certain types of musical activity are combined into subgroups. This allows you to pay great attention to gifted children. 16 .

Thematic lesson . If the lesson is united by a theme taken from life, or actually music theme, it is thematic.There are three types of these activities: thematic proper, musical-thematic and plot - depending on the nature of the chosen topic, the presence of the plot.A thematic lesson is sometimes held instead of a festive matinee. Instead of a concert prepared by the efforts of children, in such a lesson the teacher tells about interesting events from history, life, dedicated to the holiday date, accompanies the narration with music.In a class related to a holiday, the topic should not formally combine the material. The main thing here is to show the possibilities of music with the help of the chosen theme, to connect it with life.Musical - thematic lesson is another kind of thematic lesson. Its theme is connected with the music itself, it allows you to give children the most complete idea of musical art, expressive possibilities of the musical language, to acquaint them with instruments, etc. The topics of such classes can be different.A plot music lesson is not only united by a common theme, but has a single storyline. A fabulous or playful plot gives the activity an amusement, captivating form, develops imagination, gives scope for creative imagination.Depending on the storyline, the children are offered creative tasks in which it is necessary not only to compose a melody, but also to convey a certain mood in it.Game and fairy-tale situations are used in the classroom and in the form of fragments. In the younger group, even a rhythmic warm-up can be given figuratively.The search for imaginative movements in an imaginary situation prepares children for creativity, unleashes their imagination. At the same time, thematic classes, despite the fascinating form, should not be in the nature of entertainment or a rehearsed event.All types of thematic classes are applied in every age group. Only the content of the repertoire, information about the music are different 17 . Musical lessons. The purpose of this type of activity is to give children an idea of ​​the specifics of various types of art (music, painting, poetry, theater, choreography), their expressive features. artistic means, the ability to convey thoughts, moods in any types of artistic activity in their original language.All musical or, as they are also called, complex classes in a preschool educational institution are based on the synthesis of arts. Previously, being engaged strictly according to the Model Program of the Ministry of Education, a kindergarten could not combine several types of arts at once in one lesson, this was not provided for by the program. And now, at the present stage, the kindergarten chooses for itself that model of upbringing a preschooler and the program that is most applicable for the material and technical equipment and the level of personnel training of this particular educational institution.Therefore, in music lessons, it is important not formally, but thoughtfully to combine all types of artistic activity, alternate them, find features of proximity and differences in works, means of expressiveness of each type of art, which convey the image in their own way. Through comparison, juxtaposition artistic images children will feel more deeply the individuality of the work, come closer to understanding the specifics of each type of art.A musical lesson has the same varieties as a thematic one. The theme can be taken from life or borrowed from a fairy tale, associated with a specific plot, and, finally, the theme can be art itself.This variety of topics enriches the content of music lessons, provides the teacher with a wide choice.A theme taken from life or associated with a fairy tale, for example "The Seasons", " Fairy tale characters"Helps to trace how the same image is conveyed by different artistic means, to find similarities and differences in moods and their shades, to compare how the image is shown early spring, only awakening nature and stormy, flourishing, and at the same time cancel the most striking expressive features artistic language each art form (sounds, colors, words).It is important that the change in artistic activity is not formal (children listen to music about spring, draw spring, lead spring round dances, read poetry), but would be united by the task of conveying a mood similar to music in drawing, movements, and poetry. If the works are not in tune with the figurative content, but are only united by a common theme, for example, after listening to a fragment of the play by P. I. Tchaikovsky "On the troika" from the cycle "Seasons" (gentle, dreamy), lines from the poem by N. A. Nekrasov sound "Frost, Red Nose" - "It is not the wind that rages over the forest ..." (harsh, somewhat solemn), not corresponding to the nature of the music, but close to it on the topic, it is necessary to draw the attention of children to the contrast of moods, otherwise the goal of the lesson will not be achieved.In a lesson on the topic "Fairy-tale characters", it is interesting not only to trace how differently or similarly the same image is conveyed in different types of art, but also to compare several pieces of music written on the same topic, for example: the plays "Baba Yaga "by P. I. Tchaikovsky from the" children's album "," Baba-Yaga "by M. P. Mussorgsky from the cycle" Pictures at an Exhibition "and the symphonic miniature" Baba Yaga "by A. K. Lyadov or the play" Procession of the Dwarfs " Grieg and "Gnome" by M. P. Mussorgsky from the cycle "Pictures at an Exhibition", etc.In the lesson on the first topic, you can compare paints in painting with the timbres of musical instruments or some other means of expressiveness (register, dynamics and their combinations in high (light) register and low (tempo), performed with a bright, loud sound and gentle, quiet, comparing these funds musical expressiveness with the intensity of color in painting.You can also talk about a combination of different means of expression, for example, to play pieces for children with the same dynamics (quiet), but in different registers (high and low), so that they hear the difference in the character of the music. Quiet sounding in the upper register creates a gentle, light character ("Waltz" by S. M. Maikapara), and in the lower register - a mysterious, ominous ("Baba Yaga"

Music pedagogy defines as the main three types of music activities that ensure the optimal development of each preschooler.

Frontal classes. Filled with various types of musical activities, carried out with all the children of the group.

Small subgroups, where the learning of the material continues, the assimilation of which requires great efforts from certain children, the cost of additional time. In these classes, surprise numbers are learned for holidays and entertainment.

Individual sessions, where the skills of more gifted children and their performing skills are improved; preparation of surprise moments is carried out, songs, dances, playing roles are also learned with shy, inactive children or those who, for one reason or another, have not attended kindergarten for a long time. It also checks the level of musical abilities, the degree of mastering skills.

Depending on the content and structure, these classes are divided into typical, thematic, listening to music, developing creativity, learning to play instruments, complex, with the dominance of one type of activity.

The most common is typical class. It has three parts. First part carries out the tasks of activating attention, focusing it on the sound of music, bringing organization to work, creating a working mood. This part of the lesson begins with the walking of children, which should be consistent with the character, form and means of expression. piece of music... Usually vigorous marches are used for its implementation. In the course of the lesson, tasks are given to improve the basic movements: walking, running, jumping, jumping and various rearrangements. (In no case should children be led to the sound of a march from behind the door, because in this case many children do not start moving at the same time as the sound of music.) motor skills in the process of any one type of exercise: figurative, preparatory, compositional.

In the second part lessons, the teacher proceeds to singing or listening (depending on the intensity of the movements of the first part), taking into account the stages of learning the work. V junior groups children sing two or three songs, before the performance of which musical and didactic exercises are conducted to distinguish the pitch, timbre, strength, duration of sounds. In the middle and senior groups- three songs, preceded by exercises for the development of hearing in the form of singing specially selected tunes, performed by subgroups or individually. For listening to music children are offered a special repertoire specified in the program or additional. It can also be musical material of songs, games, dances, which in the future will be unlearned with children. Usually children listen and analyze one piece, but it is possible - for comparison by similarity or contrast - to perform two already familiar pieces. After singing or listening, when the level of attention drops, a previously well-learned game or dance is carried out with the children (in the younger groups it is possible to combine them.) They improve their musical and rhythmic skills and work on the expressiveness of the performance. Repeatedly repeating a game or dance, children begin to perform it at ease, come up with options for figurative movements in games, figures in dances.

After a game or dance (without interruption) begins the third part classes, one of the tasks of which is to bring the excited organism to a normal state, decrease physical activity. Musical director playing a march of a calm nature, the children walk, gradually lining up in a column, stop when the sound of the march ends. The lesson is assessed. The older children are asked, and the younger ones are told what they did and how to consolidate the knowledge they received. After that, the teacher makes the necessary comments about the participation of children in the lesson, their behavior (if necessary).

The methodology for conducting typical lessons has been developed with sufficient completeness, however, in order to increase the effectiveness of training, the teacher must be creative in their construction. Depending on the complexity of the repertoire, the degree of its assimilation, the characteristics of the behavior of children, the music director can, for example, exclude listening to music or rhythmic exercises, dance, play, stop at a more in-depth study of only one song, etc.

Thematic lesson evokes a deeper emotional response in children due to the unification of its content by one theme. In such classes, integrity, interconnection of all types of children's musical activity is achieved. The topics of classes can be very diverse: from games ("Our train", "Favorite toys", "A trip to visit grandmother") to educational and cognitive (" Music genres"," What Music Tells Us "," Dancing different nations"," What and how the music draws ", etc.). The beginning, course, end of thematic lessons are free of any attitudes. They depend on the program requirements put forward by the teacher, the characteristics of the development of children in this group, the musical material used, the logic of the development of the theme.

Lesson in listening to music. Usually it is carried out with children who already have experience in musical activity, possessing a certain reserve of musical terminology, that is, in the middle and older age groups. But here, too, it is shortened in time, since it does not include changes in activity, and the attention of children is dulled. Listening to music usually lasts 10 (in middle group) and 20-25 (in older groups) minutes, it can be carried out in the evening. But this is not an entertainment, not a concert, for there are elements of learning here: after listening to each piece in a recording or performed by a teacher with children, it is analyzed. The character and means of expressiveness of the work, its genre and form are noted. In such classes, it is advisable to listen to works performed by an orchestra, various musical instruments, singers, to compare vocal and instrumental works, programmed and non-programmed. To facilitate the perception of works as a whole, the lesson includes the figurative and poetic word of the teacher, the singing of the children themselves, illustrative material - pictures, details folk costumes, figurative toys, objects of applied art, etc. Children come to the lesson as usual (without marches), listen to 4-5 works (of which 1-2 are unfamiliar), analyze them and calmly leave so as not to disturb the sound of the march of impressions from heard.

Creativity development classes also held in senior preschool age when children already have a certain amount of knowledge, abilities and skills in the field of singing, musical rhythmic movements, playing instruments, when they have sufficiently developed self-criticism, self-control, value judgments, musical taste. In younger groups, creative tasks are included in one or another activity in typical, thematic, complex lessons. Practice has established that the content of creative activities can include three of the following: composition of short melodies or small tunes to a given text: performance of figurative exercises; compilation of dance-improvisation; composition of dance, marching or lullaby melodies on a metallophone; conducting story games and coming up with their options; plot and non-plot sketches; staging unfamiliar songs to the performance of a teacher. Of course constituent elements classes should not be of the same type and deeply affect the emotional sphere of the child. Therefore, the teacher himself should be in the classroom "actor" and "director", use play techniques of influencing children, organize their active search mental activity, maintain initiative and independence, treat all creative, even the most elementary manifestations of children with goodwill and attention. It is necessary to arouse in the child the desire to be not only a performer, but also the author of certain game situations, dances, melodies, that is, to develop the performing and productive side of the creativity of preschoolers.

Learning to play the instruments at first it is carried out by the educator in individual lessons. As the children progress in this area, the music director organizes subgroup and frontal classes to teach how to play in an ensemble and orchestra. Usually they consist of three parts: acquaintance with a new work, demonstration of methods of sound production of a melody and its rhythmic accompaniment by instruments of a percussion group; improving the performance of familiar pieces; selection of melodies by ear or their composition.

Comprehensive classes. Music is equally represented on them, fine Arts and literature. Such classes are usually held infrequently and serve as an indicator of the level of aesthetic development of children in this group. They require the coordinated preliminary work of the music director and educators. Comprehensive classes, as a rule, do not pursue the task of teaching something new, but include material that reinforces children's skills in the field of artistic activity, expanding their knowledge of various types, genres, means of expressiveness of works of art. For example, children are shown reproductions of paintings from autumn landscapes, invite those who wish to read poems about autumn, then perform a fragment of the play by P.I. Tchaikovsky "October", talk about the nature of music, its mood and are asked to depict their impressions in drawings.

Classes dominated by one type of activity. They are usually carried out when the music director considers it necessary to devote the development of skills to a particular musical activity. more time. Singing is an exception, since it is known that the singing voice is formed in children only by the age of 9-12 years, and until this period, for its protection, they should be kept from prolonged singing. It is recommended to perform 2-3 songs at one lesson, and 4-5 at leisure evenings, holidays. Such classes make it possible to make up for lost time in teaching skills, contribute to a more in-depth study of the material in the sections of musical-rhythmic movements, playing instruments, musical-didactic games. For example, children perform a preparatory exercise for a non-plot game, then a composition exercise, listen to a vocal piece, learn a song, and then conduct a plot game. In this case, the lesson is dominated by musical and rhythmic activity.

The structure of a music lesson for children

Teaching a child about music will be successful if the teacher has chosen the right approach to building music lessons. In short, for preschoolers, classes are considered effective in which they use different types activity, a game technique is applied. With the correct structure of music lessons, a systematic and comprehensive development of children is carried out, aimed at achieving the set goals. At the same time, it is interesting for children to fulfill the tasks of a teacher, they are happy to get acquainted with new material, acquiring new and useful skills, abilities, and knowledge.

Types of music lessons

Before starting music lessons with a child, the teacher must determine the type of this lesson, which will help to choose the further structure and sequence of work.

Types of music lessons


Individual work and work with subgroups It is more often used in classes with younger preschoolers who find it difficult to work in large groups. The duration of such sessions is 5-10 minutes, the frequency is 2 times a week. For the effectiveness of individual lessons, they combine different types of activities, use game techniques, bright visual attributes. Individual lessons may be needed not only for children who lag behind their peers: often such work is aimed at developing and improving specific musical abilities, at learning to play musical instruments. Working with subgroups is appropriate when several children show an interest in the same musical kind activities.
Frontal classes They cover all types of musical activities, are carried out with the children of the entire group.
Dominant occupations The dominant occupation is relevant for the development of a specific musical ability, and consists in the dominance of one of the types of musical activity:
  • music perception;
  • singing;
  • musical rhythmic movements;
  • playing musical instruments;
  • children's musical creativity.
Thematic work Thematic classes involve the use of all types of musical activities, united by a common theme. There are 3 types of such activities: thematic proper (can be held instead of matinees), musical-thematic, where the topic of the lesson is directly related to music (for example, "Dynamics", "Timbre in music", etc.), and plot, which is combined a single theme and has a common storyline.
Complex classes They contain various types of art and artistic activities, more often frontal, conducted with a group of children. The purpose of the complex lessons is:
  • to acquaint children with the specifics of various types of art;
  • to focus on the peculiarities of artistic means of different types of art;
  • teach to convey your thoughts and moods through different types of activities.
The recommended frequency of such sessions is once a month.
Typical occupations Typically, a typical class uses a variety of musical activities. In practice, it turns out that during classes one type of activity is not used, for example, playing musical instruments. If this phenomenon is of a fickle nature, then there are no violations in the organization of a typical lesson - this is the norm.

What are the requirements for a music lesson?

A good teacher, a professional in his field, when composing a musical lesson, must take into account the generally accepted requirements:

  1. The physical, mental and emotional stress of the child.
  2. The sequence of the types of musical activities and repertoire used.
  3. Communication of the development of musical abilities, mastering skills and knowledge, learning the musical repertoire.
  4. Age characteristics of students, the presence and specifics of developmental disabilities.
  5. Compliance of classes with educational tasks of musical development.

V to a greater extent the effectiveness of music lessons depends on:

  • educational material, its quality and content;
  • set goals and objectives;
  • characteristics of the child (age and individual);
  • methods, techniques of teaching;
  • professionalism of the teacher and his ability to communicate with the child.

Structure of a standard music lesson

A standard lesson on the development of a child's musical abilities includes 4 main areas:

  1. Listening to music.
  2. Rhythm.
  3. Hearing development.
  4. Development of the ability to play music.

With each new lesson, the material should become more complicated and enriched. new information... However, do not forget about repeating the material already covered. Every musical lesson must have a novelty, a surprise, an element of surprise. The teacher must carefully think over every second of the upcoming lesson, carefully prepare for it. Improvisation is encouraged in music lessons - it allows a creative approach to solving the assigned tasks, which is very useful for the development of the child's cognitive processes.

In a musical lesson, different methods of musical activity should be used. In general, the structure of the lesson may look like this:

  1. Introductory part of the lesson: musical rhythmic exercises. Objective: set the child up for a lesson, develop dance skills, learn simple dance moves.
  2. The main part of the lesson:
    a) Listening to music. Objective: to educate in the child the ability to listen attentively to the melody and accompaniment, which create artistic and musical images, to teach him to emotionally react to the works he listens to.
    b) Singing and singing along. Objective: to develop the child's singing skills, to promote the development ear for music, learn to sing cleanly, without straining your voice, correctly pick up and distribute your breath while singing.
    c) Musical didactic games... The task is to acquaint the child with musical instruments, their features and characteristics; develop the child's cognitive processes and musical-sensory abilities.
  3. The final part of the lesson. Play or dance to choose from. Objective: to arouse children's interest in classes, a desire to make music; to deliver emotional pleasure from the performed actions, to evoke a feeling of joy.

Any musical lesson can and should be adjusted, adjusted to the necessary goals and objectives, taking into account the degree of assimilation of the studied material by children and their psycho-emotional state. And the main thing to remember is that a musical lesson should teach and develop the child's abilities.

What influences the effectiveness of a music lesson?

There are several rules that affect the success and effectiveness of music lessons with children.

  1. The teacher should think over the lesson in advance, study it carefully.
  2. The material should be appropriate for the child's age, be consistent.
  3. Classes should include a variety of musical activities.
  4. The presence of musical and pedagogical equipment in music lessons is mandatory (musical toys and instruments, didactic games of a musical nature, sound and screen aids with special equipment, classical music recordings, costumes, attributes and much more).
  5. It is important to use a playful teaching methodology, moments of surprise.
  6. Classes should be emotionally intense, fun and interesting.

It is equally important that classes are held regularly. The child should not be distracted by anything while he is studying music, since lack of concentration negatively affects the perception and memorization of the material, which means that the lesson will be ineffective, while precious time will be wasted.

Synopsis of the dominant musical lesson "Let's go to visit the Gnome, we'll find a wonderful song!" (preparatory group)

1.To teach children to sing meaningfully and artistically expressively, purely intoning the melody.
2. To continue to develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus, to expand the pitch range.
3. To instill in children an interest in singing.
4. To form moral qualities: a feeling of empathy, a desire to help (the Gnome).
Vocabulary work: Dictionary activation: "stave".
Individual work: activate inactive shy children.
Prior work: preliminary learning of the song "Motley Cap" by G. Struve, chants "Miracle-ladder", "Ay", dance "Chick and Brick".
Material used:
Didactic means: stave on an easel, notes-beads of different colors (7 pieces);
Audio aids: musical center, disc with music recording.
Methodological techniques for the structure of the lesson:
Motivation: the music director asks the children to help the Gnome collect bead notes (a motive of personal interest).
Musical greeting "Hello, guests!"
Communicative game "Greetings" by I. Kartushina
Singing game "Who said hello?" I. Kartushina
Exercise "Ride, ride a horse"
Work on breathing. Exercises "Cold wind", "Warm the hands", "Snowflake", "Echo".
Vocal and intonation exercises: "Ay", "Miracle ladder", "Snowdrifts".
Game with movement. "It's frosty outside ..."
Vocal-intonation exercise "Blizzard".
Listening to the song "Tilly-bom" by E. Zaitseva
Learning the song "Tilly-bom" by E. Zaitseva
Performance of the song "Motley Cap", music. G. Struve
Musical and rhythmic dance "Chick and Brick" T. Suvorova

Course of the lesson:

Children enter the hall.
Musical greeting of the musical director with children "Hello, guys". Responsive musical greeting of children.
Moose. leader: Guys, we have guests today, we will also welcome our guests.
Musical greeting "Hello, guests" to music
“Hello, hello, dear guests!
Hello, hello, you are welcome! "
Moose. leader: And now, let's say hello to each other to the music.
Communication game "Greetings". To the music, children walk freely around the hall, when the music ends, they stop and greet those who are nearby in different ways. Repeats 3 times.
Moose. leader: Guys, now we will play with you music game"Who said hello?"
Singing game "Who said hello?" The driver stands in the center of the circle with his eyes closed. One of the children sings: "Hello, Maria (the name of the driver)!"
The music director takes the envelope.
Moose. leader: This morning I met the Postman, he gave you a letter from the Gnome from the magic forest, (shows an envelope), do you want to know what he writes to us? (opens):
“Dear friends, I was in trouble! An angry blizzard hit our forest, and my bead notes scattered throughout the forest and now I can not sing my favorite song. Guys, help me, please, collect notes-beads! Gnome "
- Well, do you want to go to the forest and help the good Gnome collect his bead notes?
Children: Yes!
Moose. supervisor: And what will we ride?
Children: On a horse! Sledging!

Exercise "Ride, ride a horse"
Let's ride, ride a horse (children click their tongues)
On a smooth winter road (Click tongue)
Sleigh creaks (creak, creak, creak)
Jingle bells (ding, ding, ding)
Woodpecker knocks (knock, knock, knock)
Blizzard whistle (whistle)
Let's ride, ride a horse (click their tongue)
On a winter smooth road (click their tongue)
Cold, cold, cold, cold (ooh-ooh)
Fluffy snow is spinning, spinning (spinning)
We drove, we drove, finally we got there.
Whoa, we've arrived!
Moose. leader: Oh, guys, look, here's the first bead note! (points to the bead note that lies on the stump) We need to return the note to its place, to the stave. (Musical director attaches the first bead note) Where should the note be returned?
Children: On the stave.
Moose. leader: And what is the weather in the forest? Are you cold?
Children: Yes, it's cold in the forest, it's snowing.
Moose. supervisor: Now I invite you to warm up. A little effort - you will develop breathing.
Breathing exercises.
Feel the coldness on your palms.
Like a magician - frost
I put patterns on the windows.
Exercise "Cold wind".
We will warm ourselves a little
Warm your palms.
Exercise "Warming the pens".
There was a breeze
We blow on the snow
Exercise "Snowflake".
Moose. leader: Well, here we are. Guys, I'll tell you a secret, a magic echo lives in this forest. Let's listen to him.
Exercise "Echo".
Moose. supervisor: Echo, tell us please, did you see the bead notes that the Gnome lost?
Echo: Saw-lo-lo-lo! On the herringbone, herringbone, herringbone!
Moose. supervisor: Look, what a beautiful Christmas tree, and what is it on it? (children find a second bead note on the Christmas tree and one of their children attaches it to the staff).
Moose. supervisor: Where will we place the bead note?
Children: On the stave.
Moose. leader: Well done, we found one more bead note! What do you think, whose house is visible in the distance?
Children: House of the Gnome!
Moose. leader: We need to call the Gnome.
Exercise "Ay!"- to achieve the sound of the head resonator on the sound "U", repeat 3 times with an increase in semitone.
Moose. supervisor: Something Gnome does not appear, maybe he is not at home? Let's look into the house, look - there is a ladder! I suggest you sing the song "Miracle Ladder", maybe the Gnome will hear us!
Exercise-singing "Miracle ladder".
Moose. supervisor: I noticed another bead on the roof? (attaching the third bead note) Where do you need to attach it?
Children: On the stave.
Moose. supervisor: The gnome is not at home, probably, he is also looking for bead notes in the forest for his song. Let's follow in his footsteps. Look how much snow has covered! Draws attention to the wave-like rope spread on the floor, snowflakes-dots - between the waves above and below. See what this drawing looks like?
Children's answers.
Moose. supervisor: It also seems to me that this drawing looks like snowdrifts. Snowdrifts often have bizarre shapes. Now I just want to sing a song of a snowdrift.
Exercise "Snowdrifts". Singing along lines and points to the sound "y" and "o" ("snowdrifts" are laid out on the floor from a string)
Moose. leader: Who wants to come up with their own song? Children change the movement of the rope and sing a "new song". After the exercise, find the fourth bead note.
Movement game "It's frosty in our yard"
It's frosty outside.
So that the nose does not freeze
I need to stomp my feet
And clap your palms. (Children slap their shoulders and stamp their feet.)
Now let's imagine summer.
The river is warmed by the sun.
We float, we float, we float
We reach the bottom with our feet. (Swimming movements with hands.)
We come out of the creek
We are heading to the edge. (Walking in place.)
Moose. supervisor: What's the name a natural phenomenon when a strong wind blows and it snows?
Children: blizzard, blizzard ...
Moose. supervisor: Let's try to portray a blizzard.
Exercise "Blizzard". Singing in unison with a semitone rise.
Moose. leader: Guys, I want to introduce you to a new song?
"Tilly-bom" by E. Zaitseva - hearing.
Who is this song about?
What kind of music is it (sad, dreary, funny, kind, gentle, sincere)
"Tilly-bom" by E. Zaitseva - learning.
Singing music director.
Music director sings verse, children chorus.
Moose. head: Guys, how well they sang! We now have one more bead note (it finds the sixth bead note on the piano)
The Gnome walks in to the music "The Motley Cap". He has the seventh bead note in his hands.
Gnome: Hello guys! Did you get my letter?
Children: Yes! We found six bead notes.
Gnome: Thank you guys for helping me collect the bead notes and now I can sing my funny song to you!
The dwarf sings the first verse of the song "The Motley Cap".
Gnome: Want to sing it all together?
Children together with the Gnome perform the song "Motley Cap"
Performance of the song "Motley Cap"
Singing on phrases in a "chain".
Quiet - loud.
Staging of the song "Motley Cap"
Gnome: How fun it is with you that you even want to dance!
Dance "Chick and Brick"
Gnome: Thank you again and goodbye!
Children say goodbye to the guests and go to the group.

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Ministry of Education and Science UR GOU SPO "Udmurt Republican Social - Pedagogical College"

Test work on music.

Theme:"Types and types of musical activities"

Specialty: 050704

"Preschool education"

Course 4, group 34 "A"

Mandrygina Marina Sergeevna

Form of study: part-time

Leader: Zelenina L.V.

Izhevsk, 2010


  1. Types of music lessons
    1. Dominant occupations
    2. Thematic classes
    3. Complex classes
  2. Types of music pursuits
    1. Frontal classes
    2. Individual and subgroup lessons





Musical lessons are an active process of mastering social experience and cultural achievements. Throughout his life, a person masters various types of activities, as a result of which mental qualities and personality traits are formed in him. Some of them are of particular importance and are the most successful.

In the process of any activity, the child learns certain actions that lead to a certain external result, and internal, mental actions that form the basis of the content of mental development (perception, thinking, imagination, memory).


A typical lesson includes all kinds of musical activities.

In dominant, any kind of musical activity prevails. A variant of a dominant lesson is building its content for the development of a child's lagging musical ability. In such a case, those activities that can develop it dominate. This type of training is used in frontal, individual and subgroup lessons.

In a thematic lesson, one topic is selected that unites all types of musical activity. Thematic lesson can also be frontal, individual and subgroup.

The complex lesson contains various types of art, types of artistic activities. It is frontal, carried out with the entire group of children.

The teacher needs to vary the types of activities depending on the age of the children, the level of their musical development.

    1. Dominant occupations

Dominant occupations. This type of activity, as mentioned above, is used to develop some kind of musical ability, to eliminate the lag. If a certain type of musical activity predominates in the dominant lesson (the rest are auxiliary), the children purposefully master the necessary skills of this particular activity. For the development of lagging ability, it is necessary to group all activities around tasks that help improve it.

Consider several options for dominant activities.

If the predominant activity in the lesson is the perception of music, all other types of musical activity can be applied so that children learn not only to perceive the character of music, but also to express it with the help of those performing and creative skills that they already possess. Children can convey the character of music in different ways: with movements or, choosing an expressive timbre of musical instruments that match the mood of the works, and orchestrating a piece, perform it on children's musical instruments (accompanied by a piano).

The whole lesson is subordinated to one goal - to attract children to the sound of music, so that they can express its character in different ways, through other activities.

If singing dominates in the lesson, the teacher has the opportunity to focus on vocal and choral skills: sound production, breathing, diction, purity of intonation, ensemble, subordinating them to the expressiveness of children's performance. Other activities help children acquire the skills they need to sing. So that the performance of the song is expressive, it is also useful to have a conversation about the character, moods that are to be conveyed to children in its different parts. The method of comparison with other songs and pieces, contrasting in character or similar to the song being performed, is also appropriate here.

Thus, listening to music, talking about its content alternate with singing.

While singing and during the lesson, the children are offered creative tasks. To understand the nature of sound formation, diction, children can use hand movements (smooth or clear), playing musical instruments (drum, pipe).

An activity will not be static if you include folk games with singing, round dances.

The purity of intonation in singing depends on whether the children are aware of the direction of movement of the melody. Therefore, it is recommended to use the game on musical instruments, which makes it possible to simulate the direction of movement of the melody, which will then be conveyed to children by voice, as well as musical and didactic games. So listening to music, musical rhythmic movements and playing musical instruments help to improve the quality of singing.

If musical-rhythmic movements dominate, such an activity is also accompanied by listening to music, talking about its character, which the children will have to convey in the movements. You can stage, orchestrate round dances with singing, which involve the development of the action. The inclusion of musical games (plot, non-plot) in the lesson makes it entertaining, allows you to improve auditory attention, the ability to convey the change in the nature of the music in time and expressively. In such classes, creative tasks are widely used, games - guessing games with elements of pantomime (images of animals, etc.). Children improvise dance moves, collectively compose dances.

Game and competitive techniques allow you to differentiate tasks for the entire group, subgroups, each child.

With the dominance of playing musical instruments, in addition to teaching children the necessary skills, it is possible to expand their ideas about various musical instruments (folk and symphonic orchestra instruments), to acquaint children with the expressive capabilities of each instrument with the help of gramophone records.

There are also games for guessing the timbres of the instruments. In such classes, it is appropriate to orchestrate a piece using the expressive timbres of various instruments.

In the dominant activity with a predominance of children's musical creativity, you can include its varieties - songwriting, creativity in musical rhythmic movements, playing music on musical instruments.

In dominant classes, it is not necessary to involve everything in the musical activity of children, but to select only those that help to complete the assigned tasks.

If the dominant lesson is devoted to the development of one of the musical abilities and all tasks in different types activities are aimed at solving this problem, and appropriate musical and didactic games and exercises are selected.

Dominant activities can have a specific theme or plot. They are held from 3 to 12 times a quarter, they are applied starting from the second junior group.

    1. Thematic lesson.

There are three types of these activities:

  • proper thematic;
  • musical thematic;
  • plot - depending on the nature of the chosen topic, the presence of the plot.

The theme can be taken from life and connected with music (the thematic lesson itself), for example: "Autumn", "Nature and Music", etc. Thematic lesson is sometimes held instead of a festive matinee.

Instead of a concert prepared by the efforts of children, in such a lesson the teacher tells about interesting events from history, life, dedicated to the holiday date, accompanies the narration with music. The works are performed both on the piano and in the recording. Children can perform their favorite songs, dances (not necessarily dedicated to a festive event). These free activities have a stronger impact on the children than the memorized activity.

In a lesson that is not related to a holiday, the topic should not formally combine the material. The main thing here is to show the possibilities of music with the help of the chosen theme, to connect it with life. For example, in the lesson "Nature and Music" it is important to choose an expressive musical repertoire (already familiar works and new ones). Children are shown the visual and expressive possibilities of music, they explain how musical means you can reflect various life phenomena, convey a mood that is in tune with the picture of nature: admiring its beauty, fascination ("Dewdrop" by S.M. Maikapar), anxiety, confusion ("Winter Morning" by P.I. Tchaikovsky), power, strength ("The Sea "N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov), purity, tenderness, defenselessness (" Snowdrop "by PI Tchaikovsky from the cycle" Seasons "), etc.

A music-thematic lesson is another type of a thematic lesson. Its theme is connected with music itself, it allows children to give the most complete ideas about the art of music, the expressive possibilities of the musical language, to acquaint them with instruments, etc. in music "," Register "," Dynamics "," Intonation in music and speech "," Folk musical instruments "," Instruments of a symphony orchestra "," Russian folk song" etc.

A plot music lesson is not only united by a common theme, but has a single storyline. A fabulous or playful plot gives the lesson an amusement, an exciting form, develops imagination, and gives scope for creative imagination.

Children always take a fabulous situation with interest and, in the course of the action, compose their marches, songs, dances. Fragments of classical music of a pictorial nature reinforce the impression of the unusualness of the situation, give impetus to creativity ("Morning", "In the Cave of the Mountain King" by E. Grieg, "Sea" by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, "March of Chernomor" by M.I. Glinka, etc. .).

Depending on the storyline, the children are offered creative tasks in which it is necessary not only to compose a melody, but also to convey a certain (given) mood in it: “Sing your march so that evil wizards do not hear us, but so that we are not afraid get out of the dark cave "," How many mosquitoes have flown in! Let's compose a funny little pole and dance to drive them away ”(musical director NN Kharcheva, Moscow).

Game and fairy-tale situations are used in the classroom and in the form of fragments. In the younger group, even a rhythmic warm-up can be given in a figurative form (musical director L.A. Volkova, Moscow): “The sun came out - let's warm our hands. And now we will lie down by the river on the warm sand - we work with our toes, make circular movements, turn over on our back, kick our feet in the water. What a mountain of sand! We are looking for pebbles. Look at the sun: what a beautiful stone! Hide it. Did you find it? Can you give it to me? Thanks! Catch the bugs! Blow, let him loose! And who did you catch? Grasshopper? Let him go - let him jump! What happened? Rain! All under the umbrella! Is the rain over? Let's dance! " Types of music pursuits
Frontal classes
Individual and subgroup lessons
